Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Animal Sciences Ciszewskiego st. 8, 02-786 Warsaw, Poland EXTENSIVE GRAZING OF POLISH HEATH SHEEP ON PASTURES ESTABLISHED ON FALLOW LANDS GENERAL MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN GRASSLAND FEDERATION IN NORTH-WEST POLAND EGF 2012 LUBLIN POLAND 3-7 June 2012 1 Strzelec E., Głowacz K., Niżnikowski R., Łozicki A., Klimaszewski K., Popielarczyk D., Poleszczuk O. Pre-Conference Workshop A: Innovations in Grazing Lublin, 3 June 2012 GRAZING SHEEP IN POLAND – SOME FACTS Declining sheep population in Poland: Total no of sheep in 2011 - 212 740 hds Total no of ewes in 2011 - 143 823 hds 1 350000 300000 R² = 0,9216 250000 1 Heads 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Average flock size in 2010 2 : 66.4 registered ewes per flock (1064 flocks in total) Grazing sheep: Year all sheep During vegetation period (MayOctober): 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Lowlands – 180-200 days Mountains – 110-150 days Permanent pastures ewes Wielob. (all sheep) Systems: Podhale (Tatry mountain) - sheep combined in one flock and grazed on mountain pastures (with guard); gathering in pen for nights Lowlands and others – guarding grazing, sheep come to barns for nights 2 1 - http://www.stat.gov.pl/gus ; 2 – PZO – Polish Union of Sheep Farmers DISTRIBUTION OF SHEEP POPULATION DUE TO THE REGION OF POLAND IN 2011 1 Southern region Northern 10784 Eastern Northwestern Central Eastern region 18775 64863 Northern region 32521 Eastern North-western region South-western Central region 35068 50729 Southern South-western region 3 1 - http://www.stat.gov.pl/gus LANDS STRUCTURE IN POLAND1 orchards fallowed lands forests and woodlands arable areas meadows and pastures 000 ha 15000 10000 5000 0 year 2011 000 ha 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 10576,0 3291,0 362,1 orchards 1 - http://www.stat.gov.pl/gus 1107,5 no data fallowed meadows forests lands and and pastures woodlands arable areas 4 5 THE RESEARCH SHORT DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH IDEA Aim: Investigation of nutritional value of pastures established on fallow lands for extensive grazing of primitive sheep breeds Focal points: Analysis of herbage – botanical and chemical Estimation of productivity and nutritional value of this areas Growth performance of Polish Heath Sheep under extensive conditions of grazing 6 MATERIALS AND METHODS Polish Heath Sheep (ewes and lambs) – ~100 ewes/yr Three repeats: 2006-2008 North-western part of Poland Pastures established on fallowed lands surrounded by woodlands – 50 ha, no additional fertilizations; Grazing: 0,2 LSU/ha Vegetetion period: May October Places of plant sampling: ~5% of total area Herbage samples: 4 x yr and 4 x different places per year (48 samples in total) Weighting of ewes and lambs: 2 x yr (Spring/Autumn); only ewes with lambs born before grazing season started Statistics: General linear models (SPSS v.10) 7 Effects of: month of vegetation period + year of experiment + place of sampling (herbage) or sex (animals) + double factors’ interactions. 8 RESULTS EFFECT OF VEGETATION MONTH ON BOTANICAL COMPOSITION OF HERBAGE 100 90 80 B May (A) b June/July (B) August (C ) September/October (D) Ac 70 60 % 50 40 30 20 10 c 0 Poaceae aD C Asteraceae Fabaceae Dicotyledoneae Group of plants Statistical significance at: a, ..., d – P<0.05; A,…,D – P<0.01 Equisetaceae Cyperaceae et Juncaceae 9 EFFECT OF VEGETATION MONTH ON PASTURE YIELD(A), CHEMICAL COMPOSITION(B) AND FIBRE FRACTIONS(C) OF HERBAGE t dm/ha A B 2,5 May 2 40 1,5 35 2,13 1 0,5 0 AcD 0,79 B b 0,88 B August September/October acD b 30 1,37 June/July b B 25 % 20 15 AcD B b B 10 bcD a 5 AA ACD B BB 0 Dry matter Crude ash Pasture yield C May June/July 25 15 Ether extract August Crude fibre N-free extracts September/October cd 20 % Crude protein b aCD b B b B 10 5 B ACD B 0 ADF Statistical significance at: a, ..., d – P<0.05; A,…,D – P<0.01 NDF ADL B 10 EFFECT OF VEGETATION PERIOD ON BODY WEIGHTS OF EWES AND LAMBS Live body weights of: Lambs (kg) Vegetation period: LSM SE Ewes (kg) LSM SE N Beginning End 9,13 19,98** 0,55 0,55 31,06 35,68 2,50 2,50 240 192 Statistical significance at: ** - P<0.01 11 CONCLUSIONS Month of vegetative period affected botanical composition of pastures (Poaceae and Asteraceae) as well as average pasture yield. Sufficient environmental conditions for rearing lambs were observed. Average body weight of lambs at the end of grazing season was significantly higher comparing to the beginning. No significant increase of body weights of ewes during grazing season was observed. Maintaining studied area as a permanent grassland could be perfectly realized via extensive grazing of Polish Heath Sheep. 12 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 13 This work has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project no. 2 P06Z 069 29).