EDINBORO UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA CURRICULUM REQUIREMENTS Bachelor of Arts Major: English with Writing Concentration (0334) Student: I. GENERAL EDUCATION II. MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (42 SH) SH (12 SH) ENGL 101 College Writing Skills ENGL 102 Writ/Research 3 3 MATH 104 Finite Mathematics or higher 3 B. Concentration in Writing (0334)* SH 1. Literature survey courses: Choose four from ENGL201 CSCI 104 Essentials Computing I Or Discipline-specific computer competency course ______________________________ 3 B. Core 2. ENGL202 (21 SH) Artistic Expression World Civilizations ENGL241 (3 SH) ENGL242 ENGL260 (3 SH) ENGL261 3. 4. American Civilizations Human Behavior (3 SH) (3 SH) 6. 7. Cultural Diversity & Social Pluralism Ethics Natural Science (3 SH) (3 SH) C. Distribution 1. 2. 3. Humanities & Fine Arts Social & Behavioral Sciences Science & Math (9 SH) (3 SH) (3 SH) Three (3) semester hours in each of the areas of distribution 3 3 3 (6 SH) 3 3 (12 SH) 3 Business Writing 3 ENGL402 Fiction Workshop 3 ENGL403 Poetry Workshop 3 ENGL404 Technical Writing 3 ENGL440 Essay Workshop 3 THEA351 Playwriting 3 Advanced Technical Writing 3 ENGL441 Advanced Fiction Writing 3 ENGL442 Advanced Poetry Writing 3 ENGL443 Advanced Creative Nonfiction 3 ** ENGL498 * (6 SH) ENGL410 ENGL444 (Revised: March 2003) (Effective: Fall 2012; Printed: June 2014) 3 ENGL370 Advanced Screenwriting 5. Capstone Course: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD 3 4. Advanced Writing Courses: Choose two from (3 SH) (39SH) Date 3 Advanced Composition 3. Intermediate Writing Courses: Choose four from ENGL322 Screenwriting (3 SH) Grade (12 SH) American Lit. Survey I (1620-1914) American Lit. Survey II (1914-Present) English Literature from Chaucer to Milton English Literature from Swift to Moderns Lit. of the Ancient & Classical Worlds Medieval & Renaissance Literature 2. Writing Core: ENGL301 Creative Writing ENGL385 5. (39 SH Grade Date A. Skills 1. Term: ID# @ 3 (3 SH) Thesis Seminar in Writing 3 In addition to the above requirements for EnglishWriting majors, the Department STRONGLY RECOMMENDS the successful completion of at least four additional ENGL courses; at least two should be 300- or 400-level literature courses. ** To register for Thesis Seminar in Writing, students must have completed 33 credit hours in the Writing Concentration and (Continued on the back) achieved senior standing. BA in English (Continued) III. FREE ELECTIVES (39 SH) SH Grade Date TOTAL# (120 SH) #Note: At least 42 semester hours must consist of advanced coursework To graduate with a B.A. in English, students must earn at least a C+ curriculum average in Major courses, a C in each prerequisite course, and a B in the pertinent Thesis Seminar.