STAT 496, Spring 2011 Homework Assignment #6, Due by Thursday, March 24 1. An engineer is interested in the effects of cutting speed (A), tool geometry (B), and cutting angle (C) on the life (in hours) of a machine tool. Because the hardness of the raw material being tooled may vary, heats of raw material are used as blocks. The eight treatment combinations are run in a random order within each block (heat). The levels of each of the 3 factors are given below along with the data. A: Cutting Speed B: Tool Geometry C: Cutting Angle XA –1 +1 –1 +1 –1 +1 –1 +1 XB –1 –1 +1 +1 –1 –1 +1 +1 XC –1 –1 –1 –1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Low (–1) 50 rpm Type 1 5o Heat I 22 32 35 45 43 36 50 47 High (+1) 100 rpm Type 2 10o Heat II 31 43 50 55 45 38 61 43 Heat III 25 30 35 47 38 40 54 39 a) Compute means for the low and high levels of each of the three factors. Display these graphically and comment on the apparent effects of each of the factors. b) Construct an interaction plot for factors A and C using the data from Type 1 tool geometry. Construct a second interaction lot for factors A and C using the data from the Type 2 tool geometry. Comment on the plots. What do they indicate about the possible interaction between factors A and C? What do they indicate about the 3-way interaction? c) Compute the overall sample mean and estimate the full effects for each factor, 2way and 3-way interaction. d) Compute a value of the SSrepError for this experiment. e) Compute means for each heat (block). Use these to compute a value of SSBlock. How many degrees of freedom are associated with this sum of squares? f) Compute the SSError, associated degrees of freedom and the critical effect size (use t=3). g) According to the critical effect size in f), what effects are statistically significant? What effects are not statistically significant? h) Give the reduced model prediction equation that includes only those effects that are found to be statistically significant in g). Be sure to define explicitly any variables you use in the equation. i) Based on the prediction equation in h), if long tool life is the goal, what levels of the three factors would you choose? What is the predicted life and a 95% prediction interval for you optimal choice? 1 j) Your prediction in i) will be appropriate for the average hardness of heats of raw material. How would you change the prediction equation, and your prediction for optimal choice, so that it would predict more accurately the tool wear for heats with average hardness similar to Heat II? 2. An experiment is performed on a new piece of drilling equipment. The response variable is the rate of advance of the drill. The four factors (each with a low (–1) and high (+1) level) are A: Load on the drill, B: Flow Rate through the drill, C: Speed of Rotation, D: Amount of Mud used in drilling. The experiment is run as a single replicate full factorial with five center points. The data are given below. Refer to the JMP output for drilling experiment. Trmt. Comb. 1 a b ab c ac bc abc d ad bd abd cd acd bcd abcd A –1 +1 –1 +1 –1 +1 –1 +1 –1 +1 –1 +1 –1 +1 –1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 B –1 –1 +1 +1 –1 –1 +1 +1 –1 –1 +1 +1 –1 –1 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 C –1 –1 –1 –1 +1 +1 +1 +1 –1 –1 –1 –1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 D –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 Rate 1.68 1.98 3.28 3.44 4.98 5.70 9.93 9.07 2.07 2.44 4.09 4.53 7.77 8.43 11.75 12.30 4.54 5.18 5.53 4.49 5.01 a) Give the overall sample mean and the estimated full effects for the factorial portion of the experiment. b) Give the mean at the center points and the sample variance at the center points. c) Use the sample variance at the center points to determine the critical effect size for a factor or interaction term. Use t=3. d) Use the critical effect size in c) to determine which factors and/or interactions are statistically significant. e) Is there significant curvature? Support your answer by performing the appropriate test of hypothesis. f) According to JMP, which factors and/or interactions are statistically significant? Use t=3. g) Why are the results in d) different from the results in f)? 2 JMP Output for Drilling Experiment Parameter Estimates Estimated Term Half Effect Intercept 5.84 A 0.14625 B 1.45875 A*B –0.11000 C 2.90125 A*C –0.01250 B*C 0.56250 A*B*C –0.10125 D 0.83250 A*D 0.10625 B*D 0.03625 A*B*D 0.10500 C*D 0.48875 A*C*D 0.06250 B*C*D –0.09500 A*B*C*D 0.07875 Center Points Mean Std Dev N 4.95 0.4394883 5 Response: Rate of Advance of the Drill Summary of Fit: Full Factorial in A, B, C, and D Rsquare RSquare Adj Root Mean Square Error Mean of Response Observations (or Sum Wgts) Analysis of Variance Source DF Model 15 Error 5 C. Total 20 0.980451 0.921802 0.870646 5.628095 21 Sum of Squares 190.08320 3.79012 193.87332 Mean Square 12.6722 0.7580 F Ratio 16.7174 Prob > F 0.0028 3 Lack Of Fit Source Lack Of Fit Pure Error Total Error DF 1 4 5 Sum of Squares 3.0175238 0.7726000 3.7901238 Parameter Estimates Term Estimate Intercept 5.6280952 A 0.14625 B 1.45875 A*B –0.11 C 2.90125 A*C –0.0125 B*C 0.5625 A*B*C –0.10125 D 0.8325 A*D 0.10625 B*D 0.03625 A*B*D 0.105 C*D 0.48875 A*C*D 0.0625 B*C*D –0.095 A*B*C*D 0.07875 Effect Tests Source A B A*B C A*C B*C A*B*C D A*D B*D A*B*D C*D A*C*D B*C*D A*B*C*D Nparm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Std Error 0.189991 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 0.217662 Mean Square 3.01752 0.19315 t Ratio 29.62 0.67 6.70 -0.51 13.33 -0.06 2.58 -0.47 3.82 0.49 0.17 0.48 2.25 0.29 -0.44 0.36 Sum of Squares 0.34222 34.04722 0.19360 134.67602 0.00250 5.06250 0.16403 11.08890 0.18063 0.02103 0.17640 3.82203 0.06250 0.14440 0.09922 F Ratio 15.6227 Prob > F 0.0168 Max RSq 0.9960 Prob>|t| <.0001 0.5314 0.0011 0.6348 <.0001 0.9564 0.0492 0.6614 0.0123 0.6461 0.8743 0.6499 0.0747 0.7855 0.6807 0.7323 F Ratio 0.4515 44.9157 0.2554 177.6671 0.0033 6.6785 0.2164 14.6287 0.2383 0.0277 0.2327 5.0421 0.0825 0.1905 0.1309 Prob > F 0.5314 0.0011 0.6348 <.0001 0.9564 0.0492 0.6614 0.0123 0.6461 0.8743 0.6499 0.0747 0.7855 0.6807 0.7323 4