
MONDAY, JULY 22, 1963 - 8t00 P.M.
A meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St.
Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri was held on Monday, July 22, 1963 at the
Central Office of the District tA 4386 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri.
1. General Functions
1.2 Roll Call
The Board President, Mr. Gerald V . Williamson, called the
meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present:
Mrs. Joseph C. Bostian
Messrs. Lester C. Gel I
Morris Gicser
F. Wm. McCalpin
Gerald V. Williamson
Mr. Guy S. Ruffin was away on vacation, and could not attend
the meeting.
Also present were Joseph P. Cosand, President; and John E. Tirrell and
James W, Hobson, Vice Presidents; and Douglas F. Llbby, J r . , Campus Director —
all of the Junior College staff.
Mr. Edwin S. Baldwin, of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer,
and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present,
1.3 Minutos
Board President Williamson called for a reading of the Minutes of the
regular meeting of July 8, 1963. They were read and discussed.
Whereupon, it was moved by Mr. Glaser, seconded by Mrs. Bastion,
and passed with the unanirscus aye vote of all members present, that the
Minutes of the regular meeting of July 8, 1963, be approved.
1.4 Treasurer's Report
The Board President, Mr, Williamson, called upon the Treasurer of the
College, Mr, James W. Hcbson.
Under the new procedure, the formal Treasurer's report will be presented
on a monthly basis, at the regular Board meeting held on the second Monday of
each month.
However, Mr. Hohson discussed the financial affairs of the College,
informally, with the Board members. A general discussion followed.
1.5 Welcome to Guests
Board President Williamson welcomed a group of citizens from Klrkwood,
Missouri, who were present at the Board meeting. He introduced the following
Mr. Howard D. Jayne, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Klrkwood
Mr. William Pfitzinscr, Mayor of Klrkwood
Mr. Jack Barsanti, Counsel for Klrkwood
Mr. Robert G , Reim, Councilman
Mr. Robert E. Staed, Councilman
Mrs. Beverly Dudey, Public Relations Director, Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Williamson also introduced Mr, Bob Jackson, a reporter for the
St. Louis Globe Democrat,
Mr, Ja/ne asked for permission to address the Board members. He said
that the Chamber of Commerce reiterated Its position, which had been publicized
last July. They welcomed the Junior College District to Kirkwood, and they
sincerely hoped that the South Campus would b* located in their community.
He told the Board that Kirkwood is an old, established, reliable community.
It has advantages so far as transportation is concerned, metropolitan services,
and the like. It maintains its own water plant, has its own electrics! plant.
As a whole the citizens of Kirkwood felt they had much to offer the College, and
in turn, felt the College had much to offer to Kirkwood.
Mr. Pfitzinger spoke briefly and told the Board that the administrators of
Kirkwood would be very happy to see the South Campus in their city, and the
Board could expect full cooperation from them.
Mrs. Dudey spoke of the Arts Council of Kirkwood, and told the Board of
the many cultural advantages which could be gained by a mutual exchange of
knowledge and philosophy.
A general discussion followed, and Mr. Williamson thanked the Kirkwood
residents for their vote of confidence in the Junior College. On behalf of all th
Board members, he expressed a word of appreciation for the kindness shown by
these citizens in coming to the College to appear before the Board.
- 3 -
1.7 Common!cottons
Boord President Williamson circulated a list of names of correspondents,
all residing in the area of Kirkwood, who had corresponded with the Board
members, or the President of the College. The majority of these people expressed
the hope that the College would ultimately be in the city of Kirkwood.
Mr. Williamson also read a telegram which had been sent to Dr. Cosand
from the Kirkwood Chamber of Commerce.
2.1 Certificated Personnel - Professional Staff
The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, reported to the Board on the
following certificated personnel:
Mrs* Mary Perry - Asst. Professor - Mathematics - 11-2 Eff. 8/26/63
Mr. Dieter A. Reetz - Instructor- Mathematics- 1-1 Eff. 8/26/63
Miss Margaret Anglin - Asst. Professor - Biology - 11-1 Eff. 8/26/63
Miss Marie Bergman - Counselor - 2 credit hours $170.00 cr.hr,-$340.00
effective 8/12 - 8/28/63
Miss Leonora West - Counselor - 5 credit hours $170.00 cr.hr. - $850.00
effective 8/1 - 8/26/63
A general discussion followed with respect to their academic backgrounds
and general qualifications.
Whereupon, on motion by Mr. Geil, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and
upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was
RESOLVED, That the personnel recommended for employment by
Dr. Coscnd, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the
capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said
salary classification having been previously approved by the Boord.
- 4 -
FURTHER RESOLVED, The* the President of the Board be and is hereby
authorized to exocute the form Instructors' Contract previously adopted
by the Board with each of the above full-time certificated personnel,
which said contract is to be filed with the rocords of the District.
Classified Personnel
The President of the College recommended the employment of the
following classified personnel:
Miss LaRue Jordan - Clerk Typist - South Campus - Range 9, Stop A
Effective July 23, 1963
A general discussion followed, with respect to her qualifications, and
proposed duties.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . McCalpin, seconded by Mrs, Bastian,
and with the aye vote of all members who were present, it was
RESOLVED, That the classified personnel listed above be employed
by the District in the classification and at the salary indicated.
No report
North County - Purchase of Sites
Board President Williamson informed tho Board that negotiations wero
continuing concerning the purchase of additional parcels of land in tho area
which would mako up tho North Campus.
An agreement had been reached with Margaret and Joseph Bieler for the
purchase of 26.4 acres of land. This land adjoined the acreage now owned by tho
Junior College District, which had been purchased by tho District from tho Land
Investment Corporation.
- 5 -
Mr. Williamson also told the Board that in discussions with Mr. and
Mrs. Bfeler it was learned that it was their express wish to sell the property
to the Junior College District on two separate closing dates - - September 10,
1963, and January 2 , 1964. The property would be divided equally between
the eastern and western sections of the 26.4 acres.
A general discussion followed.
Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastian,
and passed with the following aye votes of Mr. G . V. Williamson, Mr. Lester
C. G e i l , Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian, Mr. F. Wm. McCalpin, and Mr. Morris
Glaser, it was
RESOLVED, That The Junior College District enter into an
agreement to purchase property located in the City of Ferguson,
County of St. Louis, from Margaret and Joseph Bieler on
the terms and conditions of the sales contracts presented
to the Board of Trustees, and attached hereto to these
Minutes, and by reference incorporated herein.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That these sales contracts be subject
to approval by the law firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer
and Vaughan, legal counsel for the District.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of
Trustees is hereby authorized and directed to sign said
agreements on behalf of the Junior College District.
(Mr. McCalpin loft the Board of Trustees meeting at this point.)
South County - Purchase of Sites (St. Joseph College property)
Board President Williamson reported that no action was contemplated on
the south county site, for the present. The Board was still considering the
report of condemnation proceedings.
Our legal counsel had filed an exception
to the results of the proceedings, as had the Jefferson Savings and Loan Association.
v. .-.
Other sites in the southern section of St. Louis county were boing
taken into consideration, along with the St. Joseph property site.
4 . 3 Temporary Buildings
Board President Williamson informed the Board that David Millstone,
I n c . , apparent low bidder for the temporary buildings on one of the
sites, had extended the period of time for the acceptance of its bid.
The District had received a letter from David Millstone, Contractors I n c . ,
extending the time period for the acceptance of its bid, with the understanding
that modifications would be necessary in accordance with possible pay raises
put into offect following July 12, 1963, the date on which the bids were
A general discussion followed.
- 7 -
5.1 Bids on Office Furniture
The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the acceptanc
of the bids, and the awarding of orders, for office desks, choirs, and filing
cabinets. Dr. Cosand told the Board that this furniture would be used by
teachers on both the north and south campuses.
Copies of these bids for office furniture, which were opened at 12:00
p.m. noon on Wednesday, July 17, 1963, were circulated among the Board
members, and are attached hereto, and made a part of these Minutes.
Present at this time, when the sealed bids were opened, were Board
members Mildred Bastion and Morris Glaser. Also present were Dr. Joseph
Cosand, President, Miss Doris Wentzel, Administrative Secretary, and Mrs.
Midge Thomas, Purchasing Secretary - all of the Junior College staff.
(At this point, Mr. McCalpin re-entered the Board of Trustees meeting).
A general discussion followed.
Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. Glaser, and with
the following aye votes of the members who were present: Mr. G . V. Williamson,
Mr. Morris Glaser, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian, Mr. Lester C. G e i l , and Mr. F.
Wm. McCalpin, it was
RESOLVED, That the Junior College District accept the bid
of the Comfort Printing and Stationery Company for sixty
desks for $4615.80, at a unit price of $76.93 for each desk,
and that the President of the College be directed to place
an order with the Comfort Printing and Stationery Company
for these desks,
- 8 -
FURTHER RESOLVED, Thatthe Junior College District accept the
bid of the Buxton and Skinner Company for sixty office chairs
for $1905.00, at a unit price of $31.75 for each chair, and
that the President of the College be directed to place an
order with the Buxton and Skinner Company for these chairs
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Junior College District accept the
bid of the Biackwell Wielandy Company for sixty filing cabinets
for $1899.00, at a unit price of $31.65 for each filing cabinet,
and that the President of the College be directed to place an
order with the Biackwell Wielandy Company for these filing
- 9 -
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Proposal for policy change - Division V I - Policies and Procedures
The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the approval of
changes in the District's Policies and Procedures Manual. This had previously
been submitted to the Board for consideration.
Dr. Cosand also called upon the Vice President for Business, M r . Hobson,
who explained the proposed changes. These rules would govern purchases for
the District, and advertisements for bids.
A general discussion followed.
Whereupon, on motion by M r . McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastion,
and with the aye vote of the following members who were present: M r . G . V .
Williamson, Mrs. Joseph C . Bastion, M r . Lester C . G e i l , Mr. Morris Glaser, and
M r . F. Wm. McCalpin, it was
RESOLVED, That the Policies and Procedures Manual - Division V I be amended so far as sections 6 . 1 , 6 . 2 , 6 . 3 , 6 . 4 . 6 . 5 , and 7 . 9
are concerned, in conformity with the amendments suggested and
read before the Board of Trustees at the regular meeting of the
Board held on June 24, 1963
6.1 Brochures
The President of the College informed the Board that the first eight
brochures, each describing a specific program In technical education, had been
received from the printer and were ready for distribution.
These brochures
would be distributed by tho college in high schools, businessyand industrial
Dr. Cosand also stat d that additional brochures were being prepared for
certain academic programs such as pre-engineering, pre-professional, preteaching and general liberal arts. As each program was developed, a brochure
would be prepared for it.
Racks for display purposes were being assembled and would be ready for
use within the next two weeks.
7.1 News Letter
Dr. Cosand informed the Board members that the first news letter had
been prepared. One thousand copies were being mailed to leading citizens,
and to organizations. The staff of the college expected to distribute a short
and factual news letter of this type on a monthly basis, in order to keep the
interested citizens of St. Louis and St. Louis County informed of the progress
of the Junior College District.
8.1 Legislative Summary
The Board President, Mr. Williamson, asked Mrs. Bastion if she would
present a report to the Board on the laws pertaining to education, which wer
passed by the 72nd Missouri General Assembly.
- 11 -
Her report follows:
Legislative Summary
72nd Missouri General Assembly - 1963
The Legislative Session which has iust ended enacted several taws of great
interest to the Junior College District of St, Louis - St. Louis County. The
following summary includes those that were "finally passed", some of which
have laready been signed by Governor Dalton.
CCS H82; Appropriates money for the State Department of Education,
including funds for the administration of The Junior College District program.
Funds for apportionments to junior colleges as provided by law for th
Diennium 1963-64
CCS HB7: Appropriates funds for the University of Missouri, Lincoln
University, and the five state colleges. The appropriation for The University
of Missouri totals $67,448,020.00. (included in this sum b $4,185,000 for
the University branch at St, Louis (Normandy) and $7,100,000. for the
University of Missouri at Kansas City. Funds were appropriated for "personal
services" additions, repairs, replacements, operations, capital improvements.
CCS H8 9s Appropriates funds to be allocated to the University of
Missouri and the State Colleges (as well os other agencies) for cop i to I
Improvement purposes.
The appropriation of funds for capital expenditures from general revenue
(current revenue) for buildings, repairs, additions, and site acquisitions is of
special interest to the Junior College District.
- 12 -
ppositlon on the pari of the newspapers and certain public officials to the
use of current revenue for building purposes In our recent tax
loctlon will be
remembered by the Board. This breakdown is therefore of special interest.
University of Missouri
Central Missouri State
Northeast Missouri State Teachers Col lege
Northwest Missouri State College
Southeast Missouri State
Southwest Missouri State
Lincoln University
This same Bill also provides from general revenue capital improvement
funds for the following agencies:
Missouri School for the Blind; Missouri School for the Deaf; Division f
Public Buildings; Adjutant General (Armory) Buildings; State Fair; Division
of Geological Surveys and Water Resources; Department of Correction;
Division of Mental Diseases; Hospitals Numbers 1,2,3, and 4; State Hospital
at St. Louis; Federal Soldier's Home; for a total of $2,373,852.00.
HB 16: Appropriates money for state aid for junior colleges for the 1961-63
biennium which was under-financed by the last General Assembly in the amount
of $900,528.00. (This Bill also includes $475,000.00 for an atomic research
reactor facility.)
HB 104: Relates to assignment of motor vehicles, motor boots and trailers
for tax purposes,
- 13 -
KB 153: Permits public school districts to convey property to o public
Institution of higher education for purposes of higher education.
HB 173: Permits certain school districts within the State of Missouri to
establish branches of the University of Missouri, It Is drawn so that it really
applies only to Jopiin and St. Joseph. (This Bill has not yei been signed by the
HCS HB 218: Established a Missouri Commission on Higher Education to
further planning and coordination of higher education in the State, together
with an advisory council to the Commission. This Bill Is probably the most
important to the Junior College District since it will provide for some research
and coordination of the development of higher education facilities in Missouri,
it is the hope of many people who have been Interested in this law, that the
Commission would be permitted to make a study and a recommendation before
branches of the University are established under HB 173 at Jopiin and St. Joseph.
HB 234: Improves the school foundation program and increases the
amount of money to be distributed to the school districts. The increased funds
under the new foundation program will be 3.4 million for 1963-64 and 6.8
million for 1964-65 or 10.2 million for the biennium. This is in addition t
9 million dollars for the program for the increased cost of the present program'
due to growth.
SB 3: Provides for the general revision of Missouri school laws as developed
by the (olnt interim Committee on Education. This rewriting of school laws Is
the first in Missouri's history.
- 14 -
It will become effective on the first day of J u l / , 1965. This new law should b
fctudlod by Legal Counsel and a report made to the Board of any significant changes
which may be applicable to The Junior College District,
SB 10s Provides that the Board of Election Commissioners shall conduct all
school elections*
SB 29: May be of interest and should be studied by Legal Counsel. It
permits districts, with the approval of the State Board of Education, to arm x to a
higher school district in a county without being contiguous.
SB 36: Provides that school district give preference to Missouri products
and makes It a misdemeanor with forfeiture of position for a Board member or an
employee to sell commodities to a school district.
SB 58: Permits loans to minors for higher education.
SB 102: Provides that the Special Education District of St. Louis County
may, with the approval of the voters, be authorized to levy a tax not to exceed 15 .
cents on each $100.00 assessed valuation and allows the District to contract with
other districts for part of the day instruction of pupils.
SB 124: Which was introduced at the suggestion of The Junior Col leg
District of St. Louis - St, Louis County Board of Trustees.Changes the dato of the
election In the college district to save the cost of the special election for the
city trustees* This new law should be carefully examined by Legal Counsel for
the District since it is believed there may be implications for new regulations
concerning other junior college district eleetioas
SB 275: Makes provision relative to building stadiums with revenue
bonds applicable to all six director districts (this may or may not be applleabl
junior coilege districts). It should be studied by legal Counsel.
- 15 -
A general discussion followed.
Board President Williamson thanked Mrs. Bastion for her very comprehenslv
Board President Williamson asked if there were any further business to
come before the Board. There was not, and Mr. McCalpin made a motion that
the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Geil seconded the motion, and it was unanimously
approved at 9:25 p. m.
Respectfully submitted
Dolores B. Tygard, Secretary
Board of Trustees
The Junior College District of St. Louis St. Louis County, Missouri
?ha F<33?,era 13.71 /.erno c? ft trscfc of £'5.71 ilcrffa v.l:leh io'described p.o follows; A trncfc
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for rc^d p^r.-.oaeo l a accordance v l t h Cev<L recorded in Hook 611 iJ&co 2CS cf the 0t» louia
City (f orairly Ccyaty) records and purchaser e2ysll nccopfe property v i t h such osreoaenfe no
e j&rfc thereof,
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FORM aid
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Printed and Sold hy Rt«. EHATI I'Mimrfii & PtfftUMttivc <V, St. Louis, Mo.
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Sale Contract
s t Louu,~-.Gfiuaty
, MO.,
••... hereinafter called purchaser,
it* «um o f J k « J £ & & ? . s ^ ^
( i £ J?.Q.Q,J0S
as earnost deposit and ao part of the cash consideration (or the puretutsa of U>« following described property situated in
: of St Louis, Missouri, known or described as:
: -\
together with (iPHayty the improvements thereon and appurtenances, uxtureB and equipment thereto belonging (which
seller guarantees to own free and clear of encumbrances), including all lighting, heating, cooling and plumbing equipment
and fiaturos, attached linoleum, radiator shields, shades, curtain and drapery fixtures, Venetian blinds, shutters, storm sash
and doors, screens, awnings, ventilating and exhaust fans, water heaters, stokers, oil and gas bursars, garbage disposal
aid dishwasher, trees and shrubs, and all articles now provided tor tenant use:
wticb property is this day agreed to be sold to purchaser, subject to approval ofscHad oylioon of~„~J.Uljf_„.£2i< 19.&L,
and not otherwise (Rad if not so approved earnest deposit shall be returned to purchaser) for the total sale price of
l i f t y ? i f ; h t ,^
Dollars ($JSaj542.jOQ™_)
on, the following terms:
Earnest deposit made as per this receipt
Additional earnest deposit to be made by purchaser on
Cosh to be paid on closing date of flfJe as hereinafter fixed (subject to adjust- _„ p . _ ~ menta as herein provided)
Deed or deeds of trust of record, Bubject to which title Bhall be transferred....!
Deed or deeds of trust to be accepted by seller as port purchase money
<In»rl term* Including typo of lonn. Intereat rate, method of payment, terra of yeere, prepayment privilege. If tor, commleeloo. It any,
end »ny epecUl provlelone.}
Tho sale under this contract shall be closed under the Sato Conditions and Closing Practices of the Real Estate
Board of Metropolitan St. Louis, and subject to any Special Agreements between Seller and Purchaser, all set forth oo the
reverso side hereof and hereby mado a part of this contract, HB fully and effectually as if they were Incorporated herein,
thaofficu o f S i t l e Ir.ouranco C o r / ) . , 010 Chestnut S t . , St» Louio 1 , Mo.
-or on such prior date as the parties hereto may agree.
All adjustments referred to on the reverso side hereof to be made as of .^.„1~S?.*.9»......V..:..
Title to poau when sale is closed. Time is of the essenco of this contract.
P'osseiuiou of property to be delivered to purchaser at time of transfer of UUe,X&3h
0 c l , d t o ;.l;o t
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Z.cuJ.3 - St* Leuio County, K i s o o u r t
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M S T OF TENANTS—(Sh wins All conccMloni ind prepayment,)
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At election of either seller or purchaser, and at Buch party's expense, sale may be closed in escrow department of
tho local office of any reputable title company, but terms of contract shall not be affected.
Earnest deposit to bo rotalncd by oellor's agent, without Interest, but agent shall not be llnblo for earnest deposit
until actually in form of cash in hands of agent; if solo is closed, earnest deposit to apply on sale commission; If purchaser
shall fail to pay additional earnest deposit when duo (If required by contract) or if sale be not closed by date fixed therefor
owing to failure of performance by purchaser, earnest deposit shall be forfolted by purchaser, but purchaser shall novorthelcss be bound to fulfillment of contract it so determined by seller, but this shall not entitle purchaser to enforce sale.
Forfeited earnest deposit shall go first toward reimbursing expenses of agent incurred in this transaction, and balanco to
go one-half to seller and one-half to ogont In full of commission.
Rents, general taxes based on latest available assessment and rate, subdivision upkeep assessments, interest, lnsuranco premiums, water rates, sewer service charge, gas and electric bills, fuel supply and operating expensos (if any) to bo
prorated and adjusted as provided on tho basis of 30 days to the month, seller to have last day; general tax year to
run from January 1st; delinquent rents, over thirty days, if any, to bo collectod by seller and not adjusted. Purchasor
to pay all recording fees.
Seller shall furnish general warranty deed, Bubject to deed restrictions, easoments, rights-of-way of record, and
zoning regulations; also subject to leases and to occupancy of tonants existing on the date contract 1B executed by purchaser; general taxos payable in current year and thereafter, and special taxes assessed or becoming a lien aftor date
contract is executed by purchaser; said general and Bpectal taxes to be assumed and paid by purchaser. All personal
property aud fixtures included in this sale is guaranteed by seller to he paid for in full.
Title shall bo merchantable, or purchaser will accept title insurance policy issued by qualified title Insurance company
in lieu of strictly merchantable title. If title Is merchantable, purchaser shall pay for certificate of title; if title Is found
imperfect and seller cannot perfect title or obtain title insurance policy as abovo provided within 60 days after date fixed
for closing, earnest deposit shall be returned to purchaser and seller shall pay to agent tho sale commission and other
costs including title charges. Seller shall pay for documentary stamps.
If, after contract Is executed, the premises bo destroyed or damaged by fire, windstorm or otherwise, seller shall
restore samo within thirty days If possible and sale closing date shall be extended accordingly, but otherwise purchaser
shall have option of cancelling or enforcing contract; if enforced, purchaser shall be entitled to insurance; if cancelled,
earnest deposit shall be returned to purchasor. In either event agent shall receive full sale commission. Seller shall assume
risk of such destruction or damage and shall have the obligation to obtain consent of Insurance companies to salo contract.
If improvements or additions have been completed within six months prior to sale closing date, seller shall furnish
reasonable security against mechanics' lions or satisfactory evidence of payment of bills.
Property to be accepted in its present condition unless otherwise stated in contract. Seller warrants that ho has
not received any written notification from any governmental agency requiring any repairs, replacements, or alterations to
said premises which havo not been satisfactorily made. This is tho entire contract and neither party shall bo bound by
representation as to valuo or otherwise unless set forth in contract.
The words purchaser, seller, agent and deposit where appearing in this contract shall be construed In tho plural, If
more than one.
This contract shall bind tho heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.
Contract assignable by purchaser, but not without consent of seller If purchase money deed of trust forms part of
sale consideration.
Sale Commission as provided under tho rules of tho Real Estate Board of Metropolitan St. LOUIB: <L% qf tho total
selling or exchange prlco on improved property and 10% on unimproved property; minimum charge $60,
Special Agreements between Seller and Purchaser forming part of Contract!
In the svent thct purchaser does not need ground fcftor date of possession, jmrchaoer
errors to tllcw seller to xenvra any toy growing on ©aid land until *&ld ground ia
needed by uurcbaaer.
=r.-^--£ha 7rst-rrrt IS i c r a s of it t r ^ e t cf 25.71 £crea vhlch 4o c^acrit^cL'fs: f e l l o e : A 4r.?ct c? ' '
2r.r.£ In "cut'-'-TSfc i cf Scuthsnot & cf SncSlca "G, Ccvn'hiy: *? I.'crfcn - m r * 6 7>nt cr/I &-:crilir.S.
co fclXcvr,} i*^':lnr*in,s r t ft ;-cl^t Sa *.'ctjt« 2 SEW cf f/o-.itb>cst £ cf routrv^.st"; cf crtd Ccr-Usa
Ca diet-.?;*: <C4 focfc ;?orth cf" Sa:th:;ccfc corner cf *ri« Vcu^-ivcot £ cf ^c:>t;:>-;-<n ,'.- of r.-.U
Section i'3, arid p c i n t br:?.n;=7 r l s o tho iZoi^r.wsst ccrn^v cf prc^ci'ty rc;:;v-r;;cc!l £o ;'c..'n-;3 :"-<-clc&a
m& v i f o l-y <2ee£ recorded i n bcri; £275 j;?^cs <G? cf the? S t , IcuSa Ocvvii*;/ i.rccrecr'o u i Y i - ; ,
t ^ : ^ .-5o:-!;": T--:vlh li'JO c? jcc;.'.-:?t./ cf Raid i ^ c l r r . a South £3 drr^c?^ £0 n i r r ^ o s *'Vrt r ?.lfl
f c o t to n. roir.t i n v.eit l i n o of property trenvryed to Ker.ry s'.loo'c^rrr^.r. J r . , l y 6v:-.'l r s s r r l o i
l a bee:.- l~rs, -~f;o Z.ZZ cf too S i . *.cula Ccunty ^ c c c r d s r ' o f.f/lco, to'-r^s r.lc:v; t'ro >.ctt rr.-I
Seriih li.'^a cf Ci.'Sd JIlosior:;.:^.,*! property the fcllcr^Sr.^ course© rnd £l3*;r.^.';nr.:: Uorta C?
[ flccrcna £5 rlr.*ite3 7««t 1C2.<£ ? e a t e SJcrt!* 2 fiojrea 25 cSnufceg Past 2Cu f e e t : r,r.i! Sect a £3
dc^rRCs «'C i:ir.-it03 Vist £w7.fr0 fesfc t o Southwest carr.i'i* cf ?.rc.*<--rtr «r:ccr.r'l/ <1^Rcrih,*ci t a
Cfl.-d t o i'-.rn.-jr r . r t f t rscwic-3. l a bod-: 1QC;C p^no 219 cf fchn> r t . Lcuia County ^ a o r t f p r ' a
Cf*lca, Usnco "forth cs& p a r a l l e l v l t h EncS* Urie of rcuthuRst *> of South'r.-.it £ cf c/:.i5
-, ^ ^ p r o p e r t / cciv^-tscl t o Knny B-*olr^n t ^ dsod y-tccrfied I n bocl: 12D4 pa^o ED? cf t'io ';t» IcuSg
Ccuity recorder*a Office & fiictcfiGO cf t-50#<0 fcot t o I<r;o6 l i n o cf Sowtlvoot i cf ^cut>cis6 ^
cf c-^td r i f < t i ^ . CO, thence Scwth r»2crvi f a H ? c a t 2ir.?> 715,C3 f e e t to nort'nor.'st ccrnar cf
"''"•' Scuthj.c?fc ^ cf ^cvil^sp.st i a? C5,id ?,JcctlC3 £ 3 , t ^ r . c o Vctit 13^6.43 f e e t ccro or 10.-.3 to
JTortfcvftst ccriKT ci' JJo«th!»-D3t; •;> cf Scfuthwafc t of s.«:<lft r?cctioa ££, t.^enca South e.l-'-x.- *43t
l i n o of Scut.ifefiat ^ ccf Scra'chac-at ^ cf ecld 5:oc**£ca 355, & d i t U n c o of C21.D1 f cot t o p o i a i of
fORM 2t«
': Printed »nd Sold br BEM. E»t*T« 1'imTiwc fc PreuttiiHC Co,, St. Uuit. Mo.
• ' ——
: .' .,'. .;..- - ~
Sale Contract. •' •
St. LogU,^..CjR53R^.
_, Mo
-. ——~
_._, hereinafter called tiurchasor,
the sum of - - O ShCtt9K5tl ?iV& KurJTOd r d Q0/JM?.JL=-=-=.- - ' - - tf*»5Q0,C0
D oll*rs
as earnest deposit and as part of tbo cash consideration for the purchase of the following described property situated in
of St Louis, Missouri, known or doscriVsd as:
together with (lTniiiy^ the Improvements thereon and appurtecMJo. fixtures and equipment thoreto belonging: (which
seller guarantees to own freo and clear of encumbrancoB), including ill lighting, heating, cooling and plumbing equlpmont
and futures, attached linoleum, radiator shields, Bhados, curtain aid drapery fixtures, Vonotlan blinds, shuttors, storm Bash
and doors, screons, awnings, ventilating and oxhauBt fans, water testers, stokers, oil and gas burners, garbage disposal
and dishwasher, trees and Bhrubs, and all articles now provided 'or tonant use:7^<c<;^£ COllCl* iO c r r n t c d
p r l v i l c p to sroacve cacbins ohad frora ^rc^inc: r.?ic? to cloolr.^ da';o.
which property is this day agreed to be sold to purchaser, subject to approval of-iiu'ller by* noon of
, 19
and not otherwise (and if not so approved earnest deposit Bhall be returned to purchaser) for the total Bale price of
?lftv r-ir'vfc...gftgffjgsd gfcrce ;-usdrr>a Torty Seven £sd 00/100 - •
}z?Z. ^
DollarB ( $ j#.£l^G3.
on the following terms:
o r P 0 (Y)
Earnest deposit mado as per this receipt
Additional earnest deposit to be made by purcbasor on
Cash to be paid on closing date of sale as hereinafter fixed (subject to adjust- r=« txAn nr\
ments as heroin provided)
Deed or deeds of trust of record, subject to which title shall b« transferred... .f _
Deed or deeds of trust to be accepted by seller as part purchas-e aoney
(In»rt terms Includlns typo of louc. Intsrcat rata, method o( paymtzu lirm of yeurn, pr«paym»nt prlvll«(*. If any, commluton. It »ny,
a.sd »oy apodal provision,.)
Tho sulo under this contract Bhall bo closed under the Sale Conditions and Closing Practices of the Real Estate
Board of Metropolitan St. Louis, and subject to any Special Agreements between Seller and Purohaser, all set forth on tho
roverse side hereof and hereby made a part of this contract, as tolly and effectually as if they were incorporated heroin,
at ? !.o office of 1^.1.iB^l^^J^HlSjJ^J^l^l_!*•.!>..B:.l™M.ljL..}.^......~
! ? » .
on. .tl.:~~~Zr....~,'......'."•*
—or on such prior date as tho parties hereto may agree.
All adjustments referred to on tho revorse aide hereof to be made u of
.'. '. >.-.
Title to pass whuu sale lu closed. Tlino is of tho ossonco of this costracl.
Pofcsttaloa of property to bo dollverud to purchaser at time of transfer ct tlUo.-ov-tm:
C;-.o Jur.icr College* n i a t r i c t cf St.
Deed to
Icaia - Ct, tculo Ccv.«ty, Missouri
Clr.r--r.co k. Luvley, Inc. end
LIST OP T E N A N T S — (Showing oil concessions and prepayment*)
_ _
Names of Tenant,
o S d
• • • " -
intent' I
***" Due
Date Paid To
y I
1 I
At . .v-uUon of either seller or purchaser, and at such party's expense, sale may be closed In escrow department of
the local office of any roputablo title company, but torms of contract shall not bo affected.
Earnest deposit to bo retained by seller's agent, without Interest, but agont sbs"J not bo liable for earnest deposit
until actually In form of cash In hands of agent; It sale Is'closed, earnest deposit to appiy on sale commission; If purchaser
shnil fall to pay additional earnest doposlt when due (If required by contract) or If sale b* not closed by date fixed therefor
owing to failure of performance by purchaser, earnest deposit shall be forfeited by purchaser, but purchasor shall nevertheless bo bound to fulfillment of contract If so determined by seller, but this shall no: entitle purchaser to enforce salo.
Forfeited earnest deposit shall go first toward reimbursing expenses of agont Incurred la this transaction, and balance to
go one-half to seller and one-half to agent In full of commission.
Rents, general toaes based on latest available assessment and rate, subdivision cjieep assessments, Interest, Insurance premiums, water rates, sewer service charge, gas and electric bills, fuel supply a n . operating expenses (If nny) to ho
prorated and adjusted as provided on the basis of 30 days to the month, seller to hare last day; general tax year to
run from January Jst; delinquent rents, over thirty days, If any, to be collected by wller and not adjusted. Purchaser
to pay all recording fees.
Seller shall furnish general warranty deod, subject to deed restrictions, oaser_*ats, rights-of-way of record, and
zoning regulations; also BUbjcct to leases and to occupancy of tenants existing on the date contract Is exocutcd by purchaser; general taxes payablo in current year and thereafter, and special taxes assessed or becoming a Hon after dato
contract is executed by purchasor; said genoral and special taxes to be assumed and paid by purchasor. All personal
property and fixtures included In this sale is guaranteed by 3Cller to be paid for In full
Title shall be merchantable, or purchaser will accept title Insurance policy Issued lj qualified title insuranco company
In lieu of strictly merchantable title. If title Is merchantable, purchaser shall pay for certificate of title; If title Is found
Imperfect and seller cannot perfect title or obtain title Insurance policy as above provided within 60 days after dato fixed
for closing, earnest doposlt shall bo returned to purchaser and seller shall pay to agt_t the sale commission and other
costs including title charges. Seller shall pay for documentary stamps.
If, after contract Is executed, the premises bo destroyed or damaged by fire, wi_datorm or otherwise, seller shall
restore same within thirty days If possible and salo closing dato shall bo extendod accordingly, but otherwise purchaser
f-.5:_!l have option of cancelling or enforcing coutract; If enforced, purchaser shall be entitled to insuranco; if cancelled,
earnest deposit shall be returned to purchaser. In either event agent shall receive full e*I* commission. Sellor shall aasmno
risk of such destruction or damage and shall have tho obligation to obtain consent of insurance companies to sale contract.
If improvements or additions have been completed within six months prior to _*-« closing date, seller shall furnlBh
reasonable security against mechanics' Hens or satisfactory evidenco of payment of bills.
Property to be accepted In Its present condition unloss otherwise stated In contract Seller warrants that ho has
not received any written notification from any governmental agency requiring any repairs, replacements, or alterations to
suid premises which have not been satisfactorily made. This Is tho entlro contract a_4 neither party shall bo bound by
representation as to value or otherwise unless sot forth In contract.
The words purchasor, sellor, agent and doposlt where appearing In this contract «_aU be construed In the plural, It
more than one.
This contract shall bind the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto.
Contract assignable by purchasor, but not without consent of seller if purchase aoney deed of trust forms part of
sale consideration.
Salo Commission as provided under tho rules of the Real Estate Board of Metropolitan St. Louis: 6% of tho total
selling or exchange price on improved property and 10% on unimproved property; misJniuni charge $60.
Special Agreements between Seller and Purchaser forming part of Contract:
In the event that purchaser dooa not need ground eftor Ante cf poaseoaicn, purchaser
career, to r.llou collar to rcaove any hoy crowing on fluid lp._d uatil suid ground is
nacded. by purcha_or.
Purchaser u~r.er:tr>r,d. that srwll ooU.v.9 in peach crchnrd le -at ovnod by seller nr.d
t_o erouad \ne~ f„lc~ clnd cottars i s located Is not oiabject to any vrilton Jci-.so but
13 •:.-. c. frrjViiitf.l fciaio - e i that ownor will deliver notice to tenwafc to vacate pro,?erty^
?.zii cctico to bo delivered en or befcra Ueocaljor 1, 1B£3. O^ccr cf building hr.s tho
ri<y..t to r.--:oTo IK Id cottage within thirty dcyo nfttfr cloeirg.
C-.:v.-r '.lull bo fl_tltlol to vci-.oxa 2 cru.ir.vto frca bfcser.cnt cf r*aid*»nee on prc.-iorty at
.V' •"' Y.ls-.tt:.'r.in ; rivo after tm?.r.to tnvo vrscntod tho precise*. This house le currently
..', to - I t •:• Clnyton And t?cllor v l l l deliver notion to tenant to _r.c.»te property;
.' Tztia to .c dalivorcd ca or bofcra Deccnbnr 1, 1CC<»
?,.rc::;nr uv.d-r:". :,:.r.da t t a t tho property 1» subject to en tv-jree-ant to aiva n ctrip cf Innd
i'-;.? rend pu;.-.';;-. :o in r.occrdczvca v i t a docd recorded l a lioc';: tai ps^a IS55 of thr> -t. Louis
City (f c•;-. . .ly County) records nr.4 purota-or oholl mjcopt property with cucix tcroonsnt aa
St. Louis, St. Louis County, Mo.
4386 Lindelt Blvd.
St. Louis 8, Ho.
July 17, 1983
12:00 Noon - C. D. S. T.
1. S. G. Adams
4707.00 47.68
2. Benslnger's
3. Blackwell Co. 79.18
4. Buschart
7. Color Art Co. 92.75
8. Comfort Co.
5. Buxton-Sklnner
6 . Clark-Peeper
9 . Federal Office Equip.
10. General Flreproofing
11. Republic Steel Co,
12. Scharr»s
13. Shaw Walker
14. Walte Jones
15. Holscher - Warn Ig
/ s / Board Member
/«'/ Board Member