Dynamic games: Backward induction and subgame perfection Lectures in Game Theory Spring 2011, Part 4 10.12.2010 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 1 Recall the extensive form: It specifies Players: {1, ... , i, ... , n} What actions an acting player can choose among, what an acting player knows. Payoff for each of the players as a function of the actions that are realized. Game tree 2 H 1 Decision node (initial node) 10.12.2010 H L 1, 2 1, 1 L 1 2 H 2, 1 Decision nodes L 0, 0 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 Some terms: Successor assigned Payoffs Predecessor players 1 and 2 toImmediate sucessor at terminal nodes Immediate predecessor 2 1 Tree rule 1 Every node is a successor of the initial node, and the initial node is the only one having this property. Not OK 2 H H OK L H 2 1 L H 1 L 1 U 3 D 1 L 2 H L 2 H H L H 2 L H L L 10.12.2010 2 H L 2 H L 2 H L 3 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 Tree rule 2 Each node except the initial node has exactly one immediate predecessor. The initial node has no predecessor predecessor. 2 H Not OK H 3 L 1 2 H 1 L Not OK L H 1 L H L 2 H L 10.12.2010 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 4 2 Tree rule 3 Multiple branches extending from the same node have different action labels. Tree rule 4 Each information set contains decision nodes for only one of the players. Not OK H 1 H L H 1 L 2 10.12.2010 OK H 2 H L H 1 L 2 L L 5 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 Tree rule 5 All nodes in a given information set must have the same number of immediate successors and they must have the same set of action labels on the branches leading to these successors. Not OK H L H 1 L 10.12.2010 2 H Not OK 2 1 2 L G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 2 6 3 Perfect recall A player remembers what he once knew. Not OK 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 10.12.2010 OK 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 7 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 Perfect recall A player remembers what he once did. Not OK 2 1 2 10.12.2010 1 1 1 1 OK 2 1 2 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 1 1 1 1 8 4 Perfect information Each information set contains only one d i i node. decision d H 1 L Imperfect information There is at least one 1 contingency in which an acting player does not know exactly where he is. 10.12.2010 H 2 H L H 2 L 2 H L H L 2 L 9 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 Analyzing dynamic games A dynamic game can be analyzed both in the extensive form and the normal form. Stay out Entrant IIncumbent b t Accept Fight 0, 2 Fight - 1, - 1 Enter Inc mbent Incumbent Accept 10.12.2010 1, 1 Enter 1, 1 - 1, - 1 Entrant Stay out 0, 2 0, 2 Are both NEa reasonable? Is threat of fight credible? G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 10 5 Another example 2 H 1 H L 1, 2 1 1 L 1, 2 H 2, 1 L 0, 0 HH HL LH LL 1 2 1, 1 2 1, 1 1 1, 1 1 H 1, L 2, 1 0, 0 2, 1 0, 0 10.12.2010 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 11 Sequential rationality: An optimal strategy for a player should maximize his or her expected payoff, conditional on every information set at which this player has the move. That is, player i’s strategy should h ld specify if an optimal i l action i from f each h off player i’s information sets, even those that player i does not believe (ex ante) will be reached in the game. Backward induction: The process of analyzing a game backwards in time (from information sets at the end d of the tree to information sets at the beginning). At each information set, one strikes from consideration actions that are dominated, given the terminal nodes that can be reached. 10.12.2010 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 12 6 Illustrating backward induction 0, 2 Stayy out Entrant Fight 2 H - 1, - 1 1 H Enter Incumbent Accept 10.12.2010 L 1, 1 1, 2 L 1, 1 2 H 2, 1 L G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 0, 0 13 Results Backward induction identifies a unique strategy profile in a finite perfect information game with no payoff ties. Such a strategy profile is a Nash equilibrium. Observation Backward induction generalizes rationalizability to perfect information games. Questions See Asheim & Perea “Sequential and quasi-perfect rationalizabilityy in extensive games” g (http:/ How tto define H d fi rationalizti li /folk.uio.no/gasheim/AP-GEB05.pdf) ability for more general classes of extensive-form games. How to define equilibrium for ext.-form games so that equilibrium implies backw. ind. in perf. info. games. 10.12.2010 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 14 7 Subgame Definition: A subgame in an extensive-form game a) starts with a decision node (the initiating dec. node) b) includes also all successors (decision nodes that can be reached from the initiating decision node). c) splits no information set (no included dec. node is in an information set that contains excluded dec. nodes). What are the subgames? 10.12.2010 15 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium Definition: A strategy profile is called a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium if it specifies a Nash equilibrium in every subgame of the original game. game Stay out Entrant 0, 2 Fight 2 H - 1, - 1 1 H Enter Incumbent Accept 10.12.2010 L 1, 1 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 1, 2 L 1, 1 2 H 2, 1 L 0, 0 16 8 Results Any finite extensive-form game has a subgame perfect Nash equilibrium. In a perfect information game without payoff ties, the unique SPNE coincides with the strategy profile indentified by backward induction. Algorithm Consider the normal forms of all subgames. g Determine the Nash equilibria of each subgame. Find the Nash equilibria of the whole game that are also Nash equilibria of each subgame. 10.12.2010 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 17 Does actual behavior conform to subgame-perfection? The ultimatum game The centipede game Game of trust (Game of punishment) The paradox of backward induction: Why should Wh h ld a player l conform f to b backward k d iinduction d i at decision nodes where he/she knows that an earlier player has deviated from backward induction? 10.12.2010 G.B. Asheim, ECON4240-4 18 9