National Patent Development Strategy (2011-2020)


National Patent Development Strategy (2011-2020)

This Strategy is formulated for the purpose of thoroughly implementing the Outline of the

National Intellectual Property Strategy (hereinafter referred to as the Outline), enhancing

China's capacity to create, utilize, protect and administer patent and providing vigorous support for accelerating transformation of economic development mode and promoting social and economic development.

I. Preface

The patent system is an important component part of intellectual property system. As a fundamental system to encourage and protect innovation, the patent system is playing an increasingly important role in economic, technological and social developments of a country. In the 21 st

century, with rapid development of knowledge economy and acceleration of the globalization process, the patented technology has become strategic resources for the core competitiveness of a country, and the patent system has become an important instrument for international industrial distribution, which is concerned by a growing number of countries. Currently in the context when China is carrying out a new round of industrial restructuring and brooks no delay in accelerating transformation of economic development mode and enhancing China’s core competitiveness, it is crucial to thoroughly implement the Outline, earnestly accomplish all the strategic tasks put forward in the Outline, draw up and implement the national patent development strategy and give full play to the fundamental role of the patent system in encouraging and protecting innovation.

Over the past 30 years, China’s patent undertakings have made notable achievements.

The laws and regulations on patents have fully developed. The capacity to create and utilize patents has constantly enhanced and the capacity to examine and approve patents has significantly improved. The patent protection mode with Chinese characteristics has initially been established. The level of disseminating and serving the patent information has steadily improved. The patent talent pool have basically met the demand for the development of the patent work. The international exchange and cooperation on patents has created a new situation. All this has created favorable social and legal environments for China’s technological innovation and economic development.

However, as China has a short history of establishing the modern patent system, with the development of the situation, currently there remain some problems that cannot meet

China’s economic and social development. The patent system has not become fully integrated with development of socialist market economy, and its role has not been brought into full play in guiding industrial restructuring and upgrading and promoting

China’s innovation capacity. The patent policies are not closely consistent with China’s policies on economy, science and technology, and effective patent policy system to

encourage and protect innovation has not been fully established. The market entities have inadequate number of core patents and their capacity to utilize patent is poor. The system and mechanism of patent administration need to be improved and law enforcement on patent protection need to be further enhanced as well. There is still a gap between the current situation of patent information dissemination and service and the demand for economic and technological development. The general public does not know much about the patent system and their patent awareness is weak. All these problems have largely restricted the role of the patent system in encouraging innovation and promoting economic development.

The National Patent Development Strategy is a long-term and overall plan for enhancing

China’s core competitiveness by making use of patent system and resources. To implement the National Patent Development Strategy is a pressing need to thoroughly apply the “Scientific Outlook on Development” and implement the Outline; it is a key measure to solve the overall, institutional and long-term issues of patent development; it is an inexorable requirement to deal with fierce international competition and accelerate transformation of economic development mode; it is a strong support for making China an innovative country and attaining the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.


Guiding Ideas and Basic Principles

1. Guiding Ideas

In implementing the national patent strategy, we need to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", comprehensively apply the Scientific

Outlook on Development and abide by the policy of encouraging creation, effective application, legal protection and scientific administration. We must concentrate our efforts to enhance China’s core competitiveness, focus on utilizing patent system and resources, actively work to create a favorable legal environment, market environment and cultural environment for the development of patent in order to greatly improve China's level to create, utilize, protect and administer patent, actively serve market entities and make the patent system provide strong support in economic and social development as well as for the effort to make China an innovative country.

2. Basic Principles

In comprehensively promoting the National Patent Development Strategy, we must abide by the following principles:

Combine China's basic conditions with orientation toward the world. Promoting the national patent development strategy shall not only accord with the practical

 needs of China’s economic and technological development and combine the patent system with China’s economic and social development, but also respond to the international development trend of the patent system so as to create a favorable international environment for China’s peaceful development in the process of reform and opening up.

Combine a push from the government with market regulation.

Promoting the national patent development strategy shall not only give full play to the function of the government in its organization and coordination and public service and constantly enhance the policy-making capacity and service level, but also give full play to the fundamental role of the market mechanism in patent creation and utilization and resource distribution, and vigorously enhance the capacity of market entities to create, utilize, protect and administer patents.

Combine right protection with safeguarding of public interests.

Promoting the national patent development strategy shall not only give full play to the role of patent system in protecting innovation and effectively safeguard patentees’’ rights and interests, but also correctly handle the relationship between protection of patent right and safeguarding of public interests to prevent abuse of patent right.

Combine comprehensive promotion with classified implementation. In promoting the national patent development strategy, we shall not only make an overall plan for

China’s patent system and patent development, but also practice classified guidance according to different regions and industries.

III. Strategic Goals

The long-term goal of the national patent development strategy is to significantly improve the capacity to master and utilize the patent system and patent resources and make patent system provide strong support for the effort to make China an innovative country as well as in economic and social development and ultimately develop China into a powerful country on patents.

By 2020, China will become a country with a comparatively high level in terms of the creation, utilization, protection and administration of patents. The patent system will be in effective operation and the guiding role of patent policies in China’s economic and technological work will be conspicuous. The legal environment for patents will be much better. The quantity of patents for inventions every one million people and the quantity of patent applications in foreign countries will quadruple. A large number of core patents will be acquired in some key fields of emerging industries and in key technological fields of traditional industries. Market entities will be much better at the creation, utilization, protection and administration of patents. The proportion of patent applications in industrial enterprises above designated size will reach 10%. The quantity of owning patent rights will significantly rise. The patent service industry will develop quickly and the public service and social service capacity of patents basically will meet the demand of economic and social development. The patent talent pool can meet the need of economic and social development and patent development. The public awareness of patents will be increased greatly. The patent system will be able to effectively support the effort to make China an

innovative country and the role of the patent system in promoting economic and social development in China will become very apparent.

Goals for 2015:

 The patent system will be further improved. The laws and regulations on patents will be constantly improved and coordination among laws and regulations related to patent will be further improved. The guiding role of the patent policies in China’s economic and technological work will be apparently strengthened. A well-established patent administration and mechanism with

Chinese characteristics will be formed and the patent administration will basically respond to the demand of economic and social development.

 The capacity and level to create patents will be improved by a large margin.

The annual quantity of applying for patents for inventions, utility models and designs will reach 2 million. China will rank among the top two in the world in terms of the annual number of patents for inventions granted to the domestic applicants, and the quality of patents filed will further improve. The number of owning patents every one million people and the number of overseas patent applications filed by Chinese applicants will double. The proportion of patent applications in industrial enterprises above designated size will reach 8% and the quantity of owning patent rights will significantly rise. Guided by national strategic demands, we will make arrangements in advance in some key technological fields and master the patent rights of a number of core technologies to support the development of some emerging industries in China and industrial restructuring.

 The benefits of utilizing patents will be enhanced significantly.

The rate of patent industrialization will steadily rise. The patent transaction services will be established in major cities of China with annual patent transaction amounts reaching 100 billion yuan. The proportion of patent-intensive products will grow significantly and the proportion of exported products with patent rights will markedly rise. Enterprises and public institutions will make progress in improving their system for managing patents. Importance will be attached to cultivating a number of preponderant enterprises that own core patents, skillfully utilize the patent system and have strong international competitiveness. 10 model cities that can comprehensively utilize the patent system and have excellent intellectual property market environment will be established.

 The capacity to examine and approve patents will be further enhanced.

The examination efficiency will be greatly raised and the examination quality will be further improved. The average period for examining an invention patent application will be shortened to around 22 months, and that for a utility model or design will be shortened to around 3 months. The average time for patent

re-examination and invalidation will be shortened to 12 months and 6 months respectively. The public’s satisfaction with the examination quality will steadily improve. The patent-granting quality and comprehensive examination capacity will rank among the advanced in major intellectual property bureaus of the world.

 The protection of patents will be significantly improved.

The system, mechanism, organizations and training of all types of patent talents for patent protection will be further strengthened and the patent enforcement efficiency will be further enhanced, which will effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the patent owners and holders. The patent market environment will significantly improve and the capacity of enterprises to protect their patent rights and respond to a lawsuit will greatly improve.

 The patent service level will significantly improve. We will establish a patent information service system in which public services and commercial services provide mutual support and develop jointly. We will vigorously promote development of patent service industry, trying to make the capacity of public services and commercial services of patents basically meet the demand of

China’s economic development and the general public.

 The patent talent pool will develop stably.

We will accelerate cultivating and training a large number of patent talents with optimum structure, reasonable distribution and high quality. The talent pool for patent administration and law enforcement will increase steadily. The patent examiner will reach 9,000. The quantity and quality of patent talents in enterprises will improve significantly. The talents in the patent service industry will be greater and the professional categories will be more complete, with certified patent agents reaching 10,000.

The patent talent pool will basically meet the demand of China’s economic and social development and patent development.

 The public awareness on the importance of patents will universally improve.

The intellectual property culture that respect knowledge, advocate innovation and lay emphasis on honesty and observation of laws will take initial shape. A system of intellectual property culture in education, publicity and theoretic studies with Chinese characteristics will be initially established. The public awareness of the importance of patent will significantly improve and the social environment for respecting and protecting patents will be much better.

 The international exchange and cooperation on patents will develop comprehensively.

The fields of international exchange and cooperation on patents will be further expanded. The capacity to coordinate the affairs of foreign-related intellectual property will be greatly enhanced and the capacity to participate in international affairs will be significantly improved. We will strive to create a good external environment suitable for China’s patent development.

IV. Strategic Focuses and Supporting Measures

1. Further Improving Patent Laws and Regulations

Proceeding from China's basic conditions, on the premise of international rules, laws and regulations concerning patents with Chinese characteristics need to be improved. We should promptly study the latest development trend in international patent legislation and learn from their successful experiences. We will study and formulate laws and regulations on service inventions and rationally define the right ownership of service inventions. We will explore system on reform of designs and study the feasibility of separately formulating a law on designs. We will study and improve the procedures of confirming a patent right and shorten the period of handling patent confirmation and disputes. We will research on substantical and procedural regulations on abuse of patent rights. We will pay close attention to new issues arising from patent right transfer, licensing and pledge and regulate them in time. We will amend Regulations on Patent Commissioning and improve other supporting laws and regulations.

We will establish information communication and coordination mechanism between the department in charge of patents and other departments in the process of formulating and implementing patent-related laws and regulations, and promote connection between relevant laws and regulations. In accordance with relevant provisions of the

Anti-monopoly Law, we will study and actively promote the development of standards and procedures to determine whether the abuse of patent right constitutes monopolistic behavior. We will active promote formulation of administration regulations as a national standard related to patents and specify the handling principles and disclosure obligations related to patent issues in the national standard. We will improve regulations and collaborative mechanism in the laws and regulations such as foreign trade and customs intellectual property protection related to patents. We will improve the coordination and connection between the administration regulations of genetic resources and the patent system.

2. Vigorously Promoting Establishment of Policy System Related to Patents

Give full play to the role of patent policies in pushing forward China’s industrial restructuring and promoting transformation of economic development mode. Strengthen study of patent policies and promote formulation of patent policies meeting the demands of different industries. Encourage enterprises to actively apply for patents and accelerate popularization and application of common patent technologies of an industry and promote industrial restructuring and upgrading. In some major and special plans for national science and technology and plans to reinvigorate key industries as well as strategic emerging industries, make arrangements in advance in some key technological fields to master a number of core technologies and make rational layout both at home and abroad so as to form core competitiveness. Encourage enterprises to acquire patent rights through innovation on the basis of digesting and absorbing imported patented technology.

Focusing on the regional planning of the state, formulate reasonable and effective policies on patent support and policies to encourage regional patent transfer.

Give full play to the guiding role of patents in the macroscopic policies of the state.

Strengthen coordination and cooperation between the administration department in charge of patents and relevant departments. Encourage enterprises to create and utilize more core patents through the use of policies related to finance and taxation. Further improve patent index statistical system and actively incorporate the patent indices into the evaluation and appraisal system of China’s economic and scientific and technological work. Further improve patent management of technological projects involving national major interests and enhance starting point and level of innovation of technological projects.

Enhance the capacity to turn the innovation advantage into the patent advantage to safeguard the national technological security. Support and foster exports of patented products and increase the proportion of exported patent-intensive commodities and strengthen guidance on patent policies for enterprises in the process of overseas mergers and acquisitions. Balance the relationship between the patent policies and some major public policies such as public health and climate change.

Further strengthen coordination in the process of formulating patent policies. Make full use of the existing coordination mechanism, enhance exchange and coordination between different departments, explore the review mechanism of establishing patent policies and ensure the patent policies are valid, rational and consistent with international rules. Establish information disclosure platform for patent policies.

3. Further Strengthening Construction of patent Administration System and Mechanism

Improve patent administration system and mechanism. Further promote construction of intellectual property management agencies at provincial and prefecture levels. The intellectual property agencies in economically developed areas will be initially established.

Improve the leadership and coordination mechanism for intellectual property work and bring it into full play. Actively strengthen horizontal/lateral linkages/connections and coordination with the relevant departments to promote construction/development of national and regional patent policy system.

Strengthen patent administration functions. Vigorously strengthen the capacity building of patent management departments at all levels, enhance management level, expand and strengthen such functions as policy making for regional economic development, patent implementation and industrialization, assets appraisal of intellectual property, consideration of intellectual property for major economic projects. Make closer ties between the patent work and national and local economic and social development.

Actively carry out evaluation/assessment on development of local intellectual property rights, strengthen local management capacity building and create a favorable environment for development of intellectual property.

4. Vigorously Enhancing the Capacity to Create and Utilize Patents

Develop the policy system and environment to promote creation of patents. Further promote and improve the right ownership and benefit sharing mechanisms for innovations made in state-funded projects and encourage more innovations to acquire patent rights.

Carry out the feasibility study to include the rewards for the inventor into the production costs and promote enterprises to make and implement the policies to reward the inventor.

By providing preferential policies such a taxation, actively encourage enterprise to produce the high-value-added products with core patent right and encourage enterprises to change the development mode. Optimize patent subsidy policy and further define the orientation to enhance patent quality, increase the number of patent ownership in foreign countries and promote transformation of self-relied innovations into property rights.

Vigorously promote patent utilization. Further define the responsibilities of the patent management department and relevant departments to promote industrialization of patented technology. Try to obtain policy support from relevant departments for industrialization of patented technology to make preferential policies on taxation encouraging individuals and enterprises to transfer and grant patents. Make efforts to establish multi-level patent transfer modes such as national patent exhibition and transaction center, technology transfer center of academic institutions, venture capital firms invested in patent and patent business companies, and strengthen construction of patented technology utilization and commercialization platform. Further strengthen patent pledge loans. Encourage a number of preponderant enterprises to seek financing by listing them on the stock market and promote establishment of equity and bond market for patent industrialization. Promote establishment of multi-level financing system of patented technology such as pledge loans, risk investment, listing and securitization. Explore establishment of multipartite patent working capital of various kinds under the guidance of the state and promote utilization of valuable patents by academic institutions and research institutes. Deeply promote construction of national patent industrialization bases. Further strengthen the guiding role of economic benefits of Chinese Patent Awards. Strengthen and regulate the evaluation of patent assets and enhance evaluation capacity for patent value.

Further enhance the capacity of enterprises and public institutions to utilize the patent system. Guide enterprises to develop enterprise patent strategy according to their own characteristics on the basis of market analysis and patent analysis. Encourage and support enterprises to carry out patent layout in foreign countries. Guide innovation factors and patent resources to aggregate and transfer to enterprises and encourage enterprises to establish patent pools. Encourage and support enterprises to upgrade the patened core technology and key technology in the areas of strength in China as national standard or international standard. Further improve management practices for enterprise patents and management rules for enterprise patent assets. Vigorously carry out pilot

and demonstration work in enterprises and public institutions, implement the project to promote intellectual property strategy in medium and small-sized enterprises, implement the project to cultivate preponderant enterprises with intellectual property and enhance the capacity of enterprises and public institutions to utilize the patent system. Through such measures as patent trust and support for strong enterprises, promote outstanding patent service agencies to provide public services for medium and small-sized enterprises and provide individualized services for preponderant enterprises.

5. Enhancing Comprehensive Capacity to Examine Patents

Further enhance capacity to examine patents. Guided by social demands, constantly improve patent examination standard and examination management policies. Moderately expand the scale of patent examiners, strengthen their capacity building and carry out construction of examination culture. Establish efficient and scientific operation and management system for examination business and constantly improve examination efficiency and quality. Establish speedy examination system and create more flexible, convenient and efficient examination methods and improve the communication efficiency between the examiners and interested parties. Participate in international cooperation in examination business in a pragmatic manner and promote examination capacity building.

Strengthen capacity building for patent examination. Make an overall plan for examination resources and coordinate with policies on development of state key industries, provide such services as patent application tactics and patent analysis guidance and actively guide market entities to attach importance to tapping patent value. Establish the mechanism support intermediaries based on examination resources, guide intermediaries to expand service scope and enhance service capacity. Take active measures to provide relevant service and business guidance for market entities to apply for patents in foreign countries.

6. Enhancing Capacity to Protect Patents

Further improve the coordination mechanism for patent protection. Establish and improve coordination mechanism for handling patent cases, coordination mechanism for policies, coordination and supervision mechanism for major cases, mechanism for studying and dealing with new issues arising from patent protection as well as joint protection mechanism for intellectual property of important activities. Further improve the patent protection mode by which the judicial protection and administrative law enforcement coordinate with each other. Try to achieve connection between patent administrative law enforcement and the judicial proceedings. Make sure the leading role of judicial protection of patents and give full play to administrative law enforcement in its timeliness and efficiency. Effectively reduce the expense of protecting patents and vigorously safeguard the lawful rights and interests of patent owners and holders. Make more efforts to strengthen border protection of patent rights and combat the illegal act of infringing on patent rights for imported and exported goods. Make efforts to establish more IPR

protection and assistance agencies nationwide and increase input in patent protection and effectively provide public services for IPR protection.

Bring the advantages of administrative law enforcement of patents into full play. Push forward construction of administrative law enforcement system on patents and make more efforts to strengthen administrative law enforcement on patents and bring into full play the advantages of administrative law enforcement for its quick investigation and punishment and simple procedures. Endow the patent administrative department at county level with the right of administrative law enforcement, and endow the patent administrative department with right to execute the investigation results. Strengthen supervision and guidance on the patent administrative law enforcement cases and establish and improve the system of presenting advisory opinions on infringement determination. Explore the methods and means of linking administrative law enforcement with re-examination invalidation. Establish the mediation procedures before the patent dispute litigation. Give play to the role of trade associations and intermediaries in patent protection. Strengthen building of local talent pool in patent law enforcement and enforcement conditions.

Strengthen services for overseas patent rights protection. Establish the system of making a follow-up study of major patent cases, informing major overseas patent cases and communicating foreign affairs. Accelerate establishment of overseas IPR protection information network and timely introduce and issue patent protection system and status of relevant countries or regions so as to provide information reference for enterprises to “go abroad”. Make full use of the IPR assistance hotline 12330, make the most of the IPR

Protection and Assistance Centers, establish various kinds of overseas patent rights protection and assistance mechanisms, make more efforts to provide professional guidance for enterprises to settle overseas patent disputes and help enterprises properly address overseas patent disputes.

7. Establishing Review Mechanism of Intellectual Property for Major Economic Activities

Cultivate and improve early warning mechanism for patent analysis. Further strengthen early warning of patent analysis in the development of China’s strategic and emerging industries. Formulate policies and documents related to the early warning of national patent analysis, implement popularization projects on patent analysis and further improve and popularize standard and guidelines for early warning of patent analysis. Strengthen training of patent analysis talents. Guide the early warning service of patent analysis to enter the market. Encourage patent agency to carry out patent analysis and early warning service.

Establish intellectual property review mechanism at state level. Carry out study on intellectual property review mechanism at state level on major economic activities with patent review at the core and put forward concrete proposals and policy suggestions. By cooperating with relevant departments, select some key areas that are badly in need of

patent analysis to initiate pilot work and establish the intellectual property review mechanism in due course.

Carry out pilot work on intellectual property review for local major economic activities.

Carry out pilot work on local intellectual property review with patent review at the core, formulate and issue policies and regulations on intellectual property review related local major economic activities. Summarize in time experiences of the pilot work at various localities and gradually expand the pilot scope.

8. Strengthening Dissemination and Utilization of Patent Information and Informatization


Establish a multi-level and multi-aspect information public service system for patents. At state level, establish a system of macro-management and business guidance for dissemination and utilization of national patent information and promote extensive dissemination and effective utilization of patent information. Establish a user-oriented, coordinated and cooperative patent information management and operational mechanism with a clear division of responsibilities and virtuous cycle. In accordance with the provisions of the Patent Law, disclose basic patent information in a complete, accurate and timely manner and provide data resources for the society in various ways. At the local level, guide the local patent information agencies, library and information institutions and intermediaries to carry out patent information service, guide market entities to enhance information utilization and promote patent information to serve scientific and technological innovation and economic and social development. Expand dissemination channels for patent information and establish multi-aspect patent information service networks.

Establish and improve a public service platform for national patent information. Establish and improve a public service platform for national patent information that is based on

Internet and takes information technology as a means and whose function and access load design is reasonable, providing fully-functioned, convenient and quick patent information public service for the society. By 2015, the national patent data center, five regional patent information service centers and 47 local patent information service centers will be established.

Provide patent information to support national major technological and economic decision-making. Strengthen cooperation among government departments, between governments and trade associations, carry out patent information analysis related to state key development industries, promote patent information to serve patent creation and utilization for state key industries and give play to the supporting role of the patent information in national major technological and economic decision-making.

9. Accelerating Development of Patent Service Industry

Vigorously promote rapid and sound development of the patent service industry. Actively

boost formulation of support policies in finance and taxation favorable for development of the patent service industry and encourage non-governmental sectors to participate in commercial patent information service. Vigorously promote development of patent service industry involving information retrieval, analysis, early warning, data processing, database building, patent consultation, transaction, trust, assets appraisal and pledge loans.

Support pilot reform to transform qualifed public patent information service agencies into enterprises, support and foster a number o specialized patent information service enterprises. Strengthen supervision on the patent service industry.

Improve the environment for the development of patent agency industry. Improve the mutually coordinated and effectively-functioned supervision and management mechanism that combines administrative supervision with industry self-regulation and has a clear positioning and reasonable division of labor. Regulate the market competition order of patent agency industry. Improve the system of national patent agent qualification examination. Make a study on establishment of the system of patent agency practice insurance and promote solution of practice restriction on patent agents. Establish and improve the patent agency aid system, mobilize the policy resources favorable for promoting coordinated regional development for patent agency industry, establish exchange mechanism, promote establishment of the aid and cooperation mechanism for patent agencies between the east ad the west region of China so as to promote common development. Establish the self-regulation management system for patent agency industry with a complete system, reasonable structure, standard conduct and sound regulations. Establish the integrity system for patent agency industry, improve the integrity management system such as integrity information publicity of the industry, credit rating and discipline for dishonesty and strengthen self-regulation and integrity building in the patent agency industry.

10. Strengthening Building of Patent Talent Pool

Improve the policy environment and institutional environment favorable for development of patent talents. Improve the incentive mechanism and policy measures for cultivation and selection and appraisal of patent talents. Make efforts to include patent talents into the scope of professional evaluation and study and improve the evaluation system and the professional certificate system for professional patent talents. Establish the input mechanism for cultivating patent talents with guidance from the government and joint participation from relevant departments and the social forces. Actively introduce patent talents and strengthen infrastructure construction for training work. Establish the talents cultivation mode in which government departments, academic institutions, research institutes, enterprises and public institutions jointly participate and the talents to be cultivated improve themselves. Establish the mechanism of talents flow and guarantee based on market regulation.

Strengthen cultivation of various types of patent talents. Taking expansion of patent

talents as the basis and high-level interdisciplinary and application-oriented patent talents as the focus, promote development of the whole patent talent pool and further boost optimization and upgrading for the structure of patent talents. Actively implement some important talents projects such as the New Century National Hundred-Thousand- Ten

Thousand Talents Project. Proceeding from the demand for economic and social development, strengthen cultivation of high-level talents. Vigorously cultivate talents in patent examination, patent administration and law enforcement, patent management talents in enterprises and public institutions and high-end talents in such intermediary services as patent agency, patent information retrieval and analysis, integrated design for patented products, patented technology market analysis and patent portfolio analysis, trying to provide competent talents for enhancing China’s competitiveness in intellectual property rights.

Vigorously carry out education and training for patent talents. Guide development of education in intellectual property, innovate the cultivation mode for patent talents in the academic institutions and improve the cultivation level for patent talents. Establish and improve the input system for continuing education on intellectual property and improve the continuing education system that is guided by government and demand-oriented and can bring initiatives of all sides into full play. Optimize, integrate and make full use of domestic and international education and training resources and establish wide-ranging and multi-level education and training network. Actively expand training channels and vigorously carry out social training of intellectual property rights, encourage trade associations to provide training service of intellectual property with industry and professional characteristics and vigorously cultivate skill and application-oriented talents.

Make more efforts to train leaders in intellectual property and enhance the leaders’ awareness in intellectual property. Accelerate construction of textbooks on intellectual property and strengthen construction of the teaching staff.

11. Strengthening Construction of Intellectual Property Culture

Enrich the publicity content of intellectual property, innovate publicity means and methods and enhance publicity effect. In giving play to the role of such traditional media as the newspapers, radio and TV, establish authoritative and efficient intellectual property platform by taking advantage of emerging media such as Internet, mobile phones and carry out rich and varied publicity on intellectual property. Make more efforts to publicize and popularize intellectual property and try to create and nurture publicity campaign brands with wide-ranging social impact. Further expand publicity channels by using effective publicity means, actively carry out international publicity and build up china’s good international image in intellectual property. Make a study of the possibility of establishing a Chinese patent museum.

Actively push forward the project of developing intellectual property culture and extensively carry out education popularizing intellectual property. Focusing on hot topics

on intellectual property, carry out theme activities of various forms such as forum, salon, lecture and exhibition. Publish some readable high-quality books, magazines and journals by using some typical cases on intellectual property and directing at different audiences.

Actively integrate social resources and produce and broadcast some movie and TV programs. Carry out a series of educational activities aimed to arouse youngsters’ innovation enthusiasm and cultivate correct concept on intellectual property. Vigorously promote the cultural idea of the intellectual property right that is characterized by respect for knowledge, enthusiasm for innovation and creation, being honest and obeying law.

12. Carrying All-directional International Exchange and Cooperation Concerning Patents

Establish a new pattern of international cooperation on patents. Strengthen exchange and cooperation with international organizations related to intellectual property such as World

Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and play an active role in international affairs on multi-lateral intellectual property and enhance China’s power of discourse in international community. Actively participate in international cooperation and meet the challenge in patent business and gradually enhance China’s impact in the development of regional patent business. Increase assistance to developing countries in the capacity building on intellectual property and strengthen coordination with developing countries on China’s positions and promote common development in patent area.

Deepen international exchange and cooperation on patents. Consolidate and develop multi-lateral and bi-lateral communication channels with major countries and regions, create a stable overall situation framework, keep close ties with developing countries, strengthen strategic planning with neighboring countries and regions, innovate cooperation forms, enrich cooperation means and expand cooperation areas, trying to obtain external resources for the development of China’s patent undertakings and economy and technology and create a favorable international environment.

Enhance comprehensive capacity to participate in international affairs concerning patents.

Strengthen coordination in affairs related to overseas intellectual property, increase guidance on local intellectual property related to foreign affairs and improve communication and exchange mechanism on patent information related to foreign affairs.

Strengthen research on global and strategic policies in the affairs related to overseas patents. In accordance with the development trend of international intellectual property regime, duly adjust international cooperation policies on patents. Promote development of high-end talents for international cooperation who are familiar with technology, laws, foreign language and market.

The implementation of the national patent development strategy is a long-term and step-by-step process. We must fully mobilize the initiatives from all sides with the government as the leader, market as the basis and enterprise and public institutions as the principal entities. We must plan carefully, organize meticulously and push it forward in

stages and by steps and at multi-levels and with focus, and ensure the national patent development strategy is effectively implemented.
