TB2012.34 Trust Board Meeting: Thursday 3 May 2012 TB2012.34 Title Financial Performance to 31 March 2012 Status A paper for information History Regular monthly report Board Lead(s) Mr Mark Mansfield, Director of Finance and Procurement Key purpose Strategy Error! AutoText entry not defined. Assurance Policy Performance 1 Oxford University Hospitals TB2012.34 Summary This paper reports on the Trust’s financial position for 2011/12. The financial position is subject to audit and therefore may differ from the final published figures for the year. Key points to note: 1 The Trust achieved its target surplus for the year and therefore met its financial duty to break even. (See page 3) 2 The Trust delivered 98% of its total savings target for the year. (Page 9) 3 The Trust underspent against its Capital Resource Limit (CRL) for the year by £2.4m and therefore also met its financial duty not to overshoot this target. (Page 10) Error! AutoText entry not defined. 2 Oxford University Hospitals TB2012.34 TB2012.34 Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income & Expenditure Account) Year to Date Revised Plan £000 Actual Variance £000 £000 Commissioning income exceeded plan as the result of over-performance against initial PCT contracts (see Page 8). Income Commissioning & RTA 623,564 647,454 11,350 11,514 164 121,669 125,177 3,508 756,583 784,145 27,562 Pay (405,194) (422,591) (17,397) Non-Pay (280,463) (292,040) (11,577) (685,657) (714,631) (28,974) 70,926 69,514 (1,412) Depreciation (34,694) (34,850) Impairments (308) PP & Overseas Other Income Total Income 23,890 Expenditure Total Expenditure EBITDA Investment Revenue Other Gains & Losses Finance Costs PDC Dividend Payable Retained Surplus 115 (156) 2,328 2,636 135 20 (179) (159) 20 (21,369) (20,471) 898 (8,404) (8,894) (490) 6,087 7,603 1,516 IFRIC12 Technical Deficit 526 Impairments 308 (2,328) (2,636) Donated Asset Adjustment 230 1,442 1,212 7,151 7,157 6 Performance against Break Even Duty Error! AutoText entry not defined. 440 The Trust made a surplus of £0.4m in March (as measured against its break even duty) and ended the year £6,000 better than plan. The adjustment for donated assets reflects the fact that the Department of Health changed the way these assets were to be accounted for by the NHS in 2011/12 but agreed that this would not impact against Trust break even duties (see Page 4). The Trust’s year-to-date EBITDA is 8.9% of turnover. This is slightly below the target the Trust set itself at the start of 2011/12 of 9.3%. As an aspirant Foundation Trust, the organisation should aim to achieve this target in the future since EBITDA performance is integral to the Financial Risk Rating (FRR) that Monitor applies. Missing the EBITDA reflects the fact that the Trust achieved its overall income and expenditure target but not quite in the way originally planned. EBITDA is a measure of the value generated by the Trust’s operations but is impacted where the Trust uses some non-operational sources to achieve its financial duties. The financial position is subject to audit and therefore may differ from the final published figures for the year. (86) 3 Oxford University Hospitals TB2012.34 TB2012.34 Statement of Comprehensive Income – The Retained Surplus & the Break Even Duty Actual £000 Retained Surplus IFRIC12 Technical Deficit 7,603 440 Impairments (2,328) Donated Asset Adjustment 1,442 Performance against Break Even Duty The retained surplus includes all income received, and expenditure incurred, by the Trust during the year. It will be the “bottom line” in the Trust’s Statement of Comprehensive Income (or Income & Expenditure Account) in the Trust’s final, audited financial statements. However the Department of Health (DH) does not use the retained surplus to assess whether or not Trusts have complied with their financial duty to break even but, instead, measures the surplus once certain technical items have been excluded. These items are: The additional cost charged to the I&E account following the adoption by the NHS of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and which meant that Private Finance Initiative (PFI) assets that were not previously on Trusts’ balance sheets are now regarded as on-balance sheet assets; Impairments; and 7,157 The impact on income and expenditure that has occurred as the result of the NHS changing the way donated assets are to be accounted for from 2011/12 onwards. The Trust has three PFI schemes and the impact on the I&E account that has resulted from the adoption of IFRS varies from scheme to scheme. In 2011/12 the effect is that the retained surplus was £440,000 below the level that would have been reported had the accounts continued to be consistent with UK GAAP (generally agreed accounting policies – the financial standards used by the NHS prior to its adoption of IFRS in 2009/10). The DV revalued all of the Trust’s land and buildings as at 31 March 2012. If the DV’s value is lower than the net book value of the asset included within the Trust’s balance sheet then a further impairment charge may need to be made against the I&E Account. Impairments are an item of expenditure that reduces the retained surplus but is excluded from the break even surplus. Any reversals of impairments that have occurred in previous years benefit the Trust’s retained surplus but have no impact on the Trust’s break even duty. The change in accounting for donated assets could affect the retained surplus in two ways. Firstly the Trust can no longer release funds from the Donated Asset Reserve to match deprecation on donated assets and therefore, instead of being cost neutral, there is a charge against the I&E Account. Secondly the Trust can now treat new donated asset additions as a revenue item which benefits the retained surplus but would need to be excluded from the break even surplus. Error! AutoText entry not defined. 4 Oxford University Hospitals TB2012.34 TB2012.34 Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet) Opening Balance Closing Balance 01-Apr-11 31-Mar-12 Movement NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, Plant and Equipment 703,411 696,398 Intangible Assets 4,253 7,301 Trade and Other Receivables 4,259 3,742 (517) 711,923 707,441 (4,482) Inventories 13,014 12,761 Trade and Other Receivables 28,746 36,392 70 70 25,799 43,884 18,085 67,559 93,107 25,548 67,559 93,107 25,548 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS (7,013) 3,048 CURRENT ASSETS Other Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS (253) 7,646 CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and Other Payables DH Working Capital Loan DH Capital Loan (86,848) (100,707) (3,332) (3,326) (13,859) 6 (1,404) (1,404) (12,352) (12,626) (274) (3,641) (8,421) (4,780) (107,577) (126,484) (18,907) NET CURRENT ASSETS/(LIABILITIES) (40,018) (33,377) 6,641 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 671,905 674,064 2,159 Borrowings Provisions for Liabilities and Charges TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES DH Working Capital Loan (3,326) DH Capital Loan (9,215) (7,811) 1,404 (303,510) (291,503) 12,007 Borrowings Trade and Other Payables Provisions for Liabilities and Charges TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL ASSETS EMPLOYED Retained Earnings Revaluation Reserve Other Reserve TOTAL TAXPAYERS EQUITY Error! AutoText entry not defined. Current Receivables increased in the year, but the year-end figure was much lower than those reported in earlier months following settlements made in March by NHS commissioners of amounts outstanding. The increase in cash reflects both the fact that the Trust generated a surplus in the year and that it spent less on capital than the depreciation charge made to the income and expenditure account. Trade & Other Payables increased during the year but fell during March, reflecting the clearance of backlog NHS creditor issues. The reduction in net borrowing reflects the repayments made during the year on the capital element of the contracts with the Trust’s PFI providers. These repayments are made through the monthly PFI unitary payments. The Trust received additional Public Dividend Capital of £2.96m as a contribution towards the capital development of the NICU building. 3,326 (630) (1,364) (1,565) (1,426) (734) 139 (318,246) (302,104) 16,142 353,659 371,960 18,301 The surplus on the Statement of Comprehensive Income is included within increase in Retained Earnings. The Trust also disposed of some equipment assets that still had an amount included in the Revaluation Reserve, and this resulted in a small transfer from that reserve to retained Earnings. The increase in the Revaluation Reserve reflects the increase in asset values following the DV’s valuation on 31 March. FINANCED BY TAXPAYERS EQUITY Public Dividend Capital Non-Current Assets reduced in the year because depreciation on the existing asset base exceeded both new capital additions and the increases to land and building values that resulted from their assessment by the District Valuer (DV) at 31 March 2012. 203,912 206,873 2,961 7,913 15,600 7,687 140,091 147,744 7,653 1,743 1,743 353,659 371,960 The balance sheet is subject to audit and therefore may differ from the final published figures for the year. 18,301 5 Oxford University Hospitals TB2012.34 TB2012.34 Statement of Cashflows Full Year The Trust’s cash holdings increased by £25.8m over the course of 2011/12. £000 Cash Flows from Operating Activities Operating Surplus/(Deficit) 36,992 Depreciation and Amortisation 34,850 Impairments and Reversals Interest Paid Dividend Paid (2,328) (20,436) (8,983) Receipt of Donated Assets (45) (Increase)/Decrease in Inventories 253 (Increase)/Decrease in Trade and Other Receivables (7,138) Increase/(Decrease) in Trade and Other Payables 13,448 Increase/(Decrease) in Provisions Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities The increase was principally generated because the cash earned by the Trust through its depreciation charges (£34.9m) exceeded that spent on capital (£19.7m). The Trust’s cash position was also strengthened because a surplus was generated in the year. The cashflow position is subject to audit and therefore may differ from the final published figures for the year. 4,599 51,212 Cash Flows from Investing Activities Interest Received (Payments) for Property, Plant and Equipment (Payments) for Intangible Assets 145 (14,203) (3,420) Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities (17,478) NET CASH FLOW BEFORE FINANCING 33,734 Cash Flows from Financing Activities Public Dividend Capital Received Capital Investment Loans - Repayment of Principal Working Capital Loans - Repayment of Principal Capital Element of Finance Leases and PFI Net Cash Flow from Financing 2,961 (1,404) (3,332) (13,874) (15,649) Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash 18,085 Cash at the Beginning of the Period 25,799 Cash at the End of the Period 43,884 Error! AutoText entry not defined. 6 Oxford University Hospitals TB2012.34 TB2012.34 Analysis of Activity and Activity-Related Income Year-to-Date Elective (incl. day cases) YTD Plan 95,158 YTD Actual 101,494 Emergency 107,431 Outpatient 780,253 4,550,156 Activity Other YTD Diff. 6,337 YTD Diff. % 6.7% 113,232 5,801 5.4% 832,587 52,334 6.7% 4,819,964 269,808 5.9% Year-to-Date Income Activity YTD Plan £000 YTD Actual £000 YTD Diff. £000 YTD Diff. % Elective (incl. day cases) 136,002 142,771 6,769 5.0% Emergency 161,959 168,049 6,090 3.8% Outpatient Other 95,764 101,536 5,772 6.0% 206,860 210,515 3,655 1.8% 600,585 622,871 22,286 3.7% The Trust exceeded plan across all areas of activity and generated 2.7% more income than planned in the year. Due to “case mix” and, in some areas, the application of marginal rates of remuneration, the Trust does not earn the same level of additional funding in percentage terms when compared to the additional work it carries out over and above planned levels. Error! AutoText entry not defined. 7 Oxford University Hospitals TB2012.34 TB2012.34 Analysis of Income by Commissioner Revised YTD YTD Var. Plan Actual Variance YTD £000 £000 £000 % 367,882 378,605 10,723 2.9% South Central Specialised Commission. 79,232 81,929 2,697 3.4% Northamptonshire PCT 19,013 20,014 1,001 5.3% East Midlands Specialised Commission. 16,733 18,065 1,332 8.0% South West Specialised Commission. 21,135 20,404 (731) (3.5%) Berkshire West PCT 15,674 13,636 (2,038) (13.0%) Milton Keynes PCT Commissioner NHS Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire 12,907 14,773 1,866 14.5% Swindon PCT 5,636 6,082 446 7.9% Bedfordshire PCT 4,394 5,124 730 16.6% NCG Kidney & Pancreatic Transplantation 4,211 4,500 289 6.9% Berkshire East PCT 1,623 1,758 135 8.3% Warwickshire PCT 5,413 5,488 75 1.4% 62,348 72,460 10,112 16.2% 616,201 642,838 26,637 4.3% Others (including non-Contract Income) Total Error! AutoText entry not defined. 8 The over-performance against the NHS Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire contract is in line with the agreement on the year-end position reached with the Commissioners. Additional funds were received in March from a variety of commissioners to settle the year end position and this is reflected in the “others” category reported in this table. Oxford University Hospitals TB2012.34 TB2012.34 Analysis of the Savings Programme for 2011/12 Target Actual Variance £000 £000 £000 FYE of 2010/11 schemes 10,560 10,560 Divisional General Efficiency 12,411 19,935 7,524 4,403 4,579 176 Procurement Staff Productivity: Review of Specialist Nurses 100 67 (33) 2,000 423 (1,577) 500 303 (197) 6,577 2,263 (4,314) Outpatients - Use of Clinics 500 25 (475) Reduce Pre-Op. LOS 400 Agency Consultant Job Plans Radiology Retention Other Workforce Measures Medicines Management Productive Theatres Estates Management 400 (400) (400) 3,500 3,438 (62) 999 185 (814) 700 467 (233) Ward Moves 1,200 923 (277) Reduce 18 Week Premium Costs 7,000 7,000 R & D Income 1,500 1,500 Former NOC Schemes 5,625 5,551 (74) 58,375 57,219 (1,156) Grand Total The Trust delivered £57.2m in savings year-to-date. This represents 98% of the overall target for the year. Error! AutoText entry not defined. 9 Oxford University Hospitals TB2012.34 Performance against the Trust’s Capital Resource Limit (CRL) £000 Capital Resource Limit 2011/12 £000 22,761 Capital Expenditure 2011/12 Buildings Equipment 4,090 10,720 Information Technology 2,817 Other 3,420 The Trust’s Capital Resource Limit (CRL) for 2011/12 was £22.8m. One of the financial duties that Trusts must comply with is that they are not allowed to overshoot their CRL. The Trust spent £21.0m cash on capital items in the year. However £0.7m of this was funded from donations and grants. 21,047 Less: Grants & Donations Total Charge Against the CRL Under/(Over) Spend against CRL (690) 20,357 The Trust therefore spent £2.4m less on capital than its limit. Hence it met this financial duty for the year. 2,404 Conclusion The Board is asked to note the content of this report. Mr Mark Mansfield, Director of Finance and Procurement Mr Kevin Davis, Senior Business Partner April 2012 Error! AutoText entry not defined. 10