Application of hyphenated ICP-MS approaches for the analysis of emerging contaminants in the marine environment Daniel Pröfrock and Andreas Prange Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material und Küstenforschung, Biogeochemistry in Coastal Seas, Department Marine Bioanalytical Chemistry, Max-Planck Straße 1, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany, Introduction Instrumentation and Conditions Optional gases Helium The continuous and still growing anthropogenic impact on marine ecosystems recently results in a rising number of international agreements and new legislative requirements, which demand the monitoring of a wide range of both priority and new substances of concern steadily released into the aquatic environment. Such quantitative analysis of priority hazardous substances in the environment becomes more and more a challenge since new legislations requires also more sensitive methods for the determination of already defined priority compounds or newly emerging contaminants at low concentration levels. As an example the EU Water Framework directive (WFD) defines an EQS value (Environmental Quality Standards) of 0.5 ng/L for the sum of all PBDEs, which should not be exceeded. In consequence the reliable determination of PBDEs at such low levels requires method LOQs smaller than 30 % of the EQS value, which finally corresponds to an LOQ of 0.15 ng/L for each congener! HPLC-APCI-MS as well as GC-MS represent widely used methods for the analysis of various contaminants within typical environmental samples such as water, sediments or biota. The main challenges for these methods are lower detection limits and the extension of the number of detectable congeners due to improved chromatographic resolution. The complementary application of ICP-MS as a (hetero)element specific detector for the sensitive determination of e.g. brominated flame retardants via their hetero(element) content, indicates some potential related to the determination of such contaminants within environmental samples. Within this contribution we will describe different aspects of the method development and optimization of GC-ICP-MS for the analysis of hetero(element) containing compounds. GC Agilent 6890 GC ICP-MS Agilent 7700x Column Agilent DB5 MS, 15m,i.D. 0.25µm, 0.1µm film thickness RF Power 850 W 3 way optional gas controller Carrier gas ICP-MS controlled Helium 2.5 mL/min Plate bias -100 V Injection 1µL, COC, 100°C Extraction lens 1 -100 V Oven program Carrier gas Start 100°C, 30°C per minute up to 300 °C, 5 min at 300°C Deflection 10 V GC Interface Agilent GC Interface Cell gas Helium 2.0 mL/min Cones Load Coil Lens system Torch ICP-MS Transferline 300°C Octopole bias -16 V Ar carrier flow 0.95 L/min Quadrupole bias Additional plasma gas N2, 22 psi (GC controlled) Isotopes / Dwelltime Heated transfer line -14 V 79 Br (0.1 s), 81Br (0.1 s), 126 Xe (0.05 s), 35Cl (0.1 s) Fused silica capillary Test conditions: Repetitive GC-ICP-MS analysis of a 1/100 dilution of NIST 2257 CRM 38 PBDE congener mixture, 7-40μg/L”+ 18 PCBs, 100 μg/L , 1 µL injection, calculation of the S/N ratios for every compound. Method optimization and analytical figures of merrit 120000 10 cm behind the transfer line carrier gas inlet 300 100000 80 30 20 10 Intensity 60000 Intensity 40 79 79 50 80000 No PBDE 209 detectable! 40000 PBDE 100 PBDE 47 600000 500000 PBDE 153 400000 PBDE 28 300000 250 PBDE 209 PBDE 99 PBDE 154 Signal to Noise (S/N) Br (cps) 60 Br (cps) 700000 70 Signal to Noise (S/N) 900000 0.2 cm behind the transfer line outlet within the injector 800000 90 PBDE 209 detectable! PBDE 183 200000 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 150 100 50 ? 0 20000 0 200 0 100000 1100 1 2 0 PBDE 47 PBDE 100 PBDE 181 PBDE 196 PBDE 208 PBDE 99 PBDE 154 PBDE 185 PBDE 191 0 5 25 35 0 5 10 15 20 0 PBDE 99 PBDE 154 Carrier Gas [L/min] PBDE 28 PBDE 47 PBDE 100 PBDE 181 PBDE 196 PBDE 208 1,2 1,3 PBDE 185 30 35 900 1200000 800 1100000 700 1000000 1000000 Br (cps) 1300000 900000 800000 79 700000 600000 500000 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 100 0 0 0 5 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 45 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Peak area RSD % Inst. LOQ (μg/L) 250 1 PBDE 28 6,047 200 2 PBDE 47 3 4 fg on column fg on column (GC(ICP-MS) NCI-MSD)(Fitz 2010) 0,009 4,8 0,05 25 400 7,290 0,017 5,6 0,05 27 1200 PBDE 100 8,373 0,011 6,5 0,05 24 200 PBDE 99 8,764 0,009 4,6 0,05 27 300 5 PBDE 154 9,717 0,009 3,9 0,05 24 300 6 PBDE 153 10,276 0,007 3,2 0,05 27 500 7 PBDE 183 11,730 0,010 4,6 0,06 28 200 8 PBDE 209 21,322 0,010 8,7 0,08 30 100 300 100 PBDE 28 PBDE 47 PBDE 100 PBDE 99 PBDE 154 PBDE 153 PBDE 183 Compound S/N improvement after purification of the carrier gas argon using a H2O, O2 and activated carbon trap 15 PBDE 100 PBDE 181 PBDE 196 PBDE 208 Peak to peak signal to noise for PBDE 28 Compound 0 10 PBDE 47 20 25 PBDE 99 30 PBDE 154 35 PBDE 185 40 PBDE 191 Sensitivity improvement due to N2 addition to the plasma Analytical Figures of Merrit 50 5 PBDE 28 45 Retention time (min) Average retention time Retention time (n=9) RSD % PBDE 191 N2‐Gasflow [psi] Effect of the bromine specific optimization on the sensitivity of the GC-ICP-MS setup Peak No. 150 PBDE 208 100000 450 350 PBDE 196 5 PBDE 185 200 200000 0 4 PBDE 154 300 200000 100000 Retention time (min) S/N without Ar Purification S/N with Ar purification PBDE 181 PBDE 99 400 300000 Influence of different carrier gas flow rates on the PBDE detection 400 PBDE 100 500 400000 PBDE 191 PBDE 47 600 300000 400000 PBDE 28 S/N improvement under optimized cell gas settings 1100000 Intensity 40 1,1 25 1200000 79 60 1 20 Retention time (min) Intensity 80 Signal to Noise (S/N) 30 1300000 Br (cps) Signal to Noise (S/N) 100 0,9 20 Influence of the GC capillary position within the GC-ICP-MS interface on the detection of PBDE209 120 0,8 15 Retention time (min) Effect of different Rf power settings on the PBDE detection 0,7 10 Signal to Noise (S/N) PBDE 28 0 3 He‐Cellgas [ml/min] Rf Power [W] 200 180 Pressure (Pa) 1 Pump 160 Backing pressure 4.3 *102 2.98 *102 Interface pressure 4.29 * 102 3.15 * 102 Analyser pressure -4 4.56 * 10-4 140 2 Pumps 120 100 5.01 * 10 80 60 40 20 0 1 Pump 2 Pumps Number of fore vacuum pumps Influence of different vacuum pump configurations on the Br detection using GC-ICP-MS Quantification of selected PBBs in marine mammal fat tissues using GC-ICP-MS 9,0E+06 8,0E+06 8,0E+06 PBB 155 Br (cps) 6,0E+06 5,0E+06 79 PBB 49 4,0E+06 PBB 153 PBB 52 3,0E+06 Sample N1 PBB 26 2,0E+06 1,0E+06 PBB 153 8,0E+06 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5,0E+06 4,0E+06 3,0E+06 Sample N2 PBB 49 6,0E+06 PBB 153 5,0E+06 4,0E+06 3,0E+06 2,0E+06 2,0E+06 1,0E+06 1,0E+06 Sample N3 PBB 26 0,0E+00 0 40 PBB 52 7,0E+06 6,0E+06 0,0E+00 0,0E+00 PBB 155 9,0E+06 PBB 49 7,0E+06 Intensity Intensity 79Br (cps) 7,0E+06 PBB 155 Intensity 79Br (cps) 9,0E+06 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 PBB 38 GC-MSD PBB 38 GC-ICP-MS PBB 49 GC-MSD PBB 49 GC-ICP-MS PBB 52 GC-MSD PBB 52 GC-ICP-MS PBB 80 GC-MSD PBB 80 GC-ICP-MS PBB 155 GC-MSD PBB 155 GC-ICP-MS PBB 153 GC-MSD n.d. n.d. 11.7±0.8 11.68±1.75 3.25±0.03 4.69±0.83 n.d. n.d. 5.89±0.11 9.85±1.93 0.95±0.04 N2 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 33±2.3 30.9±2.39 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 33.9±0.7 23.23±1.36 11.7±0.2 N3 n.d. 0.3±0.09 n.d. n.d. 10.0±1.0 7.32±1.1 3.65±0.02 2.94±0.52 n.d. n.d. 6.65±0.2 6.17±0.52 2.39±0.06 PBB 169 GC-ICP-MS PBB 26 GC-ICP-MS 0.48±0.2 PBB 169 GC-MSD PBB 26 GC-MSD n.d. PBB 153 GC-ICP-MS Sample N1 Coelution PBDE 154 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. Coelution PBDE 154 Coelution PBDE 154 Sample preparation: Around 5 g fat tissue were weight into pre cleaned vials, homogenized and further processed using Soxhlet extraction. After the measurement of the fat content, three H2SO4 clean-up steps and an LC fractionation step the sample was ready for analysis. Conclusion ¾ A careful instrumental optimization is necessary to benefit from the potential of ICP-MS as a detector for hetero elements such as bromine, in particular when operated at dry plasma conditions as realized by using GC-ICP-MS. ¾ The high sensitivity and its tolerance against co-eluting sample constituents make GC-ICP-MS an interesting alternative beside GC-MS for “untypical application” such as the analysis of hetero atom containing organic contaminants like PBDEs. An additional enrichment step as well as instrumental changes will help to further improve the sensitivity. 40 Retention time (min) Retention time (min) Retention time (min)