Long Number in Excel Changing to Zero at end or...

Long Number in Excel Changing to Zero at end or Formula
Have you ever tried entering a number in Excel 15 characters or more and the last number keeps changing to
zero or you get some formula showing +15, 16... This is because Excel stores only 15 significant digits in a
number, and changes digits after the fifteenth place to zeroes. To get around this you must first make sure
the column is formatted as text then when you type the number it should type as normal. If not in the cell
precede the number by an apostrophe. That will format the number as Text and keep all numbers as you
want them.
When a cell is formatted as text you will have a small triangle in the upper left corner of the cell.
Cell 1A is Formatted as Text and the number typed correct. Cell 2A is formatted as general but putting the ‘
before the number changed it to plain text.