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A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the St. Louis-

St. Louis County Junior College District was held on Wednesday,

May 9th, 1962, in the Chambers of the St. Louis County Council,

St. Louis County Courthouse, Clayton, Missouri. jj Chairman Gerald V. Williamson called the meeting to order at 8s15 p.m.

The following members of the Board of Trustees were present:

Mrs. Joseph C„ Bastian

Lester C. Geil

P. Wm. McCalpin

^ Guy S. Ruffin

4 9 Gerald V. Williamson

Morris Glaser was absent due to illness.

Also present were Mr. Kenneth Taasdale and Mr. Bruce

Woodruff of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roose, Kramer and


Mrs. Bastian moved that the minutes of the first m eting of the Board of Trustees of April 23, 1962 be accepted as submitted. Motion was duly seconded and upon the vote, carried unanimously.

Mr. McCalpin moved that approval of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of April 30, 1962 be passed


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- v ' • ' , • • • • •. •. • ; / • • l^jk v to the next meetingo Motion "w* <iol</ «i^!«ir-d«cl and upon the vot ,

^;v Chairman Williamson submitted the following Re (solution to the Board for approvals if RESOLVED: That Mr* P. Wm. McCalpin f

|f Treasurer of the Board of'Trustees, be appointed Budget Officer of the Junior

College District to serve until a rescinding

S: resolution is approved.

|: "


Motion was duly seconded by M r s , Bastian and upon the vote, carried, p M r , McCalpin suggested that the Committee on Budget and

Finance had a report to present to the Board at this tiiae* Th

|| Chairman ordered a recess until said report could be read by the

Board, When the Chairman declared the recess terminated, M r ,

McCalpin moved that the Board adopt the following Report of r^Bb Committee on Budget and Finance:

Since its appointment on April 30, 1962, this

Committee has met or consulted with other members of the Board of Trustees, officials of other school

IB districts in the Greater St, Louis area, counsel to f| this Board, and taxing and assessing officials in the City and County of St, Louis, This report and

K the recommendations contained herein are drawn from these sources and represent the considered judgment of this Committer,

:| This Committee accepts and recommends to the

Board the adoption of a tax for O'anior College

£;>;... District purposes for the tax year 1962 at the rate of Ten Cents per One Hundred Dollars assessed valuation as permitted by Section 165,823 (Missouri

Revised Statutes 1959), as amended. This is the ranxi-

' mum tax rate which may be leviod without voter approval aa set forth in the Junior College District

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# ^\ p r o p o s i t i o n -..Men v & s appvcv^cl t y tiiie v o t e x a o n if•• '

/) April ;


3, 1962. This ,r©aomm&ndation is made for

' a n u m b e r o f reason**, k. XI; is; R p a i n f u l f a c t t h a t the J u n i o r -


:V College .District at present has absolutely no funds. We cannot expect that any tax revenues will be available much before

December 1, 1962 at the earliest* Because


of that situation your Cotnmittee recommends

' that it be granted authority to prepare a

* form of advertisement for bids to borrow necessary operating revenues in .anticipation of tax receipts.

In recommending a tax rate of Ten Cents on each One Hundred Dollars of assessed valup ationj we are also mindful of the fact that the revenues to be produced from this tax rate must, as a practical matter i support the activities of the Junior College District not just for the fiscal year beginning July If 1962, and ending June 30, 1963, but in actuality for a period of approximately nineteen months.

From these revenues we must repay any sums

^ ^ borrowed to defray the expenses of 'this District

^ p since its creation on April 20, 1962', until

':: current tax revenues are received later this

, , year. In addition, if we are to avoid this kind of deficit financing next year we must also provide for the payment, of all our ex-

- iCT^,^ T '"' penditures until about December 1, 1963, which is the earliest date at which receipt of next year's tax revenues can be anticipated.


As we have considered the expenses for the coming year we have taken into account not only hiring a chief administrative officer but also

• • t h e u r g e n t n e c e s s i t y o f securing o f f i c e space a n d o f f i c e p e r s o n n e l . v

In recommending the Ten Cent rate your tommittee has been keenly aware of the urgent desire on the part of the members of this Board

/ to begin a program of instruction at the earliest is p r a c t i c a b l e d a t e . I n t h a t c o n n e c t i o n w e r e a l i z e

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• • ; / ; ; ; : ' ; ' " " ; the- necessity of acquiring school sites and the f possibility of substantial capital improvements of such sites^ We believe that it is most economical for the near future to finance such capital improvements out of current tax revenues rather than undergoing the expense of bond issue elections and resultant bond issuance and bond interest costs.

For all of the foregoing reasons^this

Committee recommends to the Board a tax rate for 1962 of ten one-hundredths of one^ier cent or Ten Cents on each One Hundred/Dollars of assessed valuation, / ,

Pursuant to the requirements of law, this



Committee submits to the Board aYproposed budget for the fiscal year 1962-1963 for the

Board's approval. This budget anticipates gross revenues of $3,300,000 from the recommended tax rate. Your Committee proposes that these revenues be placed to the credit of the Junior College District in a single, general or operating fund.

Necessarily, at this point, the anticipated expenditures of revenue fron\ this fund can

\ only be grossly estimated. We havv^ already incurred expenses for legal counsel and certain administrative expenses. Xt is recognized that additional such expenditures will be required in our continuing search for a chief administrative officer. Beyond this, we

Know that certain kinds of expenses will be incurred when a program of instruction is begun, but recognize that the amounts of such expenditures will necessarily depend on the time at which we can begin such a program.

We are advised that transfers may be made among the several sub-accounts indicated under the heading of expenditures This possibility will giva to the Board sufficient flexibility to accommodate our needs as they arise* f; ^


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:|1V Mr. oifes:©:? a Resolution Betting the tax

rate for approval by the Bosu'd, TLs Chairman daciared a r e c e s s

J u n t i l the Resolution could ba read by the Board, Vfhen the

Chairman declared tiie recess terminated, Mr. McCalpin moved t h a t the following Resolution Setting the Tax Rate be adopted by the

?'-' •• ' B o a r d :


£„', B E I T R E S O L V E D by The Junior College District f; of St, L o u i s , S t . Louie County, M i s s o u r i : iK 1 . T h a t pursuant to the provisions of A r t i c l e

:• X , Section 1 1 (a) o f the Constitution of M i s s o u r i ,

1 and Sections 165•077, 165.083, 1 6 5 , 7 9 0 , 165.823 a n d

% 165.827, M i s s o u r i Revised Statutes (1959), a s amended,

The Junior College District o f S t , L o u i s , S t . L o u i s

V , County, M i s s o u r i , hereby finds a n d determines that

• a tax for the benefit of the said Junior College

D i s t r i c t for the tax year 1 9 6 2 , s h a l l b e levied a n d



collected a t the rate of ten one-hundredth s of one

;/ per c e n t b e i n g Ten Cents on each O n e Hundred D o l l a r s oft t • ' .


, • •

| (a) T h e assessed value of a l l real, personal v a n d other property w i t h i n the corporate limits

: of The Junior College D i s t r i c t of St, L o u i s ,

S t . Louis County, M i s s o u r i , m a d e taxable b y l a w for State purposes (including* but n o t b y w a y of limitation, a l l r e a l a n d tangible personal p r o p e r t y owned b y railroads, street railways,

K b o a t s , vessels, b r i d g e companies, telegraph

£. companies, electric light a n d power companies,

£. electric transmission line companies, pipe line companies, express companies, air line companies


a n d other companies and public utilities w h o s e p r o p e r t y is assessed b y the State Tax C o m m i s s i o n ) ; a n d

' t

(b) The largest amount of a l l g o o d s , w a r e s a n d m e r c h a n d i s e which each m e r c h a n t m a y have h a d in h i s possession or in h i s control whether owned b y such merchant or consigned t o h i m for sale

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|i; at any one time betwean the first Monday in January and the first Monday in April in the year 1962j and

(c) The greatest amount of raw material and finished products which each manufacturer may have had on hand at any one

' time between the first Monday in January and the first Monday in April in the year

1962 as well as all the tools, machinery and appliances used by each manufacturer as returned by merchants and manufacturers for taxes for the same year,

2• That the Assessor of the City of St, Louis, the Director of the Department of Revenue of the

County of St<> Louis and the Assessor of Jefferson

County and all other officers in said City and

Counties charged by law with the assessment of taxes be and they are hereby requested and directed to enter upon the assessment books of taxable property in said City and Counties, before delivering the same to the collector or other officials charged with the duty of collecting taxes, the tax levied and to be collected pursuant to Section 1 hereof*

3, That the Secretary and t3ie Treasurer of this

Board be directed to furnish a copy of this resolution, duly certified according to law, to the Comptroller* the City Register, the Collector of Revenue, the

Assessor and the License Collector of the City of

St. Louis, the County Clerk, the AssesBor, the

Collector, the Director of the Department of Revenue of the County of St. Louis, the County Clerk, the

Assessor, and Collector of Jefferson County, Missouri, and the Treasurer and Director of Revenue of the State of Missouri, on or before the 15th day of May, 1962.

Motion was duly seconded by Mrs. Bastian and upon the vote, passed unanimously*

Mr* McCalpin mov^d the adoption of the following Proposed

Budget for the fiscal yeai beginning July 1, 1962 and ending Jun

^ 30, 1963i

- 6 -

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.'r P r o p p e d , ^Budflejk f" Por Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1962

: and Ending June 30, 1963

? i,

? Receipts Estimated Expenditures

Anticipated income Wages and salaries from all sources $3,300,000

Administrative $100,000

Instructional 400.000 $ 500, o:

'I • " • ' • ' • •

Legal and Accounting 25,0'

Capital Fund 2,500,0(

Interest 5,0C

Administrative Supplies 100,0C and Expenses

^ Instructional Supplies 110,0C and Expenses

Library 40,0C

Laboratories 20.Ot


Motion was duly seconded by Mr. Geil and upon the vote, motion was carried unanimously.

Mr. McCalpin moved the adoption of the following Resolution by the Boards

3E IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors •' of the Junior College District of St. Louis,

I St. Louis County, Missourit

That the Budget and Finance Committee is hereby authorized and directed to prepare for approval by this Board, a form of advertisement



for H a . for th. furniehin, of «„

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: '

'".' credit to the Junior College District in an amount not to exceed $50,000.00, comoencing

*, on June 1, 1962, and extending for a period of seven (7) months or until December 31,

1962, to provide funds for initial expenses

• and cost of organization in anticipation of initial expected tax revenues to be received in the current calendar year*

\ Motion was duly seconded by Mr. Ruff in and upon vote, carried unanimously*

Sir. Geil moved the adoption of a proposed Seal for

;, The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County,

' " ^ v • • • .

• . • ' • ' .

Missouri at a cost of approximately $10.75. Motion was duly seconded by Mrs. Bastian and upon the vote, motion was carri d

A unanimously. An imprint of the seal as adopted appears in the margin of these minutes.

\< The Chairman suggested that the minutes show a record of the fact that several Committees of the Board had met during r this week. The Personnel Committee met on Monday, May 7th, with

# representative citizens and interested parties and educators in

^ St. Louis to discuss the criteria for selecting a College Pr sident.

; ' There was an informal meeting of the Board as a whole on Tuesday,

May 8th. The Board as a whole had an informal meeting today, v

May 9th, for purposes of conferring on Junior College problems


with Dr. Leland Medsker, Vice Chairman of the Center for the Study

£- of Higher Education«. University of California.

;" Discussion was had concerning the date of the next formal meeting of th Board* No d finite date was set but it was decided i i f.

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# • ' that members of the Board would get together and determine the


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. i date on which the next formal meeting could be held.

An informal discussion was had as to the functioning of Committees of the Board regarding their reports, recommenda-

) tions, etc.

, Mr. McCalpin moved that the meeting be adjourned.

Motion was duly seconded by Mr. Oeil and upon the vote, motion

'< was carried unanimously. Thereupon, the Chairman declared the



} ' meeting adjourned at 9$40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, i

Mr8. Joseph C. Bastlan

\- \ Secretary

' 1 •• h


' ' • , •

? ' • •• -

. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and t

* correct copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Truste s

, of The Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County,

Missouri, held at its meeting on May 9, 1962. i t . i

; Mra, Joseph C. Bastian


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BE IT RESOLVED by The Junior College District of St. Louis,

St.Louis County, Missouri:

1. That pursuant to the provisions of Article X, Section

> 11(a) of the Constitution of Missouri, and Sections 165.077,

£S- I65.O83, 165.790, 165.823 and 165.827, Missouri Revised

Statutes (1959), as amended, The Junior College District of

St. Louis, St..Louis County, Missouri, hereby finds and determines that a tax for the benefit of the said Junior

College District for the tax year 1962, shall be levied and collected at the rate of ten one-hundredths of one per cent being Ten Cents on each One Hundred Dollars of:

(a) The assessed value of all real, personal and other property within the corporate limits of The

Junior College District of St; Louis, St; Louis

County, Missouri, made taxable by law for State purposes (including, but not by way of limitation, all real and tangible personal property owned by railroads, street railways, boats, vessels, bridge companies, telegraph companies, electric light and power companies, electric transmission line companies, pipe line companies, express companies, air line companies and other companies and public utilities whose property is assessed by the State Tax Commission); and

(b) The largest amount of all goods, wares and merchandise which each merchant may have bad in his possession or in his control whether owned by such merchant or consigned to him for sale at any one time between the first Monday in January and the first Monday in April in the year 1962; and

(c) The greatest amount of raw material and finished products which each manufacturer may have had on hand at any one time between the first Monday in January and the first Monday in April in the year 1962 as well as all the tools, machinery and appliances used by each manufacturer as returned by merchants and manufacturers for taxes for the same year.

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2. That the Assessor of the City of St. Louis, the Director of the Department of Revenue of the County of St. Louis and the Assessor of Jefferson County and all other officers in said City and Counties charged by law with the assessment of taxes be and they are hereby requested and directed to enter upon the assessment books of taxable property in said City and Counties, before delivering the same to the collector or other officials charged with the duty of collecting taxes, the tax levied and to be collected pursuant to Section 1 hereof;

3; That the Secretary and the Treasurer of this Board be directed to furnish a copy of this resolution, duly certified according to law, to the Comptroller, the City Register, the Collector of Revenue, the Assessor and the License Collector of the City of St; Louis, the County Clerk, the Assessor, the Collector, the Director of the Department of Revenue of the

County of St. Louis, the County Clerk, the Assessor, and Collector of Jefferson County, Missouri, and the Treasurer and

Director of Revenue of the State of Missouri, on or before the 15th day of May,.1962.

This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by Board of Trustees of the

Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, at its meeting on May 9, 1962.

Mrs. Joseph C. Bastlan


