loumal of the Geological SocietJ, London, Yo|. 147, 1990, /. -t pp. 439-450, 11 figs, 2 tables. Printed in Northcrn Ireland The Caledonian Heilhornet Pluton, north-central Norway: geological setting' radiometric age and implications for the Scandinavian Caledonides O. NORDGULEN' & B. SCHOUENBORG2 tNorwegian Geological Suruey, PO Box 3006, N -7002 Trondheim, Norway 2 Institute of Geology, IJniuersity of Lund., Sdluegatan 13, 5-223 62 Lund, Sweden Abstract: The Heilhornet Pluton is a medium-sized (c.5okm']). sub-circular, discordant intrusion which penetrates the thrust zone separating the Helgeland Nappe Complex from paragneisses in the Vestranden region, north-central Norway. The intrusion consists of biotite + hornblende granite and ranges in composition from 61.5 to 72.5wr.Ea StOz. The initial Sr ratio (c. 0.7070) shows that crustal sources have becn involved in the petrogenesis of the granite. A U-Pb zircon age ol 444 + 11 Ma for the pluton indicates that juxtaposition of the nappe complex with metasedimentary rocks in Vestranden took place prior to or during the late ordovician. A consequence of this is that the general correlation of the melasedimentary rocks in Vestranden with the Sevc Nappes must be revised Final castward thrusting of the complex, together with a yet unknown part of the Vestranden supr2rctustal sequencc, probably took place during the middle Silurian to early Devonian, Scandian, orogenjc complex the igneous complex on the island of Hortavier has given a Rb-Sr date of 471 + 5 Ma (Gustavson & Prestvik Several granitoid batholiths and isolated granite intrusions are known from the Scandinavian Caledonides, most of Despite their abundance, very little work has been done on 1979). Compilation of isotope studies of the Bindal Batholith has been provided by Nissen (1986) and Torudbakken & Mickelson (1986). New Rb Sr isotope data them. and they hare receired only cursor) altention in recent syntheses of the development of the Scandinavian Bindal Batholith commenced duing the Cambrian them occurring in westernmost Norway and in the Upper and Uppermost Allochthons (Stephens et al. 1985a). indicate that the intrusive activity in the southern part of the Previous work has suggested that the granitoids of the Bindal Batholith are confined to the Uppermost Allochthon (Stephens et al. 1985a). The western limit of the Helgeland Nappe Complex can be followed from close to Grong northwards to the vicinity of the Heilhornet Pluton (Fig. 1). The basal thrust generally dips at low to intermediate angles to the east and northeast and is locally folded by open, The Heilhornet Pluton is one of about 50 major intrusions which constitutes the Bindal Batholith, an intrusive complex occupying a large part of the Helgeland Nappe Complex in the Uppermost Allochthon of north- central Norway (Fig. 1). In this paper we describe the pluton and its geological setting before discussing the isotope data. Finally. we consider the significance of our obseryations with respect to models for the evolution of the central part of and spanned a period of more than 100 Ma (Nissen 1988). Caledonides (e.9. Stephens et al. 1985b). northeast plunging folds. Detailed mapping has shown that the Heilhornet Pluton cuts into an imbricate zone which marks the boundary between the nappe complex in the east and subjacent undifferentiated supracrustal rocks collectively referred to as the Vestranden sequence in the west. This boundary has been mapped and described between the Grong area in the south and Bindal in the north (Kollung 1967; Roberts el dl. 1983; Nissen 1986; Nordgulen & Bering 1987; Husmo & Nordgulen 1988). In the imbricate zone, lenses and thin slivers of metasedimentary rocks and various intrusions are the Scandinavian Caledonides. Geological setting and previous work The Heilhornet Pluton is a roughly circular intrusion about 7 km in diameter. lt is situated some 25 km east of Leka (Fig. 1), and cuts the contact between the Helgeland Nappe Complex and supracrustal rocks of the Vestranden region. The geology of the nappe complex is dominated by the voluminous granitoids of the Bindal Batholith (Kollung 1967; Myrland 1972; Nordgulen 191t4; Gustavsor 1988) in Nordland and Nord-Trondelag (Fig. 1). Most of the plutons are medium- to coarse-grained and sometimes megacrystic granitoids, although intermediate and basic rocks also occur. There are few detailed radiometric studies of the individual plutons. A granodiorite in the southeastern part of the Helgelaod Nappe Complex has been dated by the Rb Sr method (Nissen 191t6) and gave an age of 526110Ma. Rb Sr work from the northern part of the compiex yielded ages of 433tl1Ma for granitic dykes and 420+8Ma (mineral age) for the MosjOen gabbro (Torudbakken & Mickelson 1986). In the southwestern part of the nappe stacked in a complicated manner. This is well-illustrated immediately south of the Heilhornet Pluto. where a basement cover couplet consisting of metagabbroic rocks unconformably overlain by mafic and calcareous conglomerates, marble and metasandstone is present (Fig.2). The mafic conglomerates, which lie directly on metagabbro south of SOrfjorden, consist essentially of metagabbroic clasts in a hornblende-rich matrix. They are interpieted as unconformable deposits on the metagabbro (Husmo & Nordgulen 1988). The basement cover couplet has been telescoped by low-angle thrusts into an imbricate structure which was subsequently transected by the pluton (Husmo & Nordgulen 1988). To the east, the pluton cuts rocks which are regarded 439 O. NORDGULEN & B. SCHOUENBORG 440 Fig. The map is modified from 1. Overview of the central part of the scandinavian caledonides and location of thc Heilhornct Pluton as part of the Helgeland Nappe Complex. These include metagabbros and various ultramalic rocks which are intruded by quartz-monzonitic rocks of the Bindal Batholith. The mafic and ultramafic rocks, together with associated pillow lavas and greenstones, which outcrop northeast Gee c/ dl. (198s). of the pluton, have been interpreted as the remnant of a dismembered ophiolite (Husmo & Nordgulen 1988). Contact relationships and intemal structure As described above, the contact of the pluton is discordant. In the south, east and north, the contact is irregular and quite steep where exposed. The western contact dips to the east at a fairly shallow angle (c.30') and is sub-parallel to the regional S2-foliation in the adjoining metasedimentary rocks. However at outcrop, the contact is strongly a discordant: apophyses can be followed from the pluton into the surrounding rocks (e.g. Fig. 3). At the southern contact, the Heilhornet Pluton can be seen to intrude the metagabbroic and metasedimentary rocks of the imbricate zone. Following the contact from the western part of the pluton to Bursvikbotn in the north, it is seen that it transects lithological boundaries in the metasedimentary rocks of tbe Vestranden sequence (Fig. 2). Locally, xenoliths of the wall-rocks occur near the contact. This is well exemplified along the northern margin of the Heilhornet Pluton at Bursvikbotn. where they include calc-silicate rocks. micaceous schists and gneisses (Fig.4) Away from the contact area, the granite is virtually devoid of xenoliths. In the eastern part of the pluton, on Hildringsfjell, there is a major raft of grey. medium-grained diorite which probably represents an earlier member of the comparatively late stage of the magmatic development in the area (Nordgulen 1984; Nordgulen & Mitchell 1988) Sheets of llne-grained aplite occur at a few localities in the pluton and may be regarded as late-stage differentiates of the granite. Bindal Batholith. Only a brief description of the internal structure of the pluton will be given in the Present account AlQng the western and northwestern contact, an S-type fabric (Pitcher & Berger 1972) of variable intensity is developed (Fig. 2) It In the west and northwest the Heilhornet Pluton intrudes supracrustal rocks belonging to the Vestranden sequence (Kruhl 19114; Nordgulen & Bering 1987; Schouenborg 1988). Evidence of amphibolite-facies metamorphism is found in mica-rich lithologies. Growth of kyanite and porphyroblasts of garnet, staurolite and later also sillimanite pre-dates the development of a penetrative foliation which is cut by the Heilhornet Pluton. Post-emplacement mineral associations include the paragenesis actinolite, clinozoisite, chlorite and quartz. The Heilhornet Pluton is cut by a number of malic dykes, up to 10m wide, which strike approximately NW SE. Most of them are strongly sheared and retrogressed to biotite schist, but igneous textures are still preserved in some. The dykes are probably part of a suite of mafic rocks which appears to have intruded at HEI LHORNET PLUTON. NORTH-CENTRAL NORWAY 5,--)(.( t )', "" F ^/ Hf '-* /,-I \ \ \ \ ,i\ \ t-r l1ooo"" ,,40 -1- ri. {i*'/ c o o( o+s+ l1;1i\ i;.- ) I l FOCKS BELONGING TO THE HNC SUPRACRUSTAL & GFAN TOID ROCKS OF THE VESTBANDEN SEOUENCE t.7 m ffi N ANATECTIC. PARTLY PORPHYR TIC GRANITE CA SCHIST SEMIPEL T ffi l't CALC SILICATE SCH ST N,4ARBLE & C SCHIST oton rr & [,4oNZoDroR TF ou,qRrz rvroNzoNrrF roLrntro cnarurrr r - tv Io\tIt!- vF-A. _DrV-\ ARj L Il l Roors & cRAN TorDs [I - l I Jt tcA\/lATtC RO.r< CABBqO CaLt \S , O\. , OL ap ,/-VO\,/O _RANn [iI] ror ot.o poRpHyRocLASrc cBANrrE Ir rl l srnprlrrrrurrr Cnnr\Oo Onrlo GNE SS t ----l LJ \\4FTACABBRO JND,I TECTONIC POSIT ON OUATERNARY COVER rc & cAr fL -_l I,IETASANDSTONF 'uo, MA RB LE , FOLIATION ^ FABRIC IN THE HEILHORNET - geLLloRruer cRANrrF lil t- INTRUSIONS ffi ffi .. Fig. C BIOTITE RICH PARTLY ANATECTIC SCH ST M - 0 al L VL TOURIMALINE GRANITE FELS Z L] .l fl.-.'l t- I E-D-\ IAILD (APr or s.oNCLo\4FqA'r GRANITE ---^ ^ " FAI]LT THRUST STRETCHING LINEATION & Bering (1987) and Husmo & Nordgulen (191lil). Hd. of Figs 3 and 4 are also marked The locations Hf, Hildringsfjcll. Horndalen; 2. ceologicat map of the srudy area. The map is modified from Nordgulen 0 ) O. NORDGT]LEN & B SCIIOTJI'NRORG :'a 1a )r.< \ta l? "', " "" ""'- llll Granite dyke Calcdreous metasedimenlary rocks I'ig. 3, Photograph showing Sranite apophyses enranating from the Heilhornet Pluton and intruding metascdimentary rocks of the Veslranden sequeoce (UTM-coord: 36355 722100). A simplified drawing is also shown to clarify the cross curling relarionships. wrapping around variably recrystallized feldspars. Away from the westcrn contact thc fabric becomes less obvious. but it is still broadly concordant with the contact. In the Measurements in the area betwcen Sorfjorden and Hiidringsfjell (Fig.2) show considerable variation in both strike (from N S to E-W) and dip (20 50') of the fabric. The origin of mineral orientation fabrics in granitoids is dimcult to assess. ln a recent review, Hutton (1988) pointed out that early-formed fabrics rnay be imposed on the rock during crystallization resulting in a texture with few signs of ductile strain. Commonly, such fabrics tend to become modined or even obliterated by ductile strain during final consolidation of the pluton. These ductile etfects may be due to emplacement-induced and/or regional strains. In mafic minerals. A weak mineral oricntation occurs localLy, but no systcmatic pattcrn cmcrged from our measurements. The castern part of the pluton is wcll cxposed, and in most addition. post-emplacement deformation may also affect the pluton. To evaluate these possibilities. detailed knowledge on thc structural evolution of the wall-rocks with respect to emplacement is required (Hutton 1988. Paterson et dl. places 1989). is roughly parallel to the contact and is defined by rcriented ma6c minerals and elongate grains of quartz. Locally, there is a very strong. protomylonitic fabric characterized by anastomosiflg bands of llnely recrystallized minerals central wcstcrn part of the pluton. a poorly-dellDed prcferred mineral orientation is present, frequently too wedk for svstematic measurement. In the less well cxposed, north central part of the pluton (Horndalen, Fig. 2), the granite has a somewhat liner grain-size and contains more a mineral orientation is developed (Fig. 2). In the Heilhornet Pluton. the variation in attitude and intensity of the mineral orientation may be partly related to processes operating during emplacement. However, in the area immediately west of the pluton, large scale post- Silurian folding has taken place (Schouenborg 1988). Thus, the contribution to the fabric from regional deformation may be considerable. especially along the western contact. Throughout thc pluton the mineral orientation fabric is cut by shear zones, up to several metres wide, which dip to the SE. Mafic dykes tend to follow the same trend and are thenlselves strongly sheared in most cases. Ultramylonite zones exhibiting a variety of trends are also present in the pluton. Both the shear zones and the ultramylonites are post-emplacement phenomena. Petrography The Heilhornet Pluton is generally an Fig.4. Conlact rclltionships in BuIsvikbotn (UTM coord: 36665 722520). Small xeooliths ofbiotitc rich schist and calc silicatc rocks hirvc sharp contacts with the granitc. l he corn lor scale is 25 mm in diameter. equigranular, medium-grained monzogranite. Plagioclase, microcline, quartz, biotite and in cases hornblende are thc major minerals. Accessory phases comprisc white mica. titanite, apatite, zircon, epidote, allanite. tourmaline and opaques. Fine grained epidote. white mica, calcite and chlorite are HEILHORNET PLUTON, NORTH,CENTRAL NORWAY Horndalen, the granite is finer grained than elsewhere. ln its northern and central parts the pluton is relatively rich i. mafic minerals including hornblende. The eastern and southeastern parts of the pluton have been less extensively sampled, but appear to represent an intermediate g.ain-sized variety. Plagioclase forms lath-shaped subhedral to anhedral grains. Microprobe analyses show it to be an oligoclase (Ann-Anrr) with weak normal zoning (up to 10 An-units). Albite twinning is common. Alteration is variable but commonly limited to crystal cores, where minute grains of epidote, white mica and calcite grow randomly, sometimes accompanied by a dark dusting. The K-feldspar has cross-hatch twinning and is always a microcline with a small Ab component. It forms either fairly large, subhedral crystals, or more commonly smaller, anhedral grains between plagioclase and quartz. The large grains show Carlsbad twinning and may enclose other 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 SO minerals such 10O Fig.5. Modal Q-A-P plot for ten selected samples from the Heilhornet Pluton employing the classification of Streckeisen (1976). The data were obtained by point counting on thin sections (800 points). alt€ration products. Point-counting of ten selected thin sections (Fig.5) shows lhal the plulon is a monzogranite according to the classification of Streckeisen (1976). There are obvious variations in grain-size and texture throughout the pluton. In the topographically highest areas in the western part, the granite is coarse-grained and contains relatively little biotite, while hornblende is usually absent. Along the western and northern contacts and in Fig. 6. Map showing sample localities. as plagioclase and biotite. Patch- and string-perthite are very common, and myrmekitic texture is often observed. Quartz is extensively recrystallized. The new grains have with gently curved or irregular grain boundaries and show undulose extinction. Biotite is usually brownish-green and occurs as isolated flakes or grouped in aggregates of small, randomly oriented grains. Local alteration to chlorite is observed. Close to the westen and northwestern contact, parts of the granite, including dykes, carry a red-brown biotite which in cases is variable size, partly altered to chlorite and white mica with exsolved opaque phases. Hornblende is not present in all samples and always less abundant than biotite. It is present as anhedral, dark green to bluish green crystals, and is ftequently associated with biotite and accessory phases. is 444 @. NORDGULEN & B. SCHOUENBORG o.0 1A At2 At203 03 Na2 O ":,ii.'li+ 12 6.0 Fe2O3 Fe 2O3 ;i.:.*n.. o.o '|.4 t\4nO Mso o.o2 o.25 P205 P205 7a% Fig.7. Harker some homblende-bearing samples. Tourmaline is a common species forming tiny blue green to brownish blue-green needles and prisms. Allanite is usually present as quite large, zoned, euhedral crystals. Commonly it is in rimmed by epidote which is euhedral against mafic minerals, but has very irregular grain shape in contacts towards quartz and feldspar. The textural evidence points to a magmatic origin for the epidote. Geochemistry The geochemical data of the Heilhomet Pluton are based on 49 samples which have been analysed for major and 20 trace elements. Chemical analyses were done by X-ray fluorescence on glass discs for the major elements. The sample localities were chosen to ensure a representative selection of petrographic varieties ftom the pluton (Fig. 6). The detailed geochemistry and genetic models will be discussed in a separate paper. SiO, varies between 61.5 and'72.5 wrEo but most samples have more than 68wtEa SiOr. In Harker diagrams (Fig. 7), PrO5 decrease regularly with increase and in SiO, content. K:O A single analysis of aplite (SiO,:76.8wt%) is also included in the diagrams and plots on the extension of the trend observed for the tends to increase with increasing SiO.. granite. oo 60 68 diagrams for major elements. Titanite occu6 as large euhedra, but may also be present as small, anhedral grains on or close to biotite. Irregular aggregates of titanite/leucoxene with an ilmenite core occur Tio,, Al,oi, Fe,o. (total Fe), Mgo, cao, Na.o, Mno ."t r.lflr . The Heilhornet Pluton is metaluminous. and the high alkali contents, low CaO contents and rather high Fe/Mg ratio indicate that it is transitional towards alkaline compositions. U-Pb dating Analytical procedures About 50 60kg ol freshly blasted, undeformed granite were sampled from ft road cuttin8 in Bursvikbotnet in the northern part of the pluton (Fig. 6). The U Pb analysis was carried out at the Laborabry of Isoiope Geology at the Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, Sweden. Zircon separntion followed slandard procedures (e.9. Schouenborg 1981t). The zircons were split into five size-fractions which were finally purified by h.rnd picking under the microscope. Chemical methods mainly followed the methods described by Krogh (1973), with slight modification according to Christiansson (1982). Uranium isotope ratios were measured with an AVCO 901 A mass spectrometer, while the lcad isotopc ratios were measured with a MAT 261 mass spectrometer. Calculation of the age is based on the procedure of Ludwig (1980). The aoalyticxl errors at lhe 2(' level are estimatcd to be lower than 0.67, for the '?'bPb/'?33u ratio and abou! 1-2a/o lot the '"'Pb/'r5u and '?o?PbFo6Pb ratios. The decay constanrs recommended by Steiger & Jeger (1977) were used- Corrections for mass frrcrionation were 0.10olo AMU for U and 0.72o/o AMU for Pb. Total lead blank was 1.2 ng. Common lcad corrections according k) the model of Stacey & Kramcrs (1975) were: '?06Pb/'?o4Pb: 1l'l 0, for 450 Ma old Pb. '?o7pb/'?oapb = 15.6, '?o3pb/'zuPb = 37.8, . HEII-HORNET PLUTON. NORTH-CENTRAL NORWAY model of Ludwig (1980) gives an upper intercept age of 444:t 11 Ma (MSWD :0.4), stated within the 20 limits of analytical error. Considering the igneous habit of the zircons and the lack of cores and overgrowths, this age most likely reflects the time of granite crystallization The employed model also yields a lower intercept age of -250t482Ma' is meaningless and only reflects the poor spread between the five size-fractions combined with a high degree which of concordancy. This results in a very high extrapolation uncertainty. Rb-Sr-isotope analysis Analytical procedure The Rb-Sr analysis was performed at the Mineralogical Geological Museum, Oslo, Norway. The chemical preparation of the rock samples mainly followed the technique described by Pankhurst & O'Nions (1973), including HF-HCIOa dissolution and HCI ion exchange. The Rb/Sr ratios were determined by XRF spectrometry, and the Sr_isotopes were measured on a VG 3tRb decay constant of Micromass 30 mass spectrometer. A 7.42x70 1t a was used, and the 3tsr/3osr isotope ratios were normalized to a ousr/""Sr of 0.1194. The least square method oI York (1969) was used in the calculation ofthe Rb Sr isochron Age and intercept errors are noted at the 20 level. ' Fig. t, Resulx Scanning electron microscope photographs of typical zircons fro=m the Heilhornet Pluton, sample N86 98 The scale bar is 100 !m. (A) Shows prismatic igneous morphology. (B) Back-scatter image of a polished zircon grain, showing inclusions and a weak Rb Sr-isotope data are available to 17 whole-rock samples. Sample localities are shown in Fig 6; the results of the chemical zonation. the diagram it can be seen that all the samples taken together scatter too much to define an isochron. The samples that appear to contribute most to the spread were collected in the northern and southern parts of the pluton As mentioned above, inclusions of metasedimentary rocks are frequent at Bursvikbotn (Fig. 2). In addition, secondary volatile activity is indicated by the local presence of white Zircon description A 25 pm thick polished thin section with zircons was studied using the polarizing microscope and a scanning electron microscope. The zircon grains are euhedral with sharp crystal edges and pyramidal or blunt terminations (Fig 8A). analyses are listed in Table 2 and plotted in Fig. 10. From Length to width ratios are around 3. The crystals are transparent, colourless and commonly show a weakly developed zonal structure and numerous inclusions (Fig 88). Resuls The analytical data and isotopic ages are shown in Table 1. All five zircon size-fractions plot very close to the upper intercept with the concordia (Fig 9). The age-calculation Tsble l- Pb rad U Fraction (!m) sample (ppm) (ppm) <45 106- r50 150 210 (Fig.6) generally plot below the reference line. Xenoliths are virtually absent, and only a few quartz veins with some sulphides occur in the sampled ateas. However, some local alteration of these rocks cannot be ruled out although we found no lield evidence to support this. Seven samples collected in the central part of the pluton define a fairly large variation in Rb/Sr (Fig. 10). Only these analyses were used to draw the 'line of best nt' corresponding to an age of zircon analytical data mg 45-',74 74 106 mica in the granite as well as veins and shear zones carrying quartz and sulphides. The seven samples from Sorf.jorden 5.2 7.2 4.5 5.6 :r 1 1349 1091 10U9 1073 632 93 78 '74 '74 45 ':o6Pb/'z04Pb '?o?Pb/'?o6Pb a b t3,920 0.0559 0.0559 0.0563 0.0561 40,921) 83,420 4083 2'/42 0 0553 1.6 A using a Franz isodynamic separator. (a) Atomic ratios corrected for discrimination and lead blank of l-2 ng. (b) Corrected for discrimination, Iead blank and common lead. All zircons are non-magnetic at ':''PbFrsu ,06Pb/,]3u b b 0.5198 0.5427 0.5208 0 5262 0.5347 0.067 4 0.0704 0.0671 0 068{l 0.0701 Isotope ages in Ma ,06PbFr3u'o?PbFrsu,(,?Pb/,o6Pb 42t 439 418 424 43',7 425 440 426 429 435 448 44',7 465 457 425 & B. SCHOUENBORG @. NORDGULEN 446 0.07 Fig.9. U-Pb concordia diagram with 2 oerror boxes. The numbers corespond 0.4 0.5 + 14 Ma. The age overlaps the error limit in the U Pb age and raises the possibility that the Rb Sr whole-rock system closed somewhat after the U Pb zircon system. This may be due to a prolonged cooling history for the pluton. The initial Sr-ratio (c.0.7070) shows that isotopically evolved material was present in the source region- For the pluton as a whole, it is possible that the initial Sr-ratios are not constant- This could at least partly explain the scatter in the isotope data (Fig. 10). The Sr data do not indicate that significant upper crustal contamination has occurred. However, the fact that samples collected away from the contacts show a comparatively small scatter indicates that the large scatter near the contacts was caused by some disturbance of the Rb-Sr-system du ng or after emplacement. Regional considerations The Helgeland Nappe Complex, which is part of the Uppermost Allochthon in the Scandinavian Caledonides, Rb-* represents an exotic teriane with respect to the Baltic Shield (Sturt & Roberts 1987). The most striking feature of this terrane is a protracted tectonomagmatic history (see below). Although it has been suggested that the Helgeland Nappe Complex and nappes of similar nature have been derived from a microcontinent or from the Laurentian margin (Stephens et al. 1985b), the origin remains enigmatic. The Heilhornet Pluton transects the boundary between the nappe complex and underlying tectonostratigraphic units (Fig. 1). The dating of the pluton is therefore important in terms of reconstructing tectonic events in central Scandinavia. Recent work in the southwestern part of the nappe complex has shown the presence of mafic and ultramafic fragments with unconformably orerlying cover sequences in Velfjord (Ldseth 1985; Thorsnes 1985), and on the islands of Rodoy (Bang 1985) and Bolvar (Heldal 1987). The relationships in these localities are reminiscent of those desc bed ftom Leka, where the Skei Group (Sturt er 41. 1985) lies unconformably on the Leka Ophiolite Complex dan) Rb/Sr l sigma Sample HH06 HH08 HHrl HH12 HH13 HH14 HH16 HH268 N86 98 HH345 IJH2I4 HH215 HH216 HH218 HH391 HH396 HH397 : 0.6 430 Tthle 2- to the following size fractions: 1 = < 45 pm;2:45-74 pm,3:'74-106 unr 4= 106 150pm; 5 150-210 pm. 239.3 242.4 244.1 258.I 216.1 250.6 268.8 t9s.2 1',72.1 .0 25t.3 252.t 234.t 290.2 318.8 189.2 254.5 2t'7 154.3 157.1 165.7 152.9 140.3 153.6 146.2 209.9 316.s 289.6 156.4 150.6 t59.'7 131.0 123.s 227.5 155.5 1.5503 1.s435 1.472'7 1.6878 1.9686 1.6313 1.8391 0.9296 0.5437 0.'7 494 1.6069 )..6'746 1.4658 2.2151 2.5816 0.8314 L.6366 0.016 0.015 0.015 0.017 0.020 0.016 0.018 0.009 0.005 0.007 0.016 0.017 0.015 0.022 0.46 0.008 0.016 37Rb/37Sr 4.49'7 4.4'76 1.210 4.896 5.',713 4.'732 5.33',7 2.694 t.5'74 2.171 4.662 4.859 4.251 6.43,1 7.502 2.409 4.'748 "tsr/"usr 0.73339 0.13245 0.72940 0.73494 0.'73940 0.'73334 0.73919 0.72303 0.'71122 0.72465 0.73500 0.73'741 0.73267 0.'/459'7 0.75298 0.72t13 0.73s72 1 sigma 0.0(XXr1 0.00002 0.0{D01 0.00m1 0.00002 0.00002 0.00001 0.00001 0.00005 0.00003 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00003 0.00003 HEILHORNET PLUTON, NORTH.CENTRAL NORWAY 760 B7 Sr B6 .750 Sr 740 .730 Fig.l0. Rb Heilhor- Sr diagram for the net Pluton. Seven samples are from Sorfjorden (fi tled triangles); three samples are from Bursvikbotnet terisks);seven samples (filled circles) arc from various localities in tbe interior of the pluton (see Fig. 6 for sample locations). (as- .720 - MSWD 0 70696 = Ma t 0.0008 87 Rb 86 Sr 2.0 .700 with metasedimentary rocks. The mafic rocks on Leka and SkSlver are considered to represent preserved parts of dismembered ophiolite complexes (Gustavson 1978; Prestvik 1980; Furnes e, .?1. 1985). Recent work (Furnes et al. 1988) shows that the formation of the Leka Ophiolite Complex was related to greenstone associated subduction zone and back-arc environments. The other mafic fragments mentioned above have also been interpreted as remnants of deformed and eroded ophiolitic rocks (Husmo, pers. comm. 1983; Sturt 1984; Loseth 1985; Thorsnes 1985; Bang 1985; Heldal 1987). Considering the close spatial relationship between these ophiolite fragments, it is plausible that they represent rocks which originated in a similar tectonomagmatic environment and that they have similar ages. A trondhjemite in the Leka a U Pb zircon Fig. 11. Summary of tectonic development in north central Norway. The oceanic and continental terranes present in the Helgeland Nappe Complex (lower part of the figure) had a separate evolution prior to their amalgamation in the Ordovician- Thrusting of the Helgeland Nappe Complex across metasedimentary rocks belonging to the vestranden sequence also pre-dates the intrusion of the Heilhornet Pluton. but the time interval between construction of the Helgeland Nappe Complex and the thrusting of the composite terrane is not known- The amount of middle Silurian to early Devonian, Scandian deformation is not well constrained in the Helgeland Nappe Complex but has had a strong influence in the Vestranden region (Mitller 1988: Schouenborg 1988). The pegmatite dated at 401 + 3 Ma may also have been deformed in the ScaDdian event. Devonian deformation resulted in upright, NE trending folds. t" .7 10 (Prestvik 1980; Furnes el al. 1988). Further north, on Skilver, Gustavson (1978) described occurrences of Ophiolite Complex has yielded Age = 430 114 o--*t^ age of 49'7 +2Ma (Dunning & Pedersen 1988). This age is among the oldest obtained for ophiolites in the Caledonian Appalachian belt (Dunning & Krogh 1985; Dunning & Pedersen 1988). There is therefore little reason to assume that other ophiolite fragments in the Helgeland Nappe Complex should be significantly older. ln SOrfjorden (Fig. 2), one of these ophiolite fragments and the unconformably overlying metasedimentary rocks form an integral part of an imbricate zone at the base of the nappe complex (Husmo & Nordgulen 1988). Deformation and imbrication in this zone pre-date intrusion of the HP 444 t 11 Ma ago. If one accepts the correlation of mafic complexes and corresponding cover sequences as outlined above, this shows that uplift and erosion, and later metamorphism and deformation including imbrication, must have occurred during the Ordovician (Fig. 11). The date would also provide a minimum age for construction of the imbricate zone between Bindalsfjorden and Kongsmoen (cf. Sigmond NORTH-CENTRAL NORWAY JOU DEV 408 SIL 438 ORD DEVONIAN DEFORIVATION PEGMATITE (401*/ - 3 Ma) ? SCANDIAN DEFORMATION ? HEILHORNET GRANITE Q44* / - 11 MA) DE FO R MAT I ON/I M BR I CAT I ON UPLIFT, EROSION 505 CAM AND DEPOSITION POLYDEFORMED MARBLE AND OCEANIC FRAGMENTS IN HELGELAND (ISLAND-ARC?) MIGMATITIC GNEISS CUT BY CAMBRO-ORDOVICIAN GRANITOIDS O. NORDGIJLEN & B. SCHOT]ENBORG dl. l.9tl4). Since this zone is considered to be the presentjy exposed western margin of the Helgeland Nappe Complex (Kollung 1967; Roberts el dl. 1983; Nissen 1986; Nordgulen & Bering 1987; Husmo & Nordgulen 1988), thrusting of the et complex across the Vestranden supracrustal sequence must have occurred prior to or during the late Ordovician. In the Helgeland Nappe Complex, the ophiolite fragments and associated cover sequences described above are juxtaposed with rock units dominated by partly migmatitic gneisses and thick marble sequences (e.g. in Tosen; cf. Fig. 1 in Thorsnes 1987). The gneisses and marble were penetratively deformed prior to intrusion of large tonalite and granodiorite plutons dated by th€ Rb-Sr method to 503t23Ma and 526t10Ma, respectively (Nissen 1986). The gneisses and marble as well as the plutons are therefore older than the ophiolite fragments (Fig. 11). Another consequence of this is that in the nappe complex, amalgamation of rocks of ophiolitic affinity with older, continental type gneisses and marble must have occurred in the Ordovician (Fig. 11). Age determinations from the Mosjoen area are indicative of some middle Silurian to early Devonian, Scandian, deformation (Torudbakken & Mickelson 1986). However, the data so far available suggest that this Scandian event had only limited effects in the nappe complex. This resembles the tectonic evolution on Smola and Hitra (Fig. 1) where fossiliferous metasedimentary and associated volcanic rocks of Arenig Llanvirn age (Bruton & Bockelie 1979), were deformed prior to emplacement of large granitoid plutons and dykes yielding ages mainly between 450 and 430Ma (Roberts 1980; Gautneb 1988; Tucker 1988). Scandian deformation has not been reported from this area (Hall & Roberts 1988). Thus, in the granitoid-dominated terranes represented by the nappe complex and the Smola Hitra area, important tectonothermal events took place in the Ordovician. Deformation in the Ordovician or earlier has also been reported from elsewhere in the Upper Allochthon (Kullerud et al. 1988) and the Uppermost Allochthon (Claesson 1979; during the middle Silurian to the earliest Devonian (Gee 1978; Sturt 1984; Brekke et al. 1984; Stephens e1 al. 1985b; Dallmeyer & Gee 1986). At this time the metasedimentary rocks that are cut by the Heilhornet Pluton in Vestranden, were already stitched to the Helgeland Nappe Complex, and consequently they cannot be correlated with the Seve Nappes (Schouenborg 1989). Whether they can be corelated with higher units in the Upper Allochthon is still a matter of discussion. The Scandian collisional event was followed by uplift, erosion and sedimentation in the early to middle Devonian (Steel er a/. 1985; Lux 1985; Tucker et al 1987). 'fhe Devonian rocks are affected by regional folding and low-grade metamorphism (Torsvik er al. 1988). ln the Trondheimsfjord region, large fold structures are post lower middle Devonian in age (Boe et al. 1989). These folds are NE-trending and can be followed into the Grong-Olden region. A pegmatite, which yielded a U-Pb zircon age of 401 + 3 Ma (Schouenborg 1988), occurs in Vestranden rocks of the Heilbornet Pluton. The pegmatite is rather strongly deformed and folded by upright folds with NE-trending axes. This provides evidence that the west large-scale, NE-trending folds which are common through- out Vestranden, are at least partly Devonian in age. Structures having similar trend and age are probably also represented by the late folds in the Helgeland Nappe Complex. Conclusions (1) The Heilhornet Pluton is a biotite t hornblende of c.0.7070 indicates contribution from continental material during magma formation. A U-Pb zircon date of 444 + 11 Ma represents rhe cr)\tallizalion age ol lhe glanite. (2) The pluton intrudes the imbricate thrust zone granite whose initial s?Sr/365r-ratio separating the Helgeland Nappe Complex in the east from supracrustal rocks of the underlying Vestranden sequence in Cribb 1981). the west. Mafic rocks in the imbricate zone are corelated It should be noted that in contrast to what is found in the Helgeland Nappe Complex, recent work in Vestranden shows clear evidence for a Silurian tectonothermal event (Johansson pers. comm. 1988; Schouenborg in prep.). system (Dunning The present work also has consequences for the correlation of tectonostratigraphic units in central Scandinavia. The metasedimentary rocks which lie structurally above orthogneisses in Vestranden (Fig. 1) have been assigned to the Seve Nappes of the Upper Allochthon (e.g. Gee et al. 1985). Juxtaposition of these metasedimentary rocks and the nappe complex must pre-date the intrusion of the Heilhornet Pluton at 444t11Ma. To the east, the Helgeland Nappe Complex overlies the Kdli Nappes (Fig. 1). Both the Lower and Middle Kitli Nappes show evidence for island-arc development in the Tremadoc with subsequent rift-related igneous activity and deposition in a marginal basin environment (Claesson e/ a/. 1983; Stephens & Gee 1985; Claesson et d/. 1988). The sedimentary sequences in the Lower Kdli Nappes are of Ordovician to early Silurian age (Stephens et a/. 1985b). They became strongly deformed and imbricated, and were thrust across the underlying Seve Nappes during Scandian continent continent collision (Stephens e, al. 1985b; Claesson et al. 1988; Dallmeyer & Gee 1988). ln Scandinavia. this is considered to have taken place with the Leka Ophiolite complex, which is thought to represent an early Ordovician island-arc/arc basin type of & Pedersen 1988; Furnes er a/. 1988) Similar mafic rocks. as well as their associated cover sequences, are also present within the Helgeland Nappe Complex. (3) This terrane was juxtaposed with continental metasedimentary rocks which had Sone through an early tectonometamorphic cycle post-dated by granite intrusion at 526 1 10 Ma and 503 t Ma (Nissen 191i6). (4) Combining lleld and isotopic data, it is concluded that an important part of the tectonomagmatic development of the Helgeland Nappe Complex took place in the Ordovician. Thrusting and amalgamation of this composite terrane with metasedimentary rocks in northem Vestranden were also Ordovician events. (5) The final accretion of the Helgeland Nappe Complex and part of the underlying supracrustal rocks of the Vestranden sequence onto the Baltoscandian continent probably occurred during the middle Silurian to early Devonian continent continent collision. ln addition, deformation during the Devonian affected central Scandinavia. B.S. wishes to ackoowledgc support from a linancial granl (no. 3559-139) from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council. HEILHORNET PLUTON, NORTH-CF,NTR B.S. would also like to thaok Hans Schdberg and Eric Welin at the Swedish Museum of Natural History for help during U Pb zircon analysis. 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