Trigger Philosophy Triggering job is like scooping out drops of water in a fast moving stream: - You better be fast (if you want to scoop enough to feed 350 physicists) However, we don’t want just any drop of water, we want THE drop of water: - Trigger needs to be fast and right (once that precious Higgs event is missed, it’s gone forever) Introduction to CDF L1/L2 Trigger Cheng-Ju Lin Fermilab Nov 18, 2004 CDF Detector Lecture Series Basic Concept (Buffering and Filtering) • Need sufficient buffer while filtering (overflow deadtime) Reservoir • Volume is reduced at each stage which allows more refined filtering at subsequent stages • If volume after filtering still exceeds the capacity of the subsequent stage: Filters (1) Add filters (tighter trigger cuts) (2) tighten the faucet (prescale) (3) buy better filters (upgrade) • Bottomline: store as many golden drops as possible CDF Implementation • CDF has implemented a 3-tier trigger • Level-1 is a synchronous hardware trigger - Can process one event every 132ns - L1 decision always occurs at a fixed time (~5µs after beam collision) - Input rate = 1.7MHz (396ns 36x36 bunches) L1A rate ~ 20KHz (limited by L2) • Level-2 is a combination of hardware and software trigger (asynchronous) - Average Level-2 processing time is ~30µs - L2A rate ~350Hz (limited by event-builder) • Level-3 is purely a software trigger - Massive PC farm - L3A rate ~ 75Hz (limited by tape writing) • Data reduction rate (L1+L2+L3) 1 : 23000 RunIIa L1, L2 Trigger System • Various trigger subsystem generates primitives that we can “cut” on • Available trigger primitives are: At L1: - XFT track (phi, pT), - Electron (EM+HAD/EM+XFT), - Photon (EM+HAD/EM), - Jet (EM+HAD) - Muon (Muon tower + XFT), - Missing Et, SumEt, At L2: - SVT (displaced track, d0) - Jet cluster - Isolated cluster - EM ShowerMax Note: CLC and TOF triggers are not shown here Closer Look at XFT • XFT uses COT hits from four axial SLs to reconstruct tracks • Track finding in done in stages: (1) Digitize raw COT hits (TDC+XTC mezzanine cards) (2) Form track segments form the digitized hits (XFT finder boards) (3) Link segments into track (XFT linker boards) XFT segments XFT Hit Digitization and Segment Finding • Each raw COT hit is classified as either prompt or delay hits by the XTC card Prompt and delay hits provide crude (two bin) timing information on the hits • The digitized hits are used by the finder board to find segment in a given SL. Segments are found by comparing hits patterns to a list of patterns (masks) • When a segment is found, Finderboard reports the position of the segment at the center of the 12-wire cell (for the inner two axial SLs) • For the outer two layers, the Finderboard also reports the slope of the pixel (low pT+, low pT-, high pT) Track Linking • Similar to segment finding where the Finderboard compares hit pattern to a list of masks, Linker board compares the pixels in all four layers to a list of valid pixel patterns (or “roads”) to find tracks. • A valid track is required to match pixels locations as well as the slope of the segments at the outer two SLs. Big Trigger Issue • Constant battle to keep the trigger alive • Luminosity is both our friend and foe: Trigger rate can be parameterized as: Rate = σ + A + B + C Physics Cross section 2 +… Background Growth terms • A deadtime of 50% is equivalent to a prescale of 2 across the board !!! • Trigger has been kept alive by a group of dedicated people with clever ideas Some Clever Ideas (Prescale) • What’s so clever about prescale? Nothing really, if you just impose a fixed prescale • Fixed prescales are generally imposed to keep the system alive (low deadtime) at high luminosity running • But as luminosity falls during a run, trigger resources are freed up. If prescales are kept the same under-utilize the trigger bandwidth • Clever idea # 1: Dynamic prescale (DPS)!!! Based on the availability of the trigger bandwidth, automatically reduce the prescales as the luminosity falls. Dynamic prescales up and running in late 2002. More on Prescales • But it has one un-desirable feature. Could take hours between prescale changes. The issue is that we are dealing with integer prescale values L1Accept Rate (Hz) • DPS worked as advertised J DPS Prescale change ~1hr • Clever idea # 2: Fractional prescale (FPS)!!! As the name suggests, with FPS, the prescale value is not limited to integer values FPS implemented using XTRP (2-track board) with an 8-bit cycling counter It made it into the default trigger table shortly before 2004 shutdown Some More Prescale Stuff • FPS does a great job leveling the trigger rate. But the fun does not stop here • What about clever idea # 3: Uber Prescale (UPS) !!! No numerical prescale value in UPS Effectively adjusting L1 prescale at micro-sec scale based on feedback from the buffer usage • Clever idea # 4: Any more clever ideas? L1Accept Rate (Hz) A event is allowed to pass L1 if there are three or more L2 buffers empty. Squeezing events through when the system is least busy. UPS kicks in FPS FPS=1 Looking Ahead • Several significant trigger upgrades are in the pipeline: - XFT stereo upgrade - L2 global decision crate upgrade (Pulsar) - SVT upgrade • XFT Stereo upgrade: - XFT fake rate has been a major problem for the XFT system - Exacerbated by the higher than expected COT occupancy - Was designed for 132nsec operation for RunIIb With 396 ~10 interactions during high luminosity running (current XFT cannot handle this environment) Min Bias with Luminosity ~ 3E31 Min Bias with Luminosity ~ 4E32 XFT Upgrade Configuration • Adding 2 or 3 outer stereo layers information at L1 and L2 , $ # - - " * * ! # $ . " 3 / . # # ) ) # 4 / - ' " % ! & & ( / ) , $ # # + ! 0 1 L + ! " 3 5 * * , % - , * $ ! , " ' ' # - " 2 ' # + ! " # ( ) # # 1 6 # ) Level-2 Upgrade • Recall that the ceiling of L1A rate is limited by how fast we can clear events out of L2 (L2 processing time) 1 Setup 5 Digitize 10 15 Time Since L1A (µsec) 20 25 30 Silicon SVX R/O r-phi r-z ISL R/O R/O L00 R/O R/O (16us Read-All) SVT SVT Processing Load in α CF, µ , track…Process and Load Process in α 35 40 45 Unpack, Algorithms, TS Handshake (Note: the timing diagram is old but good enough for illustration) • SVT processing and the L2 algorithm are the two biggest chuncks of L2 processing time • Will need to improve both to get significant performance increase at L2. Hence, the motivation for L2 global decision crate and SVT upgrades (see Roberto’s talk for SVT upgrade). Level-2 Decision Crate Upgrade • Various L2 interface boards (for bringing XFT, L1 muon, L1 CAL, ShowerMax, SVT, etc… data into L2) will be replaced by Pulsar boards • Common interface board means easier to maintain and debug the system. (Pulsar boards will also be used for the SVT upgrade and for bringing the stereo XFT data to L2) • Each Pulsar board has three powerful FPGA onboard that can be used to preprocess data (eg. Zero-suppression) • L2 algorithm will be run in a commodity linux box. Can easily upgrade the PC when faster processor is available. RunIIb Level-2 Global Decision Crate Configuration L1 muon Muon Merger L1 XTRP L1 trigger L2 CAL Cluster TS L2A/R SLINK (CLIST/Iso) Linux PC SVT L2toTS PreFred SVT ShowMax (RECES) Electron Merger • Merger Pulsar merges all non-SVT data and forward the packet to the PC • Due to the long SVT latency, SVT has its own link to the PC • Expect to integrate the system into CDF operation by March 2005 Summary • Trigger is a key element in a ppbar collider experiment. It’s also a very challenging aspect of the experiment. • It’s a never ending crusade to keep the trigger running (a.k.a. keeping the experiment alive). • We have made tremendous progress in the past few years to meet the the challenges. Many thanks to people who are dedicated to the trigger effort. We will need more brain power and clever ideas to face the impending high luminosity period. • Given the time constraint, we will only be able to selectively cover a few trigger topics in this lecture. If you want to learn more, get involved. • “Ask not what the trigger can do for you, ask what you can do for the trigger system !!!”