Scand. J. of Economics 106(2), 361–384, 2004 DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-9442.2004.00362.x A General Approach to Welfare Measurement through National Income Accounting* Geir B. Asheim University of Oslo, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway Wolfgang Buchholz University of Regensburg, DE-93040 Regensburg, Germany Abstract A framework is developed for analyzing national income accounting using a revealed welfare approach that is sufficiently general to cover, both the standard discounted utilitarian and maximin criteria as special cases. We show that the basic welfare properties of comprehensive national income accounting, previously ascribed only to the discounted utilitarian case, extend to this more general framework. In particular, under a wider range of circumstances, it holds that real NNP growth (or, equivalently, a positive value of net investments) indicates welfare improvement. We illustrate the applicability of our approach in the Dasgupta–Heal–Solow model of capital accumulation and resource depletion. Keywords: National income accounting; dynamic welfare JEL classification: C43; D6; O47; Q1 I. Introduction Net national product (NNP) represents the maximized value of the flow of goods and services that are produced by the productive assets of society. If NNP increases, then the capacity of society to produce has increased, and— one might think—society is better off. Although such an interpretation is * We have benefited from discussions with Kenneth Arrow and Martin Weitzman. We also thank Finn Førsund, Lawrence Goulder, Peter Hammond, Geoffrey Heal and David Miller as well as three anonymous referees for helpful comments. An earlier version was circulated under the title ‘‘Progress, Sustainability, and Comprehensive National Accounting’’. Asheim appreciates the hospitality of the research initiative on The Environment, the Economy and Sustainable Welfare at Stanford University, where much of this work was done. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Hewlett Foundation through the above-mentioned research initiative (Asheim), CESifo Munich (Asheim) and the Research Council of Norway (Ruhrgas grant, both authors). # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA. 362 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz often made in public debate, the assertion has been subject to controversy in the economic literature. While Samuelson (1961, p. 51) writes that ‘‘[o]ur rigorous search for a meaningful welfare concept has led to a rejection of all current income concepts. . .’’, Weitzman (1976), in his seminal contribution, shows that greater NNP indicates higher welfare if (i) dynamic welfare equals the sum of utilities discounted at a constant rate, and (ii) current utility equals the market value of goods and services consumed. Weitzman’s result is truly remarkable—as it implies that changes in the stock of forward-looking welfare can be picked up by changes in the flow of the value of current production—but, unfortunately, very strong assumptions are invoked. Recently, Asheim and Weitzman (2001) have established that assumption (ii) can be relaxed in the context of whether welfare is increasing locally over time. Real NNP growth corresponds to welfare improvement even when current utility does not equal the market value of current consumption, as long as NNP is deflated by a Divisia consumption price index. It is the purpose of the present paper to show how Weitzman’s assumption (i) can also be relaxed, and that a ‘‘snapshot’’ of the change in society’s current performance still indicates change in dynamic welfare. Why relax the assumption of discounted utilitarianism? First of all, such an assumption restricts the use of NNP comparisons for indicating welfare changes to situations where it can readily be determined that society maximizes the sum of utilities discounted at a constant rate. Moreover, there is a contradiction between having welfare correspond to discounted utilitarianism and being concerned with welfare improvement. For example, in the Dasgupta–Heal–Solow model of capital accumulation and resource depletion, eventually the welfare of society is optimally decreasing along the discounted utilitarian path; see Dasgupta and Heal (1974, 1979) and Solow (1974). Increasing welfare over time is not of independent interest when society implements a path that maximizes the sum of discounted utilities. In contrast, real-world societies care about whether welfare is improving, both in terms of what proponents of economic growth may refer to as ‘‘progress’’ and in terms of what environmentalists call ‘‘sustainability’’. To incorporate concerns regarding progress and sustainability, we extend Weitzman’s (1976) result by developing a framework for national accounting that is sufficiently general to include, in addition to discounted utilitarianism, cases like (i) maximin, (ii) undiscounted utilitarianism and (iii) discounted utilitarianism with a sustainability constraint. In these cases, non-decreasing current welfare does entail that current utility can be sustained indefinitely, as opposed to the case of unconstrained discounted utilitarianism; cf. Asheim (1994) and Pezzey (1994). Within this general # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 363 framework we demonstrate how changes in dynamic welfare are revealed by current NNP and hence by observable current prices and quantities. A prerequisite for the positive results on the relationship between welfare improvement and change in current NNP—from Weitzman (1976) to the current paper—is that the list of goods and services included in NNP be comprehensive. National accounts are ‘‘comprehensive’’ if all variable determinants of current productive capacity are included in the vector of capital stocks, and if all variable determinants of current well-being are included in the vector of consumption flows. In other words, one has to ‘‘green’’ national accounts by (i) including depletion and degradation of natural capital as negative components to the vector of investment goods, and (ii) adding flows of environmental amenities to the vector of consumption goods. In this paper we show first that, even outside the realm of discounted utilitarianism, the value of net investments has the following welfare significance: welfare is increasing if and only if the value of net investments is positive.1 Thus, in an economy with natural capital, welfare is increasing if and only if the accumulation of man-made capital (including stocks of knowledge) in value more than compensates for natural resource depletion and environmental degradation. Then, using the analysis of Asheim and Weitzman (2001), we establish that a positive value of net investments corresponds to real NNP growth. Hence, under quite general assumptions, welfare improvement is indicated by increasing real NNP or by the value of consumption falling short of NNP, so that the value of net investments is positive. The empirical challenges of making national accounts comprehensive are the same in this more general framework. Forward-looking terms to capture technological progress and changing terms-of-trade can also be incorporated here; cf. Aronsson and Löfgren (1993) and Sefton and Weale (1996). Moreover, Asheim (2004) shows how the framework can be extended to accommodate exogenous population growth. After introducing the basic model in Section II, we consider national income accounting in the special cases of discounted utilitarianism and maximin in Section III. Then, in Section IV, we turn to our general framework for revealed welfare analysis, and show in Section V how this framework implies that real NNP growth can indicate welfare improvement in a general setting. The applicability of our framework is illustrated in Section VI by considering progress and sustainability in the Dasgupta–Heal–Solow model. Section VII concludes. 1 Under discounted utilitarianism, this is proven by Weitzman (1976, eq. (14)), and reported by, e.g., Hamilton and Clemens (1999), Dasgupta and Mäler (2000) and Pemberton and Ulph (2001). # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 364 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz II. The Model Consider the model used by Weitzman (1970, 2001) and Asheim and Weitzman (2001), who generalize Weitzman (1976) by allowing for multiple consumption goods. Let C represent an m-dimensional consumption vector that includes environmental amenities and other externalities. (Supplied labor corresponds to negative components.) Let U be a given concave and non-decreasing utility function with continuous partial derivatives that assigns instantaneous utility U(C) to any consumption vector C. Assume an idealized world where C contains all variable determinants of current instantaneous well-being, implying that society’s instantaneous well-being is increased by moving from C0 to C00 if and only if U(C0 ) < U(C00 ). Let K denote an n-dimensional capital vector that includes not only the usual kinds of man-made capital stocks, but also stocks of natural resources, environmental assets, human capital (such as education and knowledge capital accumulated from R&D-like activities), and other durable productive assets. Moreover, let I(¼ K_ ) stand for the corresponding n-vector of net investments. The net investment flow of a natural capital asset is negative if the overall extraction rate exceeds the replacement rate. Assume again an idealized world where K contains all variable determinants of current productive capacity, implying that the set of attainable (m þ n)-dimensional consumption–investment pairs is a function S only of the available capital stocks K, not of time. Hence, (C, I) is attainable given K if and only if (C, I) 2 S(K), where S(K) is a convex and smooth set that constitutes current productive capacity. It holds that NNP is the maximized market value of current productive capacity in a perfect market economy where C and I are included in NNP and valued at market prices (cf. Section V). As time passes, NNP changes both because K, and thus productive capacity S(K), change due to a non-zero vector of net investments, and because market prices of consumption and investment flows change. Since NNP is used for (a) consumption now and (b) accumulation of capital goods yielding increased future consumption, relating NNP growth to welfare improvement requires a notion of dynamic welfare. Welfare judgments should not only take into account the utility derived from current consumption, but should also reflect the utility possibilities inherent in future consumption. For this purpose, we assume that the welfare judgments of society are described by complete and transitive social preferences on the set of utility paths. However, these underlying social preferences are assumed not to be directly observable by the national accountant. What the national accountant can observe at any point in time is how the agents in society make decisions according to a resource allocation mechanism that assigns an attainable consumption–investment pair (C(K), I(K)) to # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 365 any vector of capital stocks K.2 We assume that the functions C and I are continuous everywhere and differentiable almost everywhere, and that there exists a unique solution {K*(t)} to the differential equations K*(t) ¼ I(K*(t)) that satisfies the initial condition K*(0) ¼ K0, where K0 is given. Hence, {K*(t)} is the capital path implemented by the resource allocation mechanism. Write C*(t):¼ C(K*(t)) and I*(t):¼ I(K*(t)). In this manner, the resource allocation mechanism implements a utility path {U(C*(t))} for any vector of initial capital stocks K0. Hence, the social preferences yield a complete and transitive binary relation on the set of capital vectors, under the presumption that paths are implemented by the resource allocation mechanism. Assume that, for given social preferences and resource allocation mechanism, this binary relation can be represented by an ordinal welfare index, W, that is unique up to a monotone transformation, signifying that society’s dynamic welfare is increased by moving from K0 to K00 if and only if W(K0 ) < W(K00 ). Moreover, assume that W is continuous and differentiable everywhere. To retain focus, in the following we refer to optimal control theory and the maximum principle under standard assumptions, without explicitly stating what these assumption are. III. Discounted Utilitarianism and Maximin A main motivation for this analysis is that it applies to a variety of methods for aggregating the interests of different generations in social evaluation. Discounted utilitarianism is the conventional example of social preferences in an intertemporal context. A prime example of an alternative welfare criterion is maximin—i.e., the ranking of paths according to the utility of the worst-off generation—as proposed by Rawls (1971) and Solow (1974). Analysis of these often applied kinds of social preferences and the corresponding resource allocation mechanisms points to properties that will ensure welfare significance of national income accounting also for a wider class of social preferences and resource allocation mechanisms. In the special cases of discounted utilitarianism and maximin, we will identify the level of the welfare index, W(K), with the utility level that—if held constant—is equally as good as the implemented utility path, given K as the vector of initial stocks. This makes W(K) a stationary equivalent of future utility. This is in line with a standard constructive technique for preference representation in consumer theory, as in e.g. Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green (1995, pp. 47–8) and Varian (1992, p. 97), and inspired by Hicks (1946, Ch. 14) and Weitzman (1970, 1976) in the present context. 2 This is inspired by Dasgupta (2001, p. C20) and Dasgupta and Mäler (2000). # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 366 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz Discounted utilitarianism. Social preferences are represented by Z 1 et UðCðtÞÞdt; ð1Þ 0 where is a positive and constant utility discount rate. Assume that the resource allocation mechanism, for any vector of initial capital stocks K0, implements a path {C*(t), I*(t), K*(t)} that maximizes (1) over all feasible consumption paths. By the maximum principle there exists a path {C(t)} of investment prices in terms of utility such that (C*(t), I*(t)) maximizes U(C) þ C(t)I subject to (C, I) 2 S(K*(t)) at each t. Associate welfare W(K0) with the utility level, that if held constant, is equally as good as the implemented path: R1 0 WðK Þ ¼ 0 et UðC ðtÞÞdt R1 ¼ t dt 0 e Z 1 et UðC ðtÞÞdt: 0 A main result of Weitzman (1970, eqs. (5) and (16)) (reported in Weitzman (1976) in the case where C is one-dimensional and U(C) ¼ C) is that UðC ð0ÞÞ þ Cð0ÞI ð0Þ ¼ Z 1 et UðC ðtÞÞdt: ð2Þ 0 Hence, W(K0) ¼ U(C*(0)) þ C(0)I*(0) under discounted R 1 utilitarianism. Since C(0) is the vector of partial derivatives of 0 et UðC ðtÞÞdt w.r.t. the initial stocks, we obtain that the vector of partial derivatives of W, rW(K0), equals C(0). By the maximum principle it now follows that (C*(0), I*(0)) maximizes U(C) þ rW(K0)I subject to (C, I) 2 S(K0), since U(C) þ rW(K0)I ¼ (U(C) þ C(0)I) and > 0. Maximin. Social preferences are represented by inftU(C(t)). Assume that the resource allocation mechanism implements maximin and that this leads to an efficient path with constant utility; formally, Burmeister and Hammond (1977) and Dixit, Hammond and Hoel (1980) call this a regular maximin path. Then with K*(0) ¼ K0 as the initial condition, there exists a path of utility discount factors {(t)} such R 1 that it is as if the implemented path {C*(t),I*(t), K*(t)} maximizes 0 ðtÞUðCðtÞÞdt over all feasible conR1 sumption paths. Since U(C*(t)) is constant, it follows that 0 ðtÞdt is finite. This holds if the supporting utility discount rates, _ ðtÞ=ðtÞ, are positive and do not decrease too fast. Again, by the maximum principle, # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 367 there exists a path {C(t)} of investment prices in terms of utility such that (C*(t), I*(t)) maximizes U(C) þ C(t)I subject to (C, I) 2 S(K*(t)) at each t. Associate welfare W(K0) also in this case with the utility level that, if held constant, is equally as good as the implemented path: 0 R1 WðK Þ ¼ UðC ðtÞÞ ¼ 0 ðtÞUðC ðtÞÞdt R1 : 0 ðtÞdt By the converse of Hartwick’s rule, we have that C (t)I*(t) ¼ 0 at each t; cf. Hartwick (1977), Dixit et al. (1980), Withagen and Asheim (1998) and Mitra (2002). Hence, W(K0) ¼ U(C*(0)) þ C(0)I*(0) even R 1 under maximin. Since C(0) is the vector of partial derivatives of 0 ððtÞ=ð0ÞÞUðC ðtÞÞdt w.r.t. the initial stocks, by invoking the envelope theorem, we obtain that R 1 rW(K0) equals *C(0), where :¼ ð0Þ 0 ðtÞdt is the infinitely longterm supporting utility discount rate at time 0 (i.e., the discounted average of the instantaneous discount rates, _ ðtÞ=ðtÞ, from time 0 onward). By the maximum principle it follows that (C*(0), I*(0)) maximizes *U(C) þ rW(K0)I subject to (C, I) 2 S(K0), since *U(C) þ rW(K0)I ¼ *(U(C) þ C(0)I) and * > 0.3 Two observations follow from the cases of discounted utilitarianism and maximin: (i) Refer to U(C*(0)) þ C(0)I*(0) as net national product in terms of utility or ‘‘utility NNP’’. For both cases, utility NNP represents dynamic welfare globally; i.e., welfare is greater if and only if utility NNP is greater. (ii) Interpret and * as Lagrangian multipliers for the constraint that U(C) 5 U(C*(0)). For both cases, welfare improvement at time 0, rW(K0)I, is maximized subject to (a) (C, I)2 S(K0), and (b) U(C) 5 U (C*(0)). The analysis below will show how observation (ii) can be used as the basis for revealed welfare analysis where welfare significance of national accounting aggregates is obtained. In contrast, we show that observation (i) cannot be generalized; it does not, for example, apply to the case of undiscounted utilitarianism (as will be shown in Section VI). We now turn to the general analysis. 3 The observation that rW(K*(t)) is proportional to C(t) constitutes a simple proof of the converse of Hartwick’s rule: constant utility implies that 0 ¼ dW(K*(t))/dt ¼ rW(K*(t))I*(t), which due to proportionality of rW(K*(t)) and C(t) yields C(t)I*(t) ¼ 0. See also Cairns (2000). # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 368 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz IV. Resource Allocation and Welfare Improvement Fix the underlying, but unobservable, social preferences used to rank utility paths, and consider a resource allocation mechanism. What properties of the resource allocation mechanism are both (i) strong enough for the underlying welfare concerns to be revealed through national income accounting and (ii) weak enough to hold for a wide range of circumstances? We answer this question by imposing two properties that hold if the most preferred paths under discounted utilitarianism and maximin are implemented, but, as illustrated in Section VI, have a broader application. The first of these properties is the following. Property 1 (Implementation of an efficient path). Let {C*(t), I*(t), K*(t)} be the path implemented by the resource allocation mechanism with K*(0) ¼ K0 as the initial condition. There exists a continuous path of positive supporting utility discount factors {(t)}, with corresponding discount rates _ ðtÞ=ðtÞ being positive R 1at almost every t, such that it is as if {C*(t), I*(t), K*(t)} maximizes 0 ðtÞUðCðtÞÞdt over all feasible consumption paths with K*(0) ¼ K0 as the initial condition. This property is clearly satisfied when discounted utilitarianism is implemented, as well as for maximin when implementation of this criterion leads to R 1a regular maximin path (cf. Section III). The maximization is as if since 0 ðtÞU ðCðtÞÞdt is not necessarily the primitive objective of society. For example, in the maximin case, {(t)} simply characterizes the implemented path without having any intrinsic welfare significance. If Property 1 holds, then the maximum principle yields efficiency prices which support the efficient path. In particular, there exists a continuous path {C(t)} of investment prices in terms of utility such that, at each t, ðC ðtÞ; I ðtÞÞ maximizes UðCÞ þ CðtÞI subject to ðC; IÞ 2 SðK ðtÞÞ: This yields the maximized current-value Hamiltonian: H ðtÞ ¼ HðK ðtÞ;CðtÞÞ :¼ max ðC;IÞ2SðK ðtÞÞ UðCÞ þ CðtÞI ¼ UðC ðtÞÞ þ CðtÞI ðtÞ: Refer to CI* as the value of net investments. Furthermore, rK HðK ðtÞ; CðtÞÞ ¼ _ ðtÞ _ ðtÞ; CðtÞ C ðtÞ where r denotes a vector of partial derivatives. # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 369 The following basic result—which is at the heart of the analyses of e.g. Weitzman (1976), cf. eq. (14)) and Dixit et al. (1980, cf. Theorem 1)—can now be established. Lemma 1. If Property 1 holds, then U(C*(t)) þ C(t)I*(t) is continuous and _ ðtÞ CðtÞI ðtÞ rUðC ðtÞÞC_ ðtÞ þ d ðCðtÞI ðtÞÞ=dt ¼ ðtÞ holds at almost every t. Proof: H* ¼ U(C*) þ CI* is continuous since K* and C are continuous. Otherwise, adapt the proof of Asheim and Weitzman (2001, Lemma 1). & This result says that change in utility NNP equals the supporting utility discount rate times the value of net investments. Let, as in Section II, the binary relation over vectors of stocks, induced from the social preferences for a given resource allocation mechanism, be represented by a welfare index, W, that is unique up to a monotone transformation. To ensure that the underlying welfare concerns can be revealed through national income accounting, we make, in addition to Property 1, the following assumption: the resource allocation mechanism and the accompanying welfare index satisfy that welfare improvement is maximized subject to (C,I) being attainable and utility being at least U(C(K)). This can be stated by the following property, where (K) is formally a Lagrangian multiplier on the lower bound for utility. Property 2 (No waste of welfare improvement). For every K, there exists (K) > 0 such that ðCðKÞ; IðKÞÞ maximizes ðKÞUðCÞ þ rWðKÞI subject to ðC; IÞ 2 SðKÞ: We have observed in the preceding section that Property 2 holds when discounted utilitarianism and (under regularity conditions) maximin are implemented; (K) can be interpreted as a supporting utility discount rate in these cases. In all our examples, we show that Properties 1 and 2 hold for resource allocation mechanisms that are optimal in the sense that, for any initial stocks, they implement paths that are weakly preferred to any feasible path according to the social preferences. We conjecture that Properties 1 and 2 are necessary for optimal resource allocation if the social preferences and the technological environment satisfy the following condition: there does not exist an alternative path that, compared to an optimal path, has higher utility in an initial period, at the end of which the alternative path is # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 370 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz deemed as good as the optimal path.4 The investigation of such a primitive condition on preferences and technology seems, however, to require a discrete time framework and, thus, falls outside the scope of the present analysis. By writing W*(t): ¼ W(K*(t)) for the welfare level along {C*(t),I*(t),K*(t)}, so that W*(t) ¼ rW(K*(t))I*(t), we obtain the following result. Lemma 2. If Properties 1 and 2 hold, then at every t, W_ ðtÞ ¼ ðK ðtÞÞCðtÞI ðtÞ: Proof: Since U is concave and S(K) is convex and smooth, there is a unique n-dimensional hyperplane that supports the set of feasible (n þ 1)-dimensional utility-investment vectors. By comparing the maximum principle with Property 2, we can conclude that rWðK ðtÞÞ ¼ ðK ðtÞÞCðtÞ and, thus, W_ *(t) ¼ rW(K*(t)I*(t)) ¼ (K*(t))C(t)I*(t)) hold at every t. & Lemma 2 shows that the sign of the value of net investments along the implemented path indicates whether welfare is increasing.5 The main result of this section follows from Lemmas 1 and 2. Proposition 1. If Properties 1 and 2 hold, then dynamic welfare is increasing if and only if there is growth in U(C*(t)) þ C(t)I*(t). Thus, changes in dynamic welfare according to the unspecified aggregation of the interests of different generations are revealed through changes in utility NNP. Proposition 1 is a result for local-in-time comparisons along the implemented path. It does not imply that utility NNP represents dynamic welfare 4 In the case of maximin, this condition holds if maximin paths are regular, while it can fail otherwise, for instance in a one-sector model where the initial capital stock exceeds the golden rule level. The maximin criterion illustrates that Property 2 does not necessarily imply a linear trade-off between current utility and welfare improvement. Properties 1 and 2 can hold even if the resource allocation mechanism does not implement an optimal path. For example, suppose that society adheres to discounted utilitarianism in a technology where implementation of discounted utilitarianism would have led to non-constant utility, but, in fact, a regular maximin path is implemented. Both Properties 1 and 2 hold under such circumstances. 5 Onuma (2003) has independently derived a result that is similar to our Lemma 2. The result in his Proposition 3 is based on a property called generation rationality under a bequest constraint, which corresponds to our Property 2. # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 371 globally (i.e., welfare is greater if and only if utility NNP is greater), which would entail that WðK ðtÞÞ ¼ UðC ðtÞÞ þ CðtÞI ðtÞ holds at each t. To shed light on the problems involved, note that W_ * ¼ (K*)CI* (by Lemma 2), and d ðUðC Þ þ CI Þ=dt ¼ ð_ =ÞCI (by Lemma 1). Hence, the combination of ðK Þ ¼ 6 _ = and CI* ¼ 6 0 precludes that utility NNP can represent welfare globally. As shown in Section III, it works for discounted utilitarianism because ðK Þ ¼ _ =, and it works for maximin because CI* ¼ 0. However, in general we must allow for cases where ðK Þ ¼ 6 _ = is combined with CI* ¼ 6 0 and, thus, W(K*) ¼ U(C*) þ CI* cannot hold at each t. Indeed, Proposition 3 in Section VI introduces a case where global representation of welfare by means utility NNP is not possible. V. Real NNP Growth and Local Comparisons So far we have considered NNP and the value of net investments in utility terms. Utility, however, is not observable directly, while market prices in principle are. Comprehensive NNP that is measurable by market prices is often identified in the literature by the ‘‘linearized’’ Hamiltonian as the sum of the value of consumption and the value of net investments, measured in monetary units; cf. Hartwick (1990). To demonstrate that welfare is increasing locally over time along the implemented path if and only if such measurable NNP is also increasing, we now adapt the analysis of Asheim and Weitzman (2001) to the present more general setting. What may be observed directly at each time t are nominal prices for consumption goods and investment flows, p(t) ¼ rU(C*(t))/(t) and q(t) ¼ C(t)/(t), where (t) > 0 is the continuous not-directly-observable marginal utility of current expenditures. Comprehensive NNP in nominal prices, y(t), is then defined by: yðtÞ :¼ pðtÞC ðtÞ þ qðtÞI ðtÞ: If Property 1 holds, then y(t) ¼ max(C,I)2S(K*(t))p(t)C þ q(t)I. By Lemma 2, dynamic welfare is increasing if and only if NNP in nominal prices exceeds the value of consumption. However, since NNP in nominal prices at t depends on (t), and (t) is arbitrary, y_ (t) > 0 need not signify welfare improvement. In order for a change in NNP to indicate a change in welfare, NNP must be measured in real prices. The application of a price index {p(t)} turns nominal prices {p(t), q(t)} into real prices {P(t), # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 372 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz Q(t)} by imposing P(t) ¼ p(t)/p(t) and Q(t) ¼ q(t)/p(t) at each t. Following Asheim and Weitzman (2001), we use a Divisia consumption price index, p_ ðtÞ p_ ðtÞC ðtÞ ¼ ; pðtÞ pðtÞC ðtÞ implying that p(t) is continuous and P_ C* ¼ 0 holds. Comprehensive NNP in real Divisia prices, Y(t), is then defined by: YðtÞ :¼ PðtÞC ðtÞ þ QðtÞI ðtÞ: Lemma 3. If Property 1 holds, then Y(t) is continuous and Y_ ðtÞ ¼ RðtÞðYðtÞ PðtÞC ðtÞÞ holds at almost every t, where the real interest rate, R(t), at time t is given by RðtÞ ¼ _ ðtÞ=ðtÞ _ ðtÞ=ðtÞ p_ ðtÞ=pðtÞ. Proof: It follows from the continuity of U(C*) þ CI* (cf. Lemma 1) that Y is continuous since U has continuous partial derivatives and both and p are continuous. Otherwise, adapt the proof of Asheim and Weitzman (2001, Proposition 3). & Since Lemma 3 entails that change in real NNP ¼ real interest rate value of net investments and, by Lemma 2, a positive value of net investments indicates welfare improvement, we obtain the main result of Asheim and Weitzman (2001) in our generalized setting. Proposition 2. Provided that Properties 1 and 2 hold and the real interest rate is positive, dynamic welfare is increasing if and only if there is growth in measurable NNP in real Divisia prices. Proof: The result follows from Lemmas 2 and 3 since: ðK ÞCI ¼ ðK ÞpQI ¼ ðK ÞpQðY PC Þ; where (K*), and p are all positive. & As noted by Asheim and Weitzman (2001), real NNP growth indicates welfare improvements locally over time. Unless real NNP grows in a monotone manner between t0 and t00 , it does not necessarily follow that a higher real NNP at t00 than t0 indicates that welfare is higher at t00 compared to t0 . # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 373 VI. Progress and Sustainability in a Resource Model We now use the Dasgupta–Heal–Solow (DHS) model of capital accumulation and resource depletion to illustrate the applicability of our framework. In the DHS model, a stock of man-made capital (KM) is combined with extracted raw material from a stock of a natural resource (KN) to produce output that can be split between consumption and investment. For tractability, we assume that the production function is Cobb–Douglas and exhibits CRS, implying that the consumption–investment pair (C, IM, IN) is attainable given (KM, KN) if and only if a C þ IM 4KM ðIN Þb ; b < a < a þ b ¼ 1; where C 5 0, IN 4 0, KM 5 0 and KN 5 0. The assumption that b < a is required to ensure that progress and sustainability are feasible in the present setting. Consider paths for which C, IN, KM and KN remain positive throughout, so that smoothness of the attainable set is satisfied. Let the ratio between man-made capital and output be denoted by : ¼ KM a KM ðIN Þb ¼ KM IN b : If the implemented path satisfies Property 1, then the real interest rate along the path measures the marginal productivity of KM and is given by R(t) ¼ a/*(t), where *(t) is the capital–output ratio along the implemented path at time t. Moreover, the real investment prices are given by QM ðtÞ ¼ 1 a and QN ðtÞ ¼ b ðtÞb ; ð3Þ since, with output as numéraire, QN(t) measures the marginal productivity of IN. The Hotelling rule for short-run efficiency yields Q_ N(t)/QN(t) ¼ R(t), implying _ ðtÞ ¼ b: ð4Þ If, in addition to (4), the following transversality conditions are satisfied, lim KM ðtÞ t!1 b a ðtÞb ¼ 0 and lim KN ðtÞ ¼ 0; t!1 ð5Þ # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 374 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz then routine calculations show that, by U(C) ¼a C, Property 1 holds. R 1setting The implemented path maximizes 0 1= b ðtÞb CðtÞdt over all 0 feasible paths, for any initial stocks ðKM ; KN0 Þ 0. Progress Paths Combine efficiency (Property 1) with an exogenous investment rule, a IM ¼ KM ðIN Þb ; b < < a; ð6Þ which leads to sustained progress; cf. Hamilton (2002) for an independent and similar investigation. We now apply our revealed welfare analysis (by invoking Property 2) and show how real NNP growth picks up the welfare improvement entailed by sustained consumption growth. We confirm this welfare result by establishing that the investment rule is optimal under undiscounted utilitarianism. We observe that—even though growth in measurable real NNP measures welfare improvement locally over time—utility NNP cannot represent welfare globally. a Note that bKM ðIN Þb equals resource rents; i.e., the share of output that is attributable to extraction of raw material. According to Hartwick’s rule, reinvesting resource rents forever leads to constant consumption; cf. Hartwick (1977) and Dixit et al. (1980). Since > b, more than resource rents are reinvested by following (6), thereby leading to progress in the sense that consumption increases in a sustained manner. Since < a, feasibility of the implemented path is ensured. The efficiency conditions (4)–(5) and the investment rule (6) determine a resource allocation mechanism specifying C, IM and IN as functions of capital stocks, (KM, KN). It follows from the definition of and the investment rule (6) that these functions can, for positive capital stocks, be described by KM CðKM ; KN Þ ¼ ð1 Þ KKMN ð7Þ KM IM ðKM ; KN Þ ¼ KKMN ð8Þ KM IN ðKM ; KN Þ ¼ 1 ; b KKMN # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. ð9Þ Welfare measurement through national income accounting 375 where, by imposing (4) and the KN part of (5) as efficiency conditions, we can calculate the capital–output ratio as an explicit function of KM/KN, ba KM ba KM ; ¼ ða Þ KN KN ð10Þ and check that the KM part of (5) is satisfied. For given initial stocks 0 ðKM ; KN0 Þ 0 at time 0, equations (8)–(10) determine the implemented path of capital stocks, fKM ðtÞ; KN ðtÞg, which in turn yields the implemented paths of consumption and investment flows: C ðtÞ ¼ CðKM ðtÞ; KN ðtÞÞ, IM ðtÞ ¼ IM ðKM ðtÞ; KN ðtÞÞ, and IN ðtÞ ¼ IN ðKM ðtÞ; KN ðtÞÞ. By combining (7) and (8) with (4), we can establish that consumption grows at a positive (but decreasing) rate since > b: C_ ðtÞ b ¼ > 0: C ðtÞ ðtÞ This is consistent with the results obtained by Mitra (1983) in a general discrete-time DHS model; see in particular his Example 3.A. Moreover, by combining (3) with (10), it follows that the relative price of natural capital in terms of man-made capital is positively related to , the parameter that indicates society’s emphasis on progress: QN ðtÞ b K ðtÞ M ¼ : QM ðtÞ a KN ðtÞ ð11Þ By assuming that the implemented path does not waste opportunity for welfare improvement—i.e., by adding Property 2—Proposition 2 implies that welfare is increasing if and only if there is real NNP growth, where real NNP can be written as C ðtÞ þ QM ðtÞIM ðtÞ þ QN ðtÞIN ðtÞ ¼ a KM ðtÞ ðtÞ due to the constant factor shares. It follows from (4) and (8) that the growth rate of NNP equals that of consumption. Thus, the revealed welfare analysis captures that consumption increases in a sustained manner. By Lemma 3, increased welfare can also be indicated by a positive value of net investments: QM ðtÞIM ðtÞ þ QN ðtÞIN ðtÞ > 0. Since (8)–(10) imply IN ðKM ; KN Þ a KN ; ¼ IM ðKM ; KN Þ KM ð12Þ # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 376 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz and > b, (11) implies that welfare is improving along the implemented path: QM ðtÞIM ðtÞ þ QN ðtÞIN ðtÞ ¼ IM ðtÞð1 b= Þ > 0: Property 2 (cf. the proof of Lemma 2) entails that any welfare index W(KM, KN) satisfies @WðKM ; KN Þ CN QN b KM @KN ¼ ¼ ¼ : @WðKM ; KN Þ CM QM a KN @KM ð13Þ A direct consequence of (13) is that welfare can be represented by a b KN : WðKM ; KN Þ ¼ KM ð14Þ Moreover, it follows from (12) that the implemented path in (KM, KN)a space is described by KM KN being constant, with K_ M ¼ IM > 0 and _ K N ¼ IN < 0. That welfare is improving along the implemented path can now be seen alternatively by comparing the iso-welfare contours given by (14) with the contour that describes the implemented path in (KM, KN)-space. Are there explicitly specified social preferences such that this resource allocation mechanism, for any vector of initial stocks, implements a most preferred path? This question may be answered by observing that the resource allocation mechanism can be derived from the utilitarian problem of maximizing, without discounting, Z 1 1 CðtÞ b dt ð15Þ 0 over all feasible paths. It follows from Dasgupta and Heal (1979, pp. 303–308) that an undiscounted utilitarian optimum exists if (1 )/( b) > (1 a)/(a b), which implies b < < a. This is exactly the assumption we have made. Now, rank positive initial stocks, (KM, KN), by the maximum value of the integral they give rise to in (15). We find that this ranking can be represented by (14). This confirms the result already derived through our revealed welfare analysis: that welfare is increasing along the implemented path. Under discounted utilitarianism, utility NNP represents dynamic welfare globally; cf. equation (2) in Section III as well as Weitzman (1970, 1976). Moreover, under maximin, the converse of Hartwick’s rule implies that # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 377 utility NNP is equal to the constant utility level and therefore represents welfare globally. For the progress paths that we analyze here in the context of the DHS model, however, it turns out that utility NNP cannot represent welfare globally. Proposition 3. Consider the resource allocation mechanism determined by (7)–(10) in the context of the DHS model. There exists no utility function such that net national product in terms of utility represents dynamic welfare globally. Proof: It follows from (6) and the constant factor shares that QM ðtÞIM ðtÞ þ QN ðtÞIN ðtÞ ¼ ð bÞC ðtÞ=ð1 Þ. Since CM (t) ¼ U0 (C*(t)) QM (t) and CN (t) ¼ U0 (C* (t))QN (t), this implies Utility NNP ¼ UðCðKM ; KN ÞÞ þ U 0 ðCðKM ; KN ÞÞ b CðKM ; KN Þ 1 for an arbitrary U function, when the pair of capital stocks is (KM, KN). Assume that utility NNP represents welfare globally. Then utility NNP must be invariant when moving along any iso-welfare contour defined by (14): b b @C @C 0 0 00 U ðCÞ þ U ðCÞ þ U ðCÞ C dKM þ dKN ¼ 0: 1 1 @KM @KN Since C(KM, KN) increases when moving along an iso-welfare contour by increasing KM and decreasing KN, the second parenthesis is non-zero and U0 (C)a/( b) þ U00 (C)C ¼ 0 must hold. Hence, U is in the class of affine transformations of 1 UðCÞ ¼ C b : ð16Þ Since the implemented path maximizes (15), the supporting utility discount rate is zero throughout for any utility function in this class. Under these circumstances, Lemma 1—extrapolated to the case with a zero utility discount rate—implies that utility NNP does not change as a consequence of non-zero value of net investments. Indeed, it follows that utility NNP is zero for any pair of initial stocks if the utility function is given by (16). Hence, utility NNP has no welfare significance within the class of utility functions that are affine transformations of (16). & Property 1 does not hold for any utility function in the class considered in the proof of Proposition 3, i.e., that is an affine transformation of (16). If we instead use a utility function so that Property 1 holds for a path of supporting utility discount factors {(t)} with discount rates _ ðtÞ=ðtÞ that are # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 378 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz positive (U(C) ¼ C is an example), it follows from the analysis of Sefton and Weale (1996) that Utility NNP ¼ Z 0 1 _ ðtÞ ðtÞ UðC ðtÞÞdt: ðtÞ ð0Þ Hence, utility NNP is a weighted average of future utility. However, by following a given iso-welfare contour defined by (14) as KM ! 1 and KN ! 0, and considering the consumption paths that would be implemented for these initial conditions, it can be shown that the minimal consumption (which occurs at time 0) along these paths goes to infinity. This implies that the constant welfare along such an iso-welfare contour cannot be expressed as a weighted average of future utility. However, even though utility NNP cannot represent dynamic welfare globally, Proposition 2 implies that growth in measurable NNP in real prices measures welfare improvement locally over time, even in the current setting. This illustrates the generality of the positive result that we report in Proposition 2. Sustainability as a Constraint Consider a society that deems unsustainable development unacceptable, and which adopts a resource allocation mechanism that, among the acceptable sustainable paths, implements the path that maximizes the sum of discounted utilities Z 1 et UðCðtÞÞdt; ð17Þ 0 where is a positive and constant utility discount rate.6 We confirm that Properties 1 and 2 hold and show that measurement of welfare improvement through real NNP growth can be useful for managing the assets of society. Real NNP growth approaching zero indicates that unconstrained development is no longer sustainable. A consumption path is said to be sustainable if, at all times, current consumption does not exceed the maximum sustainable consumption level given the current capital stocks. Since unconstrained maximization of (17) in the DHS model leads to consumption converging to zero as time goes to 6 Asheim, Buchholz and Tungodden (2001) present ethical axioms under which only sustainable paths are acceptable in the DHS model. Discounted utilitarian paths under a sustainability constraint in the DHS model are analyzed in continuous time by Asheim (1986) and Pezzey (1994), and in discrete time by Asheim (1988). # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 379 infinity, the sustainability constraint imposed on the implemented path is binding. Since, by (4), the real interest rate R(t) ¼ a/*(t) is decreasing along any efficient path, the sustainability constraint binds in an eventual phasewith constant consumption, which can possibly be preceded by an unconstrained utilitarian phase with increasing consumption. For given initial stocks 0 ðKM ; KN0 Þ 0, the implemented path fC ðtÞ; IM ðtÞ; IN ðtÞ; KM ðtÞ; KN ðtÞg can be determined by maximizing (17) subject to the constraint that consumption is non-decreasing; standard arguments imply that such a path exists. Therefore, if, in this example, social preferences over paths are represented by (17) on the set of non-decreasing consumption paths, while paths that are not non-decreasing are strictly less preferred, then it follows that the resource allocation mechanism defined above implements a most preferred path also in this case. Since implemented paths are non-decreasing, welfare 0 WðKM ; KN0 Þ can be associated with the utility level that, if held constant, is equally as good when evaluated by (17): 0 ; KN0 Þ WðKM R1 ¼ 0 et UðC ðtÞÞdt R1 ¼ t dt 0 e Z 1 et UðC ðtÞÞdt: 0 For simplicity, assume constant elasticity of marginal utility; i.e., for all C > 0, (U00 (C)C)/U0 (C) ¼ > 0. Then the resource allocation mechanism becomes homogeneous of degree 1 since production exhibits CRS. In particular, the capital–output ratio is a function of KM/KN, and the dividing line between the sustainability unconstrained and constrained regimes is a ray in (KM, KN)-space. Consumption increases if and only if the infinitely long-term real interest rate exceeds . This rate equals the inverse of the value of a perpetual bond; hence, it is the discounted average of the instantaneous real interest rate, a/* (s), from time t onward: R 1 t a 1= b ðsÞb ða= ðsÞÞds a b ¼ : R1 a ðtÞ ðsÞb ds 1= b t Note that the infinitely long-term interest rate (a b)/*(t) is smaller than the instantaneous rate a/*(t) since the latter is decreasing throughout. In the eventual sustainability constrained phase, the resource allocation mechanism implements efficient paths with constant consumption, implying that the resource allocation mechanism is described by (7)–(10) with ¼ b. Since this phase is entered when the infinitely long-term interest # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 380 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz rate (a b)/*(t) equals , it follows from (10) that paths are in the unconstrained discounted utilitarian phase if 1 KM ab b < ; KN and in the eventual sustainability constrained phase otherwise. For tractability, assume also that U (C) ¼ Cb so that ¼ a. Then the unconstrained discounted utilitarian phase is characterized by (7)–(9) with ¼ ðÞ ¼ 1 a a2 b2 e ðabÞ ab ; where (4) implies that is an increasing function of KM/KN for KM/KN < ((a b))1/b since K_ M ¼ IM > 0 and K_ N ¼ IN < 0, and continuous at KM/KN ¼ ((a b))1/b since *(t) is differentiable w.r.t. time. Note that is a decreasing function of (and by (4) of time) and converges to b as approaches the value (a b)/ at which time paths enter into the sustainability constrained phase. Hence, output, C, IM and IN are throughout continuous functions of (KM, KN) and time. 0 Fix the initial stocks ðKM ; KN0 Þ 0 and consider the implemented path determined by the resource allocation mechanism described above. Let denote the time at which the implemented path enters the eventual sustainability constrained phase. Set ¼ 0 if the path starts in this phase, i.e., if 0 KM =KN0 5ðða bÞ=Þ1=b . We can now verify that this path does indeed satisfy Properties 1 and 2 and maximize (17) subject to consumption being non-decreasing. Property 1 holds for the continuous path of supporting utility discount factors {(t)} determined (up to the choice of numéraire) by ðtÞ ðtÞ ab R1 for t 2 ½; 1Þ; ð18Þ ¼ for t 2 ½0; Þ and R 1 ¼ ðtÞ t ðsÞds t ðsÞds implying that utility discount rates are positive: _ ðtÞ=ðtÞ ¼ for t 2 (0, ) and _ ðtÞ=ðtÞ ¼ a= ðtÞ for t 2 (,1). This can be seen by choosing a path of investment prices in terms of utility {M (t), N(t)} so that the current-value Hamiltonian is maximized at any point in time: CM ðtÞ ¼ U 0 ðC ðtÞÞ QM ðtÞ ¼ bC ðtÞa a CN ðtÞ ¼ U 0 ðC ðtÞÞ QN ðtÞ ¼ bC ðtÞa b ðtÞb : Then the co-state differential equations hold, # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 381 _ ðtÞ a _ M ðtÞ CM ðtÞ C CM ðtÞ ¼ ðtÞ ðtÞ _ ðtÞ _ N ðtÞ; CN ðtÞ C 0¼ ðtÞ and the consumption path satisfies Ramsey’s rule: a ðtÞ ¼ _ ðtÞ C_ ðtÞ þa : ðtÞ C ðtÞ ð19Þ Since _ ðtÞ=ðtÞ jumps from ¼ (a b)/*() to a/*() when the sustainability constrained phase is entered, it follows from (19) that the rate of consumption growth decreases abruptly from b/(a*()) to 0 at that time. The following result (the proof of which is available from the authors) establishes formally that (17) is maximized subject to consumption being non-decreasing. 0 Lemma 4. For any initial stocks ðKM ; KN0 Þ 0, the path implemented by the R1 resource allocation mechanism described above maximizes 0 et CðtÞb dt over all feasible non-decreasing consumption paths. To apply the revealed welfare analysis of Sections IV and V, we have to show that Property 2 holds. It follows from (18) that ðtÞ R1 ¼ et for t 2 ½0; Þ and ðsÞds 0 R1 Z 1 ðsÞds R1 es ds: ¼ ðsÞds 0 Hence, since consumption is constant in the eventual sustainability con0 strained phase, WðKM ; KN0 Þ can be rewritten as follows: Z R1 ðtÞC ðtÞb dt R1 : 0 0 ðtÞdt R1 Since (CM(0),CN(0)) is the vector of partial derivatives of 0 ðtÞC ðtÞb dt w.r.t. the initial stocks, we obtain by invoking the envelope theorem that 0 ; KN0 Þ WðKM ¼ 1 t e b C ðtÞ dt ¼ 0 0 0 @WðKM ; KN0 Þ ð0Þ @WðKM ; KN0 Þ ð0Þ ¼ R1 ¼ R1 CM ð0Þ and CN ð0Þ: @KM @KN 0 ðtÞdt 0 ðtÞdt R 1 0 ; KN0 Þ ¼ ð0Þ 0 ðtÞdt , Hence, Property 2 holds since, by setting ðKM the maximum principle implies that ðC ð0Þ; IM ð0Þ; IN ð0ÞÞ maximizes # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. 382 G. B. Asheim and W. Buchholz 0 ðKM ; KN0 ÞCb þ 0 0 @WðKM ; KN0 Þ @WðKM ; KN0 Þ IM þ IN @KM @KN over all attainable consumption–investment pairs. Proposition 2 is therefore applicable and welfare is increasing if and only if there is growth in real NNP, aKM ðtÞ= ðtÞ. Since (4) implies that the growth rate of real NNP equals ( () b)/, welfare is increasing as long as the path remains in the unconstrained utilitarian phase, during which () > b. Since () reaches b at the point in time at which the sustainability constraint becomes binding, the observation that the growth rate of real NNP decreases towards zero indicates that unconstrained development is no longer sustainable. Hence, the information about welfare changes offered by the growth rate of real NNP is useful for managing the assets of society, given that unsustainable paths are deemed socially unacceptable. Note that consumption yields no such indication, since the rate of consumption growth falls discontinuously to zero at the time the path enters the sustainability constrained phase. By Lemma 3, increased welfare can also be indicated by a positive value of net investments, QM ðtÞIM ðtÞ þ QN ðtÞIN ðtÞ ¼ IM ðtÞð1 b= ð ðtÞÞÞ: Again, () > b during the unconstrained utilitarian phase implies that welfare is increasing, while the observation that the value of net investments decreases towards zero as () approaches b indicates that unconstrained development is no longer sustainable. Thus, the sign of the value of net investments is also useful for asset management. NNP growth (and the value of net investments) indicate when the sustainability constraint becomes binding precisely because policies that implement sustainable development are expected and, hence, reflected in the ratio of investment prices. Sustainability cannot be indicated in this way if, instead, an unconstrained utilitarian path is expected to be followed throughout; cf. Asheim (1994) and Pezzey (1994). VII. Concluding Remarks We have established that real NNP growth—or equivalently, a positive value of net investments—can be used to indicate welfare improvement, independently of the welfare criterion adopted, in a constant population society with comprehensive national accounting. Provided it holds that the implemented policies lead to an efficient path that does not waste opportunity for welfare improvement, the underlying—but unspecified and unobservable—welfare # The editors of the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2004. Welfare measurement through national income accounting 383 judgments are revealed through prices and quantities that are available in a perfect market economy. In such a revealed welfare approach, we do not need to know the actual social preferences when drawing welfare conclusions on the basis of national accounting aggregates. We have thus shown that the result of Asheim and Weitzman (2001)— namely that increasing measurable NNP in real Divisia prices indicates welfare improvement in a multiple consumption good setting even when utility itself is not measurable—holds even in situations where society does not subscribe to discounted utilitarianism. Our analysis has also covered circumstances where, for example, progress and sustainability are important concerns. We have exemplified this in Section III by showing that, in general, maximin is encompassed by the present approach, and in Section VI by considering two resource allocation mechanisms in the Dasgupta– Heal–Solow model of capital accumulation and resource depletion, one that implements undiscounted utilitarianism and one that maximizes the sum of discounted utilities within the subset of sustainable paths. In the latter case, real NNP growth approaching zero indicates that unconstrained development is no longer sustainable. 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