I I ! • • ' • • -1' I I it | % MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1964-1:00 P.M. ••'' " * ' '•' '•••" "•" • '' •••'•'- •• • A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St, Louis - St. LoUis County, Missouri wds held on Friday, March 13, 1964 fn the Embassy Room of the Chase-Park Plqza Hotel, in St. Louis, Missouri. 1. General Functions ?.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mr. Gerald V. Williamson, called the meeting to order ^^ I « at VjOOp.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion at 3/13/64 the Hobson this meeting. Also M Mr. special -r .ofMorris F. Gerald Lester present Robert the Wm. meeting. Junior C. Glaser V. Powers, were McCalpin Geil Williamson College President and of Robert Mr. District. Joseph Guy Powers S.P.Ruff and Cosand, inAssociates, were and unable Vice was to President also be present present James at W. fell; • 1.3 Minutes There were no Minutes to be read at this Special Meeting. 1.4 Welcome to Guests The President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, welcomed the various representatives from three insurance companies, who were present at the meeting. L 6 Communications There were no communications to be read to the Board. 2. PERSONNEL No report 3. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION No report 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES No report 5. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 5.1 Fringe Benefits Program The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the acceptance of bids on the employee Fringe Benefits program as follows: 5.1.1 Long-term disability and accidental death Continental Casualty Company 5.1.2 Life and Medical Insurance - Prudential Life Insurance Company A general discussion followed. 3/13/o4 - 2 - Upon receiving the unanimous consent of the Board members who were in attendance, the President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, invited the representatives of the bidders, who were present, to address the Board. The Board heard remarks from gentlemen representing these companies: Blue Cross - Blue Shield Plan of St. Louis - General American Life Insurance Company The Prudential insurance Company of America. The discussion continued on Point $i2»1 ••-. Long-term disability and accidental death. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the Board of Trustees - Mr. Williamson (Yes); Mr. McCalpin (Yes); Mrs. Bastian (Yes); and Mr. Glaser (Yes) - it was RESOLVED, That a Fringe Benefits program be instituted for the certificated and non-certificated employees of the District, as said program is outlined in the bids and specifications attached to these Minutes. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees accept the bid of the Continental Casualty Company to furnish the District with the long-term disability and accidental death portion of said Fringe Benefits program, in the amounts and on the terms and conditions of the bid proposal attached to these Minutes. The discussion then continued on Point 5.2.2 - Life and Medical Insuranc . Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the Board of Trustees - Mr. Williamson (Yes); Mr. McCalpin (Yes); Mrs. Bastian (Yes)? and Mr, Glaser (Yes) - it was RESOLVED, That the bid of the Prudential Life Insurance Company, to furnish the District with the life and medical insurance portion of the Fringe Benefits program, be accepted on the terms and • conditions, and with the specifications, of the bid proposal attached to these Minutes. 3/13/64 - 3- 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES No report 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS No report 8. NEW BUSINESS No report 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Williamson asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and Mr, McCalpin mode a motion that the special meeting be adjourned. Mr. Glaser seconded the motion/ and it was unanimously approved at 2.08 p.m. Respectful!/ submitted Dolores B. Tygard, Secretary Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St, Louis St, Louts County, Missouri 3/13/64 - 4 - J r . i * ••. :'-, ' ' ' • , . ' • • . •• - • ••.-.•. . • • • • • : . ' , ^ . • • • . REPORT ON EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFITS PROGRAM' Specifications, census data end invitations to bid were sent to s vera! insurance companies on February 5 requesting proposals. _ We have received proposals from the following companies: In re: Long Term Disability and Accidental Death insurance > 1, 2. 3* 4. 5. 6. 7. Continental Casualty Insurance Company Firemens Fund Insurance Company General American Life Insurance Company of North America Aetna Life Bankers Life Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association In re: Life and Medical Insurance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. - I. Prudential Northwestern National General American Life Aetna Life Lincoln National Connecticut General Massachusetts Mutual Great West Life Bankers Life Teachers Insurance and Annuity • Long Term Disability and Accidental Death We will report on the quotations on these coverages first and recommend a carrier because they are simpler to deal with. They are not experience rated, so th contractual provisions, service, rates and strength and stability of the carrier are the only deciding factors. They have no relation to the other coverages as to cost and should be written separately either with the same or different companies. There is no price advantage In placing these coverages with the same company which underwrites the Life and Medical Insurance. A. LONG TERM DISABILITY Four companies met specifications precisely and these three companies write most of this type of coverage. Company Continental Casualty Firemens Fund Rate per $100 Monthly Income .40 cents ,56 cents • I.N.A. Bankers Life .63 cents 1.27 cents The following companies varied from specifications in some important respect: ^ Aetna .60 cents (contains pre-existing conditions restriction) Goneral American 1.38 cents (mental disease restriction) Teachers Insurance and Annuity .61 cents (6 month waiting period Instead of 3 month and restrictive definition of total disability) W&& .fesft&rft on Employee Fringe Benefits Program - Page 2 p;f ' pf^ lower rates for this group. They have also offered to guarantee the rat for at least 3 years. if/1, '[• 4 'Q v\ | 'f , This rate f 48 cents per $100 of payroll is very favorabl , We conservetlv ly est (mat d It In our previous memoranda at about 70 cents per $100. We expected It t be near 60 cents and hoped for better under competitive bidding. However, we did not expect It to go under 50 cents. If the JC0 pays one-half the cost, as v#e had specified to the insurance companies, the rate would be 24 cents per $100 of monthly income for the employee and 24 cents for the JCD Instead of 35 cents per $100. vr f. If 100% participate In the plan, the cost to the JCD would be $2360 per year on the pr sent group instead of about $3400 as originally estimated. .1* j 8. ACCIDENTAL DEATH 1 "" K. vv • %& •• . ,J " This coverage is to be paid for entirely by the employee. There will be optional amounts for the employee and he may cover his wife and children. There is no minimum number who must participate. This is an attractive coverage for the employee but the premium volume Is low. All of the companies quoted around .06 cents per $1,000 per month on th employee. Company Continental Casualty Rate per $1.000 per month Employee .0575 cents Dependents .02 cents Aetna Employee .056 cents Dependents .042 cents (would not accept Accidental Death without Long Term Disability) \ Ftremens Fund Employee Dependents .06 cents .06 cents I.N.A, Employee Dependents .06 cents .06 cents RECOMMENDATION W r commend that this coverage be placed with the Continental also. The rates nra as good or better than the other quotations and the administration would be simpler In dealing with the same company underwriting the Long Term Disability coverage. '•> ^ ^ 9 Plan 1 f Plan 2 : ! Plan 3 Employee Only Family: Employee Wife Each Child Amounft 10,000 Monthly Premium .60 .82 10,000 5,000 500 Employee Only Family; Employee Wife Each Child 20,000 Employee Only Family: 40,000 1.20 1.64 20,000 10,000 1,000 2.40 3,28 v.* , ». |M >f;.' 1 &.:,I'" ;|| ^1 Those coverages are quoted Individual?y for rate purposes; however, they are experience rated over the years. By combining the premium for experience rating purposes the Insurance companies will have a sufficient volume of premium to anticipate that claims will not fluctuate widely relative to premium. The Life Insurance claims on this group can be expected to average around 50% of premium or less and Medical claims will average between 40% and 80%. It Is entirely possible that no death claims will occur in a year or two. This will build res rves to offset higher claims later or to offset higher Medical Care claims or be return d as dividends. fp W have a young group, with reasonable preselection of healthy people. There Is a $200 deductible which takes time to accumulate. There is a sharply Increasing employment so that we will be collecting premium faster than the claims can catch up. Therefore during the first few years we should expect favorable experl nee. C>— • p.f& This introduces another element Into the selection of the carrier—and a fairly complicated element to pin down and evaluate. This element Is "retention" or "net cost". It Is an illusive thing because it is related to assumptions as to claims In the future and future costs. It is not guaranteed but is an indication of the procedure a company will follow In allocating the funds that are available in excess of the actual claims experienced. Company practices and policies vary widely. We asked them to project for us the allocations they would make based on JCD average employment for the first policy year, assuming a certain claim level, then to make certain additional assumptions as to the future. One purpose of this projection Is to have a general committment in advance as to their methods and predictions so as to be in a strong position to negotiate the best possible rate credits, dividends, rates, reserves, etc., as the actual claims develop. Experience rating becomes a more significant factor as the group becomes larger. Net cost should be carefully considered when gross costs and other factors are relatively close. Some carriers quoted only the Group Life Insurance as this is the most attractive coverage from their standpoint and they could make their most competitive offer. This does not allow adequate experience rating as we would then have to get some other company to handle the Medical Care separately. They increase their Medical Care rates in this event. We have therefore eliminated their quotations from consideration. • Certain companies were eliminated from consideration for the following reasons: 1. Northwestern National Insurance Company This company had the lowest initial rates but has inadequate local facilities by comparison. They are very new In the group insurance business. This would be their first group of any size in this area. They did not meet specifications in several Important respects. 2. Great West Life of Canada This Is a good company with good local service facilities and attractive Group Life rates. They have no local claim office and they did not quote on the Medical Care coverages. They are especially good on Group Life and Annuities. They will receive further consideration on the Tax Sheltered Annuities which Is one of their principal Interests. This company did not meet specifications In many important respects as to Group Life or Medical Care. They have no local claim facilities or local service facilities. The proposal was over ten days late coming in end cannot be compared with the others because they did not quote according Life Rate Per $1000 Medical With Mat. + $300 Surg. Mo. Prem. Medical No Mat. $200 Surg. Mo. Prem. EE .47 4.70 4.54 Deps .66 9.94 8.01 14.64 12.55 Company Prudential EE + Deps Life and Medical Gross 1st Yr. Annual Prem. 185 Employees 148 W/Dependents EE Life i 2,510,000 Assume Empl Empl JCD Pays I Oep. Life EE Life Medical Total 1,167.00 14,036.00 28.092.00 43,295.00 7,018.00 14.046.00 21,064.00 1,1 7,C 14.C 22,i Dep. Life EE Life Medical Total 1,101.00 12,952.00 32.052.00 46,105.00 6,476.00 16.026.00 22,102.00 1,1 6,4 16.C 23,i Dep. Life EE Life Medical Total 1,596.00 12,252.00 33.264.00 47,112.00 6,126.00 16.632.00 22,758.00 1,5 6,1 16.€ 24,3 Met specifications essentially General American EE .43 4.84 4.77 3eps .62 12.00 10.13 16.84 14.90 EE + Deps Met specifications essentially Lincoln National EE .41 5.19 Deps .77 12.24 EE + Deps 17.43 1. Plan pays $20 per day Room and Board plus $500 for services thereafter $200 deductible $500 for room and board and services then 80% excess-no deductible. 2. Children not covered from birth if sick - only after ten days. 3. Psychiatric visits in hospital restricted as well as out of hospital. 4. Successive confinements restricted unless two weeks return to work. 5. Physical examinations required on Life amounts over $40,000. Page 4 Life Rate Per $1000 Medical With Mat. -I$300 Surg. Mo. Prem. Medical No Mat. $200 Surg. Mo. Prem., .49 5.78 5.52 • « Company Mass Mutual EE Oeps . EE + Oeps 1. 2. 3. Aetna Life EE Oeps, Oep. Life 1,296.00 .73 12.17 9.18 EE Life 14,760.00 Medical 33.852.00 18.05 14.70 Total 49,908.00 $10,000 per illness maximum but no automatic reinstatement. N o limit o n s e m i - p r i v a t e room. $ 2 0 limit o n p r i v a t e room. Successive confinements: new benefits after 6 months on dependents; 1 .49 5.45 5.28 .75 13.16 10.87 18.64 16.15 EE + Oeps EE .49 6.17 Deps .65 12.49 EE + Oeps 18.66 1. Normal del Ivery maternity Caesarean Miscarriage Pago 5 Oep. Life EE Life Medical Total 1,332.00 14,760.00 35.122.00 51,214.00 EE Life a 2,510,000 Assume Empl Empl JCD Pays P 7,380.00 16.976.00 24,356.00 1,2 7,3 16.9 25,6 day return to wo 7,380.00 17.561.00 24,941.00 1,3 7,3 17.5 26,2 1. The $500 full pay in hospital claim area is available only once per year rather than on confinement. 2. The room and board maximum Is the hospital's average semi-private rooa plus $4. .if Connecticut General Life and Modicai Gross 1st Yr. Annual Prem. 185 Employees 148 W/Oependents 6.41 17.70 $100.00 $200.00 $ 50.00 Dep. Life EE Life Medical Total 1,296.00 14,760.00 35.880.00 51,936.00 7,380.00 17.990.00 25,370.00 1,2 7,3 17,9 26,6 «-\ t ' . . . • •/<• .;.• • : : . • ] . • . . : : • • • : • • • • : , . . - , • . ' . , . ' • ' ' ' • . - . •.. V ' • ' ' . . We recommend that the Life end Medical coverage be placed with the Prudential Insurance Company of America. This is the largest writer of Croup Insurance coverages in the country today* They have offices tn every state and good local service and facilities* This company insures many of the major corporations locally and nationally as well as many schools and universities. Th ir rate U significantly lower than the next lowest bid on gross cost. This rat Is guaranteed for one year, which Is the maximum period for which any of the Llf and Medical rates were guaranteed. Wh n Judged on an experience rating basis their net cost projection is more attractive than the next best offer. If the history of Medical Care coverages repeats itself we can expect rising costs. Hopefully we will have good claim experience while providing an adequate and attractive benefit program. The plan is designed to avoid abuse and overuse but to provide important financial help in an emergency. If the rate quoted by the Prudential proves inadequate for the Medical Care coverage, then the good claim experience which is expected on the Life insurance will be available as a reserve to stabilize the combined premium. This reserve, if and when it develops, can either be left with the insurance company at Inter st, against claim fluctuation or taken by the JCD and held against a subsequent rat Increase. This is the advantage of combining those coverages for experience purposes. It produces a lower Medical Care rate and greater stability. If a sufficient reserve develops then perhpas benefits can be increased. On the oth r hand, if experience in the future is adverse and the insurance carrier increases the premium we will check the market for competitive bids again. Should the requested rate increase exceed the cost inherent in a change then we would r commend you consider a change. Generally speaking it is best to select a good company which gives you favorable rates, fair experience rating and good servic then stay with them. Of course, it Is only sound business to check claim experience, reserves, retention and rates each year to make certain you are getting the best cost results consistent with good service.