Project Title: AUTONOMOUS ACOUSTIC BUOY Introduction: The AAB (Autonomous Acoustic Buoy) is a remote monitoring buoy for unassisted recording of underwater sounds in specific areas where this knowledge is of scientific or industrial interest. This requires many different systems to be designed and included in the buoy: analogical electronics, digital computer boards, data managing and signal recognition software, power system, system protection and recovery (watchdog), data wireless links, the buoy’s mechanical response assessment, etc. The project is to be developed in the LAB (Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics, a research group in the UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia); the AAB project is intended to be completely designed and assembled by EPS students. You’ll be the fourth EPS team to work on the project. Project Brief: Some parts of the buoy are already finished. Others are still pending. The 2011 EPS team will be assigned to tasks that fit the students’ backgrounds and interests. The main lines of interest though will be data processing (detection or recognition of specific acoustic events), system integration (of the watchdog, the embedded computer and the rest of electronics in the buoy) and general assessment (analysis of the buoy’s behaviour in different sea conditions, for example). Company Name: Applied Bioacoustics Laboratory - Project team: Number of students: 4 to 6 students Students speciality: Mechanical engineering Electronics engineering Computer engineering Telecommunications engineering