Project Proposal No. 2 Introduction :

Project Proposal No. 2: Autonomous Acoustic Buoy
Introduction: Sea’r is an autonomous buoy equipped with a hydrophone and a modem.
It is to be deployed in areas that are acoustically interesting; for example areas where
cetaceans can be found, or in the neighbourhood of noisy activities as shipping or pile
driving. It can then be called to listen or record the ocean background noise.
Alternatively, it can transmit in real-time detected acoustic signals to a server.
Project Brief: The modem has a limited frequency bandwidth aimed at speech. In order
to be able to transmit frequency components that are not included in this bandwidth an
encoding and decoding process must be developed that will allow the real-time
detection of interesting acoustic signals. The output of the project will be a board to be
integrated in the autonomous buoy that will handle the signal detection, encoding and
transmission through GSM or GPRS.
Project team: 5 international students and 2 EPSEVG supervisors
Time: February 18th to June 20th.
Areas of study:
Business Management
Mechanical engineering
Electrical engineering
Electronics engineering
Computer engineering.
Telecommunications engineering.
Company: Bioacoustics Application Lab. (
Contact person: Michel André.
Project academic supervisors: Michel André, Juan Vicent Castell & Mike van der