Program Name: SEDU Social Studies Date: Contact Person: Chuck Cross

Undergraduate Program Data Analysis Report
Program Name: SEDU Social Studies
Contact Person: Chuck Cross
1. Review the program assessment data located in D2L.
2. List the 6 to 8 assessments for each program in the box provided for Program
Assessments. Examine the data collection for each program. Be sure to review both the
fall and spring data collection. Answer the following questions for each program
assessment placing the information in the appropriate column:
o What does the data indicate for your program?
o What areas of concern if any do you have regarding this assessment?
o What recommendations do you have regarding any revisions for this assessment?
o What program changes if any does this data suggest?
3. Save the template as a Word document and submit it to the NCATE Assessment
Committee via a D2L dropbox provided in the Accreditation-NCATE link by April 9th .
Undergraduate Unit Data
Praxis II
Data Analysis
Secondary Education
Social Studies majors
achieve passing rates on
the Social Studies Content
Knowledge Test that
exceed the mandatory
80% pass rate
requirement. Our program
completers are well within
the average performance
In reviewing Praxis II scores
and in discussions with Social
Studies cooperating teachers, it
has been recommended that
teacher candidates increase
their history content knowledge
by engaging in upper level
history courses (300-500 level).
In collaboration with the
History and Anthropology
Department are in the process
of proposing to the
administration and the
University-wide Curriculum
Committee that the current
program, which includes eight
Social Studies course electives
become 6 credits of required
These program
changes were
enacted in the Fall,
2009 for all new
students entering the
DSC Planning
Based on the university’s
requirement that all Social
Studies majors earn a C or
better in all Social Studies
specialization courses, the
students meet the
standards as indicated in
Assessment #2.
Examining assessment
data for the SEDU 495
Student Teaching
completers, it can be seen
that most students
achieve Target (3) or
Acceptable (2) for
planning related to the
NCSS Standards. Students
receiving Developing (1) or
Unsatisfactory (0) for any
NCSS Thematic Strand will
have this information
reflected in their Student
Teaching Narrative
Evaluation which is
provided to the student as
formative data.
Examining assessment
three data tables for the
SEDU 475 Secondary
Education Field Experience
completers for discipline
specific competencies
(NCSS), it can be seen that
most students achieve
Target (3) or Acceptable
(2) for planning related to
the NCSS Standards.
Students receiving
Developing (1) or
Unsatisfactory (0) for any
NCSS Thematic Strand will
have this information
provided to them, as well
as the University
Supervisor and
Cooperating Teacher for
SEDU 495 Student
upper level history courses.
The EMSE department
decided to begin collecting
DSC data from SEDU 475
student to examine students’
reflection skills.
Spring 2010
DSC Performance
DSC - Impact
Teaching for
developmental purposes.
Examining assessment
data for the SEDU 495
Student Teaching
completers, it can be seen
that most students
achieve Target (3) or
Acceptable (2) for
planning related to the
NCSS Standards. Students
receiving Developing (1) or
Unsatisfactory (0) for any
NCSS Thematic Strand will
have this information
reflected in their Student
Teaching Narrative
Evaluation which is
provided to the student as
formative data.
Examining assessment
three data tables for the
SEDU 475 Secondary
Education Field Experience
completers for discipline
specific competencies
(NCSS), it can be seen that
most students achieve
Target (3) or Acceptable
(2) for planning related to
the NCSS Standards.
Students receiving
Developing (1) or
Unsatisfactory (0) for any
NCSS Thematic Strand will
have this information
provided to them, as well
as the University
Supervisor and
Cooperating Teacher for
SEDU 495 Student
Teaching for
developmental purposes.
Examining assessment
data for the SEDU 495
Student Teaching
completers, it can be seen
that most students
The EMSE department
decided to begin collecting
DSC data from SEDU 475
student to examine students’
reflection skills.
Spring 2010
The EMSE department
decided to begin collecting
DSC data from SEDU 475
student to examine students’
Spring 2010
achieve Target (3) or
Acceptable (2) for
planning related to the
NCSS Standards. Students
receiving Developing (1) or
Unsatisfactory (0) for any
NCSS Thematic Strand will
have this information
reflected in their Student
Teaching Narrative
Evaluation which is
provided to the student as
formative data.
Examining assessment
three data tables for the
SEDU 475 Secondary
Education Field Experience
completers for discipline
specific competencies
(NCSS), it can be seen that
most students achieve
Target (3) or Acceptable
(2) for planning related to
the NCSS Standards.
Students receiving
Developing (1) or
Unsatisfactory (0) for any
NCSS Thematic Strand will
have this information
provided to them, as well
as the University
Supervisor and
Cooperating Teacher for
SEDU 495 Student
Teaching for
developmental purposes.
A raw score of fewer than
13 points indicates
performance. All of the
candidates performed
adequately in fall 2009
and spring 2010.
Examining assessment
data, it can be seen that
most students achieve
reflection skills.
The EMSE department
Spring 2012
decided that the portfolio
process would be improved
by adding the Techniques
Unit Plan to the assessment.
This assessment will bring
more discipline-related date
to the assessment process.
This assessment was added to Fall 2009
provide more planning,
PDE 430
Target (3) or Acceptable
(2) for planning, skills,
knowledge, disposition
and most importantly,
impact on student
learning. Students
receiving Developing (1) or
Unsatisfactory (0) for any
rubric component will
have this information
reflected in their Student
Teaching Narrative
Evaluation which is
provided to the student
teacher for developmental
A majority of scores for
student teachers in social
studies were at the
superior, exemplary, or
satisfactory level for each
of the categories on the
PDE 430, including the
overall scores. This clearly
is above the passing
minimums as measured by
the PDE 430 Form.
performance and impact data
related to the student
teaching experience.
This assessment was added to Fall 2009
provide more planning,
performance and impact data
related to the student
teaching experience.