NIDA’s Current Portfolio and Research Interests

NIDA’s Current Portfolio and Research Interests
Sarah Q. Duffy, Ph.D., Associate Director for Economics Research, Division of Epidemiology, Services, and Prevention Research 
About 40 grants in DESPR, Division of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Neuroscience Research, Clinical Trials Network
Economic evaluations (CEA/CBA/CUA)
 Stand alone grant
 Aim in an efficacy or effectiveness grant
Cost of drug use, addiction (COI studies) C t f t t
Costs of treatment, prevention services and t ti i d systems
Demand for drugs
df d
Effects of government policies on drug users and on the addiction treatment system
Effects of treatment and prevention on p
economic outcomes 
Private insurance coverage of addiction P
i t i
f ddi ti treatment
Methods studies
Olmstead (R21 DA02859)
 Estimate the price elasticity of demand for drugs by E i
h i l i i f d
d f d
b treatment status among heroin users
 Collect data via an interactive voice response system that calls subjects to collect info on types and amounts of drugs purchased, price and quality
 Subjects will also participate in hypothetical drug j
purchasing experiments
 Results will be compared 
Hill and Rosenman (R21 DA025139)
 Develops and tests techniques for addressing D l d t t t h i
f dd
i multiple sources of estimation bias in studies evaluating outcomes of real‐world, community‐
l ti t
f l
ld it
based prevention programs
 Applies the methods to a specific prevention program
Effects of health reform, parity on services
 Medicaid expansions
 Inclusion of SA Tx among essential benefits
 Medical homes, etc.
M di l h
Enabling health reform, parity  Performance and quality measurement & management
 Casemix‐adjustment
 Outcomes measures
Costs efficiency
Costs, efficiency
Economics of Treatment and Prevention Services for Drug & Alcohol Abuse PA‐08‐172 (R03),‐173 (R21), ‐174 (R01)
Health Services Research on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug & Alcohol Abuse PA‐08‐263 (R01), ‐264 (R21), ‐265 (R03)
Accelerating the Pace of Drug Abuse Research Using g
Existing Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment Research Data (R01) PAR‐10‐018
Mechanism for Time‐Sensitive Drug Abuse Research (R01) PAR 10‐072
Seek, Test, Treat and Retain: Addressing HIV among Vulnerable Populations (RFA DA 11
among Vulnerable Populations (RFA‐DA‐11‐
001) (NIDA and NIMH)
 Does increasing HIV testing and reducing viral load among HIV+ individuals reduce transmission rates?
 How can this be done?
 Economic Evaluation
 $8,500,000; due 11/15/2010
$8 500 000; due 11/15/2010
From concept stage through revision
One on one One‐on‐one Team approach (multiple PO’s or whole branch)
 Conference call  Adobe Connect 
Concept paper template http://www nida nih gov/about/organization/de
Grant Purpose
Mechanism (R01/R03/R43 etc), amount and duration G
of funding
Problem & Significance Why this topic needs study, the payoff to Wh this topic needs st d the pa off to science AND public health, why the project is unique and innovative.
Question Specific hypotheses, as well as theories and model(s) that Specific hypotheses as well as theories and model(s) that guide them 
Design & Analysis
y Population , interventions, controls, measures, p
required sample and power, statistical approach
Team & Logistics How your career stage, expertise, and experience qualify you to lead a project of the size, scope, & technology proposed; lif t l d j t f th i & t h l
d key collaborators; organizations whose cooperation you will need to access subjects/data/equipment/field sites
Thank You!
© 2010 Lori Ducharme