URBAN UNDERGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE AND CLIMATE CHANGE: OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS Nikolai Bobylev Alexander von Humboldt Fellow Berlin Institute of Technology and Russian Academy of Sciences nikolaibobylev@gmail.com Summary Population growth, urbanization, and global warming are the most significant factors that govern global environmental change. The paper analyses impacts of this change on urban physical infrastructure (UPI), and focuses on urban underground infrastructure (UUI). UPI and UUI provide a variety of services (e.g. utility, transport, storage, civil defence, flood protection). Climate change impacts on UUI are considered through analysis of infrastructure characteristics like interdependence, convergence, vulnerability, and sustainability. The paper identifies immediate and perspective climate change related threats to UUI, discusses UUI adaptation to climate change; and how UUI can help cities to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Key Words: Urban physical infrastructure, Urban underground infrastructure, Critical infrastructure, Climate Change, Adaptation. Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 URBAN UNDERGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE AND CLIMATE CHANGE: OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS I. INTRODUCTION: GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Population growth, urbanization, and global warming are the most significant factors that govern global environmental change. We will start with introduction of the recent facts and projections of global environmental change, continue with analysis of the impacts of this change on urban physical infrastructure (UPI), and then focus on urban underground infrastructure (UUI). In 2008 about half of the world’s population (about three billion people) has been living in urban areas. It is estimated that in the next twenty-five years almost two billion more people will move into cities (World Urbanization Prospects, 2007). As 95 percent of population growth occurs in developing world, 10 new megacities will appear in developing counties by 2010. Developed countries continue to urbanize at just a bit lower rate than developing ones, in spite of much less population growth. Angel et al, 2005, estimated increase in built-up area in industrialised countries (from 300000 square kilometres in year 2000 to 700000 by 2030), and in developing ones (from 250000 square kilometres in year 2000 to 820000 by 2030). Analysis of the above data suggests that urbanization in terms of global physical city area expansion (276% by year 2030) will happen much quicker than cities’ population growth (66% by 2030). This huge gap can be explained by urban growth in developed world, as well as rising living standards in developing world. Both: growth in built-up area and population growth imply a need to significantly expand UPI. International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) names the following effects caused by climate change: greater frequency of heat waves; increased intensity of storms, floods and droughts; rising sea levels; a more rapid spread of disease; and loss of biodiversity (IPCC, 2007). In the context of impacts on UPI extreme weather events and sea level rise (SLR) pose the major threats. Recent data shows that SLR should be considered as some meters in the next 100 years. World Bank suggests that for precautionary planning purposes, SLR in the range of 1 to 3 meters should be regarded as realistic (Dasgupta et al 2007). Nicholls, 2004, estimates that by 2080 up to 561 million people (under A2, 0.28 meter SLR scenario) could be living in coastal flood plains (area below 1 in 1000 year flood level). Mc Granahan et al, 2007, estimated that over 600 million people (360 million of whom are urban dwellers) are living in the less than 10 meters elevated above sea level coastal zone. Comparison of these two findings suggests that a number of populations in coastal areas affected during extreme weather events like flooding could be much higher than 600 million. 2 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 Currently almost two-thirds of the world’s cities with more than 5 million inhabitants fall in the 10 meter elevated zone, at least partly (Mc Granahan et al, 2007). Directly impacted by SLR urban land area constitutes 4.68 % of total world urban area in case of 5 meters SLR scenario (Dasgupta et al, 2007). However it is likely that over the years this figure will increase due to strong population growth in coastal zones, which is driven by urban sprawl, growing demand for waterfront properties and coastal resorts development (IPCC, 2007). Coastal areas have quite high density of physical infrastructure. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can be used as a proxy that reflects density of infrastructure. Coastal areas generate about 6% of World’s GDP on about 1% of the area. II. URBAN PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE 1. Description and characteristics Infrastructure includes ‘physical’ (such as water, sanitation, energy, transportation and communication systems) and ‘institutional’ (such as shelter, health care, food supply, security, and emergency protection) components. Urban Infrastructure (UI) is a vital component of a city; it includes utility and transport networks, water and flood management structures, underground networks, etc. Urban Physical Infrastructure (UPI) is presented by bridges, roads, pipelines, transmission networks, etc. UPI as a whole has two notable characteristics: interdependence and convergence. Both of these characteristics trend to increase during continuing UPI evolution (e.g. DTI Forersight, 2006). By UPI evolution we mean technological progress and increase in diversity and complexity of infrastructure as a whole. Interdependence means that service provided by one infrastructure is used by another infrastructure, rather than its end users. Example: electricity line provides power for telecommunication equipment as well as to households, who are end users of electricity but not the electricity for a telecommunication line. The above example illustrates functional interdependence. Physical interdependence means physical connections of structural elements of different infrastructures. Example: storm water sewers can be connected or adjacent to motor/rail transport tunnels. This physical interdependence increases vulnerability of both infrastructures to e.g. floods, accidents with chemical leakages, geotechnical failures. Convergence means that several originally independent infrastructures or services converge into one physical infrastructure. Examples: (1) “triple play” offers, where the operator provides at the same time via one cable telephony, internet and access to broadcast services (Infrastructure to 2030, 2006); (2) urban underground collectors, which include sewer, electricity lines, and water pipes; (3) a storm water management and road tunnel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which normally functions as a double deck motorway, however during flash floods the tunnel is closed for traffic and functions as a storm water collector (SMART Project, 2006). 3 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 Many of the urban infrastructure elements can be considered as critical ones, which mean that city as a system depends on uninterrupted provision of their services. For instance, artificial coastal defences play a critical role in cities of Tokyo, Shanghai, Hamburg, Rotterdam, New Orleans and London (Nicholls et al, 2007). In cities of Saint Petersburg and Venice big projects of food defence barriers are under development. The G-Cans project (G-Cans, 2006) in Tokyo, Japan is a remarkable example of Critical Infrastructure (CI). The G-Cans is an underground infrastructure for prevention of flooding during rain and typhoon seasons (Figure 1). As extreme weather events that cause flooding will become more frequent due to climate change, we may see more development of similar storm water infrastructure in flood prone regions. Figure 1: G-Cans project. Tokyo, Japan. Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kanto area maintenance bureau Edogawa river office tailrace section. 2. Observed impacts on UPI Observed impacts of changing climate on UPI can be considered in two categories: (1) extreme weather events that resulted in physical damage, and (2) prolonged unusual weather conditions that affected operations and/or resulted in physical damage. The majority of damage to UPI has been done so far by impacts that fall into the first category. Presently it is impossible to establish a direct link between a concrete extreme weather event (e.g. hurricane Katrina) and anthropogenic impact on the environment. Therefore we refrain here from further discussing examples in the first category of impacts. Climate change impacts on UPI that fall into the second category can be directly associated with human activity with more certainty. This at least concerns local climate and urban heat waves. Three examples of prolonged unusual weather conditions that impacted UPI are given below. 4 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 Impacts of 2003 heat wave in Europe: In France, the cold storage systems of 25-30% of all foodrelated establishments were found to be inadequate (Létard et al., 2004). Electricity demand increased with the high heat levels; but electricity production was undermined by the facts that the temperature of rivers rose, reducing the cooling efficiency of power plants (also nuclear) and that flows of rivers were diminished; six power plants were shut down completely (Létard et al., 2004). The crisis illustrated how infrastructure can be unable to deal with complex, relatively sudden environmental challenges (Lagadec, 2004). Impacts of an urban heat wave in London, UK: During prolonged heat waves, the difference in temperature between central London and the green and rural areas surrounding the city can be as much as 9 degrees Celsius (Prasad et al, 2009). The reasons for heat wave are (1) absorption of solar energy by buildings during the day and their radiation at night, and (2) creation of heat in the city (minor factor). Urban heat wave deteriorates air quality and increases the amount of electricity used for cooling in the summer months. Impacts on Russian Arctic towns: Structural failures in transportation and industrial infrastructure are becoming more common as a result of permafrost melting in northern Russia, the effects being more serious in the discontinuous permafrost zone (ACIA, 2004) 3. Projected impacts on UPI Industrial sectors, including infrastructures, are generally thought to be less vulnerable to the impacts of climate change than other sectors, such as agriculture (IPCC, 2007). Increased temperatures and changes in precipitation can contribute to increases in water demand, for drinking, for cooling systems and for garden watering (Kirshen, 2002). The effect of climate change on sanitation is likely to be less than on water supply (Wilbanks et al, 2007). Sewage treatment works are exposed to damage during floods, SLR will affect the functioning of sea outfalls (Wilbanks et al, 2007). UPI can be most likely adversely impacted by climate change, as summarised in table 1. 5 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 Table 1: Climate change impacts on UPI Climate-related impacts Floods Sea level rise, and subsequent rise of surface and groundwater levels Extreme temperatures (air and water) Extreme weather events Salt water intrusion into fresh water areas Change in flora and fauna (invasive species) Changing average temperatures 4. Examples of UPI affected UPI inundation, roads erosion UPI structural damage, soil erosion Ventilation and indoor climate control systems Variety of structural damages Water supply intakes, corrosion of structures Water supply intakes Structural damage of pipelines in permafrost regions; changing of operation mode (average and peak demands) UPI evolution in the context of global change Table 2 analyses how UPI characteristics, (Interdependence, Convergence, Critical facilities, Vulnerability, and Sustainability) can or should change under external factors of changing environment (urbanization and climate). Table 2 analyses how UPI characteristics can change given need to adapt and mitigate climate change. 6 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 Table 2: UPI characteristics and factors of global change UPI characteristic Evolution associated with urbanization Interdependence Increase (current trend) Convergence Increase (current trend) Critical facilities - Vulnerability Sustainability Increase due to higher number and volume of infrastructures and their interdependence Increase due to higher volume of infrastructures and opportunities for optimisation of their performance e.g. convergence Evolution associated with adaptation to climate change Aim: to decrease due to increase in vulnerability Aim: to increase due to opportunities for resource saving Aim: to increase number due to need to respond to extreme weather events Will increase due to extreme weather events Will decrease due to need to adjust to new climate (resource expenditure on adaptation) Opportunities for climate change mitigation - Can save resources like energy None - Sustainable, well planned infrastructure can help to mitigate climate change Table 2 reveals some differently directed trends or conflicts of interests, such as: • It is a trend that interdependence of infrastructures increases (see section I), however climate change stresses associated with vulnerability of infrastructure require decreasing interdependence. • Sustainability of infrastructures increases due to technological progress driven by urbanization and a need to provide more resource-effective infrastructures. However climate change might jeopardise this trend due to need of making adjustments in already existing infrastructures in a limited period of time, which requires extra resources. Convergence and Sustainability characteristics needed to be increased under both, urbanization and climate factors. We expect that convergence of infrastructures is going to be a stronger trend under climate change factor. Number of critical facilities will increase across infrastructures due to (1) increased vulnerability to extreme weather impacts of existing structures, and (2) need to provide more emergency response facilities (these facilities are considered as critical ones). 7 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 III. URBAN UNDERGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE Underground infrastructure can be defined as a set of below-surface-level structures, interconnected physically or functionally. Urban underground space (UUS) encompasses structures of various functional purposes: storage (e.g., food, water, oil, industrial goods, and waste, including hazardous waste); industry (e.g., power plants); transport (e.g., railways, motor roads, and pedestrian tunnels); utilities and communications (e.g., water, sewerage, gas, electric cables); public (e.g., shopping centres, hospitals, civil defence structures); and private and personal (e.g., car garage). Many underground structures (e.g. water supply facilities) can be considered as critical ones. Urban underground space (UUS) has been extensively utilized. Figure 2 gives examples from three cities of UUS use by function. Numerical UUS volumes are presented in Appendix. In many cities underground space at a depth of 5 to 10 meters is very congested. Among underground structures that have significant volume are multipurpose urban public structures and underground public transportation system. Multipurpose structures most often encompass motorcar parking and shopping areas and have depth up to 20 meters. Metro tunnels are found at a depth of up to 60 meters. Figure 2: UUS use by function Source: Bobylev, 2009. Impacts associated with climate change on urban underground infrastructure (UUI) are particularly interesting and important subject to study due to a number of reasons: (1) UUI includes many critical facilities, upon which life of the city depends (e.g. civil defence, water treatment); (2) UUI can help mitigate impacts of climate change on the urban environment (e.g. by providing stable temperature mode in its premises); (3) UUI is vulnerable to impacts of climate change (e.g. floods). UUI can be quantified by estimating its volume. By UUI volume we mean physical space below surface level that UUI occupies. Figure 3 presents relationship between population densities in urban areas and volumes of UUI. Figure 3 refers to developed countries cities; in developing 8 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 countries UUI volumes are much lower. The relationship on figure 3 represents a direct proportionality, which suggests that cities in developing countries will be actively developing UUI. Currently existing underground construction technologies allow to develop UUI in almost any geological conditions, thus financial constrains are the only obstacle for UUI growth in developing world. Figure 3: Relationship between population densities in urban areas and volumes of UUI. UUI volume, million cubic meters Urban Underground Infrastructure Volume and Population Density 100 Paris 80 60 40 20 Tokyo Stockholm 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 population density, thousands of inhabitants per square kilometer area Source: Bobylev, 2009. Underground facilities are very reliable structures from an engineering point of view. Thanks to natural properties of soil, artificial underground structures can serve for centuries with a minimum maintenance. UUI is much more vulnerable to external threats rather than to internal ones (Bobylev, 2007). External threats include natural disasters, accidents, and military and terror attacks. Structural failures are considered as internal threats. We will consider all threats associated with climate change as external ones to UUI. IV. ANALYSIS OF THREATS TO UUI 5. Adverse impacts of climate change on UUI Table 3 summarizes climate change related threats to UUI and describes possible consequences of adverse external impacts on UUI caused by these threats. We also give an estimation of vulnerability (the degree to which UUI can be affected by a climate change related threat) and possible damage. 9 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 Table 3: Climate change related threats to UUI and vulnerabilities. Climate-related Impacts on UUI threat Floods, Extreme rain Inundation of underground fall structures through open structural elements, like entrances, sewers or ventilation shafts Inundation of underground structures through leakages in retaining structure due to high water pressure Suffusion of surrounding soil due to change in water level during the flood Sewers and rainwater collectors overcapacity operation, which might result in their structural damage Sea level rise, and Structural damage due to subsequent rise of changing soil stress-strain surface and condition, “floating up” of groundwater levels underground structures Extreme atmospheric Ventilation systems can temperatures become temporary not operational. Extreme wind Ventilation shafts can be structurally damaged Vulnerability Damage High Structural damage is low; damage to equipment is high unless waterproofing doors are used Low Low if leakages are not continues Low Extremely high, up to structural collapse Medium Medium Low Medium. High in case of prolonged UUI maintenance neglect Low Low Low Medium Table 3 does not mention loss of land and UUI due to SLR. Extend of this loss would depend on the level of sea rise and protective measures, which would require permanent structural UUI changes, e.g. redesigning entrances of the UUI facilities. Flooding appears to be the major threat to UUI. In the last decade of the 20th century, there have been four cases when flooding of urban underground rail systems have caused damage worth more than €10 million and numerous cases of lesser damage (Compton et al., 2002). Climate change has the potential to increase flooding risks in cities in three ways: from the sea (SLR and storm surges); from rainfall – for instance by heavier rainfall or rainfall that is more prolonged than in the past; and from changes that increase river flows – for instance through increased glacial melt (Satterthwaite, 2008). Impact of a flood on UUI elements very much depends upon their physical strength, i.e. whether they can withstand increased water flow. Sewers are the most threatened part of UUI. A city’s 10 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 sewerage system can be combined or separated. Separated sewerage system divides household sewers and rainwater ones. Rainwater sewers can be damaged by too high water velocities during flood. Household sewerage is not supposed to transport rainwater, thus it can remain unaffected. Cities with combined sewerage system faces higher flood vulnerability due to high functional damage in case of sewerage becomes temporary not operational. Climate change can aggravate damage to UUI from earthquakes. Underground structures are quite resilient during earthquakes. However, UUI elements which are close to the surface are likely to be damaged. Increased surface and groundwater level put additional stress on a near surface zone of underground structures. Combination of an earthquake and high groundwater level could result in cracks in retainer walls of an underground structure and its fast inundation. Extreme weather events represent the major threat to UUI in a short term. SLR of some meters represents the major threat to UUI in a long term. Major failures of underground structures due to SLR are unlikely, minor damage is almost certain. This damage will be caused by exposure of previously “dry” parts of underground structures to groundwater, and increased hydraulic pressure to lower parts of the structures; both of these phenomena will result in leakages. Leakages needed to be timely eliminated to avoid serious damage. Thus, SLR will require increased spending on UUI maintenance. 6. UUI adaptation to climate change Adaptive capacity is the ability of a system to evolve in order to accommodate external changes or to expand the range of variability with which it can cope (Wilbanks et al, 2007). We consider UUI adaptation to climate change from two perspectives: (1) adaptation of UUI itself; and (2) opportunities that UUI provides to help cities to adapt (section V). Adaptation of UUI to climate change is its adjustment to new external conditions by means of structural, technical, and managerial measures. Adaptation of UUI needed to be anticipatory, i.e. take place before significant impacts of climate change are observed. Structural measures to adapt UUI include strengthening waterproofing capacity of the structures, rigor maintenance and upgrading of sewers for transporting overcapacity amount of storm water. Storm water temporary storage underground tanks could be installed to mitigate impact of heavy rain falls (Figure 4). Structures needed to be checked and if necessary repaired or modified to withstand higher water pressure (and stronger wind in case of ventilation shafts). 11 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 Figure 4: A storm water storage tank (right) adjacent to a sewer (left). Source: Berliner Wasserbetriebe and Department of Urban Water Management, Berlin Institute of Technology. Technical measures to combat extreme weather events like floods include installing waterproofing barriers (Figure 5) and doors; increasing capacity of pumps, including installation of emergency reserve pumps in facilities inundation of which can bring extreme damage (e.g. critical infrastructure facilities). Figure 5: A vertical groove for installing a water barrier at the entrances to underground stations in Tokyo, Japan (left); and a flood barrier in Venice, Italy (right). Source: Nikolai Bobylev Managerial measures include the whole complex of disaster risk management. It includes (1) preparedness - identifying weak components of infrastructures, analysis of their vulnerabilities and interdependences; and (2) emergency response measures. 12 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 SLR represents a threat to UUI in low-lying areas in a long term. UUI cannot adapt to SLR unless it has been planned with a surplus of capacity, or it needed to be modified and upgraded. V. ANALYSIS OF OPPORTUNITIES THAT UUI PROVIDES 7. Opportunities for climate change mitigation Mitigation in the context of climate change means measures to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, and thus ultimately the magnitude of climate change. According to Tol, 2002, by 2100 global benefits of climate change (reduced heating) will be about 0.75% of GDP and damages (increased cooling) will be approximately 0.45%. Underground space can provide natural stable temperature conditions, and therefore placing facilities underground can reduce the above mentioned damages. Thus, UUI provides energy efficient services and enables continues long term use of low energy consumption facilities. Another opportunity for reducing energy consumption with UUI is convergence of infrastructures (see section II). Underground multi-purpose collectors can encompass water, transport, electricity, and telecommunication infrastructures, thus reducing costs for installation of underground facilities. The drawback of UUI convergence is reduction in reliability due to interdependences of infrastructures. 8. Opportunities for helping cities to adapt to climate change The most general form of adaptation by infrastructures vulnerable to impacts of climate change is investment in increased resilience, for instance in new sources of water supply for urban areas (IPCC, 2007). UUI offers some significant opportunities that can help cities adapt to extreme weather events. Borrowing terminology form the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), UUI can help to mitigate impacts of earthquakes, floods, and storms. By mitigation in this case we mean measures undertaken to limit the adverse impact of natural and technological hazards (UNISDR, 2008). Primarily UUI can provide secure isolated environment for civil defence and emergency response facilities, like control centres, temporary hospitals, storages. Stable temperature mode in underground space is important advantage in a context of climate change, especially when providing shelter during “urban heat waves”. Electricity infrastructure can avoid being damaged by hurricanes if installed in underground collectors, rather than on above ground poles. UUI plays a broader role in urban sustainably by providing an extra “layer” of infrastructure, which helps to diversify a variety of risks to cities’ infrastructure as a whole. 13 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 UUI can provide opportunities to mitigate specific hazards. G-Cans project can be one example (section I); another one is “Flood control measures using underground rivers” in western part of Tokyo (Prasad, 2009). This UUI will be constructed based on a comprehensive flood control measure plan that includes measures for each river basin. In addition, the installation of adjustment reservoirs (water storage tanks) along rivers is planned (Prasad, 2009). VI. DISCUSSION Predictions about UPI and UUI performance under changing environmental conditions in a hundred years outlook face a great uncertainty. Two main factors constitute this uncertainty (1) uncertainty about what concrete local weather effects climate change can trigger, and (2) technological progress in infrastructure. Indeed, past experiences suggest that technological change is highly unpredictable and can have far-reaching impacts on infrastructures (e.g. the impact of mobile telephony on fixed line infrastructure) (Infrastructure to 2030, 2006). Urbanization is a factor of global change which is much more certain, thus we can suggest that UPI is bound to grow in the next decades. Outlook for UPI in the context of global change reveals some contradictions which are explained in the next paragraphs. The first, a contradiction between trajectories for population growth in coastal areas resulting subsequent need for UPI development, and UPI exposure to SLR. Should we discourage urbanization of coastal zones, or should we plan and install UPI that is designed to fit perspective environmental conditions? The second, a contradiction between estimations for global drop or modest growth in infrastructures expenditure and projected significant growth in a built up area. Table 4 shows OECD estimations for selected global infrastructures expenditure. Table 4: Estimated average annual world infrastructure expenditure (additions and renewal) for selected sectors, 2000-30, as a percentage of world GDP. Type of infrastructure Road Rail Electricity Water (only OECD countries, Russia, China, India and Brazil) Approximate % of world GDP Years 2000-2010 0.38 0.09 0.22 1.01 Approximate % of world GDP Years 2020-2030 0.29 0.06 0.24 1.03 Source: OECD, 2006 14 Difference in average annual infrastructure expenditure (as % of GDP) -23% -33% +9% +2% Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 As described in section I, global urban area expansion is estimated as 276% by year 2030, accompanied by cities’ population growth of 66% by 2030. One can argue about precision of predictions, but there is a clear discrepancy between future demand for UPI and its actual provision (as seen from table 4). Cities’ adaptation to climate change is likely to require increased spending on existing UPI and its new development. VII. CONCLUSION UUI should be fully considered in the analysis of climate change impacts on urban areas. This proposition is justified by the following factors: • UUI is a significant part of UPI; • UUI contains many critical facilities; • UUI can help cities to mitigate and adapt to climate change by providing stable temperature mode on its premises and natural protection for CI; • UUI is highly vulnerable to adverse impacts of climate change like increased frequency of floods and SLR. Extreme weather events represent major threat to UUI worldwide in a short term, and SLR threatens UUI on up to 5% of world urban area in a long term. Analysis of UPI and UUI development trends (like interdependence, convergence, and sustainability) reveals “conflicts of interests” between urban growth, particularly in coastal areas, and needs for adaptation to adverse impacts of climate change. Furthermore, analysis of projections for world expenditure for infrastructure development and growth of built up areas reveals a huge gap between needs and actual provision of UPI. Climate change will forth additional spending on maintenance of existing and constructing new UPI, including UUI. We conclude that estimation and especially quantification of urbanization and climate change impacts on UPI faces great uncertainty due to lack of statistics and research on the issue. We are adamant that UUI preparedness for climate change is critical. We urge more research on UPI and UUI to provide policy and planning guidance for adapting urban growth to global environmental change. VIII. ACNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to acknowledge the contribution of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which provided financial support for conducting this research. 15 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. ACIA (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment), 2004: Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1042 pp. 2. Angel, S., Sheppard, S.C., Civco, D.L. 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APPENDIX UUS use by function, millions cubic meters Function/city Utilities Transport Other (industry, commercial public space, basements of private houses and car parking) Total Paris Stockholm Tokyo 12.2 30.1 51.7 4.6 5 1.7 1.4 10 6.6 94.0 11.3 18.0 The data on UUS volumes and its use by function was collected by the author in 2004-2006 with the help of Daniel Morfeldt (Sweden); Pierre Duffaut (France); Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Japan). Further explanations about the data interpretation and sources, including acknowledgements, can be found in: 17 Urban underground infrastructure and climate change Fifth Urban Research Symposium 2009 1. Bobylev, Nikolai (2009) Mainstreaming Sustainable Development into a City’s Master Plan: a Case of Urban Underground Space Use. Land Use Policy, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2009.02.003. 2. Bobylev, Nikolai (2008) Urbanization and environmental security: Infrastructure Development, Environmental Indicators, and Sustainability. In: P.H. Liotta et al. (eds.), Environmental Change and Human Security, NATO Science Series: IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, Springer Science + Business Media B.V. ISBN 978-1-40208550-5. pp. 203-216. 3. Bobylev, Nikolai (2006) Report on Environmental Assessment of Urban Underground Infrastructure, University of Tokyo, United Nations University. Tokyo. 18