MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 The Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College was held on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at the Florissant Valley Campus, 3400 Pershall Rd., Ferguson, MO, pursuant to notice and in accordance with R.S. MO 610.020 as amended. I. GENERAL FUNCTIONS 1. Call to Order/Roll Call Ms. Denise Chachere, Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present: Ms. Denise Chachere, Chair; Ms. Melissa Hattman, Vice-Chair; Ms. Margo McNeil, Trustee, and Dr. Joann Ordinachev, Trustee. Trustees Fitzgerald and Larson were absent. Also present were Dr. Zelema Harris, Chancellor (by phone); Mr. Marc Fried, Legal Counsel, and Ms. Rebecca Garrison, Associate for Board Relations. 2. Public Hearing for Setting the Tax Rate for 2010 Ms. Chachere recessed the regular meeting and a Public Hearing was held in accordance with Section 67.110, Revised Statutes of Missouri (2004), which requires each political subdivision to hold a public hearing, after appropriate public notice prior to fixing its property tax rates for the fiscal year. The Board received an informational handout from Mr. Bruce Vogelgesang, Controller, regarding the setting of the tax rate all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Ms. Chachere noted that the appropriate notice for the hearing had been posted and asked if there were any citizens who wished to be heard concerning the proposed tax rate. No one having asked to be heard, Ms. Chachere asked for a motion to adjourn the hearing. On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn the public hearing and the regular Board meeting was reconvened. 3. Approval of Resolution Setting the Tax Rate for 2010 On motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously adopted a Resolution to set the tax rate for the district for the tax year 2010 at 21.79 cents per one hundred dollars assessed valuation, for the General Fund of the College in the form attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein in Exhibit A. 4. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Agenda Items None. 5. Adoption of Agenda/Revisions to Agenda On motion by Ms. McNeil, the Board unanimously adopted the agenda as revised, after pulling agenda items 4.1.1 A and B, and 6.1.2 for discussion. 6. Acceptance of August 26, 2010 Minutes There being no corrections, the Board unanimously accepted the August 26, 2010 minutes as written. 7. Approval of Resolution Re October 28, 2010 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees On motion by Ms. Hattman, the Board unanimously approved, by a roll-call vote, the resolution scheduling an executive session on October 28, 2010, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. 8. Approval of Consent Agenda Items On motion by Ms. McNeil, the consent agenda items were unanimously approved. 9. Approval of Two Trustees to Serve as Voting Delegates at the Association of Community College Trustees Conference Ms. Hattman nominated Ms. Chachere and Ms. McNeil nominated Ms. Hattman to serve as voting delegates at the October 2010 ACCT Conference. The Board unanimously approved the nominations. II. INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT SERVICES No items. 2 III. HUMAN RESOURCES 10. Human Resource Recommendations The Board by consent approved the following resolution regarding human resource recommendations: RESOLVED, that the Board hereby ratifies and/or approves personnel actions for certificated, physical plant and classified staff in accordance with established policies of the District, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit B attached to these minutes and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that, where appropriate, the Chancellor of the District or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of the District, the appropriate contract or amendment to contract for the affected personnel. IV. BID AWARDS 11. Acceptance of Bids/Ratification of Contracts Following discussion on agenda items 4.1.1 A, a contract with ISI Telemangement Solutions, Inc, and 4.1.1 B, a contract with Sherwood’s Forest Nursery, Sunset Plantland Nursery, Norman Lumber Company and Bi-State Landscape Supply, the Board by consent approved the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees hereby accepts the bids and/or ratifies the contracts set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to the lowest responsible bidder for the amounts indicated thereon and all in accordance with District specifications specified in the contract numbers indicated; said funds to be paid from the funds set forth in each item of Exhibit C; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate officer of the Board or the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. 3 V. FINANCE 12. Budget A. Financial Reports The following financial reports as of August 31, 2010, were submitted for the Board’s information: executive summary, preliminary budget status report general operating fund through August 31, 2010, preliminary budget status reports – auxiliary, rental of facilities and agency: July 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010, preliminary student financial aid fund, July 1, 2010 – August 31, 2010, preliminary Center for Business Industry and Labor budget status report: July 1, 2010– August 31, 2010 and preliminary restricted general fund budget status report: July 1, 2010 – August 31, 2010. B. Warrant Check Register – August, 2010 The Board by consent approved all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant Check Register for the month ending August 31, 2010. C. Ratification of Investments The Board by consent ratified investments/daily repurchase agreements made by the Treasurer of the District during the month of August, 2010, for which bids had been received in accordance with Board Policy, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. VI. CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS 13. Contracts and/or Agreements Following discussion on agenda item 6.1.2, an agreement between St. Louis Community College and the Curators of the University of Missouri for the business of the Missouri Education and Research Consortium (MERC) network MOREnet, the Board was requested to approve the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions. The Board by consent approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance or renewal of various contracts, agreements and resolutions between the District and various agencies, corporations and individuals located throughout the District: 4 RESOLVED, that the contracts, agreements and resolutions set forth in Exhibit E attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, are adopted and approved; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board of the District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an appropriate contract in each instance. VII. ACCEPTANCE OF EXTERNAL FUNDS 14. Acceptance of External Funds The Board by consent approved the following resolution regarding the acceptance of grants, contracts and equipment donations: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees does hereby accept the grants, contracts, gifts and equipment donations for the College, all as more fully set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chancellor be and hereby is authorized and directed to express appreciation, where appropriate, for and on behalf of the District; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that with respect to federal grants for work-study programs, the Agency involved will be billed for matching funds and for Social Security; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appropriate Officer of the Board or District be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute contracts with said agencies in each instance. VIII. INSURANCE No items. IX. GENERAL FUNCTIONS, CONTD. 15. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board Regarding Other Concerns None. 5 X. NEW BUSINESS XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no other or further business to come before the Board, on motion by Dr. Ordinachev, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 4:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Rebecca Garrison Associate for Board Relations 6 #3 RESOLUTION OF THE ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE SETTING TAX RATE FOR 2010 WHEREAS, the Community College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (hereinafter referred to as the “St. Louis Community College” or the “District”), at its regular meeting of the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) duly called and held on June 24, 2010 did adopt for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, a budget which calls for an expenditure of $164,522,043; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to partially fund said budget through General Fund tax revenues to be collected throughout the District; and WHEREAS, the Board has the power under the Missouri Revised Statutes, as amended (“R.S.Mo.”) Section 178.870 to levy a tax of up to 10 cents per hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable property within the District without voter approval; and WHEREAS, based on an election duly called and held on February 3, 1970, the voters of the District authorized the District to levy a total of up to 15 cents per hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property within the District; and WHEREAS, based on an election duly called and held on August 5, 1980, , the voters of the District authorized the District to levy a total of up to 20 cents per hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property within the District, and WHEREAS, based on an election duly called and held on November 5, 1984, , the voters of the District authorized the District to levy a total of up to 30 cents per hundred dollars of assessed valuation of taxable property within the District, and which is the rate approved in the last previous school election; and WHEREAS, because of the general reassessment of real property and due to the provisions of R.S.Mo. Section 137.073, as amended, the authorized rate of levy for the District was revised in 1985 to 22 cents, revised again in 1989 to 24 cents, and further revised in 2008 to 22 cents; and WHEREAS, the District’s tax rate for the year 2010 has been calculated in accordance with R.S.Mo. Section 137.115, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to R.S.Mo. Sections 67.110 and 137.073, as amended, the 2010 ad valorem property tax rate to be fixed is as follows: For the General Fund 21.79 cents NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of the St. Louis Community College as follows: Section 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Article X, Sections 11(a), 11(b), 11(c) and 11(e) of the Constitution of Missouri, as amended, and R.S.Mo. Sections 164.011, 164.041, 164.161, 164.291, 178.770, 178.870 and 178.880, as amended, further pursuant to the authority granted to the District and its Board by voters at elections duly called and held on February 3, 1970, August 5, 1980 and November 5, 1984, and further pursuant to the provisions of R.S.Mo. Sections 137.073 and 67.110 as amended, the Board hereby finds and determines and hereby establishes and orders that a tax for the benefit of the District for the year 2010 be levied and collected as follows. For the General Fund of the said St. Louis Community College, an operating tax at the rate of 21.79 cents on each one hundred dollars of the properties hereinafter described in Section 2; Section 2. The tax hereinabove authorized to be levied and collected shall be levied and collected for 2010 at the rate hereinabove specified in Section 1, on each one hundred dollars of: The assessed value of all real, personal and other property, within the corporate limits of the St. Louis Community College, including properties made taxable by law for state purposes, including, but not by way of limitation, all real and tangible personal property owned by railroads, street railways, boats, vessels, aircraft, bridge companies, electric light and power companies, electric transmission line companies, pipe line companies, express companies, air line companies, and other companies and public utilities whose property is assessed by the State Tax Commission. Section 3. That the Assessor of the City of St. Louis, the Director of the Department of Revenue of the County of St. Louis, the Assessor of Jefferson County and the Assessor of Franklin County, and all other officers in said city and counties charged by law with the assessment of taxes, be and they are hereby requested and directed to enter upon the assessment books of taxable property in said city and counties, before delivering the same to the collector or other officials charged with the duty of collecting taxes, the tax levied and to be collected pursuant to Section 1 and 2 hereof. Section 4. That the Secretary and the Treasurer of this Board be and hereby are directed to forthwith furnish a copy of this resolution, duly certified according to law to the Comptroller, the City Register and Collector of Revenue, the Assessor and License Collector of the City of St. Louis, and the County Clerks, the Assessors and the Collectors of St. Louis County, Franklin County and Jefferson County on or before October 1, 2010. 2 Trustee ____________________ moved to adopt the foregoing resolution, and the resolution as amended, being put to a roll call vote, the result was as follows: Those voting YES: Those ABSENT: Those voting NO: The motion having received the approval of the Board, President of the Board declared the motion carried and the resolution duly adopted this 21st day of September, 2010. 3 This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the proceedings held and the resolution adopted by the Board of Trustees of the St. Louis Community College, at its meeting duly called and held on September 21, 2010. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the District this 21th day September of 2010. Rebecca Garrison Secretary, Board Of Trustees St. Louis Community College Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____ day of ___________ 2010. Notary Public My commission expires: 4 #7 Resolution Re October 28, 2010 Executive Session of the Board of Trustees The Board is requested to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees, pursuant to R.S. Mo. Section 610.022 (as amended 2004), schedules the holding of a closed meeting, record and vote on October 28, 2010, at 6 p.m., at the South County Education and University Center 4115 Meramec Bottom Road, St. Louis, MO 63129, for the following reasons: 1) to discuss legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving St. Louis Community College and to hold any confidential or privileged communications with the attorney for the College (Section 610.021) (1)), and the lease, purchase or sale of real estate (Section 610.021 (2)); and 2) to discuss action upon any personnel matters relating to the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of personnel, (Section 610.021 (3)); and 3) to discuss pending and future discussion and negotiations with employee groups of St. Louis Community College and the work product related thereto (Section 610.021 (9)); and 4) to discuss individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment, including proposed reclassifications and reassignments of positions, and grievances, (Section 610.021 (13)); and 5) to hold confidential or privileged communications with the auditor, including all auditor work product (610.021(17), and FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the closed meetings be given in accordance with R.S. Mo. Section 610.020 as amended 2004. 9/21/10 Board Agenda 09/21/10 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME Hanson, Philip CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION TITLE RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE C CC Senior Project Associate II P 11 $71,464.13 09/22/10-06/30/11 Change in job title only as a result of classification review. -1- 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/FULL- TIME FACULTY CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Barron, Tracy C FP Instructor II/Reading IV-D $50,861* 01/10/11-05/13/11 Agard, Constance C FV Instructor II/Reading IV-I 54,509* 09/22/10-12/17/10 NAME TITLE * Salary is in accordance with Board Policy D1, Faculty/Initial Placement. Barron: Replacement position Agard: Temporary, partial-semester, replacement position RANGE ANNUAL RATE EFFECTIVE DATE 9/21/10 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Hitschler, Ellen C FV Child Care Attendant I, Part-time, Continuing 2 Chester, Joni C W Student Activities Assistant II, Parttime, Continuing 6 15.40/hr** 09/22/10 White, Paul C FV Housekeeper - 14.74/hr** 09/27/10 Ash, Latricia C FP College Police Officer 6 1,328.65 bi-wk* 09/22/10 Chambwa, Mwaka C HEC Laboratory Technician, Part-time, Continuing 6 15.18/hr* 09/22/10 NAME TITLE -1a* Minimum salary for the range. ** Pay rate in current position. Hitschler, White & Ash: Replacement positions; Chester & Chambwa: New positions RANGE PAY RATE $10.40/hr* EFFECTIVE DATE 09/22/10 09/21/10 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION Jackson, Joyce C FP Primous, Ena C Lucido, Vicki RANGE PAY RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Administrative Assistant-VicePresident’s Office 7 $1,616.99 bi-wk 09/22/10 FP Administrative Assistant-VicePresident’s Office 7 1,450.40 bi-wk 09/22/10 C FV Administrative Assistant-VicePresident’s Office 7 1,994.75 bi-wk 09/22/10 Peeples, Renee C FV Administrative Assistant-VicePresident’s Office 7 1,457.45 bi-wk 09/22/10 Maganza, Kathryn C M Administrative Assistant-VicePresident’s Office 7 1,646.42 bi-wk 09/22/10 Holt, Sharon C M Administrative Assistant-VicePresident’s Office 7 1,457.45 bi-wk 09/22/10 Keith, Diane C W Administrative Assistant-VicePresident’s Office 7 1,457.45 bi-wk 09/22/10 NAME TITLE -1b- All are changes in job title only as a result of classification review. 09/21/10 3.1 APPOINTMENTS/PART-TIME, CONTINUING ADMINISTRATIVE/PROFESSIONAL STAFF NAME CURRENT (C) OR NEW (N) EMPLOYEE LOCATION C W Sucher, Krista TITLE Academic Advisor RANGE P8 RATE $18.19/hr* EFFECTIVE DATE 09/22/10 * Minimum salary for the range This is a new position -23.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE FROM PROBATIONARY TO NON-PROBATIONARY STATUS NAME LOCATION TITLE RATE EFFECTIVE DATE Foster, Timothy M Housekeeper From: $11.91/hr To: 14.74/hr* 08/21/10 Lehr, Bryan FP General Maintenance Mechanic From: To: 09/22/10 24.80/hr 27.55/hr* * Rate is as prescribed in Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Physical Plant Employees. 09/21/10 3.2 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Mason, John LOCATION TITLE RANGE FV Student Admissions/Registration Assistant III 5 PAY RATE From: $1,545.81 bi-wk To: 1,638.54 bi-wk* EFFECTIVE DATE 08/13/10-12/31/10 -2a* Salary increase is in accordance with Resolution Relating to Provisions of Board Policy Applicable to Classified Office & Technical Bargaining Unit Employees, Article XXI Additional Compensation. ** Ending date may be earlier contingent upon filling vacancy Name Abbott, Monte Lee Abdul-Hafidh, Jamal A Achelpohl, Robyn E Adams, Leroy Loc M M CC FP FP FP Adelman, Barbara B CC Adeyemi, Gloria W W Agard, Constance Eileen FV Ahrens, Marlene Rose CC Aitken, Victoria J FV FV FV FV FV Akin, Rachel Ann CC FP FP Albrecht, Randall L M Aldridge, Sarah E W Allman, Julie A W Ambers-Phillips, Shonda Omega FV Anderson, Gina M FP Anderson, Lynda Smith FP Anderson-Rice, Rose Mary FV Andert, Lucas G FP Andrews, Courtney A FV FV FV Ankenbrand, Ralph J FV Annis, Jeff C FP Anthonis, Dennis M FP Armstrong, Francine M M M Autrey, Mary Jungewaelter FP FP FP Back, Gail Ann FV FV FP FP FP CC FP CC CC CC Back, Gordon Edward FV FV FP FP FP CC CC CC CC Baggett, Daniel E CC Bagley, Sara L M Bailey, Jerry Lee M Bailey, Matthew T FP Bake, Marlene G FP 09/21/10 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ANT105674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BUS202650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COMP FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 18.00 MTH140452 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140451 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.50 BIO122338 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.88 Workshop 06/15/10 06/30/10 1.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 34.50 SOC211501 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 SOC103503 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Honors 07/11/10 07/26/10 2.00 SOC126551 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY2185IA 07/12/10 07/16/10 3.00 ARTS731401FPCE 06/14/10 07/19/10 33.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 ARTS731401 07/14/10 08/21/10 1.48 Men Bsk Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.33 ECO151350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 GEO100350 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 1.95 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 2.52 COM101404 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CCPR FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.70 PSC101571 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSC101T55 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSC101T65 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 3.31 KIDS 704 06/22/10 08/13/10 18.00 DMS207450 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 MTH030606 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH025601 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 4.00 BAP150401 05/18/10 06/26/10 1.87 Substitute 06/01/10 08/14/10 12.00 CPRFVPRI 05/18/10 08/13/10 34.00 CPRFVADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.09 CTCR INSTR 05/18/10 08/13/10 54.00 TC EQUIP 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.34 CTCR ADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.39 CTCRADJMCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.88 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 4.48 NSNGADJFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.05 CTCR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 52.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 19.00 CPRFVPRI 05/18/10 08/13/10 35.00 CPRFVADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.10 CTCR INSTR 05/18/10 08/13/10 11.50 EMT ADJ 06/01/10 08/14/10 1.20 CTCR ADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.04 NSNG ADJ FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.03 CTCRADJMCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.10 CTCR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 37.00 NSNG CPR FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 BUSN MCE 06/22/10 08/13/10 12.00 PSY200651 06/27/10 08/07/10 3.00 Substitute 07/01/10 08/14/10 12.00 EDU218450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG016403 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 -3- Amount Paid $2,034.24 $2,682.24 $486.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $225.00 $1,878.19 $300.00 $483.00 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $166.00 $2,682.24 $747.00 $891.00 $83.00 $1,000.05 $2,331.28 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $1,322.10 $1,522.08 $2,325.12 $58.00 $423.64 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $3,309.85 $522.00 $1,033.92 $2,325.12 $996.00 $2,419.84 $1,134.30 $286.50 $1,054.00 $52.97 $1,674.00 $1,414.68 $234.52 $529.56 $2,713.27 $30.27 $1,612.00 $589.00 $1,015.00 $60.53 $333.50 $726.24 $22.70 $15.14 $60.53 $1,073.00 $290.00 $348.00 $2,034.24 $264.00 $2,325.12 $1,550.08 Name Baker, Mary J Balderas, Barbara A Baldwin, Robert O Barnes, Bobbie Sue Barnes, Leslie C Barnes-Roberts, Andrea Marie Barnholtz, Lane Daryl Barteau, Brian Edward Batisto, Joan J Batson, Stephanie Renae Baumann, Joseph Adair Baxter-Carr, Susan L Bearden, Jerry L Bearden, William G Beardsell, Kathleen Dorothy Beck, Scott M Bednar, Lisa Bee, Bethabra Behle, Lawrence K Belyaeva, Yelena Bender, Jack Bender, Kathleen A Bender, Marcia Marie Bene', Molly Elizabeth Bennett, Linda M Benton, Melissa Joy Berger, Kathryn Grace Bergin, Cheryl Lynn Berkbigler, Jodie Louise Berry, June E Beta, Martha Beyer, Deborah Ann Bick, Gregory J Bickel, Gregory Scott Bierbaum, Susan E Bingham, Brian Thomas Bingham, Thomas J Birch, Ruth E Bise, Elaine M 09/21/10 Loc FP FP FP FV FP FV CC CC W W FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP CC CC CC CC W W M M FP FP M M M M FV FP FV CC M M FP W M M M M M M CC FV FV M M M FP FP FP FV W FV FV FV FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv RDG017403 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 RDG013017 06/07/10 07/30/10 80.66 DMS203401 06/07/10 07/31/10 14.17 IS 101574 05/18/10 08/07/10 1.00 PSY208474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 125595 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ARTS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.50 GEDU FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 50.00 ENG1023W2 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1023W1 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 IDS101450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.80 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 1.31 EMT PRI 05/18/10 08/16/10 3.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 9.00 ENG020402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG030451 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG020403 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ANIM MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 28.50 COMP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 18.00 COMP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 ENG101374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101302 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 10.00 MTH030S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG020404 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG020401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 IRT140674 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 IRT140674 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 IS 205675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 205675 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 COMP FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.50 ENG051401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 GNSF FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 32.00 GEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 81.00 BIO111605 05/18/10 06/11/10 4.33 Substitute 06/01/10 08/14/10 2.50 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.80 COM101302 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG070602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG053601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO208603 06/14/10 07/24/10 1.33 BIO208601 05/18/10 06/11/10 1.33 BIO207603 06/14/10 07/24/10 1.33 BIO207601 05/18/10 06/11/10 1.33 CCPR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 CCPR FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 Workshop 06/15/10 06/30/10 1.00 PHY122601 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.50 PHY223601 06/07/10 07/31/10 6.00 COM101606 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 IS 125474 06/07/10 07/31/10 32.00 ILC 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 IS 123474 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 MTH186552 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 EDU211301 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 FINC FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.00 Skilled Trades 05/18/10 07/31/10 1.00 BIO207502 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.33 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.40 -4- Amount Paid $775.04 $1,349.44 $9,605.00 $678.08 $2,997.12 $1,550.08 $337.50 $1,050.00 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $484.16 $790.54 $1,814.88 $126.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $36.00 $769.50 $522.00 $145.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $250.00 $1,814.88 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $999.04 $1,998.08 $2,997.12 $999.04 $148.50 $2,997.12 $864.00 $2,187.00 $3,871.37 $62.50 $484.16 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $901.85 $901.85 $901.85 $901.85 $58.00 $58.00 $300.00 $2,722.32 $3,629.76 $2,325.12 $1,161.92 $516.96 $775.04 $3,996.16 $2,034.24 $252.00 $999.20 $3,871.36 $242.08 Name Blackburn, Jean T Blackwell, Lewis E Blanchard, William D Blanke, Aron L Bloodsworth, Susan Boehm, Jason L Bollinger, Jason John Bommarito, Lisa Dawn Boschert, Barbara Ann Bossi, Patti D Bowles, Ida Mary Bowles, Micah J Boyd, Gabriel R Bradfield, Katherine Anne Bramer, Julia Anne Brannan, Beverly C Brazeal, Jana S Breitman, Peter N Brennan, Joan Mary Brennan, Patricia A Brogdon, Benjamin Ray Brown, Amy L Brown, Kathy Ann Brown, Latonya V Brown, Norman R Brumfield, David J Buchanan, Leonor Shelton Buck, Stephanie Janine Buettner, Thomas L Bunton, Thessalonia Burgess, Sandra Jean Burk, Charles Walter Burke, Mary Hagan Burkhardt, Sarah B Buss, Kenneth D 09/21/10 Loc FP FP W CC FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP CC CC CC CC FV FP CC W W FV W M M W CC FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV M FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 ENG030450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CHM101301 06/07/10 07/17/10 5.33 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 33.00 RDG016503 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 RDG017503 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 ENG030503 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140570 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.81 PHL104401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL101450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL101448 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 RTH146401 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.33 NRSGADJMCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.03 NRSG MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 COMP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 28.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 18.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 20.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.70 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 32.00 PHL101374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL101375 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101551 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG030301 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 5.48 ACC100650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC100350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 33.00 RTH146401 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 ENG1025WE 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1025WD 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ESL/NURS PGM 06/01/10 06/26/10 1.00 COM101577 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 2.25 Substitute 07/01/10 08/14/10 6.00 COM101551 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.93 ECE206401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ECE200401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 07/25/10 08/14/10 2.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 ENG102SWD 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG020407 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CLINICAL CORD 05/18/10 08/16/10 6.41 BIO203552 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.67 BIO111501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BIO111501lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 IS 102474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 102404 05/18/10 06/10/10 3.00 ENG2135XB 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 CRJ124401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 CRJ122401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 CRJ123401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Coordinator 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 CRDTS EXAM 05/18/10 06/12/10 0.79 DHY 142 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.25 MTH020504 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH020542 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Aqua Dir 05/18/10 06/04/10 0.67 PE 130501 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 Aqua Dir 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 -5- Amount Paid $83.00 $2,997.12 $5,324.88 $759.00 $1,550.08 $775.04 $2,325.12 $1,907.10 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $201.52 $15.13 $264.00 $924.00 $486.00 $500.00 $423.64 $800.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,814.88 $2,682.24 $3,712.05 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $759.00 $516.96 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $600.00 $2,034.24 $56.25 $150.00 $2,034.24 $563.14 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $50.00 $198.00 $2,034.24 $2,682.24 $3,879.68 $4,665.52 $2,997.12 $1,328.72 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $83.00 $2,325.12 $775.04 $790.97 $2,251.35 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $403.04 $806.08 $403.04 Name Butchart, Timothy Alan Butler, Cathy Ann Butler, Herman B Buzzai, Annunciata Byington, Carol H Caldwell, Marilyn Carol Calicutt, Carolyn J Calicutt, Steven C Calicutt, Stevie C Caliman, Lawrence Mugurel Cameron, Brian K Cantrell, Michele Rene Carlos, Mario Pruna Carney, Marinan M Carosella, Anthony Joseph Carr, Gregory Stephen Carroll, Amy Michelle Carroll, Brian J Carroll, Maria Esther Carter, Bryonie Anne Carter, Terrell Lamont Chang, Sheow Hwey Char, Deborah J Chavaux, Therese L Chien, Rueih Wei Christopher, Mark Stephen Chyi, Barbara T Clark, Clara M Clayton, Joel Timothy Clements, Donna K Cody, Cathy Cox Cokley, Nathaniel R Colby, Scott M Colcleasure, Sean Shepard Coleman, Darryl Kevin Coleman, Paula Monet Davis Collins, Judith A Collins, Robert W Combest, John G Conway, Thomas A Cooke, Dorothy Jane Copper, David W 09/21/10 Loc M CC FP CC FV FV FP FP M FV FV FP FP FP FP M M FP M M M FV M M M W W W FV FP M CC FP CC CC FV CC CC CC FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FV FV FV FV W CC FV FP FP FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv GEG100650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/23/10 60.00 CRJ208499 05/19/10 06/05/10 1.00 FLIT MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 32.00 CHM101551 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 Nanotech 06/07/10 06/30/10 0.00 IS 151450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Tomorrow Prj 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 130650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH220551 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 PHL104501 05/18/10 06/12/10 3.00 Seminar 07/09/10 08/07/10 1.00 PE 181403 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.21 PE 181402 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 Gallery Direct 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 PSY205602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ART172695 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 COM101451 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 07/26/10 08/14/10 6.00 COM107602 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 KIDS FVCE 06/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 ENG1026WD 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG030601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1026XB 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ART100376 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ART100375 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IDS101374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ARTS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 39.00 MTH160C401 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 PSY200S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 FLCH MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 16.00 EMT PRI 05/18/10 08/16/10 5.01 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 20.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 32.50 IS 123552 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 NRSGADJMCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.01 NRSG MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 CRFT MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.50 PE 130131132404 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130131132401 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130131132403 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130131132402 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 ENG030406 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG030404 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 7.50 ECE127450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EDU211S50 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Correction 06/14/10 07/03/10 1.58 ENG101401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.35 PHY223501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHY223550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PE 130504 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130503 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 133301 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 HEAL MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 CPR FV PRI 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 CTCR ADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.01 CTCR INSTR 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 CPR FV ADJ 06/07/10 08/13/10 0.01 -6- Amount Paid $2,682.24 $1,080.00 $83.00 $864.00 $3,996.16 $0.00 $2,712.32 $2,682.24 $2,325.12 $3,390.40 $2,997.12 $40.00 $730.51 $806.08 $775.44 $2,997.12 $3,101.76 $2,034.24 $150.00 $2,034.24 $604.56 $405.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,053.00 $2,419.84 $2,997.12 $368.00 $3,028.59 $360.00 $585.00 $678.08 $7.57 $132.00 $36.00 $3,051.00 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $187.50 $2,325.12 $2,997.12 $1,574.11 $2,997.38 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $42.00 $165.00 $7.57 $165.00 $7.57 Name Corley, Norman G Cornelius, Jeffrey Bernard Cottle, Sandra K Cox, Karen E Cox, Michelene F Cozart, Tosha S Crane, Alison B Crawford, Andrew Phillip Creighton, Allison L Crider, Jack Critchfield, Cynthia S Croghan, Ann D Crusoe, Stephanie Eunice Cucchi, Michael A Curran, Michele Leianne Curry, Adrienne Michelle Cyr, Laura-Jean A Daniel, Allen R Danyluck, Sharon J Davies-Sigmund, Francine M Davis, Joseph L Davis, Stephen Michael Dawson, Susan Christine Day, Christopher K Dees, Terri Sue Deetz, Kathleen M Deken, Anna Kathleen DeLaet, Dru Lynn Deloney, Ronald W Denney, Christa Gearhart DeShetler, Steven James DeSimone, Monette Devine, Edith A Dew, Beverly Theresa Dhawan, Balram Diekmann, Henry A Dietzler, Michael N Dingus, Steven Michael Dooley, Timothy E Dorough, Scott C 09/21/10 Loc FP FP FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FP FP FP M CC CC FV FV M FP CC FP M CC M M M M FP FP FP FP FV FV CC M M FV FV M M FV FV FV FV CC CC CC FV FV FV M FP FP M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EMT PRI 05/18/10 08/16/10 3.74 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 1.35 CHM105501lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 5.33 BUS103674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ECO151551 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG030502 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140535 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 MTH030541 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH020501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101502 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101550 05/18/10 08/01/10 3.00 Woman's Soccer 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.65 Workshop 06/15/10 06/26/10 1.00 RDG030505 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.75 OE 130131132453 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130131132411 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130131132412 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 SOC101602 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ARTS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 42.00 ARTS FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 168.00 ARTS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 150.00 DANC FVCE 06/01/10 08/13/10 10.50 Wom Soc Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 DMS208401 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.83 CFKD MCE 08/05/10 08/13/10 10.50 DHY 142 07/12/10 08/02/10 1.07 PHY111603 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 24.00 ESL 06/07/10 08/14/10 3.00 ENG061651 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG070601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSC101S01 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Men's Soc 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 4.00 IDS101407 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ART100402 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 06/04/10 08/14/10 7.00 ART109551 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 KIDS MCE 08/04/10 08/13/10 18.00 PSY205679 06/13/10 08/07/10 3.00 PSY205681 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140551 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH108551 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.81 CHM105603 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 CHM101695 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 CHM106501lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 Substitute 07/01/10 08/14/10 2.50 AT 176504 07/25/10 08/16/10 1.33 ASK WKSHP 06/14/10 06/25/10 1.00 KIDS MCE 07/27/10 08/13/10 25.50 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 281.50 STPATS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 22.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 1.18 CHM101501 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 CHM101503 06/07/10 07/17/10 5.33 ECO152650 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.20 PE 161478 07/01/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO208602 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO207650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 COM101475 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 -7- Amount Paid $2,264.81 $817.02 $5,324.88 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $1,814.88 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $999.79 $300.00 $1,663.64 $1,192.00 $1,192.00 $1,192.00 $2,034.24 $1,134.00 $4,536.00 $4,050.00 $189.00 $502.54 $4,523.40 $241.50 $952.11 $4,995.20 $648.00 $66.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,997.12 $500.02 $332.00 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $175.00 $2,418.24 $414.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,907.10 $3,996.16 $5,324.89 $1,328.72 $62.50 $1,192.00 $50.00 $535.50 $5,397.00 $594.00 $796.65 $3,996.16 $5,324.88 $2,997.12 $121.04 $1,813.68 $3,355.92 $3,355.92 $2,325.12 Name Douglas, Milton R Dreier, Barbara Lynn DuBois, Kathleen Collins Dunham, Mary Smith Dunn, Randy R Dutt, Michael D Dyson, Pamela Lynn Dzunu, Pamela Guntharp Ebert, Dineen M Eder, Carol Betsy Edwards, Jeanne A Eigel, Mary T Eilerman, Ruth Katherine Ellermann, Kurt H Elliott, Glendoria Ellis, Charles Michael Ellis, Glen R Endy, Alice J Evens, Kevin A Fagin, Gary C Farace, Julie A Farias, Teddy A Farwig, Phyllis Jeanne Feezel, Regina L Feiner, Jason W Feldman, Lori B Fernandez, Cynthia Ann Fingers, Angelicia Elpis Finley, Dawn Kasal Fisher, Constance Lynne Fisher, Mark Appling Fletcher, Morris E Floyd, Toshi Flunker, John Craft Fogelbach, Kelly Joy Fox, Marianne Frankenreiter, David A Fraser, Eileen B Fraser, Jennifer C Frese, Anne M Fricks, Aldene L Frischmann, Robert Steven 09/21/10 Loc CC CC M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV CC FP M CC FV FV FV M M FP FV CC FP CC M CC M M M M M FP FP FP FV FV M CC CC FP M CC FV M FV M CC W FV FV FP M FV FV FV CC FV FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PEDU FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 16.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 35.00 LGL224650 06/10/10 06/24/10 1.00 LGL218695 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.74 MTH220603 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MTH210603 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 IRT201674 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 PE 106580 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 169550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 121550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 118580 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130551 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 CCPR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 ENG053450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 123674 06/07/10 06/27/10 1.00 MUSC FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.00 ECTA 10 05/18/10 06/30/10 46.00 ECTA 06/01/10 07/31/10 28.00 MOT TA 05/18/10 07/31/10 8.00 ART131602 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 CRJ123674 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.30 PE 122501 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 CRJS FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 24.00 Wom Soft 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 AHCE MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 63.00 MTH140S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 40.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 2.33 MTH020602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PE 161650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 1.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 1.30 MTH020410 06/28/10 07/30/10 3.00 MTH030409 06/28/10 07/30/10 3.00 PHL101501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL109551 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 AT 120601 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 CVT/ASST MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 BUSS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 7.00 PE 181421 06/28/10 08/17/10 0.13 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 9.00 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 ENG030550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSY200650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 AT 176503 07/11/10 07/24/10 1.33 ARC110601 06/07/10 07/31/10 96.00 EDUC MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 22.50 BIO111302 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PE 181550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 122550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 MDG Training 05/27/10 06/30/10 0.67 MTH030650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 FOOD FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 27.00 CHM105552lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 CHM101501lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 CCPR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 1.00 CRFT FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.00 IS 102440 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 SI Dir 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.45 -8- Amount Paid $288.00 $560.00 $894.08 $2,452.01 $3,875.20 $3,875.20 $996.00 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $108.00 $2,034.24 $999.04 $276.00 $2,300.00 $1,400.00 $400.00 $3,996.48 $2,034.24 $181.56 $904.00 $792.00 $500.02 $1,953.00 $2,997.12 $720.00 $58.25 $1,814.88 $2,326.32 $775.44 $22.00 $32.50 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,712.00 $120.00 $189.00 $75.58 $198.00 $270.00 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $904.00 $1,659.84 $607.50 $2,034.24 $904.00 $904.00 $666.08 $1,814.88 $729.00 $901.84 $901.84 $11.00 $216.00 $1,998.24 $1,663.37 Name Frost, Stephan George Frye, Felipe S Fuller, Neathery Batsell Gahan, Lisa Ann Gallen, James M Gallup, Craig William Ganim, Margaret Joyce Garcia, Jessica P Gardner, Kathleen Hinrichs Garwood, Deborah Sue Gaubatz, Douglas Gawlik, Ray A Geist, Zoe Ann Gentelin, Karen Zes Gentry, Jennifer Lynn Gentry, Mary Ann Gero, Susan A Giovanni, Joanne B Gladden, Patricia L Glass, Alan D Gochnour, Frances Ellen Goede, Robin Christine Gonzalez, Lorenzo Fernando Goodman, Lee Clayton Goodrich, Scott Michael Gorman, Belinda L Gosche, Michael C Graefser, Zachary Adam Greer, James F Gregory, Jaye J Griffin, Brian Cordell Grillo, Julia S Grothe, James W Gunther, Margarita K Gusdorf, Dorine Renee Gutzler, George Steven Hafezi, Bella Hagan, Oliver L Hagedorn, Connie Jean 09/21/10 Loc FV M FP FP M M CC FV CC W W M FV CC M FV CC FV FV FV FV FP FV M CC CC M M W M M M CC FP FP FP FP FP FV M CC CC M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP CC W W FV FP FV FV CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv SI Direct 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.45 Wom Soft Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.65 ART107108all 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.67 ART111112all 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 ANT102674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ANT101675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CCPR MCE 05/25/10 08/13/10 2.00 CCPR FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 3.00 HIST MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 IDS101377 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL104375 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ESLPLCMNT 06/11/10 08/14/10 15.50 ASSTSOFCOA 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.65 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 33.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 3.00 AT 176553 07/10/10 07/30/10 1.33 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 Substitute 06/01/10 08/14/10 9.00 Substitute 07/25/10 08/14/10 2.00 BIO567565 05/20/10 07/24/10 3.43 BIO111550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/14/10 4.15 PEDU FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 76.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 9.00 EDUC MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 EDUC FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 BIO111604 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO111650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 PE 161301 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.50 BUS202650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC110650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 ACC110601 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 ARTS748401FPCE 06/17/10 07/16/10 30.00 ART114214 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 ARTS748401 06/17/10 08/21/10 1.48 CTCR INST 05/18/10 08/13/10 9.00 CTCRADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.01 CTL Project 05/19/10 06/30/10 4.00 BLW101501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Bse Coach 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.38 MOTR FPCE 06/25/10 08/23/10 40.00 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 MTH240650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Bse Coach 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.28 COM101S50 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 AT 230636 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 AT 281602 07/11/10 07/24/10 4.00 AT 281602 07/25/10 08/07/10 1.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 10.50 MTH030453 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 FRE101451 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 MTH154451 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH144450 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 FLSP FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 16.00 PHL104301 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL101302 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 IS 116550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/14/10 7.08 ECO151502 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECO152501 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PERD MCE 05/24/10 08/13/10 4.00 -9- Amount Paid $1,663.37 $1,000.05 $1,808.00 $2,712.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $54.00 $81.00 $50.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $341.00 $999.54 $759.00 $75.00 $1,332.16 $160.00 $225.00 $50.00 $2,323.69 $2,034.24 $4,146.68 $1,368.00 $225.00 $264.00 $264.00 $4,325.84 $4,325.84 $2,722.32 $2,997.12 $3,100.16 $3,100.16 $810.00 $2,712.00 $1,000.05 $297.00 $7.57 $100.00 $2,325.12 $833.29 $720.00 $101.50 $2,034.24 $166.51 $2,997.12 $3,996.48 $1,106.68 $221.44 $262.50 $2,034.24 $2,712.32 $2,712.32 $3,390.40 $336.00 $2,997.12 $1,494.24 $2,034.24 $6,325.05 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $108.00 Name Hahn, Stephen D Hall, Gloria J Hall, Janessa D Hallermann, Charleen T Hamper, Bruce Cameron Hampton, Gloria Ann Hanewinkel, Katherine I Hapner, Barry N Hardeman, Vernon Gale Harder, Keith E Harris, Robert L Harris, Sharon Ruth Harrison, Kenneth E Hartin, Liesa A Hawkins, Kenneth J Hayes, Nicola Anne Haynes, Pamela J Heck, Theresa Elizabeth Heckmann, Jean Frances Helle, Nancy A Helton, Daniel J Henderson, Martha Lee Henson, Dennis Ray Henson, Gregory A Herdlick, John D Hernandez, Leslie S Herzog, David L Higgins, Nancy Ann Higgins, Stephanie Hill-Carter, Camesha Nichole Hinds, Brianna Danielle Hirssig, Gary James Hocine, Chabha Hoefel, Briann O Hoffman, Beverly Lake Holland, Steven W Hollander, Robert R Holtzer, Dan R Honnold, Adrianne L Hoormann, Melissa Susan Hoppe, Bradley Robert Horner, Mary E Hosseini, Nicole Mangudo Hossin, Omar J Howe, Joseph W Howell, Nicole M Hoyer, Kendell Lynn Hritzkowin, Nicholas J 09/21/10 Loc FP FV FV FP M CC M W FV FP CC FV FV FV FV W W FV M FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP CC M M FP M FP FP FV FV CC FP FV FP W M M FV CC FP FP FP FP M W FV CC W CC FP M W FP FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EMT ADJ 06/01/10 08/14/10 0.48 FOOD FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 PSY200550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 5.00 CHM210602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.67 CCPR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 PE 181602 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 HST102350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Workshop 06/15/10 06/30/10 1.00 PE 180475 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BUSS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 3.00 ENG1035WD 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1035WE 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101576 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG2135IA 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PE 181182368 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 PED116350 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 PE 139550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 3.00 RTH146401 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 HRM210499 07/07/10 07/18/10 1.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 ESL 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 Workshop 06/01/10 06/12/10 1.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 12.00 MTH030406 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH030405 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 2.69 ART101S50 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MensSoc 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.86 MTH160C603 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 CCPR 765 05/18/10 05/31/10 2.00 CCPR728H56 07/23/10 08/13/10 30.00 MGT204574 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 MGT204574 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 NPAD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.50 EMT ADJ 05/20/10 08/14/10 0.60 ENG100501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH030408 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.90 PE 130302 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 ARA101650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 ARA101HON 07/25/10 08/21/10 1.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 9.25 ARTS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 32.00 Librarian 05/24/10 08/14/10 5.16 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 2.00 MTH020408 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH020406 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MUS128674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MUS128374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH170551 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.63 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 40.00 COM107301 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 KIDS MCE 06/08/10 08/13/10 18.00 RTH146401 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.33 MTH177650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH030301 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 1.48 MTH185551 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 BIO111550lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 -10- Amount Paid $287.47 $378.00 $2,034.24 $415.00 $2,844.39 $54.00 $1,033.92 $2,325.12 $300.00 $2,682.24 $99.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,192.00 $1,192.00 $806.08 $75.00 $403.04 $83.00 $83.00 $775.04 $600.00 $300.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $101.50 $2,083.35 $2,682.24 $2,333.35 $3,576.32 $1,550.08 $870.00 $1,998.08 $999.04 $67.50 $363.12 $2,325.12 $1,966.43 $904.00 $3,100.16 $83.00 $231.25 $864.00 $3,500.17 $166.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,779.96 $720.00 $2,034.24 $378.00 $201.52 $3,996.16 $2,997.12 $892.67 $3,875.20 $804.59 Name Hubbman, Yvette Joneen Huettner, Juergen E Hughes, Barbara Ann Hughes, Kenneth Charles Hughes, Martha R Hunt, Camille M Hurt, David Edward Hurt, Debra A Hustava, Kathleen Denise Hutchison, Joshua W Hyland, Deborah J Hyman, Cherie M Imbeault, Daria J Ivery, Judy Ann Jackson, Joseph W Jackson, Tiffany Chavon Jackson-Potter, Jessica Nicole Jacques, Therese M James, David Michael Jamison, Michael T Jayaweera, Henry Bernard Jeep, Robert T Jenner, Julia Carol Jewell, Deanna Sue Johnson, Cecilia H Johnson, David Art Johnson, Frank Walter Johnson, Marla Patricia Johnson-Stephenson, Maria M Johnston, Elisabeth Ann Johny, John Mulavana Jones, Allen W Jones, Casey John Jones, Donald L Jones, Janice Maria Rogers Jones, Ronald L Jones, Sally Jane Jones, Sarah Elizabeth Jorgensen-Zidar, Nikole S Joyce, Sherry G Juhlin, DaNae Lynn 09/21/10 Loc M W FP CC FP FP FP CC M M M FV M M M FV CC CC FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FP FV M M CC FV FV FP FP FP M M FP FP FV FV M CC CC CC CC FV FP FP M M FV FV FP FP FP CC CC CC CC FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ANT102647 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ANT102374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 WomSoccer 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.01 HOME MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 1.28 Substitute 06/14/10 08/14/10 2.50 MUS114474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 DANC MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 ARC228650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO207602 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO208650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 Workshop 06/15/10 06/30/10 1.00 ENG1026WC 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101S02 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG102SWC 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 GEDU FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 51.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.80 Job Rdy Trn 05/20/10 06/30/10 52.00 JobRdiTrn 06/22/10 07/31/10 33.00 MTH020570 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH020505 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH030570 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.41 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.50 ECO152550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 3.00 ESLPLCMNT 06/11/10 08/14/10 20.00 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 24.00 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ART133501 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 RDG030404 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 RDG030407 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 PHL112674 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL112675 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PE 162163450 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 163401 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.29 SPA201550 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 32.00 MTH170650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BUSS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 CTCRADJMCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.01 CTCR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 83.00 RDG020550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.13 EMT PRI 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.86 PE 173650 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 ENG101604 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO208550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BIO208550lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 DHY215421 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.54 DHY226421 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.60 DHY142421 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.01 NSNGCPRFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 CTCR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 NSNGADJFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.04 CTCRADJMCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.01 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.10 -11- Amount Paid $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $2,333.43 $46.00 $771.63 $62.50 $2,682.24 $144.00 $2,325.00 $2,936.09 $2,936.09 $300.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,377.00 $56.00 $101.50 $484.16 $1,612.00 $1,023.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $279.68 $302.60 $2,997.12 $75.00 $440.00 $432.00 $775.04 $3,101.76 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $83.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,033.92 $875.75 $3,996.16 $576.00 $2,325.12 $495.00 $7.57 $165.00 $1,662.00 $2,682.24 $80.19 $521.77 $904.00 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $1,030.80 $543.27 $599.47 $1,011.61 $462.00 $165.00 $22.70 $7.57 $60.52 Name Loc Kacer, Karen Faye Kahn, Dency B Kalyanaraman, Somasundaram FP M FP FP M M M M CC CC FV FP FP FP FP M M M FV CC FP FP M M W W W CC FP FP FV FP CC M M FP FP FP CC FV FP FP FP FP FV FV W W M FV FV FV M FP FP CC FV FV CC M M Kargacin, John J Karl, Jeffrey J Karutz, Theresa M Kauffmann, Kelly Jean Keck-Prail, Michele Renee Kehr, Judith A Kelly, Constance M Kelly, J Kevin Kempf, Henry Anthony Kennison, Richard D Kenzora, Paula Ann Kerans, Verna Alice Kerlagon, Kathleen A Kern, Laura A Kerr, Bob Ketcherside, Gary L Kettler, Rebecca Key, Byron S Kiel, Gail P Kimzey, Satoko K Kinder, David Edgar Kinnard, Dale A Kinslow, James Mayfield Kissinger, Susan Harshaw Kitt, Robert L Kizart, Claudean Klein, Bonnie J Klingerman, Linda K Klinkerman, Brenda S Klostermann, David Norbert Knight, Paul D Knipping, Melanie R Knobloch, Christian Ian Mark Knox, Timothy Jerome Koeneker, John B Kolker, Ruth K Konfisakhar, Igor Kopp, Patricia Ann Korbesmeyer, Bruce 09/21/10 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Librarian 05/24/10 08/14/10 6.30 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 2.75 CHM101450 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 CHM101421 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 Wom Soc Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 Wom Soc Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.44 SPA101601 05/18/10 06/12/10 1.00 PE 105601 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 42.40 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/27/10 8.00 ASL WKSHP 06/14/10 06/25/10 1.00 CTL Project 05/19/10 06/30/10 4.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 2.00 MCM113401 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 1.00 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.67 PE 130 05/18/10 06/04/10 0.33 EGR256550 05/18/10 08/03/10 2.34 KIDS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 30.00 MDG Training 05/27/10 06/30/10 0.67 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 2.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 5.80 HST101301 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 HST101374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST102374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 81.80 CTL Project 05/19/10 06/30/10 4.00 SPA101401 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 ASL WKSHP 06/14/10 06/25/10 1.00 MDG Training 05/27/10 06/30/10 0.67 FLJP FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 16.00 PSI111650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHY112601 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.50 CTCR INSTR 05/18/10 08/13/10 9.00 KIDS704H16 06/22/10 08/13/10 49.00 PEDU FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.00 ART165551 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 RDG012401 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 RDG013401 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 DMS212450 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 DMS213401 06/07/10 07/31/10 6.25 LGL108550 06/10/10 07/15/10 1.50 LGL108550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.50 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 0.25 MTH186350 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.87 PSY205650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 ENG030504 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101504 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Men Bsk Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.28 MTH140405 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH140404 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ARTS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 32.00 Substitute 05/19/10 08/14/10 10.50 MTH230551 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 KIDS SUP 07/27/10 08/13/10 45.00 ECO152S50 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECO151S50 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 -12- Amount Paid $4,271.40 $2,747.80 $4,130.97 $4,130.97 $502.54 $2,333.45 $894.08 $806.08 $763.20 $184.00 $50.00 $100.00 $83.00 $166.00 $604.96 $22.00 $1,665.20 $333.04 $1,813.60 $810.00 $666.08 $83.00 $50.00 $3,932.40 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,472.40 $100.00 $3,996.16 $50.00 $516.96 $432.00 $2,682.24 $4,470.40 $302.60 $279.00 $1,127.00 $300.00 $3,101.76 $1,356.16 $678.08 $1,033.92 $4,846.51 $1,498.56 $1,498.56 $6.25 $1,266.73 $2,325.12 $135.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $166.51 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $864.00 $262.50 $3,390.40 $720.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 Name Korkaric, Huso Kornberger, Thomas M Korte, Jennifer Lynn Koshak, Karen D Kraus, Janet Lee Krausch, Ronald W Kravitz, Rebecca S Krieger, Christine Louise Krownapple, Michael Martin Kruescheck, Nancee L Kuhlman, Joseph Edward Kuschel, Diane Gale Kusto, Accalia Rae Kyle, Marcel A La Mell, Stephen R Ladd, Kathy L LaGarce, Charles Gratiot Lambert-Gardiner, Mary J Lambing, Eric J Lampe, Jeremy Michael Landis, Bryan H Lane, Graham Loyd Lane, Harry A Lane, Melissa Marie Lane, Theodore Roland Lange, Margaret M Langley, James R LaPorte, Michelle Lynn Larson, Judy C Larson, Robert C Larson, Steven B Lauburg, Mary S Leap, James M Learman, Mark D Lechkova, Eugenia Penkova Leick, James A Leifheit, Rhonda K Leinauer, Kathryn A Lenox, Roy E Leroux, Gina Lynn Lesh, James Scott 09/21/10 Loc M FP M M M M M M FP CC FP FP CC FV FV CC CC M M M CC FP FP M M FV FV FV CC CC FP M FV M M M M M M M FV FP FP M M M M M M M M FV FP FV FP M CC CC CC FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MTH186S50 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 EMT ADJ 05/20/10 08/14/10 0.10 COM107S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Aqua Coor 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 116S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 13.50 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 PE 116601 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 HIT Grant 07/01/10 08/13/10 1.00 MUSC MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 24.00 DHY142421 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.21 DHY142421 07/12/10 08/02/10 0.46 NRSG MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 63.30 PSY205503 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY205502 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 HORT MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.50 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/27/10 10.00 SOC1016W2 06/13/10 08/07/10 3.00 SOC204675 05/18/10 07/10/10 3.00 PSY205601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 FLFR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 32.00 CUL110427 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 CUL115427 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ART111636 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 AT 100601 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 Substitute 06/28/10 08/14/10 4.00 MTH040550 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.38 MTH140542 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.50 CRJS FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 24.00 ARTS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 24.00 CHM101421 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 ArtWorksGrant 06/01/10 08/07/10 201.00 MTH020552 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO207S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO207S50 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 IRT173674 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 IRT173674 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 IRT174695 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 IRT173695 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 ASSTMSOC 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 BIO111448lab 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 HIT101475 06/07/10 07/30/10 4.00 IRT256674 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 IS 205674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 205674 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 PHY122601 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.50 IS 123601 05/18/10 06/06/10 3.00 IS 125674 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 IS 103674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 151674 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 ENG2285WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HIT103401 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 2.39 BIO208450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 ART275696 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 PERD FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 HOME MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 COMP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 1.33 PE 153650 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.75 -13- Amount Paid $2,712.32 $60.52 $2,034.24 $904.00 $904.00 $297.00 $452.00 $904.00 $775.04 $648.00 $1,080.25 $411.24 $1,962.30 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $148.50 $270.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $864.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,712.00 $904.00 $100.00 $2,966.60 $1,695.20 $696.00 $504.00 $5,324.89 $5,489.32 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $4,325.84 $4,325.84 $1,550.08 $775.04 $1,494.24 $1,742.88 $499.77 $901.84 $3,576.32 $1,494.24 $2,682.24 $894.08 $1,498.56 $1,743.00 $1,788.16 $2,682.24 $3,576.32 $2,997.12 $1,788.16 $1,618.73 $2,936.09 $3,576.00 $216.00 $162.00 $198.00 $802.65 $1,057.98 Name Levine, Douglas L Levine, Marlene Hauser Lewis, Bonnie L Lewis, Robert Libby, Kenneth E Light, Greg Lindberg, Anne Janine Lipic, Gayle A Lodato, Theodora L Lombardo, Elizabeth M LoPiccolo, Amy E Losby, Jane F Louder, Jessica Lynn Crews Love, Mario K Loy, Willis L Luna Zapiain, Silvia Margarita Luttich, Cheney M Maag, Colin M Mack, Cindy J Macke, John E MacLaughlin, Katherine Anne Maclin, Margorie Jean Maddox, Teri Lee Mahan, Christopher L Maixner, Diane M Manson, James E Marcanik, Edward G Marchbanks, Robert A Marcinko, Linda L Marcy, Melanie Elizabeth Markova, Kamelia Penkova Marone, Laura Marshall, Lois Ann Martin, Leonard Kent Martin, Mary E Martin, Steven Robert Martinez, Laura Elizabeth Mathenia, Amanda Jolenta Mathis, Janet Lynn Matthews, Ann Christine Mayberry, Michael K McAllister, Kevin M 09/21/10 Loc FV FP FP CC FV M CC CC FP FP FP M FP FP FV CC CC FP W W W CC FV CC FV M M CC M FV FP FP W W W M FP FP CC FP FP M M M M FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP M M FP FP CC CC FV FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PSC101551 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECE101477 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH020452 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COMP FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.00 COMP FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 39.00 Men Bsk Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.54 NSNGCPRFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.50 NSNGADJFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.04 TC EQUIP 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.13 CTCR INSTR 05/18/10 08/13/10 70.23 TC COORD 05/18/10 08/13/10 19.31 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 40.00 DHY215421 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.04 PHL1034WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/14/10 14.00 DANC MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.50 PSC101301 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 PSC101302 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.81 HST101350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 PEDU FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 PEDU FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 9.00 GEDU FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 73.00 PE 118651 06/14/10 06/20/10 1.33 PE 118650 06/07/10 06/13/10 1.33 KIDS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 33.00 GEO1006SA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 DIT106501 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.60 ENG070401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MCM113401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH160C301 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 4.00 MTH186301 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 ACC213695 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 123450 06/08/10 07/06/10 1.00 MTH170450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ANIM MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 CUL115426 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 CUL110426 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Wom Sof Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.65 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.91 Substitute 07/01/10 08/14/10 15.00 PE 130 05/18/10 06/04/10 0.13 BIO203448 05/18/10 06/04/10 9.28 BIO203450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.64 Substitute 06/01/10 08/14/10 12.00 DANC MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 MCM123461 05/19/10 07/09/10 3.00 MCM201403 05/19/10 07/09/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 1.50 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.40 Substitute 05/27/10 08/14/10 6.00 ART109602 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 ART114215 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 DMS203401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.75 FLSP FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 16.00 FLSP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 24.00 MENSOCCOA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.86 RTH146401 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 -14- Amount Paid $2,997.12 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 $396.00 $1,287.00 $415.82 $511.50 $22.70 $75.65 $2,317.59 $11,683.29 $880.00 $806.46 $2,997.12 $108.00 $101.50 $180.00 $302.60 $2,034.24 $1,907.10 $2,034.24 $100.00 $138.00 $207.00 $1,533.00 $806.08 $806.08 $759.00 $2,997.12 $1,084.93 $2,034.24 $2,325.12 $3,576.32 $100.00 $3,576.32 $2,325.12 $775.04 $2,682.24 $270.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $1,000.05 $548.13 $330.00 $80.61 $7,192.38 $3,596.19 $282.00 $144.00 $249.00 $249.00 $907.80 $242.08 $132.00 $2,712.00 $2,712.00 $2,907.91 $432.00 $648.00 $2,333.60 $516.96 Name Loc McBride, Linda K McClanahan, Beonica Angelica McConkey, Kenneth Roger McDaniel, Amy Renee CC FP CC FP FP FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FP FV FV FV CC CC CC M M FP M FV CC FP FV FV FV M M CC CC FP M M FV CC FP FP FP FP FP FP CC CC FP FV M FP M FP M W FP FV McDowell, Lynda M McGhee, Mark T McGowan, Ruth Ann McGuffin, Dorothy B McKenna, Joseph Thomas McKenna, Timothy M McManus, Kathleen Patricia McMeans, Katherine Susan McMillen, Donna M McMurphy, Marcia S McNeil, James H McNutt, Karol Anne Meade, Dennis G Meder, Carol A Meechai, Ann K Meenach, Dean C Melman, Morton M Melsheimer, Mary T Mertz, Kristen D Meser, John Edward Metroulas, Michael B Meyer, Jason E Michaelis-Cobb, Cherie B Miederhoff, Marilyn K Miller, Joel Peter Mimlitz, Edward J Minogue, Pauline K Misra, Bishnupriya Mitchell, Metra L Mittendorf, Deborah Ann Mittler, Charles C Moberly, Jonathon D Mockobey, Jean F Moeller, William C Moffat, Jennifer D Monier, Shelly Lynn Montague, Nancy A Moore, Daniel B Moore, Michael R Moraru, Natalia Constantine Morey, Janet R Morgan, Mary Fulcher Morris, Brandon D Morris, Paul T 09/21/10 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv GEDU FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 112.00 PSC101450 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/23/10 60.00 CTCRADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.01 CTCRINST 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 CHM106550 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 CHM106501 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 MTH210601 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 Substitute 06/14/10 08/14/10 25.50 MTH020541 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH030501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 07/30/10 5.20 WBKBCOA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.86 ASSTWBKB 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.28 Honors 07/11/10 07/26/10 1.00 BUS104550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 30.00 RTH146401 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 SOC100501 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 ME 110500 05/24/10 07/10/10 6.36 ESC203550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/23/10 40.00 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/23/10 14.00 ESLPLCMNT 06/11/10 08/14/10 8.00 ENG080650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.91 MUS130601 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 BioBench 07/19/10 08/07/10 2.00 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 MED DIRECT 05/18/10 08/13/10 25.68 HST101580 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST1055WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 3.00 RDG030650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG030S52 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CTCR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 CTCRADJMCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.01 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 1.70 ECO140650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PE 133S80 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 MTH108501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 8.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 2.50 DHY142421 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.50 ANT102474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/18/10 07/16/10 2.00 BLW101401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 54.00 PHOT MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 EMT ADJ 06/01/10 08/14/10 0.20 Substitute 07/01/10 08/14/10 12.00 ENG101S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ILC 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 BIO207451 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 ESLPLCMNT 06/11/10 08/14/10 20.00 PSY200301 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 Substitute 06/21/10 08/14/10 4.50 Workshop 06/21/10 07/10/10 5.00 -15- Amount Paid $3,024.00 $2,034.24 $1,080.00 $7.57 $165.00 $3,576.32 $3,576.32 $3,390.40 $637.50 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $6,610.24 $2,333.60 $166.25 $83.00 $2,034.24 $810.00 $516.96 $2,997.12 $6,353.89 $2,997.12 $200.00 $720.00 $101.50 $176.00 $2,325.12 $549.82 $1,356.16 $1,209.92 $101.50 $847.44 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $75.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $165.00 $7.57 $1,026.12 $2,325.12 $1,192.00 $2,997.12 $270.00 $664.00 $55.00 $1,017.00 $2,997.12 $166.00 $2,682.24 $1,017.00 $270.00 $121.04 $300.00 $2,034.24 $1,550.88 $678.00 $3,871.37 $440.00 $2,997.12 $99.00 $2,500.00 Name Morris, Sandra E Morrow, Betty Jean Mosby, Timothy C Moser, Grace Wade Moss, Jeffrey D Moss, Jonathan Lavelle Motta, Denise K Mozelewski, Ronald A Muckler, Dane S Muehling, Janet M Mueller, Jenna Lee Muldoon, Peggy J Mullen, Kathy Murphy, Colleen Marie Murphy, Maire Agnes Murray, Robin R Murray, Stacie Ann Myers, Sara Jade Nadler, Joel Lynn Nance, Harreld E Negash, Efrem O Nemani, Rama K Nesheva, Maria M Neverls, Willie Ivy Newcomb, Steven D Niemeyer, Candace Lynn Nikonowicz, Diane M O'Connor, Patrick Joseph O'Keefe, Florence Elizabeth O'Neill, Cheryl O Oakes, Jordan Mitchell 09/21/10 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV W FV W W W FP FV FV FV FP CC CC M M FV CC M M M FV FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV CC CC FP FP CC CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv EGR133550 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.34 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 3.34 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 13.50 RDG020502 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PE 130552 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130508 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130550 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 HST101502 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST101503 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 GNSF FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 ASSTWBKB 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.28 PE 181601 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 PE 181603 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 PE 182602 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 PE 182601 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 181650 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 PE 181S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 BUS201574 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 BUS201501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECO152574 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 ECO152574 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 ECO151574 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 BUS201574 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 ECO152375 05/18/10 06/15/10 1.00 ECO151574 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 ECO152375 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 ECO151375 05/18/10 06/15/10 1.00 ECO151375 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 PHL104450 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH020540 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH030542 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 7.00 COM101401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ARTS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 28.00 KIDS MCE 08/04/10 08/13/10 18.00 HST101650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 LGL202695 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY205550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CCPR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 PSY208675 05/30/10 07/24/10 3.00 PSY200674 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY205678 05/28/10 07/24/10 3.00 CRJ212574 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH020455 06/28/10 07/30/10 3.00 CHM101603 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 3.00 COM101607 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 WomBskCoa 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 MenBskCoa 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 CTCRADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.03 CTCRINST 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.96 EMT PRI 05/18/10 08/16/10 4.01 Counselor 05/18/10 08/14/10 7.08 Substitute 07/01/10 08/14/10 4.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 20.00 GEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 55.00 MTH040402 06/07/10 07/17/10 5.00 MTH020407 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 WRIT FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 WRIT MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 20.00 -16- Amount Paid $2,092.15 $2,262.83 $337.50 $2,034.24 $904.00 $904.00 $904.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $144.00 $166.51 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $2,542.08 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $2,542.08 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $2,542.08 $2,542.08 $1,271.04 $2,542.08 $2,034.24 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $4,746.00 $2,997.12 $756.00 $378.00 $2,862.24 $2,997.12 $2,325.12 $58.00 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 $4,130.97 $75.00 $2,034.24 $500.02 $500.02 $15.13 $462.00 $578.87 $2,424.37 $7,069.34 $100.00 $360.00 $1,485.00 $3,390.40 $2,034.24 $230.00 $500.00 Name Oakley, Mark H Ochonicky, Michelle Ann Ohmer, Roberta M ONeil, Veronica B Orourke, Sean P OShea, Matthew Andrew Osler, Jan Marie Ott, Gregory J Owen, Jacob Benjamin Owens, Joseph E Packard, Linda A Paddock, Grace Elizabeth Palmer, Alison Heyward Patino, Sara Nelly Patton, Michael Francis Paul, Lori L Pauley, Mark M Payne, Sara Pearson, Todd A Peebles, Paul Demetrius Pendleton, Michelle A Penfold, Edwin P Pennycuick, Mark T Pepple, Kim P Perry, John H Peters, Thomas J Peterson, Nicole Antwonette Petrescu-Tudor, Nicoleta Petrovic, Cheryl A Pettit, Alice Rebecca Pfaus, Diane B Phillips, Roxanne M Pikey, Carol A Pisoni, John C Pitchford, Duane C Pitchford, Stanley Lamar Pittenger, Jeffery E 09/21/10 Loc W CC M FP FP M M M M FP FP FP M CC M FP FP W W W FV FV FV M FV FV FP FP FP CC CC FV FV CC FP FP FP CC M CC CC CC FV CC FV FV FP FP CC FP CC CC CC M M FP FP FV FV FV CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ART109110209210336 06/07/10 07/31/10 96.00 HORT MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 36.00 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 3.24 MTH030455 06/28/10 07/30/10 3.00 MensSoc 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 ART172696 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 HMS201601 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.80 HMS203650 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 ENG101452 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101451 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH210450 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 ART111639 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 KIDS MCE 08/04/10 08/13/10 18.00 MTH030S50 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101407 07/01/10 07/31/10 2.88 PE 181452 07/01/10 07/31/10 1.27 ECO151302 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 IDS201395 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 ECO151301 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 BIO207550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BIO207550lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 Substitute 06/01/10 08/14/10 12.99 ART107650 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.67 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 3.00 PE 173501 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 IDS201474 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.40 ECE201450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CPDV MCE 05/18/10 08/14/10 9.00 CVTW MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 20.00 ENG030505 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG030501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RMGT FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 24.00 CUL105426 06/02/10 07/15/10 3.00 CUL101426 05/18/10 06/01/10 1.00 BIO207450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 CCPR FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 PT Faculty 06/01/10 08/07/10 201.00 PHOT MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/23/10 43.00 CCPR FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 CCPR FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 CCPR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 Substitute 06/04/10 08/14/10 3.00 Perm Col 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 CTCR INSTR 05/18/10 08/13/10 53.00 TC EQUIP 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.11 CTCRADJMCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.10 TC COORD 05/18/10 08/13/10 13.62 CTCR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 37.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 NSNGADJFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.04 ESL Placement 06/07/10 08/14/10 6.00 ENG061601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 101474 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ILC 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 Substitute 06/28/10 08/14/10 4.00 MTH160C505 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH140503 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/23/10 39.00 -17- Amount Paid $1,992.00 $972.00 $2,195.04 $2,325.12 $500.02 $3,996.48 $775.04 $620.03 $1,742.88 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $3,390.40 $3,576.00 $378.00 $2,682.24 $1,949.48 $768.30 $2,682.24 $3,576.32 $2,682.24 $2,997.12 $1,328.72 $312.78 $2,664.32 $75.00 $904.00 $3,100.16 $242.08 $2,325.12 $243.00 $660.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $792.00 $2,997.12 $999.04 $3,871.37 $108.00 $5,489.31 $200.00 $774.00 $66.00 $132.00 $66.00 $75.00 $775.04 $1,749.00 $68.09 $60.53 $8,242.59 $1,221.00 $495.00 $22.71 $132.00 $2,997.12 $999.04 $832.60 $100.00 $2,712.32 $2,034.24 $702.00 Name Pittman, Dwight D Podgornik, Caroline Mary Pohlmann, Gary A Polk, Kim Krafte Popp, Tamara E Porter, James Michael Porter, John P Prifti, Norma J Pritchett, Gerri R Puricelli, Stephanie M Quinlan, Meaghan Andrews Quinn, Margaret A Quinn, Thomas Gerard Ranney, Mary-Kay R Loc M CC CC FP M CC M FP CC FV CC M M CC FV Ratino, Kathlyn S FP FP Rauch, William L CC Ray, Isadore FV Reed, Laura Jean M Reedy, Sidney J FV Reekers, Samuel Scott H FV Reid, Christopher C W W Reidel, Amy N FP FP Reitan, Eric A M M M CC Relerford, Linda Darnell FV Renkoski, Angela K M Reynolds, Marlos L FP Ribaudo, Ann E CC Richards, Evann M FP Richardson, Carol J M Richardson, Christopher Thomas FV Richardson, Jamel R FV Richardson, Mariah Lavelda FP Richter, Elizabeth Rose CC Richter, Michael William FP Richter, Phyllis T CC Riess, John F M M M Rieves, Denise C CC Rilling-Bronder, Deborah Ann FV Risch, Jeffrey M FV FV FV FV FV Ritchie, Laura Jean FP FP FP FP FP Rivers, Wendell FP FP Robben, Keith Bernard W M 09/21/10 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv MUS128601 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 25.50 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 40.00 DHY142421 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.25 MTH160CS51 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 20.00 ART110650 06/07/10 07/31/10 96.00 DHY142421 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.50 COMP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 32.00 PE 105550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 KIDS MCE 07/27/10 08/13/10 18.00 IS 109674 06/07/10 06/27/10 1.00 PSY208674 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 PEDU MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 48.00 COM1204WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COM101474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 18.00 MTH170501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CHM101S97 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 3.32 ASL WKSHP 06/14/10 06/25/10 1.00 SPA101350 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 SPA102350 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 EDU120401 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 ART100404 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL103604 06/27/10 08/07/10 3.00 PHL104602 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL104601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 BUSS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 CCPR FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 ENG101603 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 KIDS704H16 06/28/10 08/13/10 58.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 178.50 Independent Study 05/18/10 06/12/10 1.00 MCM102674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1025XL 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MKGBCOA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.86 IDS101402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 52.50 SID 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.76 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 33.00 PHY111601 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MTH140652 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHY111602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COMP FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 18.00 ASSTVOLCOA 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.65 ECO140574 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 ECO140574 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 ECO140575 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 ECO140575 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 BUS201550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 HIT101474 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.09 HIT101474 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.55 HIT101401 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.55 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 HIT101401 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.09 PSY00448 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PSY200403 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COM107302 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 1.50 -18- Amount Paid $2,997.12 $688.50 $720.00 $2,011.51 $2,712.32 $660.00 $3,320.64 $387.72 $1,056.00 $806.08 $378.00 $498.00 $2,325.12 $270.00 $864.00 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $486.00 $2,034.24 $4,130.97 $3,316.10 $50.00 $3,996.16 $3,996.16 $1,494.24 $2,034.00 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $100.00 $54.00 $2,997.12 $1,218.00 $3,474.00 $415.00 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $2,333.60 $2,682.24 $630.00 $1,666.57 $825.00 $3,875.20 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $594.00 $999.54 $1,550.08 $775.04 $1,550.08 $775.04 $2,325.12 $845.28 $1,973.44 $1,973.44 $83.00 $845.28 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,325.12 $37.50 Name Robinson, James P Rogers, Joseph Patrick Rogers, Larry P Roiger, Helene A Romeo, John E Rooney, Patricia Ann Rose, Catherine C Roseman, Stephen Edward Rosen, Adrienne Rosener, Russell John Ross, Laura Guyer Ruder, Jonathan E Ruh, Polly Parker Rush, Nicholas A Russell, Lawrence P Russell, Retannical Dameika Russell, Rita D Ryan, Jennifer Lauren Sabharwal, Chander Lekha Sabharwal, Surinder K Saccavino, Alex V Sago, Janis Lynn Salomon, Mary Ann Salsgiver, William John Sanchez, Andrew Sanders, David T Sanvito, B Alice Saurage, Judith Lynn Savoca, Diane L Schaljo, Frederick Schmermund, David R Schmidtke, Kelly A Schrader, Diann J Schroeder, Cynthia A Schulte, Jeanne M Schwartz, Oscar A Schweser, Susan K Sciaroni, Cynthia L Scognamiglio, Edward Scott, Kimberly Marie 09/21/10 Loc M FV FP FP FP FP FP M W W FV CC CC FV FV M M M CC M FV FV FV FV M W W W FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP M M M FV M M CC CC CC FV FV M M M M FV CC FP M CC FP FP CC CC St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv COM107650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1025XI 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Librarian 05/24/10 08/14/10 5.20 EMT PRI 05/18/10 08/16/10 3.58 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.60 MDG Training 06/01/10 06/30/10 0.67 EMT PRI 05/18/10 08/16/10 3.00 ART100650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ART100HON 06/14/10 06/25/10 1.00 ART100374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 DCS115501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BUSS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 25.50 ART27557A 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 AT 176501 06/27/10 07/24/10 1.33 MUS114674 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MUS114675 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 12.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 160.00 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 PHY112501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHY212550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 07/05/10 08/14/10 12.00 WRIT FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 31.00 MTH020650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH160C350 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH140350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140301 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH108401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH165450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH166450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Director 05/18/10 07/10/10 3.00 THT101401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MCM130471 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ART166650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Released 05/18/10 08/07/10 1.00 DMS203401 06/07/10 07/31/10 6.67 BIO203650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO558SDL 06/08/10 07/31/10 1.00 BIO203603 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 GNSF FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.50 ECO140601 05/18/10 06/06/10 3.00 ECO151604 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HEAL FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.50 CCPR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 Fac/CDCP 05/31/10 06/12/10 3.00 Workshop 06/15/10 06/30/10 1.00 ASSTMSOC 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.83 PSY200673 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY205677 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH160CS50 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 KIDS706FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 9.00 KIDS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 33.00 MED DIRECT 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 MTH020601 06/07/10 06/30/10 3.00 FOOD FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.20 CTCRINST 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 NSNGCPRFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 NSNGADJFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.04 -19- Amount Paid $2,325.12 $2,997.12 $4,648.81 $2,166.13 $363.12 $516.96 $1,814.88 $2,997.12 $83.00 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $330.00 $637.50 $3,996.48 $1,332.16 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $264.00 $2,880.00 $678.00 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $300.00 $651.00 $1,814.88 $3,996.16 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $2,418.24 $604.56 $5,169.60 $2,936.09 $83.00 $2,936.09 $189.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $137.50 $116.00 $2,325.12 $300.00 $499.77 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,712.32 $666.08 $225.00 $825.00 $999.04 $3,813.12 $270.00 $121.04 $165.00 $462.00 $22.70 Name Seaborn, Jeffrey W Selders, Lynn R Sextro, Donald E Shay, Robert James Shea, Marion C Shedd, Charles Philip Shepek, Gary D Shepherd, Edward A Sheppard, Patricia M Sherman, Gudrun Elisabeth Sherry, Jerome Paul Shiller, Alan H Short, Kristin N Shrinivas, Radha S Shuecraft, Steven W Siddens, Trisha Lynn Siegel, Gregory Todd Siempelkamp, Charles Eugene Sigler, Danny R Silver, Margaret B Simler, Diana J Simmons, Karen L Simpson, Chana Maria Sinclair, Scott William Skala, John E Skurat, Angela D Slaughter, Anne H Slaughter, Rachel Linette Smith Brookins, Adrienne Carol Smith Piffel, Phyllis A Smith, Alverta L Smith, Dennis Alan Smith, Earnrolyn C Smith, Haden D Smith, Jeffrey W Smith, Michelle Ann Smith, Rachelle D Smith, Stacia M Smith, Tammy Kay Smith, Tiffany Mayet Smith-Buckingham, Minnie M Sneed, Jane Snyder, Stephen D Sobieralski, Joseph B 09/21/10 Loc FP FP FV FV FV M M M M M FP FP CC M M M M CC FP FP FP M FP FP CC CC CC M FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP M FP FP CC CC CC FP FP FV FV M M W M M FP CC W W W FP W M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CTCRADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.01 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 4.00 MTH020551 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH020550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ECO140502 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ART238698 07/25/10 08/21/10 1.00 PHL103603 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH030605 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH170601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH186650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH030404 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH030403 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MOTR MAINT 05/18/10 08/13/10 11.00 ART107601 05/18/10 06/04/10 2.67 GER101601 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 ESL Placement 06/07/10 08/14/10 3.00 COM107605 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 MTH160C407 06/28/10 07/30/10 4.00 MTH140406 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140407 06/28/10 07/30/10 3.00 SOC101S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG020451 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/20/10 08/14/10 1.20 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 74.00 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 71.00 ACC100601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 KIDS765H01 06/08/10 07/01/10 16.00 Substitute 06/24/10 08/14/10 3.00 PE 103401 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.27 PHL103421 07/19/10 08/06/10 3.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/23/10 20.00 MDG Training 05/27/10 06/30/10 0.67 DHY142421 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.54 DHY215421 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.21 DHY 226 07/12/10 08/02/10 0.83 Substitute 06/27/10 08/14/10 8.00 RDG030453 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG030450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ARTS MCE 05/18/10 08/27/10 140.00 NURSADJFPCE 05/18/10 06/26/10 1.10 NURS FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 49.00 MTH160C451 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH160C450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 LGL217550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.50 LGL217550 06/10/10 07/10/10 1.50 ARC124602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ARC124650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH030350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ECO151650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSY205673 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.38 CRFT MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 ENG1023W5 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1023W4 06/07/10 06/30/10 1.35 ENG1023W4 07/01/10 07/31/10 1.65 ST 211401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.67 MTH020301 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL101650 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECO152602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 -20- Amount Paid $7.57 $3,100.16 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $83.00 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,712.32 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $1,210.00 $2,067.84 $3,576.32 $66.00 $2,325.12 $101.50 $3,996.16 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,325.12 $2,034.24 $726.24 $101.50 $1,414.50 $1,285.50 $2,682.24 $400.00 $66.00 $768.30 $2,325.12 $360.00 $452.00 $2,272.25 $1,080.25 $745.00 $200.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $3,780.00 $665.72 $2,370.28 $2,712.32 $2,712.32 $1,162.56 $1,162.56 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $1,814.88 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $226.95 $108.00 $2,034.24 $915.41 $1,118.83 $2,843.28 $1,814.88 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 Name Sone, Stacy R Sotraidis, Sandra K Souhrada, Timothy K Spector, Teresa Spinks, Jeffrey P Springer, Christina Cornelia Sprinkle, Regina M Stanton, Tracey M Stearn, Robin Michele Steed, Nell Rose Elizabeth Steenberg, Karl T Stephan Marino, Almut Stith, Milton Todd Stone, Charles D Storer, Christopher M Strait, Gerry T Strait, Marlene A Strathman, Marc Alan Stumbaugh, Kyle H Stygar, Elizabeth Frances Suchland, Colin E Sullivan, Kathleen Ann Summers, Diane Suydam, Rycken S Sweet, Dustin L Swiener, Rita R Taborn, Tyrone A Tackette, Roger D Talbot, Kevin Lee Taylor, Jennifer Lynn Templeton, Cheryl A Teren, Lisa Anne Tesker, Kathleen T Thomas, Gail Lavon Thomas, Steven Dean Thomas, William H Thompson, Marcia L Thumin, Ling J 09/21/10 Loc FP M FP FP CC FP FV FV FP FP FP M M FV FP CC CC FP FP CC FV FV FV CC CC FV FV M M M M M M M M FV W W W W W W FP M FP M M CC FV FV FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv DMS213401 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.58 COM107603 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 MTH020454 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.63 MTH020451 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.75 BUSN MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 Librarian 06/07/10 07/30/10 1.88 Substitute 07/01/10 08/14/10 8.25 MUSC FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 28.00 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.53 CTCR ADJ 05/18/10 08/13/10 0.05 CTCR INSTR 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 ECE125601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Child Care Grant 05/18/10 05/29/10 1.00 ARTS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 24.00 EMT ADJ 05/20/10 08/14/10 1.40 GED MCE 05/18/10 06/30/10 24.50 GED MCE 05/18/10 08/14/10 30.00 HRM128402 06/07/10 07/24/10 3.00 MenBskbal 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.86 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/13/10 16.00 BIO207501lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 BIO208502 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.33 BIO207501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 DANC MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 55.00 DANC MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 55.00 Jazz Conf 05/18/10 05/28/10 1.00 PHY122550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC1016X1 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101605 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101604 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101HON 07/25/10 08/07/10 2.00 SOC1016WV 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC202674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL101601 06/27/10 08/07/10 3.00 PE 116651 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 MTH185501 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 ECO152350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BUS201301 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BUS201350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSY125338 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.88 PSY200350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSY205301 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BLW101451 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COM101608 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 4.00 MTH140606 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH186601 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 COMP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.00 MTH030506 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH030551 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 KIDS704H15 05/18/10 06/30/10 88.00 RDG017502 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 RDG016502 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 24.00 MUS150448 05/18/10 06/26/10 2.00 MUS154401 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 MTH160C403 05/24/10 06/24/10 4.00 MTH140402 05/24/10 06/25/10 3.00 MTH030504 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH030502 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 3.81 -21- Amount Paid $957.22 $2,325.12 $1,779.96 $1,864.72 $132.00 $1,676.25 $206.25 $756.00 $321.06 $30.26 $495.00 $2,034.24 $120.00 $648.00 $847.28 $441.00 $553.60 $2,325.12 $2,333.35 $116.00 $804.59 $2,619.48 $1,814.88 $990.00 $990.00 $550.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $166.00 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,997.12 $806.08 $3,390.40 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $1,878.19 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,682.24 $2,034.24 $3,100.16 $2,034.24 $2,712.32 $396.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $2,200.00 $604.96 $1,209.92 $600.00 $1,209.92 $1,209.92 $2,712.32 $2,034.24 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $3,809.45 Name Tiggs, Ambre Nicole Timme, Douglas Lee Timmermann, Karl Nicholas Tippett, Royce Crosby Tischler, Marsha Ann Tjaden, D Scott Tobler, Betty H Toledo, Sue A Toma, Terry Lynn Trares, Mary Patrice Trietley, Roger Stuart Truong, Amanda Marie Tulloch, Marlowe Vickie Lynere Turner, Bryan J Turner, Fred Turner, Terrell Lewis Tylka, David L Tyus, Shalonda Karletta Udod, Leo Ulrich, Virginia Unverferth, Donna M Vaccaro, Brian A Vallely, John Anthony Vaughn, Ronald Lee Vedamuthu, Mary Selvi Vigil, Anamaria V Vroman, Paul J Wahoski, Christopher David Wahoski, Stephanie L Wallace, Marsha Elaine Wallace, Tiffany M Wallace, William Hayes Walls, Betty Porter Walter, Michele C Walton, Helen Ruth Wamsley, David M Ward, Kevin W Ward, Wynn B Warfield, Richard Edward Warner, Kathlene R Watkins, Carol Sue Watson, Pier Angela Watt, Darren W 09/21/10 Loc M W CC FV FP FP FP CC M CC FV FV M FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FP FV FV CC FV M FP FP FP FP CC FP FP M FV CC M CC FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FV CC M M M M CC M FV CC FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE 118652 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 106350 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 KIDS MCE 08/04/10 08/13/10 18.00 MCM130574 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PE 130131132407 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.27 PE 180476 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PE 130131132408 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 CFKD MCE 07/27/10 08/13/10 33.00 ART245601 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 CVTW MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 20.00 MGT101574 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 MGT101574 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 MTH160C601 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 PHL1124WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Tutor/Rdg Lab 06/29/10 07/29/10 74.00 RDG030405 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 IDS101474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ART100403 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHY111501 06/07/10 07/31/10 6.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 BIO111502lab 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 BIO111504lab 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 CRJS FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 16.00 ASSTMBKB 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.38 BIO120601 06/07/10 06/25/10 3.00 ST 211401 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.67 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 3.00 MTH230450 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MTH220450 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 DANC FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 9.00 MTH081402 06/07/10 07/17/10 48.00 MTH081401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MUS128S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 07/13/10 08/14/10 6.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 60.00 CHM102650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 FLSP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 48.00 MTH030552 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH030553 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EMT ADJUNCT 08/08/10 08/16/10 0.58 EMT ADJ 07/20/10 08/16/10 1.00 MTH030454 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.62 MTH030452 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.62 RDG016402 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 RDG017402 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 BLW201574 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 BLW201574 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 FRE101501 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 DANC MCE 05/18/10 08/27/10 6.00 GEO111601 06/07/10 07/17/10 5.67 GEG1016S1 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 AT 135650 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 AT 135650 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.67 HIST MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.60 BLW101602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RMGT FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 CPDV MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 14.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 36.90 MTH140552 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.62 -22- Amount Paid $904.00 $904.00 $378.00 $2,034.24 $861.63 $2,034.00 $904.00 $759.00 $2,712.00 $660.00 $1,356.16 $678.08 $3,100.16 $2,325.12 $1,184.00 $2,682.24 $83.00 $2,682.24 $2,682.24 $5,994.24 $83.00 $901.85 $901.85 $528.00 $833.29 $2,997.12 $1,007.60 $249.00 $4,995.20 $4,995.20 $162.00 $1,742.88 $1,814.88 $2,325.12 $150.00 $1,080.00 $4,325.84 $1,296.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $347.99 $605.20 $1,588.02 $1,588.02 $1,209.92 $604.96 $1,998.08 $999.04 $83.00 $3,996.16 $108.00 $3,844.71 $2,034.24 $806.08 $1,612.16 $178.20 $2,034.24 $462.00 $378.00 $442.80 $1,588.02 Name Wead, Rodney S Weber, Eugene P Wegener, Delano P Weinberg, Robin Ann Weindel, Kenneth J Weiss, Denise Weiss, Sandra Lee Welby, James E Wellman-Daniels, Elisha Ann Wells, Shirley Ann Werner, Terry F Wheelan, Craig Pierre Wheeler, Benjamin Adam White, Donna Marshaye Whitney, Lisa Marie Wieckhorst, Kathryn N Willard, Gina Marie Williams, Belinda Mae Williams, Clovis Eugene Williams, Holly Jean Williams, James A Williams, Kenneth W Williams, Linda Carol Williams, Lucy Caroline Williams, Marilyn Rena Williams, Mary Christine Williams, Meriam E Williams, Robin Lin Williams, Terril K Williams, Trina S Willinger, Adam Robert Willmore, Melissa L Wilson, Antonina Wilson, Ava M Wilson, Crystal Julienne Wilson, Kevin Michael Wilson, Richard Allen Wilson-Ramsey, Yevonn Winright, Tobias L Winslade, Tracy Ziemba Wiseheart, Barbara T Woerther, Michael E Woodruff, Kerry M Worley, Kenneth R 09/21/10 Loc FP CC M M FP FP M M CC CC W W M M FV W W M M M M FP W FP FP FV FV FV CC FP CC CC CC FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP FP FP M FV FV FP FP FP FP W W FP FP M CC M M CC FP W St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv SOC101450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COMP FPCE 06/15/10 07/09/10 6.00 MTH140650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH160CS01 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 BIO111450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 Librarian 06/01/10 07/30/10 3.21 EDU218650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PTA215695 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CRJS FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 56.00 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/23/10 28.00 SOC101374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101375 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO111S02 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO111S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 GNSF FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 3.00 MUS113301 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 MUS114301 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ANT102601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Substitute 07/19/10 08/14/10 3.00 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 PE 192601 05/18/10 06/04/10 0.20 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ART172374 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 IS 120404 06/22/10 07/01/10 1.00 IS 119404 06/14/10 06/22/10 1.00 ASL WKSHP 06/14/10 06/25/10 1.00 MTH020502 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH020535 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Range Aide 05/18/10 08/23/10 14.00 WomSoft 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.34 NSNGTESTFPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 NSNG FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 3.00 CONS MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 38.00 MTH020450 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH020402 06/07/10 07/17/10 48.00 MTH030402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 CCPR FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 3.00 ASL WKSHP 06/14/10 06/25/10 1.00 DHY215421 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.75 PE177178401 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE109110401 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 ECE202401 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.81 EMT ADJ 05/20/10 08/14/10 0.90 PHL111699 07/11/10 08/07/10 2.00 SIGN FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 16.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 PE 130131132405 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130131132406 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 122123451 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 ART114214336 06/07/10 07/17/10 96.00 ART103351 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PE 165450 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 3.50 PHL103650 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 LGL106695 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC114650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COMP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 30.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 ART100301 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 -23- Amount Paid $2,682.24 $198.00 $2,997.12 $3,996.16 $3,871.37 $3,209.95 $2,997.12 $2,034.24 $1,736.00 $203.00 $2,325.12 $2,325.12 $4,325.84 $4,325.84 $54.00 $1,494.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $66.00 $403.04 $120.91 $604.96 $3,576.00 $775.04 $775.04 $50.00 $1,814.88 $1,814.88 $101.50 $1,416.69 $165.00 $99.00 $1,254.00 $1,814.88 $1,494.24 $1,814.88 $99.00 $50.00 $507.94 $806.08 $806.08 $2,514.60 $544.68 $166.00 $336.00 $46.00 $83.00 $806.08 $806.08 $806.08 $1,992.00 $2,034.24 $806.08 $77.00 $2,997.12 $405.00 $2,997.12 $2,325.12 $990.00 $83.00 $2,997.12 Name Wors, Victoria Taylor Wright, Allyson Weathers Wright, Doris J Xue, Liu Yancey, Amanda Ann Yanko, Albert Yarbrough, Angeline L Young, Bryan G Young, Elaine Annette Young, Jaron R Young, Relanda Denise Yount, Laura E Zahra, Matthew J Zalasky, Leann M Zamenski, Andrew J Zhou, Yuefang Zhu, Weiwei Zimmerman, Raymond C Zoeller, Charles J 09/21/10 Loc FV FV CC W CC CC CC M FV M CC CC FV FV FV CC FV FV CC FP W FV CC FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Part-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ART100501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ART103501 05/18/10 06/12/10 3.00 BUSN MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.99 COM101301 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 COMP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 28.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.50 COMP FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.00 Men Bsk Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.69 CordinGTC 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 BUS104650 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 FLGE MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 8.00 REAL MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 48.00 FORUM 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ASSTWBKB 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.10 PEDU FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 21.00 CFKD MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 33.00 Substitute 06/11/10 08/14/10 6.00 PHY122501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 DANC MCE 07/27/10 08/13/10 12.00 RTH146401 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.67 BIO207350L 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 MTH210551 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MOTR FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 20.00 Fir Bld Cor 05/24/10 06/30/10 6.00 -24- Amount Paid $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $80.73 $2,034.24 $924.00 $220.50 $396.00 $415.63 $604.96 $2,325.12 $216.00 $1,584.00 $678.08 $666.53 $378.00 $693.00 $132.00 $2,034.24 $216.00 $452.00 $1,328.72 $3,875.20 $360.00 $5,364.48 Name Abberton, David L Adamecz, Gustav Ahrens, J Markus Allen, Jason S Alvarez, Teresa Ann Amor, Abdelouahab Anderhub, Beth M Anson, Mirra Leigh Anthes, Richard M Appelbaum, Susan S Applegate, Mark D Armstrong, Richard D Ayres, Janet C Babbitt, Donald R Bai, Steven Soby Ballard, Kelly K Barker, Jacqueline A Barrett, Barbara Jean Barrett, Robyn Camella Benton, Deira L 09/21/10 Loc M FP FP FP M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FP W W FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv COM101609 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 231474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Tomorrow Prj 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IT 545450 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 ACC100675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC208695 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ACC114675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC208HON 07/11/10 07/24/10 2.00 Perkins Project 05/29/10 06/26/10 1.00 ACC291639 07/11/10 07/24/10 1.80 BIO110601 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.33 BIO207422lab 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 BIO208451LAB 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 BIO208448451 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 BIO207421lab 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 BIO208448LAB 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 BIO207421422 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 IT 101486 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 Tomorrow Prj 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 IT 208466 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 1.00 DMS201401 05/24/10 06/12/10 1.00 DMS202401 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 DMS203401 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ENG030650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 AUT151450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.67 AUT150401 06/07/10 07/31/10 74.72 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 2.00 AUT151401 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.67 HRM128448 05/18/10 07/01/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 PE 129401 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 PE Pool Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 PE 130131132409 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 PE 130131132410 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 MTH210501 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MTH140501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HIT Grant 07/01/10 08/13/10 1.00 HIT102450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Substitute 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 Dept Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC110350 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MCM P/C 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 MCM115501 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.88 COM101552 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 RADIOSTN 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 MTH140651 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL103602 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH140674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140601 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 MTH160C604 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 COM101604 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 Ast Chair 05/18/10 06/26/10 1.00 MKT203674 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BUS104674 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ACC110675 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 ACC124674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG020404 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 -25- Amount Paid $2,034.24 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $5,575.20 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,542.08 $3,813.12 $166.00 $1,068.96 $2,287.87 $3,559.61 $1,093.37 $1,093.36 $1,093.36 $1,093.37 $3,288.32 $3,288.32 $6,355.20 $5,084.16 $6,355.20 $1,271.04 $83.00 $2,542.08 $5,084.16 $1,271.04 $2,034.24 $5,207.24 $1,550.45 $2,230.08 $5,207.24 $3,345.12 $83.00 $1,656.00 $828.00 $1,104.00 $1,104.00 $6,355.20 $3,813.12 $975.04 $3,900.16 $125.00 $2,925.12 $3,900.16 $822.08 $1,541.40 $2,466.24 $822.08 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,900.16 $400.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 Name Berger, Carol A Betzler, Daniel J Bhavsar, Neelima Gaurang Bjorkgren, Lynn M Blalock, Kay Jeanene Blanco, Carlos A Boedeker, Stacey S Bouchard, Celia E Bozek, Brian M Brady, Sandra Helen Brake, Dean A Breitwieser, Dianne E Brennan, James R Brown, Dorian A Bryan, Wayne M Burke, Michael A Burkhardt, Charles E Campbell, Carl E Campbell, Cindy L 09/21/10 Loc FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M M M FP FP M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV M M CC FV FV FV FV FP FV M M CC FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv RDG020401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Sabbatical 06/07/10 07/31/10 7.50 THT115501 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.88 DCS219501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 THT P/C 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 DCS219551 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 DIRECTOR 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 BIO207503 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.33 BIO111504 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 ECE124674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ECE101674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST102674 05/30/10 07/10/10 3.00 HST115601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 HST101675 05/30/10 07/10/10 3.00 HS5T101674 05/30/10 07/10/10 3.00 RDG030503 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ReadingPilot 06/07/10 06/30/10 1.00 RDG030502 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ST 210401 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ST 211401 06/07/10 07/31/10 6.00 Librarian 05/18/10 07/18/10 6.11 Chr Sustain 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 MTH160C501 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH140506 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140505 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG016601 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 COL020Cor 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG017601 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 MAC/CAI Cor 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 XRT215401 05/18/10 06/19/10 3.00 XRT116401 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 CNTV Lab 05/18/10 06/26/10 1.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.67 RTH146401 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.67 RTH222401 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 HST101474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST102401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 HST137474 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 HST138401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Soc Sci Lab 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 HST137401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PE 192501 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 Dept Chair 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 PE 130505 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 PE 169501 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 IDS101604 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 MTH240501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH123581 06/11/10 06/28/10 1.00 MTH215551 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH240450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Nanotech 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 GEO501601 06/05/10 06/12/10 3.00 GEO100601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 NATR MCE 05/18/10 08/27/10 5.00 DIET FVCE 05/18/10 06/12/10 1.00 PE 103502 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 PE 120500 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 -26- Amount Paid $2,925.12 $9,532.80 $2,383.20 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $4,221.92 $2,925.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $1,950.24 $5,850.72 $5,960.91 $1,115.04 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,950.08 $2,925.12 $975.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,900.16 $1,271.04 $3,384.32 $5,922.56 $2,538.24 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $975.20 $2,925.12 $1,104.00 $1,644.16 $822.08 $1,104.00 $1,104.00 $400.00 $2,925.12 $100.00 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,542.08 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $135.00 $50.00 $1,692.16 $1,692.16 Name Campbell, Jay G Carter, Brian D Carter, Christine E Cernich, Victoria Marie Chambers, Stanley V Chapman, Thelma L Chott, Craig S Chowdhury, Md Syed A Christiansen, Steven Clark, Judy V Coburn, John W Cole, Angelic Inez Collier, Nancy C Collins, Linda Housch Collins, Steven G Conner, Elcee C Consolino, Beverly M Conte, Mario V Copp, Julie C Corich, Evelyn F Counte, Suzanne C Cruz, Ana Lucia Cupples, Tommy G 09/21/10 Loc FV FV FV W W FV M M M M FP FP FP M M M FP FP FV M M M W W W W W FP FV FV FP FP M M M FV FV M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FP M M M M M FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PE 174501 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 PE 180501 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 IDS101505 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PE 120301 05/18/10 06/11/10 1.33 PE 180301 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PE 129501 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 PHL102601 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL102694 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL101603 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL101602 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH160C405 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 MTH140400 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 MTH160C404 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 RDG030602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG030601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH160C402 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 MDG Training 05/27/10 06/30/10 2.00 IS 130564 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 IS 291601 07/11/10 07/24/10 0.20 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 IS 215674 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 BIO208301 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.33 BIO207350 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BIO207301 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.33 PSY200374 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101350 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH030401 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 MTH160C551 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH106C510 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MKT203474 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MGT204401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 CHM101601 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 CHM101602 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.33 HST102504 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST102502 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST102S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST105601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 RTH146401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RTH131401-2 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 DHY226421 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 DHY142421 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.75 DHY215421 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.13 COM2005XA 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 COLTRGPRJ 07/12/10 07/23/10 1.00 COM101502 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 COM101574 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 COM P/C 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 3.00 ACC208674 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 ACC110674 05/18/10 07/10/10 4.00 Released 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 EDU211601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 IS 2575IA 07/12/10 08/07/10 3.00 IS 218599 07/12/10 08/07/10 0.19 IS 2625IA 07/12/10 08/07/10 3.00 IS 103575 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 -27- Amount Paid $1,692.16 $3,807.36 $3,813.12 $1,692.16 $3,807.36 $2,538.24 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,288.32 $2,466.24 $3,288.32 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,466.24 $3,900.16 $2,542.08 $1,742.88 $223.01 $2,230.08 $1,992.00 $4,221.93 $2,925.12 $4,221.93 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $2,466.24 $5,084.16 $5,084.16 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $5,084.16 $6,774.65 $2,961.52 $2,997.12 $2,997.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,492.16 $3,357.36 $4,476.48 $2,542.08 $1,271.04 $956.07 $2,379.99 $2,925.12 $975.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $975.04 $249.00 $2,738.88 $5,084.16 $1,271.04 $400.00 $3,813.12 $249.00 $209.07 $249.00 $3,345.12 Name Cusumano, Donald R Daniel, Paul T Dattoli, Anthony David Daugherty, Seth A Day, Leroy Thomas Dennis, Jeremy K Dorsch, Joachim O Dorsey, Mary K Downey, Michael D du Maine, Jessica J Duchinsky, Jason G Dufer, Dennis C Ebest, Ron J Edmonds, Dino A Elhoffer, Sarah Jean Elliott, John Mark Ethridge, Michelle Rene Fackelman, Joseph A 09/21/10 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M M CC FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV FV M M M M M M M FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IS 103564 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 IS 112574 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 103574 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Pgm Cordin 05/18/10 06/12/10 1.00 PSY200475 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 NEA President 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSY200474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Chair/Reading 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Chair/Soc Sci 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSY200401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 IS 229474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 251474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 107474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 256474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS0246474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PE 129601 05/18/10 06/04/10 2.00 PE 132602 05/18/10 06/04/10 0.33 PE 132603 05/18/10 06/04/10 0.20 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 MTH210401 06/07/10 07/17/10 5.00 MTGH160C406 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 SPA101602 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 FRE101601 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 ENG101450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1024WD 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 ENG1024WE 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 ENG1024WC 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 GEG103601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 NRSG MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 17.50 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 1.00 CUL101448 05/18/10 06/25/10 1.00 CUL105448 05/19/10 06/28/10 3.00 HRM134448 05/18/10 06/30/10 3.00 CUL101449 05/18/10 06/25/10 1.00 HRM112401 05/18/10 07/01/10 3.00 ECOL FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.00 GE 290501 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.20 BE 153500 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.40 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Substitute 06/30/10 08/14/10 3.00 GE 290500 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.20 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 6.78 COM101601 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 COM101650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1025WB 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1025WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHY111550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Released 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 CRJ124674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CRJ207674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH160C674 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH210602 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MTH160C676 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 PE 161S01 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 HPS Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 -28- Amount Paid $3,345.12 $2,230.08 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.60 $3,813.12 $3,813.60 $3,813.60 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,656.00 $276.00 $165.60 $3,588.00 $2,466.24 $83.00 $4,110.40 $3,288.32 $5,084.16 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $83.00 $3,813.12 $400.00 $3,813.12 $577.50 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $135.00 $195.00 $390.02 $975.04 $75.00 $195.00 $5,569.06 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,466.24 $822.08 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $3,900.16 $4,875.20 $3,900.16 $2,484.00 $3,900.16 Name Favre, Matthew Thomas Featherson, Vincent E Fickas, Julie C Finnell, Patricia K Fischer, Carl W Fish, Lynda K Fliss, Edward R Florini, Jeanne R Flynn, Thomas W Fonseca, Eve M Forde, Gary C Forrest, Jeffrey Phillip Foster, Drew A Fox, Sharon A Franks, Stephanie L Fratello, Bradley Peter Freeman, Terrence L French, Brenda F Friedman, Donna G 09/21/10 Loc FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC CC FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FV M M FV FV FV FV FV CC M FV CC CC FP FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ENG1024WA 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG1024WB 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG030405 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 XRT212401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 XRT211401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Released/Cor 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Released/Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 07/11/10 07/26/10 1.00 BIO208501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ActDepChr 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 BIO20501lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 DCTM 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 NRSG FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 Extended 06/01/10 06/30/10 3.00 AHCE701480FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.50 AHCE MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 CTE 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 Prog Dev 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 BIO154502 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 IDS201501 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 DIT115565 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 BIO567565 06/07/10 07/17/10 0.50 SOC202565 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 DIT115501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Workshop 05/18/10 06/30/10 1.00 DCS P/C 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ENG061401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG060448 06/07/10 07/31/10 6.00 Tutor Place Cor 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSY200461 07/12/10 07/29/10 3.00 PSY200402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 BUS104574 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 Released 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 Dept Chair 05/18/10 06/12/10 1.00 ECO151501 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 ECO151501 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 ACC100574 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BUS104574 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 Librarian 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.08 Perkins 05/24/10 06/26/10 3.00 ART100601 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ESC206550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.34 ESC205550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Trg Session 05/21/10 06/26/10 1.00 Pgm Coord 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 3.00 AHCE701480FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 1.50 ESC204650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IDS101504 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 AHCE MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 1.00 AHCE701480FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 1.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 11.20 CHM206552 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 CHM10551A 06/07/10 07/17/10 5.33 CHM221501 06/07/10 07/17/10 6.66 Substitute 06/17/10 08/14/10 3.00 -29- Amount Paid $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $2,034.24 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $83.00 $2,466.24 $822.08 $1,093.36 $1,115.04 $198.00 $3,813.12 $82.50 $132.00 $1,271.04 $1,950.08 $975.04 $83.00 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $1,906.56 $635.52 $1,906.56 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.20 $1,950.08 $3,345.12 $6,690.24 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,925.12 $83.00 $1,644.16 $1,644.16 $822.08 $1,644.16 $822.08 $2,466.24 $822.08 $100.00 $95.34 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $1,703.20 $3,813.12 $250.00 $1,271.04 $99.00 $49.50 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $33.00 $33.00 $10,922.24 $3,813.12 $6,774.64 $8,465.12 $75.00 Name Frison, Tommie F Frost, James G Frost, Tony L Fuller, Carolyn Marie Fuller, Michael J Gackstatter, Gary Lee Gale-Betzler, Lisa E Gardetto, Darlaine Claire Garrett, Toni N Garrison, April M Garvey, Pamela A Gerardot, Diane M Gerstenecker, Dale M Glen, John Godfrey, Carolyn Jean Goessling, Steven P Goetz, Ronald E Gormley, James C Goushey, Layla Azmi Granger, Kimberlyann Tsai Graul, Julie L Graville, Teri K Grote, Terri J 09/21/10 Loc FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M M FV FV FV FV M FV M M FV FV FV M M M M M FV M CC FP FP FV FV FV W CC FP FP FP M M FV W CC W W W W W W FV FV W W FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BIO111421422 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 BIO111449 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.33 BIO111421lab 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 BIO111422lab 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 BIO111448 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 MTH030S02 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.50 MTH140602 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 MTH140676 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH020S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CHM106601 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 CHM106602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.33 CHM105603 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 RDG016501 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 RDG017501 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 CordinGTC 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 RDG030501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ANT101676 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL103575 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MUS114601 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MUS114602 06/27/10 08/07/10 3.00 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 30.00 DCS116551 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 DCS118551 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Released 05/27/10 07/22/10 4.00 SOC1016W5 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 IDS201675 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 MTH020Redesign 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.50 PT Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Orientation 08/09/10 08/14/10 1.00 ENG2056WA 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ST 211401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.33 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EGR133500 06/07/10 08/07/10 3.00 Bck Design 08/08/10 08/14/10 1.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 06/30/10 0.50 AHCE MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 1.00 DIE205401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 DIE202401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Cur Devlop 05/24/10 06/30/10 1.00 MTH230601 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MTH230602 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 Sabbatical 06/07/10 07/31/10 7.50 ENG101301 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 Dept Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH160C395 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.50 MTH140395 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Prof Dev 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH160C396 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 PgmCordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 PSY205501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH186350 07/01/10 07/31/10 2.14 HIT Grant 07/01/10 08/13/10 1.00 -30- Amount Paid $3,813.12 $3,900.16 $4,221.92 $1,296.81 $1,296.81 $2,925.12 $3,900.16 $2,925.12 $3,813.12 $3,177.60 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $5,196.97 $3,246.88 $1,296.81 $1,950.08 $975.04 $975.04 $2,925.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $630.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $5,084.16 $635.52 $1,271.04 $678.08 $3,345.12 $100.00 $1,271.04 $4,230.40 $3,345.12 $249.00 $200.00 $487.52 $33.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $975.04 $5,575.20 $5,575.20 $9,532.80 $2,466.24 $100.00 $2,466.24 $3,900.16 $1,462.56 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,900.16 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $2,466.24 $1,755.14 $975.04 Name Grupas, Angela K Hafer, Gail H Hake, Carol L Hake, John C Hall, Sandra Dye Hamberg, Linda J Hamilton, Angela L Hanlon, David R Hansen, Troy Robert Harms, Robert C Harris, James J Hartmann, William K Hartwein, Jon Hauser, Michael A Heaton, Patricia L Henry, Deborah Jane Herman, Susan Kay Hertel, Robert B Heth, George O Higdon, Paul Edward High, Julie Ann Hollins, Stacy Gee Hovis, Janice Kay 09/21/10 Loc FP FP M M M M M CC CC FV FV FP FV M M M M M FV M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP M FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IS 103448 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 2.00 COM107676 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COM107674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COM107675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 CurricNet 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 14.00 MTH030535 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 MDG Training 05/27/10 06/30/10 2.00 ChairDuties 06/07/10 06/30/10 1.00 ENG101601 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 Released 05/18/10 07/30/10 1.00 ART165601 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 AT 280698 07/11/10 08/07/10 1.00 ART165602 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 7.40 BIO111697 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.33 BIO111696 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO111695 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO111601 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 HUM106401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG2174XA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG030402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL102475 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL102474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Gen Ed Coor 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 XRT116402 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 XRT215401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CHM105601 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 CHM105602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.33 CHM101694 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 DHY 226 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.46 DHY 142 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.77 DHY 142 07/12/10 08/02/10 0.21 HST102474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST102475 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST101421 07/12/10 07/30/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 5.06 Sabbatical 06/07/10 07/31/10 7.50 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 9.34 BIO203502 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.67 MUS114574 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MUS114551 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.60 MUS P/C 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 Piano Combos 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 MUS1145WA 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Correction/Smr 10 07/11/10 07/24/10 0.40 PgmCordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 IS 129574 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 IS 151574 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 IS 102574 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 IS 102574 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 IS 123575 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 Pgm Cordin 05/18/10 06/12/10 1.00 Coordinator 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 IS 102575 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 4.01 -31- Amount Paid $2,925.12 $1,950.08 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $400.00 $6,355.20 $100.00 $350.00 $2,466.24 $1,950.08 $1,271.04 $2,925.12 $1,269.12 $5,076.48 $83.00 $5,076.48 $7,216.48 $4,828.12 $4,828.12 $4,828.12 $4,828.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,900.16 $975.04 $2,925.12 $6,774.65 $4,232.56 $6,774.65 $3,122.03 $2,250.57 $264.40 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $5,645.70 $9,534.00 $217.48 $5,207.24 $3,345.12 $2,899.10 $1,115.04 $2,230.08 $3,345.12 $446.02 $1,271.04 $975.04 $3,900.16 $975.04 $1,950.08 $975.04 $975.04 $1,950.08 $2,925.12 $5,100.69 Name Hsu, Jeff C Huber, William F Huelsmann, Mary L Huether, Teresa F Hughes, John S Hughes, Ronald V Hunt-Bradford, Susan E Hurst, Douglas J Hvatum, Margaret M Ibur, James M Ilhan, Gulten Irons, Sandra J Isaacson, Matthew Paul Ivory, Jeffrey P Jason, Marita A Johnson, Reginald A Jones, Jeffrey D Jones, Trevin J Joseph, Reni 09/21/10 Loc M M FP FP FP FP FP M FV FV FV M M M M FP FP FP M M M M M M CC M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP CC M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ACC114601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC100674 05/18/10 07/10/10 3.00 BIO207449 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.33 BIO208421 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 Grant Project 06/01/10 07/31/10 1.00 BIO208422 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO207448 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.33 Released 06/07/10 07/17/10 0.67 CTC COR 08/01/10 08/14/10 1.00 Trg Session 05/21/10 06/26/10 1.00 CTL Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 6.00 HST101603 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 HST101602 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Released 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 ENG030403 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG030401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG101453 05/18/10 06/06/10 3.00 MCM101674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MCM201601 06/08/10 08/07/10 0.60 MCM141674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IDS201699 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 COM101652 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COM201674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Fac Eval 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 COM201675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 103675 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.35 IS 229674 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.65 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 ART213698 06/13/10 08/07/10 1.00 ART113638 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ART113639 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 ART213637 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 PHL103677 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL103601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PHL103675 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL103678 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL102675 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PHL103676 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH020403 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH020409 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH020405 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH140401 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 AT 213450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 ART100401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 AT 213401 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Cor Ceramics 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 HRM134474 05/18/10 07/16/10 3.00 HRM141448 05/26/10 07/14/10 3.00 HRM112474 05/18/10 07/16/10 3.00 HRM221448 05/18/10 07/14/10 1.00 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 1.00 HRM201474 05/18/10 07/16/10 1.00 Cor Honors 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 12.80 BUS104475 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IB 100474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 CHM105650 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 CHM207601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 -32- Amount Paid $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $4,828.12 $4,828.12 $500.00 $4,828.12 $4,828.12 $746.08 $1,271.04 $250.00 $7,626.24 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,925.12 $585.02 $2,925.12 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,542.08 $3,813.12 $1,715.90 $2,097.21 $1,271.04 $83.00 $4,476.48 $1,119.12 $4,476.48 $4,476.48 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $3,312.00 $2,484.00 $3,312.00 $828.00 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $1,115.04 $1,115.04 $1,271.04 $12,482.56 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $100.00 $5,196.97 $2,925.12 Name Josten, Denice L Juriga, David A Kahan, Brenda H Kalmer, Irene C Karleskint, George Keller, Patty OHallaron Klein, Nancy M Knight, Sandra M Koosmann, Steven B Koric, Arabela Kraja, Elida Kreher, Jamie L Kruger, Mark H Kummer, Denise L Kurt, Barbara E Langnas, Robert S Lasek, Emily L 09/21/10 Loc M FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M FP FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CHM210610 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.67 RDG016401 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.00 RDG017401 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 RDG020402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ACC100474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BUS201401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC110451 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 BUS201451 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 103475 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 103474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 129474 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ECE105502 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.80 ECE206501 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.90 ECE203502 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ECE105501 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.40 ECE203501 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.80 ECE206502 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.30 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO145601 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 BIO207603 06/14/10 07/24/10 3.00 BIO207601 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 BIO208603 06/14/10 07/24/10 3.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 BIO208601 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 PSY205676 06/13/10 08/07/10 3.00 PSY200678 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 PSY205674 06/13/10 08/07/10 3.00 PSY200698 07/11/10 08/07/10 1.00 PSY205675 06/13/10 08/07/10 3.00 PSY200675 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 PSY200679 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 OTA104601 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.33 Pgm Direct 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 8.80 Sabbatical 06/07/10 07/31/10 7.50 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 2.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 12.00 MTH185426 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 ACC110575 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ACC114550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC100501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PgmCordin 05/18/10 06/12/10 1.00 PgmCordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ACC110501 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 Act Cor Grp 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Pho Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 IDS101401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 IDS201403 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 IDS201401 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 IDS101403 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BUS201601 05/18/10 06/10/10 3.00 BUS201602 05/18/10 06/10/10 3.00 MTH030602 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 MTH160C602 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH140675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140605 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 1.00 PC HUM/PHIL 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 PC FINE ARTS 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Cunselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.13 -33- Amount Paid $3,578.39 $2,542.08 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $1,016.83 $1,143.93 $2,542.08 $1,779.46 $1,016.83 $381.31 $3,813.12 $2,542.08 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $83.00 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,961.52 $1,271.04 $11,186.56 $9,532.80 $166.00 $300.00 $4,110.40 $1,950.08 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $975.04 $1,950.08 $1,950.08 $828.00 $828.00 $2,925.12 $3,900.16 $3,900.16 $2,925.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $25.00 $1,271.04 $1,271.04 $5,973.10 Name Layton, Timothy S Loc FV CC LeClerc, Erin Rebecca M M M M M Lee, Dianne M FP Lee, Kwan M M M M M Lee, Robert M M M M M M M Leech, Melissa L M M M Lemons, Shelly Lynn M M Lewis, Christine Marie FV FV FV Lincoln, Craig Walter FV FV M Linder, Timothy J M CC Little, Timothy A M M Lodhi, Afzal K W W W Long, Richard Douglas M M Luebke, Mary E FV Lupardus, S Carol FV FV FV W W Magagnos, Lovedy S FV FV FV FV Malone, McCoy A FP FP FP Manteuffel, Mark Steven FV FV FV FV FV FV Martin de Camilo, Jody Elizabeth M M M Martin, Susan J FP 09/21/10 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv IDS201574 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 Released 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 ART152674 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ART152674 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 ART158601 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.60 AT 254601 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.40 Act Dean 06/07/10 07/31/10 18.00 PSI101674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSI111675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHY111695 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 PSI111674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST102602 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 HST100676 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST100677 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 HST100674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST100675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST101604 05/30/10 07/10/10 3.00 MTH030607 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140603 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Course Repeater 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 HST102650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST101601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 MTH160C553 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH134550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Substitute 06/07/10 08/14/10 4.00 Nanotech 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 PHY122501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSI111601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 CVTW MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 11.00 Dep Chr Tran 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ENG201601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO203301 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.67 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO111350 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG2016WV 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG2016WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EDU2265WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PgmCordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EDU2265XA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EDU Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 EDU226374 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECE124550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECE103550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ECE102550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 RDG030401 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.96 RDG100401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 RDG030402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PED116550 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 Honors 07/11/10 07/26/10 1.00 BIO111502 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BIO151501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BIO1545WE 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BIO111502lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 BIO117674 05/18/10 06/22/10 3.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO117675 05/18/10 06/22/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 -34- Amount Paid $3,900.16 $100.00 $822.08 $1,644.16 $822.08 $493.25 $328.83 $22,878.72 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $6,355.20 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $975.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $100.00 $2,542.08 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $975.04 $363.00 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $5,935.76 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,542.08 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $3,757.51 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,692.16 $83.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $1,296.80 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 Name Martino-Taylor, Lisa Mayes, Howard G McCall, Kimberly L McCloskey, Ellen A McDoniel, Lawrence J McDowell, Barbara J McElligott, Pamela G McGovern, Thomas A McGuire, Julie Higgins McManemy, Jeffrey Charles McManus, Laurie K Medeiros, Jennifer Anne Mense, James J Mercer, June J Messmer, John P Meyer, Deborah M Meyer, Eric W Miinch, Patricia Lincecum Miller, Donda Dianne Miller, Robert J Mincher, Amanda Lynn Mizes, Lisa R Monson, Amy Elizabeth Moody, Carla J 09/21/10 Loc FP M FV M FV FV FV FV FV CC CC M M M CC FV FV FP FV M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M M FP FP M FV FV FV FV FV FV M M FV M M M M M M FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Act Dep Chr 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC1016W1 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/10 06/30/10 3.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 7.00 MCM1015XA 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MCM141574 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MCM201501 07/12/10 07/31/10 3.00 COM101575 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 COM101501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Spc Prj VC 06/01/10 08/16/10 11.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 Perkins 05/24/10 06/26/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MGT204674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 Substitute 06/17/10 08/14/10 3.00 ME 138500 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 ISW 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 MTH185601 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MTH160C651 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH160C650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 GEG10151B 07/12/10 07/16/10 48.00 HST1025WA 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 HST1055WB 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.88 THT101585 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 ENG2035WC 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.88 ENG2035WA 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 THT101595 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.88 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 Svc Learning 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 ENG101575 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101574 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IS 107674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSC101602 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSC101S02 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSC101601 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.50 PSC101601 05/18/10 06/12/10 1.50 Dep Chair 06/21/10 07/30/10 3.00 HIT Grant 07/02/10 07/31/10 4.00 Honors Cor 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Orientation 08/09/10 08/27/10 1.00 ECE200501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECE101574 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 CTE 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 Extended 06/01/10 06/30/10 3.00 IS 103601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 IS 103650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG030506 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 RDG100601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Rdg Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 RDG030651 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG020601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BUS103675 05/18/10 07/10/10 3.00 ACC114674 05/18/10 07/10/10 3.00 COM101403 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 COM101450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 3.00 -35- Amount Paid $3,345.12 $2,034.24 $3,813.12 $154.00 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $249.00 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $13,983.20 $100.00 $3,813.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $100.00 $75.00 $2,925.12 $83.00 $1,271.04 $400.00 $1,271.00 $6,355.20 $5,084.16 $5,084.16 $3,984.00 $1,462.56 $1,828.20 $1,462.56 $1,828.20 $1,462.56 $1,828.20 $975.04 $975.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,906.56 $1,906.56 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $2,925.12 $775.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $975.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $1,814.88 $2,925.12 $975.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $249.00 Name Moreland, Lisa Kay Morris, Betsy J Mosher, Anne Marie Mueller, Craig Hugo Mueller, Kelly J Munson, Bruce J Munson, Deborah Rochelle Myers, Gerald Cled Ndao, Rokhaya Niang Neal, Emily Mae Phillips Nelson, Donna Marie Nesser-Chu, Janice NewMyer, Angela Blake Nichols, Andrea Jean Nielsen, Eric R Njoku, Angela C North, Sharon I Northern, Rebecca Ann Nowacki, Kelly Ann Nygard, Paul D 09/21/10 Loc FP FP M M FV FV FV FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV M FV CC CC FV FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FV FV FV FP FP M FV FV FV FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv COM101402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MDG Project 06/01/10 07/31/10 2.00 ART109636 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 ART109601 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 MTH170535 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Cordin Adj 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Substitute 06/14/10 08/14/10 12.50 HRM201448 05/25/10 07/01/10 3.00 TUR236401 06/07/10 07/17/10 48.00 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 4.00 ForLngCor 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 SPA102550 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 SPA101501 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 PSY205401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY200450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 2.00 HECDASetUp 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO111451 06/07/10 06/26/10 1.95 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 2.00 DA 176448 05/18/10 06/04/10 2.08 BIO111451 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.38 MUS102601 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MUS114S01 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MUS102HON 07/25/10 08/07/10 1.00 Honors 07/11/10 07/26/10 1.00 MTH220501 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MTH030585 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSC101650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Director 06/07/10 06/30/10 3.00 StfDevCor 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 StfDevDor 05/18/10 05/29/10 3.00 Gallery Dir 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 PC PHOTO 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 BIO151421 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO203422lab 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.64 BIO203421422 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 BIO203421lab 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.64 SOC2024WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC204474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101474 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 SOC101448 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.77 SOC1014WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101476 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 ECO151602 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECO151603 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECO151601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Released/PgmDir 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Released/ClnCor 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 CLT105448 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.46 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 MTH186501 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH123580 06/11/10 06/14/10 1.00 XRT215401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 XRT116401 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 PTA105650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.66 IDS201S01 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 IDS101S01 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 HST2055IB 07/12/10 07/16/10 48.00 HST101S50 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 HST101S50 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 -36- Amount Paid $2,466.24 $1,950.40 $4,476.48 $4,476.48 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $312.50 $3,345.12 $1,245.12 $4,460.16 $975.04 $3,900.16 $3,900.16 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $166.00 $2,925.12 $1,900.11 $166.00 $2,031.50 $2,321.81 $3,900.16 $2,925.12 $83.00 $83.00 $4,875.20 $2,925.12 $2,466.24 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $975.04 $975.04 $2,466.24 $2,170.29 $2,466.24 $2,170.29 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $1,725.21 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $400.00 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $1,115.04 $1,115.04 $4,989.41 $1,271.04 $5,084.16 $1,271.04 $2,466.24 $3,288.32 $2,819.12 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $3,984.00 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 Name Oliver, Keith L Oliver, Lonetta Michelle Olson, Karen A Oney, Margaret J Orlando, Lori Carleen Osburn, Sandra Sumanthi Ostlund, Karen M Padberg, Christine Elizabeth Pande, Jyoti S Papier, Jeffrey A Pea, Nancy E Jones Pedersen, Timothy W Peppes, Nicholas D Peraud, Richard J Perez Franco, Antonia T Pernik, Rita Moisevna Person, Sharon K Pescarino, Richard A Petroff, Kathleen M Philpott, Shannon E Piazza, Ellen Elizabeth Pierroutsakos, Sophia L 09/21/10 Loc FV FV FV M M FV FV FV M M M FV FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FP M FP FV FV FV M FV FP FP FP FP FP FP M M FP FP FP FV FV FP FP FV FV FV FP FP FP FP M M M FP FP FP FP M M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv THT101585 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 ENG2035WA 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 HST1025WA 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 THT101674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 THT101675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101507 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101506 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Released 05/24/10 06/27/10 1.00 ECE127674 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 ECE103674 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 EDU211450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Tch Ed Cor 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 EDU227401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 07/05/10 07/16/10 1.00 COM2004WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 3.00 Substitute 07/14/10 08/14/10 3.00 Rdg Adj Sup 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 CTL Director 05/19/10 07/31/10 7.80 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 4.93 Coordinator 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 ESC207650 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ESC207501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ECO152401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECO151451 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ECO151401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECO151448 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 ECO151474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG201S01 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 2.00 SPA101450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 SPA102401 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 MTH030510 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 CordinGTC 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ENG080401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG053401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH160C503 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 MTH040501 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 GSCC PROJECT 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 RDG030403 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG020403 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 CORCOL020 07/01/10 07/31/10 3.00 Cor Rdg Lab 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Montage 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 Montage 05/18/10 06/26/10 1.00 ENG101605 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HRM134449 05/25/10 07/15/10 3.00 CUL105474 05/18/10 07/24/10 3.00 Coordinator 05/18/10 07/18/10 3.00 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 1.00 Released 06/08/10 08/02/10 1.00 PSY200672 06/13/10 08/07/10 3.00 PSY200677 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 -37- Amount Paid $1,672.56 $1,672.56 $1,672.56 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $2,466.24 $822.08 $83.00 $2,466.24 $100.00 $2,925.12 $83.00 $2,925.12 $249.00 $75.00 $975.04 $7,606.56 $4,048.36 $2,925.12 $975.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $83.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $166.00 $3,900.16 $3,900.16 $2,466.24 $822.08 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $4,460.16 $5,575.20 $4,460.16 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $975.04 $822.08 $822.08 $2,466.24 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 Name Pisacreta, Diane Polta, Sally Louise Popper, Regina W Pressman, Sophia Queener, Scott E Quintero, Michael O Raheja, Nina S Ralphs, Laura Christine Rebollo, Jean M Reeves, Aaron L Reno, Shaun Rhodes, Marlene Richmond, Mary Askew Ritts, Vicki M Rizzo, Kathleen Susan Roberts, Kelli Cassandra Roberts, Paul R Roffle, Angela Harleana Rohman, Todd E Romero, Marco A Rosenthal, Howard G Runge, Douglas K Salmon, Harold E 09/21/10 Loc W W W W W W M FP FP FP CC M M M FP FV FV FV FP FP CC FP FP FP M M FP FP FP M M FP FV FV M M M M M M FP M M M M M FP FP M M M M M M M M FV FV FV M M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv PSY200376 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 PSY200376 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.50 PSY208375 06/07/10 06/30/10 1.35 PSY208374 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.50 PSY208374 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 PSY200378 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.77 PSY200676 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 XRT116402 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 XRT121449 05/18/10 06/19/10 2.00 XRT121448 05/18/10 06/19/10 2.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 PSY2036X1 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY203602 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PSY203650 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 11.20 ART107551 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.67 ART111501 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Advising 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MDG Training 05/27/10 06/30/10 1.00 NRSG FPCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 MDG Project 06/01/10 07/31/10 1.00 DA 176448 05/18/10 06/04/10 2.08 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 THT101601 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 Dir Sum Pgm 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ACC100401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC114401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ACC110474 06/07/10 07/31/10 64.00 ENG1026WA 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 Gen Ed Cor 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 7.80 ENG101503 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG101505 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY214HON 05/30/10 06/12/10 1.00 PSY214601 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY200602 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY200603 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Released 05/18/10 07/22/10 1.00 PSY200601 05/18/10 06/04/10 5.00 MDG Training 05/27/10 06/30/10 2.00 BIO111603 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO111602 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 BIO124601 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.33 HRT105601 06/07/10 07/17/10 0.60 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 HMS102401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HMS122499 05/18/10 05/31/10 48.00 ENG2316W7 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101602 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG1026WB 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 SPA102650 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 SPA202698 07/11/10 08/07/10 1.00 SPA201601 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 SPA101601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PgmCordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 HMS111501 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Orientation 08/09/10 08/14/10 1.00 SOC201698 07/11/10 08/07/10 1.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 13.00 -38- Amount Paid $1,672.56 $1,672.56 $1,505.30 $1,672.56 $1,672.56 $3,087.26 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $2,230.08 $2,230.08 $100.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $10,922.24 $2,600.32 $3,900.48 $975.04 $3,345.12 $1,115.04 $198.00 $1,115.20 $1,453.00 $1,390.08 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,656.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $8,698.56 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $83.00 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $6,355.20 $2,230.08 $3,559.61 $3,559.61 $4,828.12 $669.02 $2,230.08 $2,682.24 $3,984.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $5,084.16 $83.00 $5,084.16 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $678.08 $83.00 $16,525.60 Name Saum, Suzanne E Schalda, Anne Therese Schamber, Steven M Schmitt, Damaris A Schneider, Jeffrey Lynn Schneider, Joseph R Seese, Lillian M Serns, Susan Lynn Shepherd, Deneen M Sherman, Patricia A Sherwin, Amy Beth Wagner Shiller, Casey Eric Shuck, Patrick J Shultis, Eric Simmons, Nancy R Sippy, Jessica Lynn Smejkal, Christopher H Smith, Katherine Elizabeth Smith, Stephen W 09/21/10 Loc FV FV FV FV FV FV FV CC FV FV FV M M M M M M M M M M M M M M CC M FV FV FV FP FP FP FP FV FP FP FP M M M FV FV M M M M FP FP FP FP FP M M M M FP FP FP FP FP St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv CHM10151A 06/07/10 07/17/10 5.33 CHM105552 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 CHM101551lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 Cor Honors 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 Substitute 06/15/10 08/14/10 5.00 Substitute 06/17/10 08/14/10 0.36 Chm Tch Cor 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 MATH MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 12.00 Extended 06/01/10 06/30/10 3.00 CHM106550lab 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 MTH160C535 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 BLW101650 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ECO152604 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BLW101601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 ECO152603 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 6.40 ENG1026WV 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG1026XA 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 ENG1026WE 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSI123674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 GEO100675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 GEO100674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSI123675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PSI1116X2 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 COL TRAINING 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 13.00 RDG020501 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 RDG020504 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/01/10 1.90 ENG030407 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 2.00 HIT Grant 07/02/10 07/31/10 4.00 HIT210450 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.50 Bck Dsg 08/08/10 08/16/10 1.00 Project 05/24/10 06/30/10 3.00 BAP115401 05/18/10 06/17/10 1.88 Curric Dev 05/24/10 06/30/10 1.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ART107639 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.67 ART107669 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.67 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 Pgm Cordin 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 LGL108695 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BLW201601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PgmCordin 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 LGL219639 07/11/10 07/24/10 0.60 SOC101475 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 SOC101401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 SOC101477 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 COM101602 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 IDS201698 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 Librarian 05/18/10 08/14/10 2.10 FD 103474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 FD 104474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 FD 102474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 Released/Dental 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 -39- Amount Paid $6,774.64 $5,084.16 $1,690.48 $2,542.08 $110.00 $9.00 $1,271.04 $324.00 $3,813.12 $1,690.48 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $8,135.68 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $400.00 $2,925.12 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $1,271.04 $325.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $1,852.57 $2,925.12 $1,950.08 $3,900.16 $1,462.56 $200.00 $2,925.12 $1,828.20 $975.04 $2,538.24 $3,384.32 $3,384.32 $2,542.08 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,542.08 $762.62 $2,925.12 $83.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,466.24 $4,460.16 $400.00 $2,341.92 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,230.08 $3,345.12 Name Snaric, Jay M Sodon, James R Speegle, Aletta D Spencer, Jamieson Sperruzza, Denise M Steiner, Hope E Stephens, Christopher J Stocker, Connie Sue Suess, Patricia A Swallow, Cheryl A Swoboda, Michael E Swyers, Kathleen M Tandoh, Kwabena Bempah Taylor, David M Taylor, Mark L Thomas-Woods, Renee M Thompson, Judith S Tiedt, Linda J Toal, Kevin R 09/21/10 Loc M M FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV M M M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FP FV M FV FV FV FV FP FP M CC M M M FP FP FP FP M M M FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M M FV FV FV FV FV St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv BIO151675 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 BIO151674 05/18/10 06/11/10 3.00 ENG101554 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG2055WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG2035WB 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG1025XE 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG2055XA 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.50 MTH160C675 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 IDS201601 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.47 ENG1025XA 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Correction/Smr 10 07/11/10 07/24/10 0.53 COM107601 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 COM110674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 IDS101601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 12.80 HST1025WA 05/18/10 06/30/10 1.50 ALP P/C 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 GENED P/C 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.50 GLE502501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST1055WB 05/18/10 06/30/10 1.88 THT101595 05/19/10 06/30/10 1.88 ENG2035WA 05/18/10 06/30/10 1.50 ENG2035WC 05/18/10 06/30/10 1.88 Workshop 05/18/10 06/30/10 1.00 THT101585 05/18/10 06/29/10 1.50 MTH020Redesign 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.50 Camp 07/12/10 07/31/10 1.00 MTH140502 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH140504 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MDG Training 05/27/10 06/30/10 1.00 MDG Project 06/01/10 07/31/10 1.00 ART275695 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 CVTW MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 10.00 ART275695 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.67 AT 276601 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.67 AT 276601 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 10.00 CCID Project 06/02/10 08/17/10 1.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 3.00 HMS201203401 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.20 IDS101674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Asst Dep Chr 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101606 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 ISWFAC 05/24/10 05/27/10 1.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 EDU218501 06/07/10 07/17/10 48.00 MCM2095XA 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MCM113501 06/07/10 07/17/10 48.00 COM101576 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Forum 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 ART133639 05/18/10 06/04/10 4.00 PE 180674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PE 180601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PE 161695 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 CTERdgPilot 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 BIO203503 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.67 BIO223502 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.60 Released 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 BIO223503 06/07/10 07/17/10 2.39 -40- Amount Paid $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $2,787.60 $4,460.16 $4,406.54 $3,813.12 $677.62 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $16,271.36 $1,906.56 $2,542.08 $1,906.56 $3,813.12 $2,383.20 $2,383.20 $1,906.56 $2,383.20 $1,271.20 $1,906.56 $411.04 $1,115.04 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,271.04 $1,271.20 $1,033.92 $330.00 $2,067.84 $2,067.84 $1,033.92 $12,712.00 $1,271.20 $249.00 $2,630.66 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,237.12 $2,925.12 $746.88 $2,925.12 $1,950.08 $5,076.48 $3,807.36 $3,807.36 $3,807.36 $1,115.04 $4,553.44 $1,556.41 $975.04 $2,334.00 Name Loc Tremont, Samuel J Tucker, Julie M Tulley, Mark David FV M M M FV FV FV FV FV FP FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV FV M M M FV FV FP FP FP FV FV M CC FP FP FP FV FV M W FP W FV M M M M M M M M M CC M M M M M FV FV FV Tyler, Margaret G Unger, Richard S Urban, Georgia A Vinson, Annette Lorraine Wachal, Barbara Joan Wagganer, Andrea M Waghulde, Vidyullata C Walker, Carla Drake Walker, Mitchell E Wallner, Donna F Walsh, Janet K Warfield, Angela Marie Warren, Aundrea L Wavering, Kelly R Weber, Mark A Weil, Robert L Welty, Dorothy J Wentworth, Glenna C Werner, Donna J Wessely, Vicki R White, Amanda M White, Dennis Arthur 09/21/10 St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv Orientation 08/09/10 08/30/10 1.00 MTH030603 05/18/10 06/26/10 3.00 BUS104601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 PSY200574 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY200575 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSY200501 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PSY200502 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 Pgm Coord 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 MDG Project 06/01/10 07/31/10 2.00 Workshop 06/15/10 06/30/10 1.00 IDS201578 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 IDS201575 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Dep Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101501 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 ENG2045WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC2025WA 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 Substitute 06/28/10 07/14/10 3.50 BIO567565 06/07/10 07/17/10 0.50 DIT115565 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.50 Nanotech 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 CHM105695 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 CHM101696 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.33 CHM206601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG2265WA 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG2015WB 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Cur Devlop 05/24/10 06/30/10 2.00 Depart Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 AUT168401 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.67 ISWFAC 05/24/10 05/27/10 1.00 Ret to Ind 06/01/10 06/30/10 3.00 CorNursing 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 NRSG MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 ENG101476 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG101406 05/18/10 06/06/10 3.00 Nanotech 07/01/10 07/31/10 1.00 BIO203501 06/07/10 07/17/10 4.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 Sabbatical 06/07/10 07/31/10 7.50 AUT156450 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.67 Dept Chair 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 7.63 PHL104676 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL104675 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL104674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 PHL109601 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Released 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 Released 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 PHL104677 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Cor Pro Dev 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 Cor Pro Dev 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 SOC101603 06/27/10 08/07/10 3.00 SOC204674 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SOC101601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 Learning Cir 06/01/10 06/30/10 1.00 SOC1016W4 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 RDG030504 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BCKDSG 08/08/10 08/16/10 1.00 RDG030550 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 -41- Amount Paid $775.04 $2,925.12 $3,345.12 $400.00 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $4,460.16 $1,271.04 $2,542.40 $300.00 $4,460.16 $4,460.16 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $1,233.12 $87.50 $411.04 $1,233.12 $2,230.08 $5,943.16 $5,943.16 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $3,345.12 $2,542.08 $3,813.12 $5,935.75 $1,271.04 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $198.00 $83.00 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $975.04 $3,900.16 $400.00 $9,532.80 $5,207.24 $2,466.24 $7,435.90 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $1,271.04 $2,542.08 $3,813.12 $5,084.16 $3,813.12 $100.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $400.00 $2,925.12 $2,466.24 $200.00 $2,466.24 Name Wiesler, Eugene Paul Wilkinson, Lisa R Williams, Louis Wilson, Hilary Lea Wilson, LaRhonda L Wilson, Nathan G Wilson, Pamela S Winter, Rebecca Anne Wodajo, Tadesse B Worth, Joseph B Yan, Wei Yezbick, Daniel Zant, Thomas Ziegler, Patricia Lynn Zirkle, Thomas A Zumwinkel, Donna Marie 09/21/10 Loc FV FV M M M M CC FP FP FP FP FP CC FP FP FP FP FV FV FV FV M M FV M M M M FV FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP FP M M M M M M M FP FP M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Faculty Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Date Date Equiv ReadingPilot 06/07/10 06/30/10 1.00 Cor Orient 06/07/10 08/08/10 2.00 MTH030604 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH220602 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 MTH140607 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ESL Placement 06/07/10 08/14/10 15.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 HST101401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 HST102450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 HST101448 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 HST101450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 2.00 Assess Prj 07/22/10 08/14/10 1.00 Coordinator 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 ENG226474 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ENG101473 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 EDU218402 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 SrcLearning 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 SOC101501 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 PgmCordin 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 SOC101503 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 MTH212601 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 MTH220601 06/07/10 07/31/10 5.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 5.63 TchofRec/CWC 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 ECO152601 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 BUS201604 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 BUS201603 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/13/10 9.25 ENG101474 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG1024WF 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG101475 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG101403 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG1024WG 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG101405 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 Global Ed 06/07/10 06/30/10 6.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 5.00 ENG101404 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 ENG101402 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 PSC101401 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 PSC101474 06/07/10 07/17/10 3.00 IRT138674 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 IRT170674 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.00 IRT202SDL 07/12/10 07/16/10 3.00 IRT172674 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 Perkins Project 05/29/10 06/26/10 2.00 IRT170674 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 IRT171674 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.00 Sabbatical 06/07/10 07/31/10 7.50 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 2.00 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 3.95 -42- Amount Paid $822.08 $1,644.16 $3,813.12 $6,355.20 $3,813.12 $330.00 $100.00 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $3,813.12 $166.00 $100.00 $822.08 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $2,466.24 $975.04 $2,925.12 $975.04 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $4,875.20 $6,273.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $11,758.60 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $5,851.20 $415.00 $2,925.12 $2,925.12 $3,813.12 $83.00 $3,813.12 $1,992.00 $975.04 $249.00 $1,950.08 $1,644.16 $1,950.08 $1,950.08 $8,362.80 $166.00 $3,852.04 Name Adams, Rhonda Johnson Aslin, Holly A Barron, Tracy J Bast, Janet Dorothy Boedeker, Elizabeth D Bottger, Robert C Bufalo, Rachel Lynn Clayton, Sandra E Crawford, Linden G Dang-Williams, Thao Xuan Daniels, Angela Scott Drown, Frances F Ehlen, Steven F Eversgerd, Kelley M Finney, Eloise Graham, Stephanie Ann Hubble, Linda Diane Iborg, Deborah A Jansen, Charlene S Johnson, Yvonne Jones, Darren Bruce Kinney, Johnna D Kossuth, Jessica A Lewis, Rosita D Lyons, Eilene M Marchbanks, Cindy L Marquardt, Sharon Catherine Marshall, Glenn Matson, Kristopher M Mayse, Renee M McCool, Marie L McGee, Darlene K Myers, Nicole M Neil, Darlene H Novikova, Galina Oswald, Paul M Phillips, Karana J Ritchie, Mary J Romer, Ronnie L Schrader, Karen M Thoele, Mary A Thompson, Darren L Turner, Sandra Theressa Willmore, Richard A 09/21/10 Loc M FV FP FP FP M FV M CC CC M M M FP FP M FV M FP CC M FV FV FV FV FP M M M M FV FV FV W W FV FV FV FV FP FP FV FV FV M FP FV M M FP CC FP M FP FP M M M FV M St. Louis Community College 3.2 Ratifications Full-Time Classified/Administrative/Professional Summer 2010 Job Begin Job End Cr Hr or Clock Hr Course Number Amount Paid Date Date Equiv Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 2.30 $1,890.60 CCPR FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 $124.00 Honors 06/03/10 06/14/10 1.00 $83.00 COM101477 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 $2,034.24 RDG030451 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 $2,034.24 Substitute 06/16/10 08/14/10 1.00 $25.00 BIO221501 05/18/10 08/14/10 0.20 $195.01 PE 130 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.00 $975.12 COMP MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 $435.00 PHOT MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 6.00 $162.00 MTH030S51 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 $2,466.24 Counselor 05/18/10 08/16/10 6.80 $8,644.16 Act VP Duties 05/18/10 07/30/10 2.15 $2,732.44 COM101476 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 $3,813.12 Wom Bask 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.01 $2,333.43 MTH020651 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 $2,085.12 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 4.00 $132.00 Summer Pro 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 $604.96 HMS120499 07/12/10 08/16/10 1.00 $83.00 SENR MCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 124.00 $2,232.00 EDU226S95 06/07/10 07/31/10 48.00 $1,494.24 PE 121501 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 $1,300.16 PE 103501 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 $1,300.16 PE 130502 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 $1,300.16 PE 130506 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 $1,300.16 CTCR INSTR 05/18/10 08/13/10 9.00 $297.00 HST102695 05/18/10 06/04/10 3.00 $3,813.12 PE 131 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.94 $1,606.33 PE 131601 05/18/10 06/04/10 0.27 $220.80 Cor Fit Ctr 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 $1,104.00 PE 130507 06/07/10 07/31/10 1.33 $1,104.00 Vol Ball Coa 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.82 $2,332.21 PE 173502 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.33 $1,104.00 BIO111302L 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 $804.59 BIO111350L 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.33 $804.59 COL020502 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 $2,466.24 Nanotech 06/07/10 06/30/10 1.00 $1,115.04 Dept Chair 06/07/10 06/30/10 2.00 $2,230.08 PEDU FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 22.00 $396.00 Wom Soft 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.34 $1,416.69 WomBskCoa 06/07/10 07/31/10 0.76 $500.04 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 2.00 $66.00 ECE204550 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 $2,925.12 THT101501 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 $3,345.12 ART131650 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 $2,418.24 RDG020450 06/07/10 07/31/10 3.00 $2,034.24 ECE102551 06/07/10 07/17/10 48.00 $2,241.12 MTH160C606 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 $3,900.16 MTH160C605 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.00 $3,900.16 EMT ADJ 05/18/10 08/16/10 0.60 $363.12 COMP FPCE 05/18/10 08/14/10 24.00 $792.00 HIT Grant 07/01/10 08/13/10 1.00 $822.08 PE 133680 05/18/10 07/16/10 1.33 $1,104.00 HIT101450 06/07/10 07/31/10 2.91 $1,760.06 HIT101450 05/18/10 06/04/10 1.09 $659.78 BIO203602 06/07/10 07/31/10 4.33 $2,936.09 Substitute 05/18/10 08/14/10 3.00 $75.00 Summer Pro 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 $822.08 KIDS FVCE 05/18/10 08/13/10 15.00 $315.00 Summer Pro 06/07/10 07/17/10 1.00 $822.08 -43- St. Louis Community College Grand Total 3.2 Ratifications Summer 2010 Total Dollars Relevant to Credit Hours: $4,902,316.79 Total Dollars Relevant to Clock Hours: $300,061.91 09/21/10 -44- 09/21/10 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS/CERTIFICATED STAFF NAME Harris, James LOCATION FP EFFECTIVE DATE TITLE Professor/English 12/31/10 Years of service: 37.5 -44- 3.4 OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS/RETIREMENTS/CLASSIFIED STAFF NAME Williams, Richard Years of service: 31 LOCATION CC TITLE Lead Stationary Engineer EFFECTIVE DATE 09/30/10 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: STUDENT SERVICES/RECRUITMENT LIAISON CLASSIFICATION: Professional REPORTS TO: Coordinator, Enrollment Management– WW Campus SUPERVISION GIVEN: None (P-7, unit, exempt) POSITION SUMMARY: Performs duties necessary to assist the Coordinator in implementing activities associated with recruiting, assisting, and retaining students. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Assists the Coordinator by serving as liaison between students, staff, and other departments on day-to-day issues pertaining to the enrollment process. EF Facilitates a “triage” registration service to assist students through the enrollment process; ie. completion of applications for enrollment to include schedule guides, orientation, requests for financial assistance, etc. EF Serves as liaison to develop partnerships between the college and local school systems. EF Works in tandem with the Coordinator, Enrollment Management to visit middle schools, high schools, and colleges. Meets with school counselors to promote outreach activities; arranges visits from prospective students and parents. EF Gives informational and recruitment presentations at recruitment events. Sets up and breaks down displays at recruiting events, ie. staffing booth. EF Maintains a database of prospective and current students based on student information and demographics. EF Utilizes electronic and social media for recruitment, retention, and outreach efforts, ie. Facebook, campus “blog” and “twitter”. Provides event information to Community Relations for campus weekly newsletter. EF Gives direction to student ambassadors. Performs other job related duties as assigned. Date Issued: 08/10 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. JOB SPECIFICATIONS: (1)KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: Knowledge of student recruitment and retention issues. Knowledge of word processing and database software applications and office equipment. Ability to develop and deliver presentations. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to work effectively with diverse populations. Organizing and coordinating skills. (2)QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE: Bachelor’s degree and over two years relevant full time experience. Must be available for evening/weekend activities, as needed. Date Issued: 08/10 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. TITLE: ENTERPRISE BUSINESS APPLICATION SYSTEM LEADER CLASSIFICATION: Professional (P-13, non-unit, exempt) REPORTS TO: Manager, Systems and Programming SUPERVISION GIVEN: Application and Systems Analysts/Programmers POSITION SUMMARY: Serves as the lead professional and technologies administrator for the College’s integrated enterprise information and data systems application area. Plans, develops and maintains the systems’ documentation and interfaces with these systems. Serves as liaison for Technology and Education Support Services to the College’s business and academic departments, end users and users groups. Interfaces with business unit leaders to ensure IT alignment with business processes and practices. PRIMARY DUTIES PERFORMED: EF Designs, plans, and implements automated processes that ensure data integrity and accuracy. Develops and evaluates test plans for new system implementations and upgrades. Regularly updates the system to comply with federal and state mandated guidelines. EF Provides specialized systems expertise and programs to generate special reports, statistical summaries and records. Provides specialized systems expertise and programs for analysts and end-users used in preparing and generating ad hoc reports, spreadsheets and lists. Assesses future system application needs. EF Manages and controls access to the College’s resource planning systems and is responsible for its accuracy, security, privacy protection and business continuity. Ensures compliance with, and makes recommendations for, operating guidelines. EF Serves on technology committees/advisory group that monitor system updates and project status reports. Audits activities related to application system functions. EF Configures programs and updates application portal pages, schedules and runs production jobs to ensure data and information is available for making informed decisions. EF Establishes and initiates processing schedules application system functions. EF Oversees preparation of detailed technical specifications for electronic interfaces and exchanges with internal and external applications and systems. Maintains accurate, complete and current documentation of these solutions. EF Confers with external system vendors, functional consultants, enterprise solution providers, internal and external user groups, work teams and support staff to improve Date Issued: 09/10 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 1 of 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES This job description is a general statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position. It contains the facts necessary to describe and clarify the position. More specific additional job related duties may be assigned to this position at different locations in the College. business processes and develop training efforts to ensure effective and efficient use of application systems. EF Using application system requests, works with end-user departments to develop requirements and specifications for changes to application systems. Provides leadership and management of approved changes to application systems. EF Reviews, evaluates, coordinates, tests and approves installation of vendor supplied application system upgrades and patches. EF Acts as first point of contact for all respective requests for Enterprise Computer Applications Systems support. EF Performs normal supervisory duties. Performs other job related duties as assigned. JOB SPECIFICATIONS: (1)KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES: Knowledge of current technological developments/trends in area of expertise. Knowledge of data integrity methods and techniques. Knowledge of systems security protocol, policies, and procedures. Knowledge of contractual procedures and documentation. Ability to implement and troubleshoot programming changes and modifications. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Ability to supervise and train assigned staff. (2)QUALIFICATIONS/EXPERIENCE: Bachelor’s Degree and over five years progressively responsible relevant experience with enterprise applications. May be on call during non-working hours. Regular travel within the district with occasional travel to outside locations. Date Issued: 09/10 EF=Essential Function OF=Other (Non-essential) Function Pursuant to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Requirements Page 2 of 2 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/21/10 Board of Trustee approval is requested for the renewal and/or the award of additional funds to the two (2) contracts listed below: A. Contract B0002596 with ISI TELEMANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, INC, for a contract for Telephony Manager maintenance, was originally approved by the Board of Trustees on October 22, 2009, Agenda Item 4.1.6, in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 annually, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin November 1, 2009, with an option to renew for two one year periods. As the vendor has provided satisfactory service; the College now wishes to renew this contract for one (1) of the optional contract years with an increase in award amount of $10,000.00, based on projected expenditures; therefore, the following action is requested: Current approved award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Requested contract renewal: Revised total contract period: Current contract expiration date: Revised contract expiration date: $ 15,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 25,000.00 + 1 year 2 years October 31, 2010 October 31, 2011 1 B. Contract B0002620 with SHERWOOD’S FOREST NURSERY, SUNSET PLANTLAND NURSERY, NORMAN LUMBER COMPANY and BI-STATE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY, for planting materials was originally approved for award by the Board of Trustees, on December 17, 2009, Agenda Item 4.1.5, in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00, for a period of one (1) year, to begin January 1, 2010. The expenditures for the first eight (8) months have averaged $3,020 per month and the current balance is under $3,300. Based upon known planned projects, the following action is requested: Current approved award amount: Requested approval of additional funds: Revised total contract award amount: Current contract expiration date: $25,000.00 + $10,000.00 $35,000.00 ($3,020.00 x 12 = $36,240.00) December 31, 2010 (no change) 4.1.1 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing (cont.) Board Meeting 9/21/10 Funding All expenditures against these contracts will be funded from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board Policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. 2 4.1.2 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/21/10 Board approval is requested to use the STATE OF MISSOURI CONTRACT C108217001, for the purchase of janitorial chemicals and housekeeping supplies from HILLYARD, INC., in an amount not to exceed $120,000.00, for a period of ten (10) months, to begin September 22, 2010. Description This contract will primarily be used by the Physical Facilities Department to support the daily activities performed by the College’s housekeeping staff. The contract was competitively bid and awarded by the State of Missouri Division of Purchasing. All agencies and political subdivisions of the State qualify to use this contract for the routine purchase of janitorial products and related supplies. The College qualifies for cooperative procurement participation under the terms of this contract and Board Policy H.11. Funding Purchases from this contract will be funded from current operating budgets. 3 Advertisements The State of Missouri Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing, is custodian of all records related to this bid issued for this contract and award, and was responsible for all advertisements. 4.1.3 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/21/10 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract to AMERICAN DATABANK, for the routine purchase of background check, drug testing and immunization tracking services, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00 annually, for a period of one (1) full year, beginning October 15, 2010, with an option to renew for four (4) consecutive years. Description This contract will provide background check, drug testing and immunization tracking services for the College’s various Allied Health, Childcare and Teacher Education programs. These services are required in order for the College to meet the Regional Guidelines for the Allied Health/Nursing Schools and Area Hospitals/Healthcare Systems before a student is placed in a hospital/healthcare system for clinical rotation. One bidder was disqualified for submitting a partial bid, as they bid only on the drug testing section and this is an “all or nothing” award. The recommended bidder meets all the requirements of the bid and achieved the overall best score. One (1) minority–owned and no woman-owned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002705 The evaluation of this bid, which opened August 20, 2010, is listed below: 4 Bidders AMERICAN DATABANK AccuSource, Inc. Corporate Screening Certified Background.com Iproveit.Com American Drug Testing Services Total Point Score=100 97 91 84 76 48 Partial Bid Funding All student financial transactions will be made directly between the students and AMERICAN DATABANK. Faculty background searches necessary will be made from current operating budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75.000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the St. Louis American and the Saint Louis Arugus. 4.1.4 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/21/10 Board approval is requested for the sole source award of a one-year maintenance contract renewal for Hewlett-Packard file server equipment, to HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY, in an amount not to exceed $103,000.00, for a period of one (1) full year, to begin October 1, 2010. Description This contract will be used by the TESS Department at Cosand Center to provide for maintenance and repair services for HewlettPackard file server equipment located at all College locations. This server equipment supports the delivery of mission-critical services such as access to the WEB, e-mail, Blackboard, TouchNet and Hyperion. Additionally, this contract will provide continuous coverage for equipment scheduled to expire during the period of this contract thereby providing a common maintenance expiration date. Hewlett-Packard is neither a known minority-owned nor woman-owned business enterprise. Funding This purchase will be funded from current operating budgets. 5 Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements are not run on items available from only one source. 4.1.5 Recommendation for Award/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/21/10 Board approval is requested for the award of a contract for the purchase of electrical and electronic supply items to FRENCH GERLEMAN, CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. and CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY (Section I only), in an amount not to exceed $360,000.00, with no guaranteed amount to any one vendor, for a period of three (3) full years, to begin October 1, 2010. Description This contract will be used by the District-wide Maintenance staff, the Physical Facilities Department and the Technology & Educational Support Services Department (TESS) at all College locations for the purchase of electrical and electronic items such as conduit, wire, switches, fuses, circuit panels and voice/data communications components. No known minority-owned nor womanowned business enterprise participated in this bid process. Bid – B0002732 The evaluation of this bid, which opened September 8, 2010, is listed below: 6 Bidders CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY FRENCH GERLEMAN CRESCENT ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. Sample Price / 41 Items w/escalation (Electrical) $3,302.35 / 93.61 pts 3,582.74 / 86.19 pts 4,092.98 / 84.17 pts Sample Price / 41 items w/escalation (Electronic) $12,175.74 / 50.39 pts (22 items only) 13,164.61 / 89.05 12,482.58 / 99.00 Funding Purchases made against this contract will be funded from current operating, external and capital budgets. Advertisements The College posts all open competitive bid opportunities on its WEB page and, in compliance with Board policy, also places newspaper advertisements on those bids estimated to exceed $75,000.00. Advertisements were run in the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the St. Louis American, the St. Louis Argus and the Limelight Newspaper. 4.2.1 Request for Ratification/Purchasing Board Meeting 9/21/10 There are no ratifications for Purchasing this month. 7 Board Meeting 9/21/10 4.3. Recommendation for Award/Physical Facilities: There are no recommendations for award for Physical Facilities this month. 8 Board Meeting 9/21/10 4.4.1 Recommendation for Ratification/Physical Facilities: Board ratification is requested for EMERGENCY REPAIR CONTRACT, S4 5907, REPAIR BRICK WALLS AT STUDENT CENTER, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT FOREST PARK to THE HARLAN COMPANY, for $34,800.00. Contractor THE HARLAN COMPANY Superior Waterproofing & Restoration Company, Inc. $ Base Bid 34,800.00 52,100.00 Description: The Student’s Center brick walls have severe stress placed on them causing bricks to crack and break. This contract will replace the broken bricks and tuckpoint surrounding areas if needed. Attempting to stop future damage, control joints will be cut into the walls to alleviate stress and pressure. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Physical Facilities/Engineering and Design Department 9 Funding This project will be funded from Capital budgets: Fiscal year 2009/10, Tab K, Page 1, Item #19. 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Budget 5.1.1 Executive Summary – Financial Results through August 2010 5.1.2 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund through August 31, 2010. 5.1.3 Budget Status Reports-Auxiliary, Rental of Facilities and Agency: July 1, 2010 – August 31, 2010. 5.1.4 Student Financial Aid Fund: July 1, 2010 – August 31, 2010. 5.1.5 Center for Business Industry & Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report: July 1, 2010 – August 31, 2010 5.1.6 Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report: July 1, 2010 – August 31, 2010 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register for August 2010 5.2 Ratifications 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments/Daily Repurchase Agreements executed during the month of August 2010 Board Meeting 9/21/10 1 5.1.1 Executive Summary September 21, 2010 (Financial Results Through 08/31/2010) Revenue The Budget Status Summary Report shows revenue of $37.0 million or 22.5% of the budgeted revenue as compared to $36.0 million or 22.2% of the budget for the prior year. Local Taxes will increase slightly over last year due to rate capacity and the non-reassessment year, and Student Fees are expected to show increases over the previous fiscal year due to a continuing rise in enrollment. State Aid and Other will be lower compared to last year due to a 5.2% reduction in appropriations from the state, and continued weakness in investment rates. Expenditures Expenditures are $19.6 million or 13.3% of the budgeted expenditures as compared to $18.6 million or 12.8% for the prior year. The overall year-to-year $1.0 million increase in Total Expenditures is comprised of $715k timing increase over last year in License and Maintenance Agreement expenses, Utilities expense $140k over the previous fiscal year, and $82k additional Salaries and Benefits. Transfers Transfers are at $13.3 million or 79.6% of the budgeted transfers as compared to $13.5 million or 79.9% of the budgeted transfers for the prior period. Decreases in planned capital is the primary reason the total for FY 2011 is lower than the total for FY 2010. Board Meeting 9/21/10 2 5.1.2 Board Meeting 9/21/10 Budget Status Summary Report General Operating Fund St. Louis Community College Through August 31, 2010 Original Budget 3 Revenue Local Taxes State Aid Student Fees Other Total Revenue 62,750,082 46,157,890 50,886,154 4,727,917 164,522,043 Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Total Expenditures 96,594,110 22,683,180 28,578,367 147,855,657 Transfers To Plant Fund for Capital To Restricted Programs (State Aid) To Plant Fund Leasehold Bonds To Student Financial Aid Total Transfers 8,680,000 3,278,561 3,318,230 1,389,595 16,666,386 Revisions* 101,000 34,000 146,531 Revised Budget Actual to Date** % of Budget to Date Prior Year Amount % of Budget to Date 62,750,082 46,157,890 50,886,154 4,727,917 164,522,043 810,061 7,443,205 28,072,880 697,711 37,023,856 1.3% 16.1% 55.2% 14.8% 22.5% 548,872 7,851,493 26,643,986 957,679 36,002,030 0.9% 16.1% 58.6% 16.4% 22.2% 96,695,110 22,717,180 28,724,898 148,137,188 12,367,158 3,373,490 3,904,046 19,644,694 12.8% 14.8% 13.6% 13.3% 12,208,236 3,450,447 2,925,875 18,584,558 12.8% 15.5% 10.4% 12.8% 8,680,000 3,278,561 3,318,230 1,389,595 16,666,386 8,680,000 546,427 3,318,230 727,807 13,272,464 100.0% 16.7% 100.0% 52.4% 79.6% 8,915,000 546,427 3,318,230 730,736 13,510,393 100.0% 16.7% 100.0% 52.6% 79.9% *Includes Board approved adjustments and transfers from other funds. **Does not include encumbrances. 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Auxiliary Enterprise Fund July, 2010 - August, 2010 Original Budget Revenue Student Fees Bookstore Sales Copy Centers Food Service / Vending Adjusted Budget Actual To Date % of Budget To Date $ 708,000 12,100,700 1,118,000 338,500 $ 708,000 12,600,700 1,118,000 338,500 $ 376,908 4,697,876 168,000 103,798 53.2% 37.3% 15.0% 30.7% $ 14,265,200 $ 14,765,200 $ 5,346,583 36.2% $ 2,007,774 442,394 2,106,636 8,779,320 $ 2,007,774 442,394 2,586,416 8,779,320 $ 301,358 52,944 325,882 3,334,185 15.0% 12.0% 12.6% 38.0% $ 13,336,124 $ 13,815,904 $ 4,014,369 29.1% $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 $ 95,000 36,000 125,000 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Total Transfers $ 256,000 $ 256,000 $ 256,000 100.0% Total Expenditures & Transfers $ 13,592,124 $ 14,071,904 $ 4,270,369 30.3% Total Revenue Expenditures Salaries and Wages Staff Benefits Operating Items for Resale Total Expenditures Transfers Transfer to Capital Transfer to Athletic Scholarships Transfer to Campus Presidents Board Meeting 9/21/10 4 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Rental of Facilities July, 2010 - August, 2010 Original Budget Total Revenues $ Prior Year's Funds Expenditures Total Expenditures 27,000 Adjusted Budget $ 27,000 $ 74,475 27,000 27,000 $ 27,000 $ 101,475 Actual To Date $ 8,630 % of Budget To Date 32.0% 1,191 $ 1,191 1.2% 5.1.3 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Agency Fund July, 2010 - August, 2010 Original Budget Funds available: Student Fees Other Income Prior year's funds Total funds available 150,000 175,000 $ 150,000 175,000 253,707 $ 32,455 12,183 253,707 21.6% 7.0% 100.0% $ 325,000 $ 578,707 $ 298,345 51.6% 3,453 1.2% $ 3,453 1.2% $ 294,892 286,342 $ 286,342 286,342 $ 286,342 Funds in Excess of Expenditures Board Meeting 9/21/10 Actual To Date $ Expenditures Total Expenditures Adjusted Budget % of Budget To Date 5 5.1.4 St. Louis Community College Budget Status Report Student Financial Aid Fund July 2010-August 2010 Funds available Original Budget * Federal Work Study - Federal Share Federal Work Study - Institutional Match $679,053 530,086 $679,053 530,086 $94,145 7,202 13.9% 1.4% Federal SEOG** - Federal Share Federal SEOG** - Institutional Match 555,615 138,904 555,615 138,904 249,150 0 44.8% 0.0% Board of Trustees Scholarships Prior year's funds Private Scholarships 720,605 333,541 72,851 720,605 303,353 155,147 0 205,923 48,759 0.0% 67.9% 31.4% 605,179 19.6% $101,347 249,150 205,923 48,759 8.4% 35.9% 20.1% 31.4% 605,179 19.6% Total funds available Revised Budget % of Revised Budget $ 3,030,655 * $ 3,082,763 Actual $ Expenditures Federal Work Study Payrolls Federal SEOG** Grants Board of Trustees Scholarships Private Scholarships $1,209,139 694,519 1,054,146 72,851 $1,209,139 694,519 1,023,958 155,147 Total expenditures $ 3,030,655 * $ 3,082,763 Federal Pell Grant Expenditures $21,854,901 * Does not include $695,134 in Loan Fund Balances ** SEOG is the Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant Board Meeting 9/21/10 $ 6 5.1.5 St. Louis Community College Center for Business, Industry, and Labor (CBIL) Budget Status Report July, 2010 - August, 2010 Original Budget Revenues / Resources Government Private Account Balances / Projects Total Revenue / Resources Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense Board Meeting 9/21/10 $ $ $ $ Adjusted Budget Actual To Date 1,900,000 3,700,000 1,000,000 6,600,000 $ 1,900,000 3,700,000 1,000,000 $ 6,600,000 436,841 1,000,000 $ 1,436,841 2,200,000 390,000 3,960,000 50,000 6,600,000 $ 2,200,000 390,000 3,960,000 50,000 $ 6,600,000 $ 119,896 21,271 41,107 $ 182,274 7 $ % of Budget To Date 0.0% 11.8% 100.0% 21.8% 5.4% 5.5% 1.0% 0.0% 2.8% 5.1.6 St. Louis Community College Restricted General Fund Budget Status Report July, 2010 - August, 2010 Current Budget Actual * To Date Revenues / Resources External Sources Institutional Match Total Revenue / Resources * $7,665,870 418,406 $8,084,276 $1,526,050 7,975 $1,534,025 19.9% 1.9% 19.0% Expenditures Salaries Benefits Operating Capital Total Expense * $3,634,904 1,112,756 3,056,734 279,882 $8,084,276 $1,409,017 341,055 830,646 279,882 $2,860,600 38.8% 30.6% 27.2% 100.0% 35.4% * Does not include CBIL revenues or expenditures. Board Meeting 9/21/10 8 % of Budget To Date 5.1.7 Warrant Check Register The Treasurer of the Board confirms for the month ending August 31, 2010 that the check payments listed thereon have been issued in accordance with the policies and procedures of St. Louis Community College (Junior College District), and in compliance with the appropriation granted by the Board of Trustees as defined in the 20102011 Fiscal Year Budgets, and there are sufficient balances in each fund and subfund available for the expenditures for which approval is hereto requested. Board Meeting 9/21/10 9 5.2.1 Ratification of Investments Executed During the Month of August 2010 Daily Repurchase Agreements Purchased Through: Purchase Date: Maturity Date: Average Amount Invested: Interest Earned: Average Rate Earned: Range of Rates Earned: UMB Bank Daily throughout month Overnight $28,272,483.87 $6,908.56 0.288% .280-.290% Other Investments Fund Ally Bank CD GE Money Bank CD Purchase Date Type of Investment 8/13/2010 8/16/2010 CD CD Board Meeting 9/21/10 Par Value $ $ 10 245,000.00 $ 245,000.00 $ Cost of Investment 245,000.00 245,000.00 Maturity Date 8/13/2013 8/13/2012 Investment Yield 1.700% 1.000% 6 Contracts and/or Agreements 6.1.1 Agreement between the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) and St. Louis Community College It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between St. Louis Community College and ACCT to provide comprehensive search services and to assist the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees of St. Louis Community College in its search for a new President at the STLCC-Meramec campus. The sum of $25,000 will include consultant(s) travel expenses and shipping charges. The process will commence September 22, 2010 and end on or before May 30, 2011. 6.1.2 Ratification of Agreement Between St. Louis Community College and the Curators of the University of Missouri for the business of the Missouri Education and Research Consortium (MERC) network MOREnet It is requested that the Board of Trustees ratify the annual renewal of St. Louis Community College’s participation agreement in the Missouri Education and Research Consortium (MERC) network MOREnet. MOREnet is the State of Missouri’s subsidized education and library Internet connection service that the College has participated in since 1996. The College’s participation fees for FY 2011 are $77,709.12. The term of the renewal is July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. 6.1.3 Agreement between Parkway School District and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between the Parkway School District and St. Louis Community College for the purchase of surplus track/field pole vault pit and poles for a price of $250 with the transaction to be completed by October 15, 2010. These items are surplus to the College's athletic program. Board Meeting 9/21/10 1 Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic & Student Affairs 6.2 CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS 6.2.1 Clinical Agreements It is recommended that the following clinical agreements be ratified and/or approved by the Board of Trustees to provide clinical experiences for students enrolled in these programs. Participant No items for September agenda 6.2.2 Program/Campus Effective Date Lumina Win-Win Project Ratification is being requested from the Board for St. Louis Community College to participate in a Win-Win project funded by the Lumina Foundation Grant. All participating institutions will receive direct grants to support staff release time for project work as well as expenses related to project activities. The College will receive $40,000 over two years for participating in the project. The goal of the Win-Win project is to help institutions identify and award degrees to students who have stopped out of higher education but are eligible, or are just shy of being eligible, for an associate’s degree. Board Meeting 9-21-10 Center for Business, Industry & Labor 6.3.1 Ratification of Direct Pay Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide services to employers in the St. Louis region. Funding Source Title of Program and/or Purpose Broadsword Solutions Downtown Education Center Campus Date Amount CBIL August 4, 2010 through December 31, 2010 $2,045 CBIL August 25, 2010 through December 31, 2010 $660 CBIL September 2, 2010 through June 30, 2011 $3,280 Manager: Stephen Long Enterprise Development Group Downtown Education Center ICL Performance Products Training Facilitation Manager: Stephen Long Manager: Stephen Long 6.3.2 Ratification of Economic Agreements The purpose of these agreements is to provide economic development for the St. Louis region. Funding Source Carpenter’s Apprenticeship Title of Program and/or Purpose Enhance current job knowledge, while building on skill base for future positions. Campus Date Amount CBIL July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 Company $176,397 DESE $135,000 College $26,208 CBIL July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 Company $40,250 DESE $45,000 College $5,980 Estimated number of Credit Hours: 4,032 Manager: Stephen Long Floorlayer’s Apprenticeship Enhance current job knowledge, while building on skill base for future positions. Estimated number of Credit Hours: 920 Manager: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 3 Workforce & Community Development 6.4 Contracts and/or Agreements 6.4.1 Agreement between CleanEdison LLC and St. Louis Community College It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify a professional service agreement between CleanEdison LLC and St. Louis Community College, in the amount of $47,850 to conduct additional Building Performance Institute (BPI) training with extension to end on December 31, 2010. The professional service agreement was originally approved at the March 25, 2010 Board meeting for the amount of $47,685 with an ending date of July 31, 2010. This additional amount will bring the total agreement to $95,535. All costs will be covered by student fees. 6.4.2 Agreement between Global Corporate College and St. Louis Community College It is requested that the Board of Trustees approve an agreement between Global Corporate College (GCC) in the amount of $5,451 that will allow St. Louis Community College provide an “Introduction to Homeland Security” course to twenty Transportation Security Associates located in St. Louis. This agreement is pursuant to a national contract between Global Corporate College and the Transportation Security Agency. St. Louis Community College is the lead GCC college for Missouri. The College will, in all likelihood, be offering additional courses and sections to TSA in St. Louis as the program progresses. Board Meeting 09-21-10 4 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY U.S. Department of Education AMOUNT $ 1,192,480.00 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Florissant Valley campus to participate in the Student Support Services (SSS) Program. The purpose of the SSS program is to provide academic and other support services to lowincome, first generation or disabled students to increase student retention and graduation rates, facilitate their transfer from two-year to four-year colleges, and foster an institutional climate supportive of the success of lowincome and first generation college students and individual with disabilities. The Florissant Valley campus will provide student support services to 160 eligible students. Program services include academic tutoring; intrusive academic advising and counseling; financial literacy; transfer assistance; career exploration; cultural/academic enrichment; and mentoring. FUND Restricted Project Period: 9/1/10-8/31/15 Project Director: Rosita Lewis U.S. Department of Education $ 1,100,000.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Forest Park campus to participate in the Student Support Services (SSS) Program. The purpose of the SSS program is to provide academic and other support services to lowincome, first generation or disabled students to increase student retention and graduation rates, facilitate their transfer from two-year to four-year colleges, and foster an institutional climate supportive of the success of lowincome and first generation college students and individual with disabilities. The Forest Park campus will provide student support services to 140 eligible students. Program services include academic tutoring; intrusive academic advising and counseling; financial literacy; transfer assistance; career exploration; cultural/academic enrichment; and mentoring. Project Period: 9/1/10-8/31/15 Project Director: Carolyn Jackson Board Meeting 09-21-10 1 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AMOUNT AGENCY U.S. Department of Education $ 1,098,790.00 PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Meramec campus to participate in the Student Support Services (SSS) Program. The purpose of the SSS program is to provide academic and other support services to lowincome, first generation or disabled students to increase student retention and graduation rates, facilitate their transfer from two-year to four-year colleges, and foster an institutional climate supportive of the success of lowincome and first generation college students and individual with disabilities. The Meramec campus will provide student support services to 160 eligible students. Program services include academic tutoring; intrusive academic advising and counseling; financial literacy; transfer assistance; career exploration; cultural/academic enrichment; and mentoring. FUND Restricted Project Period: 9/01/10-8/31/15 Project Director: TBD Talisen Technologies, Inc. $ 38,000.00 Contract with St. Louis Community College to design and deliver Enterprise Sustainability Platform (ESP) workshops for Executive, Leadership, Facility Managers and Technicians in Bayless, Brentwood, Parkway, and Hazelwood school districts. Up to eight hours of workshops will be delivered to each of the four districts. Restricted Project Period: 10/2010-10/2011 Project Director: Kathie Chambers Department of Elementary and Secondary Education $ 49,800.00 Grant to St. Louis Community College to be used for purchasing equipment for various career and technical education programs on the Florissant Valley, Forest Park and Meramec campuses. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Gina Benesh Board Meeting 09-21-10 2 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), ABB, Inc. (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 34,500 (DWD) 30,000 (Company) 64,500 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the ABB, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Quality, Setup & Winding, Autoview, Lotus Notes/NCMR's, Elpress Crimp, Sizing, Winding Slip, On-Machine Training - Coil Winders, Contamination, Nameplate, Electrical Clearances, Core Table Training, Asecond Installation, Loading, Top Yoking, Top Framing, New Frame Press, Mounting, DETC Jumpers, Post Vapo, Fit Test, Fit Ship, Downloading Photos, Create NCMR, View ICN's, DOT/IATA, Forklift Training, Crane Operation Pre-Press, and Brazing Torch. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. (Company) $ 92,000 (DWD) $ 80,000 (Company) $ 172,000(Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Process Knowledge Bottler/Brewer, Process Knowledge Electrician/Machinist/Pipefitter, Process Knowledge Utility Department, Process Knowledge Quality Assurance, Process Improvement Bottler & Brewer, Process Improvement Electrician/Machinist/Pipefitter, Process Improvement Utility Department, Process Improvement Quality Assurance, Equipment and Job Training Bottlers/Brewers, Equipment and Job Training Electricians/Machinist, Equipment and Job Training Utility Department, Equipment and Job Training Quality Assurance, and Vendor Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 3 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Baldor Electric (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 40,250 (DWD) 35,000 (Company) 75,250 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Baldor Electric Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Parts Dept. Critical Parameter Training, Laminations Dept. Press Operation Training, Press Operations and Critical Parameter Training, Slitting Line Training, ISO Auditing Training, ISO Internal Auditor’s Training, 6S training, Power Lean Training, Annealing Department Training, Compliant Pro Document Control Training, Compliant Pro Corrective Actions Training, Metallurgical Polishing System Training, Maintenance Training, Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Steel Coil Processing Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Bastian Material Handling (Company) $ $ $ 17,250 (DWD) 15,000 (Company) 32,250 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Bastian Material Handling Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Project Management Professional (PMP)Training, Lean Manufacturing, PDTM Training, Quality Control Processes and Procedures, Vision & Robotics, and Controls Training, Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 4 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Bissinger’s, Inc. (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for Bissinger’s, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: GMP, Advanced Food Preparation Training, Lean Leadership Certificate Program, Lean Manufacturing Training, FDA Compliance Training, Label Regulation Compliance, ERP Training, and Inventory Software training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), bioMerieux, Inc. (Company) $ 69,000 (DWD) $ 60,000 (Company) $ 129,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the bioMerieux, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training, Design for Six Sigma, and Equipment and Process Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Boeing Integrated Defense Systems (Company) $ 575,000 (DWD) $ 500,000 (Company) $1,075,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Boeing Integrated Defense Systems Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Advanced Craftsmanship Learning Center and Skill Development Training, Team Skills Training - High Performance Work Organization, and Pre-Employment Training (STLCC-Florissant Valley). Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 5 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), C.L. Smith (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the C.L. Smith Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Lean Leadership Certificate Program, 5S System Training and Consulting, New Equipment Training - Extrusion Blow Molding, Quality Control Development Training, Single Minute Exchange of Die Consulting (SMED), and Standardized Work Documents in Warehouse. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), CMS, Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 40,250 (DWD) 35,000 (Company) 75,250 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the CMS, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Departmental Best Practices Training, ISO Quality Systems Training, Leadership Training, and Performance Management Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Code 3, Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Code 3, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: ISO Work Instructions - Ongoing, ISO9000/9001, LSS/Mini Company Training, and Internal Configurator Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 6 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Companion Baking Company (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 5,750 (DWD) 5,000 (Company) 10,750 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Companion Baking Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Software Upgrade Training, Lean Leadership Training, Product Knowledge Development and Training, Lean Principles for Supervisors, 5S Training, New Equipment Training, and Cross Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), ConAgra (Company) $ $ $ 28,750 (DWD) 25,000 (Company) 53,750 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the ConAgra Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Product Knowledge Development and Training, 5S Training, Pneumatics & Hydraulics Training, Electrical Training, and Quality Systems Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Cott Beverages USA (Company) $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Restricted Cott Beverages USA Customized Training Program designed with the following components: SQF 2000 Training, 5S Training, Six Sigma Training, Material Movement Training, Quality Assurance Training and SAP Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 7 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Covidien (Company) AMOUNT PURPOSE $ 57,500 (DWD) $ 50,000 (Company) $ 107,500 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Covidien Customized Training Program designed with the following components: TWI-Job Instructions, and Standard Operating Procedures. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Essex Industries, Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Essex Industries, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: ASQ Auditor Training/Lead Auditor, Penetrant Qualifications, GE Internal Source Inspection, GD & T, CNC Programming Software, SolidWorks, Inventory Mgmt/Supply Chains, CAD Engineering, Technician Re-Certification, and Chem Processing/Maintenance Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Essex Industries, Inc. MFG(Company) $ $ $ 34,500 (DWD) 30,000 (Company) 64,500 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Essex Industries, Inc. MFG Customized Training Program designed with the following components: CPIM Training, CPIM Internal Training, Supervisory Training, AS9100 Lead Auditor Training, ISO9000 Lead Auditor Training, ISO and AS9100 Employee Training, FAA Certification Training, Industrial Maintenance Training (IMT), and Solidworks/CAD Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 8 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), GSI – Engine Management Group (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 17,250 (DWD) 15,000 (Company) 32,250 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the GSI – Engine Management Group Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Die Cutting Machine Training, Gasketing Machine Training for Setup Operators, Technical Belting Training, Plastics Fabrication Training, Plastic Molding Machine Training, Lean Manufacturing Training, Team Training, Hydraulic Pressure Equipment Training, Hydraulic Flow Equipment Training, and Paint Spray Booth Operation Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Hermann Oak Leather (Company) $ $ $ 17,250 (DWD) 15,000 (Company) 32,250 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Hermann Oak Leather Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Focused Workforce Development-Supervisors, Focused Workforce Development-Production, Lean Strategies and 5S, and Equipment and Leather Process Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Hubbell Killark Electric (Company) $ 17,250 (DWD) $ 15,000 (Company) $ 32,250 Total Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Hubbell Killark Electric Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Selection and Screening Process Tools, Lean Operations-Kaizen, CNC Machining Skills, and Visual Process Maps. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 9 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Hussmann Corporation (Company) AMOUNT PURPOSE $ 46,000 (DWD) $ 40,000 (Company) $ 86,000 Total Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Hussmann Corporation Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Industrial Maintenance Technology Training, Visual Systems Training, and Process and Equipment Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), HY-C (Company) $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the HY-C Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Lean Leadership Training, Lean Manufacturing/5S, Inventory Management Training, Equipment and Process Training, and Shipping Optimization Tool Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Hydromat, Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 34,500 (DWD) 30,000 (Company) 64,500 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Hydromat, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: ANCA Machine Training, Calypso/CMM Training, Mori Sieke NT Machine Training, Esprit Software Training, Inventor Drafting Software Training, Inventor Professional Dynamic Simulation & Analysis, Project Management Training, Customer Service Training, Siemens Controls Training, Fanuc Robotic Control Training, Supervisory and Management Training, Team Skills Training, Lean Manufacturing Training, 5S Training, Value Stream Mapping, ISO Internal Auditor Training, New Employee Training, Industrial Maintenance Training, and ISO Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 10 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), IBM Corporation (Company) AMOUNT PURPOSE $ 69,000 (DWD) $ 60,000 (Company) $ 129,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the IBM Corporation Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Project Management/Project Executive, Technical Product Knowledge, Service Products & Technical Services, IT Architect, Information Management, Skills Gap Closure Training, Supply Chain Management (SCM), and Leadership & Team Building. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Jost Chemical Company (Company) $ $ $ 17,250 (DWD) 15,000 (Company) 32,250 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Jost Chemical Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Industrial Maintenance Training (IMT), Visual Process Maps, Process Packaging and Operations Manual, Chemical Process Technical Training, Technical Process Training, Manufacturing Operations Training, High Performance Work Place Train-the-Trainer, and High Performance Work Place for Employees. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 11 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Kemco Aerospace Manufacturing (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 46,000 (DWD) 40,000 (Company) 86,000 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Kemco Aerospace Manufacturing Customized Training Program designed with the following components: ISO/AS Quality Training, MRP Training, Cross Training, Unigraphic Software Training, Lean Manufacturing Training, and Preventative Maintenance Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Matrix Packaging, A Sonoco Company (Company) $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Matrix Packaging, A Sonoco Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Leadership Development, 5S/Lean Manufacturing, Equipment and Process Training, Team Building for Quality Control (QC), Heat Transfer Labeling/Quality Defect Recognition, and Team Building the Line. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 12 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Marquette Tool & Die Company (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Marquette Tool & Die Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: ISO9001:2008 Certification Training, Lean Manufacturing II, Cross Functional Team Problem Solving, SPC Development and Training, and Product Knowledge Development and Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Midwest Aviation Center (Company) $ $ $ 25,300 (DWD) 22,000 (Company) 47,300 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Midwest Aviation Center Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Technical, Technical Maintenance, Technical Avionics, Technical Product Knowledge, Quality, Supervisory/Leadership and Customer Service. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Mycroft, Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Mycroft, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: IT Solutions Training, Coaching and Mentoring, Team Building for IT, Microsoft Certifications, Cisco Training (EXUS, CCNP, CCNA, CCIE), Firewall Training, Observer/TCPIP Training, IPsec (Internet Protocol Security Training), Software Development Training, Service Desk Training CISSP, and SCRUM/Agile Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 13 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), National Sales Company (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the National Sales Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Product Knowledge Development and Training, Lean Principles and Leadership II, Process Development and Training, Operations Metrics and Report Training, System Improvement Training, Job Profiling, Needs Assessment, Gap Analysis and Train the Trainer. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), OBCORP, LLC (Company) $ 5,750 (DWD) $ 5,000 (Company) $ 10,750 Total Grant to St. Louis Community College for the OBCORP, LLC Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Extrusion Quick Color Change Equipment Training Large J-Line Stick Extrusion, Off Line J-Line Printing for Multi J Market, Extrusion Jacket Thickness Control Training, ISO9001/2008, and Autocad/Inventor Software Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Packaging Concepts, Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 28,750(DWD) 25,000 (Company) 53,750 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Packaging Concepts, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Lean Leadership Certificate Program, Printing Skills Development Level 1, New Press Operator Training, GMP and AIB Training, Maintenance Industrial Controls Training, and Customer Service Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 14 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Pepsi Beverages Company (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 40,250 (DWD) 35,000 (Company) 75,250 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Pepsi Beverages Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: New Equipment Training, Microbiology Lab Training, Arlington Water Treatment Training, PLC Training, Good Manufacturing Practices Training, Beverage Packaging Process Training, Syrup Batching Training, Lean Manufacturing - 5S, Blow Fill Line Training, Supervisory Training, Maintenance Training, ISO22000 Audit & Work Instruction Standards Training, and Production Line Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Paulo Products Company (Company) $ $ $ 28,750 (DWD) 25,000 (Company) 53,750 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Paulo Products Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Leadership Training, ISO9001:2002 and TS16949 Training, ISO/TS Auditing, Lean and 5S Training, and Quality Metallurgical. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 15 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Procter & Gamble (Company) AMOUNT PURPOSE $ 57,500 (DWD) $ 50,000 (Company) $ 107,500 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Procter & Gamble Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Basic Electrical Foundations Part 1, Pneumatic & Hydraulic System and Troubleshooting, Basic Electrical Foundations Part 2, Drawings Practice and Equipment Identification, National Electrical Code and Standard Practices, Introductions to PLC5s, Lockout-Tagout Strategies and Safety Circuits, PLC Communications Training, RS Logix5 for PLC5s Training, Introduction to Control Logix, Communications II ControlNet and Device Net, AB 1336 Drives & Powerflex, Panel Views - PV+ and PV Classic, PC Set-up, Basic Networking, Troubleshooting Complex Circuits, Advanced PLC Troubleshooting, Basic Instrumentation Training, Wonderware Programming, Motion Control & Ultra 3000 Servos, Excel Training, Basic Hand Tool Training, AM Steps 1-3, HITD High Impact Training Development, Tech. Doc Training, Basic Mechanical Training, Shop Tool Training, Leadership Training, Corporate Athlete Training, Basic Electrical Training, Machine Rebuild Training, Success Driver Training, Kepner Tregoe Training, Seven Habits Training, Leadership Phase I & Phase II, and Quality Functional Leader Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Rawlings Sporting Goods Company (Company) $ $ $ 46,000 (DWD) 40,000 (Company) 86,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Rawlings Sporting Goods Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: JD Edwards Training, COGNOS, Showcase Training, EDI Systems Training, Lean Leadership Certificate Program and C-Suite Impact Leadership. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 16 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Roto Die Company (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 41,400 (DWD) 36,000 (Company) 77,400 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Roto Die Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Product Knowledge Training, Machine Operations Training, ISO9001 and AS9100 Training, Lean Manufacturing Training, Six Sigma Training, Leadership Development Training, Product Flow Analysis Training, and 5S Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Rug Doctor (Company) $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Rug Doctor Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Lean Leadership Certificate Program, Lean Principles and 5S Training, Maintenance Training, PLC Training, Product Knowledge Development and Training, Six Sigma Training, Inventory Software Training, Equipment and Assembly Training, Quality Process Control Training, and New Equipment Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Seiler Instrument & Manufacturing Co., Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 28,750(DWD) 25,000 (Company) 53,750 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Restricted Seiler Instrument & Manufacturing Co., Inc. Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: IOS Work Instructions and Review, ISO9001:2000 Internal Auditor Training, Lean Leadership Training, Equipment and Procedures Training, Quality Control Training, Soldering Training - Employees, Soldering Training Instructor, Visual Basic Training, Microscope Maintenance Service, and Survey Upgrade Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 17 OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Sigma-Aldrich (Company) AMOUNT PURPOSE $ 86,250 (DWD) $ 75,000 (Company) $ 161,250 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Sigma-Aldrich Customized Training Program designed with the following components: ISO9001 Quality Management System, ISO9001 Quality and Technical Training, ISO9001 Certification for Internal Auditors, Root Cause Analysis Training, Lean Leadership Certificate Program, Six Sigma White and Green Belt Training, and 5S Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Solae, LLC (Company) $ $ $ 46,000 (DWD) 40,000 (Company) 86,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Solae, LLC Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Lean Initiatives, Lean for Leaders, Lean Six Sigma, Continuous Improvement In Lean Manufacturing, Systems and Process Training and Leadership Skills Development. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Sportsprint, Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 17,250 (DWD) 15,000 (Company) 32,250 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Sportsprint, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Lean, Clean & Green Manufacturing Training, ERP Training, CRM Training, Sustainable Green Printing Training, Product Knowledge Training, Quality Process Control Training, and Production Equipment Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 18 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Talisen Technologies, Inc. (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 23,000 (DWD) 20,000 (Company) 43,000 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Talisen Technologies, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: IT Solutions Training, Facilities Energy Efficiency Training, Coaching and Mentoring, ARCHIBUS Training, Team Building for IT, and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), The Gund Company (Company) $ $ $ 6,900 (DWD) 6,000 (Company) 12,900 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for The Gund Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: CNC Fabrication Programming Training, Cam Training Level 1, Master Cam Training Level 2, HAAS Probe Training, Inspector Training, Team Leadership Training w/Problem Solving, VQ Preventative Maintenance Training, ISO9000/9001 Training, Lean Global Production System Training, Total Preventative Maintenance (TPM)Training, HAAS Lathe Training, and CNC Mill Maintenance Training, Holzma Panel Saw Programming Training, CNC Router Training, CNC Mazak Lathe Training, Phase 2-Networking Cut-Rite Programming Training, and Industrial Maintenance Training (IMT). Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), The Henkel Company (Company) $ 28,750 (DWD) $ 25,000 (Company) $ 53,750 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for The Henkel Company Customized Training Program designed with the following components: REC Event, MVIL Training, Basic Mechanical Training, Product Knowledge Training, and Lean and 5S Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 19 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), TransChemical, Inc. (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 16,675 (DWD) 14,500 (Company) 31,175 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the TransChemical, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: ISO9001/2000 Training, Electronic Tank Level Indicators Training, and Product Knowledge Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), UniGroup, Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 46,000 (DWD) 40,000 (Company) 86,000 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the UniGroup, Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Customer Service, iLeads Specialists Training, UMCS Operations Management/Leadership Training, ISO Auditor Training, ISO9000 Overview, and Process Improvement Training. Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Virbac Corp. (Company) $ $ $ 40,250 (DWD) 35,000 (Company) 75,250 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Virbac Corp. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Cross-Functional Team Building, Industrial Maintenance Training, Equipment Maintenance Training, Visual Process Maps, Lean Operations - 5S in Lab, Quality & GMP Training, Replacement Training, Continuous Improvement & Lean SMED, Cross-Training on New/Existing Equipment, and New Equipment Training. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 20 Restricted OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Acceptance of External Funds 7.1 Grants and Contracts AGENCY Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Watlow Electric Manufacturing (Company) AMOUNT $ $ $ 51,750 (DWD) 45,000 (Company) 96,750 (Total) PURPOSE Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Watlow Electric Manufacturing Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Leadership Skills Training, Lean and Kaizen Training, Quality Metrics Training, and Product Knowledge Training. FUND Restricted Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Division of Workforce Development (DWD), Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Company Inc. (Company) $ $ $ 17,250 (DWD) 15,000 (Company) 32,250 (Total) Grant to St. Louis Community College for the Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Company Inc. Customized Training Program designed with the following components: Production Reporting and Inventory Movement Training, Cross Training on CNC Machines, Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management, Shop Materials Requirements Planning Training, and Cross Training Shipping and Receiving. Project Period: 7/1/10-6/30/11 Project Director: Stephen Long Board Meeting 09-21-10 21 Restricted