PEER TUTOR ATTENDANCE SHEET ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT & TUTORING SERVICES | ROHRBACH LIBRARY 3 0 | (610) 683 -4207 | TUTOR@KUTZTOW N.EDU Tutor’s Name: Tutor’s Signature: Week: Please record all tutoring sessions on this sheet and return it every week by Friday at 4 p.m. Any tutoring after this day/time will go on your next time sheet. This is used for Tutoring Services reporting and it does not replace the requirement to submit hours via Student Payroll’s e-Time in order to get paid. Please enter eTime each week by Friday to ensure not missing the deadline for entries. Attendance Sheets MUST be handed in WEEKLY in order for your time to be approved in eTime. If a tutee does not show to a meeting, you get paid for 15 minutes. Please indicate this on your time sheet by listing the date, times, student name and by writing “no show” in ‘Goals Met’. Date Time In Time Out Topic(s) discussed ______________ TOTAL HOURS Goals Met Student Name (Please Print) Student Signature ____________________ TOTAL # OF TUTEES