Research Problem Patient Turnover and Nursing Staff Adequacy Lynn Unruh, PhD, RN, LHRM Myron D. Fottler, PhD z nurses or hours of nursing care patients or patient days of care z AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting San Diego, June 6-8, 2004 Research Problem z Common hospital nurse staffing measures: Need to also consider intensity of nursing care Staffing needs vary with the amount and type of care provided for each of those patients z Nursing Care Intensity An ideal measure of nursing staff adequacy should indicate the volume of nurses of a certain skill level that is necessary for the given volume of patients given the intensity of nursing care required for those patients during their stay: z Indicators of nursing care intensity: z Patient acuity • Patient turnover # of RNs # of patient days X intensity of RN care for those patient days Patient Turnover z As patient turnover increases z Nursing care must be delivered in a shorter period of time z z Holding patient acuity and total nursing care requirements for the patient stay constant Admission, transfer, and discharge procedures take up an increasing proportion of the patient’s stay Patient Turnover z An available measure for patient turnover is patient length of stay z z The number of days a patient is an inpatient in the hospital. The inverse of patient length of stay produces a fraction that ranges between 0 and 1 z Lower amounts indicate lower turnover, and vice versa. 1 Research Questions z z Sample and Data Sources Does adjusting nurse staffing data for patient turnover, as measured by the inverse of patient LOS, significantly alter the measurement of nurse staffing and changes in nurse staffing? What is the trend in nurse staffing when measures adjust for both patient turnover and patient acuity? z z All general, acute-care Pennsylvania hospitals 1991-2000 (N= 166-213) Data obtained from: • Pennsylvania Department of Health • Yearly filled RN, LPN and Nursing Assistant FTEs • American Hospital Association • APDC* and LOS ™Patient days of care include outpatient care • Atlas MediQual System • Patient acuity Design 9Assess the trend in the average patient LOS and Results Average Patient Length of Stay in Pennsylvania Hospitals, 1991 - 2000 turnover (inverse of length of stay). 9Create a patient turnover index using 1991 as the 7 6 5 4 00 20 99 19 98 19 97 19 96 19 95 19 94 19 93 19 2 8 92 19 Results 9 91 19 base year, and adjust nurse staffing measures for patient turnover using this index 9Compare the standard and new measures using paired sample t-tests 9Assess whether the trend over time in nurse staffing utilizing the new measure is significantly different than the old measure using paired sample t-tests 9Analyze the trend in nurse staffing adjusted for both patient turnover and acuity Results RN/1,000 APDC in Pennsylvania Hospitals 1991-2000 Average Patient Turnover in Pennsylvania Hospitals 1991- 2000 1.5 1 0.5 0 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 RN/1000APDC 1991 1995 2000 Before Adjustment 2.68 2.88 2.87 After Adjustment 2.69 2.45 2.04 Mean Difference 0 -0.44 -0.83 --- -10.53*** -25.05*** t Value 00 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 p<.01=*, p<.001=**, p<.0001=*** 2 Results Results LPN/1,000 APDC in Pennsylvania Hospitals 1991-2000 NA/1,000 APDC in Pennsylvania Hospitals 1991-2000 LPN/1000APDC 1991 1995 2000 NA/1000APDC 1991 1995 2000 Before Adjustment 0.60 0.52 0.43 Before Adjustment 0.58 0.60 0.65 After Adjustment 0.61 0.44 0.30 After Adjustment 0.58 0.50 0.45 Mean Difference 0 -0.08 -0.13 Mean Difference 0 -0.08 -0.19 --- -3.92** -13.29*** t Value --- -8.04*** -14.10*** p<.01=*, p<.001=**, p<.0001=*** p<.01=*, p<.001=**, p<.0001=*** Results Results Percentage Change in RN/1,000 APDC in Pennsylvania Hospitals RN/1000APDC t Value 1991-2 Percentage Change in LPN/1,000 APDC in Pennsylvania Hospitals 1995-6 1999-00 LPN/1000APDC 1991-2 1995-6 1999-00 Before Adjustment 4.19 2.32 -0.73 Before Adjustment 5.13 -1.17 -4.35 After Adjustment 5.50 -2.82 -4.23 After Adjustment 5.66 -7.63 -7.13 Mean Difference 0.85 -5.29 -2.20 Mean Difference 0.26 -5.30 -2.11 t Value 0.45 -8.71*** -4.40*** t Value 0.18 -10.08*** -4.07*** p<.01=*, p<.001=**, p<.0001=*** p<.01=*, p<.001=**, p<.0001=*** Results Results Percentage Change in NA/1,000 APDC in Pennsylvania Hospitals NA/1000APDC 1991-2 Percentage Change in Nursing Staff/1,000 APDC in Pennsylvania Hospitals 1991 - 2000 1995-6 1999-00 RN/1000 LPN/1000 NA/1000 Before Adjustment 13.61 8.40 9.73 After Adjustment 16.14 3.12 13.33 Before Adjustment After Adjustment Mean Difference 1.94 -5.47 -2.26 Mean Difference t Value 1.01 -7.69*** -4.30*** p<.01=*, p<.001=**, p<.0001=*** t Value 7.24 -18.70 32.95 -25.88 -43.61 -9.34 -32.25 -24.55 -37.48 -24.75*** -10.16*** -12.00*** p<.01=*, p<.001=**, p<.0001=*** 3 Conclusions Results 3 Nursing Staff/1,000 Adjusted APDC* in Pennsylvania Hospitals 1991- 2000 2 z RNs LPNs NAs % Change 1991-2000: 0 RNs -44% 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 1 *APDC adjusted for patient acuity and turnover LPNs -65% NAs -48% z z Unadjusted nurse workload measures fail to adequately address the work intensity issue and, consequently, significantly underestimate nurse workloads Perceptions of nurses themselves, the media, and others concerning increasing nurse workloads/declining staffing ratios are justified and supported by our results Future research on nurse staffing or nurse workload issues should adjust for both patient acuity and patient turnover 4