The SVALEX 2014 pre-course assignment To participate in Svalex 2014 you have to pass this pre-course assignment. First you have to select one of three pre-course assignments; Geophysics, Geology or Engineering. Each set of assignments are challenging on the topic indicated in the heading (i.e. Geology is challenging on the geology questions, but have easy questions related to the two other topics; geophysics and engineering). Geology students should therefore select the Geology assignment, geophysics students should select the Geophysics assignment and engineering students should select the Engineering assignment. Choosing the right pre-course assignment according to your specialization is important also seen from the perspective of forming working groups, later on, when solving project exercises at Svalbard and aboard the ship. Each student has to solve one of the pre-course assignments and submit it electronically by March 30. 2014 to NB: Remember to ll in all necessary information into the attached le SVALEX 2014 - Student personal data.xlsx and attach this le to your submission of the pre-course project. The submitted project should not be longer than 10 printed A4 pages (using Times New Roman 12 pt and 1.5 line spacing). Any extra pages will not be considered when evaluating your submission! Write your full name, institution, e-mail address and the name of the pre-course assignment you have selected (Geophysics, Geology or Engineering) on top of the rst page. Use references in the text and include a complete list of references on the last page. Each student has to solve and submit the assignment selected, individually, even though cooperation between students and team-work is encouraged. If a student try to duplicate or copy all or part of another student's assignment, both students will fail the pre-course assignment. During Svalex 2014 you will visit several localities on Svalbard (Storvola, Festningen, Midterhuken, Billefjorden, Mediumfjellet, Pyramiden, Ebbadalen and Tchermarkfjellet). At some of these localities you will examine dierent types of sedimentary basin deposits, whereas other localities demonstrate dierent styles of deformations. Take some time to become familiar with the geology of the above mentioned localities. We encourage you to use internet and in particular the Resource-les in solving your assignment (see below for listed resources). Resource-les: // . If you have any questions, please contact one of the resource personnel. Best of luck! List of content Pre-course assignments: Geology pre-course assignment Geophysics pre-course assignment Engineering pre-course assignment Attachment: Dykstra & Parsons displacement model (primarily for engineering students) Selected resources Resource personnel Advanced resources 1 page page page page 2 3 4 6 page 11 page 11 page 12 Geology pre-course assignment Problem 1 (Geology) a) Carbonates equivalent to the Minkinfjellet and Wordiekammen Formations might be interesting targets for hydrocarbons in the Barents Sea Shelf. What is their age of formation and at which localities during the Svalex eld course/cruise will you be able to sample rocks from these two units? b) Source rocks appear in at least in two formations along the Festningen prole. Which formations are these, and what are their age of deposition? Discuss the formation of these types of source rocks and their petroleum potential. Are there any nearby potential reservoir rocks? If so what is the name and age of deposition of these reservoir rocks - if they exist. c) At which locality/localities on Svalbard we are visiting during the Svalex cruise do you expect to see rift basin deposits? What is the age of the rifting and the approximate extension direction? How wide is the rift? Describe briey or make a sketch (screen dump) illustrating facies variations within the rift? d) What is a decollement zone? Where in the stratigraphic record of Svalbard do you nd regionally extensive decollement zones? How and why were they formed? Explain! Problem 2 (Geophysics) a) Explain how seismic acquisition is performed in the following settings: i) Oshore (i.e. marine) ii) Onshore b) Explain why a contrast in acoustic impedance is important for seismic data. c) What kind of processing techniques can be used to remove random noise from seismic data? Problem 3 (Engineering) a) When a volume of gas and oil is produced to the surface, - what happens to the void left behind in the reservoir? Mention minimum three dierent physical processes that may play a part in lling the void. Dierentiate between the processes in time and importance. b) Draw a gure that shows how oil and gas at reservoir conditions are split into oil and gas at surface conditions. (Remember that oil in the reservoir also contains gas when brought to the surface and that gas in the reservoir may also contain oil at surface conditions.) Based on this drawing, dene the volume factor for gas and oil (normally written Bo and Bg ). Dene also the gas/oil solution ratio, Rs . c) Since oil in the reservoir contains both gas and oil at surface conditions, - then the reservoir density of oil has to be proportional to both surface densities of oil and gas. Show that the density of reservoir oil is written ρo = 1 (Rs ρgn + ρon ), Bo where ρgn and ρon are the surface density of gas and oil, respectively. 2 Geophysics pre-course assignment Problem 1 (Geology) a) Explain why it is dicult to obtain good reection seismic data from the outer part of Isfjorden comparet with central part Isfjorden? There are more than one explanation for this! b) When was Svalbard subjected to crustal extension and formation rift basins? There is more than one rift event. c) Two or more dierent lithologies exposed on Svalbard represent challenges to the drilling engineers. What are these lithologies and why do these lithologies represent possible problems? At what stratigraphic levels do these "problem lithologies" occur, and at which localities to be visited during the Svalex cruise do you expect to see and sample these lithologies? d) What is a foreland basin and how is it formed? Only a short simple answer is needed. e) What is the depositional age the coal beds present around: Longyearbyen, Barentsburg, Svea and Pyramiden Problem 2 (Geophysics) a) The seabottom in the Isfjord area at Svalbard is very hard. Discuss which types of multiple removal techniques that can be used to eliminate the sea bottom multiples. b) How would you do a seismic survey in Isjorden in order to minimize problems with reections from the sides of the fjord? c) Intrusive sills below the seaoor in Isfjorden cannot be mapped by use of traditional seismic data. Explain why. What other geophysical technique could be implied to identify such intrusions? Problem 3 (Engineering) a) When a volume of gas and oil is produced to the surface, - what happens to the void left behind in the reservoir? Mention minimum three dierent physical processes that may play a part in lling the void. Dierentiate between the processes in time and importance. b) Draw a gure that shows how oil and gas at reservoir conditions are split into oil and gas at surface conditions. (Remember that oil in the reservoir also contains gas when brought to the surface and that gas in the reservoir may also contain oil at surface conditions.) Based on this drawing, dene the volume factor for gas and oil (normally written Bo and Bg ). Dene also the gas/oil solution ratio, Rs . c) Since oil in the reservoir contains both gas and oil at surface conditions, - then the reservoir density of oil has to be proportional to both surface densities of oil and gas. Show that the density of reservoir oil is written ρo = 1 (Rs ρgn + ρon ), Bo where ρgn and ρon are the surface density of gas and oil, respectively. 3 Engineering pre-course assignment Problem 1 (Geology) a) Explain why it is dicult to obtain good reection seismic data from the outer part of Isfjorden comparet with central part Isfjorden? There are more than one explanation for this! b) When was Svalbard subjected to crustal extension and formation rift basins? There is more than one rift event. c) Two or more dierent lithologies exposed on Svalbard represent challenges to the drilling engineers. What are these lithologies and why do these lithologies represent possible problems? At what stratigraphic levels do these "problem lithologies" occur, and at which localities to be visited during the Svalex cruise do you expect to see and sample these lithologies? d) What is a foreland basin and how is it formed? Only a short simple answer is needed. e) What is the depositional age the coal beds present around: Longyearbyen, Barentsburg, Svea and Pyramiden Problem 2 (Geophysics) a) Explain how seismic acquisition is performed in the following settings: i) Oshore (i.e. marine) ii) Onshore b) Explain why a contrast in acoustic impedance is important for seismic data. c) What kind of processing techniques can be used to remove random noise from seismic data? Problem 3 (Engineering) Storvola is one of the geological sites visited on Svalex excursions. The Storvola mountain is located south of Lonyearbyen, along the northern shore of the van Keulen fjord. The Storvola mountain will in this exercise be taken as an example of a typical sandstone reservoir where production of the in situ oil can be modeled by applying a somewhat simplied water displacement process called the Dykstra & Parsons displacement model. a) Use available resources (i.e. the Resource-les or internet) and familiarize yourself with the Storvola mountain. Verify the stratied layering of the rocks and identify the numbers of presumingly good packs of reservoir sands (here referenced as layers or ow channels). b) Make an assessment of the number of layers and estimate the thickness of dierent layers. Note down the numbers of layers and their thicknesses. (There is no need to be to detailed. A crude estimate at this point will do.) Prior to drilling a production well in the Storvola formation, we need to plan a casing program where dierent casings (steel tubulars) will be set in the well. c) What could be typical hole sections and casing sizes involved when drilling this well? 4 d) What types of bits will you use for the dierent hole section and discuss advantages/disadvantages associated with the dierent bit types. e) What kind of drilling technology makes it possible to drill horizontal wells and maneuver in thin sandlayers (above water contact and below shale cap rock)? f) What kind of completion solution can be used for preparing the well for production? Visit YouTube and have a look at the movie "Oil Driller Breaches Salt Mine Under Lousiana Lake". g) What is Karst and what kind of drilling problems can that cause? h) What is Pressurized Mud Cap Drilling? (Search on YouTube!) Attached you will nd a description of the Dykstra & Parsons displacement model that you, later, will use to estimate the production recovery from the Storvola reservoir. Acquaint your self with the model below by answering the following questions. (The Dykstra & Parson model, as presented here, is in principle similar to the model used in the Sword program you will be using during on the Storvola project exercise.) i) Verify the renumbering criteria in Eq. 11 by averaging over all values 0 ≤ x̃ ≤ 1 in Eq. 4. [Hint: Averageing=Integration] Assume we have access to geological and geophysical information about the Storvola reservoir. Using the Dykstra & Parsons displacement model we have the means to estimate oil recovery from the reservoir based on the geological data at hand. As an example: Let's assume that the oil in Storvola is stored in 5 layers. The oil viscosity is 0.5 mP a · s and the displacing water viscosity is 0.8 mP a · s. j) Ideally, reservoir data should be used in the table below, but for demonstration purposes, - the numbers presented will do. [Hint: Use spreadsheet calculations.] In practice, use the numbers in the table below even so they have no direct relevance to the Storvola reservoir. Answer the remaining questions using the number in the table below. Layer # 1 2 3 4 5 hi [m] 17 50 25 37 12 φi 1 0.19 0.23 0.20 0.21 0.16 ∆Si 1 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.17 0.20 ki [mD] 210 200 460 70 60 λwi λoi [mD/mPa s] [mD/mPa s] - - Mi 1 - ∼ vmax,i [?] - k) Renumber the layers according to frontal speed and calculate the water breakthrough times, using Eq. 14, for the dieren layers. l) Calculate the water-oil front positions, using Eqs. 10 and 9, for all layers, and for all breakthrough times. m) Calculate the recovery, using Eq. 1, as the sum over all layers, for all breakthrough times. n) Plot recovery as function of breakthrough times. 5 Dykstra & Parsons displacement model 1 We will in the following assume that the Storvola reservoir is buried some 3000 meter below surface level. The reservoir is perfectly stratied with longitudinal ow channels of homogenous characteristics. Parameters such as porosity (φ), permeability (k ) and channel height (h) are all considered constant within each layer but may vary between layers. A "realistic" 3D model of the the Storvola reservoir consist of staked layers as depicted in Figur 1, where the bulk volume is Vb = H · L · W . Figure 1: Water displaces oil in a stratied layered reservoir. Various models of dierent type and complexity are available for simulating oil production. One of the more simplistic models is shown in Figure 1. In the Dyrkstra & Parsons displacement model, the layers are mathematically decoupled except from in the wells. There is no crossow between layers and the displacement within each layer is piston-like with a sharp (vertical) interface between water and oil. Even though there might be a certain saturation of water present in all layers (Swc ), only one phase is moving on either side of the oil-water interface. (The relative permeability in such a system is 1.) All uids are considered incompressible. Injection and production is completed over the full interval of layers and the pressure dierence ∆p is constant or the ow rate might be considered constant. Figur 2 displays elements of the Dykstra & Parsons model. With only one layer in the model a), the production (recovery) of oil is linearly increasing as the water-oil interface is moving towards the producer. In the two layer model b), oil is produced from both layers until there is a water breakthrough in layer 1, after which the linear production is somewhat reduced since only layer 2 is maintaining oil production. In the multi layer model, water breakthrough will rst occur in layer 1 since the speed of the water-oil interface is highest in this layer. When breakthrough (rst in layer 1) occurs production is reduced sequentially as one layer after the other is produced. This is seen in Fig. 2 c) right, as a leveling o of the relative recovery. The recovery of oil in Fig. 2 c) left, is the volume of displaced oil, or similarly the volume of displacing water present in the model. The displacing water volume is dened by the position of the water-oil interface. The water-oil interface position xi is thus, playing a key role in dening the oil recovery in this model. By adding up the volume of displaced (produced) oil in Figur 2, we may derive the recovery factor, 1 Ref. Spor Monograph, Svein M. Skjæveland and Jon Kleppe, Enhanced oil recovery, Larry Lake and The Practice of Reservoir Engineering, L.P. Dake 6 Figure 2: Piston ow in a) single -, b)dual - and c) multi layered reservoir. N X R= hi x̃i φi ∆Si i=1 N X , where x̃i = xi , L (1) hi φi ∆Si i=1 where φi is the porosity, ∆Si = 1 − Sor − Swc is the dierence between initial and residual saturations, hi is the channel height and L is the channel length. Notice that in a multilayered reservoir as in Figur 2, the recovery is given at times ∆T1 , ∆T2 , etc. These are water breakthrough times for the dierent layers. Since each channel (layer) is behaving independently from all other channels, we may use the same displacement model for all layers. The problem of calculating the oil recovery, as in Eq. 1, is therefore reduced to calculating the position of the interface fronts in the dierent layers in relation to the fastest moving front. 7 Single channel model The movement of the water-oil interface with reference to Figur 2 is dened by Darcy's law, and in this case for horizontal ow, ∆po ko , , where λo = L−x µo ∆pw kw = λw , , where λw = x µw uo = λo and ∆po = (p − pprod ) (2) uw and ∆pw = (pinj − p), (3) where the bulk speed uo = uw for all incompressible uids and ∆p = pinj − pprod = ∆pw + ∆po . Eective permeability ko and kw , would normally be dierent but here we write; ko = kw = k . The "intrinsic front velocity" is dened as the actual uid velocity within the porous medium, where v ≡ dx/dt = u/(φ∆S). Based on Eqs. 2 and 3 and the denition of the intrinsic front velocity, we nd dx̃ 1 ∆p λw = 2 , dt L φ∆S x̃ + (1 − x̃)M (4) where x̃ = x/L is the normalized front position and M = λw /λo is the mobility ratio. Multi channel model From Figure 2 c), we see that when the water-oil interface in the fastest moving channel has reached the producer, the interface in all other layers have moved a certain distance away from the producer. By dening the position of the interface in all channels, xi , relative to the fastest moving channel, xf , - we may calculate the recovery by direct substitution of x̃i in Eq. 1. Relating the speed of the interface in channel xi , to the speed of the fastest moving channel xf , - we may write, dx̃i dx̃i dx̃f = . dt dx̃f dt (5) Notice that the real positions is substituted by normalized position without any loss information. From Eq. 5 it is easy to relate the position of the fastest moving channel to all other channels, simply by writing, dx̃i φf ∆Sf λwi x̃f + (1 − x̃f )Mf dx̃i = dt = , dx̃ dx̃f λwf φi ∆Si x̃i + (1 − x̃i )Mi f | {z } dt (6) Fi where Eq. 4 is used for all layers i and f , and where Fi is called the heterogeneity factor. Integration of Eq. 6 from 0 to x̃i and x̃f respectively, yields the expression, x̃i = Mi − Mi2 + Fi (1 − Mi )[x̃2f (1 − Mf ) + 2Mf x̃f ] Mi − 1 x̃i = Fi q 1 − Mf x̃f + Mf x̃f , 2 when Mi = 1. , when Mi 6= 1 (7) (8) The relative position of the interface in any channel is in Eqs. 7 and 8 given as function of the relative position of the fastest moving interface. With reference to Figur 2 c), we may nd the position of the water-oil interface in layers 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 if we know the interface position 8 of the fastest moving layer 1. At breakthrough in layer 1, i.e. xf = 1, we may write the interface positions in all other layers, x̃i = Mi − q Mi2 + Fi (1 − Mi )(1 + Mf ) Mi − 1 x̃i = Fi 1 + Mf 2 , when Mi 6= 1 , when Mi = 1. (9) (10) After breakthrough in layer 1, the second fastest channel 4, now has the fastest moving water-oil interface. Using Eqs. 9 and 10 again, we are able to calculate the front position in the remaining layers 2, 3, 5 and 6. This process continues until water breakthrough in the slowest moving channel, namely layer 5. Renumbering of layers It is evident from the above deduction that by combining Eqs. 9 and 10 and Eq. 1 we may calculate the recovery from all layers, as depicted in Figur 2. From a practical point of view it would be necessary to dene the numbering of layers with respect to how fast the water-oil interface is moving in each layer. In order to do this we turn back to the denition of the intrinsic front velocity given in Eq. 4. Since 0 ≤ x̃ ≤ 1 and the displacement is linearly progressing, we may estimate the average front velocity by inserting x̃ = 1/2 into Eq. 4. The renumbering criteria, dierentiating between the various layers, is therefore dened as, v∝ λw 1 , φ∆S 1 + M (11) where the pressure drop ∆p and the layer length L are irrelevant in the renumbering process. Time dependence The time has so fare only been indirectly referenced. In order to plot the recovery as in Figur 2 c), we need to associate the recovery steps to a ceratin time scale. Time is part of the equation in the denition of the intrinsic front velocity in Eq. 4. Integration of this equation over the full channel length, Z 1 [x̃ + M (1 − x̃)]dx̃ = 0 Z ∆t λw ∆p 0 φ∆S L2 dt gives the time ∆t as function of front position, ! φ∆S L2 x̃2 (1 − M ) + M x̃ . ∆t = λw ∆p 2 (12) At water breakthrough, x̃ = 1, we nd, ∆t = φ∆S L2 1 (1 + M ). λw ∆p 2 (13) We may now relate a time scale to the time it takes for water to break through in the fastest channel. With reference to Fig. 2, where layer 1 is the fastest channel, we get the relative time for water breakthrough in the various layers, 9 ˜ i = ∆ti = φi ∆Si λ1 1 + Mi , ∆t ∆t1 φ1 ∆S1 λi 1 + M1 (14) ˜ i is a normalized time, where ∆t ˜ i = 1 is the time when water break through in the fastest ∆t channel. Water cut After break through in the fastest layer (layer with the fastest moving water - oil interface), water will be part of the surface production. The water cut is dened as the relative water rate compared to the total production of oil and water. WC = qw , qw + qo (15) where WC = 0 before water break through and where WC = 1 after all channels have been produced. After water break through in the fastest moving layer, water will continue to ow through that layer at a constant rate, qwi = Ai λwi ∆p , L (16) in accordance to Darcy law. The oil rate in the layers which have not yet experienced water break through is indirectly given by Eq. 4, qoi = Ai λoi ∆p 1 . L x̃i + (1 − x̃i )Mi (17) The water cut is therefore written, j X WC = j X i=1 N X Ai λwi 1 Ai λwi + Ai λoi x̃ + (1 − x̃i )Mi i i=1 i=j+1 . (18) The water cut as well as the recovery can be plotted as function of time, as described above. 10 Selected resources Problem 1: • Johnsen, S.O., Mørk, A., Dypvik, H. & Nagy, J. 2002: Outline of the Geology of Svalbard. 11 pp. • Download the e-module "Introduction to carbonates" here: • SvalSim (GEO2000) • Nøttvedt, A., Livbjerg, F., Midbøe, P.S., & Rasmussen, E. 1992: Hydrocarbon potential of the Central Spitsbergen Basin. In: Vorren, T.O., Bergsager, E., Dahl-Stamnes, Ø.A., Holter, E., Johansen, B., Lie, E., & Lund, T.B. (Eds.): Arctic Geology and Petroleum Potential. NPF Special Publlication 2, p. 333 - 361. Problem 2: • Rafaelsen, B. 2004: Seismic resolution and frequency ltering: • Use e-modules found on (click GeoPhysics => Modules => GeoPhysics => Acquisition / Processing): Geophysical Principles Seismic Equipment Logistics Recording OBS acquisition VSP Data Principles VSP Data Applications • SvalSim (GEO2000) Problem 3: • (Username: emodules, Password: IPT2007@@) • Search for "error propagation" on the internet Resource personnel Arild Andresen (, Geir Elvebakk(, Sverre Ola Johnsen (, Hans Arne Nakrem (, Bjarne Rafaelsen ( Problem 1: Problem 2: Jan Inge Faleide (, Rolf Mjelde (, Martin Landrø (, Bent Ole Ruud (, Egil Tjåland (, Bjarne Rafaelsen ( Problem 3: Jon Kleppe (, Svein Skjæveland (, Ole Torsæther (, Tom Jelmert (, Jann Rune Ursin ( 11 Advanced resources You are not required to use these, they are mainly for those with special interests in a particular topic. • Aga, O.J., Dalland, A., Elverhøi, A., Thon, A. & Worsley, D. 1986: The geological history of Svalbard. 121 pp. Aske Trykkeri AS, Stavanger. • Brown, A.R. 1999: Interpretation of three-dimensional seismic data, 5th edition. AAPG Memoir 42, Tulsa, Oklahoma, pp. 514. • Haremo, P. & Andresen, A. 1992: Tertiary decollement thrusting and inversion structures along Billefjorden and Lomfjorden Fault Zones, East Central Spitsbergen. In: Larsen, R.M., Brekke, H., Larsen, B.T., & Tallrås, E. (Eds.): Structural and Tectonic Modelling and its Application to Petroleum Geology. NPF Special Publication 1, p. 481 - 494. • Harland, W. B. 1997: The Geology of Svalbard. Geological Society Memoir 17, 521 pp. Alden Press, Oxford. • Johansen, A.E., Kibsgaard, S., Andresen, A., Henningsen, T., & Granli, J.R., 1994: Seismic modelling of a strongly emergent thrust front, West Spitsbergen Foldbelt, Svalbard. American Assocoation of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin 78, p. 1018-1027. • Johannessen, E.P. & Steel, R.J. 1992: Mid-Carboniferous extension and rift-inll sequences in the Billefjorden Through, Svalbard. In: Dallmann, W.K., Andresen, A. & Krill, A (Eds.): Post-Caledonian tectonic evolution of Svalbard. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 72, p. 35-48. • Larssen, G.B., Elvebakk, G., Henriksen, L.B., Kristensen, S-E., Nilsson, I., Samuelsberg, T.J., Svånå, T.A., Stemmerik, L. & Worsley, D. 2002: Upper Palaeozoic lithostratigraphy of the Southern Norwegian Barents Sea. NPD Bulletin 9, 76 pp., 63 gs., 1 tbl. • Marshak, S. 2001: Earth-Portrait of planet. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. 734 pp. ISBN 0-393-97423-5. • Nøttvedt, A., Livbjerg, F., Midbøe, P.S., & Rasmussen, E. 1992: Hydrocarbon potential of the Central Spitsbergen Basin. In: Vorren, T.O., Bergsager, E., Dahl-Stamnes, Ø.A., Holter, E., Johansen, B., Lie, E., & Lund, T.B. (Eds.): Arctic Geology and Petroleum Potential. NPF Special Publlication 2, p. 333 - 361. • , particularly chapter 3 (, referring to •, many examples from Spitsbergen and Bjørnøya • • 12