Trust Board Meeting: Wednesday 14 January 2015 TB2015.08 Title The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) report on complaints about Acute Trusts, and the review of Q1, Q2 nationally for 2014-15. Status For information History This is a new report. It is being presented to the Trust Board following the publication by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) on 26 November 2014. Board Lead(s) Ms Catherine Stoddart, Chief Nurse Key purpose Strategy TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Assurance Policy Performance Page 1 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Executive Summary 1. The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) published a report on 26 November 2014 entitled Complaints about acute trusts 2013-14 and Q1 and Q2 2014-15. The report forms part of the national PHSO strategy to provide transparency in relation to enquiries received and complaints investigated by the PHSO office. Trusts are encouraged to use the PHSO data and insight to improve the care they provide. 2. 3. 4. The PHSO report identified key questions to enable Trusts to better explore their approach to handling complaints. These are: • Why are some Trusts more successful than others at resolving complaints locally? • What can account for the 15-fold variation in how Trusts handle complaints? • Why are some Trusts 11 times more likely to have their complaints investigated by the PHSO than other Trusts, even after accounting for their activity levels? • And why are communication, diagnosis, and clinical care and treatment consistently ranked as the top three issues people come to the PHSO to complain about? The OUH Trust’s performance has been analysed accordingly against; • The five Trusts who have received the lowest number of complaints. • The five Trusts that have had the fewest complaints investigated by the PHSO. • The Trusts that have had the fewest complaints upheld by the PHSO. • The four Trusts within The Thames Valley area. • The Shelford Group. The report has provided the catalyst for benchmarking, confirming the Trust’s activity in relation to the PHSO’s concerns and identifying the next steps for analysis and development of the complaints management process. The next steps are to build on complaints as part of patient experience: • Consider the extension of the patient experience dashboard to include legal claims, incidents, safe staffing and staff FFT. • The presentation of the divisional patient experience dashboard for ratification at the Executive Directors’ meeting, Trust Management Executive (TME) and at the meeting of the Quality Committee in February 2015. • The inclusion of the divisional patient experience dashboard at the quarterly divisional performance reviews will enable alignment of the patient experience and quality service improvements. • The PHSO report will be presented at the January 2015 meeting of the Trust Board. • A further progress update in relation to the Patient Experience Strategy will be presented at the Quality Committee in June 2015. 5. Recommendation The Trust Board is asked to note and approve the contents of the report. TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 2 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Summary: The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) report on complaints about acute Trusts and an analysis of the complaints nationally for Q1, Q2 in 2014-15 1. Purpose 1.1. The report provides a summary of the key statistics collected regarding the enquiries and the investigations of acute Trusts in England undertaken by the PHSO. The PHSO report was published on 26 November 2014. 1.2. The report also reviews all complaints received from acute Trusts in Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 of 2014/15. 1.3. The PHSO has published this report in order to enable Trust Boards to examine and benchmark their organisation’s performance in relation to others. 2. Background 2.1. Dame Judith Mellor, OBE, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, has published her report as part of the strategy to provide transparency regarding the enquiries received and complaints investigated by the PHSO. 2.2. The number and nature of complaints offer an insight into how Trusts are performing. Any complaint that is upheld gives the Trust an opportunity to learn from its mistakes. In the previous 18 months the PHSO has upheld 44% of all complaints about Acute Trusts that they investigated. 2.3. There are many factors that influence the number of complaints received by NHS Trusts. This includes the size of the organisation, the health specialisms it manages, and patients’ demographics. If complaints data is to be useful and enable learning, it is important that this context is taken into account. 2.4. The report reminds Trusts of the need for a more personalised approach to care that welcomes feedback. This culture change is advocated to enable improved healthcare services for everyone. 2.5. The PHSO does not intend this to be a measure of quality or performance. It is intended that Trusts will use the data and insight drawn from the PHSO’s casework as an opportunity to gain insight about and improve the care they provide. 2.6. The report identifies key questions to enable Trusts to better explore their approach to handling complaints. These are; • Why are some Trusts more successful than others at resolving complaints locally? • What can account for the 15-fold variation in how many complaints Trusts handle? • Why are some Trusts 11 times more likely to have their complaints investigated by the PHSO than others, even after accounting for their activity levels? • Why are communication, diagnosis, and clinical care and treatment consistently ranked as the top three issues people come to the PHSO to complain about? TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 3 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 2.7. The PHSO records the two distinct aspects of patient experience for each complaint it investigates • The local resolution undertaken: This provides insight into why complainants are dissatisfied with the local resolution offered by Trusts. • The elements of the health care service that led people to complain. 2.8. The main issues cited with the local complaints process of acute Trusts related to an inadequate apology and a poor explanation of a decision. The additional issues were: • No acknowledgement of mistakes. • Complaint response is wrong and/or incomplete. • Unnecessary delay in handling complaints. • Inadequate financial remedy. • Inadequate systemic remedy. The first three of these can be improved internally. OUH Trust’s activity in response to the questions raised by the PHSO is outlined in Appendix 9. 2.9. A comparison of the number of complaints investigated by the PHSO with the number of written complaints made at the local level provides some insight into the effectiveness of complaint handling at each acute Trust. 2.10. On average, the PHSO investigated 2.2 complaints for every 100 written complaints received by each acute Trust. 2.11. This varied considerably. The PHSO identified that the 10 Trusts with the highest number of complaints investigated averaged 5.95 investigations per 100 written complaints. This compared with Trusts with the lowest proportion of investigations to written complaints that averaged 0.41 investigations per 100 written complaints. 2.12. The PHSO also compared the investigated complaints with clinical activity data. This was labelled as clinical incidents within the report. The Trust has clarified that the report is referring to clinical activity and not investigated clinical incidents. 2.13. The PHSO has included complaints involving multiple Trusts. This is the first time this information has been included in any reports. 2.14. The PHSO noted that those Trusts with effective local complaints processes would expect to have fewer enquiries and investigations by the PHSO. However the report notes that some Trusts openly give complainants information about how to escalate their complaint if they are not happy with the local investigation. This in turn may lead to a higher proportion of enquiries to, and investigations by the PHSO. 2.15. This Trust was commended by the CQC in the inspection in February 2014, for its transparency and openness with complainants and other agencies. 3. Overview of complaints about acute Trusts 3.1 The PHSO has listed information relating to all the acute Trusts in England. The following information has been included; TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 4 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals • The number of complaints made to Trusts. • Enquires received by the PHSO. • Enquires accepted for investigation. • PHSO investigations fully or partially upheld. • PHSO enquires per 100 complaints to Trusts. • Investigations per 100 written complaints to Trust. • Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents. • Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents. • Total number of clinical incidents recorded by Trust. TB2015.08 3.2. The PHSO has not included the number of complaints upheld or partially upheld by individual Trusts. This information is available to the PHSO and is submitted to the Health and Social Information Centre (HSCIC) in the annual KO41a complaints return to the Department of Health. Please note from 1 April 2015 the KO41a complaints data will be submitted to the HSCIC on a quarterly basis. 3.3. The PHSO recorded the number of complaints to OUH Trust as 890 between April 2013 and September 2014. OUH Trust’s performance has been analysed against; • The five Trusts who have received the fewest complaints. • The five Trusts that have had the fewest complaints upheld by the PHSO. • The Trusts with the most complaints, compared to OUH Trust. • The five Trusts within the Thames Valley area. • The Shelford Group. • The Trusts also with two PHSO investigations upheld. • The Trusts with a similar number of complaints. • Trusts with a similar level of clinical activity as the OUH Trust. 3.4. The tables relating to the Trust’s performance are presented in Appendices 1-8. 3.5. The five Trusts who have received the fewest complaints. The complete PHSO data for the five Trusts that have received the lowest number of complaints is presented in Table 1 and Chart 1 in Appendix 1. These Trusts, with the exception of the OUH Trust, are solely specialised Trusts. The Trusts have all received significantly fewer complaints than the OUH Trust. Despite this, OUH Trust compares favourably due to only two complaints being upheld by the PHSO in 2013/14. 3.6. The five Trusts that have had the fewest complaints upheld by the PHSO. The 19 Trusts with no complaints upheld by the PHSO are presented in Table 2 in Appendix 2. The Trusts in this category received between 12 and 692 complaints. The number of enquiries to the PHSO ranged from two to 67. The PHSO received 67 enquires from OUH Trust complainants. The number of enquires accepted for PHSO investigation ranged from zero to 14, and although this Trust’s number of complaints were the highest, the proportion accepted for investigation compared to other Trusts was low. TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 5 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 3.7. The Trusts with the most complaints, compared to OUH Trust. The complete PHSO data for the five Trusts who have received the highest number of complaints are presented in Table 3 and Chart 2 in Appendix 3. The proportion of OUH Trust’s complaints upheld by the PHSO was 0.22%. The range of upheld complaints in this category was between 0.07% (Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust) and 0.49% (St Bartholomew’s NHS Foundation Trust). When compared with Trusts in this category, OUH Trust was the third best performing Trust. 3.8. The five Trusts within the Thames Valley area. PHSO data for the five acute Trusts within the Thames Valley area are presented in Table 4 and Charts 3-10 in Appendix 4. OUH Trust has the highest level of clinical activity and also received the highest number of complaints compared with the other Thames Valley acute Trusts. The proportion of OUH Trust’s complaints upheld by the PHSO was 0.22%. The range of PHSO upheld investigations ranged from 0% (Royal Berkshire Hospital) to 0.37% (Buckinghamshire Health Care NHS Trust). OUH Trust was the second best performing trust in this category. 3.9. The Shelford Group. The PHSO data for the 10 Shelford group Trusts are presented in Table 5 and Charts 11-18 in Appendix 5. OUH Trust was sixth in terms of the number of complaints received. However, OUH Trust was third best performing in relation to the number of PHSO upheld investigations. 3.10. The Trusts also with two PHSO investigations upheld. The PHSO data is presented in Appendix 6. The PHSO upheld two complaints investigations for 39 Trusts including the OUH Trust. The number of complaints received by Trusts in this category ranged from 65 (Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) and 2034 (University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust). 3.11. The Trusts with similar number of complaints. The PHSO data for trusts with a similar number of complaints to OUH Trust are presented in Appendix 7, Table 7 and Charts 19-26. The number of complaints ranged from 860-895. The number of investigations partially or fully upheld ranged from 2-6. OUH Trust was the best performing on partially or fully upheld investigation as it had the lowest proportion in relation to overall number of complaints. 3.12. Trusts with a similar level of clinical activity as the OUH Trust. The PHSO data for trusts with a similar level of clinical activity as OUH are presented in Appendix 8, Table 8 and Charts 27-35. The total number of complaints ranged between 890-1192. The number of PHSO investigations partially or fully upheld ranged between two and 11. OUH Trust was the second best performing on partially or fully upheld investigation as it had the second lowest proportion in relation to overall complaints. 3.13. The PHSO’s four questions have not been answered by this data analysis; however, it does provide an indication of the success of OUH Trust’s investigation and resolution complaints process. The work undertaken by OUH Trust to address the PHSO’s concerns is presented in Table 9 in Appendix 9. 3.14. This report has provided the catalyst for benchmarking, to gain assurance of OUH Trust’s activity in relation to the PHSO’s concerns and identify the next steps for analysis and development. The next steps in terms of linking complaints to patient experience are: TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 6 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals 4. TB2015.08 • Consider the extension of the dashboard to include legal claims, incidents, safe staffing and staff FFT in order to provide a more comprehensive report. • The presentation of the divisional patient experience dashboard for ratification at the Executive Directors meeting, TME and at Quality Committee in February 2015. • The inclusion of the divisional patient experience dashboard at the quarterly divisional performance reviews to review patient experience and quality service improvements. • A further progress update in relation to the Patient Experience Strategy will be provided at the June 2015 meeting of the Trust’s Quality Committee. Conclusion 4.1. The PHSO has published her report as part of the strategy to provide transparency about the enquiries received and complaints investigated by her office. The report highlights the need for a culture change to a more personalised approach in healthcare that welcomes feedback and improves services for everyone. 4.2. The report is not intended to be a measure of quality or performance. Trusts are encouraged to use the PHSO data and insight in order to improve the care they provide. The PHSO report identified key questions to enable Trusts to better explore their approach to handling complaints. 5. Recommendation 5.1 The Executive Directors are asked to note and approve the contents of the report. Catherine Stoddart Chief Nurse Report prepared by: Caroline Heason, Safeguarding Adults and Patient Services Manager Rachel Taylor, Public Engagement Manager January 2015 TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 7 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Appendix 1: NHS Trusts in England with the fewest complaints, compared to OUH Trust, April 2013 – September 2014 Complaints made to trust Enquiries received by PHSO Enquiries accepted for investigation by PHSO Investigations fully or partly upheld Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust Royal National Hospital For Rheumatic Diseases NHS Foundation Trust 12 2 0 0 16.7 0.0 2.32 0 8607 The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust 19 2 2 0 10.5 10.5 1.42 14.19 14092 Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 48 9 2 0 18.8 4.2 2.09 4.63 43165 Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 59 11 4 0 18.6 7 4.75 17.29 23141 Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust 65 14 4 2 21.5 6 2.66 7.59 52686 Oxford University Hospitals 890 67 13 2 7.5 1.5 1.76 3.41 381294 Table 1: A comparison of OUH with the trusts with the fewest complaints comparison Source: PHSO TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 8 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 NHS Trusts in England with the fewest complaints compared to OUH Trust: April 2013 – September 2014 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 890 12 19 48 59 65 Royal The Papworth Liverpool Royal Oxford National Clatterbridge Hospital NHS Heart and Brompton University Hospital For Cancer Foundation Chest and Harefield Hospitals Hospital NHS NHS Rheumatic Centre NHS Trust Diseases NHS Foundation Foundation Foundation Foundation Trust Trust Trust Trust Chart 1: A comparison of OUH with the trusts with the fewest complaints comparison Source: PHSO TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 9 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Appendix 2: NHS Trusts in England with the fewest PHSO upheld complaints, compared to OUH Trust, April 2013 – September 2014 Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust Investigations per 100,000 clinical Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Investigations per 100 written complaints to Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust Investigations fully or partly upheld by PHSO fully or partly Enquiries accepted for investigation Enquiries received Complaints made to trust Royal National Hospital For Rheumatic Diseases NHS Foundation Trust The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Royal Surrey County NHS Foundation Trust Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Surrey and Sussex Healthcare Trust Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust 12 2 0 0 16. 7 0.0 2.32 0 8607 19 2 2 0 10. 5 10.5 1.42 14.1 9 14092 48 9 2 0 4.2 2.09 4.63 43165 66 4 2 0 18. 8 6.1 3.0 1.20 6.02 33201 80 3 0 0 3.8 0.0 0.49 0.00 61269 14 6 9 3 0 6.2 2.1 2.65 8.83 33979 18 0 18 2 19 0 22 1 38 3 41 1 42 3 12 1 0 6.7 0.6 2.25 1.87 53430 33 5 0 2.7 2.06 3.13 159942 15 7 0 18. 1 7.9 3.7 1.39 6.49 107903 21 6 0 9.5 2.7 3.17 9.07 66162 26 4 0 6.8 1.0 1.32 2.03 197375 31 7 0 7.5 1.7 1.33 3.01 232909 54 12 0 12. 8 2.8 4.57 10.1 6 118077 43 0 46 7 48 2 52 2 27 3 0 6.3 0.7 1.59 1.77 169588 15 1 0 3.2 0.2 1.15 0.77 130412 37 5 0 7.7 1.0 2.27 3.06 163321 65 14 0 12. 5 2.7 2.86 6.15 227564 62 2 52 11 0 8.4 1.8 3.28 6.93 158670 TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 10 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals Investigations per 100,000 clinical Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Investigations per 100 written complaints to Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust Investigations fully or partly upheld by PHSO fully or partly Enquiries accepted for investigation 69 2 89 0 47 13 0 6.8 1.9 1.74 4.82 269930 67 13 2 7.5 1.5 1.76 3.41 381294 Enquiries received Complaints made to trust Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Table 2: The trusts whom have had the fewest complaints upheld by the PHSO Source: Complaints about acute trusts 2013-14 and Q1, Q2 2014-15 Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 11 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Appendix 3: NHS Trusts in England with the most complaints, compared to OUH Trust, April 2013 – September 2014 13 2 7.5 1.5 Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Barts Health NHS Trust 112 6 81 20 3 7.2 1.8 119 2 120 17 2 10. 1 125 7 140 5 245 1 66 18 5 67 15 289 43 Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust 67 Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents 890 Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust Investigations fully or partly upheld by PHSO Enquiries accepted for investigation by PHSO Enquiries received by PHSO Complaints made to trust Oxford University Hospitals 1.7 6 3.6 4 3.41 1.4 3.1 3 4.44 38299 9 5.3 1.4 9.96 1 4.8 1.1 12 11. 8 1.8 3.6 5 2.3 3 4.9 9 18081 3 28726 7 57927 1 9.00 5.22 7.42 38129 4 22227 6 Table 3: The five trusts who have received the highest number of complaints Source PHSO NHS Trusts in England with the most complaints , compared to OUH Trust: April 2013 – September 2014 3000 2451 2500 2000 1500 1000 890 1126 1192 1257 1405 500 0 Oxford University Hospitals Brighton and Central Colchester Mid Yorkshire Barts Health Sussex Manchester Hospital Hospitals NHS NHS Trust University University University NHS Trust Hospitals NHS Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Foundation Trust Trust Chart 2: The five trusts who have received the highest number of complaints Source PHSO TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 12 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Appendix 4: PHSO data in the Thames Valley area acute Trusts’ complaints, April 2013 – September 2014 Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents 1 8.6 0.8 1.97 1.80 167104 411 31 7 0 7.5 1.7 1.33 3.01 232909 548 73 17 2 13.3 3.1 5.10 11.87 143223 Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 613 52 9 4 8.5 1.5 2.61 4.51 199365 Oxford University Hospitals 890 67 13 2 7.5 1.5 1.76 3.41 381294 Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust 3 Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents 33 Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust 382 Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust Enquiries accepted for investigation by PHSO Enquiries received by PHSO Investigations fully or partly upheld by PHSO Complaints made to trust Frimley Park Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Table 4: Thames Valley Complaints Comparison Source: PHSO Thames Valley Trusts: Enquiries Received by the PHSO Thames Valley Trusts: Numbers of Complaints 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 890 382 411 548 613 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 67 73 52 31 33 Chart 3: Thames Valley Trusts: Chart 4: Thames Valley Trusts: Numbers of Complaints: Source PHSO Enquires received by the PHSO: Source PHSO TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 13 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 TB2015.08 Thames Valley Trusts: Enquiries accepted for investigation by the PHSO 13 4 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 9 7 Thames Valley Trust Investigations fully or partly upheld by the PHSO 17 3 Chart 5: Enquiries accepted for investigation by the PHSO 2 1 0 Chart 6: Investigations fully or partly upheld by the PHSO Thames Valley Trusts: PHSO Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust Thames Valley Trusts: Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust 13.3 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7.5 7.5 8.5 8.6 1.5 1.5 1.7 0.8 Thames Valley Trusts: PHSO investigations per 100,000 clinical activity 5.1 1.33 3.1 t Thames Valley Trusts: PHSO enquiries per 10,000 clinical activity 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Chart 8: PHSO: Investigations per 100 written complaints Chart 7: PHSO Enquiries per 100 complaints t t 2 1.76 1.97 2.61 Chart 9: PHSO Enquiries per 10,000 clinical activity TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 11.87 1.8 3.01 3.41 4.51 Chart 10: PHSO investigations per 100,000 clinical activity Page 14 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Appendix 5: PHSO data on Shelford Group Trust Complaints, April 2013 – September 2014 Enquiries received by PHSO Enquiries accepted for investigation by PHSO Investigations fully or partly upheld by PHSO Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust Investigations per 100,Y000 clinical incidents Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust 465 68 19 2 14.6 4.1 2.65 7.40 256771 University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust 664 70 14 2 10.5 2.1 3.21 6.43 217769 The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 702 97 29 3 13.8 4 1.95 5.83 497003 University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 788 108 19 2 13.7 2.4 3.12 5.48 346409 Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 884 106 16 2 12.0 1.8 2.79 4.20 380584 Oxford University Hospitals 890 67 13 2 7.5 1.5 1.76 3.41 381294 Guy's and St Thomas' 926 93 17 4 10.0 1.8 2.74 5.01 339436 Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 949 101 19 1 10.6 2.0 2.20 4.13 459675 King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 980 178 24 5 18.2 2.4 4.80 6.47 370820 Central Manchester University Hospitals 119 2 120 17 2 10.1 1.4 3.13 4.44 382999 Investigations per 100Y written complaints to trust Complaints made to trust Cambridge University Hospitals Table 5: Shelford Complaints Comparison Source: PHSO Shelford Group Trusts: Numbers of Complaints 1400 1192 1200 980 884 890 926 949 1000 702 788 664 800 600 465 400 200 0 Chart 11: Numbers of complaints TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Shelford Group Trusts: PHSO enquiries 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 67 68 70 93 108 97 101 106 Chart 12: PHSO enquiries Page 15 of 29 178 120 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Shelford Group Trusts: Enquiries accepted for Investigation by the PHSO Shelford Group Trusts: Investigations fully or partly upheld by the PHSO 6 35 29 30 24 25 20 15 13 14 16 17 17 19 19 4 4 19 3 3 2 2 10 5 1 0 0 Chart 13: Enquiries accepted for Investigation by the PHSO Shelford Group Trusts: Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 5 5 10 10.1 10.5 10.6 12 13.7 13.8 7.5 Chart 15: Enquiries per 100 complaints to Trust TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report 2 2 2 2 1 Chart 14: Investigations fully or partly upheld by the PSHO Shelford Group Trusts: Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust 18.2 14.6 2 4.5 4 4.1 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.8 2 2.1 2.4 2.4 1 0.5 0 Chart 16: Investigations per 100 written complaints to Trust Page 16 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals Shelford Group Trusts: Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents TB2015.08 Shelford Group Trusts: Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents 6 4.8 5 7.4 8 6.47 6.43 7 5.48 5.83 6 5.01 4.13 4.2 4.44 5 4 3.41 3 2 1 0 Chart 17: Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report 4 3 2 2.2 1.761.95 2.652.742.79 1 0 Chart 18: Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Page 17 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Appendix 6: Trusts also with 2 PHSO investigations upheld Complaints made to trust Enquiries received by PSHO Enquiries accepted for investigation by PSHO Investigations fully or partly upheld by PSHO Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust by PHSO Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 279 19 3 2 6.8 1.1 1.66 2.62 114526 Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 110 20 2 2 18.2 1.8 2.64 2.64 75868 Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust 564 63 7 2 11.2 1.2 2.86 3.17 220513 Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 465 68 19 2 14.6 4.1 2.65 7.40 256771 Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 119 2 120 17 2 10.1 1.4 3.13 4.44 382999 Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 356 40 9 2 11.2 2.5 2.99 6.72 133910 Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 805 32 9 2 4.0 1.1 2.27 6.40 140706 Croydon Health Services NHS Trust 705 62 5 2 8.8 0.7 4.62 3.73 134184 Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 681 48 10 2 7.0 1.5 1.94 4.03 247954 Ealing Hospital NHS Trust 223 21 1 2 9.4 0.4 2.49 1.19 84381 East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 521 57 17 2 10.9 3.3 2.96 8.83 192541 George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust 326 28 7 2 8.6 2.1 3.42 8.56 81778 Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children NHS Foundation Trust 123 23 6 2 18.7 5 3.30 8.61 69688 TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 18 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Complaints made to trust Enquiries received by PSHO Enquiries accepted for investigation by PSHO Investigations fully or partly upheld by PSHO Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust by PHSO Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust 215 36 8 2 16.7 3.7 3.67 8.15 98122 Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 548 73 17 2 13.3 3.1 5.1 0 11.87 143223 Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 789 51 7 2 6.5 0.9 1.72 2.36 297217 Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 884 106 16 2 12.0 1.8 2.79 4.20 380584 James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 266 30 9 2 11.3 3.4 2.42 7.27 123824 Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 228 27 3 2 11.8 1.3 1.87 2.08 144206 Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 395 38 6 2 9.6 1.5 3.05 4.82 124482 North Bristol NHS Trust 755 92 15 2 12.2 2.0 4.49 7.32 205052 North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust 365 43 9 2 11.8 2.5 2.81 5.89 152919 North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust 319 34 15 2 10.7 5 2.65 11.68 128479 Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust 537 62 4 2 11.5 0.7 2.97 1.91 209025 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust 890 67 13 2 7.5 1.5 1.76 3.41 381294 Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 502 39 6 2 7.8 1.2 2.16 3.33 180165 Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust 860 64 20 2 7.4 2.3 2.84 8.86 225693 TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 19 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Complaints made to trust Enquiries received by PSHO Enquiries accepted for investigation by PSHO Investigations fully or partly upheld by PSHO Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust by PHSO Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust 65 14 4 2 21.5 6 2.66 7.59 52686 Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust 663 90 12 2 13.6 1.8 3.36 4.48 267644 Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust 444 47 17 2 10.6 3.8 2.08 7.51 226374 St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust 325 25 6 2 7.7 1.8 1.38 3.31 181283 Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 412 34 5 2 8.3 1.2 2.91 4.27 116985 The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn. NHS Foundation Trust 569 35 6 2 6.2 1.1 2.57 4.41 136201 The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust 402 69 14 2 17.2 3.5 2.85 5.79 241810 University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 788 108 19 2 13.7 2.4 3.12 5.48 346409 University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust 664 70 14 2 10.5 2.1 3.21 6.43 217769 University Hospitals Of Leicester NHS Trust 203 4 101 19 2 5.0 0.9 2.51 4.73 401821 Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 422 66 15 2 15.6 3.6 4.77 10.85 138243 West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust 619 49 8 2 7.9 1.3 2.84 4.63 172640 Table 6: Trusts with two PHSO investigations upheld source: PHSO TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 20 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Appendix 7: The Trusts with similar number of complaints (the range is between 860 and 895 complaints) Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents 2 7.4 2.3 2.84 8.86 225693 868 84 18 8 9.7 2.1 4.63 9.91 181593 883 43 17 5 4.9 1.9 2.32 9.16 185520 884 106 16 2 12.0 1.8 2.79 4.20 380584 890 67 13 2 7.5 1.5 1.76 3.41 381294 East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 895 102 25 6 11.4 2.8 2.69 6.60 378869 Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust 20 Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust Enquiries accepted for investigation by PHSO 64 Investigations fully or partly upheld by PHSO Enquiries received by PHSO 860 Complaints made to trust Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Southend University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust Table 7: Trusts with a similar number of complaints source: PHSO TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 21 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Enquiries received for Trusts with similar numbers of complaints 120 102 106 100 84 80 60 Trusts with similar numbers of complaints 64 900 890 883 884 880 67 870 43 40 860 20 850 0 840 890 895 868 860 Chart 19: Enquiries received for Trusts with Chart 20: Trusts with similar numbers of similar numbers of complaints complaints Enquiries accepted for investigation for Trusts with similar numbers of complaints 30 25 25 20 15 13 16 17 18 20 10 5 0 Investigations fully or partly upheld for Trusts with similar numbers of complaints 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8 5 2 2 6 2 Chart 21: Enquiries for investigation for Chart 22: Investigations fully or partly upheld Trusts with similar numbers of complaints for Trusts with similar numbers of complaints TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 22 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Enquiries per 100 complaints for Trusts with similar numbers of complaints 14 11.4 12 12 9.7 10 2.5 1.5 4.9 2.8 3 2 7.4 7.5 8 6 Investigations per 100 written complaints to Trusts with similar numbers of complaints 1.8 1.5 1.9 2.1 2.3 1 4 2 0.5 0 0 Chart 23: Enquiries per 100 complaints for Chart 24: Investigations per 100 written Trusts with similar numbers of complaints complaints to Trusts with similar numbers of complaints Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents for Trusts with similar numbers of complaints 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents for Trusts with similar numbers of complaints 4.63 12 8.86 9.16 10 1.76 2.32 2.69 2.79 2.84 8 6 4 9.91 6.6 3.41 4.2 2 0 Chart 25: Enquiries per 10,000 clinical Chart 26: Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents for Trusts with similar incidents for Trusts with similar numbers of numbers of complaints complaints TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 23 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Appendix 8: Trusts with the same level of clinical activity as OUH (The range is between 370820 and 382999) Enquiries accepted for investigation by PHSO Investigations fully or partly upheld by PHSO Enquiries per 100 complaints to trust Investigations per 100 written complaints to trust 178 24 5 18.2 2.4 4.80 6.47 370820 Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 813 112 31 11 13.8 3.8 2.96 8.20 378255 East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 895 102 25 6 11.4 2.8 2.69 6.60 378869 Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 1066 118 15 3 11.1 1.4 3.10 3.94 380315 Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 884 106 16 2 12.0 1.8 2.79 4.20 380584 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust 890 67 13 2 7.5 1.5 1.76 3.41 381294 Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 1192 120 17 2 10.1 1.4 3.13 4.44 382999 Total number of clinical incidents recorded by trust Enquiries received by PHSO 980 Investigations per 100,00 clinical incidents Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents Complaints made to trust King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Table 8: Trusts with the same level of clinical activity as OUH source: PHSO TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 24 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Total number of clinical episodes recorded by Trust (in thousands, to nearest) 384 382 380 378 376 374 372 370 368 366 364 378 379 380 Number of complaints to Trusts with similar activity levels 383 381 381 1400 1200 1000 800 813 884 890 895 980 1192 1066 600 371 400 200 0 Chart 27: Total Number of clinical episodes Chart 28: Number of complaints to Trusts with recorded by Trust (in thousands, to nearest) similar activity levels Enquiries received for Trusts with similar activity levels Enquiries accepted for investigation for Trusts with similar activity levels 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 178 35 31 30 112 118 120 102 106 67 24 25 25 20 15 13 17 15 16 10 5 0 Chart 29: Enquiries received for Trusts with Chart 30: Enquiries accepted for investigation similar activity levels for Trusts with similar activity levels TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 25 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Investigations fully or partly upheld for Trusts with similar activity levels Enquiries per 100 complaints for Trusts with similar activity levels 11 12 10 8 5 6 4 2 2 2 2 6 3 0 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 18.2 10.1 12 11.1 11.4 13.8 7.5 Chart 31: Investigations fully or partly upheld Chart 32: Enquiries per 100 complaints for for Trusts with similar activity levels Trusts with similar activity levels Investigations per 100 written complaints to Trusts with similar activity levels Enquiries per 10,000 clinical incidents for Trusts with similar activity levels 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 3.8 2.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 2.8 1.8 6 4.8 5 4 3 2 2.69 2.79 2.96 3.1 3.13 1.76 1 0 Chart 33: Investigations per 100 written Chart 34: Enquiries per 10,000 clinical complaints to Trusts with similar activity incidents for Trusts with similar activity levels levels TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 26 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents for Trusts with similar activity levels 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Chart 35: Investigations per 100,000 clinical incidents for Trusts with similar activity levels TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 27 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals TB2015.08 Appendix 9: Activity undertaken by the Trust in response to the PHSO’s questions PHSO question Activity undertaken by the Trust. Why are some trusts more 1. successful than others at resolving complaints locally? OUH Trust’s complaints algorithm has been completed and presented at the Trust Management Executive (TME) and will be launched at the Chief Nurses Grand Round in February 2015. This will be embedded throughout the Trust using the ‘Model for Improvement’ approach. 2. Complaints investigation and resolution training by Bond Solon LLP for 40 members of staff during January and February 2015. 3. OUH Trust reports on the number of reopened complaints each month. The Board Quality Report includes the trend of reopened complaints from May 2014 to November 2014. 4. The Patient Experience Team have produced a Trust wide level dashboard. This details all the patient experience information including Friends and Family Test (FFT), complaints, PALS and compliments. This is supported by a narrative. The team has also developed a divisional based patient experience report. It is envisaged that this report will be produced on a quarterly basis and facilitate a more productive analysis of patient experience at the divisional governance groups and the quarterly divisional performance reviews. This style of report will be presented to the Executive Directors, TME and to Quality Committee in February 2015. 5. OUH Trust is developing an electronic FFT methodology and this will be piloted across Outpatients, Day Case and either the Emergency Department or Maternity Services. This methodology yields a higher response rate with real time electronic reporting; thus enabling ward and department teams to review their patient experience feedback within a very short timescale. This enables team leaders to rectify and resolve concerns early on. This approach will not eradicate complaints but does give teams a more timely gauge of patient and carer experience. 6. The complaints team are reviewing the complaints subject codes in conjunction with the Organisational Development Team. This work will also include a complaints coding using the Trust values. It is envisaged the new coding will be distributed for consultation on the 8 December 2014. What can account for the 1. 15-fold variation in how trusts handle complaints? OUH Trust has benchmarked the complaints algorithm and complaints codes against the Shelford group and other national acute Trusts. This has enabled the Trust to learn from best practice. 2. OUH Trust is a member of the National Complaints Network which shares good practice. 3. OUH Trust has joined the National Complaints Benchmark Satisfaction Survey. This is administered by the Patients Association and the national benchmarking team. Feedback from patients indicates that they are reluctant to give their views to the Trust regarding the coordination and resolution of their complaint and prefer to give their views to an independent organisation. TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 28 of 29 Oxford University Hospitals PHSO question TB2015.08 Activity undertaken by the Trust. Why are some trusts 11 1. times more likely to have their complaints investigated by [the PHSO] than others, even after accounting for their activity levels? The complaints algorithm, complaints training and PALS escalation and resolution model is designed to resolve concerns complaints early and on the first time of complaint submission. The Trust monitors the number of reopened complaints in an active drive to reduce the number, as this is an indicator of the satisfaction with the complaints investigation and resolution process. And why are 1. communication, diagnosis, and clinical care and treatment consistently ranked as the top three issues people come to the PHSO to complain about? The reasons for complaints to the Trust echo those of the PHSO’s findings. There are two important factors in reducing the number of complaints highlighted by the PHSO. a. Accurate recording which facilitates the Trust and divisions to analyse the reasons for their complaints. As discussed above, the Trust is reviewing and updating the complaints codes. This includes the inclusion of the Trust’s six values. b. The development of programmes to reduce the complaints of this nature. One element of this is the Compassionate Care Programme. This has seven elements, some of which have already been described; • The bespoke Compassionate Care course developed by the Trust’s Values into Action Project Manager with VBA consulting. The methodology used is ‘train the trainer’, to ensure sustainability. This will augment and complement the Values Based Interviewing and Values Based Conversations projects. • The externally delivered customer care training for Outpatients staff utilising the Trust’s outpatients’ standards. • Complaints Investigator Training to deliver a patient centred complaints service. • Complaints satisfaction surveys and national benchmarking with NHS Trusts in conjunction with NHS Benchmarking and the Patients Association • Chief Nurse’s Complaints Review: This has incorporated the development of a comprehensive algorithm to guide the organisation in the coordination, administration, investigation and learning from complaints. It incorporates key learning from the Francis Enquiry and Berwick Report: • Development of a Trust DVD/video on customer care and the Trust’s values. Table 9: The work undertaken by the Trust to answer the questions posed by the PHSOs TB2015.08 PHSO Complaints report Page 29 of 29