TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL CATALOGUE cOF THE Officers and Students OF 1CORVJkLLLS OREGON State Agricultural college. ORVALIJS, ®REGON. PORTLAND OREGON: ANDERSON S CO., PRINTERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. s 886 Soar HON. B. F. BURCH, Dg. j. B. LEE, of 7rwtee Independence. - of te Sort, for ®ff:eer Corvallis. - J. A. CAUTHORN, Corvallis. CAUTI-IORN, Corvallis. I)a. J. B. LEE, Pres,a'en/ REV. JOSEPH EMERY, I(lamath. A. CAUTHORN, Vice-J',-esif JUDGE R. S. .STRAHAN, Albany. J. A. CAUTHORN, Secreiary. M. JACOBS, Corvallis. - REv. D. C. McFARLAND, Riw. J. R. N. BELL, R. L. BUCHANAN, RoseInrg. - Corvalli',. - HON. J. M. OSBURN, - L. ARNOLD, (ex-ojleio) JUDGE R. P. BOISE, M. JACOBS, Treasurer 1'nngent. - PRES. J. W. JOHNSON, Corvallis. XEGU?ltJy @OMMI1EE P. L. BUCHANAN, Corvallis. M. JACojs Salem. J. A. CAUTHOIN, Eugene. REV. J. W. COMPTON, IUDpiq NG AND FINANG REV. R. C. OGLESBY, Ruv. E. G. MICHAELS, B, L. ARI\'OI,D, HON. E. B. MoELROY, Salem. DR. J. M. APPLEWHITE, Qonallis. OMMI'injTE J. A. CAUL'i-Jol(N, J. M. OSBURN 4 CIA R.t E I. IN, Fresideni. 3acut/ N. A. THOMI'soN, Secretary. or Miss IIJA BURNETT, Treasurer. 1870. K. P. CiiKRIN, B. S..............Cottage Grove. B. L, ARNOLD, A. M., BT. MCNRAI(IJ, B. S Frisident and Profcasor 41 Phiiassphy (Meral and Fhy:irai). ICE E. Btimi.:, B S. FRED. BERCIITOLD, A. M., J-'rajessnr 41 Lnnuar. (Ancient and Mvderu). EDGAR GRIM. A. 13., 41 ChenàI'y and AgicuiIre. OLIN J. WIMI3ERLY, A. M., Prafesw. 41 Mathematics and Tactics. Cottage Grove. Corvallis. 1871. .0. F. BIJEEHAKI', 13. S. MiN, FINLEY, A. B. AS. I). FOUNtAIN, B. S. 14. l'ItIVRTr, II. S. ARY j. HARRIS, B.S NNIE j. KEND0LL, B S I ebanon. Corvallis. jcl'sonvi1le. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. 1872. usi,s C. ALRXANIiER, B S IN Euiir B. S. Ilenton County. Benton County. ROSA JACOSIS, B. S W. W. BRISTOW, A. 13., Fre/ara4'ry Teacher. Corvallis. Corvallis. Lion County. ALONZO J. LOCKE, B. S JAs. K. P. WEATHERFORD, 1873. Free.hand Drawing is taught by I'KOF. JJERCHTOLIJ. Painting is taught by Mrs. F. A. HEI.sI. LFANI'ER N LICOF1T CLARA IIIAYER, 11. S. Wti.i.i,os F. I IKERIN, B S OSCAR L, ISON, B S Albany. Corvallis. Baker City. 1874. JoHN 14. 13IysoN, B S Brownsville. Norton's. EMMET II. TAVI.oR, B. S. Corvallis. EMMA THAYER, B. S. Corvallis. Thn following were gradu.ted in Morsi PhiIonphy and Mshernatic c, and were procient THOMAS 11. CRAWFORn, 13. S. in Chemistry GEoRGE A. GRIMES, WIt.I.IAtt C. CRAwIoRp, Decease,) Ilarrislmrg. Nortons CA7.4LOG(JE OF CORV.4LLZS U S7'A TE .4 (;/'/(uLTuA'AL COLLEGE. 1875. 1883. REUHEN A. FULlER, B. S. PI1II.II Corvallis. Fagle Creek. E. LINN, B. S. 1876. ADDlE M. ALLEN, B. S. FRANK Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. N CAUTILORN, A. M. *lsc JACOBS, B S GEORGE P. LENT, U.S. NEWtON A. THOMPSON, B. S MINNIE M. WHITE, B.S. . . East Portland. . Corvallis. Albany. WILLIAM G. EMERY, A B WILLIAM H. l-I0LMAN, B. S. R FIOVENDUN, B. S 884. LIZZIE J. BAYLEY, A. B. DAVID FL. GLASS, A. B. Independence. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. FREDERICK %V. VINCENT, B. S. LAURA TIIOSIIsoN, B. S. ELvIN J. GI.ASS, B. S. MoSE.S S. NELJGASS, B S 1878. -*ERNEST WHITE, A.M. B.ARTHOI.OMEW T. SODEN, B. S. MARION ELLIOT1, B. S. DAYTON ELLIOTT, B. S. . Albany. Hubbard. Corvallis. Corvallis. 1880. WII.LIAM E. YATES, A. M SHUIIEL G. MCCANN, A. B ISAI)OR JACOBS, A. B. l-lERIFRT G. RAY, A. B LILLIAN Giss, A. B. IlArrIE M. HANNA, B. S. EuGAR GRist, B. S. 1881. ELMER E. CHARsIr, A. B Oregon City. Oregon City. Corvallis. Corvallis. T. LEONARD CHARMAN, B. S JESSIE L. 'AYLOR, B. S. IDA BURNETT, B S 1882. \VIII.IAM V. MASTERS, A. M EriA JACOIIS, A. B BERTHA NEUGASS, A B ALICE M. HORNING, B. S. NETTlE SI'ENCF.R, B S AllelE RIGHT, B. S. * Dcceaed. 1885. ALONZO Au.EN, A. B. FRED J. YATES, A. B J. E. Wittr.v, Portland. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. I inn County. Butteville. Corvallis. B.S. ANDREw S. BUCHANAN, B. S l-lRNRII:rr, hARRIS, B. S................irvallis. l886. HEKUERT KITTREIJGE, A. B C. H. TnOMPs0N. A. B. B. F. COLLINS, B. S 0. W. RonuiNs, B. S. HARRY HOI.GATF, B. S. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvillis. Corvallis. Newport. Crawfordsville. Corvallis. Benton County. Portland. WILLIAM E. NEWTON, A. B. 1878. SAMUEL T. JEFIREVS, A. B Linn County. Benton County. Marion County. R. J. WILSON, B S DIANA NEWTON, B. S. MINNIE MCFARLAND, 1$. S HARRIS, B. S. Monroe. Butte Creek. Collins. Molafla. Corvallis. Corvallis. Corvallis. All'any. Corvallis. -iITTII CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS Addition, A. S., Allen, Ira, Aitree, Oliver, Applewhite, J. C., Arnold, H. L,, Atwood, Chas., Avery, ChesteT, Baldwin, Carrie, Bell, H. F., Bennett, J. G., Blair, Clara, Brallier. F. E., Buchanan, R. G., Buchanan,J. G., Burnett, Mattie, Campbell, John, Cauthorn. Willard, Cauthorn, Blake, Cauthorn, Ruth, Collins, B. F., Collins, J. H., Cooper, R. E., Davey, Osborne, Davis, Bertha, Davis, C. A., Dreskill, Wm,, Feller, J. P., r- Ferguson, Nida, Fischer, August, Fischer, Lewis, Friendly, Hattie, Gates, John, Groves, Jessie, Groves, Lillie, Hall, Wm., Harris, Frances, Hinton, H. C., Hoffman, Maud, Holgate, H. I.., Holgate, E. T., Horning, Jas., Horning, F. A., l-Iuffrnan, John, Huffman, Minnie, Hunt, Chas., Hunt, Clyde, Hunt, Lee, Jacobs, Sarah, Kearney, L., Kemp, L. J., Kerr, J. R., Keesee, Lizzie, K ittredge, Herbert, Kittredge, Lota, Kittredge, Emma, Korthauer, Laura, Lewis, Jas., Lilly, Annie, Lilly, Jennie, Lock, Ida, Martin, B. S., Mason, C., McFarland, Minnie, Meads, S. S., Mecklin, Jennie, Montgomery, 0. W., Moore, A., Mulkey, Frank, Nash, Percival, Newton, Diana, Phillips, E., Phillips, H. J., Pitman, Emma, Rayburn, F. W., STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Rickard, J. H., Robbins, 0. W., Rohrer, W. B., Rose, 0. M., Schott, Edgar, Skeels, G. H., Starr, J. FL, Smith, Ned, Smith, Lulu, Smith, Liza, St. Clair, A., Stock, W. S., Stock, E,, Taylor, Chas., Taylor, \V. C., Thompson, C. D., Waggoner, G. E., Waggoner, 0. V., Waggoner, Jessie, Waggoner, Minnie, Waugh, T. U., Weber, Emma, Wells, C. 0., Williams, Frank, 'Wilkins, J., Wilson, E., Wilson, R. J., cA7.4LOCUE OF CORVALLIS 10 STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 11 Natural Science.Analysis of Minerals, Ores, Soils, Manures, Ashes of Goue ? tuy. J'reecrjbed by Me State. FEE PARA TORY CLASSES. Plants, Mineral Waters, etc., etc.; Practice in Mineralogy, Etymology, Geology, Botany. Lançuages.Roman and Greek Antiquities, Sallust, Horace, Odes and Ephodes, Greek Testament, Homer, French, German. Agriculture Theory and Practice of Agriculture, Horticulture, Farm Implement and Drainage, Stock Breeding. Excursions. Geological, Botanical. Mathematics.Arithmetic, Algebra. Eng-lish.-----Reading, Spelling, Geography, English Grammar, Penmanship, Composition, Elocution, History of United States. Natural Science.Natural History, Philosophy, Physiology. Languages.Latin Grammar, Latin Reader, Greek Grammar, Greek Reader, French Grammar and Reader, German. lWilitar)' Exercises.Tactics, Drill. AgriculturalPractical instruction on Farm. JUNIOR CLASS. Moral Pkilosophy.Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion, Moral Philosophy, Political Economy. Melhematics. Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus, Practical Surveying and Engineering. Englith.Mental Philosophy, English Literature. Na/ural ScienceQualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Mineralogy, Chemistry, Geology, Organic Analysis. FRESHMAN CLASS. Languages.Livy, Horace's Satires, Epistles, etc.; Odyssey, De Corona, Mathematics.Algebra, Geometry. English.Rhetoric, Composition, History, Book-keeping. Natur üÉ SrienetInorganic and Organic Chemistry, Qualitative Analysis, Agriculture.Theory and Practice of Agriculture, Training and Culture of Structure and Physiology of Plants, Water, Atmosphere and Soil in their relations to vegetable productio n, Meteorology, Zoology. Rotany, I liysical Geography. Lang'-uages.--Ancient Geography, Roman Antiquities, Virgil, Cicero, Greek Antiquities, Greek Testament, Homer, F'rench, German. AgricultureTheory and Practice of Agriculture, Principles of Tillage, Drainage, Landscape Gardening. MilitaryTactics, Drill. Excursions.Botaoical, Zoological. Latin and Greek Composition, crench, German. I Fruit Trees, the Vine, Small Fruits, Culture of Flowers. MilitaryTactics, Drill. SENIOR CLASS. Moral P/iilosophy.Evidence of Natural and Revealed Religioncontinued. MaMe,naticaLMechanics, Astronomy, Civil Engineering. A,tgra/ & ienre.Chemistrycompleted; Quantitative Analysis. La'uages.Juvenal, Cicero, Tacitus, Alcestis, Thucydides, Demosthenes. Arir ti/tire.- -Theory out! Practice of Agriculture, Laying out of Lawns, (}rnainenting Grounds, etc. Military.Tactics, Drill. SOPIIOMOJIE CLASS. Mathernalical.Trigonometry (plane and spherical), Navigation, Mensuration, Surveying, Field Surveying, Drawing Maps of Farms, etc. Englis/i.Rhetoric, Logic, Composition, Elocution, Book.keeping, Universal History. CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS Goffee STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 0uf lereed ctriit &cLrrtirictflorid. P,-es,-ibed /y Me SLale. DG1EEs. Rux r. No student can enter a class with any professor until he shall have been admitted to the College and enrolled by the President. RtrLE 2. All students must attend the opening religious services of each day. RuI.E 3. All students will be required to observe "study" hours and not be found loitering in the streets, in shops, or at places of amusement during these hours. RULE 4. No student shall play at cards or billiards, or at any time visit placs of amb1zn, or ,,'rinkjm,, or buy, keep, or use in his room or elsewhere There are three degrees conferred in this Institution. i. The degree, A. B., on such as complete the course in the school of Physics, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy, and Ancient Languages. The degree, B. S., on such as complete the course in the school of Physics, Mathematics, Moral Philosophy, Engineering, Latin, and Special Department of Agriculture. The degree of Graduate in a school, on such as complete the course in any school. No degree will be conferred upon any any intoxicating liquors. RuLE 5. No one can remain a member of the Institution who is idle or vicious, or whose influence is detrimental to the discipline or reputation of the College. Rui.i 6. No student will be allowed to smoke on or near the College grounds. RULE 7. All students will be required to abstain from all profane and obscene language, and all noisy or disorderly conduct about the College buildings. RulE 8. Students must attend promptly to their duties and studies assigned them, and in no case suspend a study or change a recitation without permission. XAMINAIFIONS. Stated examinations are oral and in writing; they are of two kinds Intermediate and Final. The final examination occurs at the end of the year. FAILURES TO PASS ExAMINA'rloNs.No student failing to pass at examinations on any study, will be admitted to a second examination on that study during the same year. Candidates for degrees will, at their final examination, be examined on the entire course. Students in the Ancient Languages will be examined for degrees in the Classical Authors at the will of the Professor, and the examination will not be confined to the authors read by students during the session in the lecture room. RulE . A record of the scholarship and deportment of each student will be kept, and this will at all times he open to the inspection of parents and guardians. RuLl 10. It is expected and enjoined that students, on Sunday, attend the church of their choice, or that of their parents or guardians. LlITl1EIAIY SoGIY. The Adelphian Literary Society meets weekly and is in a flourishing condition. hi The Adelphian Library contains some thousand volumes of assorted and choice literature. 14 CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 2eufctfloru. Misseef'farteou. No student from another school will be admitted to this school, unless he bring a certificate of good standing from the faculty of the school from which he may come to us. This rule has been concurred in by the State University. LloGAI0N. The College is located at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, and is accessible by boat and rail to all parts of the State. No student will be allowed to take up less than three, or more than five studies, except in special cases. No student will be allowed to change a study in any case, or discontinue a study, unless, in Case of ill health, he bring a certificate from a physician of good standing, that such change or discontinuance is absolutely needful to the student's physical welfare, or the faculty see good reasnsto allow such change or tsCofltiii sauce. Iv. All cases of disorder a recitation, absence from recitation, etc., wilI be reported and students penn Iitted to render their excuses upon honor, and in writing; their excuses will be submitted to the faculty for examination. But in all cases the students mu st give spiaI not çrnereI reasons. The excuse so often given, viz.: "I had important business," will never be taken as asufficient excuse. Any student leaving the school without a written permission from the faculty is liable to be declared expelled. The following resolution was passed by the Board of Trustees at the last annual meeting of that body: Rescilved, a, t That, ii the Faculty advise a student himself to withaw from school, or his parents or guardian to withdraw him, refusal to follow the request or advice of the Faculty, shall be met by the expulsion of such student; provided that notice of this rule shall have been given to such parent or guar. dian or student. S N SE S. PAYMENT IN ADVANCE. Tuition charged from the date of entrance to the end of term. No de- duction except for sickness. Preparatory, English Preparatory, Classical Collegiate, Irregular Collegiate, Regular Contingent Fee Laboratory Fee for Students of Chemistry EXTRAS. Painting Graduating Fee, Classical Course Graduating Fee, Scientific Monthly statements of the conduct and standing of students will be rendered to parents. PREPARATORY, ENGLISH--Grammar, Written Algebra, Geography and Reader. SGAIE 01:1 DElMEprs. 0H SESSIONS. The scholastic year consists of ten months of twenty days each. This is divided into three equal terms. Absence from recitation 5 to to. Late at recitation Failure at recitation to 10. Leaving recitation Disorder at recitation to 5o. General disorder 5 to too. A student who receives too demerits, is dismissed. --- 5 to 10. ------ 5 to 10. - PREPARATORY, CLAssIcALEnglish and Latin, or Greek. COLLEGIATE, IRREGULARScientific Course. COLLEGIATE, REGULARScientific Course and Latin and Greek. Students holding State appointments are requested to furnish themselves with uniforms. These uniforms need not cost over IS.00 per suit, and would better be procured at Corvallis. CATALOGUE OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE. BOA FD. Board COStS from three to four dollars per week. STA'l SuDENTs. The law provides for the free tuition of sixty young men, over sixteen years old. Young men may secure appointment by applying to the Senator for the district in which they reside, or to the President of the College. AIiENDAI FOl l88Z. First Term begins Second Term begins Third Term begins Commencement Day Entrance Examination - - September 8, x886. December 8, i886. March 9, 1887. June 8, i887. September 7, 1887. Vacation of one week given at Christmas. - Persons intending to come to this school will please prepare themselves to enter the College Classes before they come. There are good preparatory schools now in many neighborhoods. Any high school can prepare pupils for the College. NOTEFor detailed information about the Agricultural studies, see the Biennial Report of the President, made to the State Legislature.