TB2015.62 Appendix 1 Ref. Recommendation Lead Director H1.0.1 The Trust should supply detailed supporting information to enable Finance & the impact of the ORH/NOC merger to be separately analysed at Procurement Stage 2. Due by Progress made by May 2014 Recommendation met by May 2014 Information provided 4 October 2012. Update to May 2015 Issue analysed by Monitor in Stage 2 of assessment and agreed position included in assessor case. Recommendation met by May 2015 Finance & Procurement 18-Oct-12 LTFM revision in October 2012 used recommendations from HDD1. The Trust should consider weekly monitoring of key 'at risk' [CIP] Finance & schemes to ensure sufficient time is given to respond to Procurement developing challenges. 28-Nov-12 Project management approach established, with Project board meeting weekly. Each CIP project (subject to de minimus limit) is entered onto a "tracker" system, enabling the monitoring of progress. Monitoring arrangements are in place with a scheduled weekly meeting. Regular reports on progress are made to the CIP Executive Group. CIP implementation is a standard part of the regular finance report to the Finance & Performance Committee and Trust Board. Backlog maintenance plans for FY12 and plans over the Forecast Period will need to be available for analysis at Stage 2. Finance & Procurement 04-Oct-12 October 2012 LTFM incorporated estimated building maintenance and equipment replacement costs. Six-facet survey completed and incorporated in February 2014 into capital programme, LTFM and IBP. Noted by FT Programme Board March 2014. Management should obtain confirmation from DH regarding the availability of the new £20m working capital loan as this forms a key aspect of working capital going forward. Finance & Procurement 31-Jan-14 Liaison with SHA then NHS TDA on working capital loan. April 2014 IBP included a loan (reduced to £10m) as part of FT application. OUH FT application (23.4.15) includes £22.0m FT Working Capital Loan to meet revised Monitor liquidity requirements (IBP update para 6.159). This formed part of the FT application approved by NTDA in 2014. Ongoing to point of authorisation Management should review the terms of the facility offers for a material adverse change clause to ensure the facility is committed. Finance & Procurement 30-Apr-14 Advice sought and decision made not to include Working Capital Facility in 2014 FT application. OUH FT application (23.4.15) does not envisage the Trust taking out a Working Capital Facility (IBP update para 6.158) H1.4.1 The Trust should consider providing more detail around quantification of the key risks and mitigating actions in the IBP, specifically the basis for forecast assumptions and probabilities associated with each downside case. Finance & Procurement 28-Nov-12 Formed part of Risk chapter in 2012 IBP. Details of latest assumptions are set out in the April 2015 IBP update. H1.5.1 The role of non-voting Board members and impact in practice on Chief Executive balance of the Board should be reviewed. 30-May-13 Board size reviewed in 2013. Voting membership of Executive Directors reduced. Voting Board membership has formed part of the Trust's FT application since 2013. H2.1.1 The Trust should continue to identify development needs of the Board and provide the necessary support. A review has been commissioned of the knowledge, experiences and skills of Board members to govern the organisation effectively post-authorisation. H2.1.2 The Trust should ensure that there is an appropriate balance in Chief Executive Board agendas and discussion between operational and strategic matters. 28-Feb-13 Agendas clarify items in each category and at each Board meeting. A Board member reviews and gives feedback on the time spent on strategic and operational matters. H2.2.1 Planned action to improve effectiveness of operation of committees through development of work plans and increased support should be implemented as soon as possible. Assurance 30-Nov-12 Programme of business in place for Board and its committees. H2.2.2 Operation of the new structure should be reviewed as it becomes Assurance fully operational and embedded to ensure that it is operating effectively and delivering the improvements anticipated. 08-May-13 Review in April 2013 to learn from cycles of the new committee structure. Assessment reported to Board May 2013. H2.2.3 The Trust should review the effectiveness in practice of holding multiple meetings in the same day. Assurance 08-May-13 Assessment reported to Board in May 2013. H2.2.4 The Trust will need to ensure that areas highlighted in the BGAF self-assessment and independent review are addressed in a timely manner. Assurance H1.0.2 H1.1.1 H1.2.1 H1.3.1 H2.3.1 H2.4.1 H2.4.2 H2.4.3 H2.5.1 H2.5.2 H2.5.3 Update the LTFM to reflect the recommendations in HDD1. OD & Workforce Ongoing Actions incorporated in update to Board Governance Memorandum. Following the implementation of significant changes in Chief Executive governance structure and roles & responsibilities, the operation of Executive portfolios and NED roles should remain under review. Ongoing The Director of Clinical Services portfolio has a wide remit and is Chief Executive central to the many challenges facing the organisation. This should continue to be an area of review for resilience. Ongoing The Trust should finalise appointment of a Trust company Assurance secretary. The Trust should ensure that Non Executive Director Chief Executive appointments are secured for the coming year, and appointment terms are staggered. Effectiveness of Board meetings should continue to be an area of Assurance focus in the new governance structure. 30-Nov-12 Planned enhancements to committee support should be implemented to ensure improvements in effectiveness are realised. 30-Nov-12 Assurance Board agreement of Board Governance Memorandum in 2014 (paper TBC2014.51). Interim Head of Performance appointed to support Director of Clinical Services. Head of Corporate Governance in post. Ongoing NTDA appointments have taken place and Chairman and NED terms have been extended. Ongoing Year-end review of effectiveness of Board and sub-committees completed May 2013 and subcommittee Terms of Reference updated. Committee Handbook approved and revised report templates issued August 2013. Report from a Director at each Board meeting to highlight effectiveness. Mid-year review of effectiveness completed for QC and FPC, October 2013. Forward work programme in place. Handbook developed for Committee chairs. Page 1 of 4 Committee effectiveness review continues, with annual review under way to report to Board in July 2015. TB2015.62 Ref. Appendix 1 Recommendation Lead Director A self-assessment exercise that incorporates the views of all attendees and includes a review of performance against the AC handbook and other good practice guidance should be undertaken. Assurance 08-May-13 Timetable for Audit Committee agreed at September meeting. Self-assessment initiated at 9/1/13 meeting through questionnaire based on national guidance. Desktop review conducted with key messages to Audit Committee's May 2013 meeting. Review undertaken in 2013 and further review of effectiveness identified on 'Cycle of Business paper to February Audit Committee (AC2015.16)' due to take place in May 2015. The Trust should review the remit and effectiveness of the Finance and Performance Committee following a period of operation. Assurance 08-May-13 Review in April-May 2013. Assessment reported to Board 8 May, individual results to FPC June 13. Review undertaken in 2013 and further review of effectiveness identified on 'Cycle of Business paper to April 2015 Finance & Performance Committee (FPC2015.23)' due to take place in June 2015. The Trust should ensure that the Quality Committee Assurance demonstrates effective operation with areas highlighted in the selfassessment being addressed. 08-May-13 Objectives set in September 2012. Committee review in April-May 2013. Assessment reported to Board in May, individual results reported to Quality Committee June 2013. The Trust will need to ensure that the revised Board Assurance Framework is implemented in the shortest timescale possible to allow a period of operation and embeddedness. Assurance 31-May-13 BAF revised: to Audit Committee 14 November, Board 9 Jan 2013. BAF & Corporate Risk Register embedded into reporting at all relevant committees. Standard Operating Procedure developed and used. The control of agency costs should be subject to review and a more granular understanding of overspends developed. Finance & Procurement 12-Dec-12 Review complete. Reported to FPC 12 December. Analysis of agency costs a regular feature of finance report to Board, e.g. TB2015.30. The Trust will need to finalise the format and content and progress implementation of the integrated performance report in a timely manner. A period of operation will ne required to demonstrate effective operation and allow further refinement. Clinical Services 28-Feb-13 Action described at H8.3.1 Integrated Performance report is standard item on Trust Board agenda e.g. TB2015.29 and annual review of proposals for 2015/16 due to be considered at Trust Board in May. H3.3.1 H3.3.2 The Trust should ensure planned actions to enhance the Finance Finance & Procurement Report are implemented. 30-Nov-12 To FPC 15 Oct 2012. Format of Finance report continues to evolve as required. Development and successful implementation of SLR should continue to be a priority for the Trust. Finance & Procurement 31-Mar-14 Paper to TME 24.1.2013 set strategic direction. Action continues. Management should ensure detailed mitigation strategies are developed and the Trust can demonstrate achievability of the mitigation strategies should the downside business case occur. Finance & Procurement 28-Feb-13 The Trust should ensure arrangements for assessment of quality Finance & impact are formalised and strengthened. Procurement The Trust should review the routine reporting of progress on capital spend to the Board. H5.1.1 H2.6.1 Due by Progress made by May 2014 Recommendation met by May 2014 H2.7.1 Update to May 2015 Recommendation met by May 2015 H2.8.1 H3.1.1 H3.2.1 Partially complete Regular SLR performance information is shared with the divisions and the Clinical Costing Development Group (CCDG). A recent Internal audit report on Service Line Reporting concluded that significant assurance could be provided. The Trust is also a founder member of the HFMA Healthcare Costing for Value Institute and participates in the Monitor collection of PLICs data as part of the reference costs exercise. Ongoing Considered by Board and Divisional Directors October 2012. Part of 2013 IBP. Updated mitigation strategies are set out in IBP update document Risk section (23.4.15). 28-Feb-13 CIP quality impact assessment (QIA) described in IBP and reviewed by NTDA as part of FT application. QIA process reviewed and strengthened, most recently following review by Medical Director. Details of revised process set out in QC2014.87 and in QC2015.28. The revised process covers both the process of achieving an initial QIA as part of the approval process of each CIP and how the ongoing impact on quality as a result of implementing schemes is monitored. Finance & Procurement 30-Nov-12 To FPC 15/10/12. Format of Finance report continues to evolve as required. The Trust should continue to review the Financial Performance Report to the Board and ensure it includes assessment of likely outturn position and progress against the capital plan to date. Finance & Procurement 30-Nov-12 To FPC 15/10/12. Capital reporting shows both year-to-date progress and forecast outturn (TB2015.30). H5.1.2 Frequency of Board meetings and timeliness of reporting to Board on Finance and Performance. Chief Executive 30-Nov-12 Reporting schedule in place. H5.1.3 The Trust should continue to closely monitor progress against the Finance & CIP schemes and ensure that action plans are put in place should Procurement performance slip. Weekly project board in place. H3.3.3 H4.2.1 H4.3.1 H4.4.1 Ongoing Page 2 of 4 Revised monitoring arrangements are in place with a weekly meeting scheduled. A recent review of CIP by Internal Audit provided "significant assurance with minor improvements" TB2015.62 Ref. Appendix 1 Recommendation Lead Director Due by Progress made by May 2014 Recommendation met by May 2014 The Trust should consider the main reason for originally planned schemes needing to be replaced to ensure that lessons are learned for CIP planning. Finance & Procurement 31-Dec-12 Reported to F&PC in paper FPC2012.15, Dec 2012 Focussed KPIs around capital spend and Treasury Management Finance & should be introduced as the Trust moves towards Foundation Procurement Trust status. 31-Jul-14 Following review of KPIs in the Integrated Performance Report, systems established to report revised KPIs from M2 reporting (to July 2014 Board) on Capital servicing capacity (as defined by Monitor), Cumulative % Capital spend compared to plan, and Liquidity ratio (days) as defined by Monitor. The Trust should review the Finance function following a period of operation to ensure the new structure is appropriately resourced, operating effectively and providing appropriate support to the divisional structure. The Trust should ensure review of working capital arrangements is undertaken as planned to identify and address underlying causes of underperformance. Finance & Procurement 30-Jun-13 Review commissioned and report received. Report on support to Divisions enacted, strengthening support arrangements. Finance & Procurement 30-Nov-12 Plan to improve performance on debtors and creditors and report to Audit Committee. The appropriateness of reporting results as a single segment should continue to be agreed with the auditor, especially given the merger with the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre. The process of developing a Treasury Management Policy should be concluded in preparation for FT status. Finance & Procurement 13-Mar-13 Accounting Policy considered at Audit Committee 13.3.13 and single segment agreed. Date of Draft Treasury Management policy agreed by TME in November 2013. Ready for approval by Audit authorisation Committee as FT authorisation date becomes clear. Partially complete The Trust should ensure that the budget setting process is aligned with the LTFM. Finance & Procurement 31-Mar-13 Paper to 24/10/12 TME set aligned budget setting process for 2013/14. Budget setting is aligned with the LTFM and the 2015/16 budgets are set from the LTFM adjusted for subsequent contractual agreements and planned activity. H6.4.1 The Standing Orders and SFIs should be updated as necessary for recent changes in committee structures. Finance & Procurement 09-Jan-13 Requested by Audit Committee and completed by 14/11/12 Audit Committee meeting. Board approval 9 January 2013. Standing Orders & SFI's updated annually in January. Latest update set out in TB2015.15. H6.5.1 The Trust should ensure that the findings of Internal Audit reviews Finance & are appropriately addressed, and that it works with the new Procurement Internal Audit Provider to identify areas of weakness in controls and ensure that those are rectified on a timely basis. This should enable the Trust to improve its overall HoIA opinion received. 28-Feb-13 Revised arrangements in place with KPMG / Audit Committee Robust working arrangements established with KPMG and latest Head of Internal Audit opinion (as set out in AC2015.20) states that significant assurance with minor improvements can be given on the overall adequacy and effectiveness of the organisations framework of governance, risk management and control. H7.1.2 The Trust should ensure that timescales agreed with internal audit around reporting are met. Finance & Procurement 28-Feb-13 Revised arrangements in place with KPMG / Audit Committee Performance KPIs for 2014/15 set out in Internal Audit Annual Report (AC2015.20) The Trust should ensure that the timeliness of working papers issues identified by external audit are rectified as the finance team becomes more embedded. Finance & Procurement 22-Apr-13 Monthly meetings instituted between finance dept. and audit leads. Draft accounts submitted on 22nd April 2013. Regular meetings continue to be held with External Audit as part of the Annual Accounts process. H7.1.3 There should be a continued focus on ensuring agreed actions are implemented on a timely basis. Finance & Procurement Ongoing See actions on H7.1.1 and H7.1.2 Management focus on this issue has been maintained and regular reports are made to Executive Directors and to the Audit Committee (e.g. AC2015.27) H7.1.4 The Trust should continue to develop its Integrated Performance Clinical Services Report and ensure it is constantly reviewed to ensure appropriate focus on the key areas of concern for the Trust. Ongoing IPR in place. Developments commissioned by Board. Action shown at H8.3.1 IPR a regular Board item and annual review of indicators considered by TME as set out in TME2014.127. H8.1.1 The Trust should ensure that action plans to address underperformance against targets are closely monitored and action is taken where the desired impact is not being achieved. Finance & Procurement Ongoing Monthly and quarterly performance reviews take place. Regular Performance review meetings continue to take place. H8.1.2 The Trust will need to ensure data quality concerns following EPR implementation are addressed in a timely manner. Planning & Information Data quality assurance framework rolled out for all KPIs. Data quality monitoring structures established in all Divisions. EPR stabilisation project conducted. Internal audit review of data quality arrangements reported to Audit Committee May 2013 and provided 'significant assurance' rating. Update to May 2015 Recommendation met by May 2015 Regular reports are made to Finance & Performance Committee including a review of the outturn position (FPC2014.25) Revised KPIs agreed for 2014/15 focussing on Continuity of Service rating and Capital Plan Divisional Structure revised in November 2013 with a reduction from 7 to 5 divisions. Finance Structure amended to ensure each of the five Divisions had a Senior Business Partner and appropriate support. Current LDP (23.4.15) indicates that trade receivables and inventories are forecast to remain broadly consistent and constant over the period whilst trade payables days will reduce as the impact of increasing the use of purchase orders and other changes takes effect. Accounting Policy regularly reviewed as part of the Annual accounts process, most recently in AC2014.74 which addresses segmental analysis at para 20. policy approved by Trust Board in January 2015 (TB2015.16) for implementation when authorised. H5.1.4 Partially complete H5.2.1 H6.1.1 H6.1.2 H6.2.1 Finance & Procurement H6.3.1 H7.1.1 H8.2.1 30-May-13 Page 3 of 4 TB2015.62 Appendix 1 Ref. Recommendation Lead Director The Integrated Performance Report should include more consideration of forecast performance and should also include factors impacting on future performance and risks identified. Clinical Services 30-Nov-12 Revised format of Integrated Performance Report contained this from 1 November 2012. H8.3.1 Management should consider implementing formal scheduled data recovery testing. DPI 31-Dec-12 The Trust restores data every week from its back-up solutions. A monthly restore of a complete system has been run since 1/12/12 to ensure that system restore procedures are robust. H9.1.1 31-Aug-13 Six-facet survey complete and incorporated in February 2014 into capital programme, LTFM and IBP. Noted by FT Programme Board March 2014. Management should update the LTFM to reflect updated backlog Development and the Estate H10.1.1 maintenance plans once condition survey has been completed. Management should update the LTFM and IBP to reflect the Finance & H10.1.2 availability of the new £20m [liquidity] loan once confirmation has Procurement Due by Progress made by May 2014 Recommendation met by May 2014 Liaison with SHA then NHS TDA on working capital loan. April 2014 IBP included a loan (reduced to £10m) as part of FT application. been received from the SHA. Page 4 of 4 Update to May 2015 OUH FT application (23.4.15) includes £22.0m FT Working Capital Loan to meet revised Monitor liquidity requirements (IBP update para 6.159). This formed part of the FT application approved by NTDA in Recommendation met by May 2015 Ongoing to point of authorisation