Meetings with Trainees and using the Electronic Portfolio A Guide for Educational Supervisors of Foundation Trainees and Trainers Before meeting the Foundation trainee, please ensure you know your password and can access the NHS eportfolio Contact Linda Kempson in the George Pickering Education Centre if you have any difficulties using the portfolio. One of the Foundation Training Programme Directors is responsible for supporting you – please email Linda Kempson if you are not sure who this is or how to get in touch. Initial Meeting with ES within three weeks of starting the placement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Discuss the trainee’s clinical training to date and expectations of the placement. Are there any personal, health or domestic issues likely to impact on working and training? Ensure trainee has read and signed Health and Probity declarations Discuss audit plans, career plans and plans for study leave if appropriate. Discuss and agree learning outcomes for the placement. Ensure the trainee has met his /her Clinical Supervisor if this is not you. Look at the curriculum and ensure trainee knows how to self-rate progress against competencies. (Click on icon beside each item in the syllabus to expand to see individual competencies. Click on pen sign to open rating box). Review and discuss the trainee’s Personal Development Plan (PDP). The trainee should update his/her PDP on the eportfolio following the meeting. Emphasise to the trainee his/her responsibility for organising SLEs (with number of different observers) and a TAB, including a self-TAB. Discuss and agree with the trainee who should be approached for TAB ratings (not other Foundation doctors). Complete the initial meeting form on the eportfolio. If you are both Clinical and Educational Supervisor for the trainee, you can use the 'Combined induction meeting with the Clinical Supervisor & initial meeting with the Educational Supervisor' form. Record comments or notes as discussed and agreed during the meeting. Ensure that the trainee knows how to contact you for support if needed. Mid placement review An optional meeting approximately half way through the placement, but please review the trainee’s portfolio if you are not intending to meet to ensure he/she is engaging with training (particularly important in 6 month placements when trainees may drift). 1. Invite the trainee to discuss his progress and any areas of concern. 1. Check for “Attention Items” (see Trainee Home) and discuss these with the trainee. Once an Attention Item has been dealt with, edit the item and tick handled on the eportfolio. 2. Review evidence in the portfolio (SLEs, core procedures) to ensure an appropriate number and range of assessments have been undertaken and progress is satisfactory. 3. Discuss progress against curriculum competencies- trainee should have self-rated. Click on icon beside each item in the syllabus to expand to see individual competencies. You may 1 4. 5. 6. 7. wish to click on pen sign to open rating box, and rate particularly if something has been achieved. Review plans for study leave or tasters if appropriate. Ensure the trainee is attending educational opportunities (including mandatory training) and explore reasons for non-attendance. Agree areas that need to be addressed in the remainder of the placement (the trainee should update his/her PDP on the eportfolio after the meeting). Additional Action Plans may be formulated to address concerns about the trainee’s performance. Plans should be agreed with the trainee and documented in the eportfolio using the Additional Action Plan form. End of placement meeting (may be combined with the initial meeting for the next placement) or End of Year meeting 1. Release the TAB to the trainee (when complete and if required), highlighting areas of excellence as well as discussing concerns and how these might be addressed. The TAB is not valid and should not be released until sufficient raters have contributed in each category. 2. Check for “Attention Items” (see Trainee Home) on the portfolio, discuss these with the trainee. Once an Attention Item has been dealt with, edit the item and tick handled on the eportfolio. 3. Ensure Absences have been recorded by the trainee (see Trainee Home). 4. The judgement in your End of Placement or End of Year report should be informed by the CS report(s) as well as evidence provided by engagement in supervised learning events, attendance at formal educational events, TAB feedback etc. If you are the CS as well as the ES, you do need to complete both CS and ES End of Placement forms. 5. Go to curriculum and rate progress against each competency. Both trainee and ES have to complete ratings. Click on icon beside each item in syllabus to expand so you can see individual competencies. Click on pen sign to open rating box and rate, adding comments if you wish. All the ratings must be completed before the ARCP. 6. Discuss your End of Placement / End of Year report with the trainee (so there are no surprises). Share positive feedback as well concerns. The outcome of the final assessment discussion should be agreed by both yourself and the trainee and recorded in the report. 7. Discuss and agree the trainee’s Personal Development Plan for the next placement when appropriate. 8. Review audit plans, career plans and plans for using study leave as appropriate. 9. Complete the initial meeting form for the next placement when appropriate. 10. The trainee should update his/her PDP on the eportfolio following the meeting. A Field Guide for Supervisors of Trainees working in Oxford Postgraduate Medical and Dental Programmes (excluding General Practice) can be downloaded by using the link below: Susan Burge, June 2015 2 3