Curriculum Plan
NAME ______________________________ CSU ID# ___________________ ADMIT TERM ______
NOTE: Students must complete a minimum of 40 credit hours, consisting of core courses and a specialization area, including electives. Electives other than those listed must be approved by Program Director . Please consult with
Graduate Advisor regarding corresponding graduate certificate options.
CORE (20 credit hours required)
UST 601: Applied Quantitative Reasoning I*
UST 603: Public Finance and Economics
Credits Term taken
(4) __________ _____
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UST 605: Urban Spatial Structures
UST 606: Evolution of Human Settlements
UST 689: Capstone, or UST 698 Exit Project, or UST 699 Thesis, or UST 611 Planning Studio
* Prerequisite is completion of UST 504, or placement via UST 504 assessment exam
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SPECIALIZATION AREAS (20 credit hours)
Bold courses indicate requirements within specialization areas.
COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT (12 cr required & 8 cr electives)
UST 550 Fundamentals of Nonprofit Admin & Leadership
UST 660: Neighborhood Planning
UST 664: Neighborhood Development
Two of the following electives:
UST 504: Fundamentals of Applied Reasoning
UST 510: Proposal Writing
UST 512: Managing Urban Diversity
UST 524: Distressed People, Distressed Places
UST 553: Environmental & Sustainability Planning
UST 563: Housing Analysis
UST 576: Historic Preservation
UST 602: Research Design and Program Evaluation
UST 610: The Development Process/Market Analysis
UST 651: Fundraising and External Relations for Nonprofit Organizations
UST 662: Urban Housing Policy
________________ (approved by ____________________ on _____/_____/20___)
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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (12 cr required & 8 cr electives). Bold courses indicate requirements.
UST 629: Economic Development Finance
Two of the following:
UST 524: Distressed People, Distressed Places
UST 622: Economic Development Policy
UST 626: Workforce Development
Two of the following (only one needed if UST 524, 622, & 626 are completed):
UST 585: GIS Principles
UST 602: Research Design and Program Evaluation
UST 621: Labor Market Analysis
UST 623: Urban Development Finance (prereq: UST 610)
UST 593/693: Special Topics
________________ (approved by ____________________ on _____/_____/20___)
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URBAN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT (16 cr required & 4 cr electives). Bold courses indicate requirements.
UST 610: The Development Process/Market Analysis
UST 623: Urban Development Finance
FIN 610: Real Estate Finance
FIN 612: Real Estate Investments
One of the following electives:
UST 563: Housing Analysis
UST 576: Historic Preservation
UST 585: GIS Principles
UST 608: Urban Design Seminar
UST 609: Planning Law
UST 662: Urban Housing Policy
________________ (approved by ____________________ on _____/_____/20___)
Credits Term taken Grade
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PUBLIC FINANCE (12 cr required & 8 cr electives). Bold courses indicate requirements.
UST 623: Urban Development Finance
UST 633: Budget Policy & Management
One of the following:
UST 629: Economic Development Finance
UST 650: Financial Admin & Control of Nonprofit Organizations
Two of the following electives:
UST 551: Environmental Finance & Capital Budgeting
UST 602: Research Design & Program Evaluation
FIN 610: Real Estate Finance
________________ (approved by ____________________ on _____/_____/20___)
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URBAN & PUBLIC POLICY (12 cr required & 8 cr electives). Bold courses indicate requirements.
UST 602: Research Design and Program Evaluation
UST 616: Systems and Processes of Policy Development
UST 633: Budget Policy & Management
Two of the following electives:
UST 573: Columbus Seminar
UST 574: Washington Seminar
UST 617: Public Administration & the Political Process
UST 622: Economic Development Policy
UST 631: Law & Public Administration
UST 652: Environmental Policy & Administration
UST 662: Urban Housing Policy
________________ (approved by ____________________ on _____/_____/20___)
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– contact Graduate Advisor for details)
Student Signature_______________________________________ Date _____________
Reviewed by: _________________________________________ Date _____________
S:\Graduate Advisor\Curriculum checklists 2013\MSUS curr sheet Aug 2013.doc