Graduate Program Data Analysis Report Directions: Program Name: Ed Leadership - Building

Graduate Program Data Analysis Report
Program Name: Ed Leadership - Building
Date: May 19, 2015
Contact Person: Dr. Andrew Pushchak
1. Review the program assessment data located in D2L.
2. List the 6 to 8 assessments for each program in the box provided for Program
Assessments. Examine the data collection for each program. Be sure to review both the
fall and spring data collection. Answer the following questions for each program
assessment placing the information in the appropriate column:
o What does the data indicate for your program?
o What areas of concern if any do you have regarding this assessment?
o What recommendations do have regarding any revisions for this assessment?
o What program changes if any does this data suggest?
3. Save the template as a Word document and submit it to the NCATE Assessment
Committee via a D2L Dropbox provided in the Accreditation-NCATE link by April 9th.
Graduate Unit Data
School Leaders
Data Analysis
09/01/13 to 08/31/14 PRAXIS
6011 scores reflect 95.12% first
time passage rate (n=42). This
rate is 0.64% below the state pass
rate of 95.76%. Program faculty
further analyzed results of the
individual test categories. The
performance on the Vision and
Goals multiple choice section
was above both the state and
national averages. The
performance on the Vision and
Goals constructed response
section was below the state and
national averages: Institution
(64%); State (66%); and National
(65%). For all other sections, the
institution scored above the state
and national averages.
Although students performed above
the state and national scores for the
other two constructed response test
categories, program faculty reviewed
the sample constructed response
prompts provided by ETS and
accompanying test taking information.
Action Item Implemented – program
faculty have highlighted the following
information regarding constructed
response questions for students prior
to taking the PRAXIS:
1. Answer the question accurately
2. Answer the questions completely
3. Answer the question that is asked
4. Give a thorough and detailed
5. Reread your response
(from: SLS Study Companion, page 8)
Leadership Vision
Curriculum Needs
Internship Final
Focus Project on
Program faculty observed a
strong majority of all candidates
scoring within the Target
Expectations and Meets
Expectations performance levels
for all rubric scoring areas.
Program faculty attribute this
high level of performance to the
knowledge base established in the
introductory course.
Program faculty observed
consistent lower scores for the
following ELCC standards: 3.2,
4.1, and 6.2.
Program faculty continue to
observe the high scores for all
standards, with Standard 5
reflecting acting with integrity,
fairness, and in an ethical manner
receiving the highest scores.
Action Item Implemented – Program
faculty have required candidates to
revisit their personal leadership vision
in subsequent courses. The broadening
of knowledge beyond one class to
make connections to new and different
content contributes to the candidate’s
deeper understanding and application
of the many facets of vision.
Note: Rubric for course assessment
will reflect new ELCC standards.
Results from Fall 2015 and Spring
2016 will be analyzed.
Action Item Implemented – Faculty
member teaching the course adjusted 2
assignments within the course to
highlight the specific content found in
ELCC standards: 3.2, 4.1, and 6.2.
Note: Rubric for course assessment
will reflect new ELCC standards.
Results from Summer 2015 and Fall
2015 will be analyzed.
Action Item Implemented – Faculty
members supervising interns updated
the Internship Final Assessment to
reflect the new ELCC standards.
Note: The Internship Final Assessment
will reflect new ELCC standards. The
form will also change to a five point
Likert Scale. Results from Summer
2015 and Fall 2015 will be analyzed.
Program faculty observed 100%
Action Item Implemented – Program
of the interns scored target or
faculty did provide opportunities for
meets expectations on all areas
interns to analyze data in greater depth
within the rubric. There were no
and to have an increased impact on
interns that received a score ‘does student achievement. Program
not meet expectations’ for any
faculty’s effort in this regard is once
standards for this assessment.
again reflected in all students scoring
at the target level.
Note: Rubric for course assessment
will reflect new ELCC standards.
Results from Summer 2015 and Fall
Capacity Project
Building Level
Strategic Plan
Program faculty observed a
strong majority of all candidates
scoring within the Target
Expectations and Meets
Expectations performance levels
for all rubric scoring areas.
Program faculty attribute this
high level of performance to
opportunities embedded within
the program which provide for
relevant and meaningful
application of content knowledge.
Program faculty observed the
greatest number of candidates
performing at the within the
Target Expectations and Meet
Expectations performance levels
dealing with operating within the
larger community and
communication with all
stakeholders in order to respond
to the larger context. Program
faculty attribute this to instruction
that creates candidates that are
able to broaden their knowledge
of the comprehensive planning
2015 will be analyzed.
Action Item Implemented – Program
faculty will continue to seek new
knowledge and skills that further
enhance candidate’s abilities to build
leadership capacity within schools and
Note: Rubric for course assessment
will reflect new ELCC standards.
Results from Fall 2015 and Spring
2016 will be analyzed.
Action Item Implemented – Program
faculty have modeled desired
behaviors of educational leaders by
engaging in the comprehensive
planning process and facilitating a
continuous improvement model for the
program development. Having
knowledgeable candidates and
program faculty modeling best
practices improve will enhance the
quality of the current program.
Program faculty continue to produce
instructional leaders who can analyze
and impact student academic
performance that will further enhance
the program and address emerging
21st Century perspectives.
Note: Rubric for course assessment
will reflect new ELCC standards.
Results from Fall 2015 and Spring
2016 will be analyzed.