I A MINUTES C F THE REGULAR MEETING BOARD C F TIIUSTuSS THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI I M O N D A Y , OCTOBER 1 1 , 1965 - 8 : 0 0 P . M . A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St= Louis, St. Louts County, Missouri, was held on Monday, October 1 1 , 1965 at the Central O f f i c e of the District, 7508 Forsyth B l v d . , St. Louis, Missouri. I. 9 '"yJSfSfiS ••*r"JJSS ffjjfflE ggggggj GENERAL FUNCTIONS The Board President, Mrs. Joseph C . Bastion, called the meeting to order at 8:10 p . m . TJP I M$lm l«li«H The following members were present: ' V i r s ' Joseph C . Bastion Messrs. Morris Glaser Lester C . G e i l Joseph G . Stewart Gerald V . Williamson Also present v/ere M r . John Robertson, Vice President; Dr. G l y n n E. C l a r k , Iw^j&Sl Campus Director, Dr. Douglas F. Libby, J r . , Campus Director; M r . Laurence F. &$-?»$ O ' N e i l l , Coordinator of Physical Facilities; Mrs. Mary Jane Calais, Acting Treasurer; ™8*8*8™ and Mrs. Dolores B. Tygard, Community Relations - a l l of The Junior College District 4l8|k staff. Vaughan, M r . Counsel Bruce E.forWoodruff the District, of thewas firm also of present. Armstrong, Teasdale, Rcos, Kramer and I 1 ^ 9 1,3 9 Board President &astian asked for approval of fho Minutes of tho Regular mee!i;ig 9 Minutes of September 2 7 , 1965. 9 They were read and discussed. Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Glaser, and w i t h the 9 aye vote of a l l members of the Board, the Minutes of the Regular meeting of September 9 2 7 , 1965 were approved as submitted. 9 '*^ 9 Board President Bastion welcomed M r . Frank Leeming - a reporter from tho 9 St. Louis Post-Dispatch; ond /Yir. Jim Lewis - a reporter from the St. Louis G l c b o - 9 Democrat to the Board meeting. 9 ^jp 1.6 9 Welcome to Guests Communications Mrs. Doris Burns read a letter w h i c h had been received by Beard member Lester 9 C . G e i l , from Nicholas P. Veeder of the Regional Industrial Development Corpnrri'.ron. 9 The letter brought the RIDC Board members up to date on happenings since last J v l y 9 when the first officers and executive committee members were e l e c t e d , and also pointed out some of the plans for the future of RIDC. 1,7 Treasurer's Report Board President Bastian called upon the Acting Treasurer, Mrs. Calais, to present the Treasurer's Report for the month ending September 3 0 , 1965. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r . Stewart, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Bocrd, the fflk Treasurer's Report for the month ending September 3 0 , 1965 was approved as submitted, 9/27/65 - 2 - H and Is attcchod as an addendum to these Minutes. H ^'^ B The President of the District requested r a t i f i c a t i o n of the investments made by IS Ratification of Investments the A c t i n g Treasurer of the District. M A general discussion f o l l o w e d . |S fl M B M Whereupon, on motion by M r . Glcser, seconded by M r . G e i l , and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was || B H 13 • RESOLVED, That the following investments by the A c t i n g Treasurer of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, hs r a t i f i e d , approved, and adopted by the Board of Trustees: B M B H M I $300,000 U . S. Treasury Bills, purchased September 2 4 , 1965, due September 3 0 , 1965, from the First N a t i o n a l Bank of St. Louis on c 3 . 7 5 basis, for a t o t a l cost of $ 2 9 9 , 8 1 2 . 5 0 . H || ffl $150,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased October 7 , 1965, due October 2 1 , 1965 from the Mercantile Trust Company on a 3 . 6 9 bcsls, for a t o t a l cost of $ 1 4 9 , 7 8 4 . 7 5 . B M 9 • S| H $150,000 U. S. Treasury Bills, purchased October 7 , 1965, due October 2 8 , 1965 from Mercantile Trust Company on a 3 . 6 9 basis for a t o t a l cost of $ 1 4 9 , 6 8 2 . 1 3 . B B B • A c t i n g Treasurer Calais pointed out that i n accordance w i t h Board p o l i c y , B B Wk M @ §8 requests for three bids had gone out prior to the investments. H 2. PERSONNEL IB 201 C e r t i f i c a t e d Personnel - M o d i f i e d Contracts • In accordance w i t h President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, jn and upon motion by i.'tr. W i l l i a m s o n , seconded by M r , Stewart, and w i t h th-c- aye vote H of a l l members of the Board, i t was B I B B B • *•->•** "Ti."S "*T^V^5 ^-•".^S RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees approve tho reclassFfication of the following c e r t i f i c a t e d personnel in accordance w i t h the JCD p o l i c y c o n cerning completion of Master's Degrees - to be effective September 13, 1965: if|pilji|i« ^^7=™ Mrs. Maxine .Wosley - English - /VtCC - From Assistant Professor V - 3 To Assistant Professor V - 4 j | jjg&ffi FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby J TIB|8[SJ i ^ ^ " ^ 3 y?^jjjjj$a .Sl%si%ffl ^""^lis§ MM|MM | ^ H' • £B] authorized to execute the form Instructor's Contract, previously adopted by ihe Board, v/ith the above reclassification I n d i c a t e d , w h i c h said contract is to be f i l e d w i t h the records of the D i s t r i c t . ^'^ Classified Personnel £3* H ^^H In accordance v/ith President Cosand's recommendation, after due discussion, and 3 of Trustees members through College on 10/11/65 Program. . the motion Board, 3 A Mrs. CURRICULUM The RESOLVED, August appoint District. of . 1general by These the Junior President Dorothea M i t advisory 3 rAdvisory was ,members the 1 discussion G ,ACollege d 1966, eThat lay dioliAf,/v'tonrotus t iN committees co the Committees seconded would in the D ti ia nzDistrict lC INSTRUCTION e faccordance o fmembers o nollsllolserve ,e-owgw as by Typist-transcriber eiin to dn ,-listed .gM for Dr. the can The 4rclassified Whereupon, .w a-Cosand, classification Ruffin, ibe iJunior tperiod nh the added the personnel addendum established College and ofrecommended on -to one v/ith FPCC these motion and year, District's the be attached at -lists, procedures employed 8M aye the from - rA that . isalary -vote fCloser, Technical September so to Effective thedesired. these of of by Qcard aThe seconded l l Minutes, members Education 11 of Junior 0, / 11965 2 / 6 5as m M g 6 m • Wk sa M M |U H•Ii|I ra9 U S dllffTli ABB • B H by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, i t was IB |g H| RESOLVED, That the Advisory Commitiee members, as recommended by Dr. Cosand, and as listed as an addendum to these Minutes, be appointed for the 1965-66 College Year which o f f i c i a l l y terminates August 3 1 , 1966. H| 3.2 | I Dr. G l y n n E. C l a r k , Campus Director of the Merarnec Campus, introduced Merarnec - 1965 Freshman Composition Handbook Hi Miss Doris Stolberg, from the Communications D i v i s i o n , to the Board Members. |§ Clark mentioned that one of the very challenging areas i n instruction in the community H college is the range of composition and the differences i n l o c a l i t i e s , which pose a B tremendous responsibility on the teachers of transfer English. m& 3 Dr. Copies of the 1965 Freshman Composition Handbook had been sent to the 3oard f§p members prior to the meeting. Miss Stolberg explained the various areas in the Hctidbcok |H which were of particular importance to the student - end faculty member, such as h c v 9 themes are to be w r i t t e n , how they are graded, inclusion of footnotes, danger of M plagiarism, e t c . H accordingly were i n c l u d e d . MB the District in the various subject-matter areas so that students would not be confused 'oy H| the different instructors as to how themes are to be w r i t t e n . S Examples of themes which had been written by students and greded It is hoped that the same format can be used throughout A general discussion followed involving Board members and Miss Stolberg. H| M r s , Bastion thanked her for her very informative and interesting report. • 4 H «| S | * COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 Hl^ A Resolution c a l l i n g and providing for the holding of a Special Bond Issue Election w i t h i n The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri. 111 M «i«Mi*j |rr ii n n PI I ® 9 The President of the College recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the 11 formal resolution c a l l i n g and providing for the holding of a special Bond Issue Eleclion 9 w i t h i n The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, i n the M amount of $47,200,000. M been approved by the Counsel for the D i s t r i c t . 19 A general discussion f o l l o w e d . V i c e President Robertson pointed out that this resolution had Whereupon, on motion by M r . G e i l , seconded 9 by M r . Williamson, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, the resolution 9 was approved as follows: • • II H WHEREAS, The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri is confronted with the necessity of establishing campuses and erecting and equipping buildings and other f a c i l i t i e s adequate to serve the present and reasonably foreseeable future needs of said District; and M H 9 9 9 WHEREAS, funds currently available to the District have enabled the District to embark upon a program for the acquisition of property and the erection and equipping of certain improvements thereon, but such funds are wholly inadequate to carry on such a program to the extent and as promptly as the necessities of the District and the metropolitan community now require; and 9 I 9 • WHEREAS, this Board does now find and determine t h a t , in addition to funds currently a v a i l a b l e , the sum of Forty-seven M i l l i o n , Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($47,200,000) is now or shortly w i l l be needed to effectuate the aforesaid program; and 9 9 9 1| • WHEREAS, this Board has found and determined that the additional funds now or shortly to be required for the aforesaid purposes should be obtained through the issuance of general obligation bonds of the District as authorized by lav/, and that an election should be c a l l e d and held for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said District a proposal for the issuance of such bonds; and • 9 9 9 9 WHEREAS, the assessed valuation of t a x a b l e , tangible property w i t h i n said Junior College District subject to taxation by said District, as ascertained by the lost completed assessment for state and county purposes, t o - w i t : the assessment medo as of January 1 , 1964, being the last completed assessment for state and county purposes prior to the date of the special election hereinafter provided for, is in I mm 10/11/6D - 6 - excess of Three B i l l i o n , Five Hundred Forty-one M i l l i o n , Three Hundred Twenty Thousand, Two Hundred Seventy-two Dollars ( $ 3 , 5 4 1 , 3 2 0 , 2 7 2 ) ; and WHEREAS, said District now has no outstanding bonded indebtedness; and I ^^ "Hi •'\:<M -•.«7"»i *w *£* ><(wuii Y*\ ca -**»» WHEREAS, the amount of bonds now proposed to be issued under the Proposition hereinafter set f o r t h , t o - w i t : Forty-seven iViiliion, Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ( $ 4 7 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 ) , w i l l not exceed ten per centum (19%) of the value of t a x a b l e , tangible property, as aforesaid, and w i l l not exceed any constitutional or statutory l i m i t of indebtedness: 1 1 N O W , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE J U N I O R COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS C O U N T Y , MISSOURI, I 1 AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 . That a special e l e c t i o n be and the same is hereby called and ordered to be held w i t h i n The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, on the 16th day of November, 1965, for the purpose of submitting to the q u a l i f i e d voters of said Junior College District the following proposition, t o - w i t : PROPOSITION To authorize The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis and kept respectively, however, after County, SECTION on Boards the Highway open toof 16th ($47,200,000) buildings other and indebtedness County, the be Missouri, Election that on 2designated, amount .day furnishing said land 109, by under That qualified of Missouri, order i day nCommissioners for shall in November, the of the by said school for Forty-seven during same, or said for general the said vote voters orders the Dto each special issuance i sJunior purposes, and at the purpose incur t rof i1965, cof e the voting thours b lfor said .eM usaid can e College iEurelca tThe ilof lthe d ileat of oliJunior indebtedness icnrequired erecting o precinct bonds Boards tgpurchasing the ipolls n City o laws ,additions nJunior Two polling District, shall College of in governing ofschoolhouses, by said 5t„ in Hundred said Election be High said lschoolhouse of place to aLouis held amount w and election District said or . School, Csaid irepairing Thousand to tdesignated, and Commissioners; yDistrict evidence and for City residing conducted for library shall sites Central said said St. and old iDollars nbe purpose. and buildings, County, Louis such ior County, n opened Avenue by Jefferson here— provided, County, theand 10/11/65 -7- I i I 1 I S I m mm HE fm BM to H m Hi |ran B H•| M i* S H H H SHH|«jaja lP||§§|l l&spiljpg I ^111 SECTION 3 . That the Boards of Election Commissioners fcr the C i t y of St. Louis and for St. Louis County, respectively, shall provide the ballots, conduct the e l e c t i o n , and c e r t i f y the results of said election to the Board of Trustees of said Junior College District, as required by law. Subject to adaptations necessary for the use of voting machines, the ballots to be used at said election for the submissicn of said proposition shall be in substantially the following form, t o - v / i t : SPECIAL B O N D ISSUE ELECTION 10/11/65 - 8- THE JJunior U ITHE O R COLLEGE DISTRICT opposite against (Voters issuanco the and buildings, amount repairing Ito To County, ($47,200,000) : ' "evidence authorize words iother I OF shall the of for of their Missouri, old ST. ""FOR land Forty-seven and A said the issuance such G vote The buildings cA LOUIS, for furnishing bonds, hA FOR Ipurpose. THE N oG indebtedness iby November Scschool the A to T PROPOSITION eIN of THE .N Lplacing incur O purpose S ST. and M the in AT A College i lpurposes, same, L cross N the lTHE L a iO bonds.) LOUIS an "oOA cross 16, na shall said A N ,by of indebtedness cross marl< L Nand Two O District purchasing 1965 "the C marlc Junior bo Ashall erecting O N building marlc (x) Hundred U issuance counted N(x) in bo Tof College (;c) Ythe icounted of n ,St. school schoolhcusos, additions in Thousand MISSOURI the of said square as Louis, the bonds square aDistrict, house District vote cs square opposite a St. to in Dollars vote for opposite sites or said Louis library iand nthe the I « 'm H g wnsts 0» B o SECTION 4 , That the Secretary of this Doard be and the said Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said election in substantially the f o l lowing form to be given by publication in the St. Louis Globe Democrat and in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, being newspapers of general circulation w i t h i n tho C i t y of St. Louis, and w i t h i n each county within the District, at least once a wee!< for three (3) consecutive weeks, the last insertion to be no longer than one (1) weel< prior to the date of the election; NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ISSUE ELECTION election under Commissioners commencing purpose proposition, The be District NOTICE held said ihe other buildings, amount repairing to County, ($47,200,000) To of iw special nis general evidence iauthorize submitting scid St. i iheroby C ai tbo land oFfor Louis, -of for 6:G0 Tuesday, S District w election held Missouri, T old ielection the Forty-seven tand for .said given : such A./v't. LOUIS, The buildings THE at to St, City school furnishing fcr purpose. on the PROPOSITION indebtedness the Junior to wLouis Jthe to of ilaws and U lthe following qualified l purposes, N ST. 16th incur St. be purpose IM inlhe O closing County, qualified governing College iR lheld same, LOUIS Louis lday i an o COLLEGE n said electors ,voting and by of indebtedness erecting at and and Two /.'.issouri, C District purchasing November, the Junior electors 7:00 said conducted Cfor building U Hundred places: issuance Nof DISTRICT C St. P.iVt. Tschoolhouses, College iof Y said t of y,that Louis of St, and schoolhouse MISSOURI The additions on by 1965 Thousand District of said aLouis, said scid the County, bonds special District, Junior District Boards date, County, the St. to library in Dollars College sites election or. said respectively, following and Louis in for of and the Election the w soid ill I FOR THE CITY CF ST. LOUIS m H H (Horc the Secretary shall insert the list of polling places designated by the Board of Election Commissioners for the City of St. Louis) I FOR ST. LOUIS COUNTY H H M (Here the Secretary shall insert the list of polling places designated by the Board of Election Commissioners for St. Louis County) I FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY B M M 9 M Eureka Junior High School Central Avenue and Highway 109 Eureka, .'Aissouri HP By order of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St, Louis County, /Missouri, this 11th day of October, 1965. I H n M 9 M M H B s/ Dolores Secretary, The Junior St. Louis, B. Tygard Board of Trustees, College District of St„ Louis County, Missouri SECTION 5. That the Secretary of this Board be end said Secretary is hereby authorized and directed forthwith to file with the Boards of Election Commissioners for the City of St. Louis and for St. Louis County, respectively, a properly certified copy of this resolution. 10/11/65 - 10 - 1 S '$$&!$/§& '^M • j"krHif*^Igv-^S ^S M3 giI 5. BUSINESS A N D F I N A N C E 5.1 Warrant-Chock Register The Vice President of the District asked rKe A c t i n g Treasurer Mrs. Calais to present the Warrant-Choc!: Register for the month ending September 3 0 , 1965. The expenditures for this period, as listed in the above-mentioned Warrant-Check Register are as listed in the addendum attached to these /.'inures. A general discussion f o l l o w e d . Whereupon, on motion by M r . Williamson, seconded by M r . Ruffin, and w i t h the aye vote of a l l members of the Board, the Board fi&Eb ratified and approved the payment of a l l expenditures made in accordance with the I Warrant-Check Register for the month of September, 1965. I r a jn0 fUl sso n arx< w .'Agreement 2"general Multigraph Supply Purchase Agrec-.vcnt between the Addressograph ky a College ifPurchase savings a" isupply * hereby supplies, reference A ^5 W FURTHER RESOLVED, The Purchase District, of 'purchase 'President approximately authorized 'Multigroph /Agreement in RESCLVED, incorporated idiscussion /St. n tho That between the agreement ofbauis ^ form amount the the ' and th 7 Corporation County, w College fof percent o the Board iThat directed ltherein. lfor hthe oofw aye Addressograph Addressograph e a$300.00. the contract of d l lMissouri, recommended .lower vote Trustees offset President to and Whereupon, executeofthan the attached supplies a Vice lof enter l JCD iV.uifigarph /-..ultigraph ti-.a of members The scid the the President present on into were to Junior approval contract Board motion these of aapproved, Multigraph Corporation Corporation purchase the College of Robertson Minutes, by Trustees on Board, of Mabehalf r .Multigraph p District i trG Supply ipointed iwould and ctfor be eewas iof .l ,offset and by the the o seconded amount f out is Junior Supply that to ffl M m B M H 1H B IH iI f | i | i | 7. C O M M U N I T Y SERVICES ||§|f|§|l The Junior College District has received on i n v i t a t i o - "rom the Executive |||l|§i§8 Committee of the /Viissouri School Boards Association to b e c o - ^ a member of the Missouri ^ | p | | | School Boards Association, at a t u i t i o n cost of $200*00 per yzzr, HSRHj Whereupon, M r . Ru : nn moved that this matter A general discussion f o l l o w e d . jjjfljllil be tcbled until the next meeting of the Board. M r . Stewart :;=conded the m o t i o n , and i t f|llgB&| was passed unanimously. 11111 8 * NEW BUSINESS IguSBjl 8.1 Cornerstone Laying Ceremony - FPCC gjllgSjl A general discussion ensued among all Board member: crtd staff present regarding IMllli * n e Cornerstone Laying Ceremony which had been held at the- "crest Park Community ff||ira| College campus at 11:00 this morr.ing. fSwBwHl be sent to all companies, organizations, and individuals whe -cd given s*jch excellent f||«§Hi| cooperation to the Board and staff members in making this a successful and memorable SSSil occasion. Mir. Williamson seconded the m o t i o n , and i t was pessed unanimously. l|f§ira| Mir. Stewart movec rriaf letters of appreciation Board President Bastian asked i f there were any further business to come before the ^plSSi Board. There was not, and upon motion by M r . G e i l , seconded by M r . Ruff i n , and with ffsJjggj&S the unanimous vote of the Board, the meeting was adjourned c? 3:55 p . m . !§PsSB I Respectfully submitted, Dolores B. Tygard 10/11/65 V \ v ' Secretary, Board of Trustees - 1 St. The 2 - Louis, Junior St. College Louis -County, i s t r i c t ofMissouri 1 ||||aggS ^P. THE .V.I OR COLLEGE DISTRICT '• ST. LOUIS - S _ . LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI Account Amount September ' , 1 9 6 5 Tax Revenue City of St.Lou is 901 $ 41,536.95 'ax Revenue St. Louis County 902 3,267.64 Federal Aid 909 and 910 59.442.00 nve-tment income 920 2,845.42 Auxiliary Services 930 S127,470.33 BBjl iaj Auxiliary Payroll «iseel federal Tuition Transfer Student Ar! Withholdings-Reslricted Restricted Re-ti Withholding, Base-Restr Maintenance Activities .CD iu-tne-.-, Ianeou Contribution Refunds Activity lazes Contribution icted from bervice^ t icted(see oi and General iSee (See income Amount.. Total Income Withnoidings -Schedule to Co NDSL Funds NDSL DSchedule Receipts Salaries tiReported sbu of B) Loan rSales seme-:s E F;_-. j>t 8/30/65 600 700 100 961 991 $$513,344.24 (48*929.73) 84,582.71 11,867.67 20,520.00 25,000.00 2,777.78 2,428.97 (462.32) 2,777.78 $185,354.46" 5183,337.81 558,446.79 533,854.24 29,168.48 70,489.58 57,804.93 27,777.78 1,966.65 110.12 102.00 30.00 Balance S3,194,314.47 $ $ 797,169.08 901,294.24 t Page 2 I " ^ TREASURER'S REPORT SEPTEMBER 30, 1965 Amount BaIance Balance September 30, 1965 Consists of: Petty Cash Funds Cash in Banks Current Payroll Construction Fund N. D. S. L. investments (See Schedule A) /tfjk %il!W S $383,196.28 500.00 31,552.83 24.173.0) ReconciI ation of Warrant Check Register to Disbursements: Warrant Check Register Total September 30, 1965 Less: Cost of investments made during Sept. $823,865.27 Adjustment for Payroll 650.21 Excess of Construction Fund Deposits over Expenditures for S e p t . 1 7,605.59 Plus: National Defense Student Loans for Sept. Total Disbursements 900.00 439,422.12 2,649,867,19 $3.090,189.31 $1,733,940.31 $ S 842,121.07 9,475.00 901,294.24 SCHEDULE A "OR INVESTMENT A C T I V I T Y THE M O N T H OF SEPTEMBER, 196 5 T .-;;fc ^..-chi:v •' .'c!-o-cd o'" !-..• Rate of' D_atO;_ ".'.211 LBJ. i n t . Li a T e Maturity Maturity !ntere:-t Va I ue Cc;: Earned 3. Op t c : •: r M a t -.J r 7 t ifc.r i 'jo.'. 03/12 03/22 09/09 09/09 03/20 09/03 09/2.4 -.frf cant i le - r ? t Uat I : ;: r-;t N«t I ' "'rrcantile ' B.-ato.erVi 2 ••'erill Lynch ! -"•[•, t Nat'l i 0u_i_ s_ta~-''nq Sep temper _l_964 12/17 12/17 3.71 3.69 3.75 3 70 4.30 3.71 3 75 30, 9/2/65 9/9/55 9/'5/65 9/23/65 9/30/65 9/30/55 9/20/65 S 100,000.00 250,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 75,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00 SI, 175,000.00 S 99,"33 58 S 216 <*2 249.354 38 435 62 99.937.50 62 50 149. "99 58 200 42 75, ZOO. 00 1,191.46 199. --S .50 351 50 299 . 5' 2 . 50 I 3 / . 50 SI, l73.3-5.04 S 2 , 3 4 5 . 42 1955 Etcjrity ''..uno City 2 2 4.25 4.50 12/i 2/65 S 12/12/65 950,000.00 500,000.00 S 950.330.00 500,323 00 " - r e a r , i i le "•:.< cam \\u 33- atmon -, : ' - ! tir-.i I 2 2 2 : 4 30 4.33 4 35 3 75 11/20/65 0 1 / 2 1/65 I I /= 1/65 10/07/65 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 00 750,000.00 75,000.00 75, 0 0 0 . 0 0 S 3 0 0 , . 33 750.3 33 75,33J 74,33" i 9633 01/27 01/23 05/20 09/2J S $2.650,000.00 id) i 2 3 ' ^ u v j r , Bi 1 It 3ci t i i i c a t e •'...' Depot i t •'- epu i en a t i ; Aa i terpen t 00 00 00 19 5 2 , 6 4 9 , 3-0" 19 • M ga 9 ANALYSIS OF RESTRICTED -JND DISBURSEMENTS -OR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1965 Fund Name Fund No. Ws g| Carnegie Corp of New York Technical Education Center 15 §m Danforth Foundation 16 m 9 • WM |§ Vocational Education Act 1963 Elect r ical-Electronics Program, 17 Mecnanical Technology 19 C o h e r e ia I Art Program 22 Business and Office Education 26 H • Kellog foundation-Allied Medical U-chnicai Ed. Center 2/ H Construction Fund 31 11 M Operating Sa 1 a r ' 6 5- Expense otals B Total & S I 3 30 S 2,251 97 51,966 i~ 122 40 62,394 41 9,4 75 00 $1,966 -i 5 SI 1 ,367 67 IS 30 2,251 17 S 3,320 42 7,567.48 2.344.00 3,356 40 M^Blat ional Defense Student Loans 7 Capital Out I ay 3,320.42 7,667 4S 2,344 00 8,356 40 I 2,08.) 05 E I o2,394 41 1 _2J.£Z2_Ji I S84.532 71 S "33,41 7 03 Advisory Committee Members - September 1 , 1965 - August 3 1 , 1966 Advertising Program Advisory Committee * M r . Donald M . Davis, Director of Public Relations, Mallinckrodt Chomical Works * Mr. Robert Thomas, Advertising Manoger, M a r i t z Sales Builders (Other members were appointed at the August 9, 1965 Board meeting) j Business Programs Advisory Committee M r . A l C ' B r i e n , Executive Vice-President i n charge of A d m . and Finance, RalstonPurina Company M r . P. C. Robinson, P. C . Robinson Real Estate Company M r . Leonard Strauss M r . Russell L. Savage, District Manager, Sears, Roebuck &. Co. Northwest Plcza Store M r , Anthony Piasecki, Manager, Financial Planning, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation M r . Lee Lieberman, Vice-President and General Sales Manager, Laclede Gas Company Dr. Carl Dauten, V i c e Chancellor for A d m . , Washington University \ Physical Distribution Advisory Committee *Miss Grc.ee VV. Costello, President, The Women's Traffic Club of St. Louis M r . Ray Dussold, T N T , Wagner Electric Corporation M r . James H. Harris, Field O f f i c e s , Traffic Manager, Monsanto Chemical Company M r . William F. Rake, Sales Representative, Darling Freight Inc. Engineering Technology Advisory Committee M r . John W. Cross, Admin. Assistant to Director Rc-search, Monsanto Chemicai Company M r . Aaron Fischer, Industrial Consultant Professor Joseph V . M c K e n n a , Institute of Technology, St. Louis University M r . James S. Sheehan, Projects Mancger, Emerson Electric Company Dr. Donald Ross, Consulting Engineer * M r . Ernest R. Doty, President, Engineering Club - Union Electric Company Architectural Engineering Technology Advisory Committee ^ H M r . Edwcrd Hurst, Design Draftsman, Horner & Shifrin M r . John I. Meyer, Project A r c h i t e c t , Sverdrup &. Parcel & Associates M r . Ford P a o l i n e l l i , Syl G . Schmidt & Associates, Architects and Engineers * M r . Thomas J . Finan, President Fincn C o . , Stanley Doors, Inc. * M r . Joseph A . C e r n i k , Vice-President, Wedemeyor, Cernilc, Corrubia, Inc. * Denotes new members to the committee - 1 - B Chemical Engineering Technology Advisory Committee B B H Dr. C l i v e r DeGarmo, Research Department, Monsanto Chemical Company Dr. E. E. M a r s h a l l , A l c o a (Aluminum Company of America) iVir. Lee Carter, V i c e President, R. W , Booker 3s Associates, Inc. M C i v i l Engineering Technology Advisory Committee • B 9 B B m M r . Bengt Friberg, Consulting Engineer M . C . Art Davies, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, Plant Engineering Department M r , John J . Leslie, Highway Engineer, St. Louis County M r . Charles Mansur, V i c e President, Fruco & Associates M r . R. E. Salveter, President, Woermann Construction Company * M r . Louis H . A n t o i n e , J r . , Prlject Engineer, Thatcher & Patient, Inc. B Electrical Engineering Technology Advisory Committee B fl B H B B B B B Professor Robert G r e g o r y , Washington University M r . Joseph A . Keleman, Asst. Professor of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology, St. Louis University M r . Joe M o l o n e y , Department /Vtanager, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, General Engineering Division M r . Raymond Marcus, Senior Technical Specialist, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, Electrical Engineering Division M r . Louis S. Sachs, Sachs Contracting M r . Charles Zurheide, Smith, Zurheide & Associates B Industrial Engineering Technology Advisory Committee B B B B B B B M r . Dan Fogarty, Assistant Dean, Institute of Technology, St. Louis University M r . Joe Movshin, Consulting Engineer M r . Harold H . Schroimann, General Manager, Seftcn Fibre Division Can Company M r . John H. Schulz, Supervisor, Product Analysis, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation Mr* George Wanninger, Chief Engineer of Development & Research, Ely-Walker Co. * M r . George Sowers, Assistant Director, Industrial Engineering Division, Missouri Pacific Rot I road W (Viechanicol Engineering Technology Advisory Committee H H || ^ Q JH III B |i iVir. Charles J . R. iVicClure, President, /vicClure & Associc-25 i-\r. John M i l l e r , Mooter Corporation h'.r, A l v i n VV. .Viuellcr, Chief Tool Designer, McDonnell A!-craft Corporation r.Ar, W . H. Thias, Director o f Engineering, Emerson Electric Company iVir. Charles Weisenfells, Processing Manager, Lewis-Howe Company t.s. W i l l i a m M . Alexander * A'lr. W i l l i s Potthoff, Supervisor of Production Tooling, E--:rson Electric Company * ;V.r. James Heater, Administrative Engineer, Engineering - d m i n . D e p t . , /VicDonneII Aircraft H Law Enforcement Advisory Committee 11 H B 8 *Dan P. Reardon, J r . , Attorney *VYilliam F. Handy, Manager, Police Community Relations Tccartment, St. Louis City Police Department (Other members were appointed at the September 2 7 , 1965 Sccrd meeting) 3 o ^} o • o o ^ 6 o o o o o o q§( o ."o • _/ ,oau,a ""74 MULTIGRAPH SUPPLY PURCHASE AGREEMENT • 2236*1 SOLD I N AMOUNTS OF $ 2 5 , $ 5 0 , $ 7 5 , $ 1 0 0 , A N D MULTIPLES O F $ 5 0 THEREAFTER FOR THE PURCHASE OF CERTIFIED MULTIGRAPH PRODUCTS A N D SERVICES MUL7|GRAp u B R A N C H O F F | C E (SELLER) SALES REPRESENTATIVE I PREPAID 3100 AT Olive s t ' PURCHASER: ••' I •• - . • " \. , _ * " ' > ' , -. %, JUNIOR COLLEGE DIST. of ST.LOUIS ST LOUIS CO -• - ' . t- ". • ,- - \ 1. In consideration of Purchaser establishing a prepaid account with Seller in the agreed amount shown above. Seller agrees to sell to Pur' duuver. and Purchaser agrees to buy from Seller. Certified M u l t i g r a p h _ , » _ _ _ . . . . . standard products and services equal in value to such amount. * * 2 . Purchase* under this agreement shall be made in such quantities and at such times as Purchaser shall determine to meet Purchaser's requiren e a U , and shall be charged against Purchaser's prepaid account. ° ° i r 5. Thia agreement shall become effective upon acceptance at Seller's Branch Office and payment of Seller** invoice for the agreed amount. 4 . Thia agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by either p^rty. Uotll thia agreement Is terminated, the balance in the prepaid account must b e *ufficiant to cover Purchaser's orders for products or services. Purchaaer agrees that at *uch time as the unused balance is insufficient to n •_ • » J / i • o it L ii i cover Purchasers normal orders for products or services. Seller shall have „ . . _ _,._ , i i . n L • t . . i . * auuiority to issue an invoice to Purchaser in an amount equal to the o n g i nal payment. If this agreement is Icrminalt-d and the unused balance in Purchaaer** prepaid account does not cover products or services already fur* uiahed by Seller, Purchaser agrees to pay Seller's open account invoice for the amount in excess of the unused balance. 3 . SallerV price* are subject to change without advance notice to Purcbaaer. All price changes, however, whether increases or decreases, snail : XjgS^&'X AMOUNT * 300.00 W i Q ( ^ £ ^ K ^ Three Hundred DOLLARS Rutledge . _ • . . . 7 : ~ ,, ... , , , , , ,"77 i h e Multigraph products and services to which this agreement applies guarantee you the undivided responsibility of an organization that has a vital interest in the success of ALL elements of your Multigraph operations-machines . . . . parts services . . . supplies . . . accessories . etc. ADDRESSOGRAPH MULTIGRAPH CORPORATION be applied uniformly to purchases under all Supply Purchase Agreements ir. affect at the time of the change. _, „ ., ... , « n , . ,. ,. , . . . .... 6- Seller will furnish Purchaser periodically with memorandum billtnc •_ . __ , J i_ i _ o _. • . ._ snowing the previous unused balance in rurchaicr i account, the, amount of current purchases, and the balance in Purchaser's account after drduction of current purchases. „ „ .. ... , . , , . . 0 . jm Scllar will refund, at any lime, any unused balance in Purchaser • account upon receipt of written notice from Purchaser of the termination at thia agreement and a request for such refund. A. In the event Purchaser's account is inactive for a period of two yean or more. Seller may refund any unused balance in Purchaser's account »n_ thereby terminate this agreement. _. „. i _ _. L . . . I », "• Purchases under this agreement may be made only in the trading are* _••_., I D _ _-W_, i_ _ T*». . °* M u l t i g r a p h Branch Office shown above, t h i s agreement it not assicVI = 10. Terms of payment are net cash upon receipt of invoice. No n* pay air r.t of Seller's invoice shall b e reason for termination of this agreement without notice to Purchaser. 1 1 . Taxes now in effect, or when and If levied on sales under this Agrrement, shall bb added to sales prices. Effective upon acceptance bv MULTIGRAPH BRANCH OFFICE ; = AJ*CHA_US - / «y By. ^ MANCM SALES M A N A C i l Date * Title • : ' ' ' ' , • - __> . • . . " • • " ~ ~