Consumer Engagement: Possibilities and Challenges Jill Yegian Director, Research and Evaluation June 29, 2010 Overview • Public reporting, quality transparency 2 o What we did, did what we learned • Communicating g about evidence-based health care o What we did, what we learned • Opportunities and Challenges CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION p p g CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION 3 CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION 4 What We Learned 1 • Public reporting is an effective way to stimulate provider/plan p p improvement p – at least for hospitals p 2 3 • “Credible threat of consumer engagement” is vital – but real audience is limited 4 • Timing is key – “teachable moment” • Measures are time-consuming to develop and test, and lacking for costly costly, “shoppable” shoppable therapies • Combine what they want with what they need CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION Online Marketing g for Maternity y Audience • Campaign in SF SF, Sacramento Sacramento, and San Diego • Target expectant mothers with messages about hospital quality variation • “Ad Ad word word” buys on Google and Yahoo Yahoo, branded emails, events • Categories of key words Names of Bay Area hospitals Searches S h ffor “hospital “h it l reviews” i ” Maternity/pregnancy terms (e.g. C-Section, NICU) CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION 6 Online Marketing g for Maternity y Audience Bay Area Hospitals Find independent quality ratings of maternity care at Bay Area hospitals. Learn About Maternity Care Compare Bay Area hospitals for C-section rates and quality of care. CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION 7 Branded Emails Targeted emails to subscribed lists via relevant brands CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION 8 Results 1 • Visits per month to Bay Area hospital maternity pages went from 153 (prior month) to 1,170 (subsequent seven months) – but ended with campaign • Cost per click-through ranged from $1.14 to $17.70; G Google l and dY Yahoo h b beatt b branded d d emails il 2 3 4• Call to action most effective at generating traffic • More details in “From Here to Maternity” issue brief at g CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION 10 Communicating g about Evidence-Based Care 1 • Research conducted by American Institutes for Research ((focus g groups, p , cognitive g interviews)) 2 3 • Development of Toolkit to help employers and unions communicate with employees about evidence-based health care • Publicly available on website of National Business Group on Health • Support for a collaborative of California-based p y to implement p Toolkit employers 4 CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION 1 2 3 4 CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION What We Learned -- Research 1 • Disconnect -- consumers’ knowledge, beliefs and 2 3 values at odds with tenets of evidence-based care o More, costly, newer is better o All medical di l care meets t minimum i i standards t d d 4 • Findings published in Health Affairs July 2010 (Carman et al): Evidence that Consumers are Skeptical about Evidence-Based Health Care CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION What We Learned -- Toolkit 1 • Strong interest – in use with insurers, insurers purchasers purchasers, unions 2 • Message and communication channel needs to be tailored to workforce 3 4 • Requires an initial window of relevance and continuing, g, repeated p exposures p • Lead with meeting patient needs, NOT with cost • Get past “quick fix” and move toward “do and learn” • Bit i d chunks Bite-sized h k off iinformation f ti tto avoid id overload l d CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION Opportunities pp and Challenges g 1 • Comparative effectiveness research 2 • Shared decision-making for preference sensitive conditions 3 4 • Value-based benefit design • Wild card: d millions illi off newly l iinsured d CALIFORNIA HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION