Most of us avoid vigorous
exercise at night because it
might interfere with sleep.
Recent research with
highly fit cyclists showed
that vigorous exercise
ending 30 minutes before
bedtime did not interfere
with sleep. This may apply
more to fit people and will
vary by individual, but if
you have trouble getting
your workout in during the
day, you can give a
nighttime exercise plan a
If you are going to do both
cardio and weight training
on the same day, try to
leave a few hours between
sessions. Otherwise do
cardio first if that´s what
you´re emphasizing or lift
first if that´s most important
to your exercise plans. If
you´re doing a moderate,
general fitness workout, do
cardio first and let that be
your warm-up for your
weight training.
Regular exercise and physical activity are extremely important and beneficial for long-term health and
Health Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity:
Reduce the risk of premature death
Reduce the risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease
Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing high blood pressure
Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high cholesterol
Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer
Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat
Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints
Reduce depression and anxiety
Improve psychological well-being
Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance
Benefits of Aerobic Exercise:
Increased maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max)
Improvement in cardiovascular/cardiorespiratory function (heart and lungs)
◊ Increased maximal cardiac output (amount of blood pumped every
◊ Increased maximal stroke volume (amount of blood pumped with each
◊ Increased blood volume and ability to carry oxygen
◊ Reduced workload on the heart (myocardial oxygen consumption) for
any given submaximal exercise intensity
Increased blood supply to muscles and ability to use oxygen
Lower heart rate and blood pressure at any level of submaximal exercise
Increased threshold for lactic acid accumulation
Lower resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people with high blood
Increased HDL Cholesterol (the good cholesterol)
Decreased blood triglycerides
Reduced body fat and improved weight control
Improved glucose tolerance and reduced insulin resistance
Continued on page 2
(Continued from page 1)
Benefits of Strength Training:
Increased muscular strength
Increased strength of tendons and ligaments
Potentially improves flexibility (range of motion of joints)
Reduced body fat and increased lean body mass (muscle mass)
Potentially decreases resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure
Positive changes in blood cholesterol
Improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity
How to Exercise
The Basic Workout Outline:
1. Warm Up
2. Stretch
3. Aerobic or Strength Training
4. Cool Down
5. Stretch
Aerobic Exercise Guidelines:
Mode: Type of exercise - what is aerobic exercise?
Frequency: 3-5 days per week
Duration: 20 to 60 minutes of continuous aerobic activity
50 - 85% of maximal aerobic capacity (VO2 max), or
50-85% of Heart Rate Reserve, or
60-90% of Maximal Heart Rate
Low Intensity: 35-60% of Heart Rate Max or 50-60% of Heart Rate Reserve
Moderate Intensity: 60-80% of Heart Rate Max or 60-70% of Heart Rate Reserve
High Intensity: 80-90% of Heart Rate Max or 70-85% of Heart Rate Reserve
How to Determine Your Heart Rate Training Range:
1. Heart Rate Reserve: The Karvonen Formula
Find your Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
Multiply your HRR by 50% and add your RHR
Multiply your HRR by 85% and add your RHR
Find your Predicted Maximum Heart Rate (HR max)
Find your Predicted Maximal Heart Rate (HR max)
HR max = 220 - age
Find your Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)
HRR = HR max - RHR
Find the lower limit of your Heart Rate Training Range:
HRR x .50 + RHR = Low Target Heart Rate
Find the upper limit of your Heart Rate Training Range:
HRR x .85 + RHR = High Target Heart Rate
2. Percent of Heart Rate Max:
HR max = 220 - age
Find the lower limit of your Heart Rate Training Range
• Low Target Heart Rate = HR max X .50
Find the upper limit of your Heart Rate Training Range
High Target Heart Rate = HR max X .90
Strength Training Guidelines:
Minimum of 8 - 10 exercises
Involve major muscle groups
Minimum of 2 times per week
Minimum of 1 set of 8 - 12 repetitions of each exercise
Resistance that results in "near fatigue"
10 Quick Tips To Help You Get Started Strength Training:
Remember to warm up. Warming up gives the body a chance to deliver plenty of nutrient rich
blood to areas about to be exercised, to actually warm the muscles and lubricate the joints.
Stretch - Increases or maintains muscle flexibility.
During the first week of starting an exercise program keep it light. Work on technique-good body
mechanics and slowly work up to heavier weights.
Quick tips to maintain good body mechanics: go through the complete range of motion, move
slowly and with control, breathe, and maintain a neutral spine. Never sacrifice form just to add
more weight or repetitions.
The intensity of your workout depends on a number of factors, including the number of sets and
repetitions, the overall weight lifted, and the rest between sets. You can vary the intensity of your
workout to fit your activity level and goals.
Listen to your body. Heart rate is not a good way to determine your intensity when lifting weights,
it is important to listen to your body based on an overall sense of feeling of exertion.
The MINIMUM amount of strength training recommended by the American College of Sports
Medicine is eight to twelve repetitions of eight to ten exercises, at a moderate intensity, two days
a week. You will get more overall gains with more days per week, sets and resistance, but the
progression is one in which you must listen to your body.
Strength training session are recommended to last one hour or less.
As a general rule, each muscle that you train should be rested one to two days before being exercised further in order for the fatigued muscles to rebuild.
"No pain, no gain." This statement is not only false, but can be dangerous. Your body will adapt
to strength training, and will reduce in body soreness each time you workout.
Strength Training Principles:
Overload: To see gains in strength you must always stimulate the muscle more than it is
accustomed to.
Progression: The active muscle must continue to work against a gradually increasing resistance in order to meet overload.
Specificity: Gains you receive are dependent on the muscle group used, and movement
pattern performed.
• Strength (maximal force): If you are interested in strength gains you want to train with higher
weights and closer to your 1 RM.
• Endurance (submaximal force that is repeated): If you are interested in gains in endurance,
you should concentrate on lifting lower weights and higher repetitions.
• Warm-up - the warm-up should be "sport specific". In other words, if you are performing the
bench press, begin your warm-up with a light intensity and perform 8-10 reps.
• Stretch - it is important to stretch to promote increased blood flow to the muscles, and to
increase flexibility, range of motion and decrease the risk of injury.
• Workout - work larger muscle groups first, then smaller muscle groups.
• Cool-down - keeps the body active and prevents pooling of blood in the extremities. The
cool-down is done at a lower intensity.
Breathing: When lifting weight or working muscles against resistance, exhale through the
mouth as you are performing the work. Caution: Failure to breathe correctly during heavy weight
lifting may cause drastic increases in blood pressure that may be harmful.
Top 5
This beginning program
will help get you started in
the weight room.
Remember to always start
any exercise program
slowly. Maybe you only
perform 1 set for a few
sessions and then move to
2 sets per exercise. The
goal should be to perform
8-10 weight training
exercises for 2 to 3 sets
for the desired repetitions.
And remember that
training goals will dictate
the sets and reps
Good Luck!
RoseFit News Issue 1 January
RH FitTimes Issue 13 October
It has been suggested
that Interval Training is
the best type of
activity. The following
treadmill program is an
example of interval
training. The program
involves building
endurance and
burning calories by
changing your speed,
resistance and/or
incline. The settings are
samples only, so modify
the workouts according
to your fitness
level. Use the
Perceived Exertion
Scale to determine how
hard you're
working. Check with
your doctor before you
start any exercise
Good Luck!
5 min.
3.0 mph - warm-up
Level 2-3
5 min.
3.5 - 4.5 - walk/slow jog
Level 4
1 min
5.0 - 5.5 - speed walk/run
Level 6
2 min
4.0 - 5.0 - walk/slow jog
Level 4
1 min
5.0 - 5.5 - speed walk/ run
Level 6-7
2 min
4.0 - 5.0 - walk/slow jog
Level 4
1 min
5.3 - 5.7 - speed walk/run
Level 7
2 min
4.0 - 5.0 - walk/ slow jog
Level 4
1 min
Walk or run as fast as you can
Level 7-8
2 min
4.0 - 5.0 - walk/ slow jog
Level 4
5 min
3.0 - 4.0
Level 3