Columbia River Contaminants and Habitat Characterization (CR

Columbia River Contaminants and Habitat Characterization (CR ConHab):
Tracking Occurrence and Foodweb Effects of Polybrominated Flame Retardants
and Endocrine Disrupting Compounds
Contact Info: Jennifer Morace (, 503.251.3229) and Elena Nilsen (, 503.251.3277)
We will assess emerging contaminant concentrations in aquatic environmental media and biological organisms, and
concurrently assess the biological effects of these contaminants using fish biomarkers and bird-blood assays. By
comparing these results, we will relate contaminant concentrations to biological effects. We will characterize sampling
locations based on a Columbia River ecosystem classification system, and model the transport of fine-grained sediments
and associated contaminants. By integrating the contaminant concentration data, biomarker results, modeling results, and
classification system, we will provide information about contaminant distributions in the system and contribute to
understanding how emerging contaminants are affecting the ecosystem in the lower Columbia River.
Our approach is based on the following tasks:
Task A: Assessment of PBDE exposure and effects on ospreys
Task B: Assessment of waterborne PBDE and EDC concentrations using passive samplers
Task C: Compound-specific analysis of PBDE and EDC concentrations in invertebrates, salmonids and resident fish
Task D: Biomarker assessment of PBDE and EDC exposure and effects in resident fish
Task E: Assessment of PBDE and EDC exposure using cDNA microarrays in resident fish
Task F: Development of a probabilistic sampling design to assess the status and trends of benthic communities and their
role in the transport of contaminants
Task G: Modeling sediment transport and contaminant dispersal in the lower Columbia River and estuary
Task H: Integration of Tasks A-G
The work planned for each year is summarized below.
Year 1. Deploy passive samplers and collect osprey eggs and blood samples from young at initial study locations selected
based on available data. Screen passive-sampler extracts for thyroid and endocrine disruption potential, and analyze eggs
for PBDE concentrations. These initial data will identify areas of elevated contaminant concentrations and inform
selection of sites for more detailed foodweb investigations in subsequent years. Select sampling sites (contingent on
timing of Year 1 results) for compound-specific analyses of environmental media, invertebrates and fish and prepare to
adapt extraction procedures for use with invertebrate biomass and fish tissues. Select resident species for study and
conduct literature research on the use of microarrays for contaminant exposure in fish and birds. Plan habitat
characterization and, if possible, collect benthic-invertebrate samples at scoping sites to assess logistics and variability,
and collect additional sediment samples to aid the expansion of the sediment transport model to Bonneville Dam. Identify
available bathymetry and bed-sediment grain-size data, identify needs for the hydrodynamic and sediment transport
model, and build a pilot model of the lower river.
Year 2. Continue to monitor nesting osprey and collect eggs and blood. Use Year 1 results to plan logistics for collecting
fish and invertebrates. Finalize selection of sampling locations and species and conduct sediment, invertebrate and fish
sampling. Characterize sediments and invertebrates. Finalize choice of biomarkers, microarrays, and compounds; conduct
biomarker analyses, cDNA microarray analyses and compound-specific analyses of macroinvertebrate and fish-tissue
samples (and sediments, as funds allow). Refine sediment-transport pilot model, collect additional field data for model
calibration and validation, and carry out initial model simulations.
Year 3. Collect additional data as time and funding permit, based on needs identified during previous years. Continue to
analyze and interpret data, communicate results to other principal investigators (PIs), prepare individual products and
contribute to synthesis report. Complete model calibration and validation and carry out model simulations to assess
sensitivity of model and characterize changes in river habitat under various future scenarios.
Year 4. Finalize individual and synthesis products.
Conceptual model showing how individual tasks fit into overall ConHab project