Trust Board Meeting: Wednesday 13 May 2015 TB2015.54 Title Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) Status To ask the Board to approve the Trust’s revised financial plans for 2015/16 History Trust Management Executive – 27 November 2014 Finance & Performance Committee – 10 December 2014 Trust Board – 11 March 2015 Trust Management Executive – 26 March 2015 Finance & Performance Committee – 15 April 2015 Board Lead(s) Mr Mark Mansfield, Director of Finance and Procurement Key purpose Strategy TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) Assurance Policy Performance Page 1 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.54 Summary 1. This paper advises the Board about the main developments regarding the Trust’s financial plans for 2015/16 that have taken place since the Board approved a draft set of plans at its meeting on 11 March. 2. The Board is asked to approve the updated financial plans for 2015/16 set out in the appendices to the paper. TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) Page 2 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) 1. Introduction 1.1 At its meeting on 11 March the Trust Board approved a set of opening financial plans for 2015/16 that enabled expenditure plans to proceed with effect from 1 April 2015. 1.2 When the Board met there remained significant uncertainties around the value of tariffs for 2015/16 and the on-going negotiations with commissioners. Therefore the Board agreed that revised financial plans, which took into account the estimated impact of the tariff decision, should be presented to Finance and Performance Committee (F&PC) at its meeting on 15 April. The Board also recognised that commissioning contracts were unlikely to have been finalised by the April meeting of the Committee and agreed that a further revised set of plans, which incorporated details of the Trust’s contracts for next year, would be presented to the Board at this meeting on 13 May. 1.3 This paper informs the Committee about the progress that has been made towards finalising the Trust’s contracts with commissioners for 2015/16. It also asks the Board to approve the updated financial plans for 2015/16 set out in the appendices to the paper. 1.4 The financial plans included within this paper are those shown in the Trust’s business plan for 2015/16 and will be included in the final set of plans due to be submitted to the Trust Development Authority (TDA) this month. 2. Assumptions within the financial plans 2.1 At its meeting on 15 April the Trust’s Finance & Performance Committee noted that the following key points and assumptions were to be included in the Trust’s final set of financial plans for 2015/16: (a) The Trust will be operating under a default tariff rollover (DTR) tariff regime for all of 2015/16 (i.e. it is assumed that there will be no in-year adjustment to prices); (b) The Trust will not receive CQUIN monies next year; (c) The Trust will receive full funding for “pass through” drugs and devices; (d) Full account has been taken of the 53% increase that the Trust will have to pay in clinical negligence scheme (CNST) contributions next year; (e) The plans use estimates to take into account the financial impact of (i) the pay award agreed for NHS staff, and (ii) the increase in employers’ superannuation contributions. (f) The plans incorporate the estimated financial impact on non-operating items of income & expenditure arising from (i) the District Valuer’s assessment of the value of the Trust’s estate as at 31 March 2015, (ii) the planned capital programme for 2015/16, and (iii) the liquidity loan the Trust will need to take out next year should its application to become a Foundation Trust be successful. TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) Page 3 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.54 2.2 The revised plans also assume that the Trust will break even on Income and Expenditure next year, rather than generating a surplus equal to 1% of turnover. 3. Agreements with commissioners 3.1 Agreements have been reached with the Trust’s two main commissioners that will form the basis for contracts for 2015/16: (a) The Trust has agreed that it will have a cost and volume contract with Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) for £292.3m and that no penalties will be applied by the commissioner for failures in operational performance. (b) The Trust has agreed that its contract with Wessex will be a “compliant” contract for £354.6m, with a separate contract of £1.9m for Hepatitis C drugs. (c) The agreement with Wessex assumes the implementation of effective QIPP schemes that are able to reduce demand for the Trust’s services by £7m. If these schemes do not generate this level of savings then the value of planned activity the Trust expects to carry out for the commissioner will be worth £366.4m. Under the terms of a compliant contract Wessex will have to pay this sum to the Trust. The current plan assumes income of £366.4m. 3.2 Agreements for 2015/16 have also been reached with most other, smaller commissioners of the Trust’s services. The Trust’s total planned level of commissioning income for 2015/16 is £768.6m. Table 1 – Planned Commissioning Income 2015/16 by Commissioner Commissioner OCCG Wessex Others Total 4. Plan 2015/16 £m 292.3 366.4 109.9 768.6 Changes to non-Operating Expenditure and Technical Adjustments 4.1 The other material changes to the plans for 2015/16 to those presented to the Board in March result from the District Valuer’s (DV) assessment of the value of the Trust’s estate as at 31 March 2015. 4.2 The report to the Board on the 2014/15 outturn explains how this valuation led to a large technical accounting impairment in the value of the Trust’s assets in 2014/15. The valuation has also meant that the estimates for some of the Trust’s nonoperating items of expenditure have also been adjusted. The impact of these changes are shown in Table 2 below: TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) Page 4 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.54 Table 2 – Changes to planned 2015/16 non-Operating Expenditure Non-EBITDA Item s Plan Plan March 2015 May 2015 Movem ent £000 £000 £000 (38,424) (35,900) Non-Operating Item s Depreciation Investment Revenue Other Gains & Losses Finance Costs PDC Dividend Payable Total - Non-Operating Item s 2,524 239 238 (1) (200) (200) (20,700) (20,494) 206 (9,182) (7,134) 2,048 (68,267) (63,490) 4,777 4.3 The changes to non-operating items also affect the technical accounting adjustments that are made when the Trust’s financial duty to break even is measured under NHS accounting rules. This is shown in Table 3: Table 3 – Changes to planned figures for technical accounting adjustments Non-EBITDA Item s Plan Plan March 2015 May 2015 Movem ent £000 £000 £000 Technical Adjustments IFRIC 12 Technical Deficit (PFI) Donated Asset Additions 5. 190 437 247 (789) (269) 520 Donated Asset Depreciation 2,439 3,408 969 Total - Technical Adjs. 1,840 3,576 1,736 Statement of Comprehensive Income 5.1 The adjustments to the original plans as set out in Sections 2 to 4 above have resulted in revisions to the Trust’s planned Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income and Expenditure Account) for 2015/16. The new planned Statement is presented in Appendix A of this paper. 6. Balance Sheet and Cashflow 6.1 The Trust plans to break even in 2015/16 instead of making the surplus proposed in the original set of plans and this has changed the planned figures for the Trust’s balance sheet and cashflow statement. As has been planned since 2012 the Trust plans to take out a so-called liquidity loan to meet Monitor’s requirements for becoming a Foundation Trust. 6.2 A revised balance sheet for 31 March 2016, and cashflow statement for 2015/16, are presented in Appendices B and C respectively. TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) Page 5 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals 7. TB2015.54 Continuity of Service Risk Rating 7.1 The calculation of Monitor’s continuity of service risk rating (CSRR), based on its revised planned Income and Expenditure and balance sheet, produce a score of “3” for the liquidity ratio and “2” for the capital servicing capacity ratio. These metrics result in an overall Trust score of “3” for 2015/16 under the criteria used by Monitor. 7.2 Appendix D shows the calculations of the Trust’s planned CSRR for the year. 8. Capital Plan 8.1 Due to the change to its Income and Expenditure position, and the impact this has upon the availability of cash, the Trust will have fewer resources to invest in capital schemes next year. Accordingly the schemes included within the 2015/16 programme have been reviewed and it is proposed that a net £6.586m of spend is postponed into subsequent years (subject to the overall affordability of future year programmes). This figure takes into account additional pressures of £0.891m identified within on-going schemes. 8.2 The original capital plan, and proposed changes to schemes, are presented in Appendix E. 9. Conclusion 9.1 The Board is asked to approve the revised financial plans presented in the appendices to this report, namely: (a) The revised Income and Expenditure plan presented in Appendix A; (b) The revised balance sheet presented in Appendix B; (c) The revised cashflow statement presented in Appendix C; (d) The revised continuity of service risk rating shown in Appendix D; and (e) The revised capital programme presented in Appendix E. Mr Mark Mansfield, Director of Finance and Procurement Mr Kevin Davis, Senior Business Partner TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) May 2015 Page 6 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals Appendix A Appendix A – Planned Statement of Comprehensive Income 2015/16 Outturn 2014/15 Incom e & Expenditure £000 Plan Plan Mar. 2015 May 2015 Mvm t £000 £000 £000 774,590 768,626 (5,964) (1,566) Incom e 760,037 11,027 145,191 916,255 Commissioning Income PP & Overseas Income Other Income Total Incom e 12,854 11,288 143,218 143,788 930,662 923,702 (6,960) 570 Expenditure (512,797) Pay (507,424) (519,427) (12,003) (329,223) Non-Pay (345,670) (344,361) 1,309 (853,094) (863,788) (10,694) 77,568 59,914 (17,654) (68,267) (63,490) 4,777 9,301 (3,576) (12,877) 1,840 3,576 1,736 11,141 0 (842,020) 74,235 (84,269) (10,034) 21,527 11,493 Total Expenditure EBITDA Non-Operating Items Retained Surplus/(Deficit) Technical Adjustments Break Even Surplus TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) (11,141) Page 7 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals Appendix B Appendix B – Balance Sheet 2015/16 Opening Balance Planned Balance Movem ent 01-Apr-15 31-Mar-16 £000 652,888 654,206 1,318 11,211 19,001 7,790 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, Plant & Equipment Intangible Assets Trade & Other Receivables 5,091 5,024 NON-CURRENT ASSETS 669,190 678,231 (67) Inventories 14,715 14,715 Trade & Other Receivables 42,212 35,941 (6,271) Cash & Cash Equivalents 79,383 70,911 (8,472) 136,310 121,567 (14,743) (129,882) (105,695) 24,187 (10,874) (11,375) (2,476) (2,476) (143,232) (119,546) 9,041 CURRENT ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade & Other Payables Borrow ings Current Provisions CURRENT LIABILITIES NET CURRENT ASSETS/(LIABILITIES) (6,922) 2,021 (501) 23,686 8,943 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrow ings (263,185) (280,998) (17,813) Trade & Other Payables (16,359) (19,464) (3,105) Non-Current Provisions (2,559) (2,559) NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES (282,103) (303,021) (20,918) TOTAL ASSETS EMPLOYED 380,165 377,231 (2,934) 208,115 208,757 25,075 21,499 145,232 145,232 1,743 1,743 380,165 377,231 FINANCED BY TAXPAYERS EQUITY Public Dividend Capital Retained Earnings Revaluation Reserve Other Reserve TOTAL TAXPAYERS EQUITY TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) 642 (3,576) (2,934) Page 8 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals Appendix C Appendix C – Cashflow Statement 2015/16 Plan 2015/16 £000 Cash Flow s from Operating Activities Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 23,977 Depreciation & Amortisation 35,900 Interest Paid (20,436) Dividend Paid (7,134) (Increase) in Trade & Other Receivables Increase in Trade & Other Payables Increase in Provisions Cash Flow from Operating Activities 6,974 (21,366) 66 17,981 Cash Flow s from Investing Activities Interest Received (Payments) for Fixed Assets Cash Flow from Investing Activities 238 (35,111) (34,873) Cash Flow s from Financing Activities Public Dividend Capital Received Capital Loans - Repayment of Principal Loans received from DH - FT Liquidity Loans Capital Element of Finance Leases & PFI Cash Flow from Financing Activities 642 (3,604) 22,000 (10,618) 8,420 Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash (8,472) Cash - Beginning of the Period 79,383 Cash - End of the Period 70,911 TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) Page 9 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals Appendix D Appendix D – Continuity of Service Risk Rating 2015/16 2015/16 Financial Criteria Measure Weight 4 3 2 1 Score Score Liquidity Ratio Days 50% 0 -7 -14 <-14 (5.2) 3 Capital Servicing Capacity Times 50% 2.5 1.75 1.25 < 1.25 1.4 2 Weighted Average 2.50 Overall Rating Calculation of Liquidity Ratio Operating Expenditure One Day's Expenditure 3 2015/16 £m (863.8) 2.40 31-Mar-16 Current Assets 121.6 Less : Inventories (14.7) Current Liabiliities (119.3) Net Liquid Assets Liquidity Ratio (Days) Calculation of Capital Servicing EBITDA Interest Receivable Surplus Available (12.4) (5.2) 2015/16 £m 59.9 0.2 60.1 2015/16 Interest Payable (20.5) Debt Repayment (14.2) PDC Dividend PDC Repayment (7.1) 0.0 Capital to be Serviced (41.8) Capital Servicing Capacity 1.4 TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) Page 10 of 11 Oxford University Hospitals Appendix E Appendix E – Revised Capital Programme 2015/16 Proposed Capital Program m e Original Revised Increase Plan Plan (Decr.) to March 2015 May 2015 Plan £000 £000 £000 Trust Funded Capital Programme Radiotherapy: Milton Keynes 500 500 Radiotherapy: Sw indon 5,549 3,549 Respiratory Ward revised plan 1,050 1,695 Refurbishment of Level 7 w ards 1,000 76 (2,000) 645 (924) Day Surgery Unit Churchill 1,227 1,172 (55) Expansion of EAU Phase 5 1,080 1,281 201 ID Ward Relocation 1,500 JR 2 theatre remodelling (IR/Trauma/Cardiac) (1,500) 50 100 1,200 1,065 (135) 900 1,505 605 EPR Implementation and staff capitalisation 1,450 1,000 (450) IT General 1,800 1,135 (665) Estates General 2,437 1,478 (959) EPR Reprocurement 3,911 3,911 Lease Buyouts 1,000 320 Small schemes - various Medical and Surgical Equipment Horton CT 2,340 2,340 Horton Endoscopy 2,000 1,914 Genomics Designation 50 (680) (86) 642 642 5,809 6,067 258 34,803 29,750 PFI Life Cycling 2,258 2,258 Welcome Centre 3,000 3,000 Energy Centre 9,000 9,000 500 500 Externally Funded Program m es 14,758 14,758 Total Capital Program m e 49,561 44,508 Schemes < £1m Trust Funded Capital Program m e (5,053) Externally Funded Programmes Lease Equipment TB2015.54 Financial Plans 2015/16 (Update) (5,053) Page 11 of 11