JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION Vol. 50, No. 3 AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION June 2014 A GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODEL OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN A RIVER BASIN1 Travis Warziniack2 ABSTRACT: This study builds a general equilibrium model of ecosystem services, with sectors of the economy competing for use of the environment. The model recognizes that production processes in the real world require a combination of natural and human inputs, and understanding the value of these inputs and their competing uses is necessary when considering policies of resource conservation. We demonstrate the model with a numerical example of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya river basin, in which grain production in the upper basin causes hypoxia that causes damages to the downstream fishing industry. We show that the size of damages is dependent on both environmental and economic shocks. While the potential damages to fishing are large, most of the damage occurs from economic forces rather than a more intensive use of nitrogen fertilizers. We show that these damages are exacerbated by increases in rainfall, which will likely get worse with climate change. We discuss welfare effects from a tax on nitrogen fertilizers and investments in riparian buffers. A 3% nitrogen tax would reduce the size of the hypoxic zone by 11% at a cost of 2% of Iowa’s corn output. In comparison, riparian buffers are likely to be less costly and more popular politically. (KEY TERMS: ecosystem services; general equilibrium; riparian; agriculture; nonpoint source.) Warziniack, Travis, 2014. A General Equilibrium Model of Ecosystem Services in a River Basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 50(3): 683-695. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12211 valuation and impact studies have largely focused on a single ecosystem service (Hein et al., 2006). We expand the literature by developing a bioeconomic model that considers the multiple factors and industries that make up a resource-dependent economy, and the competing use of the ecosystem between provision of inputs to productive activities and use for disposal of waste. The health of ecosystems affects the productivity of factors and mitigates damages from negative environmental and economic shocks. The model allows us to analyze the vulnerability of resource-dependent economies to fluctuations in market and environmental forces. We frame our model around a story of nonpoint source pollutants in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya river INTRODUCTION The ecosystem provides multiple services to multiple stakeholders, with benefits accruing at various spatial scales (Hein et al., 2006), temporal scales (Howarth and Norgaard, 1993), and with competing economic interests (Jones, 1965). Management of a given ecosystem requires acknowledgment of links between resources within the biological system (Adger et al., 2005), the impact of economic activity on the natural resources, and feedbacks between biological and economic systems (Settle et al., 2002). While gains have been made in understanding the complexity of the biological system, economic 1 Paper No. JAWRA-13-0079-P of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received March 26, 2013; accepted January 30, 2014. © 2014 American Water Resources Association. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. Discussions are open until six months from print publication. 2 Research Economist, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, 240 W. Prospect Rd., Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 (E-Mail/Warziniack: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 683 JAWRA WARZINIACK 1993-2004, to 17,300 km2 in 2005-2010 (Rabalias and Turner, 2000-2010) (see Figure 1). Hypoxia is defined as dissolved oxygen concentrations ≤2 mg/l. Because this threshold is generally too low to support aquatic life, hypoxic zones are commonly referred to as dead zones. Perhaps the most well-understood effect of hypoxia in the Gulf, and the one we focus on in this study, is its effect on catch of brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus). Subadult brown shrimp avoid the hypoxic zone, clustering on its edge, and dispersing to inshore and offshore waters (Zimmerman and Nance, 2001; Craig and Crowder, 2005; Craig et al., 2005). It is estimated that about 25% of brown shrimp habitat has been lost to the hypoxic zone, and displacement to suboptimal water temperatures reduces their size enough to affect dockside value (Zimmerman and Nance, 2001; Craig and Crowder, 2005; O’Connor and Whitall, 2007). Loss of shrimp habitat is of concern to shrimpers in the GOM, who account for 85% of landings (51,000 metric tons) and 87% of dockside value ($138 million) of all shrimp harvested in the U.S. (NMFS, 2001-2010). Figure 2 shows major sources of nitrogen delivered to the GOM. Fifty-two percent of delivered nitrogen originates from lands cultivated in corn and soybeans (Alexander et al., 2008), with Iowa as the largest contributor of agricultural-based nitrogen (Goolsby et al., 1999). In 2010, there were over 55,000 km2 of corn planted in Iowa with a productive value of over $11.7 billion. Over the last half century virtually all of Iowa’s rangeland and forests have been replaced FIGURE 1. Size of the Hypoxic Zone, 2013 (data from NOAA Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Watch: basin (MARB), their effect on the size of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) hypoxic zone, and tradeoffs in the regional economy between using fertilizer on agricultural land and loss of shrimp habitat in the Gulf. The GOM hypoxic zone is the largest in the coastal United States (U.S.). It has increased in size from an average 6,900 km2 in 1985-1992, to 13,600 km2 in FIGURE 2. Total Nitrogen Delivered Incremental Yields (data from Robertson et al., 2009). JAWRA 684 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION A GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODEL OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES TDj ¼ Dsj ð1Þ TDj is a compound Poisson random variable with expected value E½TDj ¼ E½SE½Dsj ¼ lðZ; DÞxj ðZ; DÞ ð2Þ We assume that ecosystem services are provided by nature and priced at expected marginal costs. Let cE j be nature’s constant marginal cost of providing ecosystem services without risk of storms. With risk of storms, the unit costs of providing ecosystem services to firm j are cE j þ E½TDj , which gives an equilibrium price of The model follows the general equilibrium model of a production economy developed by Copeland and Taylor (2003), which we have adapted to include payments to ecosystem services and damages to the ecosystem. We begin by discussing the provision of ecosystem services by nature then discuss the utilization of ecosystem services by firms. Degradation occurs when firms deposit pollutants directly into the environment or adversely change the AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION S X s¼1 MODEL OF THE RIVER BASIN structure of the environment. In this model, pollutants do not cause direct damages if they remain where deposited. However, natural and man-made events, such as storms and runoff, transport the pollutants through the ecosystem, at which time damage occurs. Damages are defined simply as activities that raise the unit cost of using ecosystem services. In our case study, the level of degradation equals the accumulated amount of nitrogen fertilizer on the agricultural fields, and damages are the effects of diminished water quality following runoff. Let J denote the set of all firms in the economy and Qj be the equilibrium output of firm j 2 J. The amount of pollution produced by firm j is given by Zj = wjQj, where wj is pollution per unit of output. Aggregate pollution is Z = ∑ j2JZj. We refer to any event large enough to cause damages as a “storm.” The probability of a storm occurring and the mean damage from storms depend on aggregate pollution level Z and a vector of climate variables D. In many coastal areas, for example, degraded ecosystems allow smaller more frequent storms to travel inland, causing more damage than they would otherwise. Similarly, smaller rain showers carry more sediment to ditches and streams when watersheds are dissected with unmaintained roads (Ketcheson and Megahan, 1996). The number of storms that occur in a given period is a random variable S with Poisson distribution and mean l(Z,D); ol/oZ > 0. Damage to firm j from storm s is a random variable Djs with normal distribution and mean xj/ o Z > 0. Storms are i.i.d. Total damage to firm j if S storms occur is by row crops, with about 60% of the state’s land covered by row crops in 1992 (Iowa Geological Survey, 1992). For corn planted after a corn harvest, Iowa State University Extension (1997) recommends 16,800-22,400 kg/km2 (150-200 lb/acre) N when applied before crop emergence; it recommends 11,000-16,800 kg/km2 (100-150 lb/acre) N for corn after soybeans when applied before crop emergence. Goolsby et al. (1999) estimate that about 13.4% of nitrogen fertilizer applied to agricultural fields in the basin eventually ends up in the GOM. If, for example, all planted corn in the basin receives 11,000 kg/ km2 N, over 600 million kg N is added to Iowa soils, of which about 80 million kg reaches the GOM. Climate change is expected to increase the amount nitrogen reaching the GOM, due to a wetter Midwest and more runoff (USGCRP, 2009). We incorporate the effects of climate change following Donner and Scavia (2007), who show that the amount of precipitation in the Corn Belt can explain up to 70% of the nitrogen flux in the GOM between 1980 and 2000. We also provide discussion and present cost-benefit analysis, for example, policies to reduce nitrogen runoff. We examine two policies, one that increases the cost of nitrogen use, such as a tax on fertilizer, and one that reduces runoff by promoting riparian health, such as through the use of riparian buffers and wetland restoration. This study proceeds as follows: the next two sections develop the economic theory. The theoretical model is incorporated into a numerical application for the MARB in a separate section, in which we study the vulnerability of the regional economy to market and environmental changes, including climate change. The fifth section provides discussion and presents cost-benefit analysis, for example, policies. Readers more interested in application than theory could probably focus on the fourth and fifth sections, referring back to earlier sections for clarification on terminology and notation. The final section concludes. JOURNAL IN A kj ¼ c E j þ lðZ; DÞxj ðZ; DÞ ð3Þ The affect of risk is similar to that of a risk premium paid on ecosystem services. If ecosystem services are freely provided by the environment, kj is a shadow price or nonmarket value of the ecosystem service. 685 JAWRA WARZINIACK Lj = Lj(pK, pL, pi2J,Hj); Vij = Vij(pK, pL, pi2J,Hj); H Hj = Hj ðcH j ; kj ; Qj Þ; Ej ¼ ðcj ; kj ; Qj Þ. Firms face a unit price sj for pollution that could be a direct cost due to associated costs of an input, taxes, or a shadow price arising from regulations or good will to reduce environmental pollutants. Firms can reduce their pollution levels by investing in an environmental control hj. Investment in control is at the expense of output and normalized so one unit of control requires one unit of output. Define Yj as net output in the presence of control: Yj Zj Qj Hj K j Lj Ej V1j ..... Vij Yj ¼ ð1 hj ÞQj FIGURE 3. Nested Structure of Firm Production. We assume wj ðhj Þ ¼ ð1 hj Þ1=aj , and recalling Zj = wjQj allows us to write a production function for Yj with inputs Zj and Qj, Production of output Qj occurs through a nested production function, shown in Figure 3. In the upper nest, a firm-specific composite of humanproduced inputs is combined with nature-provided ecosystem inputs in amounts Hj and Ej using constant returns to scale technology Fj(Hj,Ej). In the lower nest, the human-produced composite is produced combining capital, labor, and intermediate inputs from industries i,j2J in amounts Kj, Lj, and Vij. Firms vary in their ability to utilize ecosystem services and their optimal mix of human-produced inputs; they, therefore, face unique unit costs for using ecosystem services kj and unique unit costs for the human-produced composite cH j . Because production functions in each stage are homogenous of degree 1, optimal technology mixes can be found by minimizing unit cost functions. pK and pL are the prices of capital and labor and pi is the price of intermediate input and produced good i2J. The unit cost functions for Hj and Qj are n pk Kj þ pL Lj Kj ;Lj ;Vij o X þ p V : H ðK ; L ; V Þ ¼ 1 i ij j j j ij i2J ð4Þ n o H H cQ ðc ; k Þ ¼ min c H þ k E : F ðH ; E Þ ¼ 1 j j j j j j j j j j ð5Þ cH j ¼ ðpk ; pL ; pi2J Þ ¼ min 1aj Yj ¼ Zaj j Qj n o aj 1aj Q cYj ðcQ ; s Þ ¼ min s Z þ c Q : Z Q ¼ 1 j j j j j j j Zj ;Qj Zj ¼ aj p j Y j ð1 aj Þpj Yj ; Qj ¼ sj cQ ð10Þ j Copeland and Taylor show, given the functional form for protection, that the first unit of protection has a bounded marginal product. For small enough sj, the optimal decision of the firm may be not to protect. For this analysis, we assume that sj is large enough to ensure some control. Equilibrium levels of output are determined by the full employment of factors and relative returns in the economy from production of goods. The relative returns of goods are found by looking at the profit maximization problem for firms. Profits in industry j are pj ¼ pj Yj cH j Hj kj Ej sj Zj H ð11Þ Note that shares of expenses on Zj equal sjZj = ajpjYj. Using this expression to eliminate Zj and subbing in Yj = (1 hj)Fj(Hj, Ej) gives ð6Þ The equilibrium conditions in Equation (6) say that the firm produces such that the ratio of input prices equals the ratio of marginal products. This condition implies that factor demands are functions of input prices and output; Kj = Kj(pK, pL, pi2J,Hj); JAWRA ð9Þ Taking the first-order conditions and assuming zero profits give the following equilibrium conditions: The firm’s first-order conditions for each stage imply pK @Hj =@K pK @Hj =@K cj @Fj =@H ; ¼ ¼ ; ¼ @Hj =@L pi @Hj =@Vij kj @Fj =@E pL ð8Þ Given optimal production technologies for Qj and Hj, the amount of degradation is found by minimizing the unit cost of producing Yj, and Hj ;Ej ð7Þ pj ¼ pj ð1 aj Þð1 hj ÞFj ðHj ; Ej Þ cH j Hj kj Ej ð12Þ The first-order conditions for the profit maximization problem are 686 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION A GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODEL OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN A Q2 RIVER BASIN MEASURING DAMAGES Potential PPF slope = p1(1-α1)(1-θ1) / p2 (1-α2)(1-θ2) Net PPF Our main intent is to show how economic development affects environmental degradation and the economy’s vulnerability to environmental damages. We do this by examining the impact of an exogenous change in world prices. Such a change will affect the value of production in the economy and change the relative amount of each good produced. These changes in production will, in turn, affect the level of accumulated pollutants in the environment. We begin by decomposing the effect of a change in world prices on ecosystem services following Copeland and Taylor (2003). First, we define scale of the economy as the value of output at initial prices X s¼ p0 Y ð16Þ j j j slope = p1/p2 Y1 Q1 Q1 FIGURE 4. Equilibrium Along Potential and Net PPFs. dpj dFj ¼ pj ð1 aj Þð1 hj Þ cH j ¼0 dHj dHj ð13Þ dpi dFj ¼ pj ð1 aj Þð1 hj Þ kj ¼ 0 dEj dEj ð14Þ and define an industry’s damage intensity as the per unit of damages ei Zi/Yi. We can write Zj ¼ ej cj S=p0j where cj ¼ p0j Yj =S is the value share of net output of j in total value of output. Let initial prices be p0j ¼ 1. Taking logs of Equation (17) and differentiating with respect to the price of good i yield Equations (13) and (14) can be combined to get the following relationship for production in any two industries i and j: Fif pj ð1 aj Þð1 hj Þ ; f ¼ fH; Eg ¼ Fif pi ð1 aj Þð1 hj Þ ð15Þ dZj ¼ dpi Equation (15) describes the equilibrium along the production possibilities frontier (PPF). It says that factors of production are employed such that the marginal revenue products are equal between all firms and equal to the ratio of marginal returns from production. In our economy, there are two types of PPFs, a potential PPF expressed in total production Qj and a net PPF expressed in net production Yj (Figure 4). Because Yj = (1 hj)Qj, the two are interchangeable. Equilibrium along the potential PPF occurs where the ratio of world prices pj/pi equals the slope of the potential PPF, defined by the left side of Equation (15). Because resources are devoted toward control and cost of ecosystem services has a risk premium, firms do not earn the full world price. Firm j earns pj(1 aj) (1 hj). Equilibrium along the net PPF occurs where p ð1a Þð1h Þ the ratio of returns to firms, pij ð1aij Þð1hji Þ, equals the marginal rate of transformation. Degradation that leads to damages will increase the price of ecosystem services, equivalent to a decrease in production efficiency. Firms can switch to methods that use relatively more human-produced inputs, but damages represent a loss of real resources; the PPF will shift in. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION ð17Þ P j dYj =dpi S þ d Yj S =dpi cj þ dej =dpi ej ð18Þ The first term in Equation (18) is the scale effect. It measures changes in pollution levels that result from a change in the overall size of the economy, assuming production mix and methods stay constant. The scale effect is positive if the price rises and negative if the price falls (with a price increase/decrease it is necessary to decrease/increase the scale of the economy to get back to the original value). The second term in Equation (18) is the composition effect. Keeping scale and production methods constant, the composition effect gives the change in pollution that occurs due to a change in the relative amounts of each good produced. Proposition 1. All else equal, an increase in the price of good j causes the economy to produce more of good j. Proof. Increasing pj increases the right term in Equation (15). The left side must also increase to maintain the equality, implying that more factors are employed in j. Output of j must increase, and output of i must decrease. Q.E.D. 687 JAWRA WARZINIACK If i = j, the composition effect will be positive if and only if pj increases because Yj will be a larger share of the economy. Production levels of other goods, i 6¼ j, will decrease, and the composition effect will be negative. The third term in Equation (18) is the technique effect. The technique effect is the change in pollution that occurs from changes in the damage intensity of producing good j. pollution level. The economy starts at point A, where the slope of the PPF is tangent to the ratio of prices, P0. The line S0 denotes all production mixes with value equal to the value of the original production mix at world prices, i.e., it denotes the initial scale of the economy. Following an increase in the price of good 1 to P1, production shifts to point D. Total pollution changes from ZA to ZD via composition, scale, and technique effects. The composition effect, |ZA ZB|, is found by keeping the scale constant and allowing the share of goods to change to reflect the price change. The scale effect, |ZB ZC|, is found by keeping the composition constant and increasing the scale to the new production point. The price increase causes industry 1 to increase its damage intensity, shown by a rotation of the Z-line. The size of the technique effect is |ZC ZD|. The increase in pollution causes additional effects, measured by the change in the cost of using ecosystem services (Equation 7). There is an effect from a change in the mean size of damages and an effect from a change in the frequency of events. Increases in the price of ecosystem services cause firms to switch to production methods that use larger amounts of human-produced inputs. These substitution possibilities will reduce the size of welfare losses (Warziniack et al., 2011), but this must be less efficient than the previous technology else it would have been used in the first place. This represents a real loss in resources, causing the PPF to shift in. This change is shown graphically in panel (b) of Figure 5. Increased pollution increases the number of storms and damages per storm, causing the PPF to shift in. With relative prices still equal to P1, the economy moves to point F where the slope of the shifted Proposition 2. A good’s damage intensity is positively correlated with its price. z Proof. From the demand functions, ej ¼ Yjj ¼ aj pj =sj . Taking the derivative with respect to pj gives dej dpj ¼ aj sj [ 0. Q.E.D. The technique effect only matters if i = j, in which case an increase in pj leads to a positive technique effect. Because control comes at the expense of output, the real cost of controlling goes up when the price of the good rises. Thus, the effect on the aggregate pollution level of a pure price increase is ambiguous depending on which industry experienced the increase. If the price of a polluting good increases, then aggregate pollution will increase. If the price of a less polluting good increases, then the effect cannot be signed without further information. We illustrate this decomposition in panel (a) of Figure 5 for a two-good economy. We assume that only good 1 causes damages to the ecosystem. The upper half of the graph is the usual two-good potential PPF, and the lower half of the graph shows the aggregate FIGURE 5. Decomposition of Changes in Degradation Following a Change in World Prices. JAWRA 688 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION A GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODEL OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN A RIVER BASIN GEMES to measure damages from economic and ecological changes in the MARB. Our intent is to highlight impacts of upstream economic development on downstream communities, and so we maintain focus by using Iowa as a representative upstream agricultural economy and Louisiana as the downstream economy affected. We assume that upstream runoff affects shrimp production in Louisiana, but otherwise the two economies are modeled separately. For each scenario, the Iowa GEMES model is run, which determines nitrogen runoff from Iowa. This amount is passed to the Louisiana GEMES model where it is combined with runoff from Louisiana agriculture to determine the size of the hypoxic zone. Model inputs are shown in Table 1. In most years, there is a clear relationship between corn prices and corn output (the economic link), corn output and size of the hypoxic zone (ecosystem degradation), and size of the hypoxic zone and shrimp catch (economic damages, accounting also for changes in the price of shrimp). Note that in 2003 and 2006 corn was up in production but shrimp catch was barely affected. One explanation, explored in this study, is that reduced rainfall in those years kept the hypoxic zone smaller and the productivity of the Gulf higher than they would have otherwise been. The MARB model includes six producing sectors (J = {corn and other grains, other agriculture, commercial fishing, power, oil and gas production, miscellaneous}). Firm output, capital, labor, and intermediate inputs are calibrated to 2010 IMPLAN data (Minnesota IMPLAN Group). We assume that H (K, L, V) is constant elasticity of substitution and F (H, E) is Cobb-Douglas. Calibration techniques are described in Annabi et al. (2008) and Rutherford (2002). We use arable land as our ecosystem services for grain production, measured by the cash rent equivalent of land. As defined by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, this is a provisioning service (food production). Agricultural land is privately costed, with a PPF equals the ratio of prices. Total change in pollution is |ZD ZF|. The figure has been drawn such that industry 2 feels the greatest direct impact from the increase, shown by a larger inward shift of the PPF along the good 2 axis. There are composition and scale effects. There is no technique effect because relative prices do not change. We calculate the composition effect by looking at the amount of pollution that would occur with scale S1 and production mix equal to that at point F. At this point, pollution equals ZE, and the size of the composition effect is |ZD ZE|. The size of the scale effect is found by comparing ZE with that from the final level of output, |ZE ZF|. In this example, production shifts toward relatively more of good 2, causing a positive composition effect. The scale effect is negative because pollution causes a loss in real resources. In net, overall pollution increases. If good 1 was heavily affected by the increase in k, the composition effect may have been negative and overall pollution in the economy could have declined. NUMERICAL APPLICATION We use our theoretical results to develop a computational model of ecosystem services, dubbed the General Equilibrium Model of Ecosystem Services (GEMES). GEMES is part of an ongoing effort to apply general equilibrium models to ecosystem service valuation, to measure the contribution of ecosystem services to regional economies, and to isolate the effects of economic shocks from environmental and climatic shocks. This section is meant to demonstrate how GEMES works and to demonstrate the importance of modeling multiple ecosystem services within a river basin. This section highlights how interactions and general equilibrium adjustments affect impact measures. Complete computer code and a model library with other GEMES examples are maintained on the author’s website. In this section, we use TABLE 1. Benchmark Data. Corn prices are annual average dollar per bushel received by U.S. corn producers (USDA Season-Average Price Forecasts). Iowa corn production is in billions of bushels, taken from USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Shrimp price is in dollars per ton. Shrimp catch is in thousand metric tons. Size of hypoxia is in square kilometers. Rainfall is amount of rainfall during the growing season defined as May 1-Oct 31 (Source Prices are adjusted for inflation. Year Corn price Corn output Shrimp price Shrimp catch Hypoxic zone Rainfall JOURNAL OF THE 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1.85 1.728 2,913 70.74 4,400 22.11 1.97 1.664 2,350 64.95 20,720 22.96 2.32 1.932 1,874 54.70 22,000 23.66 2.42 1.868 1,572 61.33 8,560 18.06 2.06 2.244 1,481 53.92 15,040 24.72 2.00 2.163 1,778 42.84 11,840 25.48 3.04 2.050 1,362 64.26 17,280 17.64 4.20 2.377 1,599 51.92 20,500 29.75 4.06 2.189 1,835 35.86 20,720 25.86 3.55 2.421 1,217 53.26 8,000 25.31 5.18 2.153 1,896 33.244 20,000 28.71 AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 689 JAWRA WARZINIACK well-defined market value. Because it occurs on the balance sheets, it is often studied (Iowa State University Extension, 1997; Sandhu et al., 2008) and appears clearly in our benchmark data. It is estimated that rents from land make up about one-third of production costs in grain farming. Agricultural subsidies are included in the model as lump-sum payments from the government, not tied to the value of land. Subsidies affect total sector output and may cause market distortions. The computable general equilibrium model includes these distortions, but they are not directly addressed in this study. For discussion on tax distortions in general equilibrium, see Goulder (1995). The level of ecosystem services used in fishing depends on available fish habitat and the quality of that habitat, both of which manifest themselves in the catchability of fish in the GOM. These are also provisioning services as defined by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Habitat as a productive input is not directly priced in the fishing industry, and so accrues as nonmarketed rents to owners of the fishing fleet and to labor employed on the ships. We assume one-fifth of the value of the fishing sector is from nonmarketed ecosystem services. Key features of general equilibrium models are the links between sectors of the economy. These links are particularly important when policies affect products used as inputs in other sectors of the economy. Corn, in our application, is a good example. Corn is used to produce fuel, to feed livestock, and as an additive to processed foods. Impacts to the corn sector should have far-reaching impacts that will be picked up in our general equilibrium model that would otherwise be missed in a single-sector analysis. We normalize damages in all industries such that the risk free cost of providing ecosystem services cE j ¼ 1. We assume number of storms l(D) = rain/ rain0, where rain is the amount of precipitation in Iowa between May 1 and October 31. Benchmark precipitation level rain0 is the year 2000 level. We do not model the effect of precipitation in Louisiana. Total degradation in our model is the amount of nitrogen fertilizer applied to farms in Iowa and Louisiana that does not get absorbed by plants, accumulates in fields, and has potential to become runoff. Iowa Extension estimates that 14% of farming costs are on nitrogen fertilizer, about half of which is never taken up by the plants (Iowa Policy Project). Therefore, in the benchmark, Z0 = Q0 9 0.14 9 0.5 = 0.07Q0, or w0 = 0.07. Disposal of excess nitrogen is an unpriced ecosystem service in our application. It does not affect the profitability of farming, but there is a shadow price associated with it due to damages in the fishing sector. For fishing, we assume cost of ecosystem services JAWRA changes proportionally to changes in the size of the hypoxic zone, such that kfish ¼ cE fish þ lðDÞxfish ðZ; DÞ ¼ 1 þ ðsize=size0 1Þ. Nitrogen accumulated on the land is proportional to the amount of nitrogen applied to the crop; delivery of nitrogen from land to water depends on soil permeability, drainage density, temperature, precipitation, and a host of variables specific to the drainage. Alexander et al. (2008) find nearly a one-to-one land-to-water delivery factor for precipitation for nitrogen in their SPARROW model for the Mississippi River basin. Simplifying somewhat for our purposes, we assume Size of Hypoxic Zone = q 9 Zgrain 9 (rain/rain0); therefore, xfish = qZ/ size0 rain/rain0. With this specification, per storm damages increase in Z and decrease in the number of storms each year given benchmark hypoxic zone of 4,400 km2 and degradation of 6,269 million kg N (based on 0.07 9 Qo), q = 0.7. A report on the effects of climate change in Iowa (Takle, 2011) shows an 8% increase in precipitation statewide between 1873 and 2008. Cedar Rapids saw a 32% increase in precipitation over the same period. Iowa also saw an increase in extreme precipitation events, leading to more annual flooding. Such changes are expected to cause denitrification of soils due to saturation, increased soil erosion due to surface runoff, and increased nitrogen-nitrate runoff due to wider use of tile drainage. Thus, damages to corn arise from too much and too little rain. We assume that the costs of ecosystem services in corn production (i.e., land) are quadratic in percent deviation 2 0 from benchmark rain, i.e., kcorn ¼ 1 þ rainrain , rain0 which gives xcorn = (rain rain0)2/(rain 9 rain0). For all other sectors kj = 1 in the experiments shown in this study. NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS We run the calibrated model for each year between 2000 and 2010. In each year, we vary global prices of corn and shrimp to reflect 2000-2010 levels and allow for damages to ecosystem services. This scenario serves as our base case. It includes impacts to the fishing sector from both economic and environmental forces. Using Equation (18), we decompose changes in degradation into scale, composition, and technique effects. We run one counterfactual, “prices only,” that varies world prices but sets damages equal to zero. We compare results of this first counterfactual with those of the base case to disentangle impacts from price changes from those of the environmental externality. We run a second counterfactual, “rain,” that 690 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION A GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODEL OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN A RIVER BASIN The increase in nitrogen use can be decomposed into scale, composition, and technique effects. The scale effect is the increase due to an increase in the size of the economy, calculated as the share of current nitrogen that would have occurred if the output were scaled up in equal proportion to GDP. Percentage changes in excess nitrogen due to the scale effect are therefore very close to percentage changes in regional GDP. The technique effect represents the change in nitrogen runoff due to changes in per unit degradation. Proposition 2 shows the technique effect will be larger in years with the largest price increases, which is confirmed here. Because the price of nitrogen does not change in these scenarios, the size of the technique effect is proportional to the change in price of corn. The remaining changes in nitrogen use are due to composition effects, which represent a larger share of changes in nitrogen use in Louisiana because the fishing sector contracts at the same time the corn sector expands. Years with large increases in the price of corn and large decreases in the price of shrimp (for example, year 2004) cause the largest composition effects. adds the effects of precipitation in Iowa to the base case. BASE CASE: CHANGE IN GLOBAL PRICES WITH ECOSYSTEM DAMAGES Between 2000 and 2010, price per bushel of corn rose 280% while the price of shrimp fell 35% (realworld, not simulated prices). The increase in the world price made MARB corn more competitive and led to more domestic corn production. Table 2 shows model results for the base case. The model projects an increase in corn production of 206% in Iowa and 167% in Louisiana. In earlier years, when the price of fishing falls more than the price of corn rises, net welfare in Louisiana falls. Increased corn prices increase the marginal return from a unit of nitrogen fertilizer, providing an incentive to increase the application rate. Per unit damages for grain increase, so nitrogen runoff, and thus the size of the hypoxic zone, increase relatively more than the increase in corn output. By 2010, the simulation shows an increase in the size of the hypoxic zone by more than 211%. The increased size of the hypoxic zone increases the cost of ecosystem services to GOM fishing. The Louisiana fishing sector shrinks by 56%. PRICES-ONLY COUNTERFACTUAL This counterfactual “turns off” damages from hypoxia (kj = 1, ∀j 2 J) to isolate the effects of market TABLE 2. Base Case Numerical Results. Results are percent deviations from 2000 levels, with the exception of results for scale, technique, and composition effects, which are percent of degradation changes due to that effect. 2000 Pcorn Pfish Iowa GDP Ycorn kcorn Degradation (Z) Damage intensity (w) Scale effect Technique effect Composition effect Louisiana GDP Yfish Ycorn kcorn kfish Degradation (Z) Damage intensity (w) Scale effect Technique effect Composition effect Ecological effects Hypoxic zone JOURNAL OF THE 0 0 2001 6 19 2002 25 36 2003 31 46 2004 11 49 2005 8 39 2006 64 53 2007 2008 2009 2010 127 45 119 37 92 58 180 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.85 6.76 0 6.85 6.486 0.797 6.091 93.112 3.40 26.74 0 27.18 25.405 2.671 20.259 77.070 4.41 32.52 0 33.09 30.811 3.110 23.554 73.336 1.49 11.86 0 12.03 11.351 1.334 10.194 88.472 1.06 8.46 0 8.58 8.108 0.980 7.500 91.520 8.91 69.15 0 70.74 64.324 5.216 39.145 55.639 18.61 141.39 0 146.26 127.027 7.558 55.952 36.490 17.38 132.41 0 136.77 119.459 7.343 54.433 38.224 13.04 100.30 0 103.08 91.892 6.422 47.887 45.691 27.69 206.48 0 215.90 180.00 8.767 64.286 26.948 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.061 21.13 5.30 0 6.71 5.30 6.486 0.058 6.091 93.966 0.008 40.80 21.05 0 26.62 21.05 25.405 0.007 20.259 79.748 0.015 51.12 25.63 0 32.41 25.63 30.811 0.012 23.554 76.458 0.178 51.10 9.31 0 11.78 9.30 11.351 0.163 10.194 89.968 0.150 40.65 6.64 0 8.40 6.62 8.108 0.140 7.500 92.640 0.233 61.17 54.78 0 69.28 54.81 64.324 0.151 39.145 60.705 0.863 59.92 113.24 0 143.27 113.40 127.027 0.405 55.952 43.643 0.818 53.37 105.89 0 133.97 106.04 119.459 0.397 54.433 45.170 0.466 67.35 79.83 0 100.97 79.91 91.892 0.259 47.887 51.854 1.477 56.48 167.07 0 211.48 167.43 180.00 0.552 64.286 35.162 0 6.710 26.624 32.411 11.782 8.397 69.283 143.265 133.965 100.970 211.476 AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 691 JAWRA WARZINIACK TABLE 3. Prices-Only Counterfactual Results. Reported values are [percent change in base case] [percent change in price only counterfactual] = [percent change due to hypoxia]. Louisiana GDP Yfish Ycorn kcorn kfish Degradation (Z) Ecological effects Hypoxic zone 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0125 1.83 0.0019 0 6.7099 0.004 0.0332 5.1479 0.0044 0 26.6244 0.0108 0.0324 5.0966 0.0041 0 32.411 0.0105 0.0131 1.9627 0.0019 0 11.7822 0.0042 0.0116 1.7147 0.0018 0 8.3972 0.0037 0.047 7.9372 0.004 0 69.2834 0.0155 0.0796 14.7897 0.0002 0 143.2655 0.0272 0.0888 16.3327 0.0012 0 133.9651 0.0302 0.0516 9.132 0.0025 0 100.9705 0.0173 0.1091 21.4932 0.0078 0 211.4758 0.0385 0 0.0004 0.001 0.001 0.0004 0.0003 0.0014 0.0025 0.0028 0.0016 0.0035 decreased productivity of agricultural land. Farmers respond by intensifying their use of nitrogen fertilizers. In all years, the amount of nitrogen applied to the land increases. The downstream effects depend on the amount of rainfall. For high rain years, Louisiana fishing declines by as much as 6%, as rain carries a higher percentage of the nitrogen to the Gulf. In 2010, heavy rains joined a large increase in corn production to produce the largest hypoxic zone on record. The increase was smaller in 2004; even though there were heavy rains, corn prices kept nitrogen use low. Reductions in rainfall in 2003 and 2006 kept the hypoxic zone 24 and 34% smaller than it would have otherwise been. While drought harms the Iowa economy, it benefits the Louisiana economy. Heavy rains harm both the Iowa and Louisiana economies. fluctuations on the regional economy. Deviations from the base case are shown in Table 3. Base case damages only occur in Louisiana, so the results for the prices-only counterfactual for the Iowa economy are the same as in the base case. The prices-only scenario allows us to distinguish between the effects of ecological damages and economic shocks. In 2010, for example, Louisiana fishing declined by over 56% relative to the 2000 benchmark (base case results). Twenty-one percent of that decline is from hypoxia; the other 35% is from changes in relative market prices. We also see that total economic damages from growth of hypoxia are 0.1% of Louisiana’s GDP, or about $240 million annually. Because all impacts are relative to a baseline, it is impossible to know what fishing output would be if agriculture were to stop using nitrogen fertilizers altogether. In most years, corn output is (slightly) lower than the base case, even though it is not directly affected by hypoxia. This reduction is due to the drain of hypoxia on the rest of the economy; it reduces the efficiency of capital and labor that could otherwise be productively employed. These feedbacks between the economic and ecological systems mean hypoxia itself causes a smaller hypoxic zone, though the effects are modest. POLICY CONSIDERATIONS The GEMES model is useful for analyzing the costs and benefits of policies to reduce nitrogen deliveries to the GOM. Here, we consider two such policies: (1) a tax on nitrogen fertilizers and (2) improvements in riparian zones and wetlands in agricultural areas. The policies modeled are meant to demonstrate how GEMES can be used; while they are tied closely to recommendations in the literature, they are not calibrated to actual policies. A tax on fertilizers or, if possible, a tax on nitrogen runoff (Table 5) are probably the most straightforward policies to implement in GEMES. The price for agricultural pollutants is scorn, so a 3% tax on runoff is modeled by setting scorn = 1.03. The effects of the tax are largest in the years with the largest price increases in corn. By raising the cost of farming, it causes the corn sector to contract and other sectors to expand. In 2010, the model shows about a 2% reduction in Iowa corn output. Reductions in pollution are considerably larger than reduction in corn output, RAIN COUNTERFACTUAL This scenario “turns on” the effects of rain relative to the base case scenario. In agriculture, increases in precipitation cause denitrification of soils, increased runoff, and increased use of tile drainage. Increases in precipitation allow a greater percentage of nitrogen to reach the Gulf. Table 4 shows differences between the rain and base case scenarios. In all years, Iowa grain output falls in the rain scenario relative to the base case. This decline is due to JAWRA 692 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION A GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODEL ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF IN A RIVER BASIN TABLE 4. Rain Counterfactual Numerical Results. Reported values are [percent change in rain counterfactual] [percent change in base case] = [percent change due to climate change]. Rain Iowa GDP Ycorn kcorn Degradation (Z) Louisiana GDP Yfish Ycorn kcorn kfish Degradation (Z) Ecological effects Hypoxic zone 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 0 3.844 3.049 23.669 36.877 3.074 30.769 68.651 13.076 2.127 13.433 0 0 0 0 0.0002 0.0104 0.1423 0.0003 0.0006 0.0393 0.4593 0.0012 0.0057 0.3598 4.1077 0.0118 0.0015 0.0946 1.2464 0.0026 0.0024 0.1481 2.0159 0.0039 0.0089 0.5573 5.123 0.0242 0.0207 1.2906 8.8738 0.0858 0.0059 0.3565 2.4595 0.0233 0.0039 0.2345 1.8299 0.0127 0.0203 1.2151 6.8622 0.113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0127 1.942 0.0019 0 7.8043 0.0041 0.0135 2.3564 0.0018 0 15.4288 0.0044 0.0324 5.0966 0.0041 0 32.411 0.0105 0.0195 3.2186 0.0029 0 23.7557 0.0063 0.0297 4.873 0.0045 0 29.751 0.0096 0.0368 6.4268 0.0031 0 59.5459 0.0122 0.0173 4.9448 0 0 109.844 0.0059 0.0124 3.3102 0.0002 0 54.2075 0.0042 0.0088 2.1064 0.0004 0 41.7428 0.0029 0.0140 4.6089 0.0010 0 116.0991 0.0049 0 4.1022 8.8777 24.2449 13.1974 16.5249 34.2058 84.1634 39.7063 29.0996 93.1106 TABLE 5. Tax on Nitrogen Runoff Results. Reported values are [percent change in tax policy] [percent change in base case] = [percent change due to tax policy]. Iowa GDP Ycorn kcorn Degradation (Z) Louisiana GDP Yfish Ycorn kcorn kfish Degradation (Z) Ecological effects Hypoxic zone 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 0.0344 0.2004 0 3.1118 0.0393 0.2285 0 3.3399 0.0557 0.3225 0 4.028 0.061 0.3527 0 4.2312 0.0432 0.251 0 3.5136 0.0406 0.2359 0 3.3975 0.1001 0.575 0 5.5592 0.2069 1.1695 0 8.3991 0.1914 1.0843 0 8.0293 0.1413 0.806 0 6.7468 0.3378 1.8799 0 11.2251 0.0029 0.0002 0.2038 0 0 3.1108 0.0027 0.8897 0.2286 0 3.3352 3.2883 0.0004 0.677 0.3142 0 4.01 3.8306 0.0016 0.5613 0.3415 0 4.2093 3.9907 0 0.5537 0.2494 0 3.5055 3.4254 0.0011 0.6704 0.2355 0 3.3917 3.3339 0.0055 0.457 0.5416 0 5.5114 5.036 0.0135 0.4949 1.0789 0 8.2959 7.3673 0.0121 0.5723 1.0013 0 7.9333 6.9768 0.009 0.3924 0.7495 0 6.676 5.9699 0.0230 0.5606 1.7344 0 11.0662 9.4826 3.1117 3.3352 4.01 4.2093 3.5055 3.3917 5.5514 8.2959 7.9333 6.676 11.0662 The benefits of riparian buffers are simulated in GEMES by altering the relationship between nitrogen deposited on the land and the size of the hypoxic zone. The costs of riparian buffers are measured by increases in the amount of land required per unit of agricultural output. A complete policy description would, therefore, require an estimate of the effectiveness of the buffer and the percentage of agricultural land required for the buffer. In this example, we have assumed buffers cut the percentage of nitrogen delivered to the GOM in half (q = 0.35), a conservative estimate given the number of studies that show riparian vegetation routinely removes as much as 90% of nitrates in the subsurface water (Hill, 1996). We then solve for the amount of land that can be retired to make this policy welfare neutral; that is, to make the increase in Louisiana’s GDP due to a smaller hypoxic zone equal the decrease in Iowa’s GDP due to requiring more land per unit of corn produced. Using the year 2000 for model simulations, we find land efficiency in Iowa can fall by as showing agriculture’s ability to use less damaging production methods when appropriate incentives exist. In 2010, runoff from Iowa grain fields falls by over 11%, and the size of the hypoxic zone decreases by 11%. We do not consider the redistribution of tax revenues, so pollution decreases by a technique effect (reduced damage intensity), a composition effect (corn contracts, other sectors expand), and a scale effect (the tax reduces economy-wide incomes). Pollution taxes on agriculture are problematic to implement. Runoff is a nonpoint source pollutant, monitoring is difficult, and taxes on agriculture are politically unpopular. We, therefore, turn to policies that promote healthy riparian zones. The effectiveness of riparian vegetation in removing nitrogen from subsurface water has been well documented (see Dosskey et al., 2010, for a review), and programs to restore riparian zones are often promoted in the context of payments for ecosystem services schemes. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 693 JAWRA WARZINIACK to substitute factors of production in farming keep the impact modest compared to the benefits from a smaller hypoxic zone. We also showed that improvements in riparian zones would lead to large benefits to the Louisiana economy and probably not cost the Iowa economy much. Due to political difficulties in instituting a tax on agriculture and the growing interest in restoring riparian zones through payments for ecosystem services schemes, we feel the latter is the better policy. In both cases, however, Iowa pays for the gains achieved in Louisiana; objections are likely to be strong among Iowa stakeholders. This model is useful in light of calls for “polluterpays” policies found in most OECD countries, championed by the European Community, and drafted into the Rio Declaration. Such policies assume that we can measure the damages directly caused by polluters. In reality, adjustments in the economy depend on a suite of environmental factors. Isolating the effects of each factor is necessary for economic efficiency and sound policy. Because of this complication, the polluter-pays principle is rarely put into practice. We offer a way forward. much as 14% for the policy to provide net benefits to society. Such a policy would benefit Louisiana (and cost Iowa) about $1.7 million annually. It is unlikely that a 14% reduction in productivity of agricultural land would be needed to achieve such reductions in runoff (Mitsch et al., 2001). Based on our model, therefore, riparian buffers seem a worthwhile investment provided transfers between upstream and downstream communities are possible. CONCLUSION Environmental problems like hypoxia and climate change affect nearly all sectors of the economy, as do many of the policies aimed at correcting them. Economic impact analysis, however, usually focuses on a single sector. Such analysis misses the mark. Here, we have shown that the portfolio of production activities in an economy has a large bearing on the amount of pollution produced and the size of damages. If the price of a dirty good rises, more pollution increases because (1) as the dirty sector expands, competition for factors of production cause cleaner industries to contract, (2) production methods in that industry become dirtier, and (3) increases in the price of produced goods lead to economic expansion, which causes output in all sectors to increase. The first and last reasons for increased pollution fall near the realm of economic growth, and it is hard to believe policies would try to limit either industry or economic expansion. On the other hand, the fact that production methods become dirtier is somewhat troubling and should be the target of environmental policies. On the damages side, industries contract because of both economic forces and environmental damages. Untangling those differences is important. In our numerical example of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya river basin, grain production in the upper basin causes hypoxia, which in turn causes damages to the downstream fishing industry. We showed the size of these damages is dependent on both environmental and economic shocks, and while the potential damages to fishing are large, most of the reduction in fishing output occurs from economic forces rather than a more intensive use of nitrogen fertilizers. We have shown that these damages are exacerbated by increases in rainfall, which will likely get worse with climate change. We showed that a nitrogen tax makes agriculture cleaner, reducing the amount of nitrogen runoff per unit of corn production. 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