EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS Bachelor of Science in Education Major: Secondary Education – Comprehensive English (0220) Student: I. GENERAL EDUCATION (42 SH) SH Grade Date A. Skills (12 SH) ENGL 101 College Writing Skills 3 ENGL 102 Writ/Research 3 MATH 104 Finite Mathematics or higher 3 SEDU 183 Tech for Teach/Learn 3 2. 3. (21 SH) Artistic Expression THEA 218 Intro to Theater (3 SH) 5. Human Behavior PSYC 101 Intro to Psychology Cultural Diversity & Social Pluralism SEDU271 Multi-cult Am. Schools 3 •SEDU 491 Classroom Mgmt 7-12 Class 3 ♦SPED 370 Adapt. & Accom. Inclu. Clsrm III. SPECIALIZATION IN ENGLISH (3 SH) (3 SH) 3 (3 SH) 3 6. Ethics (3 SH) 7. Natural Science (3 SH) C. Distribution 1. Humanities & Fine Arts ENGL 201 Amer. Lit. Survey I (9 SH) 12 3 (42 SH) SH Grade Date (30 SH) COMM 107 Fundamentals of Speech 3 ENGL 202 Amer. Lit. Survey II 3 ENGL 205 Multi-Ethnic American Lit 3 ENGL 209 Foundations of Lit. Study 3 ENGL 211 Traditional Grammar 3 ENGL 489 Lit. Criticism: Theory 3 ENGL 499 Thesis Seminar in Lit 3 ENGL 521 Hist. of English Lang. 3 ENGL 525 Composition Theory 3 ENGL 545 Adolescent Literature 3 (3 SH) ANCIENT/CLASSICAL/RENAISSANCE ENGL 260 Lit of Ancient/Classical world OR ENGL 261 Medieval and Renaiss. Lit. 3 ENGL 315 Shakespeare I OR ENGL 319 Shakespeare II 3 3 2. Social & Behavioral Sciences (3 SH) 3. Science & Math (3 SH) All Secondary Education Majors must complete a 3 SH Literature BRITISH LITERATURE course, and two MATH courses at the 100 level or above to comply with PDE certification requirements. ENGL 241 British Literature Survey I ENGL 242 British Literature Survey II SEDU 271 Fulfills Core 5 for Education Majors Only TOPIC AUTHOR COURSE THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD #Note: At least 42 semester hours must consist of advanced coursework (Revised: September 2012; Approved: March 2013) (Effective: Summer 2013 ) (Printed January 2014) 3 ♦ SEDU 476Field Exp Mid/Sec Education CORE COURSES 4. 3 3 SPED 210 Intro to Except. and Spec. Ed. 3 (3 SH) American Civilizations (36 SH) SH Grade Date ♦SEDU 306 Content Literacy Mid/Sec.Sch. 3 •SEDU 495 Student Teaching 3 World Civilizations II. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION SEDU 350 Theory & Practices in Secondary Schools ♦SEDU 381 Assessment Mid/Secondary ♦SEDU 465 Instructional Techniques for English B. Core 1. Term: ID# @ ENGL 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416 TOTAL# (6 SH) (6 SH) 3 3 (3 SH) 3 (123 SH) Courses in BOLD/Italics can be taken Pre-Candidacy ♦Taken together •Taken together