Stat 401B
Lab 2
Due September 13, 2005
Last week’s lab looked at the data on body temperature. The data are available on the
course Web site:∼wrstephe/stat401.html
Use JMP to analyze the residuals for the two problems below. It is not sufficient
to simply hand in JMP output. You must answer the questions completely. Hand
in the JMP output attached at the end of your written solutions.
1. One-sample problem.
(a) Use JMP to create residuals for the 130 body temperature measurements.
(b) Refer to the histogram of residuals and indicate what you see and what this tells
you about the condition that the population of body temperatures is normally
(c) Refer to the box plot of residuals. Are there any possible outliers? If so, what
are the corresponding sex and body temperatures. What does this tell you about
the conditions necessary for statistical analysis?
(d) Refer to the Normal Quantile Plot of residuals and indicate what you see and
what this tells you about the condition that the population of body temperatures
is normally distributed.
(e) Summarize what you have learned about the conditions necessary for statistical
analysis of data from your analysis of residuals.
2. Two-sample problem.
(a) Use JMP to create the residuals for the two sets, male and female, of 65 body
temperature measurements.
(b) Refer to the histogram of residuals and indicate what you see and what this tells
you about the condition that the population of body temperatures is normally
(c) Refer to the box plot of residuals. Are there any possible outliers? If so, what
are the corresponding sex and body temperatures. What does this tell you about
the conditions necessary for statistical analysis?
(d) Refer to the Normal Quantile Plot of residuals and indicate what you see and
what this tells you about the condition that the population of body temperatures
is normally distributed.
(e) Comment on the whether or not the data are consistent with the condition that
both populations (male and female) have the same standard deviation.
(f) Summarize what you have learned about the conditions necessary for statistical
analysis of data from your analysis of residuals.