B.A. in Economic Development

B.A. in Economic Development
Why Economic Development?
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u r b a n
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b a n k i n g
»» The primary goal of the program is to provide students with a firm,
evidence-based grounding in economic development principles and
public policy issues.
»» Graduates of the program will have a strong foundation in evidencebased economic development policy, including theory, analytical
tools, finance, process skills, and community development.
What can I do with this degree?
Our graduates work in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. In addition to
professional careers, this degree is appropriate preparation for those wishing to pursue
advanced degrees in economic development, urban studies, or public administration.
Economic Development Major Requirements
Urban Affairs College Requirements
UST 200 Introduction to Urban Studies
UST 404 Urban Data Analysis
UST 405 Methods of Research & Evaluation
UST 490 Urban Internship
Major Field Requirements
Core Courses
ACT 221 Introductory Accounting 1
ACT 222 Introductory Accounting 11
ECN 201 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics
MKT 301 Fundamentals of Marketing
UST 301 Urban Development
UST 425 Economic Development Finance
UST 489 Advanced Senior Seminar
Choose three (3) of the following courses:
ECN 302 Intermediate Microeconomics
BUS 351 Business, Society and Government
MKT 441 Integrated Marketing Communication
MGT 321 Organizational Behavior
OSM 311 Introduction to Operations Management
UST 424 Distressed People, Distressed Places
UST 436 Urban Sustainability
UST 479 Regional Competitiveness
UST 485 GIS Principles
Why Levin?
Nationally ranked programs
The only Urban Affairs college in Ohio
Online and evening classes offered
AAPLE Program allows students to earn
academic credit for related professional
»» Scholarships available
»» Experienced faculty and practitioners
research, publish, and work in the field
»» Internships provide practical experience
»» Seminars in Columbus, Ohio and
Washington, D.C.
Visit csuohio.edu/urban/undergraduate