Document 11656474

Largest community college system in Missouri
serving an area of about 700 square miles;
created by area voters in 1962
League for Innovation institution
Four campuses
Three education centers
Transfer, career and developmental programs
Non-credit continuing education courses
Various workforce development initiatives
25,000 credit students each semester
48,000 non-credit each year
28,000 workforce development students
90 credit programs
57 workforce development programs
2,000 faculty
4,000 employees
SunGardHE Banner ERP system
Single forest, single domain Active Directory
All administrative, and most student/library
workstations are running Windows XP
(almost all others are OS X) – 8,000+ desktops
All employees login through AD accounts
All employees have Exchange mailboxes
Growing use of Blackboard
Goal is to eventually authenticate all students through
individual AD accounts
Faculty and Community Relations
Many do not have an e-mail account
Many do not update their Banner (student ERP) information
when they change e-mail accounts
Want .edu e-mail address
Want a standard, reliable student e-mail address
STLCC OneCard ID requires an e-mail account
College wants a way to build an ongoing relationship with, and
a means to contact, alumni
.edu address to take advantage of specific
services and offers
Lots of storage
Works on multiple common platforms
Windows , Mac, Mobile
IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera
Reliable spam management
Effective spam and virus filtering
Personally controlled safe and block lists
Do nothing
• Students select and use their own e-mail provider
• No consistency, hard to track, varying reliability,
unknown delivery, some students never get one
• Software and storage costs, staffing requirements
• Use existing Exchange system or a webmail system
• College domain name and provisioning control
• “Free” vs. pay-per-account systems
• Concerns on privacy of data, advertising
• College domain name and provisioning control
Limited IT server support staffing
Limited help desk support staffing
Limited capital for student e-mail / data storage
Banner is the trusted source for all student info
Already have Exchange infrastructure in place, sized
only for employee accounts (200MB/1GB)
Already have district-wide AD authentication in place,
DCs were sized for student accounts
Already plan to use Microsoft ILM (MIIS) for student
AD account provisioning
A set of online communication and
collaboration applications hosted by Microsoft
Uses College domain name and branding
5GB Hotmail (or Exchange) Inbox
5GB SkyDrive
1,000 document Office Live Workspace with SharedView (beta)
Personal web/blog/discussion site and blogging tool
IM, SMS (Alerts), and Mobile access
Works on common platforms (Windows/Mac, Firefox/Safari)
Students get a professional address for life
No ads for students in e-mail interface
Accounts are for current, registered, credit students
Accounts are created when they register
Account ID created by Banner (3rd Party ID)
Windows Live account displayed in Banner
Self-Service (along with other e-mail addresses)
Student may forward e-mail
Accounts are marked as “Alumni” when student has
not registered for three Fall or Spring terms
Accounts will be optional (personal use) at first,
becoming the official e-mail address in Fall 2008
All Windows Live individual accounts will use the domain name
Windows Live accounts are also to be provisioned for
all employees
Employee accounts would be part of the disaster
recovery plan – to be used for communication in the
event of the loss of our primary data center and
Exchange system
The official employee e-mail address will remain the
College hosted Exchange server one –
name (
Offer ID (current student or not)
Temporary (first-time) password
ILM 2007 or MIIS 2003
Provides rich directory synchronization
Desktop application for one at a time or batch
No automatic directory synchronization
Trial or pilot use / infrequent updates
Command Line Application
Entire directory is sent each time a change is made
Banner process runs in batch after COB
Create 3rd Party ID in Banner
This becomes the AD samAccountName
This becomes the Windows Live account prefix
Create Windows Live address in Banner
Import Banner information into Microsoft ILM
ILM provisions AD account and imports
changes to metaverse
ILM provisions Windows Live account
Add PIDM (Banner unique record identifier) to
existing employee AD accounts
Verify AD PIDM entry and display name against
Banner student and employee records, make
Load Banner 3rd Party ID with existing AD
samAccountName, matched up by PIDM
Have Banner generate 3rd Party IDs for all other person
Add MX record for
Extract Data
CSV File
•Display Name
•Given Name
•Student ID
•Status Indicator
•Display Name
•Given Name
Windows Live ID
•“A” number
•Status Indicator
Active Directory
•Display Name
•Given Name
•ExtAttribute PIDM
•ExtAttribute BD
•ExtAttribute AID
•ExtAttribute Status
Windows Live
Some of the “additional parameters” values are
required (ignore the “optional” in the manual):
 Country
 Birthdate
 Timezome
 Brand ID
 Offer ID
 Region code
Clicking the College
logo presents a dropdown menu of key
College web links
College branding
appears in mail now,
will be extended by
Microsoft into other
products later
Provisioning student AD and Windows Live accounts
since January 12, 2008 – the initial run processed 26,089
student accounts
Existing employee AD records were updated to allow
Windows Live provisioning
Daily updates of deltas
As of this week, over 38,580 Windows Live accounts
have been provisioned
Student overview and help information is at
Website with:
 Getting Started
 FAQs
 Documentation
Signs and Posters
Ads in printed schedule
Faculty communications
Anywhere Access
Share with Others
Save 1,000+ Microsoft Office documents in one place
Access them from almost any computer with a Web browser
Open and save files directly from Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
No more flash drives or sending yourself documents via e-mail
Invite people to your workspace
You control who can view, comment, and edit your documents
Stop manually merging versions from multiple people
Organize a Study Group
Work together on assignments and share notes from class
Keep a shared schedule and task list for your group
The e-mail account will be the official
communications channel with students starting with
the Fall 2008 semester
Sungard Banner UDC will provide student and
employee updates to ILM in near real-time
ILM will provision Active Directory and Windows Live
accounts in near real-time from the Banner UDC data
New version of ILM provides self-service password
reset capability for AD and Windows Live accounts
With ILM, it was just as easy to provision AD and
Windows Live accounts as it would be to just do
Windows Live
CSV file has to be in a folder created by the MA on the
ILM server
No hyphens (-) or apostrophes (‘) in Windows Live
user names / AD samAccountNames
Multiple support groups at Microsoft
 Windows Live Program
 Windows Live MA
 Windows Live MA Error Message Interpretation
Low cost way to offer student e-mail
E-mail is easily branded for the institution
E-mail and lots of other functionality at no cost
to the student
Directory integration requires ILM / MIIS
STLCC Windows Live Information
Microsoft Live@edu FAQs
Student information on Live@edu
Microsoft Live@edu Blog
Mark Doering (Banner Questions)
Manager, Systems and Programs
Richard Schumacher (Microsoft Questions)
Manager, Technology Initiatives
Presentation is available online at: