UNCTAD!RDPjSEUj2 UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT Geneva Selected statistical tables on the economy of the occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip) Prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat UNITED NATIONS UNCTAD/RDP/SEU/2 UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT Geneva Selected statistical tables on the economy of the occupied Pale,stinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip) Prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat UNITED NATIONS New York, 1989 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters c6mbined with fIgures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. * * * The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal states of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. * * * Material in this publication may be freely quoted or reprinted, but acknowledgement is requested, together with a reference to the document number. A copy of the publication containing the quotation or reprint should be sent to the UNCTAD secretariat. UNCTAD/RDP/SEU/2 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No. E.89.II.D.9 ISBN 92-1-112275-9 00600P - iii - NOT E This document contains the third of a selected series of statistics compiled on the economy of the occupied Palestinian territory as part of the data 'base of the UNCTAD Special Economic Unit (Palestinian people). It updates. complements and further develops information presented in earlier documents in this series, namely, UNCTAD/ST/SEU/l and UNCTAD/ST/sEU/4. In the absence of reliable alternative sources, these tables are largely based on official data published by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. The information contained in this document will be updated as and when new data becomes available. For an analysis of some of the data contained, reference may be made to "Recent economic developments in the occupied Palestinian teritories, with special reference to the external trade sector" (TD/B/l183). ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS The term dollar ($) refers to United States dollars. The term NIS refers to new Israeli shekels. The term OPT refers to the occupied Palestinian territory; WB refers to the West Bank and GS refers to the Gaza Strip. oblique stroke (/) fiscal or crop year. An Two dots ( .. ) indicate separately reported. between two years, that the data are e.g. 198011981, signifies not available, or A dash (-) indicates that the amount is nil or negligible. The symbol (\) indicates figures in percentages. are a not - vLIST OF TABLES POPULATION, LABOUR FORCE AND EMPLOYMENT Table 1. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), population estimates and sources of its growth, 1967-1987 1 Table 2. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), population, aged 14 and above, by labour force characteristics, 1980--1987 2 Table 3. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), employed persons, by selected economic sector and place of work, 1970, 1975, 1980-1987 3 NATIONAL ACCOUNTS Table 4. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), industrial origin of gross domestic product at factor cost, 1980-1986 (selected years) 4 Table 5. Occupied Palestinian territory (west Bank and Gaza Strip), gross domestic product, factor income, gross national product, current transfers, national disposable income, 1980-1986 5 Table 6. Occupied Palestinian territory (west Bank and Gaza Strip), savings, private consumption expenditure and capital formation, 1980-1986 6 Table 7. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), gross domestic capital formation by sector and type of asset, 1980-1986 7 INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE Table 8. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), agricultural output, inputs, income and employment, 1980-1987 8 Table 9. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), industrial revenue and employment by selected branches, 1980-1987 9 - vi - BALANCE OF PAYMENTS AND EXTERNAL TRADE Table 10. occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), balance of payments estimates, 1980-1987 10 Table 11. occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), volume and direction of merchandise trade by major markets. 1980-1987 11 Table 12. Occupied Palestinian territory (west Bank and Gaza Strip), exports by market and commodity composition (major groups) 1980-1986 12 Table 13. Occupied Palestinian territory (west Bank and Gaza Strip), imports by market and commodity composition (major groups) 1980--86 13 Table 14. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), production of agricultural commodities and entry to Jordan, by selected crops, 1979/801986/87 14 - 1 Table 1. Occueied Palestinian territor~ ~West Bank and Gaza StriE~. Poeulation estimates and sources of its growth. 1967-1987 Year 1967~1 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987g1 1967~1 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979£/ 1980 1981 1982~1 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987g1 Population at beginning of period (OOO's) Natural increase (OOO's) Balance of population movement (OOO's) 595.9 585.9 583.1 597.9 607.8 622.6 633.5 652.4 669.7 675.2 683.3 695.7 708.0 718.6 724.3 732.7 749.3 771.8 793.4 815.5 837.7 3.0 13.0 13.5 14.9 17 .3 18.1 18.7 20.1 20.6 22.5 22.7 21.6 23.3 22.9 23.2 24.5 2S.2 27.4 27.1 27.S WEST BANK -13.0 -15.8 1.3 -5.0 - 2.5 -7.3 0.3 --2.8 --15.1 --14.4 --10.2 -9.4 --12.6 17.3 -15.7 --7.9 -2.7 --5.8 -5.0 --5.1 389.7 380.8 356.8 363.9 370.0 378.8 387.0 401.5 414.0 425.5 437.4 450.8 463.0 444.7 456.5 469.6 477.3 494.5 509.9 527.0 545.0 3.3 8.3 10.0 9.4 11.2 12.2 12.8 14.3 15.0 16.1 16.3 16.9 16.5 16.9 17.7 17 .8 18.2 20.2 19.9 21.6 GAZA STRIP -12.2 -32.3 ---2.9 -3.3 --2.4 -4.0 1.7 -1.8 -3.5 -4.2 -2.9 --4.7 --4.8 --5.1 --5.3 --3.1 --1.0 -4.8 -2.9 --3.6 Annual growth (%) Population at end of period (OOO's) 0.5 2.5 1.7 2.4 1.8 3.0 2.7 0.8 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.S 0.8 1.0 2.4 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.S 585.9 583.1 597.9 607.8 622.6 633.5 652.4 669.7 675.2 683.3 695.7 708.0 718.6 724.3 731.8 749.3 771.8 793.4 813.4 837.7 860.0 6.3 2.0 1.7 2.4 2.2 3.7 3.1 2.8 2.8 3.1 2.7 2.5 2.7 2.7 1.8 3.6 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.4 380.8 356.8 363.9 370.0 378.8 387.0 401.S 414.0 425.5 437.4 450.8 463.0 444.7 456.5 468.9 477.3 494.5 509.9 527.0 545.0 564.1 Source: Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem. CBS. 1988). p. 70S. ~I Figures for 1967 from census conducted in september 1967. gl Provisional figures. ~I The EI-Arish population was deducted after its return to Egypt. gl The population of the Rafah Area was deducted after its return to Egypt. - 2 Table 2. Occupied palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), Population, aged 14 and above, by labour force characteristics, 1980-1987 Pop. 14+ total (1) Total labour force ( 2) Employed Cruae activity rate~ Total (2)/(1) (3) Year (OOO's) (OOO's) (%) 1980 643.7 218.5 33.9 215.7 75.1 34.4 2.8 1.3 1981 650.0 218.1 33.6 215.9 - 75.8 35.1 2.2 1.0 1982 652.3 225.2 34.5 222.9 79.1 35.5 2.3 1.0 1983 682.3 235.9 34.6 232.5 87.8 37.8 3.4 1.4 1984 701.2 248.0 35.4 241.3 90.3 37.4 6.7 2.7 1985~ 722.4 251.3 34.8 242.1 89.2 35.4 9.2 3.6 1986 746.2 269.2 36.1 261.2 94.7 36.2 8.0 3.0 1986!?/ 718.3 267.3 37.2 259.4 94.5 36.4 7.9 3.0 1987!?! 738.3 283.9 38.5 277.8 108.9 39.2 6.2 2.2 (OOO's) Thereof in Israel (4) 1 (3) (4) (000' s) (%) Unemployed (5) (5)/(2) (OOO's) (%) Sources: (1) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Judea, Samaria and Gaza Area Statistics (Jerusalem, CBS) vol. YN, No.2, December 1985, p. 27 for figures for 1980-84J (2) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Judea, Samaria and Gaza Area Statistics (Jerusalem, CBS) vol. YNIII, No.1, 1988, p. 28 and Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem, CBS, 1988) pp.722 and 727, for figures 1985-1987. ~I Data since 1985 are based on revised population estimates. Comparison of data with previous years should be treated cautiously. ~I As of 1987, figures refer to population aged 15 years ana above. To enable comparison, averages for 1986 are represented in two rows: the first for population agea 14 years and above, and the second for population aged 15 years ana above. - 3 Table 3. occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), Employed persons, by selected economic sector and place of work, 1970, 1975, 1980-1987 In Israel Years In occupied Palestinian territory Agricul- Indus·- Con-Other ture try struc. sectors \ Total (OOO's) Agricul- Indus· ConOther Total ture try struc. sectors \ (OOO's) 1970 24.4 11.6 54.3 9.7 100 20.6 38.7 13.8 8.4 39.1 100 152.7 1975 14.3 18.4 54.4 12.9 100 66.3 31.8 14.5 7.3 46.4 100 138.6 1980 13.7 20.9 47.4 18.0 100 75.1 28.4 16.3 9.6 45.7 100 140.6 1981 12.7 18.2 51.0 18,.1 100 75.8 26.3 16.0 10.7 47.0 100 140.1 1982 12.8 17.7 52.8 16.7 100 79.1 27.6 15.5 9.9 47.0 100 143.6 1983 12.2 18.6 50.4 18.8 100 87.8 26.3 15.8 10.1 47.S 100 144.7 1984 14.2 18.0 48.3 19.5 100 90.3 24.8 16.3 10.4 48.5 100 151.0 1985~1 15.8 17.8 47.6 18.8 100 89.2 24.4 16.1 11.1 4S.5 100 152.7 1986QI 15.8 17.4 48.0 18.8 100 94.7 25.0 16.3 11.4 47.3 100 166.4 1986QI 15.6 17.5 48.1 18.8 100 94.5 24.9 16.3 11.4 47.4 100 164.9 1987 14.5 lS.l 45.6 21.8 100 10S.9 22.S 16.9 11.0 49.3 100 16S.8 Source: Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem, CBS. 1988), p. 727. ~I Data since 1985 are based on revised population estimates. Comparison of data with previous years should be treated cautiously. ~I As of 1987, figures refer to population aged 15 years and above. To enable comparison, averages for 1986 are represented .in two rows: the first for population aged 14 years and above, and the second for population aged 15 years and above. - 4 .- Table 4. occupied palestinian territory~st Bank and Gaza Strip) Industrial origin of gross domestic product at factor cost, 1975 and 1980·-1986 (Thousand new Israeli shekels, million united States dollars, and percentages~7) (Current prices) Agriculture Industry Construction \ Public Serv. Transp .I trade GOP Total \ \ \ \ GNP GOP as \ of GNP \ 1975 (NIS) (US$) 102 161 29 29 46 9 56 88 16 54 85 16 104 164 30 344 543 100 474 748 73 1980 (NIS) (US$) 1,763 346 33 407 80 7 846 166 16 690 135 13 1.645 323 31 5.350 1,050 100 7,270 1,425 74 1981 (NIS) (US$) 3,182 279 30 792 69 7 1.961 172 18 153 16 3,127 275 29 10,802 948 100 15,517 1.361 70 1982 (NIS) (US$) 6,407 264 26 70 7 4,511 166 19 3,832 156 16 7,716 318 32 24,317 1,001 100 36,541 1,504 67 1983 (NIS) (US$) 14,027 249 24 4,564 81 8 10,601 189 18 10,310 183 17 19,362 345 33 58,864 1,047 100 89,701 1,596 66 1984 (NIS) (US$) 54,038 184 19 77 8 51.225 175 18 60,132 205 21 101. 862 347 35 289,917 989 100 416,126 1.419 70 1985 (NIS) (US$) 221,277 188 20 89,851 76 8 189,325 161 17 193,930 165 17 420,109 356 38 945 100 1,540,550 1,307 72 1986 (NIS) (US$) 677,492 455 30 192,752 130 9 350,255 235 16 " 263,824 177 12 738,271 496 33 2,222,594 1.494 100 2,948,398 1,982 75 1, 710 22.630 1, 741 1, 114,492 sources: (1) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Judea, Samaria and Gaza Area Statistics (Jerusalem, CBS, 1985), Vol. XV, No.1, Tables 6 and 13, pp. 168 and 175 for 1980-83 figures for GOP: (2) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel, (Jerusalem, CBS, 1985), p. 711 for GNP figures for 1980-83: (3) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel, (Jerusalem, CBS, 1987), pp. 705 and 707 for all figures for 1984,-86. ~ll figures originally expressed in Israeli currency have been converted into United States dollars using the average annual exchange rate as quoted in, International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics (Washington D.C., IMF 1987). Repeated devaluation of the Israeli currency has brought the exchange rate down from the equivalent of NIS 0.00035 = US$l in 1968 to NIS 1.4878 = US$l in 1986. ~/ Decimal percentage points are rounded up to the nearest figure. 5 - Table 5. occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip) GroSs domestic product. factor income. gross national product. current transfers. national disposable income. 1980-1986 (Columns (1) to (5) in thousand new Israeli shekels and million United States dollars) (current prices) Factor income and current transfers Gross Net national Factor income as a percent of Gross Net Gross Per capita as a percent gross national current disposable domestic factor national product (COp) income product (GNP) transfers income Population GNP of GNP disposable income (\) (\) (OOO's) (US$) (1) (2) (3)=(l}-l (2) (4) (5)=(3)+(4) (6) 0)=(3)/(6) (8)=(2)/(3) (9)=(2)-1 (4)/(5) 1980 (NIS) (US$) 5.489 1.016 1.920 377 7.409 1.453 584 114 7.993 1.561 1.180 1.230 26 31 1981 (NIS) (US$) 11.198 982 4.715 414 15.913 1.396 1.364 120 17 .277 1.516 1.201 1.160 30 35 1982 (NIS) (us$) 25.546 1.051 11.232 462 36.778 1.513 2.326 96 39.104 1.609 1.227 1.235 31 35 1983 (N\tS) (us$) 62.312 1.109 30.803 548 93.115 1.657 5.040 90 98.155 1.747 1.266 1.310 33 37 312.301 1.065 126.207 431 438.508 1.496 26.267 90 464.775 1.586 1.303 1.150 29 33 1.177.842 999 426.060 361 1.603.902 1.360 71,586 61 1,675.488 1.421 1.342 1,015 27 30 2.321.157 1.560 725.804 488 3.046.961 2.9 48 111.335 75 3.158.296 2.123 1,381 1.480 24 27 1984 (NIS) (US$) 1985 (NIS) (US$) 1986 (NIS) (US$) sources: (1) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem. CBS. 1985 • 1986 and 1987). pp. 708. 688 and 706 for figures for 1981. 1982 and 1983. and 1984-86. respectively: (2) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics. Judea. samaria and Gaza Area Statistics. Vol XV. No. 1. (Jerusalem. CBS. 1985) pp. 165 and 171 for figures for 1980: (3) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics. statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem. CBS. 1987) p. 701 for population figures (end-of--year estimates) All figures originally expressed in Israeli currency have been converted into United States dollars using the average annual exchange rate as quoted in. International Monetary Fund. International Financial Statistics (Washington D.C •• IMF 1987). Repeated devaluation of the Israeli currency has brought the exchange rate down from the equivalent of NIS 0.00035 = US$l in 1968 to NIS 1.4878 = US$l in 1986. - 6 - Table 6. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza strip) savings, private consumption expenditure and capital formation, 1980-1986 (Co1s. (1) - (4) in thousand new Israeli shekels and million United States do11ars)~/ (Current prices) Years Gross dispo-sable private Private savings income from all sources (1) (2) Private consump··· tion expenditure (3) Gross domestic capital formation.!2/ (4) (2) as % of (1) (3) as % of (1) (2) as \ of GDP (5) (6) GNP (4) as % of GDP GNP (8) (7) 1980 (NIS) (US$) 7,468 1,464 1. 784 349 5,684 1,132 1. 774 350 24 76 32 24 32 24 1981 (NIS) (US$) 16,195 1,421 3,533 310 12,676 1.112 3.265 286 22 78 32 22 29 21 1982 (NIS) (US$) 36,627 1,507 9,494 391 27,190 1.119 8.560 352 26 74 37 26 34 23 1983 (NIS) (US$) 87,744 1,561 18,750 337 69,872 1,243 18.578 331 21 79 30 20 30 20 1984 (NIS) (US$) 414,917 1,415 66,073 225 348,846 1.190 90.700 309 16 84 21 15 29 21 1985 (NIS) (US$) 1,558,395 1,322 149,583 127 1,408,815 1,195 331.559 281 10 90 13 9 28 21 1986 (NIS) (US$) 2,991,367 2,011 474,517 319 2,516.850 1.691 731.488 492 16 84 20 16 31 24 Sources: (1) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics. Judea. Samaria and Gaza Area statistics (Jerusalem. CBS, 1987), vol. XVII, No.3, pp. ao, 84, 90, 94 for co1s. (1) and (2) for all years and col. (3) for 1984-86: (2) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel, (Jerusalem. CBS. 1985), p. 710 for col. (3) for 1981-83 and col. (4) for 1981-83: (3) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel, (Jerusalem. CBS. 1987). p. 708 for col. (4) for 1984-86; (4) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics. statistical Abstract of Israel. (Jerusalem. CBS. 1983), pp. 762-3 for col. (4) for 1980. All figures originally expressed in Israeli currency have been converted into United States dollars using the average annual exchange rate as quoted in, International Monetary Fund. International Financial Statistics (Washington D.C.. IMF 1987). Repeated devaluation of the Israeli currency has brought the exchange rate down from the equivalent of NIS 0.00035 = US$l in 1968 to NIS 1.4878 = US$l in 1986. ~/ Figures have been revised from previously published estimates for years prior to 1985. Q/ Includes changes in stock. Except for 1980 and 1982. there has been a net decrease in stock in the West Bank. -- 7 - Table 7. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip), Gross domestic capital formation by sector and type of asset, 1980 - 1986 (Thousand new Israeli shekels and million United States dollars) (CUrrent prices) Years __________~P~r~iv~a~t~e~~s~e~c~t~o~r__________ Public sector Machinery, Building & sub-total (govt. & local transport & construction authorities) other equip. work (3) (4) (1) (2) Grand total (5) 1980 (NIS) (US$) 221 43 1,148 225 1,369 268 151 30 1,789 350 1981 (NIS) (US$) 440 39 2,669 234 3,109 273 399 35 3,265 286 1982 (NIS) (US$) 1,057 43 5,968 246 7,025 289 1,103 45 8,559 352 1983 (NIS) (US$) 2,810 50 13,049 232 15,859 282 3,196 57 18,578 331 12,867 44 61,709 210 74,576 254 18,532 63 90,700 309 1985 (NIS) (US$) 53,276 45 249,119 211 302,395 _ 256 52,110 44 331,559 281 1986 (NIS) (US$) 100,419 67 442,263 297 542,682 364 90,414 61 731,488 492 1984 (NIS) (US$) Sources: (1) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Judea, Area statistics, (Jerusalem, CBS, 1985), vol. xv, Nos. 1 and 11, pp. 70, 77, 166 and 173 for 1983 figures: (2) Bureau of Statistics, statistical Abstract of Israel, 1987), p. 708, for 1984--86 figures. s.1 samaria and Gaza and 2, tables 4 Israel, Central (Jerusalem, CBS, All figures originally expressed in Israeli currency have been converted into United states dollars using the average annual exchange rate as quoted in, International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics (Washington D.C., IMF 1987). Repeated devaluation of the Israeli currency has brought the exchange rate down from the equivalent of NIS 0.00035 = US$l in 1968 to NIS 1.4878 = US$l in 1986. Figures in column (5) include changes in olive oil stock in the West Bank and do not necessarily reflect the total in columns (3) and (4) ~/ - 8 .. YBAR/ARBA Vegetables & potatoes Field crops Table 8. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip) Agricultural output. inputs. income and employment. 1980··1987a1 (CUrrent prices)Qf Produc' tion for Other Live' invest-· l fruits£1 stockg ment~1 citrus Melons Ol1ves Tons US$ 42.7 5.237 6.1 1.351 46.6 6.568 45.0 43.421 45.0 43.421 39.959 13.704 53.663 25.9 3.1 29.0 5.514 411 5.925 95.0 76.109 95.0 16.189 172.9 79.8 252.7 43.380 16.886 60.266 74.9 3.1 76.0 2.364 463 2.847 45.0 21.406 45.0 21.406 6,630 133 6.673 170.0 66.7 256.7 21.003 80.6 6.767 10.666 1.0 55 31.669 81.6 6.842 62.0 15.689 62.0 15.609 169.2 104.5 273.7 34.063 10.650 52.733 86.8 19.101 0.6 53 09.4 19.154 19.1 16.762 27.1 7.986 94 8.060 19.1 16.762 32.0 NA 32.0 9.677 166 9.843 101.4 54.177 105.7 30.546 207.1 84.723 73.5 15.133 0.5 98 74.0 15.231 148.0 150.197 74.905 72.5 18.890 42.234 0.9 176 117229 73.4 19.066 8.4· 12.510 Tons US$ Tons 46.4 15.921 640 46.4 16.561 159.5 72.7 232.2 37.465 12.261 49.746 32.7 10.165 411 32.7 10.576 182.3 61.3 263.6 54.3 12.740 605 " 54.3 13.345 WB 32.2 OS OPT TOT. 32.2 Tons US$ US$ (thousands) Tons US$ Tons US$ US$ . Total output Inputs!:! US$ US$ US$ Income origina-" ting in I!:mploy-· agricult. ment US$ Persons 1980/81 WB OS OPT TOT. 1961/82 WB OS OPT TOT. 1982/83 WB as OPT TOT. 73.5 179.3 252.8 19.868 36.132 56.000 105.9 20.8 126.7 41.491 10.351 51.642 107.052 22.790 129.850 2.105 325 2.430 272.561 83.817 356.438 53.991 23.360 77 .351 218.570 60.517 279.087 26.5 6.4 36.9 79.5 201.3 280.8 14.362 31.152 45.514 99.8 15.4 115.2 33.950 5.555 39.505 86.930 19.835 108,165 2.387 206 2.593 273.456 71.276 344.732 63.621 25.226 68.827 209.835 46.049 255.884 31.3 8.3 39.6 82.0 166.5 248.5 16.067 29.513 45.640 85.5 25.551 19.9" 6.014 105.4 31.565 107.455 19,698 127.153 3.149 249 3.398 239.769 73.487 313.256 73.986 25.124 99.110 165.782 46.363 214.145 29.2 8.8 38.0 74.3 159.5 233.6 9.635 24.713 34.348 93.7 17.1 110.8 19.171 4.901 24.672 78.703 13.609 92.512 3.294 293 3.587 161.514 54.771 216.285 56.194 16.438 74.632 105.320 36.333 141.653 34.5 15.6 50.1 76.3 175.7 252.0 14.935 24.725 39.660 65.6 17.0 102.6 27.617 7.839 35.456 101.470 17.133 118.603 4.801 220 5.021 218.904 676.796 68.715 22.446 267.619 90.244 151.185 46.267 197.452 33.3 17.8 51.1 80.4 146.9 227.3 24.369 26.104 52.473 93.1 17.1 110.2 59.441 13.668 73.135 172.609 26.931 201.540 6.919 702 7.681 500.590 102.236 602.816 107.341 33.366 140.707 393.249 68.870 462.119 38.5 18.0 56.5 71.9 46.392 16.0 9.557 67.9 55.949 215.201 35.166 250.367 414.247 116.095 530.342 114.847 37.347 152.194 299.400 78.748 378.148 29.8 8.7 38.5 1983/84 1984/85 WB as OPT TOT. 27.1 1965/66 WB as OPT TOT. 146.0 156.197 1986/87- WB as OPT TOT. 40.9 12.214 1,246 40.9 13.460 182.3 119.0 301.3 8.4 12.510 90.8 24.713 191.5 26.892 282.3 51,605 ~: (1) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem. CBS. 1984. 1985. 1987 and 1988). pp. 769. 731. 731. and 735 for 1980/81, 1961/82 - 1962/83 and 1983/84 - 1965/86. and 1986/67 respectively. figures on value and volume of output. and income originating in agriculture: (2) (i) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics. statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem. CBS. 1988). p. 721 for figures on employment. WB = West Bank. as = aaza Strip, OPT TOT = occupied Palestinian territory - total. All .figures originally expressed in Israeli currency have been converted into United States dollars using the average annual exchange rate as quoted in International Monetary Fund. International Financial Statistics (Washington D.C •• IMF 1987). Repeated devaluation of the Israeli currency has brought the exchange rate down fr~ the equiva1ent.of NIS 0.00035 = US$l in 1968 to NIS 1.595 = US$l in 1967. AI Agricultural year is OCtober to September: employment figures are for calendar years. QI Prices are adjusted to April of each year. £1 Includes olives for aaza Strip. gl Livestock includes meat. milk. eggs and fish production. ~I Production for investment in forestry and new fruit plantations. il Inputs include materials and services purchased from other branches. excluding agricultural wages. - 9 - Table 9. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza strip) Industrial revenue and employment by selected branches,,1 1909-1907 - mpnthly .v,r'R'e (X-XIIlbl (Revenue in thousand current United States dollars: employment in absolute figures) A G Food beverages & tobacco z A Textiles clothing & leather prod. S R T I P Basic metal, metal prod-' ucts, e1ec'- Other Wood & tronic & indusits transport trial products equipment products W E S T ! ! ! ! Food Textiles Gaza ! bevera- clothing & leath'Strip! ges & TOTAL! tobacco er prod. B A N K Basic metal, metal prodRubber, ucts, elec- Other Wood & plastics Nontronic & indusits & chemi- metallic transport trial products cal prod minerals equipment products West Bank TOTAL OCcupied Palestinian Territory TOTAL ! Branch Code£1 11·12 13 15 16 22-26 17'21,28 1 2 11- 12 13-15 19-20 16 21 22-23 n'18, 24,,25,28 1· 2 1· 2 X-XII 1980 REV. (US$) EMPLOYED 432 660 423 2.271 441 871 609 931 535 1,040 2.440 5.773 3.993 1.332 663 2848 268 929 958 755 198 636 452 1.303 322 693 6,1"10 8.496 9,210 14,269 X--XII 1981 REV. (US$) EMPLOYED 371 668 514 2.390 340 892 549 1,067 486 1,007 2.261 6.024 3.566 1.278 635 2.650 232 915 1,221 741 333 749 426 1.191 383 593 6,796 8,117 9.057 14.141 X-XII 1982 REV. (US$) EMPLOYED 379 675 1,042 2,576 358 927 858 1, 108 485 1.002 3.123 6.288 4,198 1,333 764 2.936 303 1, 144 1,125 777 344 798 504 1,329 390 591 7.628 8.908 10.751 15,196 X·.. XII 1983 REV. (US$) EMPLOYED 532 641 895 2.638 340 928 1.780 1.039 433 943 2,860 6,189 3.994 1.381 708 3.199 367 1,224 1,200 819 370 827 558 1,520 481 584 7.679 9.554 10.539 15.743 X-XII 1984 REV. (US$) EMPLOYED 353 421 559 2.572 259 1,081 969 1.136 316 1, 174 2,677 6.383 4.758 1,390 763 3.067 338 1.197 1,552 988 406 891 516 1,512 546 665 8,884 9,708 11. 561 16.09l X-XII 1985 REC. (US$) EMPLOYED 358 403 527 2.537 330 1,038 923 1.137 444 1.111 2.852 6.226 5.521 1.529 1.281 3.264 578 1.294 1,884 976 949 1,008 877 1,901 766 709 11,855 10,679 14.707 16.905 X--XII 1986 REV. (US$) EMPLOYED 673 419 1,457 2,882 575 1,087 961 1.157 826 1.176 4.492 6.720 7.205 1, 744 2,363 3.465 833 1.187 2,528 1,097 1, 101 987 1,324 1,799 1.223 698 16.576 10.976 21,146 17,696 VII IX 1987 REV. (US$) 1,083 EMPL.OYED 518 2.050 3,124 958 1,141 1,440 1.269 1.474 1,234 7.005 7.285 8,041 1.921 2.746 3.945 1,003 1,183 2.987 1,254 1,844 1, 147 1.377 1.799 1.777 736 19,777 11.983 26,782 19.268 Sources: Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem. CBS, 1981. 1982, 1983. 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988). pp. 742-3. 764'-5. 792-3, 774-5. 736' 7. 718· 9, 735-,6 and 740-41 respectively. All figures originally expressed in Israeli currency have been converted into United States dollars using the average annual exchange rate a~ quoted in International Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics (Washington D.C •• IMF. 1987). Repeated devaluation of the Israeli currency has brought the exchange rate down from the equivalent of NIS 0.00035 = US$l in 1968 to NIS 1.595 = US$l in 1987. AI Figures have been rounded to the nearest decimal; thus the totals are not necessarily equal to the sum of all branches. Figures for months of X-XII for 1980-1986 and for the months of VII-IX in 1987 are presented for reasons of data availability. £1 Branch code is according to ISlC classifications ~I - 10 _. Table 10. Occupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip) Balance of payments estimates. 1980··1987 (M;11ion United states dOllars)~7 (CUrrent prices) CURRENT aCCOUNT I SERVICES Thereof I with I TransporMerchandise I Israel I tat ion Insurance I I CAPITAL ACCOUNT ~ 1980 CREDIT DEBIT BALANCE!!/ 353 680 (327) 224 584 (360) 24 (15) 1981 CREDIT DEBIT BALANCE 410 752 (342) 289 668 (379) 11 22 (10) 6 12 1982 CREDIT DEBIT BALANCE 398 734 (336) 259 653 (394) 1983 CREDIT DEBIT BALANCE 393 792 (399) 1984 CREDIT DEBIT BALANCE 9 5 II (6) Travel 17 49 (32) I IOther I 372 130 242 IThereof:1 Services Iwages I Total I I 3'12 II 360 Net Transfer Capital Payments Movements 403 214 189 304 122 182 '157 894 (137) 167 56 333 123 210 851 978 (126) 174 I I I I IGRAND TOTAL I 55 29 26 979 9'19 1.085 1.085 III 60 45 14 111 (6) 59 (42) 407 133 274 396 441 226 215 12 24 (12) 6 13 (7? 13 47 (34) 459 149 310 459 59 400 491 233 258 365 128 23'1 890 968 (78) 1'12 65 107 27 56 (29) 1.089 1.089 285 718 (433) 12 24 (ll) 8 15 45 (30) 560 594 256 338 452 144 308 987 1047 (59) 179 79 100 66 1.192 1.192 389 560 13 547 25 16 296 690 (394) 196 623 (427) 11 24 30 II 434 147 287 434 14 420 481 246 235 412 133 279 776 936 (160) 150 58 92 '15 22 (ll) 1985 CREDIT DEBIT BALANCE 280 671 (391) 172 600 (428) 11 26 (15) 17 II 43 (32) 361 139 222 361 10 351 400 227 336 140 196 6'19 900 (221) 109 41 68 153 21 1986 CREDIT DEBIT BALANCE 386 891 (505) 289 780 (491) 15 37 (22) 13 48 913 1.165 (252) 123 42 81 1'12 (35) . 527 274 253 488 (4) 482 168 314 482 21 1987 CREDIT DEBIT BALANCE 392 1,019 (627) 340 946 (606)£/ 19 47 (28) 20 25 15 56 (41) 714 714 II 473 1.160 1,337 (177) 119 191 523 (8) (6) (4) 17 (5) 17 47 (36) 170 407 I I Goods & Thereof: I Services with Israeli Total I 11 9 473 173 768 318 450 157 331 712 206 506£1 62 60 59 (41) 7 1.001 1.001 68 941 941 153 1.208 1.208 1'12 134 16 ll8 1.413 1.413 ~: (1) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem. CBS. 1983. 1985. 1986 and 1988). pp. 766. 712. 692 and 714 for figures for 1980 and 1981. for 1982. for 1983 and for 1984·87 respectively: (2) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Abstract of Israel. (Jerusalem. CBS. 1906 and 1987) pp. 198 and 204 for 1980 and for 1981-86 respectively on balance of payments with Israel: (3) Israel. Ministry of Finance. "Main Economic Indicators. 19'12-1987". (Jerusalem. The Ministry. March 1988). for 198'1 figures on balance of payments with Israel. All figures for 1977--83 originally expressed in Israeli currency have been converted into United States dollars using the average annual exchange rate as quoted in International Monetary FUnd. International Financial Statistics (washington D.C •• IMF 1987). Repeated devaluation of the Israeli currency has brought the exchange rate down from the equivalent of NIS 0.00035 = US$l in 1968 to NIS 1.4878 = US$l in 1986. ~I Figures have been rounded to the nearest decimal: thus the totals are not necessarily equal to the sum of the separate items. RI Figures in parentheses indicate a negative (deficit) balance £/ Figures for balance of payments with Israel for 1987 are preliminary estimates. - 11 Table 11. Occu2ied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza stri2l VQlume Ang direction of merchandise trade by major markets, 1980 1987 (Million United States do11ars~7 and percentages) (Current prices) Trade with other countries Trade with Jordan IrAde witb Israel TOTAL ~7 US$ \ US$ \ US$ .\ US$ 1980 Imports Exports Balance 517.7 224.4 (293.3) 86.4 66.4 5.0 101.8 96.8 0.8 30.1 76.7 11.5 (65.2) 12.8 3.4 599.4 337.7 (261. 7) 100 100 1981 Imports Exports Balance 664.4 288.7 (375.7) 90.1 71.6 7.3 105.4 98.1 1.0 26.1 65.5 8.9 (56.6) 8.9 2.2 737.2 403.0 (334.2) 100 100 1982 Imports Exports Balance 648.4 258.5 (389.9) 89.0 66.2 8.9 125.0 116.1 1.2 32.0 71.6 7.1 (64.5) 9.8 1.8 728.9 390.6 (338.3) 100 100 1983 Imports Exports Balance 712.6 285.1 (427.5) 90.1 74.7 6.8 88.4 81.6 0.9 23.1 65.4 8.1 (57.3) 8.3 2.1 784.8 381.6 (403.2) 100 100 1984 Imports Exports Balance 619.9 185.3 (434.6) 90.3 64.1 8.2 98.4 90.2 1.2 34.0 58.1 5.3 (52.8) 8.5 1.8 686.2 289.0 (397.2) 100 100 1985 Imports Exports Balance 598.0 181.3 (416.7) 89.5 66.6 8.7 85.4 76.7 1.3 31.4 61.2 5.7 (55.5) 9.2 2.0 667.9 272.4 (395.5) 100 100 1986 Imports Exports Balance 797.8 274.6 (523.2) 89.6 72.6 10.9 100.6 89.7 1.2 26.6 81.3 3.1 (78.2) 9.1 0.8 890.0 378.3 (511. 7) 100 100 1987 Imports Exports Balance 961.2 303.7 (657.5) 91.4 78.8 9.4 78.2 68.8 0.9 20.2 80.6 3.4 (77.2) 7.7 0.8 1051.2 385.3 (665.9) 100 100 YEAR Source: Israel. central Bureau of Statistics. Statistical Abstract of Israel (Jerusalem. CBS. 1988). p. 715 AI Figures in parentheses indicate a negative (deficit) balance. QI Figures are rounded to the nearest decimal: thus the totals are not necessarily equal to the sum of the separate items. - 12 Table 12. occueied Palestinian territory ~west Bank and Gaza Strip) by market and commodity comeosition ~major groues)! 1980-1986 (Million United States dollarssf ) (CUrrent prices) Ex~orts AGRICULTURALEXPQRTS JORDAN I I I I I I I I AGRIC·- I I ULTURALI Olive Stone Q/I EXPORTS I oil & and TOTAL I TOTAL I olives marble Soap I ISRAEL I OTHER COUNTRIES JORDAN Vege-- Citrus Other tables fruit fruit Others TOTAL TOTAL INDUSTRIAL EXPORTS I I I I I ~ and dairy Other TOTAL ISRAEL I OTHER I COUN·· I TRIES I I I TOTAL I I TOTAL I INDUSTRIAL EXPORTS TOTAL EX·PORTS GRAND TOTAL 31.0 4.8 4.4 15.1 3.1 58.4 (24.6) 177.3 (74.7) 1.6 (0.7) 237.3 (100) 345.7 102.5 (100) 25.5 6.3 4.1 13.9 2.9 52.7 <17.7) 243.0 (81. 8) 1.5 (0.5) 297.2 (100) 399.7 5.2 (5.2) 99.7 (100) 37.0 8.0 4.9 22.6 6.6 79.1 (25.8) 226.6 (73.9) 0.8 (0.3) 306.5 (100) 406.2 40.2 (44.5) 7.0 (7.8) 90.3 ( 100) 15.8 7.9 3.6 13.7 2.2 43.2 (14.9) 244.9 (84.7) 1.1 (0.4) 289.2 (100) 379.5 36.3 (56.4) 23.9 (37.1) 4.2 (6.5) 64.4 (100) 28.5 10.6 3.5 17.7 1.8 62.1 (26.4) 171.8 (73.1) 1.1 (0.5) 235.0 (100) 299.4 0.5 48.8 (62.2) 25.0 (31.8) 4.7 (6.0) 78.5 (100) 0.7 12.0 3.4 18.4 2.1 36.7 <17.9) 167.2 (81.6) 1.0 (0.5) 204.9 (100) 283.4 1.1 42.6 (56.5) 30.6 (40.6) 2.2 (2.9) 75.4 (100) 24.7 U.8 3.6 15.8 2.1 58.0 <18.3) 258.4 (81. 4) 0.9 (0;3) 317.3 (100) 392.7 ill.Q. 3.2 37.4 7.5 0.1 48.2 (44.5) 50.7 (46.8) 9.5 (8.7) l.ill. 5.2 34.5 10.0 0.5 50.2 (49.0) 45.3 (44.2) 7.0 (6.8) ill2. 8.2 39.3 12.6 0.3 60.4 (60.6) 34.1 (34.2) l2ll 4.0 25.7 12.9 0.6 43.1 (47.7) 1984 5.2 17.8 12.6 0.6 1985 8.3 24.2 15.8 1986 4.9 23.1 13.5 108.4 (100) sources: (1) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Judea, Samaria and Gaza Area Statistics, Vol. XVI, No.1. (Jerusalem, CBS, 1986). Pp. 6-7, 13 for figures for Jordan for 1980 83 and all other figures for 1983: (2) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel, (Jerusalem, CBS, 1983), p. 767 for figures for 198082 (except for Jordan): (3) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Judea, samaria and Gaza Area Statistics, Vol. XVII, No.2, (Jerusalem, CBS. 1987), Pp. 6-7, 11 for all figures for 1984-86. All figures for 1984--1986 (and for Israel and other countries in 1983) were originally expressed in United States dollars: all other figures originally expressed in Israel currency were converted to United States dollars using ing to the average annual exchange rate as quoted in International Monetary Fund, International FinanCial Statistics (Washington D.C., IMF 1987). Repeated devaluation of the Israeli currency has brought the exchange rate down from the equivalent of NIS 0.00035 = US$l in 1968 to NIS 1.4878 = US$l in 1986. The values of export totals in this table diverge slightly with some totals in Tables 10 and 11 because of differences in the original sources between aggregate and disaggregated figures and the conversion of Israeli shekels to U.S. dollars. ~I Figures in parenthese are in percentages. QI All citrus fruit. - 13 Table 13. OCcupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip) Imports by market and commodity composition (major groups), 1980--86 (Million United States dollars) (Current prices) AORIC_ULTURAL IMPORTS ~ ~ INDUSTRIAL IMPORTS I I I ~I ~I I I I I I 1 \ ISRAELI I I I I 011s I I I and 1 dairy 1 1 prods. 1 I 1 I 96.8 506.8 4.3 I I I I I 1 JORDAN I I I I I I paper &1 Text- I Iron &1 print- 1 i1es &1 steel I \ cotton\ prods. \ ing I I 0.2 \ OTHER COUNTRIES VIA ISRAEL I TOTAL I I I .A/I I Food I prod. I Soap & I total I plasticl 18.8 I I Wood, paper cardboard I I &1 Text1 11es & I prods. 1 5.0 1980 90.4 0.5 5.9 1981 91.3 0.2 5.0 96.5 581.3 6.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 7.0 8.8 • 11.3 2.5 2.3 5.8 1982 75.3 0.4 10.9 86.6 573.1 7.8 0.2 0.1 0.3 8.5 8.5 14.6 2.3 3.6 1983 89.6 0.3 12.1 102.0 623.0 5.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 6.5 5.4 8.5 3.0 1984 98.2 0.1 10.7 109.0 521.7 7.4 0.2 0.1 0.3 8.1 6.0 11.6 1985 87.8 0.3 14.0 ~ 510.2 7.3 0.3 0.1 0.5 8.3 10.1 1986 114.4 0.2 15.6 130.2 665.9 9.1 0.5 0.3 0.6 10.8 7.1 0.2 0.1 I I I I I I I I I 1 TOTAL \ Oi1s1 I 1 4.9 12.9 1.8 2.0 I Machlines & Iron &1 e1ecsteel I trica1 prods. I equip. 4.3 I 1 TOTAL I I 12.1 76.7 2.8 8.1 65.5 653.8 4.6 2.5 10.7 71.6 653.2 4.8 4.5 2.9 10.0 65.4 694.9 2.7 4.8 3.3 1.8 8.0 58.1 587.9 10.6 2.0 5.2 3.7 2.1 7.7 61.2 ~ 12.6 3.8 3.1 4.5 3.2 15.7 81.0 757.7 588.4 I I 1 Sources: (1) Agricultural imports, and industrial imports from Israel: (i) Israel, Central Bureau of statistics, Judea, Samaria and Gaza Area Statistics. Vol. XV, No.2, (Jerusalem, CBS, 1985), Pp. 6-7, and Vol. XVII, No.2, (Jerusalem, CBS, 1987), pp. 6--7 for 1982-86; (11) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel, (Jerusalem, CBS, 1983), p. 767 for 1980/81. (2) Industrial imports from Jordan and from other countries: (i) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Judea, samaria and Gaza Area Statistics, Vol. XVII, No.1, (Jerusalem, CBS, 1987), Pp.10 and 12 for 1980-85; (ii) Israel, Central Bureau of Statistics, Judea, Samaria and Gaza Area Statistics, Vol. XVII, No.2, (Jerusalem, CBS, 1987), Pp. 11 and 12 For 1986. All figures originally expressed in Israeli currency have been converted to United States dollars using the average annual exchange rate as quoted in International Monetary Fund. International Financial Statistics (washington D.C., IMF 1987). Repeated devaluation of the Israeli currency has brought the exchange rate down from the equivalent of NIS 0.00035 = US$l in 1968 to NIS 1.4878 = US$l in 1986. ~I comprising milk powder, coffee. tea, spices. cereals, flours. sugar and preparations of meat. - 14- Table 14. OCcupied Palestinian territory (West Bank and Gaza Strip) Production of agricultural commodities and entry to Jordan. by selected crops. 1979/80 -1986/87 a / (Thousand tons) I I I YEA RI Tomatoes I Source * I ( 1) ( 2) L WE I I I -Melons I ( 1) ( 2) S T I, I Total Potatoes I vegetables I (l ) ( 2) I ( 1) ( 2) I BAN K I I I Olives I I I Bana-I & olive I Total I Grapes I nas I oil I citrus I I I I ( 1) ( 2) I ( 2) ( 2) (l ) ( 2) I I I IGAZA I Total fruit I & vegetables I Total citrus Total fruit (l ) I (l) __L __~ ___ ~ ( 2) STRIP Total fruit _ ~ ( 2) ( 1) ( 2) (l) ( 2) 1979/80 Prod. Entry 45.6 6.2 45.8 3.3 19.6 5.5 17.5 6.4 6.7 1.1 6.6 0.9 165.1 16.8 162.8 13.8 44.9 5.5 45.4 4.9, 8.0 1.9 138.4 8.6 74.3 73.9 40.1 33.6 165.1 163.3 51.5 53.4 330.2 68.3 326.1 67.2 168.1 107.4 104.5 251.4 110.0 106.7 10.4 1.4 50.2 7.3 42.7 19.1 46.1 16.1 10.4 1.0 9.5 1.6 202.2 37.8 204.9 35.5 45.0 11.0 51.7 6.1 9.0 3.4 50.0 3.5 73.5 75.3 43.9 39.6 179.4 205.5 65.5 66.5 387.6 103.3 410.9 102.0 199.9 121.3 107.0 273.9 130.9 109.3 11.7 24.7 73.3 15.2 25.9 19.6 25.9 9.5 11.5 2.5 5.,1 2.5 208.2 60.6 205.4 49.4 40.0 13.0 64.8 5.6 13.4 4.3 143.7 10.0 79.5 82.1 49.2 39.0 179.4 205.5 75.2 58.7 387.6 135.8 410.9 108.1 199.9 116.7 100.9 292.9 119.0 103.1 56.9 10.1 50.6 10.7 74.9 36.9 74.9 37.7 11.4 2.7 11.5 3.9 247.8 61.4 247.3 56.5 35.0 10.0 58.9 5.8 14.7 3.9 57.4 3.1 82.0 47.2 49.0 31.7 167.5 156.6 69.0 45.9 415.3 130.4 403.9 102.5 166.5 89.9 75.6 259.5 92.3 77.5 66.8 10.0 66.3 20.1 80.6 100.8 15.3 46.8 12.4 1.0 12.4 5.0 246.8 79.9 284.6 77.8 36.1 9.0 51.8 6.0 16.1 8.3 88.9 5.6 7t.382.9 44.9 34.0 168.0 121.7 64.7 54.1 414.8 144.6 406.3 131.9 159.5 101.2 89.4 260.5 103.5 91.5 60.2 28.0 60.1 21.7 88.8 100.6 60.0 47.6 18.5 3.3 19.9 4.4 259.3 103.0 273.0 81.7 35.6 13.0 51.4 7.9 18.2 7.4 24.8 0.2 76.3 69.9 45.0 29.6 161.9 168.3 67.4 49.9 421.2 170.4 441.3 131.6 175.7 66.4 22.0 66.4 16.1 73.6 46.2 _ 89.1 27.7 18.9 7.1 16.4 3.9 255.0 85.9 260.2 55.1 39.1 11.0 44.1 5.2 18.2 7.6 8.1 80.5 78.2 45.8 19.5 173.6 182.5 70.2 42.2 428.6 161.1 442.7 88.7 146.9 81.6 34.7 6.2 19.3 4.6 89.1 21.2 164.2 33.6 1980/81 prod. Entry 1981/82 Prod. Entry 1982/83 Prod. Entry 1983/84 Prod. Entry 1984/85 Prod. Entry 1985/86 Prod. Entry 294.5 81.6 72.9 85.4 265.0 81.6 76.7 1986/87 Prod. Entry 58.6 4.6 72.5 20.0 18.2 5.5 256.2 35.0 8.3 420.4 68.6 58.2 61.6 *Sources: (1) Israel. Central Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Abstract of Israel. (Jerusalem, CBS. 1981, 1982. 1983. 1984, 1985. 1986, 1987). pp. 738. 760, 788. 770, 732, 714. and 732. respectively. (2) (i) Jordan. Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Statistics. 1974-80, (Amman. The Ministry. 1987) (in Arabic): Jordan, Ministry of Agriculture. Agricultural Statistics. 1981-85. (Amman. The Ministry. 1986) (in Arabic); data obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Agricultural Economy and Planning, Department of Statistics. Amman. Jordan. 1988 (in Arabic). for all figures for 1982--87 and all figures on entry of goods to Jordan for 1980 and 1981. (ii) ESCWA. Developing agricultural exports of the occupied Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip, (Baghdad. ESCWA, 1987), p. 57 (in Arabic) for figures on production for 1980 and 1981 ~/ Reference is to the agricultural year OCtober-September. ;..y,.:,Jl ("'" ~1 .;..V.~j .? J".-Il ~ J-. . ,.JWI .1-'1 ~ .; C')".:ll JJ'J .:..\,=UI ;,r;....;.J1 r-'I'I .:..IJ"':';' ~ J,-II • ~ .; JI :JJ.J'.>i .; ~I r" """"'1 r-'I'I , )1 .,..51 J\ tofPJ.,.x~*OOIt\IIIi~ Il ft!ilffi~.n: i:1I: ~tet"l ~rg«J~1.tl:IS):fi ~.. illliJ ~rg ~~lJlt~(ifl!i!'\JlR B~Ji)';Jllft[3l".m. HOW TO OBTAIN UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATIONS United Nations publications may be obtained from bookstores and distributors throughout the world. Consult your bookstore or write to: United Nations, Sales Section, New York or Geneva. COMMENT SE PROCURER LES PUBLICATIONS DES NATIONS UNIES Les publications des Nations Unies sont en vente dans les librairies et les agences depositaires du monde entier. 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