CSBS Senate Minutes Monday, September 30, 2013 315 Sabin 3:15pm


CSBS Senate Minute_Sept. 30 2013 Meeting 1

CSBS Senate Minutes

Monday, September 30, 2013

315 Sabin 3:15pm

Present: Tim Strauss (Geography), Chuck Holcombe (History), Kristi Rose (Military Science),

Ramona McNeal (Political Science), Elaine Eshbaugh (SAHS), Cyndi Dunn (SAC), Andy Gilpin

(Psychology; Chair of the Senate), Ga-Young Choi (Social Work), Brenda Bass (Interim CSBS



Introduction of 2013-14 Senators.


Minutes from April 29, 2013 approved.


Election of Senate Vice Chair and Secretary, 2013-14.

Chuck Holcombe (History) was elected as vice chair and Ga-Young Choi (Social Work) was elected as secretary of the senate.


College representative to University Committee on Committees.

Andy Gilpin (Chair) will check whether the committee members need to be elected by the senate otherwise he will call on the whole CSBS faculty to recruit College representative to serve on University Committee on Committees.


Restructuring of Masters in Public Policy program.

Dr. Carol Weisenberger from the Master of Public Policy (MPP) program joined the meeting to discuss/request the senate approval of the restructuring process of the MPP program.

Interim Dean, Brenda Bass, recommended the MPP program to be housed within the

Department of Political Science for long-term sustainability. According to the Dean, this will allow more resources to be spent on faculty development than on hiring new administration staff. Moreover, moving MPP program into Political Science Dept. will require reshaping of the MPP. Hence, the Dean has requested the MPP coordinating committee and Political

Science faculty to develop a proposal by the end of this year to examine how the MPP will look like in the Dept. of Political Science and alternative delivery methods of the MPP. A new assistant professor will teach Public Policy courses if the MPP program is housed in Political

Science Dept. The Dean expects to present the proposal to the curriculum committee in Fall


Until the proposal is developed, the current MPP students will continue with the existing curriculum. During the transitional period (2014-2015 academic year), the Dean suggested to suspend the program for one year due to the lack of human resources and for smoother transitions. The Dean already had consulted with Carol Weisenberger, the MPP interim director, and Donna Hoffman, the department head of political science prior to this meeting.

The Dean also confirmed that after one year suspension, MPP will be restored, which was

CSBS Senate Minute_Sept. 30 2013 Meeting 2 assured by Mike Licari (Associate Provost for Academic Affairs & Dean of Graduate College) and Scott Peters.

Dr. Carol Weisenberger and Dean Bass requested for the following two program changes to approved by the senate.


Move the MPP program to the Department of Political Science (i.e. MPP will no longer stay as an independent unit).


Suspend MPP program during the academic year of 2014-2015.

Elaine Eshbaugh made a motion to vote on the two requests and both motions carried.


Scheduling discussion of miscellaneous pending curricular changes.

Dr. Bob Martin (Department Head of History), Mr. Chad Christopher (Program Coordinator of SOCSCI-MA program), and Dr. Donna Hoffman (Dept. of Political Science) joined the meeting to request minor changes in their programs.


SCOCSI-MA program change request: Under current curriculum structure, six hours per content area are required (e.g. The U.S. History, 6 hrs; and World History, 6 hrs). The program is requesting to change the number of hours to total of 12 hours as the Student

Information System doesn’t distinguish the content areas. This will eliminate constant student requests made to Graduate College.


History program change request: A request was made to change a course name from “Intro to History,” which was formally American Civilization, to “History of the

United States.”

Cyndi Dunn made a motion to vote. The motion was seconded by Elaine. The motion approved.

Elaine Eshbaugh moved to motion for vote and it was seconded by Ramona McNeal. The motion approved.


Political Communication Major change request: Requested to change the number of a course from COMM 2533 (48C:024) to COMM EM 1611 (48E: 021). This request was made by the Dept. of Communications (College of Humanities, Arts and Sciences) but needs approval from the CSBS as the program is operated through the two colleges.

A motion was made to approve. The motion passed.


Process for 2-year Review of Head, Dept. of Political Science.

Interim Dean Brenda Bass explained the procedures of 2-year review of Donna Hoffman, the

Dept. Head of Political Science. Unlike 5-year review, which requires committee review, two year review is an informal review which is conducted by the CSBS Dean. The purpose of the

CSBS Senate Minute_Sept. 30 2013 Meeting 3

2—year review is to assess how the department is doing, listen to any suggestions, and to have a confirmation that the department is moving forward without major problems. The

Dean has sent out Head review survey, approved by the senate, to the Dept. of Political

Science. Dr.Bass’s goal is to complete the second year review of Political Science Dept. Head by the end of this semester. Dean welcomed any comments relating to this 2-year review of the Head of Political Science.

It was also mentioned during this conversation that Phyllis Baker’s (Dept. Head of Sociology,

Anthropology, & Criminology) 2-year review is coming up.


Senate’s role in College of Social & Behavioral Sciences Faculty Meeting

(Monday, Oct. 7, 3:15-5:00 P.M., Sabin 002); Dean’s State of College Address.

Senators will be introduced at the Faculty Meeting (The Faculty Meeting is hosted by the

Senate, so senators, please plan to attend). Senators are strongly encouraged to ask their

Departmental colleagues to participate in this meeting. Department Heads will introduce their new faculty members. The Dean will address the state of College.


Comments from the Dean.

The Dean discussed the College’s recruitment efforts. The enrollment of CSBS dropped slightly. Several recruitment efforts were made during the summer of 2013. Faculty members and the SABRs (Social and Behavioral Representatives) group participated in various events including Panther Open House, Family Weekend, and External Advisory Groups. The College awards internship notations to the SABRs (students) for their service hours.

The Dean also had dialogues with community colleges to find a good fit between their curriculum and what we offer at UNI. The Dean invited Elaine Eshbaugh to share about the progress of the dialogue between South Eastern Community College and SAHS at UNI: The two institutions are now reviewing the logistics of collaborating such as looking into syllabus and courses to see what can be accepted as transferred credits to UNI from S. Eastern

Community College.

The Dean reported that overall community feedback on UNI was positive based on her interactions with community members, which could have potential positive impact on the recruitment efforts.


Approval of candidates for CSBS Decanal Search Committee.

The Senate went into executive session to review candidates for the CSBS decanal search committee.

On rising from executive session, a m otion to transmit the list of candidates for CSBS decanal search committee to the Provost was made and passed.

Meeting adjourned at 4:41pm.

Respectfully submitted, Ga-Young Choi
