Meetings with Trainees and using the Electronic Portfolio

Meetings with Trainees and using the Electronic Portfolio
A Guide for Clinical Supervisors of Foundation Trainees and Trainers
Before meeting the Foundation trainee, please ensure you know your password and can access the
NHS eportfolio Contact Linda Kempson in the George Pickering Education Centre if you have difficulties using
the portfolio.
Induction meeting with CS within the first two weeks of the trainee taking up the post
1. Discuss the trainee’s clinical training to date and expectations of post.
2. Ensure the trainee has had a departmental induction (or one is arranged), understands his/
her role and on-call duties and knows where to get clinical help in and out of hours.
3. Ensure the trainee has met the members of his placement supervision group (PSG) i.e. the
individuals with whom he will be working.
4. Identify training goals for the placement.
5. Discuss on the job learning opportunities and who the trainee might approach for
supervised learning events (SLEs) - consultants, senior trainees and senior nursing or allied
health staff- generally members of the PSG. Remind the trainee that SLEs should be
provided by a number of different individuals.
6. Emphasise to the trainee his/her responsibility to be proactive and organise SLEs.
7. Ensure the trainee understands he /she is expected to attend mandatory teaching (and, if
appropriate, discuss who will cover the ward /hold the bleep when the trainee is attending
8. Complete induction form on portfolio. If you are both Clinical and Educational Supervisor for
the trainee, you can use the 'Combined induction meeting with the Clinical Supervisor &
initial meeting with the Educational Supervisor' form.
9. Invite the trainee to make regular, informal contact with you and ensure he/she knows how
to do this.
Mid-point Review with CS – this may be an informal discussion
1. Ensure the trainee feels supported by the clinical team
2. Ensure that training is progressing and that the trainee has had opportunities for an
appropriate number and range of SLEs
3. Ensure that the trainee has been able to attend mandatory teaching and explore reasons for
non-attendance e.g. clinical duties. Help the trainee to find a solution.
4. Ensure that the trainee has sent you a ticket for a team assessment of behaviour (TAB) if
required in this placement –and you have returned it.
5. Complete the mid-point review form.
6. If there are specific issues or targets to be addressed, write to the educational supervisor
and other colleagues as necessary. Copy the trainee into this letter. This applies to good
trainees just as much as to those with emerging issues.
7. Additional Action Plans may be formulated to address concerns about the trainee’s
performance. Plans should be agreed with the trainee and documented in the eportfolio
using the Additional Action Plan form.
End-of-placement meeting with CS
The Educational Supervisor (ES) draws on the final CS report when completing an End of Placement /
End of Year report, so trainees should arrange to meet you before meeting the ES. (If you are also
the ES for the trainee, you still need to complete the CS end-of- placement report)
1. Prior to the final meeting with the trainee, please discuss the performance of the trainee
with members of the Placement Supervision Group (PSG), particularly if your work pattern
meant that the day to day contact between you and the trainee was limited. You may wish
to send a structured feedback form to one or more individuals via the e-portfolio (optional).
The portfolio will provide you with access to this feedback when you open your End of
Placement report.
2. In the End of Placement Report, you should rate the observed performance of the trainee
against the outcomes of the curriculum, basing your assessment on objective evidence
provided in SLEs as well as feedback from colleagues. You are asked to provide comments to
support and justify assessment ratings and to be as specific as possible.
3. Discuss and agree your End of Placement report with the trainee (so there are no surprises)
and highlight positive feedback as well as areas of concern.
4. Provide the trainee’s Educational Supervisor (ES) with written evidence of any outstanding
practice or concerns. Evidence might include written material from patients, complaints or
cases reviewed through clinical governance (good or bad care / outcomes).
CSs should inform a trainee’s Educational Supervisor of anything which is noteworthy, but should
include involvement in Serious Incidents, complaints from patients and health / probity issues as
these events are noted at ARCP and inform the revalidation process
The Deanery has written a Field Guide for Supervisors of Trainees working in Oxford Postgraduate
Medical and Dental Programmes (excluding General Practice). Hard copies can be obtained from
Postgraduate Centres, but an electronic version can be downloaded by using the link below:
Susan Burge
Foundation Training Programme Director
August 2014