2012-2013 Membership Application Name: Dr.? First Middle Initial Last (if desired) Title: College: STLCC Campus (if applicable): Phone Number: E-Mail Address: Membership category: Individual. Open to current Missouri community college employees and trustees. Annual dues: $30. Associate. Open to individuals whose professional or educational activities are closely related to the functions and purposes of Missouri’s community colleges, or that support the aims and activities of the Association. Associate members are not voting members of MCCA. Annual dues: $30. Retired. Open to retired Missouri community college employees. Annual dues: $15. Student. Open to current Missouri community college students. Annual dues: $10. Life. Available to any person who is eligible for individual membership. Lifetime dues: $300. Life Retired. Available to any retired Missouri community college employee. Lifetime dues: New MCCA member Status: $150. Check the size you would like. Renewing MCCA member Administrative/Professional Faculty Retired Department: Yes! I would like an MCCA t-shirt! Small Associate Member Life Student Classified Staff Life Retired Trustee Medium Large Extra Large XX-Large Want to be an advocate for community colleges? I want to receive legislative updates during session. Contact me when MCCA needs help in the Capitol. Interested in networking with colleagues who have similar jobs? A+ Coordinator Arts & Humanities Faculty Chief Financial Officer Human Resources Office Staff/Administrator Marketing/PR/Web Design Professional President/Chancellor Academic Advisor Bookstore/Auxiliary Services Counselor Institutional Researcher Math & Science Faculty Registrar’s Office Staff Check the term(s) that best describe(s) your position. (Optional.) Administrative Assistant Business Office Staff Dean Instructional Designer Nursing/Allied Health Faculty Social Sciences Faculty Other: Admissions Office Staff Career/Tech Ed Faculty/Staff Department Chair Internship Coordinator Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty Student/Campus Life Professional Alumni & Development Chief Academic Affairs Officer Financial Aid Officer IT Staff Physical Plant/Grounds Staff Workforce Development Professional Method of Payment – St. Louis Community College Check Make checks payable to the Missouri Community College Association in the amount of $30. Credit Card MasterCard Visa Card Expiration Date: Card-Holder’s Name: Payroll Deduction Card Number: Available only to current college employees. Not available to associate, life retired, or retired members. By signing below, I am authorizing payroll deduction. _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________ Signature Employee ID Number Date RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION AND DUES TO YOUR CAMPUS MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR, DIANE WHITESIDE FOR MCCA USE ONLY Date Received Check # Batch # Authorization #