Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 Front cover

Front cover
Certification Study Guide for
IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager 4.2
Helps you to get ITCM certified
Explains the certification path
and prerequisites
Includes sample test
questions and answers
Vasfi Gucer
Sanver Ceylan
International Technical Support Organization
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager 4.2
January 2005
Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
“Notices” on page xi.
First Edition (January 2005)
IBM Tivoli Configuratior Manager Version 4.2.0, 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, IBM Tivoli Management
Framework Version 4.1 and 4.1.1
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
The team that wrote this Redpaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Chapter 1. Certification overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 IBM Professional Certification Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Benefits of certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Tivoli Software Professional Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 Certification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.1 Test 786 objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Recommended resources for study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.3.1 Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.3.2 Publication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.1 Components of the basic Tivoli architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2 Tivoli user interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.1 Tivoli Desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.2 Command line interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.3 Navigating the Tivoli Desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3 Tivoli resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.4 Authorization roles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.4.1 Scope of authorization roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.5 Tivoli profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.5.1 Profile managers and profile distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.6 Multiplexed distribution services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.6.1 MDist and MDist 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.6.2 MDist 2 functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.6.3 MDist2 components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.6.4 wmdist command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.6.5 Using the Distribution Status console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.7 Connecting multiple TMR regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.7.1 Benefits of connecting TMRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.7.2 Connection types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.7.3 Name registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
2.7.4 Case study: Hub-spoke architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.8 Endpoint login sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.8.1 Initial login without a select_gateway_policy script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.8.2 Initial login with a select_gateway_policy script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.8.3 Normal login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.8.4 Isolated login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.8.5 Orphan login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.8.6 Implementing policy scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.9 Firewall Security Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.9.1 Tivoli environment with a firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
2.9.2 Tivoli environment with demilitarized zones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.9.3 Sending events across firewalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.10 Installing Firewall Security Toolbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.10.1 Installing on UNIX operating systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2.10.2 Installing on Windows operating systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation 71
3.1 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.1.1 Tivoli Configuration Manager components and services . . . . . . . . . 73
3.2 Creating a deployment plan for Tivoli Configuration Manager . . . . . . . . . 82
3.3 How to deploy Tivoli Configuration Manager components . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.3.1 Distributed Configuration Manager components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.3.2 TMR server configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.3.3 Components for managed nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.3.4 Components for gateways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
3.3.5 Components for endpoints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.4 Required roles for installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.5 RDBMS considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
3.6 RIM considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.7 General pre-install checks, hints, and tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.7.1 UNIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.7.2 Windows Systems on Intel® 486 or Pentium® systems . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.8 Installation methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.9 Overview of Integrated Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.10 Server Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.10.1 Typical Server Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.10.2 Custom Server Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.10.3 Starting the installation programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
3.11 Desktop Install. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3.11.1 Starting the installation program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.12 Web Gateway Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.12.1 Web Gateway prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.12.2 Starting the installation program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
3.12.3 Multiple endpoints installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.13 Uninstallation of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components. . . . . . . . . 101
4.1 Inventory component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.1.1 What is gathered by Tivoli Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.1.2 Inventory architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.1.3 Collection Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.1.4 Collection files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.1.5 Inventory Collectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.1.6 Collection manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4.1.7 Data Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.1.8 Status Collector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
4.1.9 Callback object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.1.10 Managing data collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
4.1.11 Clearing the Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
4.1.12 Inventory collection scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
4.1.13 Custom scans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
4.1.14 Isolated scans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
4.1.15 Querying inventory data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
4.2 Software Distribution component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.2.1 Components of Tivoli Software Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
4.2.2 Software distribution process overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
4.3 Data Moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
4.3.1 Using the Data Moving Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
4.4 Enterprise Data Warehouse integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Chapter 5. Deployment Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
5.1 Activity Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
5.1.1 Activity Planner components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
5.1.2 Roles required for the Activity Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
5.1.3 Types of activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
5.1.4 Activity Plan Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
5.1.5 Activity Plan Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
5.1.6 Activity Planner commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
5.2 Change Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
5.2.1 Sample Change Manager scenario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
5.3 Enterprise Directory integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
5.3.1 Exchanging data with a directory server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
5.3.2 Manipulating DirectoryContext objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
5.3.3 Directory query libraries and query directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
5.4 Resource Manager and pervasive devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
5.4.1 Choosing where to install the Resource Manager components . . . 193
5.4.2 Web Gateway installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
5.4.3 Web objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
5.4.4 Registering the resource types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.4.5 Associating endpoints with the resource gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.4.6 Enrolling pervasive devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.4.7 Installing and configuring devices for resource manager . . . . . . . . 195
5.4.8 Installing the device agent for Windows CE devices. . . . . . . . . . . . 195
5.4.9 The user ID of palm devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
5.4.10 Inventory scans on pervasive devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
6.1 Reliable multicast protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
6.2 Hyper Delivery (RMTP) flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
6.3 Distributed depot service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
6.3.1 Configuring repeaters for multicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
6.4 Endpoint multicast receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
6.4.1 Configuring endpoint to receive multicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
6.5 Multicast scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6.5.1 Preloading MDist2 depots with multicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
6.5.2 Multicast from gateways to Tivoli Management Agents . . . . . . . . . 215
6.6 Multicast limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
6.7 Troubleshooting multicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
6.7.1 Repeater multicast log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
6.7.2 Endpoint receiver log and structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
6.7.3 Best practices and tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager . . . . . . . 225
7.1 Generic problem determination outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
7.2 Troubleshooting Framework 4.1.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
7.3 Autotrace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
7.4 Troubleshooting Software Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
7.4.1 General troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
7.4.2 Check the log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
7.4.3 Check the Distribution Status Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
7.4.4 Make sure that Tivoli Framework is functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
7.4.5 Check for MDist2 problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
7.4.6 Troubleshooting the software package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.4.7 Software Distribution traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
7.4.8 Troubleshooting Data Moving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
7.4.9 Troubleshooting Mobile Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
7.4.10 Troubleshooting pristine installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
7.4.11 Troubleshooting discovering and synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
7.4.12 Change Management Status summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
7.5 Troubleshooting Activity Planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
7.5.1 Activity Planner processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
7.5.2 Activity Planner configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
7.5.3 Activity Planner logfiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
7.5.4 Activity Planner trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
7.6 Troubleshooting Change Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7.6.1 Change Manager configuration file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7.6.2 Change Manager logfiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
7.6.3 Change Manager trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
7.7 Troubleshooting Web Gateway and Device Management . . . . . . . . . . . 251
7.7.1 Tracing the Web Gateway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
7.8 Troubleshooting Web User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
7.8.1 Common Web User Interface problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
7.8.2 Tracing the Web User Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
7.9 Troubleshooting Enterprise Directory Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
7.10 Troubleshooting Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
7.10.1 Enabling logging and tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Chapter 8. Certification exam objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
8.1 Planning section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
8.2 Installation section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
8.3 Configuration section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
8.4 Operations, administration, and maintenance section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Appendix A. Lab exercises. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
LAB 1 Using Integrated Install method to install a Tivoli Server. . . . . . . . . . . 275
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Install your Tivoli Server with all ITCM modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Exercise review/wrap-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
LAB 2. Using Integrated Install method to install a Tivoli server . . . . . . . . . . 292
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Exercise review/wrap-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
LAB 3. Create an Inventory profile and run a hardware scan . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Create a hardware profile with SMBIOS capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
8.4.1 Distribute the profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
LAB 4. Create an Inventory profile and run and cancel the software scan . . 302
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Create an Inventory profile for software scan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Distribute the profile and cancel the distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
LAB 5. Create a Custom Query with where clauses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Create a query library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Create a query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
LAB 6. Create and install software packages for Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Install the Software Package Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Create a simple package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Test the software package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Import the software package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Install the software package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Verify the distribution was successful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Install software package in transactional mode and commit installation . . 313
Undo an installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
Repair a damaged distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Add links, registry keys, and text file objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
LAB 7. Creating a software package using AutoPack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Creating an AutoPack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
LAB 8. Verifying the status of a software package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
LAB 9. Using the Activity Planner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
AP - RIM and RDBMS configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
Assigning AP roles and verifying the AP Administrator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Registering the AP plug-ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Creating a simple Activity Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
Exercise review/wrap-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
LAB 10. Using Change Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Configuring RIM and RDBMS for Change Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Assigning CM roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Registering the CM plug-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Creating a Reference Model using an existing Endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Customizing the Reference Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Submitting the Reference Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
LAB 11. Using Data Moving Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Using the Data Moving Service GUI to delete a file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Recursively sending a directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
LAB 12. Using Multicast to install a software package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
What this exercise is about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
What you should be able to do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Required materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Exercise instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Configuring the repeaters for Multicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Creating the software package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Distributing the software package without using Multicast . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
8.4.2 Distributing the software package using Multicast . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Appendix B. Additional material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Locating the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Using the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
System requirements for downloading the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
How to use the Web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Other publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
How to get IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
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Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
This IBM Redpaper is a study guide for IBM Tivoli® Configuration Manager
Version 4.2 and is aimed at the people who want to get IBM Certifications in this
specific product.
The IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification, offered through the
Professional Certification Program from IBM, is designed to validate the skills
required of technical professionals who work in the implementation of the IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager Version 4.2 product.
This redpaper provides a combination of theory and practical experience needed
for a general understanding of the subject matter. It also provides sample
questions that will help in the evaluation of personal progress and provide
familiarity with the types of questions that will be encountered in the exam.
This publication does not replace practical experience, nor is it designed to be a
stand-alone guide for any subject. Instead, it is an effective tool that, when
combined with education activities and experience, can be a very useful
preparation guide for the exam.
The team that wrote this Redpaper
This Redpaper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world
working at the International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center.
Vasfi Gucer is a Project Leader at the International Technical Support
Organization, Austin Center. He worked for IBM Turkey for 10 years and has
been with the ITSO since January 1999. He has more than 10 years of
experience in the areas of systems management, networking hardware, and
software on mainframe and distributed platforms. He has worked on various
Tivoli customer projects as a systems architect in Turkey and the U.S. He writes
extensively and teaches IBM classes worldwide on Tivoli software. Vasfi is also a
IBM Certified Senior IT Specialist.
Sanver Ceylan is a Project Leader at the International Technical Support
Organization, Austin Center. Sanver worked for IBM Turkey for 11 years and he
joined to ITSO in September 2003. His main area of expertise is Tivoli Storage
Management Products. Before ITSO, Sanver worked in the Software
Organization of IBM Turkey as an Advisory IT Specialist, where he was involved
in numerous pre-sales projects for major customers of IBM Turkey.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Julie Czubik
International Technical Support Organization, Poughkeepsie Center
Ben Briggs, Susan Farago, Elizabeth Purzer
Johan Raeymaeckers
JorSy Systems Management
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Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Chapter 1.
Certification overview
This chapter provides an overview of the skill requirements needed to obtain an
IBM Advanced Technical Expert certification. The following chapters are
designed to provide a comprehensive review of specific topics that are essential
for obtaining the certification:
򐂰 IBM Professional Certification Program
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 Certification
򐂰 Recommended study resources
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004. All rights reserved.
1.1 IBM Professional Certification Program
Having the right skills for the job is critical in the growing global marketplace. IBM
Professional Certification, designed to validate skill and proficiency in the latest
IBM solution and product technology, can help provide that competitive edge.
The IBM Professional Certification Program Web site is available at:
The Professional Certification Program from IBM offers a business solution for
skilled technical professionals seeking to demonstrate their expertise to the
The program is designed to validate your skills and demonstrate your proficiency
in the latest IBM technology and solutions. In addition, professional certification
may help you excel at your job by giving you and your employer confidence that
your skills have been tested. You may be able to deliver higher levels of service
and technical expertise than non-certified employees and move on a faster
career track. Professional certification puts your career in your control.
This is the way for skilled IT professionals to demonstrate their expertise to the
world. It validates your skills and demonstrates your proficiency in the latest IBM
technology and solutions.
The certification requirements are tough, but it is not rocket science, either. It is a
rigorous process that differentiates you from everyone else.
The mission of IBM Professional Certification is to:
򐂰 Provide a reliable, valid, and fair method of assessing skills and knowledge.
򐂰 Provide IBM with a method of building and validating the skills of individuals
and organizations.
򐂰 Develop a loyal community of highly skilled certified professionals who
recommend, sell, service, support, and/or use IBM products and solutions.
The Professional Certification Program from IBM has developed certification role
names to guide you in your professional development. The certification role
names include IBM Certified Specialist, IBM Certified Solutions/Systems Expert,
and IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert for technical professionals who
sell, service, and support IBM solutions. For technical professionals in
application development, the certification roles include IBM Certified Developer
Associate and IBM Certified Developer. An IBM Certified Instructor certifies the
professional instructor.
The Professional Certification Program from IBM provides you with a structured
program leading to an internationally recognized qualification. The program is
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
designed for flexibility by allowing you to select your role; prepare for and take
tests at your own pace; and, in some cases, select from a choice of elective tests
best suited to your abilities and needs. Some roles also offer a shortcut by giving
credit for a certification obtained in other industry certification programs.
You may be a network administrator, systems integrator, network integrator,
solution architect, solution developer, value-added reseller, technical
coordinator, sales representative, or educational trainer. Regardless of your role,
you can start charting your course through the Professional Certification Program
from IBM today.
1.1.1 Benefits of certification
Certification is a tool to help objectively measure the performance of a
professional on a given job at a defined skill level. Therefore, it is beneficial for
individuals who want to validate their own skills and performance levels, their
employees, or both. For optimum benefit, the certification tests must reflect the
critical tasks required for a job, the skill levels of each task, and the frequency by
which a task needs to be performed. IBM prides itself in designing
comprehensive, documented processes that ensure that IBM certification tests
remain relevant to the work environment of potential certification candidates.
In addition to assessing job skills and performance levels, professional
certification may also provide such benefits as:
򐂰 For employees:
Promotes recognition as an IBM certified professional
Helps to create advantages in interviews
Assists in salary increases, corporate advancement, or both
Increases self-esteem
Provides continuing professional benefits
򐂰 For employers:
Measures the effectiveness of training
Reduces course redundancy and unnecessary expenses
Provides objective benchmarks for validating skills
Makes long-range planning easier
Helps to manage professional development
Aids as a hiring tool
Contributes to competitive advantage
Increases productivity
Increases morale and loyalty
Chapter 1. Certification overview
򐂰 For Business Partners and consultants:
– Provides independent validation of technical skills
– Creates competitive advantage and business opportunities
– Enhances prestige of the team
– Contributes to IBM requirements for various IBM Business Partner
Specific benefits may vary by country (region) and role. In general, after you
become certified, you should receive the following benefits:
򐂰 Industry recognition
Certification may accelerate your career potential by validating your
professional competency and increasing your ability to provide solid, capable
technical support.
򐂰 Program credentials
As a certified professional, you receive via e-mail your certificate of
completion and the certification mark associated with your role for use in
advertisements and business literature. You may also request a hardcopy
certificate, which includes a wallet-size certificate.
The Professional Certification Program from IBM acknowledges the individual
as a technical professional. The certification mark is for the exclusive use of
the certified individual.
򐂰 Ongoing technical vitality
IBM Certified professionals are included in mailings from the Professional
Certification Program from IBM.
1.1.2 Tivoli Software Professional Certification
Tivoli's professional certification program offers certification testing that sets the
standard for qualified product consultants, administrators, architects, and
The program also offers an internationally recognized qualification for technical
professionals seeking to apply their expertise in today's complex business
environment. The program is designed for those who implement, buy, sell,
service, and support Tivoli solutions and wish to deliver higher levels of service
and technical expertise.
Whether you are a Tivoli customer, partner, or technical professional wishing to
put your career on the fast track, you can start on the road to becoming a Tivoli
Certified Professional today.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Benefits of being Tivoli certified
Tivoli certification gives the following benefits:
򐂰 Benefits to the individual
– IBM Certified certificate and use of logos on business cards
Note: Certificates are sent via e-mail. However, a paper copy of the
certificate along with a laminated wallet card can also be requested by
sending an e-mail to certify@us.ibm.com®.
– Recognition of your technical skills by your peers and management
– Enhanced career opportunities
– Focus for your professional development
򐂰 Benefits to the business partner
– Confidence in the skills of your employees
– Enhanced partnership benefits from the Business Partner Program
– Billing your employees out at higher rates
– Strengthens your proposals to customers
– Demonstrates the depth of technical skills available to prospective
򐂰 Benefits to the customer
– Confidence in the services professionals handling your implementation
– Ease of hiring competent employees to manage your Tivoli environment
– Enhanced return on investment (ROI) through more thorough integration
with Tivoli and third-party products
– Ease of selecting a Tivoli Business Partner that meets your specific needs
Certification checklist
Here is the Certification checklist:
1. Select the certification you would like to pursue.
2. Determine which test(s) is required by reading the certification role
3. Prepare for the test, using the following resources provided:
– Test objectives
– Recommended educational resources
– Sample/assessment test
Chapter 1. Certification overview
– Other reference materials
– Opportunities for experience
Note: These resources are available from each certification description
page, as well as from the Test information page.
4. Register to take a test by contacting one of our worldwide testing vendors:
– Thomson Prometric
– Pearson VUE (Virtual University Enterprises)
Note: When providing your name and address to the testing vendor, be
sure to specify your name exactly as you would like it to appear on your
5. Take the test. Be sure to keep the Examination Score Report provided upon
test completion as your record of taking the test.
Note: After a test has been taken, your test results and demographic data
(including name, address, e-mail, phone number, etc.) are sent from the
testing vendor to IBM for processing (please allow 2–3 days for transmittal
and processing). Once all the tests required for a certification are passed
and received by IBM, your certificate will be issued.
6. Repeat steps three through five until all required tests are successfully
completed for the desired certification role. If additional requirements are
needed (such as an "other vendor" certification or exam), please follow the
instructions on the certification description page to submit these requirements
to IBM.
7. Once you have completed your certification requirements, you will be sent an
e-mail asking you to accept the terms of the IBM Certification Agreement
before receiving the certificate.
8. Upon acceptance of the terms of the IBM Certification Agreement, an e-mail
will be sent containing the following electronic deliverable:
– A Certification Certificate in .pdf format, which can be printed in either
color or black and white
– A set of graphic files of the IBM Professional Certification mark associated
with the certification achieved
– Guidelines for the use of the IBM Professional Certification mark
9. To avoid unnecessary delay in receiving your certificate, please ensure that
we have your current e-mail on file, by keeping your profile up to date. If you
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
do not have an e-mail address on file, your certificate will be sent via postal
Once you receive a certificate by e-mail, you may also contact IBM at
certify@us.ibm.com to request that a hardcopy certificate be sent by postal mail.
Note: IBM reserves the right to change or delete any portion of the program,
including the terms and conditions of the IBM Certification Agreement, at any
time without notice. Some certification roles offered through the IBM
Professional Certification Program require recertification.
1.2 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 Certification
We can categorize the certification process as follows:
򐂰 Job role description/target audience
A Tivoli Certified Consultant – Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 is a technical
professional responsible for planning, installation, configuration, operations,
administration, and maintenance of an IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2
solution. This individual will be expected to perform these tasks with limited
assistance from peers, product documentation, and support resources.
To attain the IBM Certified Deployment Professional - Tivoli Configuration
Manager V4.2 certification, candidates must pass one test.
򐂰 Required prerequisites
– Working knowledge of shell and PERL programming
– Working knowledge in SQL programming
– Basic understanding of Java™, JSP, and XML
– Strong working knowledge of operating systems (Windows® variations,
AIX®, Solaris, and Linux®)
– Basic understanding of OS and network security concepts
– Basic knowledge of networking concepts
– Basic install of DB2®, LDAP, WebSphere®, IBM HTTP Server, and JRE
– Use of LDAP DMT (Directory Management Tool)
– Use of DB2 Control Center
– Working knowledge of TCP/IP
– Basic understanding of third-party software installers (MSI, InstallShield,
and PDF)
Chapter 1. Certification overview
򐂰 Core requirement
In order to be certified you must select the following test:
– Test 786 - Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2
Test 786 objectives
Test 876 sample test
Test 786 recommended educational resources
Approximate number of questions: 80
Duration in minutes: 120
Format: Multiple choice
Required Passing Score: 65 percent pass score or 52 correct out of 80
items correct answers
1.2.1 Test 786 objectives
This section explains the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 certification test
Section 1: Planning
The following reviews planning:
򐂰 Given a Statement of Work, architecture document, and customer input,
conduct customer interviews and analyze the documentation so that
customer requirements are determined, with emphasis on performing the
following steps:
Conduct customer interviews.
Read architecture document.
Read customer documents.
Determine Tivoli naming conventions.
򐂰 Given a list of machines and their specifications, interrogate the machines
against the minimum requirements so that a list of machines to support the
Tivoli environment can be generated, with emphasis on performing the
following steps:
Identify machines involved.
Determine available disk space.
Determine available memory.
Determine CPU power.
򐂰 Given the Planning and Installation Guides, User Manuals, Release Notes,
and a list of machines, assess the software levels so that a list of machines
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
meeting the prerequisites and a list of machines to be upgraded and patched
can be generated, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Identify software prerequisites.
– Determine existing software levels.
򐂰 Given a set of network locations, protocols, and a network diagram, describe
the network topology so that a Tivoli infrastructure can be recommended, with
emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Determine physical network layout.
– Determine protocols to use.
򐂰 Given a list of servers and workstations and a network diagram, identify and
categorize the machines to be managed so that they can be grouped into a
logical endpoint list, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Identify machines to be managed.
– Identify groups of machines.
– Identify resources to scan.
򐂰 Given the customer's data collection requirements, a list of endpoints, and a
Tivoli infrastructure, determine the inventory requirements (scan frequency,
scan method, history tracking, MIFs to be collected, hardware/software data,
policy needs, and Wake-on-LAN requirements) so that a scanning
methodology and policy scripts can be generated, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
Consider hardware/software data to be scanned.
Determine inventory scan method.
Determine inventory scan frequency.
Determine policies needed.
Determine history tracking requirements.
Determine MIFs to be collected.
Determine Wake-on-LAN requirements.
򐂰 Given a list of software to be distributed, a delivery method, a list of
endpoints, and a Tivoli infrastructure, determine the software distribution
requirements so that a distribution architecture and methodology can be
determined, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Determine software to be distributed.
– Determine software packaging method.
– Analyze software requirements with respect to bandwidth usage and time
to distribute.
– Determine source hosts and depot sites.
– Determine candidates for software build via pristine install.
– Determine policies needed.
Chapter 1. Certification overview
– Document endpoint to directory user relationship.
– Determine eligible pervasive devices.
򐂰 Given a customer’s database environment, determine the database
requirements in order to identify the appropriate database sizing, tuning, and
RIM parameters, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Calculate estimated size of database.
Select RIM(s) node(s).
Determine database index process.
Select appropriate database.
򐂰 Given an organization chart and business processes, describe the
organization of the administrators so that the necessary administrator groups
and roles can be determined, with emphasis on performing the following
– Identify logical groups of administrators.
– Identify roles of administrators.
– Identify policy regions to which admins require access.
򐂰 Given a company’s security policies and Tivoli security settings, create
appropriate administrator roles and Tivoli configuration functions so that the
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager settings meet company security policies,
with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Define administrator roles.
Determine optimum oserv configuration settings.
Determine optimum endpoint configuration settings.
Determine access manager install.
Determine WebSeal install.
򐂰 Given a network diagram, firewall rules and policies, and DMZ architecture,
determine the firewall requirements so that inventory scans and software
distributions can be performed through the firewall(s), with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
– Determine machines separated by firewalls.
– Determine use of Tivoli Configuration Manager under DMZ.
– Determine management needs for machines.
򐂰 Given a network diagram, network administration policy, and customer
requirements, determine the multicast requirements so that a list of multicast
repeaters, targets, and configuration settings can be generated, with
emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Determine multicast targets.
– Determine multicast repeaters.
– Determine multicast addresses and parameters.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
򐂰 Given a list of software and inventory requirements, mobile devices, and
pervasive devices, determine Web requirements so that the Web access site,
installation method, and Web component database are configured for the list
of Web-enabled applications available to a subscriber list, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
Determine install of Web components - Classic or SPBs.
Determine eligible software packages and inventory configs.
Determine eligible targets.
Determine cluster or single install.
Size DB2 for Web.
Section 2: Installation
Now we go over the installation.
򐂰 Given the set of prerequisite software CDs, install the prerequisite software
(including RDBMS, IBM HTTP Server, DB2 Data Warehouse, and
WebSphere Application Server) so that the software environment meets the
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager prerequisites, with emphasis on performing
the following steps:
Install RDBMS.
Install IBM HTTP server.
Install DB2 Data Warehouse.
Install WebSphere Application Server.
򐂰 Given the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager CDs and administrator access to
the appropriate hardware and the MDist2 database, choose the appropriate
installation method to install or upgrade the TMR server, Java components,
gateway and repeater hierarchy, MDist2, Firewall Toolkit, and endpoints to
produce a working Tivoli environment with MDist2 capability, with emphasis
on performing the following steps:
Locate media.
Ensure bidirectional name and address resolution.
Install/upgrade TMR server.
Install Java components.
Install MDist2.
Install Firewall Toolkit.
Create gateway(s)/repeater(s).
Install endpoints.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment, the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
CDs, the inventory schema, and administrative access to the inventory
database, install or upgrade the inventory server, gateways, and Scalable
Collection Service so that all the necessary inventory components are
Chapter 1. Certification overview
installed on the correct machines in the Tivoli environment, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
– Install/upgrade the Scalable Collection Service.
– Install/upgrade the inventory server.
– Install/upgrade the inventory gateway.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment and the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
CDs, install or upgrade the Software Distribution components (including the
server, gateway, packaging, and desktop components) so that the
Configuration Manager GUIs can be launched and accessed, and all
necessary Software Distribution components are installed on the appropriate
machines in the Tivoli environment, with emphasis on performing the
following steps:
Install/upgrade Software Distribution server.
Install/upgrade Software Distribution gateway.
Install/upgrade Software Package Editor.
Install/upgrade Configuration Manager Desktop.
Install Pristine Tool.
򐂰 Given an Activity Planner schema, a Change Management schema, and a
working Tivoli environment, install the functions of Deployment Services
(including Change Management, Activity Planner, Resource Manager,
Directory Query, and Web components) so that all of these application
components are installed in the Tivoli environment, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
Install Change Manager.
Install Activity Planner.
Install Resource Manager.
Install device agents.
Install Web components.
Install Directory Query.
Install Access Manager.
Install Access Manager WebSeal.
Section 3: Configuration
Now we review the configuration:
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment, a network topology, and an MDist2
database, configure gateway Web access, repeater tuning parameters,
MDist2 RIM parameters, and the endpoint, task library, and profile manager
policy scripts so that the Tivoli environment meets the customer requirements
for distribution throughput, bandwidth control, and endpoint management,
with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Build MDist2 RIM.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Tune repeaters.
Create and install endpoint policies.
Configure multicast.
Create task library, profile managers, and policy scripts.
Configure gateway Web access.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment and an endpoint to directory user listing,
link endpoints to directory users and create Directory Query libraries and
Directory Queries, so that endpoints can be associated with users, with
emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Create Directory query library.
– Create Directory Query.
– Link endpoints to directory users.
򐂰 Given that inventory is installed and customer collection requirements have
been determined, tune collectors, install software signatures, and configure
RIM objects, custom queries, and scanners so that data can be collected from
endpoints, stored in the configuration repository, and matched against
defined software signatures, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Build inventory RIM(s).
Tune data handler.
Tune collectors.
Add software signature.
Create inventory, subscription, and historic query library.
Configure custom tables in database.
Create custom query.
Configure DMI data to collect.
Create inventory policy scripts.
򐂰 Given that Software Distribution is installed and the customer’s software
distribution requirements have been determined, configure multicast support,
data moving service, Web interface, mobile support, and policy scripts so that
software can be distributed to targets in compliance with the customer’s
requirements, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Configure multicast support.
Configure data moving service.
Configure software distribution mobile support.
Create software distribution policy scripts.
Configure software distribution Web interface.
򐂰 Given that the deployment services components have been successfully
installed, configure the RIMs, Web Gateway, device plug-ins, HTTP Server,
and WebSphere Application Server in order to provide working Web access
Chapter 1. Certification overview
and management for pervasive devices, with emphasis on performing the
following steps:
Build Activity Planner RIM.
Build Change Manager RIM.
Configure plug-ins.
Configure Web Gateway.
Register pervasive devices.
Create resource group policies.
Configure IBM HTTP Server.
Configure WebSphere Application Server/Tivoli TMR Web access.
Publish Web objects.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment with software distribution, inventory, and
deployment services installed, test the managed nodes, gateways, endpoints,
and RIM objects so that endpoints can be managed through the framework
and databases can be accessed through the RIM, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
Test managed node.
Test gateway(s).
Test endpoint(s).
Test Change Manager RIM.
Test Activity Planner RIM.
Test inventory RIM(s).
Test MDist2 RIM.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli Configuration Manager environment, TEC Server,
TEDW, and customer requirements, configure software distribution to send
events to TEC and integrate software distribution with TEDW so that Tivoli
Configuration Manager can generate reports and TEC events, with emphasis
on performing the following steps:
– Configure software distribution to send events to TEC.
– View Tivoli Configuration Manager reports in the Tivoli Enterprise™ Data
Section 4: Operations, administration, and maintenance
Now we review operations, administration, and maintenance.
򐂰 Given a list of file packages and inventory profiles from Tivoli Software
Distribution V3.x and Tivoli Inventory V3.x, convert them to IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager V4.2 inventory configuration profiles, software
packages, and SPBs, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Convert inventory profiles to inventory configuration profiles.
– Convert file packages to software packages.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
򐂰 Given IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager customer requirements, create
inventory resources (including policy regions, profile managers, and profiles)
so that inventory data can be collected from the customer environment, with
emphasis on performing the following steps:
Create inventory policy regions.
Create inventory profile managers.
Create and configure inventory profiles.
Select custom MIF collection profile settings.
Determine type of scan for pervasive devices.
򐂰 Given IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager customer requirements, create
software distribution resources (including policy regions, profile managers,
and profiles) so that software can be distributed to and removed from target
systems, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Create and configure software distribution profiles.
– Create software packages using the Java Package Editor, CLI, GUI, SIS,
or importing them.
– Launch the software distribution Java Package Editor and use it to build
packages on all supported operating systems.
– Export and modify software package blocks.
– Determine version and dependencies of a software package block.
– Create install, uninstall, undo, commit, and verify jobs.
– Configure advanced options on software distribution profiles.
򐂰 Given a working IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 environment and
customer requirements, build reference models so that inventory scans and
software distributions can be applied to the subscriber lists enforcing the
software states and inventory data elements defined in the reference model,
with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Create a reference model and assign subscribers.
– Add, change, and delete inventory scan elements.
– Add, change, and delete software distribution elements.
򐂰 Given customer requirements to schedule and coordinate activities, configure
the Activity Planner to define, submit, and schedule an activity plan that
meets customer requirements, with emphasis on performing the following
Use Activity Planner to define activity, set conditions, and assign targets.
List submittable activity plans.
Submit activity plan.
Schedule an activity plan for execution.
Chapter 1. Certification overview
򐂰 Given customer requirements to manage pervasive devices, create and
configure device object software packages and inventory profiles so that
software can be delivered and inventory information can be collected from
these devices, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Create and configure device object software package.
򐂰 Given a working IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 environment and a
set of subscribers, distribute software and perform asset scans against
LAN-attached and mobile clients so that asset data is gathered and software
is installed or removed, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Distribute software to desired targets and confirm success.
Distribute inventory configuration profile.
Execute an activity plan.
Configure endpoint-initiated scanner.
򐂰 Given active distributions and scans, control IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager V4.2 activities to determine status, cancel activities, and
determine/alter the repeater path so that activities can be successfully
managed, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Calculate disk space required for distribution.
Verify success of scan or distribution.
Report current status of a distribution.
Cancel a distribution.
Determine path that a distribution will follow.
Alter the path that a distribution will follow.
View status or details of activity plans.
Distribute a software package using multicast.
Move files/software from one endpoint to another.
򐂰 Given the framework and IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 CLIs and
administrative access to the system, start and stop components so that
collectors, oservs, and endpoints can be effectively managed in the
environment, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Start/stop oserv.
Start/stop endpoint.
Start/stop gateways.
Start/stop endpoint manager.
Start/stop collectors.
򐂰 Given an installed Tivoli environment including IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager V4.2, perform the tasks necessary to uninstall Tivoli and remove
related information from the databases so that the systems are restored to the
pre-installation state, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Uninstall IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2.
– Remove information in database about removed endpoint.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
– Restore from backup.
򐂰 Given error logs, database schemas, and CLI commands, describe the
troubleshooting procedures so that corrective action can be taken, successful
distributions can be achieved, RIM connections can be established, and the
oserv and other Tivoli components can be traced, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
Troubleshoot TMR and managed node installation.
Troubleshoot endpoint agent installation.
Solve RIM connection problems.
Debug distributions.
Generate oserv trace.
Trace a reference model.
Enable Web user interface tracing.
Troubleshoot Java install.
Review Scalable Collection Service.
Debug activity plan problems using appropriate log files.
Debug Change Manager problems using logs and traces.
1.3 Recommended resources for study
Courses and publications are offered to help you prepare for the certification
tests. The courses are recommended, but not required, before taking a
certification test. If you wish to purchase Web-based training courses or are
unable to locate a Web-based course or classroom course at the time and
location you desire, please feel free to contact one of our delivery management
teams at:
򐂰 Americas - tivamedu@us.ibm.com
򐂰 EMEA - tived@uk.ibm.com
򐂰 AP - tivtrainingap@au1.ibm.com.
Note: Course offerings are continuously being added and updated. If you do
not see the course(s) below listed in your geography please contact the
delivery management team.
1.3.1 Courses
Course names and/or course numbers vary depending on the education delivery
arm used in each geography. Please refer to the Tivoli software education Web
site to find the appropriate course and education delivery vendor for each
Chapter 1. Certification overview
General training information can also be found at IBM IT Training at:
Course title: IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager provides an integrated solution for managing
complex distributed enterprise environments. Working on top of IBM Tivoli
infrastructure, Configuration Manager integrates Software Distribution, Inventory,
and additional supporting services. This course is designed to cover the
fundamentals of Tivoli Configuration Manager. The information covered in this
course will provide you with the opportunity to master several key skills needed
to perform day-to-day administrative functions. You will also be introduced to
new terminology and concepts associated with administering Tivoli Configuration
Course duration: Five days.
Course number : (TV170 - IBM Technical Education Services) | (TV107 Education Centers for IBM Software). Course numbers vary depending on the
education delivery arm used in each geography. Please refer to the Web site
below to find the appropriate course number according to the education delivery
vendor chosen.
Geo education page: Worldwide schedules available at Tivoli software education.
IBM PartnerWorld® "You Pass We Pay": This course is approved for IBM
PartnerWorld You-Pass, We-Pay.
Course title: IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager provides an integrated solution for managing
complex distributed enterprise environments. Working on top of IBM Tivoli
Management Framework, Configuration Manager integrates Software
Distribution, Inventory, and additional supporting services. This Web-based
course is designed to cover the fundamentals of Tivoli Configuration Manager.
The information covered in this course will provide you with the opportunity to
master several key skills needed to perform day-to-day administrative functions.
You will also be introduced to new terminology and concepts associated with
administering Tivoli Configuration Manager. In a separate module, this course
will present the fundamentals of Tivoli Management Framework, which is the
foundation of many Tivoli Enterprise products. Learning to use Tivoli
Management Framework will provide you with the basic skills needed to work
with Tivoli Configuration Manager. Knowledge of Tivoli Management Framework
terms, resources, and concepts is an important first step in your preparation for
success with Tivoli Enterprise products.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Course duration: Thirty-two hours, self-paced.
Course number : (TIV69 - IBM Technical Education Services) | (TV113 Education Centers for IBM Software). Course numbers vary depending on the
education delivery arm used in each geography. Please refer to the Web site
below to find the appropriate course number according to the education delivery
vendor chosen.
Geo education page: Worldwide schedules available at Tivoli software education.
IBM PartnerWorld "You Pass We Pay": This course is not approved for IBM
PartnerWorld You-Pass, We-Pay.
1.3.2 Publication
Before taking test 786 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 Implementation,
the recommended publications to review are IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
manuals and redbooks.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager product manuals
You may want to refer to the following manuals:
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Introducing IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager, GC23-4703
Provides an overview of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager and its
components, and uses scenarios to highlight various processes.
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Planning and Installation Guide,
Explains how to install, upgrade, and uninstall IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager and its components in a Tivoli environment.
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: User’s Guide for Software Distribution,
Explains the concepts and procedures necessary for you to effectively use
the Software Distribution component to distribute software over local area
networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Reference Manual for Software
Distribution, SC23-4712
Explains advanced features and concepts needed to use and tailor the
Software Distribution component.
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: User’s Guide for Inventory, SC23-4713
Chapter 1. Certification overview
Describes the Inventory component and the management tasks that you can
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Database Schema Reference, SC23-4783
Describes the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager database tables.
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Messages and Codes, SC23-4706
Lists all of the messages produced by IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager.
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: User’s Guide for Deployment Services,
Provides information about the different services provided as part of Tivoli
Configuration Manager.
You may also follow the link below in order to reach the online publications of
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager:
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Redbooks
The following are IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager related Redbooks:
򐂰 All About IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Version 4.2, SG24-6612
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 is a new product that combines Tivoli
Software Distribution 4.1 and Tivoli Inventory 4.0 into a single product offering
with many new functions, such as integration with Enterprise Directories,
distribution across firewalls, and Device Management. This IBM Redbook
covers the complete functionality and features of IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager 4.2 with many real-life scenarios and best practices. Some of the
major topics that are covered in the publication are:
LDAP integration
Device Management
Data Moving
Firewalls and IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Native packaging
Inventory new features and integration with Software Distribution
This book will assist Software Distribution specialists with installing,
customizing, using, and troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
򐂰 Automated Distribution and Self-Healing with IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager V 4.2, SG24-6620
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
This IBM Redbook covers a solution to implement an automated software
distribution and Self-Healing mechanism on top of IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager Version 4.2. The solution described in this book (referred as the
Solution throughout he book) guarantees the availability of designated
software packages on workstations. The Solution is also backwards
compatible with IBM Tivoli Software Distribution Version 4.1 and Inventory
Version 4.0.
The Solution will extend the benefits of using IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager Version 4.2 by reducing costs, increasing reliability, and providing
fast delivery. The scripts that make up the Solution are shipped with the book
(on an AS-IS basis), so you can customize the Solution according to your
We believe the Solution described in this book will be very useful for
customers who are planning to implement a software distribution
infrastructure or are already using IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Version
4.2 and want to automate the software enforcement/Self-Healing process.
򐂰 Migration to IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Version 4.2, SG24-6616
Tivoli Inventory and Tivoli Software Distribution have evolved to become
smarter, faster, and more efficient, since the earlier 3.6.X versions. IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager Version 4.2 uses all the best features of these
post-3.6 versions and also adds new features and enhancements to create a
powerful deployment, change, and asset management suite. This book
explains both the business reasons and the technical implementation details
for migrating from Software Distribution and Inventory 3.6.X to IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager Version 4.2.
The topics include:
– Business reasons for migration
– Functional and architectural differences between IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager and 3.6.X versions of Software
– Distribution and Inventory
– Planning and methodology of migration
– Framework migration
– Migration scenarios
– Package migration
This book will help you in all aspects of migration from Software Distribution
and Inventory 3.6.X to IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Version 4.2.
򐂰 Implementing Automated Inventory Scanning and Software Distribution After
Auto Discovery, SG24-6626
Chapter 1. Certification overview
This book describes a solution to provide readers with the ability to
automatically install endpoint code and perform inventory scans and required
software distributions on new workstations that have been discovered by IBM
Tivoli NetView®, reducing the time and effort it takes to manually gather and
maintain current information in a distributed environment. Using IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager Version 4.2 and NetView Version 7.1.3, this solution
will benefit the reader by providing reliability, potential cost reduction, and
rapid time-to-value incentives, which free up administrators and allow them to
focus on actual IT needs.
We provide an overview of the high-level design and architecture, including
the different customer environments where this solution can be applied,
followed by implementation, scenarios, and extending the solution.
This book also covers the IBM Tivoli NetView Integration Module for
Configuration Manager (formerly called Tivoli Integration Pack for NetView)
implementation and scenarios.
This publication will assist customer and business partners’ support staff and
managers, and IBM systems engineers who are involved in Tivoli sales or
implementation services.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Chapter 2.
Tivoli Management
Framework basics
This provides an overview of the Tivoli Management Framework concepts. It is
important to understand Tivoli Management Framework, because most of the
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager services depend on the Framework.
We discuss the following in this chapter:
“Components of the basic Tivoli architecture” on page 24
“Tivoli user interfaces” on page 27
“Tivoli resources” on page 29
“Authorization roles” on page 33
“Tivoli profiles” on page 35
“Multiplexed distribution services” on page 39
“Connecting multiple TMR regions” on page 49
“Endpoint login sequence” on page 55
“Firewall Security Toolbox” on page 64
“Installing Firewall Security Toolbox” on page 67
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
2.1 Components of the basic Tivoli architecture
The following are the components of the basic Tivoli architecture:
򐂰 Tivoli Management Region (TMR) is an entity that contains the Tivoli server
and its clients. A Tivoli Management Region contains three tiers of resources:
The Tivoli server, managed nodes and gateways, and endpoints, as shown in
Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1 Tivoli Management Region
򐂰 Tivoli Management Region (TMR) Server includes the libraries, binaries, data
files, and the graphical user interface (GUI) (the Tivoli desktop) needed to
install and manage your Tivoli environment. The Tivoli server performs all
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
authentication and verification necessary to ensure the security of Tivoli data.
The following components comprise a Tivoli server:
– An object database, which maintains all object data for the entire Tivoli
– An object dispatcher, which coordinates all communication with managed
nodes and gateways. The object dispatcher process is the oserv, which is
controlled by the oserv command. By default, oserv communicates in the
TMR on port 94. This port is configurable.
– An endpoint manager, which is responsible for managing all of the
endpoints in the Tivoli region.
Note: The TMR server should be dedicated to the task of managing the
The TMR server must be up and available in order for the rest of the TMR to
function. For more information on increasing the fault tolerance of your TMR,
see the IBM Redbook, High Availability Scenarios with IBM Tivoli Workload
Scheduler and IBM Tivoli Framework, SG24-6632.
The machine that serves as the TMR server can also serve as a client (target
of management operations) in the TMR.
򐂰 Managed Node runs the same software that runs on a Tivoli server. Managed
nodes maintain their own object databases that can be accessed by the Tivoli
server. When managed nodes communicate directly with other managed
nodes, they perform the same communication or security operations that are
performed by the Tivoli server.
The difference between a Tivoli server and a managed node is that the Tivoli
server object database is global to the entire region, including all managed
nodes. In contrast, the managed node database is local to the particular
managed node. To manage a computer system that hosts the managed
node, install an endpoint on that managed node.
򐂰 Gateway controls communication with and operations on endpoints. Each
gateway can support thousands of endpoints. A gateway can launch methods
on an endpoint or run methods on behalf of the endpoint.
A gateway is generally created on an existing managed node. This managed
node provides access to the endpoint methods and provides the
communication with the Tivoli server that the endpoints occasionally require.
򐂰 Tivoli Management Agent (TMA or endpoint) is a target of management
operations in a TMR. An endpoint provides the primary interface for system
management. An endpoint is any system that runs the lcfd service (or
daemon), which is configured using the lcfd command.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Typically, an endpoint is installed on a computer system that is not used for
daily management operations. Endpoints run a very small amount of software
and do not maintain an object database. The majority of systems in a Tivoli
environment should be endpoints. The Tivoli desktop is not installed with the
endpoint software. If you choose to run a desktop on an endpoint, you must
install Tivoli Desktop for Windows or telnet to a UNIX®-managed node.
The TMA is implemented differently for different platforms. It is a process on
UNIX systems and a service on Windows NT® systems. By default, a TMA
will contact its gateway on port 9494, the port on which the gateway is
listening for TMAs. This port is configurable. By default, a TMA listens for
TMR communications on port 9495.
Figure 2-2 shows Tivoli server and client components communication.
Figure 2-2 Tivoli Server, managed node, and TMA communication
Sizing considerations for gateways: Sizing the endpoint gateways is an
important consideration when designing your Tivoli topology. The following
are the main factors to consider when sizing endpoint gateways:
򐂰 Number of endpoints
򐂰 Number of upcalls and downcalls
򐂰 Number of endpoint platform types that must be supported
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
2.2 Tivoli user interfaces
Tivoli provides both a graphical user interface (GUI) and a command line
interface (CLI). The GUI is often referred to as the Tivoli Desktop. In addition to
the desktop and the CLI, there are Web-based views of certain Tivoli
management functions.
Depending on the operations you are performing, you use either the desktop or
the CLI. For example, to view the relationships of policy regions and profile
managers, use the desktop to visually display those relationships. The CLI can
be more useful to perform repetitive actions, such as encapsulating Tivoli
commands in a script.
2.2.1 Tivoli Desktop
The graphical user interface is called the Tivoli Desktop. Figure 2-3 shows the
initial view of Tivoli Desktop. It gets populated as you install Tivoli applications.
Figure 2-3 Tivoli Desktop
The Tivoli Desktop provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for administrators to
graphically view and control the Tivoli Management Environment® with a logical,
consistent layout across all Tivoli products.
The Tivoli Desktop is automatically installed on every UNIX-managed node. It is
invoked on UNIX systems via the tivoli command. You must run the tivoli
command from an X-Window session after sourcing the environment variables.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Tivoli Desktop for Windows is a separate program that must be installed
manually before an administrator can access the Tivoli Desktop on a Windows
NT-managed node. The Tivoli Desktop for Windows code is on Framework CD2.
It can be installed on any Windows-based system, even if it is not in the TMR. It
can be used to access the Tivoli Desktop of a UNIX-managed node as well as an
NT-managed node.
Note: The Tivoli Desktop for Windows requires you to specify a host, which
could be another machine.
2.2.2 Command line interface
The Tivoli command line interface (CLI) enables Tivoli system administrators to
execute Tivoli management functions via the command line provided by the
operating system. You can execute most CLI commands only from the TMR
server or managed nodes.
On UNIX, CLI commands are executed from the shell prompt or can be included
in scripts. On Windows, CLI commands are executed from the Windows NT
command prompt or can be included in batch files.
Some Tivoli CLI commands are actually shell scripts that must run on NT from
the bash shell, which is installed by Tivoli on every NT TMR server and managed
node. Most Tivoli CLI commands begin with a w.
If you are authorized to run the Tivoli desktop, you can also run CLI commands.
If you are not authorized to run the desktop, you cannot run CLI commands.
Note: The graphical Desktop is not completely equivalent to the CLI, although,
in general, they are two interfaces to achieve the same purpose.
Some actions can only be performed from the GUI (creating a collection, for
example), and some can only be performed from the CLI (restoring the
database, for example).
2.2.3 Navigating the Tivoli Desktop
Various elements in windows and dialogs assist the user, including pull-down
and pop-up menus, status lines and messages, buttons, check boxes, and
scrolling lists. Figure 2-4 on page 29 shows different options used for navigating
the Tivoli Desktop.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 2-4 Navigating the Tivoli Desktop
2.3 Tivoli resources
Resource is a general term used to define objects, services, tasks,
administrators, managed nodes, and other items in the Tivoli environment.
A resource is a system, device, or service in a distributed environment.
Examples are workstations, software products, and administrators. A managed
resource represents system or network resources that Tivoli manages. Managed
resources are found only inside of policy regions. Figure 2-5 on page 30 shows
different managed resources in a Tivoli environment.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Figure 2-5 Different managed resources
To manage a specific type of resource, you must first install a Tivoli application
that is designed to manage that resource. Tivoli applications manage resources
from a single logical view.
Upon installation of Framework on the TMR server, the default Tivoli desktop
(Figure 2-3 on page 10) displays five icons, each of which represents a type of
Tivoli resource: The administrators, notices, a default policy region, the endpoint
manager, and the scheduler.
A Tivoli administrator is a system administrator who has been authorized to
perform systems management tasks and manage policy regions. The
Administrator Collection is a container for all the Tivoli administrators.
Tivoli software products use administrators to delegate the use of the system
root account without giving those administrators the system password or
complete control. Most system administrators have a Tivoli administrator that
maps to their system account. However, users on multiple systems can use the
same Tivoli administrator. A Tivoli administrator is the person or group of people
each with a user account to access a computer system where Tivoli software
products are installed.
Notices are a resource that contains notes posted by Tivoli applications. These
notes inform the administrators of management functions performed in the Tivoli
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Policy region
A policy region is a container for managed resources that conform to the same
set of policies or rules. Upon installation of the TMR server, there will be one
default policy region, and initially the managed node on the TMR server will be
the only resource contained within it.
A policy region can be used to reflect the management and organization of a
distributed computing environment. It has two primary objectives:
򐂰 To enforce company rules and policies
򐂰 To enforce a security model or delegation of authority
It represents logical relationships tied to an organizational structure such as
divisions, departments, geographical locations, types of workstations, or
business functions.
Policy regions can be nested to provide hierarchical relationships; if a policy
region is contained in another policy region it is called a policy subregion.
Policy region hierarchy can be designed in different ways. Figure 2-6 shows
grouping by Tivoli products, Figure 2-7 on page 32 shows grouping by Tivoli
operating systems, and Figure 2-8 on page 32 shows grouping by departments.
Figure 2-6 Grouping by Tivoli product
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Figure 2-7 Grouping by operating system
Figure 2-8 Grouping by department
Endpoint manager
The endpoint manager runs on the TMR server and maintains TMA and gateway
The endpoint manager maintains an endpoint list that keeps track of every TMA
in a TMR and tracks the gateway associated with each TMA.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
From the endpoint manager, you can view the gateways and their associated
endpoints. You can also create new gateways.
Scheduler is a resource that allows access to the scheduling queue to
manipulate scheduled jobs. The scheduler executes previously defined jobs at
predefined times, such as scheduling jobs to occur at specific times or within a
specified time frame, to repeat a specified number of times, at specified intervals,
or indefinitely.
2.4 Authorization roles
When root administrators create other administrators, they specify the resources
and authorization roles for the new administrator. The authorization roles
assigned to an administrator determine the management operations that the
administrator can perform. Authorization roles provide a set of privileges to Tivoli
resources. Authorization roles are mutually exclusive. Each role provides its own
set of privileges—one role does not provide privileges of any other role.
The possible authorization roles for administrators are as follows:
򐂰 super
Allows an administrator to connect and disconnect regions; perform
maintenance operations on the region; install managed nodes, products, and
patches; and so on. The super role is normally required for high-security
operations and is not typically assigned to many administrators.
򐂰 senior
Allows an administrator to create and define all Tivoli resources. The senior
role is required for configuration and policy operations, such as creating an
administrator, setting policy, or expiring notices.
򐂰 admin
Allows an administrator to perform day-to-day tasks and system
configurations. The admin role is required for general system management
operations, such as adding an item to a profile, distributing a profile, or
changing the message of the day.
򐂰 user
Allows an administrator to view information and resources with read-only
capability. The user role is required to bring up a Tivoli desktop and allows
limited operations that do not affect configuration information, such as
displaying configuration information.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
򐂰 backup
Allows an administrator to create backups of Tivoli object databases. An
administrator must have the backup role in the region that contains the object
databases for the Tivoli server and managed nodes to be backed up.
򐂰 restore
Allows an administrator to restore Tivoli object databases from backup. The
administrator must have the restore role in the region that contains the object
databases for the Tivoli server and managed nodes to be restored.
򐂰 install-product
Allows an administrator to install new applications and products in the local
Tivoli region.
򐂰 install-client
Allows an administrator to install managed nodes within policy regions that
allow the managed node resource type.
򐂰 policy
Allows an administrator with both the policy and senior roles to create policy
regions. In addition, the administrator can add resource types to policy
regions and set up the policies that govern the policy region.
򐂰 Dist_control
Allows an administrator to control multiplexed distribution 2 (MDist 2)
Note: Depending on the Tivoli products installed, other authorization roles
might be available.
2.4.1 Scope of authorization roles
For example, some operation requires the admin role. If an administrator has
only the super role, this administrator cannot perform these operations unless
this administrator also is granted the admin role.
Note: To ensure that senior system administrators can perform operations at
their authorization level and below, assign these administrators all
authorization roles below their current level. For example, to ensure that an
administrator with the senior role can perform all operations at the senior level
and below, assign this administrator the senior, admin, and user roles.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Roles should be assigned based on the management operations specific to an
administrator. You should carefully plan how you are going to delegate system
management tasks. Tivoli Management Framework provides control and
flexibility in assigning management authority to various personnel. Carefully
consider and review the areas of responsibility for each Tivoli administrator when
assigning roles for various resources and in various Tivoli regions. For example,
Juan is to manage Documentation policy region. He should be assigned the
senior, admin, and user roles for this policy region. If Juan has administrative
needs for other policy regions or resources outside of his policy region, these can
be granted later.
Authorization roles can be granted at the resource level or region level.
Resource authorization roles
Granting roles at the resource level provides an administrator with authority to
resources across policy regions, the Scheduler, or the Administrators collection.
Administrators can have different roles for different resources. Resource
authorization roles can be assigned for many types of resources that appear as
icons on a Tivoli desktop. If an administrator has a resource role, that role applies
for all objects contained in that resource. For example, if John has the senior role
in the Marketing policy region, he also has the senior role for all resources in that
policy region.
Region authorization roles
Granting roles at the region level provides an administrator with authority over all
resources in the Tivoli region. If an administrator has an authorization role in a
Tivoli region, that same role applies for all resources in that region. For example,
if Isabella has the role admin in the region, she also has the admin role for all
resources in that region.
An administrator with the super or senior role in the Administrator collection can
create other administrators and assign them authorization roles. For security
reasons, use extreme care when assigning the super role in a Tivoli region.
2.5 Tivoli profiles
In large distributed networks, computer systems are frequently grouped
according to the type of work for which they are used. For example, computer
systems in an engineering group might be used to produce CAD drawings, while
those in an accounting group might be used to produce tax documents. With
Tivoli Management Framework, you can place common configuration information
for computer systems used for similar purposes in a centralized area. Doing so
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
makes it easier to access, manage, and duplicate resources. Profiles and profile
managers enable you to do this.
A profile is a container for a Tivoli application. Each application has its own type
of profile. The profile template is configured by a system administrator to manage
resources as desired. As an example, Figure 2-9 shows the Inventory Profile
Figure 2-9 Inventory Profile icon
Profiles are sent to target systems.You can apply a profile to a set of managed
resources in the TMR. This causes the management task to be sent to the target
resource, which is usually a computer system such as a managed node or TMA.
The Framework provides profile managers to associate profiles with their target
One profile can define configurations for multiple platforms. A profile can contain
only information related to the profile type (for instance, IBM Tivoli Monitoring),
but within each profile type, configuration information for multiple platform types
can be stored. For example, the User Administration profile can store a particular
user's account information for their UNIX and Windows accounts both in the
same profile record.
Figure 2-10 on page 37 is an example of a profile for the Inventory component of
the IBM Configuration Manager product. This allows you to scan machines for
hardware and software assets.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 2-10 Inventory profile example
2.5.1 Profile managers and profile distribution
A profile manager is a container for individual profiles. It provides a place to
create and organize groups of profiles and to link subscribers, or recipients, to
them. A profile manager can contain multiple profiles of the same type, or it can
contain profiles of more than one type. Profile managers control the distribution
of profiles to subscribers. Profile managers are created within a policy region.
Subscribers to a profile manager can be in the same policy region as their profile
manager or in other policy regions.
A profile manager can be viewed logically as having two sections. One section
contains profiles and the other section contains subscribers. The set of profiles
contained in a profile manager might be of different types.
Framework delivers all profiles to subscribers. All applications use the same
method to propagate the profile data to the target systems. The mechanism is
provided by Framework, and it is called profile distribution. The target resources
are called subscribers.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
As a result of profile distribution, profile data is copied to target systems and sent
to the appropriate application that will understand the configuration information
and apply it accordingly.
When a TMA receives a profile and does not have the corresponding application
loaded in its method cache, the application code will be downloaded from the
TMA's Management Gateway.
Figure 2-11 Management by subscription
Types of profile managers
Profile managers can operate in two modes: Database or dataless.
򐂰 Database mode
Enables a profile manager to distribute to any profile manager (dataless or
database), managed nodes, and NIS domains, but not to endpoints.
򐂰 Dataless mode
Enables a profile manager to distribute to managed nodes, endpoints, and
NIS domains, but not to other profile managers.
You select the mode for a profile manager when you create it. You can also
change the mode after it is created.
Note: If you want to subscribe profile managers to a certain profile manager,
the profile manager that is being subscribed to must be in database mode.
A policy region can belong to only one TMR. However, subscribers to a particular
profile manager might actually reside in another, interconnected, TMR. This
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
ability to subscribe resources across TMR boundaries means that a profile can
be distributed easily to hundreds or thousands of machines.
2.6 Multiplexed distribution services
The multiplexed distribution facility (MDist) is a Framework service to enable
distributions of large amounts of data to multiple targets in an enterprise. These
services are used by a number of Tivoli profile-based applications to maximize
data throughput across large, complex networks. MDist is most important for the
Software Distribution component of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager because
of the large file transfers. MDist is configurable to control network load.
MDist improves data throughput using such techniques as the following:
򐂰 Parallel distribution to machines
򐂰 Automatic load distribution
򐂰 Use of repeater sites that accept data over slow links and redistribute it to
other machines on the local connection
For additional information refer to Chapter 11, “Distribution Management,” of the
Tivoli Management Framework User's Guide; and Chapter 6, “Multiplexed
Distribution Services,” of the Tivoli Management Framework Planning for
Deployment Guide.
MDist repeater sites are intermediate systems that receive a single copy of Tivoli
data and send it to other repeater sites or to target systems. This improves speed
by increasing parallelism. Management gateways use repeater software to
distribute to TMA clients. MDist repeaters must be managed nodes.
You need to consider the following facts concerning a repeater's range:
򐂰 A repeater's range is defined as the set of target systems that receive data
from the repeater.
򐂰 A target system should be assigned to only one repeater's range.
򐂰 One repeater can be in the range of another repeater.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Figure 2-12 Range of a repeater
The TMR server is a repeater by default. Understanding MDist behavior is
important because, under some circumstances, the default MDist behavior can
strain the resources of the TMR server or your network bandwidth.
򐂰 Single TMR environments: In a single TMR, MDist distributes for the TMR
server to all target machines in parallel, up to a default maximum of 100
machines at a time. The number of machines can be configured differently.
򐂰 Multiple TMR environments: When distributing data to machines in more than
one TMR, MDist distributes data in parallel to local machines and once to
other TMR server(s). A TMR server in another region is called a wan
repeater. The other TMR servers' MDist repeaters then redistribute the data
to the target machines.
TMR servers and managed nodes configured as management gateways are
automatically designated as repeaters. You may define additional repeater sites.
Configuration of repeaters is done by the single command called wrpt.
Note: Any system in the TMR that does not explicitly belong to the range of a
repeater will belong to the range of the default repeater (which defaults to the
TMR server).
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
2.6.1 MDist and MDist 2
Tivoli provides two multiplexed distribution services: MDist and MDist 2.
򐂰 MDist: MDist performs a synchronous transfer of data through a configured
hierarchy of repeaters. The data is not stored in an intermediate location, so
the size of the data transfer can be quite large. Because the data are not
stored at the repeater, if a distribution fails, it must be restarted from the
򐂰 MDist 2: MDist 2 is an extension of MDist to handle large-scale distributions.
MDist II transfers data asynchronously. It uses repeater depots to store the
data to ensure successful delivery. If the distribution is unsuccessful, it can
resume without starting from the beginning.
Beginning with Framework 4.1, MDist 2 has additional capabilities, including
multicast support to improve performance. You should use the wmdist command
to enable multicast and control profile distributions.
2.6.2 MDist 2 functions
The following are the functions of MDist 2:
򐂰 Distribution monitoring and control: In addition to checking the status of the
distribution, you can take action on it (pause, resume, or cancel) using the
򐂰 Mobile computing support: This graphical interface allows users to download
and install distributions at their convenience.
򐂰 Disconnected endpoint support: Enables users to download and save
distributions in a local storage directory for installation at a later date.
򐂰 Roaming endpoint support: Enables endpoints to receive a distribution when
an endpoint migrates to a different gateway during distribution.
򐂰 Installation from CD or file server: Enables administrators to specify a CD or
file server to use rather than a repeater.
򐂰 Wake on LAN® (WOL) support: Enables administrators to send distributions
to powered off computers. If WOL is enabled, the machine will wake up to
receive the distribution.
򐂰 Multicast support: Enables system administrators to improve performance by
using parallel distribution.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
2.6.3 MDist2 components
Figure 2-13 on page 43 illustrates the primary MDist2 components, which are:
Repeater manager
The Tivoli object that maintains configuration data for
all repeaters in the TMR. It also determines the
distribution path. There is one repeater manager per
Repeater site
The intermediate client that receives a single copy of
data and sends it to another repeater site or target
Repeater depot
The storage site for MDist2 distributions. Every
repeater has a depot. Thus, data can be stored on any
repeater in the Tivoli environment. This storage
mechanism helps reduce network traffic for frequently
distributed data sets.
Repeater queue
The queuing mechanism for MDist2 distributions.
Every repeater has a queue. The distribution is
queued and its persistent information is kept as a local
file. This queuing mechanism includes a retry function
that enhances support for unreachable targets.
Distribution manager
The Tivoli object that updates status in the database.
There is one distribution manager per TMR. Thus,
each TMR keeps track of all distributions it launches.
The Java interface used to view status and control
Stands for the RDBMS Interface Module. It is a
common interface Tivoli applications can use to store
and retrieve information from a relational database,
and is used to store MDist2 distribution data.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 2-13 MDist 2 components
2.6.4 wmdist command
Configures repeaters and manages MDist 2 distributions. Here you can find
some important options of the wmdist command.
wmdist –I repeater_name wmdist –j depot_directory...
– I enables you to view detailed information about the distributions that the
repeater is currently processing, and obtains the ID for the distribution.
wmdist –k depot_directory...
– k removes one or more alternative depot directories.
wmdist –l [–a] [–idist_id] [–v]
This lists distribution status. The options are as follows:
򐂰 –a returns active distributions only.
򐂰 –i dist_id specifies the distribution ID. When no distribution ID is specified, the
command returns the status for all distributions.
򐂰 –v returns all information about the status. If you do not specify the –v option,
the command returns only the keyword value information.
wmdist –m dist_id [–t ep_label] [–n node_type] [state...]
This lists the messages for a distribution.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
wmdist –q dist_id
This displays the nodes associated with a given distribution in an indented format
that indicates the route. Each node displayed is suffixed with its state. You can
also determine the distribution path for an active distribution.
wmdist [–f] –r dist_id | endpoint_id [endpoint_id...]
This resumes a paused distribution specified by dist_id, or resumes one or more
paused distributions by target specified by endpoint_id.
wmdist –R [rim_object]
This allows the user to change the RIM object used by the distribution manager
to store status. The default value is mdist2. Issuing this command without a value
prints the current value.
wmdist –s repeater_name [–C noprompt| nostart| nostop] [keyword=value.]
This configures a repeater (specified by repeater_name) using one or more of
the following keywords and values. If a value is not specified, the existing options
for the specified repeater are displayed. When no keyword value pairs are listed,
the command returns the configurations currently in use.
wmdist –T [database_purge_interval]
This sets the interval (in seconds) when completed distributions are deleted by
the distribution manager from the RIM database. Setting this interval allows the
distribution manager to delete completed or irrelevant distributions from the
database after a distribution request is submitted. Although a purge interval is
defined, the completed distributions are not deleted unless the defined interval
has elapsed and a distribution request was submitted. Issuing this command
without a purge interval prints the current setting. Setting the purge interval to -1
disables database purges. The default value is -1.
For the complete wmdist command function please refer to the Tivoli
Management Framework Reference Guide.
2.6.5 Using the Distribution Status console
The Distribution Status console, shown in Figure 2-14 on page 45, provides
administrators with real-time reporting and control of profile distributions.
Administrators can track the progress of a distribution, intervene (if necessary),
and analyze the details of a distribution. The console provides color-coded charts
and graphs to enable administrators to identify patterns and relationships in the
data. These views are helpful when identifying items of interest to be focused on,
such as unavailable targets, which prevent a distribution from completing
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 2-14 Distribution Status Console
Viewing distribution status
You can submit a distribution and later check to see whether the distribution
completed on its targets. The database associated with MDist 2 enables you to
view the status of a distribution.
When you select a tab, the Distribution Details area of the console displays a
view. The sections that follow describe the following Distribution Details views:
򐂰 Status Chart
The Status Chart view displays a color-coded pie chart representing the
states of targets for a selected distribution. You can identify the overall status
of the distribution or move the cursor over a section of the chart to view the
total number of targets in that particular state. Distribution statistics are also
displayed, such as the date the distribution was started and the administrator
who started it.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Figure 2-15 Status Chart
򐂰 Time Spent Chart
The Time Spent Chart view displays a bar chart, which indicates the amount
of time spent in each stage of the completed distribution. This view displays
the minimum, average, and maximum amount of time (in seconds) a
distribution was in a given state.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 2-16 Time Spent Chart
򐂰 Node Table
The Node Table view works the same way as the Distributions table.
However, instead of querying distribution status, it queries the states of
repeaters or endpoints associated with a specific distribution.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Figure 2-17 Node Table View
򐂰 Distribution Topology
The Distribution Topology view displays a tree view showing the data
structured as nodes and links. It allows you to see the path the profile will
follow. Nodes refer to repeaters and endpoints in the currently selected
distribution. Links show the relationship between the nodes in the distribution
hierarchy. These objects are color-coded so that you can quickly identify the
state of a node. The lines that link nodes in the hierarchy are also colored to
display relationships between connecting nodes.
You can use this view to gain an understanding of the distribution route and to
show relationships that help identify items to focus on. For example, you can
identify bottlenecks that prevent a distribution from completing and you can
also determine the distribution path for active distributions.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 2-18 Distribution Topology View
2.7 Connecting multiple TMR regions
To meet the needs and demands of managing thousands of resources that are
geographically dispersed across networks, Tivoli Management Framework
enables you to logically partition your managed resources into a series of
connected Tivoli regions. Each region has its own server for managing local
clients and a set of distributed replicated services for performing management
operations. Regions can be connected to coordinate activities across the
network, enabling large-scale systems management and offering the ability for
remote site management.
During the connection process, each region is supplied with the following
information about the region to which it is being connected:
򐂰 Server name
򐂰 Region number
򐂰 Encryption level and password in use in the other region
This information is used when the remote region is registered in the local region.
When the regions are connected, an exchange of resource information can be
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
performed to make known the types and values of resources in the remote
region. After the initial information exchange, the information should be updated
on a regular basis.
Important: To connect two regions, each region must have a name that is
unique among all regions. If you attempt to connect a region that has the
same name as another region, the connection fails.
Any Tivoli product installed in two connected regions should be installed in
compatible versions in each region. Incompatible versions of a product do not
cause a connection to fail, but can cause operation problems at a later time.
However, you can connect two regions that do not have the same products
2.7.1 Benefits of connecting TMRs
Certain situations in a Tivoli environment can make the connection of two or
more TMRs necessary or desirable. These situations include the following:
򐂰 Decrease server load: The load on a single TMR server caused by network
activity, memory demands, or the number of clients can be lessened by
multiple TMRs.
򐂰 Localized system administration: Multiple TMRs enable local control with
more independence at different operational sites.
򐂰 Enhance security: An additional TMR can be used to restrict local
administrators’ access to certain machines within the enterprise. Also, an
additional TMR enables differing encryption levels within a Tivoli
With the super authorization role and the TMR password (if it exists), a Tivoli
administrator can connect or disconnect two or more TMRs.
2.7.2 Connection types
There are two types of connection types.
One-way region connections
In a one-way connection, only one region has knowledge of the other, so
information is passed from the managing system only. One-way connections are
useful where a central site is responsible for administering several remote sites,
but none of the remote sites need to manage resources at the central site or at
other remote sites. Each remote site could also have its own local operator who
might be responsible for managing day-to-day operations on local resources,
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
while the connection from the central site is used for more global updates across
the company, such as a new version of an application. Although one-way
connections are feasible, two-way connections are recommended.
Two-way region connections
Each Tivoli region involved in a two-way connection is aware of the existence of
the other. Information exchanges about system resources occur in both
directions. Two-way connections are useful in a variety of situations, such as a
very large local area network that is logically partitioned. By using two-way
connections, the management load is spread across multiple Tivoli servers. In
addition, two-way connections are needed to access and manage resources in
other regions.
2.7.3 Name registry
Each region contains a name registry, which serves as a region-wide name
service. It essentially maps resource names to resource identifiers and the
corresponding information.
The Tivoli name registry contains resource types, which contain instances of that
resource type. For example, ProfileManager is a resource type, and the Admin
profile manager is an instance of that resource type.
When a lookup for a resource occurs, it looks for a resource instance by name
and resource type (for example, it looks up the moria instance of the managed
node resource type).
Note: Information from remote TMRs must be updated regularly to maintain
accurate data.
2.7.4 Case study: Hub-spoke architecture
The Tivoli physical topology is primarily determined by the underlying network
topology and management system performance goals. In large network
environments, we recommend deploying your Tivoli environment using a
hub-spoke architecture. In a hub-spoke architecture, the Tivoli environment is
segmented into several TMRs. Each TMR can be responsible for directly
managing a different physical segment of the enterprise, serve a specific
business unit, or be organized by security access levels. The central TMR that
manages the other TMRs is called the hub, and the TMRs it manages are called
Whether using a one-way or two-way connection between the hub and spoke
TMRs, the hub TMR server forms the central administration point from which all
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
managed functions are performed within a Tivoli environment. It is dedicated
primarily to high-level management functions, such as creating administrator
desktops and TEC consoles; creating, configuring, and distributing sentry
profiles to spoke servers; and other hub-wide management activities.
Spoke TMRs provide the direct control function for all endpoints in the Tivoli
environment. Spoke regions can be used to group managed nodes by physical
location in the network and to localize functions in order to improve network and
system performance. Generally, spoke TMRs are not used as entry points for
administrators. Tivoli Administrators can use either the hub TMR or any
managed node strategically placed in the design as an entry point into the Tivoli
Management Environment.
Figure 2-19 illustrates the hub-spoke architecture.
+ Gateway
+ Gateway
Figure 2-19 Hub-spoke architecture
The TEC server can be configured either as a managed node contained within
the hub TMR server or on a stand-alone TMR at the same management level as
the hub TMR server.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
All managed systems (managed nodes, gateways, and endpoints) are spread
out into the Tivoli environment beneath spoke TMRs, as determined by function,
server load, or physical network location.
Managed nodes are still required in this environment. For example, managed
nodes can be used to support remote Tivoli Administrators desktops or to serve
for profile staging.
Endpoint gateways are installed throughout the Tivoli environment to host
endpoints. In this TME® hierarchy, all endpoint gateways are assigned to spoke
TMRs only.
Considerations when deciding on the design of the hub-spoke
Now we review considerations when deciding on the design of the hub-spoke for
TMR architecture.
TMR architecture
One of the most important factors for designing the hub-spoke TMR architecture
is the scalability limitations of the Tivoli environment:
򐂰 Number of endpoints
The number of endpoints managed by a single region has been increased to
tens of thousands. It has been shown in production environments that 20,000
endpoints can be managed by a single region. For organizations requiring
more than 20,000 endpoints to be managed, multiple regions are required.
The limit of 20,000 endpoints represents a threshold beyond which special
performance and tuning requirements might be needed. Therefore, use
multiple connected regions.
򐂰 Number of managed nodes
Generally, a single Tivoli server can support a maximum of 200 managed
nodes. However, use endpoints instead of managed nodes in most cases.
Endpoints are the preferred mechanism for managing your environment. The
introduction of endpoints greatly reduces the number of managed nodes in a
single region. A gateway installed on a managed node can perform all
communication and operations with thousands of endpoints. Endpoints
therefore have no direct communication with a Tivoli server.
In addition, the ability to perform maintenance functions such as database
checks are greatly inhibited by large numbers of managed nodes. If the
network contains more than 200 managed nodes, create multiple regions and
connect them.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Note: For performance reasons, in a multi-TMR environment it is important to
make sure that endpoints get connected to the designated TMR. The best was
to ensure that is to configure the endpoints to log in to specific gateways and
disable broadcasting.
Recommendations on creating policy regions in a hub-spoke
Now we review recommendations on creating policy regions in a hub-spoke for
TMR architecture.
TMR architecture
It is a good practice to create policy regions based on a Tivoli application (IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager, IBM Tivoli Monitoring, and so on) only on the hub
TMR server. The subscriber policy regions then reside on the spoke TMR
servers. The subscribed policy regions contain the profile managers used for
distributing to endpoints. Organizing your policy regions in this manner enables
the hub server to be the central point of operations for each application and
associated functions.
This also avoids subscribing endpoints across TMR boundaries. If an endpoint is
subscribed across TMR boundaries, a new object is created in the object
database and the wchkdb command must track the object directly, causing
unnecessary transactions across TMR boundaries and server load. Instead, if
endpoints stay subscribed to their local TMR, the hub and spoke TMRs only
need to exchange resources, causing only an entry in the Tivoli Name Registry
(TNR) on the hub TMR.
See Figure 2-20 on page 55 for more details.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Spoke TMR
Figure 2-20 Subscription example in a hub-spoke model
2.8 Endpoint login sequence
An endpoint performs four types of logins: Initial, normal, isolated, and orphan.
First the initial login is performed, and then the normal login is performed.
For a normal login sequence, the endpoint logs into its assigned gateway and the
gateway acknowledges it. The initial login process is more complex. This
process establishes the endpoint as an active member of its Tivoli region by
assigning it to a gateway.
An endpoint is isolated when it cannot contact its assigned gateway. When that
occurs, it initiates an isolated login. In certain cases, an endpoint can become
orphaned when the endpoint manager no longer has an entry in its database for
the endpoint.
If the endpoint is unable to contact its assigned gateway, additional gateways are
provided through a list of login interfaces or gateway addresses. This list is
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
compiled by the endpoint manager, defined in the select_gateway_policy script,
or configured with lcfd command options.
Note: Depending on how your environment supports network address
translation (NAT), you might need to define the host names for gateways in
the select_gateway_policy script. The gateways defined through
select_gateway_policy or the lcfd command can be host names instead of
object identifiers (OIDs).
To facilitate the login process and endpoint communication, configure login
parameters during endpoint creation or with the lcfd command after installation.
For more information about the lcfd command and the select_gateway_policy
script, refer to Tivoli Management Framework Reference Manual, Version 4.1.1,
Figure 2-21 Endpoint login sequence
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
2.8.1 Initial login without a select_gateway_policy script
The following are the phases of the initial login process of an endpoint:
򐂰 The endpoint establishes communication with a Tivoli region.
򐂰 The endpoint manager selects a gateway to which the endpoint is assigned.
򐂰 The endpoint receives its gateway assignment and performs a normal login to
the assigned gateway.
The first step in the initial login process for an endpoint is finding a gateway in the
Tivoli region. The endpoint cannot be managed until it becomes associated with
a gateway. The endpoint starts by sending an initial login packet to a gateway,
which acts as an intercepting gateway. An intercepting gateway handles
communication and login for the endpoint until it has an identity and is assigned
to a gateway. If no configuration options are set, either during installation or
during the startup of the lcfd service, the endpoint broadcasts for a gateway.
Because of network load, do not use broadcast as a means for endpoint login.
Instead, use lcfd –D bcast_disable=1 to disable broadcast and use lcfd –D
lcs.login_interfaces=address to specify a gateway.
Note: If your environment supports NAT devices that share IP address
assignments through dynamic timeslicing, ensure that the IP address
assignment time-out value is greater than the login_timeout and udp_interval
settings on the endpoint.
To summarize the initial login, the following are general parameters and default
time outs:
1. The endpoint uses a set of gateway addresses configured during installation
to establish a gateway to receive the endpoint login request.
– These gateway addresses are specified by the lcs.login_interfaces option.
– By default, the endpoint attempts to contact each of the gateways three
times with 5 minutes between each attempt. The attempts are specified by
the login_attempts option. The time between each attempt is specified by
the login_timeout option.
– If the endpoint is successful in contacting one of the alternate gateways,
endpoint policy scripts run.
2. If login fails to all the addresses in the lcs.login_interfaces list, the endpoint
broadcasts a request to log in (if broadcast is enabled).
3. If no gateways in the lcs.login_interfaces list respond or the broadcast login
request fails, the endpoint waits 30 minutes (the login_interval default of the
lcfd command) before beginning the login process again with step 1.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
4. If the login is successful, the endpoint receives its identity in the Tivoli region
from the intercepting gateway along with the name of its assigned gateway.
5. When logged in, the endpoint performs a normal login to its assigned
2.8.2 Initial login with a select_gateway_policy script
Defining the select_gateway_policy script provides the endpoint manager with an
ordered list of gateways. The endpoint manager attempts to contact each listed
gateway until it makes a valid connection. The first gateway to respond receives
the endpoint assignment.
The endpoint manager assigns a gateway and adds the endpoint information
and gateway assignment to its endpoint list. The endpoint manager establishes a
unique identity for the endpoint. The endpoint information is sent back to the
intercepting gateway. The intercepting gateway relays the assignment
information to the endpoint. The endpoint performs a normal login to its assigned
1. The endpoint login request is intercepted by a gateway.
2. The gateway forwards the login request to the endpoint manager.
3. The endpoint manager refers to the select_gateway_policy script and
attempts to contact to gateways, for example, first gateway A and then
gateway B. If connection with gateway A fails and contact with gateway B is
successful, then gateway B becomes the assigned gateway for the endpoint.
Gateway A and gateway B are added to the lcs.login_interfaces list.
4. The endpoint manager returns the login assignment information to the
intercepting gateway. The intercepting gateway then relays the information to
the endpoint.
5. The endpoint logs into its assigned gateway. An interconnected Tivoli region
was created to redirect endpoint initial logins to their endpoint manager on the
Tivoli server in the local Tivoli region. This scenario can be common in large,
multi-site enterprises where thousands of endpoints are logging in to multiple
regions. A Tivoli region dedicated to redirecting endpoint logins can ensure
that endpoints log into gateways in their local region. Tivoli server A is the
redirecting Tivoli region and has the select_gateway_policy script defined.
Gateway A is local to Tivoli server B and is listed in the
select_gateway_policy script.
Note: Endpoints must be managed in their local Tivoli region.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
2.8.3 Normal login
After an endpoint is established as a member of its Tivoli region through the
initial login process, subsequent or normal logins occur. During a normal login,
communication takes place between the endpoint and gateway only. The
endpoint sends a login packet directly to its assigned gateway stored in the
lcf.dat file.
Because the gateway has the endpoint in its endpoint list, communication is
established immediately without contacting the Tivoli server or the endpoint
manager. The endpoint then performs the following operations:
򐂰 Writes current configuration information to the last.cfg file. This file is
overwritten each time the configuration changes.
򐂰 Stores connection information in the encrypted lcf.dat file.
򐂰 Listens for method calls. The endpoint is now fully managed by Tivoli
Management Framework.
The steps are:
1. The endpoint logs into the assigned gateway. The endpoint is immediately
established as a communicating member of the Tivoli network.
2. The endpoint manager is not contacted.
To summarize the normal login, the following are the general parameters and
default time outs:
1. Using the gateway list, which is given to the gateway by the endpoint
manager, the endpoint attempts to contact its assigned gateway. If this fails,
the endpoint attempts to contact any aliases of the assigned gateway. The
attempts are specified by the login_attempts option. The time between each
attempt is specified by the login_timeout option.
2. When the endpoint cannot contact its assigned gateway or aliases, the
endpoint enters isolation mode and uses a set of gateway addresses
(configured during installation) to contact a gateway to receive the endpoint
login request:
– These gateway addresses are specified by the lcs.login_interfaces option.
– By default, the endpoint attempts to contact each of the gateways three
times, with 5 minutes between each attempt. The attempts are specified
by the login_attempts option. The time between each attempt is specified
by the login_timeout option.
– If the endpoint is successful in contacting one of the alternate gateways,
endpoint policy scripts run.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
3. If login fails for all the addresses in the lcs.login_interfaces list, the endpoint
broadcasts a request to log in (if broadcast is enabled).
4. If no gateways in the lcs.login_interfaces list respond or the broadcast login
request fails, the endpoint waits 30 minutes (the login_interval default of the
lcfd command) before beginning the login process again with step 1.
2.8.4 Isolated login
When an endpoint cannot contact its assigned gateway, the endpoint is
considered isolated. The following are some examples of how an endpoint can
become isolated:
򐂰 The gateway is down.
򐂰 There are problems with network connectivity to the gateway.
For the endpoint to be assigned quickly to a new gateway, each endpoint
receives a list of alternate gateways when it receives its initial gateway
assignment information. The list of alternate gateways can be defined in and
provided by the select_gateway_policy script. If the select_gateway_policy script
is not defined, the endpoint manager sends a list of up to five gateway addresses
to try.
If the endpoint loses contact with its assigned gateway, the endpoint goes
through a list of alternate gateways (and associated aliases) in its attempts to log
in. If the endpoint fails to log into any of the alternate gateways, the endpoint
sends another isolated login packet. The login process is similar to the initial
login process described in 2.8.1, “Initial login without a select_gateway_policy
script” on page 57, in that the gateway selection process is triggered. Also, the
lcs.login_interfaces list is replaced with a new list of gateways, instead of
appended with new gateways (as in the initial login).
To summarize the isolated login, the following are the general parameters and
default time outs:
1. When the endpoint cannot reach its assigned gateway, the endpoint uses a
set of gateway addresses configured during installation to contact a gateway
to receive the endpoint login request.
– These gateway addresses are specified by the lcs.login_interfaces option.
– By default, the endpoint attempts to contact each of the gateways three
times, with 5 minutes between each attempt. The attempts are specified
by the login_attempts option. The time between each attempt is specified
by the login_timeout option.
– If the endpoint is successful in contacting one of the alternate gateways,
endpoint policy scripts run.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
2. If login fails for all the addresses in the lcs.login_interfaces list, the endpoint
broadcasts a request to log in (if broadcast is enabled).
3. If no gateways in the lcs.login_interfaces list respond or the broadcast login
request fails, the endpoint waits 30 minutes (the login_interval default of the
lcfd command) before attempting to contact its assigned gateway again.
2.8.5 Orphan login
An endpoint is an orphan when the endpoint considers itself a member of a Tivoli
region; however, the endpoint manager and Tivoli name registry do not
recognize that the endpoint ever logged in. Thus, you will not be able to perform
any actions on those endpoints, such as software distributions or inventory
scans, until it rejoins the Tivoli region. Endpoints can become orphaned in the
following cases:
򐂰 When restoring the endpoint manager database where endpoints have joined
the region since the last backup was made
򐂰 By unintentionally deleting an endpoint from the endpoint manager database
using the wdelep command
The first case occurs when you have to restore the Tivoli server from a backup.
In most cases, backups are done on a regularly scheduled basis. After one of
these backups, it is likely that new endpoints will log into the region for the first
time. These new endpoints, therefore, are recorded in the endpoint manager, but
do not appear in the backup until the next scheduled backup occurs. When the
database is restored from the backup, the new endpoints are no longer
represented in the endpoint manager. The endpoints, however, still have the
endpoint service running.
The second case occurs when the wdelep command is run inadvertently, and the
endpoint service is not stopped and removed from the endpoint. Because the
endpoint service runs independently from the endpoint manager, the endpoint
does not know that the endpoint manager no longer knows about the endpoint.
Thus, the endpoint still considers itself part of the region. Until the endpoint
attempts an action that affects the endpoint manager, such as an upcall, the
endpoint will not know it is an orphan. If the endpoint attempts to log into its
assigned gateway, it fails and enters isolation mode.
You can also use allow_install_policy and select_gateway_policy scripts to
control how orphan endpoints are added back to the endpoint manager
database. For security of individual regions, the endpoint cannot be redirected to
another Tivoli region from its original one during the orphan login. Also, the
lcs.login_interfaces list is replaced with a new list of gateways (as in the isolated
login), instead of appended with new gateways (as in the initial login). To
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
summarize the orphan login, the following are the general parameters and
default time outs:
1. When the endpoint cannot reach its assigned gateway, the endpoint uses a
set of gateway addresses configured during installation to contact a gateway
to receive the endpoint login request:
– These gateway addresses are specified by the lcs.login_interfaces option.
– By default, the endpoint attempts to contact each of the gateways three
times, with 5 minutes between each attempt. The attempts are specified
by the login_attempts option. The time between each attempt is specified
by the login_timeout option.
– If the endpoint is successful in contacting one of the alternate gateways,
endpoint policy scripts run including any orphan endpoint parameters you
have specified.
2. If login fails for all the addresses in the lcs.login_interfaces list, the endpoint
broadcasts a request to log in (if broadcast is enabled).
3. If no gateways in the lcs.login_interfaces list respond or the broadcast login
request fails, the endpoint waits 30 minutes (the login_interval default of the
lcfd command) before attempting to contact its assigned gateway again.
2.8.6 Implementing policy scripts
The endpoint manager and gateway include the ability to use policy scripts to
perform certain actions at various stages of the endpoint login process. Endpoint
policy differs from default and validation policy in that policy objects are not
associated with the endpoint scripts.
The run time of these policy scripts affects the number and efficiency of logins
that the gateway and the endpoint manager can process at one time. For an
environment with a large number of endpoints, limit the number of commands
that are placed in the policy scripts, because commands might require long
periods of time and large amounts of processing resources to run. In certain
cases, the endpoint can become isolated after waiting too long for the gateway to
respond, which can impact endpoint manager performance.
For example, you have 1,000 endpoints logging into a gateway at approximately
9:00 a.m. Because the run time of the policy scripts takes longer to complete for
each login, additional logins have to wait for the preceding logins to complete.
When the preceding logins complete, the gateway and the endpoint manager are
available to process additional login requests. If you need to run Tivoli
commands in this context, use endpoint policy scripts to trigger tasks after login.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
allow_install_policy policy script
This policy script controls which endpoints are allowed to log into the Tivoli
region. For example, you might not want endpoints from subnet 26 on this Tivoli
region. The default behavior of this policy allows endpoints to log in
unconditionally. You can also use this policy to perform any pre-login actions you
might need. For example, this policy can help filter duplicate logins to the
endpoint manager when the endpoint manager is overloaded with activity or
policy scripts are taking a long time to run.
The allow_install_policy script is run by the endpoint manager as soon as it
receives an endpoint initial login packet from an intercepting gateway. If the
policy script exits with a nonzero value, the login process is terminated
immediately. If the policy exits with a zero value, the login process continues.
select_gateway_policy policy script
This policy script, run by the endpoint manager, provides an ordered list of
gateways that should be assigned to an endpoint. The select_gateway_policy
script is run each time an endpoint login packet is forwarded to the endpoint
manager. The select_gateway_policy script overrides the default selection
process and should be used for a Tivoli environment with multiple gateways. If
an endpoint is isolated, the endpoint uses the list of alternate gateways, which
were provided by this policy script. This list is sent to the endpoint with the initial
login assignment information and after a migration or normal login.
The endpoint manager tries to contact each gateway in the order listed in the
policy script until it successfully contacts a gateway. The first gateway contacted
is the gateway to which the endpoint is assigned. The intercepting gateway is
also added to the end of the list in the policy script to ensure that the endpoint
has at least one definite contact. If the gateways listed in the script cannot be
contacted, the endpoint manager assigns the intercepting gateway to the
after_install_policy policy script
This policy script is run by the endpoint manager after the endpoint has
successfully been created. Because the script runs before the first normal login
of an endpoint, you cannot use it to run downcalls.
The policy is run after the initial login only; it is not run on subsequent logins of an
login_policy policy script
This policy script is run by the gateway and performs any action you need each
time an endpoint logs in. For example, this script can be configured to
automatically upgrade the endpoint software. The script is also useful for
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
checking changes to IP addresses and port numbers. When the gateway detects
changes, it notifies the endpoint manager. When the policy script exits with a
nonzero value, the endpoint login will not fail.
Note: The same login_policy policy script is run on all the gateways in a Tivoli
2.9 Firewall Security Toolbox
Tivoli Enterprise Firewall Security Toolbox provides a solution for managing the
Tivoli network across firewalls without compromising security. You will find some
information about how to install and configure this feature of Tivoli Management
2.9.1 Tivoli environment with a firewall
A simple Tivoli environment consists of the Tivoli server, a gateway, and
endpoints. The endpoints communicate with the Tivoli server through the
gateway and the gateway communicates with the Tivoli server.
On one side of the firewall, Firewall Security Toolbox provides an endpoint proxy
that connects to the gateway as if it were the endpoints. On the other side of the
firewall, the endpoints are connected to a gateway proxy, as if it were the
gateway. The gateway proxy and endpoint proxy communicate with each other
through the firewall. Figure 2-22 on page 65 shows a simple configuration with
one gateway proxy and one endpoint proxy.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 2-22 A Tivoli environment with a single firewall
Just as multiple endpoints can connect to a single gateway and multiple
gateways to a single Tivoli server, multiple endpoints can connect to a single
gateway proxy and multiple gateway proxies can connect to a single endpoint
The endpoint proxy emulates all the endpoints to the gateway that manages
them. The communications between these Tivoli components is based on a
Tivoli proprietary protocol over TCP/IP.
2.9.2 Tivoli environment with demilitarized zones
When a network includes several firewalls that separate demilitarized zones
(DMZs) of progressively lower security as they approach the Internet, the
configuration becomes more complex. Although the gateway proxy and endpoint
proxy continue to communicate with the endpoint and the gateway, respectively,
they no longer communicate directly across the multiple firewalls, because this
would defeat the purpose of having multiple firewalls in place.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Instead, Firewall Security Toolbox provides relays, which are installed between
the firewalls in DMZs. These relays pass on information to each other from one
DMZ to another and, finally, to or from the endpoint proxy and gateway proxy.
Figure 2-23 shows an example of this configuration.
Figure 2-23 A Tivoli environment with DMZ
2.9.3 Sending events across firewalls
TME adapters use endpoints to send events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console®
server through Tivoli connections. When a firewall separates the endpoint from
the Tivoli Enterprise Console server, the machines connect through the gateway
and endpoint proxies.
Machines that are not part of the Tivoli environment use non-TME adapters to
send events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server through non-Tivoli
connections. When a firewall separates the non-TME adapter machine from the
Tivoli Enterprise Console server, Firewall Security Toolbox provides the event
sink, which sends the events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console gateway. The event
sink, which is installed on an endpoint outside the firewall, collects events sent
from non-TME adapters as if it were a Tivoli Enterprise Console server and
sends them to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server as though they were TME
events. The event sink can collect events from multiple non-TME adapters.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
2.10 Installing Firewall Security Toolbox
You need to do the following to get started:
򐂰 Ensure that the components of Firewall Security Toolbox that will
communicate with each other directly have IP visibility of each other.
Depending on your configuration, these components can be the endpoint
proxy and gateway proxy, a proxy and a relay, or two relays. You can use
DNS if you have DNS configured. However, there is no requirement to use
DNS host names. The TCP/IP address works as well. TCP/IP connectivity is
required. If you use the DNS name of the machine, ensure that the DNS
name of the destination machine is resolved into its IP address.
򐂰 Before installing the software, ensure that you have the following information:
– The port number of the gateway that the endpoint proxy will use to
– The host name or IP address of all the components that you are installing.
򐂰 Decide on some additional ports that the components will use to
communicate with each other:
– The endpoint proxy requires a range of ports used to emulate the
endpoints logged in through Firewall Security Toolbox.
– Gateway proxies require one port to receive traffic from the endpoint proxy
or relay and another port to listen for traffic from the endpoints.
– Relays require ports to receive traffic from the components with which
they connect, one for the parent and one for the children.
Use the following criteria to choose the port number:
򐂰 The port must not be used by other applications.
򐂰 The user account that you specify must have the privileges to use the port.
2.10.1 Installing on UNIX operating systems
The following sections describe the steps for installing the components on UNIX
operating systems. These operations need to be run as root user.
Installing a UNIX endpoint proxy
To install the endpoint proxy, follow these steps:
1. From the \EndpointProxy directory, go to the directory for the platform on
which the proxy will run.
2. Run the ./install.sh script.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
3. Gateway port [default=9494]: Specify the TCP/IP port number of the gateway
on which it will listen for communication from the endpoint proxy as if it were
the endpoint. This is normally port 9494. Do not change this value unless the
gateway is known to be using a different listening port with the endpoint.
4. Endpoint proxy port: Specify the port number of the endpoint proxy machine
from which it listens for connections with the relay or gateway proxy.
Installing a UNIX gateway proxy
To install the gateway proxy, follow these steps:
1. From the \GatewayProxy directory, go to the directory for the platform on
which the proxy will run.
2. Run the ./install.sh script.
3. Port to listen on for TMA traffic [default=9494]: Enter the port number on the
gateway proxy that represents the gateway to the endpoints. The default is
4. Gateway proxy port: Specify the port number that the gateway proxy uses to
listen for connections from the relay or endpoint proxy.
Installing a UNIX relay
To install the relay, follow these steps:
1. From the \Relay directory, go to the directory for the platform on which the
relay will run.
2. Run the ./install.sh script.
Installing a UNIX event sink
To install the event sink, follow these steps:
1. From the \EventSink directory, go to the directory for the platform on which
the proxy will run.
2. Run the ./install.sh script.
3. Listening Port [default=9444]: Enter the port number on the endpoint where
the event sink will receive events.
2.10.2 Installing on Windows operating systems
Firewall Security Toolbox provides a self-extracting EXE file to install each
component on Windows operating systems.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Installing a Windows endpoint proxy
To install the endpoint proxy, do the following:
1. From the directory that contains the Tivoli Endpoint Proxy\w32-ix86\
subdirectory, double-click the Tivoli Endpoint Proxy.exe file. The Tivoli
Endpoint Proxy InstallShield Wizard starts.
2. Gateway port: Enter the TCP/IP port number of the gateway on which it will
listen for communication from the endpoint proxy as if it were the endpoint.
The default is 9494 and should not be changed unless the gateway is known
to be using a different listening port with the endpoint.
Installing a Windows gateway proxy
The gateway proxy needs to be installed on a host that is in the DMZ where the
endpoints will be located. To install the gateway proxy, do the following:
1. From the directory that contains the gateway Proxy\w32-ix86\ subdirectory,
double-click the Tivoli Gateway Proxy.exe file. The Tivoli Gateway Proxy
InstallShield Wizard starts.
2. Gateway port: Enter the port number on the gateway proxy that represents
the gateway to the endpoints. The default is 9494.
Installing a Windows relay
You can install multiple instances of a relay on a single machine. To install the
first relay, do the following: From the directory that contains the Tivoli Relay
installation images, double-click the Tivoli Relay.exe file. The Tivoli Relay
InstallShield Wizard starts
Installing a Windows event sink
You must install the event sink on a endpoint. To install the event sink, do the
1. From the directory that contains the Event Sink\w32-ix86\ subdirectory,
double-click the Tivoli EventSink.exe file. The Tivoli Event Sink InstallShield
Wizard starts.
2. Enter the port number on the endpoint where the event sink will receive
events. The default is 9444.
Chapter 2. Tivoli Management Framework basics
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Chapter 3.
Tivoli Configuration
Manager fundamentals and
This chapter provides an overview of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 and
the installation steps.
Although it is still possible to install most of the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
components with classical Desktop Installation methods or Software Installation
Services (SIS), IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager is shipped with a new
installation mechanism called Integrated Install, which simplifies the installation
of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager components a lot.
The following topics will be covered:
“IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals” on page 73
“Creating a deployment plan for Tivoli Configuration Manager” on page 82
“How to deploy Tivoli Configuration Manager components” on page 83l
“Required roles for installation” on page 85l
“RDBMS considerations” on page 86
“RIM considerations” on page 89
“General pre-install checks, hints, and tips” on page 91
“Installation methods” on page 93
“Overview of Integrated Install” on page 93
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004. All rights reserved.
“Server Install” on page 94
“Desktop Install” on page 97
“Web Gateway Install” on page 98
“Uninstallation of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager” on page 100
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
3.1 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager controls software distribution and asset
management inventory in a multi-platform environment. It is designed for
configuration, distribution, change, version, and asset management in a
distributed computing environment. Working on top of Tivoli Management
Framework, Tivoli Configuration Manager provides an integrated solution for
managing complex distributed enterprise environments.
Using Tivoli Configuration Manager, you can:
򐂰 Scan hardware and software to determine which enterprise assets are part of
your inventory.
򐂰 Reduce the time and effort in installing and configuring your network
population by centralizing and automating the distribution of software across
your enterprise.
򐂰 Automate and schedule network operations.
򐂰 Monitor system and configuration changes.
򐂰 Manage the desired state of all elements of your network.
򐂰 Manage your enterprise environment across firewalls.
򐂰 Extend the scope of your managed network to include pervasive devices,
such as personal digital assistants (PDAs).
3.1.1 Tivoli Configuration Manager components and services
Tivoli Configuration Manager is an integrated software distribution and asset
management suite that comprises two main components, Software Distribution
and Inventory, and various services.
Software Distribution
Using the Software Distribution component, you can install, configure, and
update software remotely within your network, eliminating the need to update
software manually on numerous systems. You can:
򐂰 Distribute client/server applications, applications for desktops, laptops, and
pervasive devices across multi-platform networks.
򐂰 Update existing software with newer versions.
򐂰 Synchronize software on distributed systems.
The Software Distribution component is discussed in detail in 4.2, “Software
Distribution component” on page 138.
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
Using the Inventory component, you can gather and maintain up-to-date
inventory information in a distributed environment quickly, accurately, and easily.
This helps system administrators and accounting personnel manage complex,
distributed enterprises.
Administrators and accounting personnel can perform the following tasks:
Manage all enterprise systems centrally.
Determine the installed software base.
Confirm a software distribution.
Supplement and replace physical inventory function.
Assist in procurement planning.
Check software requirements.
Control assets.
For example, you can combine inventory and software distribution operations to
determine if any critical files are missing, then re-establish the proper
configuration. After creating and deploying management-ready applications, you
can continually maintain the desired state of your systems by synchronizing
applications and system configurations on an enterprise scale.
The Inventory component is discussed in detail in 4.1, “Inventory component” on
page 102.
Activity Planner
Activity Planner is a deployment service that enables you to:
򐂰 Define a group of activities to be submitted as an activity plan.
򐂰 Submit or schedule the plan for running.
򐂰 Monitor the plan while it runs.
Activities are tasks that can be scheduled to be performed on a set of targets at
specified times. Operations can include software distribution, inventory
operations, and Tivoli tasks.
Activities contained in a plan can have dependencies associated with them that
define circumstances under which the activity should be run. The running of the
operation defined in the activity is performed by the application to which the
operation belongs. The group of activities forms the activity plan.
Activity Planner is made up of two components, the Activity Plan Editor and the
Activity Plan Monitor.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Activity Plan Editor
You can use the Activity Plan Editor to:
򐂰 Manage a group of activities, originating from different applications, as a
single activity from a single machine in the network.
򐂰 Schedule the activity plan to run on a specific day and time, to repeat at
specific time intervals, or repeat indefinitely.
򐂰 Schedule activities to run at specific time intervals during the week.
򐂰 Set conditions on activities so that the execution of one activity is dependent
on the completion result of other activities.
򐂰 Save activity plans in a database to resubmit them at any future time.
Figure 3-1 shows the Activity Plan Editor.
Figure 3-1 Activity Plan Editor
Activity Plan Monitor
You can use the Activity Plan Monitor to:
򐂰 Submit activity plans to be run.
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
򐂰 View all submitted activity plans along with their status, start time, and
completion time.
򐂰 View the list of activities contained in the plan.
򐂰 View a graphical representation of the plan in the Activity Plan Editor window.
򐂰 For each activity, view the targets (gateways, depots) assigned to it.
򐂰 Perform operations such as pause, cancel, and resume.
򐂰 Restart an activity on an endpoint where the operation was unsuccessful.
򐂰 Delete the status information of a plan from the activity plan database.
򐂰 Launch the Distribution Status Console to monitor and control software
distributions submitted using the Activity Planner.
Figure 3-2 shows the Activity Plan Monitor.
Figure 3-2 Activity Plan Monitor
The Activity Planner component is discussed in detail in 5.1, “Activity Planner” on
page 164.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Change Manager
Change Manager (previously called Change Configuration Manager) is a
deployment service that, together with Activity Planner, supports software
distribution, inventory, and change management in a large network.
Activity Planner is a prerequisite of Change Manager. Change Manager works
with the Activity Plan Monitor to manage specified groups of users, workstations,
or devices as single subscribers. Subscribers can be users, groups of users,
endpoints, a profile manager, the results of a query, or pervasive devices.
Change Manager uses reference models, which contain an association of
configuration elements and subscribers, to simplify the management of your
network environment.
Figure 3-3 shows the Change Manager.
Figure 3-3 Change Manager
The Change Manager component is discussed in detail in 5.2, “Change
Manager” on page 176.
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
Web Gateway
The Web Gateway component supports the Resource Manager deployment
service and the Web Interface (Web UI) deployment service.
The Resource Manager deployment service extends the traditional three-tier
Tivoli environment to a forth tier, thus providing software distribution, inventory,
and management of pervasive devices such as the Palm Pilot, Pocket PC, and
Nokia Communicator. (See “Resource Manager” on page 78.)
The Web Interface (Web UI) enables software distribution and inventory to be
initiated by users. By using the Web Interface, users can access a Web site and
install software on their own machine, or generate an inventory scan by
themselves. (See “Web Interface” on page 79).
The Web Gateway component is comprised of two elements:
򐂰 Web Gateway Database
򐂰 Web Gateway Server code
These elements are installed on an endpoint machine in the Tivoli environment.
The Web Gateway utilizes WebSphere technology, and provides improved
security by leveraging Access Manager for authentication and the HTTPS
protocol for secure communications.
Resource Manager
A Tivoli management region is a three-tier architecture, including servers,
gateways, and endpoints, that is created using Tivoli Management Framework.
By using the Resource Manager deployment service, you can extend the Tivoli
region to a fourth tier, pervasive devices, such as PDAs.
Resource Manager is made up of two sub-components: The Resource Manager,
which is installed on a Tivoli server; and the Resource Manager Gateway, which
is installed on a gateway that connects to an endpoint on which the Web
Gateway component has been installed.
You can use Resource Manager, together with the Software Distribution,
Inventory, and Web Gateway components, to perform the following operations:
Add or remove pervasive devices.
Provide access to devices for software distribution.
Provide access to devices for inventory operations.
Customize devices.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Web Interface
The Web Interface deployment service is a browser-based tool that enables
remote management operations to be initiated by users on machines that do not
have the Tivoli Management Agent installed. The Web Interface is shown in
Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 Web Interface
Enterprise Directory Query Facility
The Enterprise Directory Query Facility is a deployment service that allows an
administrator to use information stored in enterprise directories inside a Tivoli
environment. The administrator can select a specific directory object, or
container of directory objects, as subscribers for a reference model or an activity
plan. The subscribers can then be targets for software distribution or inventory
The Enterprise Directory Query Facility enables you to access the information
contained in an enterprise directory server.
The Enterprise Directory Query Facility consists of directory query libraries and
directory queries. Directory query libraries reside in policy regions and are
created to contain directory queries. Directory queries enable you to find
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
information about the users or the workstations defined in the enterprise
directory server.
The following LDAP products are supported by the Enterprise Directory Query
򐂰 IBM SecureWay® Directory Server
򐂰 Active Directory for Windows 2000
򐂰 Novell Directory Server for NetWare
The Enterprise Directory Query Facility is shown in Figure 3-5.
New type of subscriber:
Directory User
Active Directory
Figure 3-5 Enterprise Directory Query Facility
The Enterprise Directory Query Facility is discussed in detail in 5.3, “Enterprise
Directory integration” on page 183.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Data Moving
Data Moving is a Tivoli Configuration Manager component used to
send/retrieve/delete data from endpoint to endpoint or managed node without
creating a software package.
Data Moving is discussed in detail in 4.3, “Data Moving” on page 159.
Pristine Tool
Tivoli Configuration Manager supports pristine (machine with no operation
system) installations using a tool called Pristine Tool.
Pristine Tool Supports pristine installations of:
Windows 98 SE
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows XP Professional
OS/2® Warp Server 4.0
OS/2 Warp Server for e-business 4.5
Figure 3-6 shows the Pristine Tool window.
Figure 3-6 Pristine Tool
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
The information is:
򐂰 Code Server Objects
Contains OS image + products (TMA) that needs to be mounted on the client.
򐂰 Configurations
For each code server object you can define multiple configurations:
OS information: Disk partition information and network settings
Additional device drivers
TMA install settings (response file)
Reference model (optional)
Boot diskettes for each configuration
The sequence of operations is as follows:
1. The new machine is booted from a special boot diskette.
2. OS images and TMA images are loaded from a Code Server and OS install is
3. After OS install, Tivoli Endpoint is installed using a response file.
4. Synchronization with a reference model is performed (optional).
5. Normal software distribution operations can continue.
3.2 Creating a deployment plan for Tivoli Configuration
Creating a deployment plan is essential to creating and installing a configuration
management environment. The basic considerations for creating a deployment
plan for a Tivoli environment are provided in Tivoli Management Framework
Planning for Deployment. At a minimum, you need to gather the following
information before installing any software:
򐂰 Base hardware and software requirements for Tivoli Management Framework
and IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager. This information is provided in Tivoli
Management Framework Release Notes, GI11-0890, and IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager Release Notes, GI11-0926.
򐂰 Whether the computer systems in your distributed network can support this
new software, whether these systems can be upgraded to meet your business
needs, or whether new systems need to be obtained.
򐂰 Which IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager components to install on which
computer systems in your distributed network to support your business needs
and whether they have additional third-party software requirements. This
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
information is provided in IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Release Notes,
GI11-0926, and Introducing IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager, GC23-4703.
For each system where you plan to install components of IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager, you should also provide the following information:
Host name
Operating system
Available memory and available disk space
Which components of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager to install
3.3 How to deploy Tivoli Configuration Manager
There are many software components that are included in Configuration
Manager. When you plan your deployment, you will decide which components
you will need, and where each component will be used in your Tivoli
3.3.1 Distributed Configuration Manager components
Certain Configuration Manager components will be installed on either the Tivoli
server or managed node; some will be installed on both. Specific components
will be installed on gateway systems, while other components will require
installation on endpoints.
Of course, since the same system can be a Tivoli server, managed node,
gateway, and endpoint, all of the components may be installed on the Tivoli
server, with other selected components being installed on various managed
nodes and endpoints throughout your Tivoli environment.
3.3.2 TMR server configuration
In fact, some components must be installed on the TMR server, even if you are
not planning on using these components on this system. The IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager Planning and Installation guide enumerates the
components that must be installed on the TMR server before any other
Configuration Manager components can be installed on other systems in the
Tivoli environment.
Here are the Configuration Manager components that must be installed on the
TMR server before deploying other components in your Tivoli environment. (Of
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
course, if you are not going to use the component in your Tivoli environment, you
do not need to install it on your TMR server.)
Scalable Collection Service * (patch)
Software Distribution
Activity Planner
Change Manager
Enterprise Directory Query Facility
Resource Manager
Web Infrastructure
Note: You must install the Scalable Collection Service patch before you install
the Inventory component. This patch is not required for the other components.
3.3.3 Components for managed nodes
Here are the Configuration Manager components that can be installed on
managed nodes.
Install these components on managed nodes if you plan on running an
administrative interface and/or CLI commands from the managed node (and in
the case of Software Distribution, on managed nodes that will be acting as
source hosts):
Scalable Collection Service *(patch)
Software Distribution
Activity Planner
Change Manager
Note: You must install the Scalable Collection Service patch before you install
the Inventory component. This patch is not required for the other components
3.3.4 Components for gateways
There are additional Configuration Manager components that must be installed
on Tivoli gateways if they are to participate in inventory scans or software
Install the Scalable Collection Service patch on each gateway that:
򐂰 Connects to endpoints to be scanned by the Inventory component
򐂰 Is a repeater that will act as a collector
򐂰 Is a gateway that connects to the Web Gateway components
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Install the Inventory Gateway component on each gateway that will:
򐂰 Distribute Inventory profiles to endpoints.
򐂰 Recognize Inventory methods and download these methods to endpoints.
򐂰 Run methods to perform requested Inventory actions.
Install the Software Distribution Gateway on each gateway that will:
򐂰 Recognize Software Distribution methods and download these methods to
򐂰 Run methods to perform the requested Software Distribution operation.
3.3.5 Components for endpoints
These Configuration Manager components must be installed on endpoints:
򐂰 Tivoli Desktop for Windows
This includes interfaces for Activity Planner, Change Manager, Inventory, and
Software Distribution.
Note: You must install the Tivoli Desktop for Windows from the
Configuration Manager media (not the Framework media) in order to install
the additional software for the Configuration Manager component
interfaces. Or, if you have already installed Desktop for Windows from the
Framework CD, you can add the Configuration Manager components by
running the Desktop for Windows setup program from the Configuration
Manager CD, and choosing a customized installation.
򐂰 Software Package Editor
򐂰 Software Distribution Pristine Tool (Windows and OS/2 only)
򐂰 Web Gateway (Despite its name, this will not be installed on a Tivoli gateway)
򐂰 Web Interface (including Inventory and Software Distribution plug-ins)
3.4 Required roles for installation
The following table lists the required roles for installing Tivoli Configuration
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
Table 3-1 Required roles for installing Tivoli Configuration Manager
Name of the operation
Required role
Install the installation images
directly from the CD images,
using the InstallShield wizard.
For UNIX and Linux: Root access
For Windows: A member of the Administrators
Install from the Tivoli desktop or
command line.
install_product or super Tivoli Framework roles in a
Tivoli region
Install using Tivoli Software
Installation Service.
User role plus one of the following Tivoli
administrator roles in a Tivoli region: super, senior,
or install_product
3.5 RDBMS considerations
Tivoli Configuration Manager stores data in an external Relational Database
Management System (RDBMS). The RDBMS server can be part of your Tivoli
environment, but that is not necessary as long as:
򐂰 There is TCP/IP connectivity between the RDBMS server and at least one
managed node system in the Tivoli environment.
򐂰 The system or systems in the Tivoli environment that will communicate with
the RDBMS system have client software for the RDBMS system installed and
configured to connect to the RDBMS system.
During the installation of Tivoli Configuration Manager, you can choose to create
five separate databases, or you can decide to create one database cm_db, which
will contain tables for each of the Configuration Manager components (Figure 3-7
on page 87).
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Activity Planner
planner (or cm_db)
Change Manager
ccm_db (or cm_db)
Distribution Status
mdist2 (or cm_db)
Invtiv (or cm_db)
Pristine Manager
pristine (or cm_db)
Resource Manager
Invtiv (or cm_db)
Figure 3-7 Databases created by the installation program
These databases, known as repositories, are created in the RDBMS by running
SQL admin scripts. Tivoli provides sample SQL scripts in the FRESH/SQL/admin
directory of the Configuration Manager installation CD. These scripts will create
the various databases required by Configuration Manager. The scripts may not fit
your production environment as-is; make sure to review these scripts, and edit
them to meet your database requirements.
The values used in the SQL admin scripts are default values. The values can be
changed by editing the SQL admin script files.
If you are using the integrated server installation program, you can choose to
have the installation program create the configuration repository; in this case, you
do not need to explicitly run these SQL scripts.
Depending upon the RDBMS product, you may need to do some additional setup
outside of these scripts, such as create/catalog the database, or create operating
system accounts that the RDBMS will use. This is true whether you run the
admin scripts manually, or create the configuration repository using the
integrated server installation program. Check the contents of the SQL admin
scripts to determine what steps must be done before creating the repository. The
following example shows the cm_db2_admin.sql script, which is used if you opt
for one database creation (cm_db). Note the PRECONDITION statements. Also
note that table spaces are created by the script.
Example 3-1 db2 admin script
-- cm_db2_admin.sql
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
-- PRECONDITION: The default 'cm_db' database is created with the statement
-'create database cm_db', then catalogued on the client with the
-'catalog database cm_db at node <server_node_name>'.
-The users invtiv, planner, tivoli and mdstatus are already created
-using the operating system user manager utility.
-This script is then run as the database administrator.
--- for single server, cm_db is the primary database with tablespace cm_ts
USING (FILE 'cm_ts.dat' 1408M)
USING (FILE 'cm_temp_ts.dat' 2500)
-- logfile size
in in 4k pages. Total log space is 176MB
Note: You should consider tuning your database. This is not a simple task.
You need to know what you are doing and why you are doing it before
changing any database parameters. Each environment is different and needs
special consideration. The first thing you need to do is understand where the
bottleneck is. You will need to get help from your database administrator when
you try to tune your Inventory database (or any other Tivoli database) for best
performance. Hints about tuning can be found in the IBM Redbook All About
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2, SG24-6612.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
3.6 RIM considerations
A RIM host is a managed node where the RIM object is created. RIM objects are
created during installation. When deciding which managed nodes are to be RIM
hosts, consider the following requirements:
򐂰 The managed node must be local to the Tivoli region.
򐂰 The managed node must be preconfigured with the RDBMS client or server
Notes: Do not install the RDBMS server software on the RIM host unless this
machine is designated solely for RDBMS usage and no other Tivoli
operations. When you add the number of transactions performed on the
RDBMS server to those performed on the RIM host, the number of overall
transactions might impact the optimal performance of your Tivoli environment
by exceeding network throughput.
RIM is installed as a Framework component. There is no separate installation
for RIM.
Figure 3-8 shows the RIM objects created for Configuration Manager by the
installation program, along with their corresponding database and the software
components that use it.
RIM object
Activity Planner
planner (or cm_db)
Change Manager
ccm_db (or cm_db)
Distribution Status
mdist2 (or cm_db)
Invtiv (or cm_db)
Pristine Manager
pristine (or cm_db)
Resource Manager
Invtiv (or cm_db)
trm (only if
inv_query is
not in local
Figure 3-8 RIM objects created by the installation program
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
Although RIM objects are created during installation, you can create additional
RIM objects using the wcrtrim command, or by moving a RIM object from one
managed node to another using the wmvrim command.
You can also change the database information for a given RIM object using the
wsetrim command.
The syntax for the wsetrim command is given below:
wsetrim [–n name] [–d database] [–u user] [–H db_home] [–s server_id] [–I
instance_home] [–t instance_name] [–a application_label] [–m max_connections]
򐂰 –a application_label changes the application label for the RIM object.
򐂰 –d database changes the name of the database or data source to which the
RIM object connects.
򐂰 –H db_home changes the path to the database home directory.
򐂰 –I instance_home (for DB2 only) changes the path to the DB2 instance for the
specified RIM object.
򐂰 –m max_connections changes the maximum number of connections between
the RIM object and the RDBMS.
򐂰 –n name changes the name of the RIM object to name.
򐂰 –s server_id changes the server ID for the database
򐂰 –t instance_name (for DB2 only) changes the name of the DB2 instance for
the specified RIM object.
򐂰 –u user changes the name of the database user that the RIM object uses.
To change the vendor for a RIM object, you must delete the object using the wdel
command and re-create it using the wcrtrim command.
Note: Vendor specification specifies the vendor of the RDBMS you are using
when creating the RIM object (one entry for each RDBMS system that is
supported by the Tivoli RIM component). Valid entries are as follows:
Note that Microsoft® SQL is supported on Windows systems only.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
To change the managed node for a RIM object, you can either move the RIM
object using the wmvrim command or delete and re-create the RIM object. To
change the label for a RIM object, you can either use the wsetrim –n command
or delete and re-create the RIM object. Also, you cannot set the database
password for an (RIM) object using the wsetrim command. You can use the
wsetrimpw command for this purpose.
The following example changes the database ID to inventory, the database user
to tivoli, the database home directory to /ORACLE, and the database server ID to
invdb2 for the inventory RIM object:
wsetrim -d inventory -u tivoli -H /ORACLE \ -s invdb2 inventory
3.7 General pre-install checks, hints, and tips
Once the deployment plan is done there are a number of things one needs to do
before installing IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2:
򐂰 Read the Tivoli Management Framework Release Notes, GI11-0890, and IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager Release Notes, GI11-0926.
򐂰 Back up your Tivoli database (as well as perform any normal systems
򐂰 You need to have super or install_product roles for installing Tivoli
Configuration Manager V4.2 from the Tivoli Desktop or the command line.
򐂰 Do not use the C shell for installing on UNIX systems.
򐂰 Do not try to install across TMR boundaries. Always install applications in the
local TMR.
򐂰 If you have not created the Tivoli install directories prior to starting the
installation, remember to select that directories should be created. When the
dialog appears, the check box is not selected by default. This does not apply
to Integrated Server Install.
򐂰 On Linux systems, remote access is often disabled by default. Make sure that
you enable it before the install.
3.7.1 UNIX
The install process performs some space checking once the install gets going,
but you will save a lot of time if you check for adequate Tivoli code and database
file system space in advance. To make your system easier to manage, you may
want to define some new file systems for Tivoli. You have to ensure that your file
systems are large enough to contain all the Tivoli files (refer to the product
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
release notes and user manuals to determine file space requirements). Tivoli, by
default, will install most of its files into /var and /usr.
There are a number of reasons why you may want to set up specific Tivoli file
򐂰 You avoid problems where other applications may fill up space in /var and /usr
file systems.
򐂰 You can back up and restore individual file systems defined on your system,
although this may still be a little complex for Tivoli products.
򐂰 You can control the overall disk structure and layout.
Default directories created are:
This directory is small at install time and can be left as
part of the /etc file system.
Make a new file system for this and specify that it should
be mounted at system restart.
This is the largest of the directory trees created by Tivoli.
Create the file system and specify that it should be
mounted at system restart.
Tivoli will also write install and other logfiles to /tmp or the temporary directory
selected during Integrated Install.
3.7.2 Windows Systems on Intel® 486 or Pentium® systems
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 supports Windows NT 4.0 with Service
Pack 5 or later, Windows XP Professional, or the Windows 2000 family.
The drive where you want to install Tivoli must be formatted with NTFS. You can
check this from the My Computer window. Right-click the desired drive icon and
select Properties. The general page includes the file system type. You can also
check this from a command prompt with CHKDSK d: (where d: is the drive where
you will install Tivoli). You can convert a FAT file system to NTFS using the
convert utility. See the Windows online help for more information.
Tivoli files for Windows are, by default, stored under the \Tivoli directory on the
root of the selected drive. Tivoli will also write install and other logfiles to
%DBDIR%\tmp. You should verify through the Control Panel system applet that
you have sufficient swap space defined. Tivoli Framework 3.7.1 Planning for
Deployment Guide, GC32-0393, discusses this requirement.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
3.8 Installation methods
You can install and upgrade the components of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
using any of the following different installation mechanisms:
򐂰 Using the Integrated Installation, which creates a new Tivoli management
region server (Tivoli server) and installs the appropriate IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager components or upgrades the entire Tivoli
management region (Tivoli region) using activity plans.
򐂰 Using Tivoli Software Installation Service, where you select which products to
install on which machines.
򐂰 Using the Tivoli Desktop, where you select which product and patches to
install on which machine.
򐂰 Using the winstall and wpatch commands provided by Tivoli Management
Framework, where you specify which products and patches to install on which
򐂰 Using the Software Package Blocks. Before installing images from Software
Package Blocks, the Tivoli environment must be created and Tivoli
Configuration Manager must be fully deployed.
We will focus on the Integrated Installation.
3.9 Overview of Integrated Install
InstallShield Multi-Platform (ISMP) is part of Tivoli’s Install Imperative and IBM’s
install strategy, to achieve two major goals:
򐂰 Consistent install
򐂰 Simplified maintenance
The first principle helps achieve Tivoli’s goals by providing the customer with a
similar installation experience for each Tivoli product. The second principle
allows customers to apply maintenance (upgrades) to Tivoli products in a
consistent and simplified way.
For IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 and 4.2.1, ISMP is being used in the
following scenarios:
Server Install
Upgrade Plan Generator
Desktop Install
Web Gateway Install
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
3.10 Server Install
The Server Install scenario starts from CD5 and should be used if:
򐂰 Tivoli Management Framework is not installed.
򐂰 Tivoli Management Framework exists at the 4.1 level but has a subset of
Configuration Manager 4.2 applications.
If current installation is not in one of these conditions, the installation is stopped
by the installation program.
Note: Because the Server Install program assumes no previous Tivoli
environment, your RIM Host must be the TMR server (since there are no other
systems in the region yet). You should move the RIM object from the Tivoli
server to another more suitable managed node once you have your Tivoli
environment established.
There are two installation types with the Server Install:
򐂰 Typical
򐂰 Custom
3.10.1 Typical Server Install
The advantage of Typical Server Install is you not have to specify as many details
during the installation when we choose this installation option.
When using this installation, the following components are installed, configured,
or created:
򐂰 Tivoli Management Framework.
򐂰 To support a single Server Installation, a Tivoli gateway, called hostname-gw
(for example, lab16036-gw) is also created on this machine. This gateway is
automatically configured as a repeater. The installation of Tivoli Management
Framework created the Tivoli Server.
򐂰 Resource Manager and Resource Manager Gateway.
򐂰 Enterprise Directory Query Facility with the default directory context as
򐂰 Scalable Collection Service. Scalable Collection Service is considered part of
Tivoli Management Framework, and is used to collect inventory scan results.
򐂰 Distribution Status Console. The Distribution Status Console tracks Software
Distributions and other profile distributions. The installation of the Distribution
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Status Console requires the following Java components (which are provided
by Tivoli Management Framework):
– Java 1.3 for Tivoli
– Java RDBMS Interface Module
– Java Client Framework for Tivoli
These Java components are used by several of the other IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager components.
򐂰 The installation of the Distribution Status Console creates the mdist2 RIM
򐂰 Activity Planner. This installation creates the Planner RIM object. This RIM
object can be on the Tivoli Server.
򐂰 Change Manager. This installation creates the ccm RIM object.
򐂰 Inventory and Inventory Gateway. The installation of the Inventory component
creates the inv_query and invdh_1 RIM objects.
򐂰 Software Distribution and Software Distribution Gateway.
򐂰 Software Package Editor.
This installation program can be used on all platforms supported as a Tivoli
Server. For details about which platforms are supported as a Tivoli Server, see
the Tivoli Management Framework Release Notes Version 4.1, GI11-0890
(comes with the product).
3.10.2 Custom Server Install
In the Custom Install, you have more options (but the installation is more
complex). Use the Custom Server Install if you would like to:
򐂰 Select components to install.
򐂰 Install additional languages.
򐂰 Choose the type of configuration for creating the RIM objects:
– None (creates the RIM object, but does not perform any database
– Schema scripts only; tablespaces already created
– Default tablespaces and run schema scripts
򐂰 Configure the parameters for each RIM object (typical install uses cm_db
database name and default user accounts for all RIM objects).
򐂰 Configure Enterprise Directory Query Facility during the installation.
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
Note: With the typical installation, the Enterprise Directory Query Facility is
also installed, but you are not prompted for configuration values, and so must
configure this component later. When you choose the custom option, you will
be prompted for Enterprise Directory Query Facility parameters.
3.10.3 Starting the installation programs
Before starting the installation program, read the information about the
installation you are planning to perform. The general procedures for starting the
installation programs are as follows.
From the /FRESH subdirectory of the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
Installation CD5, enter one of the following commands.
򐂰 If you do not have a Java Virtual Machine Version 1.3.1 on the system and
you want to download this software to the /tmp directory, enter:
./file .bin
Where file is the name of the file that starts the installation program. For each
UNIX operating system, there is a different installation program. For example,
for IBM AIX the installation program file will be setup_aix.bin.
򐂰 If you want to download the Java Virtual Machine to a directory other than the
/tmp directory, enter:
./file .bin -is:tempdir directory
Where directory is the directory to where you download the Java Virtual
Note: You need at least 50 MB of free space in your tempdir directory.
򐂰 If you have a Java Virtual Machine on the system and do not want to use the
Java provided by Tivoli, then enter:
java -D is.external.home=path -jar setup.jar
Where path is the path to the setup.jar file that is located on the installation
CD under /FRESH subdirectory.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Note: If the correct version of Java is not installed, the following message
appears at the beginning of the install:
#java -Dis.external.home=/img/cd5/FRESH -jar setup.jar -jar : illegal
Usage: java [-options] class
From the /FRESH subdirectory of the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
Installation CD5, run the Setup.exe file.
3.11 Desktop Install
With IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 you can now make a Tivoli endpoint a
fully operational Tivoli Console on the following Windows systems:
򐂰 Windows 2000
򐂰 Windows XP
򐂰 Windows Server 2003
The following components are installed on a Windows PC via Desktop Install:
Tivoli Desktop for Windows
Tivoli Java components
Distribution Status Console
Activity Planner GUI
Change Manager GUI
Inventory GUI
Software Package Editor
During the Desktop InstalI, ISMP synchronously runs the following activities
behind the scenes:
Install Desktop for Windows.
Temporary unpack Software Distribution disconnected commands (SPB).
Install a prerequisite SPB for environment setup.
Install all Java mandatory prerequisites.
Install selected applications.
Clean up the environment.
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
3.11.1 Starting the installation program
In order to start the Desktop Install, do the following on a Windows system:
1. Insert the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Desktop CD in the CD-ROM
2. Start the installation by running the setup.exe file.
Note: You need 120 MB of free disk space for Desktop Install.
3.12 Web Gateway Install
The Web Gateway Installation program uses SPBs to install Web Gateway
components (database and server). Other than SPBs, there is no other method
to install Web Gateway components.
With the Typical Installation the following components are installed:
Tivoli endpoint
Web Gateway database
Web Gateway Server
Web Infrastructure
Inventory plug-ins for Web Infrastructure
Software Distribution plug-ins for Web Infrastructure
The Custom Installation provides flexibility, as you can install any combination of
the listed components.
3.12.1 Web Gateway prerequisites
While you can install most prerequisite software on any system that is accessible
to the Web Gateway server, there are three components that must be installed on
the system that will become the Web Gateway server. The prerequisite
components that must be installed on the Web Gateway system are:
򐂰 IBM HTTP Server
򐂰 The IBM WebSphere server
򐂰 Access Manager and WebSeal must be installed and configured in the
environment to protect Web resources.
򐂰 If Access Manager is installed, configure the Java Runtime Environment
provided by Access Manager (PDJRTE).
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Refer to individual product manuals or the All About IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager Version 4.2, SG24-6612, redbook for more information on installing
these prerequisites.
Notes: Prior to installing WebSphere Application Server, make sure that no
active existing services are using ports 900 and 9080 on the server on which
you install WebSphere.
In order to install Access Manager Base, you can use the
ezinstall_ldap_server program.
3.12.2 Starting the installation program
To start the Web Gateway installation program, do the following:
򐂰 From the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager CD 4 for Web Gateway run:
./file.bin for UNIX, where file is the name of the file that starts the
installation program. For each UNIX operating system, there is a different
installation program. For example, for IBM AIX the installation program file
will be setup_aix.bin.
– On Windows
Run the Setup.exe file.
3.12.3 Multiple endpoints installation
Tivoli Management Framework 4.1 now allows multiple endpoints installed on the
single system. This may come in handy in a test or sand box environment, as
well as environments with clustering for fault tolerance and high availability
Here are some requirements and tips for installing multiple endpoints on the
same system:
򐂰 Each endpoint must be installed to a different directory. For example, the
defaults are:
– For Intel: c:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcf
– For UNIX: /opt/Tivoli/lcf
򐂰 We recommend following your company’s naming conventions to ensure that
proper access and security is allowed and given to the proper users. For
example, this may be a naming convention at your company:
– Intel: c:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcfHO - First installation
Chapter 3. Tivoli Configuration Manager fundamentals and installation
– Intel: c:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcfHORecovery - Second installation
– UNIX: /opt/Tivoli/lcfHO
– UNIX: /opt/Tivoli/lcfHORecovery
򐂰 The port number must be unique for communication purposes, and not
򐂰 If your endpoint policy utilizes the ep_ipadd (5$), you must modify it
3.13 Uninstallation of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
For uninstallation of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager you need to use the
wuninst command. The wuninst command is not specific to IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager. It is used for all Tivoli Enterprise products. It is a wrapper
script that invokes product-specific uninstall scripts. This command removes the
component for the specified machines in your Tivoli environment or from the
entire local Tivoli region. To uninstall the component using the wuninst
command, you need to specify the component tag for that component.
The syntax for this command is as follows:
wuninst tag hostname... [-rmfiles]
򐂰 tag specifies the registered product tag for the Tivoli Enterprise product to
Tip: The list of these tags can be found in the IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager Planning and Installation Guide, GC23-4702. You can also list the
registered product tags by running wuninst -list.
򐂰 hostname specifies the name of the managed node from which to remove the
product. If you specify the Tivoli server, the product is removed from all
managed nodes in the Tivoli region.
򐂰 –rmfiles indicates that all product files are to be removed from specified
managed nodes. When you do not specify this option, the command removes
the database entries only. When you issue this command from the Tivoli
server and specify this option, all entries for each managed node in the Tivoli
region are removed.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Chapter 4.
Inventory and Software
Distribution components
In this chapter we discuss the details of Inventory and Software Distribution
components. This chapter contains the following sections:
“Inventory component” on page 102
“Software Distribution component” on page 138
“Data Moving” on page 159
“Enterprise Data Warehouse integration” on page 161
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004. All rights reserved.
4.1 Inventory component
One of the challenges in a network computing environment is keeping track of
the enterprise resources, such as hardware and software installed on each
machine. The Tivoli Configuration Manager Inventory component addresses this
problem by providing the means to gather hardware and software information
related to each system and then store that information in a relational database
The Inventory component of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager gathers data
about hardware and software to help manage complex distributed client/server
enterprises. Inventory uses Framework service MDist and Scalable Collection
Service (SCS) for efficient, asynchronous distribution of profiles and the
collection of data across complex networks.
4.1.1 What is gathered by Tivoli Inventory
Here is some of the data Inventory can gather:
򐂰 Operating system
– Name
– Type
– Major/minor version
򐂰 Hardware
Memory (physical, virtual/paging, free, etc.)
Network card (manufacturer, model, address, etc.)
Processor (manufacturer, model, speed, etc.)
Disks (model, type, size, cylinders, etc.)
򐂰 Software
– Files (name, size, path, permissions, group, etc.)
– Software (description, version, name, size, etc.)
4.1.2 Inventory architecture
The following are the basic components that are involved in understanding the
Inventory architecture:
򐂰 TMR server : Tivoli Inventory is installed on the TMR server and is managed
from the database object repository on the TMR server. The TMR server
provides Inventory access to services and resources: Profile managers,
profiles, profile distribution, resource authentication and authorization, event
notification, tasks, jobs, and queries.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
򐂰 Tivoli Management Console: Tivoli Inventory is also installed on any
managed nodes that will run the Tivoli Desktop (X-Windows version) or the
Tivoli Desktop for Windows. To manage Tivoli Inventory using the graphical
interface or the command line interface (CLI), you must install Tivoli Inventory
on these Tivoli Management Consoles. These are normally desktop
machines (UNIX or NT/2000) installed as managed nodes and do not provide
services within the TMR (such as Management Gateways, RIM Hosts, etc.).
򐂰 Inventory Data Handler : This server is a managed node in the TMR with an
additional object/service installed (installed during Tivoli Inventory
installation). This service is responsible for and controls the following:
– Receives the scanned data information from the collectors (service on the
Inventory Gateways). This collector hierarchy follows the MDist 2 repeater
hierarchy used in distribution of large amounts of data (such as in
Software Distribution)—just in reverse. The data is collected and sent “up”
to the server, not distributed “down” to the targets.
– Sends the scanned data information to the Configuration Repository (via
the RIM host). The Data Handler manages the connection to the RIM
Host/RDBMS and efficiently loads the data into the Configuration
Repository. This offloads the TMR server from having to handle receiving
this scan data and forwarding it to the RIM Host.
򐂰 Inventory Configuration Repository: The database that contains the tables
and fields where the inventory information is stored. The configuration
repository resides within a Relational Database on the RDBMS server. Tivoli
Inventory supports many of the RDBMS vendors. Tivoli Inventory supports all
RDBMS vendors supported by Framework (see the Tivoli Management
Framework Release Notes for the latest versions supported).
Notes: The RDBMS server does not need to be on a managed node, but it
should be in the same network as the TMR server.
There must be a TCP/IP connection between the RIM host and the
RDBMS server.
򐂰 Inventory Gateway/Collector: To enable inventory scanning of TMAs, the
Tivoli Inventory Gateway software must be installed on all management
gateways. The Tivoli Inventory Gateway controls inventory-related processes
between the TMA and its management gateway. This includes:
– Sending the scan profile to the TMA (as well as any needed executables,
which are automatically downloaded to the TMA).
– Collecting the scan data and sending it to the Inventory Data Handler (to
be inserted into the RDBMS Configuration Repository via RIM).
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
򐂰 Inventory scanners: Software components that run on the target to gather,
process, and return inventory data.
򐂰 Inventory profile: Contains the parameters that define how the scanner
should behave, such as whether to do a hardware, software, or custom scan,
or all of them.
򐂰 Callback object: Serves as a backup for SCS. It is used when an endpoint
cannot forward data to its collector.
򐂰 Collection Table of Contents: Contains a set of header information that
describes the data and its destination, and the actual data itself.
To understand the Tivoli Inventory architecture better, let us examine step by step
a typical inventory scan scenario. Steps 1–2 are the distribution of the Inventory
profile through the MDist2 hierarchy. It is important to understand that this is an
asynchronous profile distribution to activate the scanner at the endpoints, which
means it does not wait for the return of data. This allows scans to proceed in
parallel across all targets of the profile distribution. In this way, MDist 2
distributions (in this case, Inventory profile distribution) can be monitored through
the Distribution Status Console or by using the wmdist command. This also
applies to Inventory profile distribution.
In steps 3–4 the endpoint receives the profile, scans the endpoint, and the MIF
files are created and parsed. After the MDist 2 distribution is successful, the
Scalable Collection Service takes over and sends the data to RDBMS. The
endpoint informs the collector on the gateway that the data is ready and requests
collection by sending its Collection Table of Contents (CTOC). CTOC includes
the data file name and size and the source and destination of the collection.
Depending on the configuration of your network, the data may then travel through
a hierarchy of collectors before arriving at the Inventory Data Handler.The data
remains in the collector’s depot until it receives confirmation that the upstream
collector has received the entire data bundle.
In steps 5–7 the Collector sends collections to the Data Handler. The Data
Handler decompresses and decodes the collection before it writes data into the
repository through one or multiple RIM interfaces.
In summary, once an inventory profile has been distributed to an endpoint, the
collection path for inventory data is endpoint → gateway collector → Inventory
Data Handler → RIM host → Configuration Repository.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Data Handler
RIM host
Gateway 1
Gateway 2
Gateway 3
CTOC Collection (*.dat file)
Figure 4-1 A typical Inventory collection scenario
Now let us see these components in more detail.
4.1.3 Collection Table of Contents
The data that the Scalable Collection Service transfers is called a collection.
Collections are divided into two parts: A set of header information called a
Collection Table of Contents (CTOC) that describes the data and its destination,
and the actual data itself. When a scan completes, the endpoint Inventory
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
method assembles the collection. It then uses an upcall to pass the CTOC to the
Collector process on the endpoint gateway. Once the Collector has registered the
CTOC for the collection it will execute a downcall back to the endpoint and
retrieve the data. The data contained in a CTOC is described in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1 CTOC information
CTOC value
A unique number identifying the collection.
Not used.
The name of the object label of the
machine that started the distribution.
OID of the source object. This is the OID
of a object that requested the collection.
Initially this is the endpoint.
OID of the originating object ID. This value
is usually the endpoint OID that the scan
data belongs to.
The method that requested the collection.
In the case of Inventory, it should always
be mc_get_data.
The method (mc_get_data) that
requested the collection.
This field is no longer used in Inventory
4.2. DEST_ID is used instead.
This field is used to determine the OID of
the destination Data Handler object. The
field contains the region ID and Data
Handler object label. This information is
used to determine the OID of the Data
The method (mc_request_collection) that
will receive the data.
The full path of the DON file. The DON file
is created on the endpoint when the data
has been successfully collected by the
Data pack number.
Inventory scan ID.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
CTOC value
Number of results.
Used for unsolicited scans.
Represents the application version.
Collection Status
The status of the CTOC file.
Indicates the count of the number of failed
attempts. This value is reset to 0 if
Collector/Data Handler is restarted. If this
value reaches the max retry, the Collection
Status field on the CTOC is set to false
and the CTOC is eventually discarded.
CTOC information is stored in a binary format. Therefore it cannot be viewed
using a text editor. The wcstat command can be used for viewing the CTOC
information. The command syntax is as follows:
wcstat -v CTOC ID collector
CTOC information and status are depicted in Example 4-1. You must, however,
know which Collector currently has the collection before you can check its status.
You can view CTOC information using the wcstat command and checking the
Collector’s queues.
Example 4-1 Output from the wcstat -v command
wcstat -q o @managed node:win-rptr01a
CTOC ID: c13707486641226774
CTOC Properties:
SOURCE_OID: 1370748664.4.21
ORIGINATOR_OID: 1370748664.12.522+#TMF_endpoint::endpoint#
SOURCE_METHOD: mc_get_data
DEST_OID: 1370748664.2.35#InvDataHandler#
DEST_ID: 1370748664#inv_data_handler#InvDataHandler
DEST_METHOD: mc_request_collection
WRITE_COMPLETION_FILE: C:\Tivoli\lcf\inv\SCAN\mcollect\INV00093.DON
Client Properties:
inventory_scan_id: 93
inventory_num_results: 1
inventory_opts: 0
inventory_ctoc_version: 16896
Collection Status: QUEUED_OUTPUT
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
#Retries: 0
4.1.4 Collection files
Collection data files are compressed binary data files assembled by the Inventory
method on the endpoint once the scan completes. The collection files contain the
scan data that will ultimately be inserted into the Inventory repository. These files
exist in the $LCFDIR\inv\scan directory on the endpoint and are named
INVxxxxx.dat. Once the Collector has the CTOC for a collection, it will execute a
downcall to the endpoint and retrieve the data file using an IOM channel. When
the Collector has received the collection data it creates a INVxxxxx.don. This file
indicates that the collection was successful. The Collector creates a subdirectory
(with the same name as the collection ID) in the depot directory and stores the
data file in that directory. It is not possible to view the content of the data file once
it has been assembled.
4.1.5 Inventory Collectors
A Collector is a multi-threaded process installed on a managed node or gateway.
Collectors store and forward collections to other Collectors or a Data Handler
(final Collector). Figure 4-2 on page 109 illustrates the three parts of a Collector:
Queues, depots, and the scheduler. You can also see how data is moved into the
input queue.
Note: You must have Scalable Collection Service installed on a managed
node in order to use it as a Collector.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 4-2 Collector components and CTOC transfer
Collector components
There are three types of resources that are used to control flow of CTOCs and
Dat files between two Collectors or the Data Handler:
Used as temporary storage areas for CTOCs, and also
control the flow of CTOCs between Collectors or the Data
A subdirectory created in the Collector’s run-time
directory used to store collection data.
Processes that control the timing and the flow of data.
Queues are areas in memory that the Collector uses to hold CTOCs for the
collections it is currently transporting. Each Collector has four queues:
򐂰 Input queue
򐂰 Output queue
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
򐂰 Error queue
򐂰 Deferred queue
Each queue has a checkpoint file used to back up a copy of the queue’s contents
to the file system. These files are stored in the SCS run-time directory.
Checkpoint files are binary files and are named checkpointGL_[queue]qfile.dat.
The checkpoint files are not the queues themselves, but are used by the
Collector process to restore the queue if it is stopped or killed. The Collector will
append a CTOC to the checkpoint file when it places it in the corresponding
queue. When a CTOC is removed from a queue, the Collector also removes it
from the corresponding file. Similar to the checkpoint files, a Collector maintains
a log file of all completed collections. This log file is named CTOC_log.dat, and it
is stored in the same directory as the checkpoint files. CTOC_log.dat also uses
the same binary format as the checkpoint files, and its contents can be viewed
with the wcstat command.
You can check the status of a Collector’s queues using wcstat. The syntax is:
wcstat -q queue collector
This gives essentially the same output as the wcstat -v command (described in
Example 4-2) for each CTOC in the queue.
Example 4-2 shows sample output from this command. You can also use wcstat
to read from the completed CTOC log file by using c for the queue option.
Example 4-2 Output from wcstat -q command
wcstat -q o @managed node:win-rptr01a
CTOC ID: c1370748664612628
CTOC Properties:
SOURCE_OID: 1370748664.4.21
ORIGINATOR_OID: 1370748664.6.522+#TMF_endpoint::endpoint#
SOURCE_METHOD: mc_get_data
DEST_OID: 1370748664.2.35#InvDataHandler#
DEST_ID: 1370748664#inv_data_handler#InvDataHandler
DEST_METHOD: mc_request_collection
Client Properties:
inventory_scan_id: 100
inventory_num_results: 1
inventory_opts: 0
inventory_ctoc_version: 16896
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Collection Status: QUEUED_OUTPUT
#Retries: 0
When an endpoint finishes assembling a collection, it makes an upcall to pass
the CTOC to the Collector process on its gateway. The Collector places the
CTOC in its input queue and appends it to the checkpointGL_iqfile.dat
checkpoint file. The Collector then executes a downcall to the endpoint to retrieve
the scan data file. Once the Collector has placed the data file in the depot
directory it moves the CTOC from the input queue to the output queue and
adjusts the checkpoint files accordingly.
If the Collector is unable to retrieve the data file from the endpoint, it will move the
CTOC to the error queue and also append it to the checkpointGL_eqfile.dat file. If
a CTOC is added to the error queue, the Collector will retry the attempt as per
the max_input_retries parameter. This parameter can be configured using the
wcollect command. If all max_input_retries have been exhausted and the data
still cannot be collected, the Collector will continue to transfer the CTOC to
upstream Collectors. Error CTOCs will eventually reach the Data Handler, which
notifies the Status Collector and then discards them.
Once a CTOC is added to the output queue, the Collector will pass it to an
upstream Collector or Data Handler. The process then starts again with the
upstream Collector placing it in its input queue and executing a downcall for the
data file.
CTOCs are copied into the checkpoint files, which are stored in the run-time
location directory. The run-time location file system should have enough space to
store multiple CTOCs in the input, output, and error queues. The run-time
location can be set using the wcollect -l command. If you change the run-time
location you must stop the Collector using wcollect -h. If you have a collection in
the old run-time directory you must move the contents of the run-time and depot
directories to the new location. The unprivileged user account (user nobody on
UNIX or tmersrvd on Windows NT) must have read/write permission to the
run-time and depot directories. To change the run-time directory run the
commands shown in Example 4-3 on page 112.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Example 4-3 Changing run-time directory
wcollect -l c:/tivoli/mcollect @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
wcollect -h graceful @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
Performed 'graceful' halt of collector: @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw.
wcollect -s @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
Started collector: @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw.
Tips: Where possible, use a standard directory as a run-time directory on all
similar Collectors. Using a standard directory facilitates easy troubleshooting
and scripting.
If you reconfigure your repeater hierarchy, you need to remove the old
Collector information with the wcollect -r command.
Each Collector has a depot directory used to store scan data. This directory has
several subdirectories, one for each CTOC currently in the output queue. The
Collector depot also contains an index file called Index.dpo that contains a
reference to each collection’s data files. The structure of a depot is shown in
Figure 4-3 on page 113. If the depot is empty, the index file contains the
maximum size for the depot. The depot’s maximum size can be set using the
wcollect -z command. The syntax is:
wcollect -z depot size in MB collector.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 4-3 Depot directory structure
The use of depots enables the store and forward mechanism of SCS. After a
CTOC is placed in the input queue of the upstream Collector, it will make a
downcall to the downstream Collector and retrieve the data file from its depot.
Depots should be located on a file system with plenty of free space and sizes
should be set to a large number. If an upstream Collector tries to retrieve a data
file and does not have enough room to store it in the depot, it will cause an error
and move the CTOC into the error queue. The depot directory is always a
subdirectory of the run-time location. In order to set the depot directory, you must
use the wcollect -l command to move the run-time location, as described in
“Queues” on page 109.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
The Collector scheduler daemon is a multi-threaded process that sends and
receives CTOCs. Collector is responsible for moving data upstream to the Data
Handler. SCS allows you to set several Collector parameters controlling the
bandwidth and schedule that scheduler uses to transmit data.
The Collector process spawns input and output threads that move CTOCs from
one queue to the next and retrieve data files from downstream endpoints and
Collectors. SCS enables you to control the number of threads allocated to input
and output. Input threads process the CTOC in the Collector’s input or error
queue by retrieving the corresponding datapacks from a lower-level Collector or
endpoint. Output threads process the CTOC in the output queue of a Collector by
making a mc_request_collection upcall to transfer the CTOC to the input queue
of the next level Collector or Data Handler. You can change the number of
threads allocated to each of these queues. The same as changing the run-time
location, you need to restart the Collector for changes to take effect. Example 4-4
shows how to increase input threads to 20 using the wcollect -i command. You
can use the -o option to change the output threads.
Example 4-4 Changing input threads
wcollect -i 20 @managed node:win-inv01a
wcollect -h graceful @managed node:win-inv01a
Performed 'graceful' halt of collector: @managed node:win-inv01a.
wcollect -s @managed node:win-inv01a
Started collector: @managed node:win-inv01a.
Depot chunk size is used to control the size of each data stream that a Collector
sends during transmission of collections.
The threads’ values, combined with the depot chunk size, are used to throttle the
maximum amount of data being transmitted at any time. If a Collector has 20
output threads and its depot chunk size is set to 5 K, then it will transmit up to 20
simultaneous 5 K chunks of data using, a total of 100 K of bandwidth. The
Collector will continue transmitting at this rate as long as there is data in its
depot. If a slow wide area network (WAN) link exists between Collectors, the
output threads and depot chunk size should be set accordingly. The wcollect -c
command is used to set the depot chunk size, as illustrated in Example 4-5.
Example 4-5 Changing depot chunk size
wcollect -c 512 @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
wcollect -h graceful @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
Performed 'graceful' halt of collector: @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw.
wcollect -s @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
Started collector: @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
To view a Collectors configuration run the command illustrated in Example 4-6.
Example 4-6 Viewing Collector’s configuration
wcollect @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
Collector: @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
debug_level = FATAL (error messages only)
debug_log_size = 1 MB
runtime_location =
depot_size = 40 MB
depot_chunk = 512 KB
thread_idle_down_time = 60 seconds
thread_sleep_time = 5 seconds
max_input_threads = 5
max_input_retries = 10
max_output_threads = 5
retry_delay_time = 1 seconds
offlinks =
log_completed_ctoc = true
Important: Most Collector parameters require that you stop and start the
Collector in order for the changes to take effect.
4.1.6 Collection manager
Like endpoint manager, collection manager manages the routes used to move
data through the collection hierarchy. Collection manager runs on the TMR
server and holds a map of the collection hierarchy in memory. This map is really
just a copy of the repeater hierarchy, and is updated when collection manager
starts. The collection manager is queried for routing and formatting when a
CTOC in the output queue is processed by the output thread (assuming that the
route is not found in the Collector’s router cache). Once the OID of the next hop
has been determined, the mc_request_collection method is called on that
Collection manager components
The route map is stored in memory and reloaded each time oserv restarts and
the collection manager loads. Collection manager route information for a specific
node can be reset using the wcollect -r command. If the repeater hierarchy
changes, wcollect -r should be issued against any node that changed ranges.
An example follows:
wcollect -r @ManagedNode:wininv01a
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
This will reset collection manager’s route information for a managed node named
4.1.7 Data Handler
The Inventory Data Handler can be considered the final Collector in a Tivoli
Inventory collection system. Like Collectors, the Inventory Data Handler has a
depot and queues. However, the Inventory Data Handler unpacks and decodes
the data and sends it to the RIM rather than requesting collection from an
upstream Collector. Data Handler is also able to use multiple RIMs to insert data
into the Inventory repository.
Data Handler components
The Data Handler process inherits its attributes from the Collector process, so its
operation is very similar. One notable difference between the two processes is
the location of the run-time directory. Another is the restriction that you can only
have one Data Handler per TMR. The Data Handler is created automatically
when you install Inventory.
Since the Data Handler process inherits from the Collector process, the wcollect
command can be used to start and stop the Data Handler or change some
settings. Instead of specifying a managed node, you must specify the Data
Handler object as the target of the command. The following example illustrates
how to stop the Data Handler process using the wcollect command:
wcollect -h graceful @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler
Creating the Data Handler
To create a Data Handler use the wcrtinvdh command. See Example 4-7.
Example 4-7 Creating the Data Handler
wcrtinvdh -d $DBDIR/inventory/stat_dir -n 15 -r 3 -s YES -t 30 -u YES
Specifies the location of the status directory. The default
location is $DBDIR/inventory/stat_dir on the managed
node where the Inventory Data Handler resides.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Specifies the interval at which scan completion
notifications are sent. This option works in conjunction
with the –n option of the wsetinvglobal command (option
BUNDLE). The alternative notification option is -q, which
bundles according to the number of targets.
Specifies the number of times the Inventory Data Handler
tries to write data to a RIM object. After the maximum
number of retries is reached, a failure notification is sent.
The default value is 5.
Specifies whether the Inventory Data Handler stores
status information that can be restored in case of a
system failure.
Specifies a value in seconds from which to calculate the
time-out period in seconds between retries of writes to a
RIM object. This time-out period works according to the
algorithm timeout*retry_count. For example, on the first
retry, with a time-out value of 30 seconds, the algorithm
sets the timer to 30 * 1 or 30 seconds. On the second
retry, the timer sets to 30 *2 or 1 minute. The default value
is 30 seconds.
Specifies whether the Data Handler sends a notice to the
Inventory notice group when an unsolicited update of
scan data occurs. An unsolicited update is an update that
is not initiated by distributing a scan to an endpoint
remotely from another system.
The label of the ManageNode where the Data Handler
object will be created. Notice that, unlike other SCS
commands, this command leaves out the managed node
specifier and just uses the name of the managed node
that Data Handler should be created on.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Tip: Data Handler does a great deal of processing during the Data Collection
process. Based on this fact we recommend that in large environments you
select a dedicated managed node as a Data Handler. This managed node
should have enough memory, CPU, and disk space to support the function of
a Data Handler. It is possible to move the Data Handler from one managed
node to the next by running the wmvinvdh command. The command syntax is
as follows:
wmvinvdh -t timeout_value managed_node
򐂰 -t specifies the number of seconds after which the command will wait
before it times out. If you do not specify this option the default of 120
seconds is used.
򐂰 managed_node specifies the managed node to which you want to move
the Inventory Data Handler. You must have Scalable Collection Service
installed on the managed node in order to use it as a Data Handler.
The Data Handler process has input and output threads, just like the Collector
process does. These threads can be manipulated using the wcollect -o or
wcollect -i commands. Data Handler input threads function essentially the
same way as Collector input threads. They receive CTOCs and data files.
Output threads function differently. They are used to unpack data and send it to
RIM. As described in “Scheduling collection using output threads” on page 126,
you can change Data Handler output threads to schedule data flow to the RIMs
the same way that you can change Collector threads to schedule data flow to
upstream Collectors.
Data Handler also contains queues and checkpoint files just like the Collector
process. It also has input, output, and error queues. For an explanation of
queues, queue operations, and checkpoint files please refer to “Collector
components” on page 109. The only operational difference between the Data
Handler queues and the Collector queues is the final destinations of the CTOCs.
When an error CTOC reaches the Data Handler error queue, it is sent to the
Status Collector. When a normal CTOC reaches the output queue, it is forwarded
on to RIM. The Data Handler uses the output error queue to store CTOCs that
require RIM retries.
The Data Handler process has a depot that is identical to the Collector process
depot. The Data Handler depot is located under the run-time location directory,
has an identical index file, and operates the same way. For more information on
Collector depots, refer to “Collector components” on page 109.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
4.1.8 Status Collector
The SCS Status Collector is responsible for tracking the status of any Inventory
distributions that are ongoing in the TMR. The Status Collector runs as a
separate process, but is actually part of the Data Handler. The Status Collector
process runs on the same managed node as Data Handler and maintains
information for each node as to whether the inventory scan is successful,
pending, or failed.
Status is reported to the Status Collector from the Data Handler (remember that
they are actually two parts of the same object). The Data Handler process
passes a list of targets to the Status Collector process, and Status Collector
assigns the distribution a scan ID.
Note: The profile distribution ID in MDist2 is separate from the one in SCS.
MDist2 reports the results of Inventory profile distribution and scan completion
SCS Status Collector reports the results of the data collection process. Use
the Status Collector result to verify whether data has been successfully
inserted into the Inventory repository.
From this point on, Status Collector lists all nodes as pending. As CTOCs from
the scans make their way to the Data Handler and are inserted into the database.
This information is passed from the Data Handler to the Status Collector. The
Status Collector process updates the endpoints’ status as either successful or
failed. In the event that a downstream Collector encounters a problem with either
the CTOC or the data file, it will add an error code to the CTOC and move it into
the error queue. The error CTOCs are also passed up to the Data Handler,
which, in turn, notifies the Status Collector. The Status Collector then updates
the endpoint’s status to failed.
The only exception to the above scenario is when an endpoint fails to send data
to the Collector process. In this instance, the endpoint will use repeater hierarchy
in reverse order to send the data to the Inventory Callback object. The Callback
object will then forward the data to the Inventory Data Handler for insertion into
the Inventory repository.
Status Collector components
Status Collector is a process that runs on the Data Handler managed node. It is
responsible for maintaining the directory called status_dir. status_dir is a
subdirectory of Data Handler’s run-time location directory. The status_dir
directory contains status information for all active inventory scans that are being
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
handled by the Data Handler process. There are two types of binary files inside
the status_dir directory. The first type is the scan ID file. This is a single file
named inv_scan_id.cfg. This file contains the last scan ID given out by the Status
Collector process. The scan ID number is incremented by one each time a collect
data enabled scan is distributed. The second type of file is the scan information
file. This file is named inv_scan_XX.cfg, where XX is the scan ID of a running
inventory scan. The Status Collector maintains one scan information file for each
running status-enabled inventory scan. The Status Collector uses the scan
information files to record the current status (pending, successful, or failed) for
each node involved in the scan. These files are deleted once the Data Handler
process reports that the scan is complete.
You can view status information for an active scan by running the wgetscanstat
command. This command contacts the Status Collector process and retrieves a
list of status-enabled inventory scans that are currently running. This is really a
formatted list of all of the scans that have scan information files in the status_dir
directory. The wgetinvstat command can be used with the -a switch to view all
information on currently running scans. Using the -p -f -s switches will show
which endpoints are pending, have failed, or were successful. This is illustrated in
Example 4-8.
Example 4-8 Output from wgetscanstat command
wgetscanstat -a -s -f -p
The following scans using the Inventory
Scan ID:
93 Profile
Scan ID:
100 Profile
Scan ID:
101 Profile
Scan ID:
102 Profile
Scan ID:
103 Profile
Scan ID:
104 Profile
Scan ID:
105 Profile
status collector are in progress:
Tips: It is important to note that the status information returned by
wgetscanstat is only as good as what the Status Collector process has in its
status files. Since the Status Collector is only notified when a scan begins and
when the data is inserted into the database, everything in between will show
up as pending. The target is only successful once data has been inserted into
the repository.
4.1.9 Callback object
In the event that an endpoint cannot send scan data using the Collector
hierarchy, the endpoint will send data to the Callback object using the repeater
hierarchy. The Callback object will then forward the data directly to the Data
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Handler. The Data Handler unpacks and decodes the data before writing it into
the repository using one or multiple RIM objects. The Callback object collection
method serves as a backup. Figure 4-4 shows data flow in the case of Collector
Figure 4-4 Callback object data flow
Note: Callback object is only used when a failure is detected by the endpoint
and first level Collector, and not between Collectors.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Tip: In large environments we recommend moving the Callback object to a
different managed node than the TMR server, because in the event of a
Collector failure all scan data will be sent to the TMR server. This could easily
overwhelm the TMR server. The Callback object can be moved once created
by using the wmvinvcb command. The command syntax is as follows:
wmvinvcb -t timeout_value managed_node
򐂰 -t specifies the number of seconds after which the command will wait
before it times out. If you do not specify this option the default of 120
seconds is used.
򐂰 managed_node specifies the managed node to which you want to move
the Inventory Callback object. You must have Scalable Collection Service
installed on the managed node in order to use it as a Callback object.
Using multiple RIM objects
Starting with Inventory 4.0, Data Handler is now able to use multiple RIM objects
to place Inventory information in the Inventory database. RIM objects could be on
different managed nodes, which could increase performance.
Architecturally, each RIM object represents the termination point of a complete
data path from the Tivoli endpoint to the database. Setting the number of RIM
objects that you need depends on how many endpoints you plan to scan
simultaneously, and how much data you are collecting from each endpoint. You
should consider creating a new RIM object for the following reasons:
򐂰 To increase the number of connections to the RDBMS. The maximum number
of connections per RIM object is 16.
򐂰 To distribute the work performed by RIM objects across multiple systems. For
example, you can create RIM objects on separate managed nodes so that the
processing required by the RIM objects is divided between the two systems.
For RIM objects that the Inventory Data Handler uses, you must set the
application label and maximum number of RDBMS connections. You can set
these values using the wsetrim command. The following is the command syntax:
wsetrim [-a application_label] [-m max_connections]
Where application_label should be invdh for Data Handler.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Important: The number of Data Handler output treads should match the total
number of RDBMS connections set for all RIM objects used by the Data
Handler. For example, if you have two RIM objects with five RDBMS
connections each, the recommended number of output threads for the
Inventory Data Handler is 10. (Default or out-of-the-box configuration is 5
output treads and one RIM object.)
All Data Handler RIM objects are used for inserting data into the repository.
We recommend that you use a separate RIM object for queries. The inv_query
RIM object is created by default for this function (in addition to invdh_1, which
is created for the Data Handler). Using separate RIM objects will prevent
queries from contesting with Data Handler for database access when you are
conducting inventory scans. The possibility still exists when running queries,
however, that Data Handler will have a table or row locked for inserting data
when your query tries to access it. In this case your query may return no
results, or incomplete results. For this reason you should try to schedule
database updates during off hours.
You might wonder what is the optimal number of RIM connections for a TMR.
Every RIM object consumes a certain amount of memory overhead, so it is best
to run with the fewest possible number of RIM objects per machine. Separating
RIM objects on separate RIM hosts divides the processing load, and increases
availability in case one of the RIM hosts go down. For example, if you have 10
connections to the database, the optimum setting with two machines configured
is such that each one runs a single RIM object.
Note: When forecasting how many endpoints can be scanned and the data
updated in the RIM database in a fixed period of time, the guideline for the
amount of time required (per endpoint) to collect scan data on a local area
network is two minutes on average for a full scan.
4.1.10 Managing data collection
In this section we give you guidelines for managing your data collection.
Planning considerations
Planning your Collector configuration carefully before you begin configuring your
Collectors is very a important step for creating an efficient collection data flow.
The following factors need to be taken into account when deciding on
򐂰 WAN links’ peak hours.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
򐂰 Repeater hierarchy.
򐂰 Anticipated scan data per gateway/Collector. Current system load for
repeaters intended to be used as Collectors.
– Disk space
– Memory
򐂰 Data retention period per Collector.
Influences the amount of disk space required for storage of collection data.
򐂰 Data collection time slots. You should calculate the amount of time that is
available for data collection tasks. The following factors should be considered:
– Network off-peak period.
– Tivoli infrastructure availability.
– DB availability. To minimize errors ensure that the Inventory database is
available during the data insertion phase of the collection process.
Note: Ensure that database maintenance tasks that may hold locks on the
database do not conflict with the time that the Data Handler inserts data into
the repository.
Scheduling collection transmissions
The Collector process can store data for transmission at a later time. This allows
the Collector to schedule when data is transmitted over the network. This ability
can be useful in situations where endpoints need to be scanned during business
hours while machines are active, but data should not be transmitted until after
business hours. There are two methods of accomplishing this:
Using the wcollect command to tell a Collector to defer
collections from certain downstream Collectors
Output threads
Simulating an offlink by setting the output threads on the
downstream Collector to 0 so that it cannot send any data
Scheduling collection using offlinks method
In order to schedule collection transmissions, SCS gives you the ability to disable
the link to downstream Collectors. The wcollect command is used to manipulate
a Collector’s offlink list. When an upstream Collector receives a CTOC from a
downstream Collector, the upstream Collector will check its list of offlinks to
determine whether it should retrieve the data immediately or defer collection of
the data until later. If the downstream Collector is on the offlinks list, the upstream
Collector will move the CTOC from the input queue to the deferred queue. The
upstream Collector will not attempt to retrieve the data file from the depot of the
downstream Collector. The next time the upstream Collector process starts, it will
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
check the deferred queue against the offlinks list again to see if it can retrieve
data files for any of the CTOCs.
The wcollect command with the -x option sets the offlinks list. You can list the
object dispatcher IDs of the downstream Collectors to defer, separated by
commas. Always list the dispatcher numbers in numerical order. This is illustrated
in Figure 4-5.
Figure 4-5 Scheduling collection using offlinks
You can also disable a range of object IDs by using a dash. This should also be
done in numerical order. The same command is illustrated as follows:
wcollect -x “3-4” @managed node:win-inv01a
The -x option switches between the enabled and disabled connection. You may
have to first check the status of each connection before using this option. And like
most other Collector settings, you must stop and start the Collector for changes
to take effect. Example 4-9 on page 126 shows commands used to set offlinks.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Example 4-9 Setting offlinks example
wcollect -x “3,4” @managed node:win-inv01a
wcollect -h graceful @managed node:win-inv01a
Performed 'graceful' halt of collector: @managed node:win-inv01a.
wcollect -s @managed node:win-inv01a
Started collector: @managed node:win-inv01a.
To reset the offlinks list, specify wcollect -x with null string as the dispatcher
number. This would look as shown in Example 4-10.
Example 4-10 Resetting offlinks example
wcollect -x "" @managed node:win-inv01a
wcollect -h graceful @managed node:win-inv01a
Performed 'graceful' halt of collector: @managed node:win-inv01a.
wcollect -s @managed node:win-inv01a
Started collector: @managed node:win-inv01a.
To schedule collections simply place these commands in a script and create a
task and a job that runs the script. Schedule the job using the Tivoli Framework
Scheduler. Offlinks can only be set between Collectors.
Note: Offlinks cannot be used in the following situations:
򐂰 Between the endpoint and first Collector
򐂰 Between Data Handler and the RIM object
You can check the mcollect.log file to verify that offlinks are working. Use the
wcollect command to set the debug level to three on the Collector or Data
Handler with the offlinks list. At debug level three, the daemon process will write
a message in the mcollect.log logfile every time a CTOC is moved to the deferred
queue. The message is scheduler_offlink_test and contains the CTOC ID that
was deferred.
Scheduling collection using output threads
The second method mentioned above involves using output threads to stop
collection data from leaving the Collector. If the number of output threads is
changed to zero on the downstream Collector, it will have an effect similar to
setting an offlink on the upstream Collector. There are a few subtle differences
with this approach, however. If the number of output threads is set to zero on the
downstream Collector, it will not send CTOCs. This will cut off all collection flow
between Collectors until the number of output threads is increased. Also,
changing the number of input or output threads can be done at the Data Handler
as well as the Collector. This enables SCS to move data through the collection
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
hierarchy all the way to the Data Handler and hold it there. The Data Handler will
not attempt to place data in the database until you set its output threads to a
number. Using this technique, the Data Handler is prevented from attempting to
insert data into the database if the database is down for maintenance or being
heavily queried.
wcollect -o changes the number of output threads. As with setting the offlinks
list, the Collector must be restarted for this to take affect. This is illustrated in
Example 4-11.
Example 4-11 Setting output threads to zero: Collector
wcollect -o 0 @managed node:win-inv01a
wcollect -h graceful @managed node:win-inv01a
Performed 'graceful' halt of collector: @managed node:win-inv01a.
wcollect -s @managed node:win-inv01a
Started collector: @managed node:win-inv01a.
To stop data from leaving the Data Handler run the commands illustrated in
Example 4-12.
Example 4-12 Setting output threads to zero: Data Handler
wcollect -o 0 @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler
wcollect -h graceful @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler
Performed 'graceful' halt of collector: @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler.
wcollect -s @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler
Started collector: @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler.
To re-enable collection transmissions these commands are simply reissued using
a value higher than 0 for the wcollect -o command.
As with offlinks, to schedule collections using this method, these commands
must be placed in a script, and the execution of that script must be scheduled
using the Tivoli Framework Scheduler.
Note: Remember that if this technique is being used to simulate an offlink, the
commands must be executed against the downstream Collector. If your
Collector output threads are not consistent across all Collectors you may need
to set different values when re-enabling collection.
4.1.11 Clearing the Collector
The IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Inventory component provides an option
to cancel an inventory scan at different stages in the process. For various
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
reasons you may need to clear the collection before they reach the Inventory
repository. For example:
򐂰 If Collector’s data has become redundant
򐂰 Failure during profile distribution
The wcancelscan command cancels an active inventory scan. This command can
cancel a scan at the following points:
򐂰 During the profile distribution, before the profile reaches the endpoint
򐂰 For scans of pervasive devices at the Web Gateway component before the job
is processed
򐂰 As the data travels through the Collector hierarchy to the Inventory Data
Handler through SCS
򐂰 At the Inventory Data Handler
If scan data has been passed from the Inventory Data Handler to a RIM object,
that scan data cannot be cancelled. During a scan of multiple targets, the scan
data for each target reaches the Inventory Data Handler at different times.
Therefore, it is possible that the wcancelscan command could cancel the scan of
one target but not another. Example 4-13 demonstrates how to use this
Example 4-13 wcancelscan command example
The following scans using the Inventory status collector are in progress:
Scan ID:
Profile name:
wcancelscan -i 2
Starting to cancel Inventory
The cancel operation sent to
The cancel operation sent to
The cancel operation sent to
The cancel operation sent to
profile Initial.HW.scan.pf with scan ID 2.
Inventory status collector is complete.
MDistII manager is complete.
Scalable Collection Service is complete.
Inventory data handler is complete.
In Example 4-13 we used two commands. The first command, wgetscanstat,
gives us the list of all active scans. And wcancelscan with the -i option tells the
scan ID to cancel the scan. To cancel all active scans use the -a option.
Note: Using the wcancelscan command does not stop the endpoint from
completing the scan and data from flowing back to the Data Handler. The scan
data is discarded when it reaches the Data Handler.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
4.1.12 Inventory collection scenarios
It is important to be able to identify exactly what information a Tivoli inventory
scan collects. Consider the following points about a Tivoli inventory scan:
򐂰 It is built to gather a specific set of inventory information.
򐂰 By default the inventory scan can collect data from a list of parameters.
򐂰 If additional installed inventory needs to be verified, a custom scan can be
configured using scripts to create the MIF file.
򐂰 An inventory scan can be modified to gather more or less information.
򐂰 A customer should review what can be gathered and select the pertinent
򐂰 It should scan only for information that is pertinent to the customer’s situation
For example, if the customer does not care about the type of keyboard or mouse
on the systems, do not waste processing time and network bandwidth gathering
that information.
Note: Selecting only pertinent parameters will speed up scans, and save
processing and network bandwidth when retrieving data (thereby not retrieving
unwanted data).
Now, let us walk through a typical Tivoli Inventory profile distribution scenario
using the Tivoli Desktop.
First you need to create a inventory profile (InventoryConfig). You create an
inventory profile in a profile manager. Use profile managers to organize your
profiles into logical groups. You can either create an inventory profile in an
existing profile manager or create a new profile manager. For example, if you
want to use profile managers to organize Tivoli profiles according to function,
create a new profile manager named Inventory Profiles for all the inventory
profiles in a policy region. On the other hand, if you have profile managers that
organize targets according to operating system, you could create an inventory
profile in each profile manager. Each profile could include a script or executable
and scan instructions that are specific to the operating system of the systems in
the profile manager.
1. From the profile manager select Create → Profile (Figure 4-6 on page 130).
Note that you must have set InventoryConfig as a managed resource type for
the policy region in which the profile manager resides.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Figure 4-6 Inventory profile
2. Next, you need to configure the profile (Figure 4-7 on page 132).
The Global Properties window is used to set the distribution and data options for
the entire Inventory Profile. These options apply globally to all scans that this
profile distributes (that is, PC hardware, software, and custom scans, as well as
UNIX hardware, software, and custom scans).
In this window you can enter:
򐂰 Profile Name: Name of the current Inventory Profile.
򐂰 Distribution Options: What actions occur when you distribute a profile.
– Distribute configuration file and run scan: (Default) Distributes the
configuration file to the target endpoint, and then runs the scan on the
endpoint. Choose this option when you want to scan the endpoint
– Distribute configuration file: Distributes the profile configuration file only,
does not run the scan on the endpoint.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
򐂰 Data Options: These options specify how the inventory data gathered by this
profile is stored in the configuration repository:
– Update with differences: (Default) Compares MIF files created during the
current distribution with those from the previous distribution and saves the
differences. Only data that has been added or changed since the last scan
is transmitted and stored in the configuration repository.
Data from previous scans that is not present in the current scan is deleted
from the configuration repository. No record of changes is kept unless
history tables are used. Select this option to reduce the amount of
information that is sent to the configuration repository.
– Replace with current results: Replaces existing data in the configuration
repository with the data gathered by this scan.
In the Global Properties Signatures window you specify the software signatures
stored in the configuration repository.
Note: Software signature is the set of unique information that identifies a
software application, such as the name, version, and file size of an application.
Inventory uses software signatures to determine which software packages are
installed on the machines you scan. When you run a software signature scan
on an endpoint, Tivoli Inventory distributes the software signatures to the
endpoint, and then compares each file on the endpoint to the list of software
signatures. When a file matches, the software signature data for that file is
sent to the configuration repository. Because only data for matching files is
sent, this scan returns less data to the configuration repository than scans for
basic file information or header information.
Similarly, a signature package is a logical grouping of two or more signatures.
During the Tivoli Inventory installation, over 19-K signatures are loaded into the
database. From this window, you can edit or display software signatures.
Finally the Global Properties Custom Filter window is used to view/edit the list of
entries in the custom filter stored in the configuration repository.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Figure 4-7 Configuring the Inventory profile
The next step is to customize what to scan. You can gather three sets of
information with Tivoli Inventory:
򐂰 Hardware scan: Collect data from a list of parameters.
򐂰 Software scan: Collect data from a list of parameters.
򐂰 Custom scan: Additional script to find other hardware/software.
There are different customization windows for PCs and UNIX and OS/400®. You
can also scan pervasive devices.
For both UNIC and PC software scans you have the Scan for File Information.
Here you can specify which directories and files will be included in the scan. You
also specify whether to use signature matching for installed products, use the
header information (for PCs only), or scan files for basic information.
For PCs, an alternative way to scan for file information is to use “Scan Registry
for Product Information” option. This initiates a scanner on the target endpoint.
This registry scanner will scan the registry of the MS Windows platforms for
information on installed products.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
On UNIX, there is no registry scan option, but you can use Scan Operating
System for Product Information, which uses UNIX OS-specific commands to
gather product and patch information.
Note: Unlike hardware scans, software scans generally cannot be conducted
on both PC and UNIX computers with one profile. There are too many
differences between OS types in terms of directory structure, file naming
conventions, case sensitivity, and executable file distinction methods.
Separate profiles should therefore be created for them and housed in separate
Profile Managers whose targets are PC or UNIX, as appropriate.
All of your selections are reflected in the Summary of Profile Configuration
Settings window.
In the Distribution Options you can select the priority of the distribution and then
after selecting the targets, you distribute the profile (Figure 4-8 on page 134).
You need to have admin, senior, super, or the inventory_scan role to be able to
distribute Inventory profiles.
Note: The Tivoli Inventory profile utilizes the services of the Tivoli Framework
and specifically the MDist2 functionality for distributions. The main feature that
can be seen of MDist2 is the priority level selection presented to the user.
These priority levels will allow higher priority distributions to be transferred to
the targets first, and lower priority distributions (such as a full software
package install) would be delayed slightly as the higher priority distribution is
allowed access to the target.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Select the Priority
Select the targets
Figure 4-8 Profile distribution from the Desktop
Note: If you want to distribute an inventory profile to a number of endpoints,
but you want the distribution to fail for endpoints that have not received the
profile before a certain time, you can use the Advanced Options → Timeout
Settings from the upper-right part of the menu on the distribution dialog.
If you are using the command line (wdistinv command), you can use the
deadline parameter of this command.
You can configure Inventory to send information about events and errors that
result from an inventory profile distribution to which the following locations:
򐂰 Log file
򐂰 Inventory notice group
򐂰 Tivoli Enterprise Console
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
4.1.13 Custom scans
If none of the Tivoli-provided hardware scan methods gather the correct
information, an additional option is available. The custom hardware scan will
scan systems using a script written by the Tivoli Administrator to create a MIF
file. It will run after other scans complete before MIF files are read.
This script is OS specific for each target type. Use the following formats for each
operating system:
Shell - UNIX targets
BAT file - Windows targets
CMD - OS/2 targets
Scripts are not supported on NetWare
When distributing the profile to the target, the corresponding script will be run
depending on the target type (UNIX or PC). Note again that the script will need to
be written in a manner to run on each particular OS within these groups.
For example, the UNIX script must be written to run on Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, etc.,
for each target's supported platform to which the profile is distributed. Therefore
the script must check interpreter type and perform commands specific for that
interpreter type (use a case/switch statement).
Another example for the PC platform: The scripts must written for each target OS
(Windows 9x, NT, OS/2, etc.).
To maintain simplicity, multiple profiles (performing the same function) may be
used to cover each of the target platforms (custom scan script for each OS
interpreter). This can reduce the complexity of the scripts, and troubleshooting
problems when they occur.
Once you create the scan program to collect and write data to a custom MIF file,
you should do the following before you can use inventory to collect this data:
1. Set an inventory profile to read the custom MIF file during a profile
2. Create tables in the configuration repository database to store the custom
information collected.
Tip: If you have added some custom tables to hold data from custom MIF files
and want data from these tables to be deleted whenever the data from the
relevant endpoints are deleted from the standard tables, add the custom
tables to the INVENTORY_TABLES table.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
4.1.14 Isolated scans
An isolated scan is a scan of a system that is not in your Tivoli region. You can
use the wepscan, winviso, and wloadiso commands to run isolated scans. You
can also use an isolated scan method to scan unreachable and disconnected
endpoints. The system could even be disconnected from the network. You can
run isolated scans on supported Windows and UNIX systems except Linux for
Using the winviso command, you can copy to an endpoint all of the files
necessary to scan a disconnected system (libraries, executables, signatures, and
so on). You can then copy files from the endpoint to the disconnected system and
run an isolated scan on the disconnected system using the wepscan command.
This creates a .DAT file that contains the scan data. This .DAT file is created in
the $LCFROOT/inv/ISOLATED/depot directory. You must manually move the
.DAT file from the disconnected system to the endpoint. You can then run the
wloadiso command on the endpoint to send the scan data to the configuration
4.1.15 Querying inventory data
The Tivoli Management Framework query facility enables you to create SQL
statements to retrieve information gathered from inventory profile distributions.
The query feature consists of query libraries and queries. Query libraries reside
in policy regions and are created to contain queries. Each query is designed to
retrieve a specific set of information from a specific view or table in the
configuration repository. There are several pre-defined queries provided with
Configuration Manager. You can also create your own queries.
Inventory provides three sets of queries that access scan results in the
configuration repository:
򐂰 The inventory queries retrieve different sets of hardware and software
information from the configuration repository. For example, the
INVENTORY_HWARE query returns basic hardware information about all
򐂰 The pervasive queries retrieve different sets of hardware and software
information about pervasive devices from the configuration repository. For
example, PALM_CFG_QUERY returns configuration information for all Palm
OS devices.
򐂰 The subscription queries that are provided with Inventory return lists of
machines that meet the specifications of the query. For example, the
AIX_SUBSCRIPTION query returns a list of machines that have an AIX
operating system.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
The query libraries and queries that are provided with Inventory are created
during the installation process.
Creating a query
When you create a query, you must specify the following on the Create Query
dialog (Figure 4-9 on page 138):
򐂰 Query Name: Name that is unique in the TMR
򐂰 Repository: Determines which tables and views you can use for the query
򐂰 Table/View Name: Table or view that you select determines which columns
you can use for the query
򐂰 Chosen Columns: Within the table or view that are to be retrieved
You can also specify one or more clauses for the query in the following ways:
򐂰 Where Clause section: To construct a SQL search clause that specifies which
information the query will return
򐂰 Additional Clauses section: To enter complete SQL clauses
In order to create a query you need to have admin, senior, or super authority in
the policy region in which the query is created. Similarly, to run a query you need
to have senior, super, Query_execute, or Query_edit authority.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Name must be unique in TMR
Select view or table name
Select columns to be returned
Selection criteria
• Used to limit results
• If no limit, will return all data
for given view/table and
Figure 4-9 Creating a query
It is also possible to use the command line. Use the following commands:
򐂰 wcrtqlib to create a query library
򐂰 wcrtquery to create a query
򐂰 wsetquery to change a query
4.2 Software Distribution component
The number of network-based Microsoft Windows workstations has increased
tremendously over the past 10 years. With new client/server technologies,
operating systems and application programs have become larger and much
more complex. The process of installing and maintaining these new types of
systems has become tedious and time-consuming. End users cannot be
expected to be involved in this process, yet it is not cost-effective for an
enterprise to have skilled system management personnel to carry out all
installations. Another trend that is significantly changing software distribution is
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
mobile users. These users are no longer permanently connected to a network
and therefore pose some challenges for distribution of software.
Today’s software distribution issues are:
򐂰 High number of machines with different configurations and operating systems
򐂰 Systems located remotely
– Mobile users
– Limited resources (for example, bandwidth)
– Complex applications
Tivoli Software Distribution provides a centralized software management system
with which administrators can install and configure new applications, update
existing software with newer versions, and synchronize software on distributed
systems. The ultimate goal is to eliminate all human intervention at the target
4.2.1 Components of Tivoli Software Distribution
The Software Distribution component comprises the following main elements:
Software package
Source host
Software Package Editor
Pristine Tool
Web Interface plug-in
In the following sections you will find more details about these components.
Software package
A software package is defined as a file that contains a collection of objects and
actions to be performed on a target machine. This file is prepared prior to
distribution time. Actions in a software package fall into three separate
򐂰 Adding and removing objects: This category involves actions that add or
remove something from the target system. Examples include adding and
Registry keys
Device objects
򐂰 System actions: Several system actions are currently available for inclusion in
software packages. These include:
– Checking for disk space
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
– Restarting the target system
– Setting OS400 system values
– Inventory signature
򐂰 Program actions: This category includes the execution of a variety of types of
programs. A user-defined program may be executed on a target as well as
certain platform-specific executables such as:
InstallShield programs
Microsoft setup programs
IBM configuration, installation, and distribution (CID)
Solaris: Install Solaris package (Pkgadd and Patchadd)
Install AIX package (installp)
Install LINUX package (RPM)
Source host
This is the system on which software package definitions are stored. Any
machine in a Tivoli environment can be a source host, provided Tivoli
Management Framework and the Software Distribution component are installed.
Important: Any managed node that is not an OS/2 or NetWare managed
node can be used as a source host.
Software Package Editor
This is a Java-based graphical interface for creating and customizing software
packages. You can use the Software Package Editor to:
򐂰 Create a new software package.
򐂰 Modify an existing software package to create a new one.
򐂰 Generate a software package automatically using differencing technologies
򐂰 Create a software package containing one of the following third-party native
installation packages:
Microsoft Systems Management Server package definition file
Microsoft Software Installer file
AIX package
Solaris Operating Environment package
Linux package
Configuration, installation, and distribution programs
You also use the Software Package Editor to arrange actions contained in the
software package in the order in which they are to be performed on the target
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
There are two versions of the Software Package Editor:
򐂰 Tivoli Software Distribution Endpoint Package Editor
This version is installed on endpoints on which software packages will be
created and tested. All functionality is available with this version. A software
package file can be saved into any of the three formats using this editor. This
is also called the Java Endpoint Package Editor.
Note: For OS/400 Java Endpoint Package Editor is supported as a
preparation site only.
򐂰 Tivoli Software Distribution Package Editor
This version is installed on managed nodes and is primarily used for editing
existing software packages. Software package blocks cannot be created or
edited with this version. In addition, some functionality is not available with the
Software Package Editor installed on managed nodes. Certain tools to
automate the creation of software packages (AutoPack) and to make using
third-party software easier are not available with this editor.
Figure 4-10 shows the Tivoli Software Distribution Endpoint Package Editor.
Figure 4-10 Software Package Editor
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Pristine Tool
This is a tool for creating a repository and storing diskette images for installing an
operating system remotely on a clean machine. The advantages of using the
Pristine Tool are:
򐂰 Preparation and installation can be performed at different times.
򐂰 Installation can be performed almost completely unattended.
򐂰 Synchronizing reference models can be performed automatically.
Web Interface plug-in
This is software that enables software distribution, change management, and
inventory operations to be performed across firewalls using the Web Interface
4.2.2 Software distribution process overview
The four phases of the software distribution process are the following
(Figure 4-11):
Preparation and testing
Planning and administration
Delivery of necessary files
Software distribution operations are performed on the targets
Planning &
Tivoli Server
SD PrepSite
SD Server
Managed Node
Execution of
SD Source Host
Figure 4-11 Four phases of software distribution process
We will cover these pahses in detail in the following sections.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Preparation and testing
Prior to distribution, a software package should be created and tested on a
system similar to the eventual target machines. The Software Package Editor is
Software Distribution's software packaging facility for creating and customizing
software packages. The Software Package Editor window displays a graphical
tree view of the software package and its contents.
The method of launching the Software Package Editor differs, depending on
whether it is launch from an endpoint or a managed node. For more detail, see
the User’s Guide for Tivoli Software Distribution, SC23-4711.
Notes: See the following notes:
򐂰 Before launching the Software Package Editor on a UNIX system, enable
host access to the X server by entering the xhost + command.
򐂰 Performance of the Software Package Editor can be degraded if remote
drives that were not accessible when the Software Package Editor was
launched have been mapped to the machine.
򐂰 In order to be able to create software packages, the absolute minimum
roles are user role in the TMR and super role in the policy region that the
packages are created.
򐂰 In order to create, clone, or delete the software package profiles, the
required role that a Tivoli administrator must have is admin, senior, or
Different software package file types
There are three types of software package files:
򐂰 Software package block file (extension .spb)
Zipped file with all source files necessary for distribution included.
Contains files and commands.
Any zip software can be used to view its contents (for example, Winzip).
No need to collect files from the source host.
See Figure 4-12 on page 144.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
SPB file
SP file
Figure 4-12 Software package block file
Note: Tivoli Software Distribution 3.6 and earlier versions used a file
package instead of the software package format. To migrate a file package
to a software package object, you must use the wfptosp command.
Similarly, a Tivoli Software Distribution V3.6 file package object can be
converted with the wfptosp command to a software package definition file.
Migration of file package blocks and Autopack are the same as the file
package definition file with the exception that no source files are required
since these formats contain source files. File package block to a software
package block migration must be done on the same platform on which it
was created. For example, if a file package was created on a Windows NT
platform, it must be migrated on a Windows NT TMR.
򐂰 Software package definition file (extension .spd)
– A text file that describes a software package.
– Contains a list of actions to be executed on the target.
– Can be updated with a text editor in place of using the Software Package
– Can be manipulated with scripts.
– Files are collected from the source host at distribution time.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
See Figure 4-13.
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
The SPD File (cont.)
"TIVOLI Software Package v4.2.1 - SPDF"
name = "othello"
title = "Othello application"
version = "1.0"
web_view_mode = "hidden"
Signature of SPD
add win_registry_key
Add object
key = "OTHELLO"
add = y
override_permissions = n
Attribute value pair
Soft Bundle Technical Sales Training
© 2004 IBM Corporation
Figure 4-13 Software package definition file
򐂰 Software package file (extension: .sp)
– Internal binary version of the software package .
– Files are collected from the source host at distribution.
See Figure 4-14 on page 146.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
SP file
Source Host
Figure 4-14 Software package file
The three different software package formats can be easily converted from one
format to another, as shown in Figure 4-15 on page 147.
The wconvspo command enables you to convert SPBs to SPs and vice versa. The
wimspo and wexpspo commands enable the conversion from SP to SPD and vice
versa, and from SPD to SPB and vice versa.
Creating a software package in built format ensures that the data in the software
package remain static between distributions at different times.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Build SPB from SPD
Export SPB to SPD
ro m
rt S
Figure 4-15 Converting software packages from one format to another
You can define a software package as versionable and specify whether it is a
refresh package or a patch.
Refreshes are not installed if a later version of the package is already installed.
Patches are not installed unless the version to which the patch applies is already
The default policy of Tivoli Software Distribution allows the following naming
format for software packages:
򐂰 sp_name^version, for example:
– office^1.0.0
– notes^1.2a
򐂰 sp_name.version, for example:
– office.1.0.0
– notes.1.2a
Software package name and version numbers are separated by a karat (^)
symbol or a dot (.). Version numbers, on the other hand, should be separated by
dots (Figure 4-16 on page 148).
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Figure 4-16 Versioning
With software and hardware dependencies, you ensure that the package is
installed only if the necessary prerequisites are satisfied. You can define an
expression that makes the installation or removal of a software package
dependent on meeting hardware and software prerequisites. Figure 4-17 on
page 149 shows how you define the dependencies.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 4-17 Dependencies
Variables can be used to express any attribute value of type string contained in
the software package, making a software package more generic for use on
different target systems. For example, it is not necessary to create several
software packages for different platforms. You can substitute the platform-specific
information with variables and use the same software package for distribution to
multi-platform networks.
You set conditions on the actions contained in a software package or on the
entire software package. Using conditions, you define the circumstances under
which an action is executed. For example, you can specify which actions are to
be executed on Windows NT with Service Pack 5 target systems and which are
to be executed only on Windows NT with Service Pack 6 targets.
Valid operators are:
򐂰 Comparison operators: >, >=, <, <=, ==, !=
򐂰 Boolean operators: NOT, OR, AND
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Disconnected command line
Before a software package is distributed, it should be tested. On preparation
machines on which the Tivoli Software Distribution Java Endpoint Package Editor
is installed, an administrator can use special disconnected commands to test any
operation Tivoli Software Distribution would perform on an endpoint. The testing
phase can also include testing in a practice TMR.
The Software Package Editor provides a set of disconnected commands
(Figure 4-18) that can be used to test the software package on the preparation
w d crtsp
C reate a n S P B file from an S P D file
w d u bldsp
E xp ort a n S P B file into S P D file
w d lssp
List contents of the local catalog
w d instsp
Install an S P B
w d rm vsp
R em ove an S P
w d cm m tsp
C om m it an S P
w d u ndosp
U ndo an S P In stall/R em ove
w d acptsp
A ccept an u ndo able In stall/R em ove
w d versp
V erify th e state of an S P
w d instsp
R un A uto P ack snapshots/diffe rences
w d setsps
R ecord ap plications not installed w ith
Figure 4-18 Disconnected commands
Many actions can happen during the installation of an application. Registry keys
may be added to a Windows system or a symbolic link might be added to a UNIX
system. Determining what actions take place when an application is installed can
be a difficult process. The autopack tool can automatically create a software
package for any application installed on a Windows 98, Windows NT, OS/2 3.x,
or UNIX platform.
Below is a summary of Autopack functions:
򐂰 A tool to automate the creation of software packages.
򐂰 Detects file and system changes made by the installation of an application
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
򐂰 Can be accessed from the Software Package Editor on an endpoint or
command line
򐂰 Is not accessible from the Software Package Editor on a managed node
Planning and administration
Prior to delivery, some planning and administration tasks must be completed.
Profile managers, subscribers, and software distribution profiles must be created
and organized.
The software package created in the preparation and testing phase must be
imported into the Tivoli Management environment.
Plan and administer software distribution activities by:
1. Adding the software package profile to the managed resources of the policy
2. Creating software package profiles in the context of a profile manager
3. Importing a software package into a software package profile
4. Managing subscribers
5. Distributing the software package (change management operations)
Software package profile
The software package profile is created within a profile manager. Profile
managers act as containers for profiles and link the profiles to a set of resources
called subscribers. Tivoli supports software packages only in the context of
profile managers. Therefore, all tasks must be performed that involve setting up
profiles in a profile manager. This step is not necessary if the software package
was originally created or edited in the context of a Tivoli software package profile
using the Software Package Editor on a managed node.
States of a software package profile
As shown in Figure 4-19 on page 152, there are three states of a software
package profile: Empty, built, and not-built. The figure also shows the
corresponding icons that you will see in the Tivoli Desktop for each profile state
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
§ Empty
A software package object just created
§ Built
A software package object built during the import
§ Not Built
A software package object not built during the import
Will be built at the time of distribution
§ The task of associating an SPD, SP, or SPB file with a software
package profile is called Import (wimpspo).
Figure 4-19 States of a software package profile
Note: When importing a software package file or software package definition
file into a software package object, the administrator can choose to build the
software package immediately or leave it not built. The advantages of creating
a software package in the not-built format are:
򐂰 You can revise the software package until the moment of distribution.
򐂰 It occupies a smaller amount of disk space.
If you use the non-built format, you need to take into consideration that data
may change on the source host, so subscribers may receive different data at a
different time. Software packages should always be imported into the built
state if you want to use the deporting functionality.
After the planning and administration tasks have been completed, the delivery of
the necessary files begins.
The delivery step is performed by MDist 2. The steps of the software distribution
delivery phase are illustrated in Figure 4-20 on page 153.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
1. Software distribution
request submitted
Tivoli Desktop
5. Return a
distribution ID
2. Route the request
to the source host
4. Return a
distribution ID
Source Host
3. Source host initiates the
6. Files
distributed to
MDist 2
Figure 4-20 Steps of the software distribution delivery
The Software Distribution process uses the Framework’s MDist 2 service to
deliver the files to the endpoint target:
1. An administrator submits a request to the Tivoli management region server
from the Tivoli Desktop.
2. The Tivoli management region server routes the request to the appropriate
source host.
3. The source host begins the distribution process.
4. The source host returns a distribution identification number to the Tivoli
management region server.
5. The Tivoli management region forwards the distribution identification number
back to the administrator’s Tivoli desktop.
6. Files are distributed down to the endpoints.
The components in the figure are:
򐂰 Source host: A system that holds all the files referenced by software packages
in the not-built state. Software packages already in the built state (software
package blocks) will also reside on this system.
򐂰 Repeater : Receives a single copy of data and fans out the distribution to the
next tier of clients. In Tivoli Software Distribution, endpoint gateways are
automatically repeaters.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
򐂰 Standalone repeater : A repeater that is not also a gateway.
Perform software distribution operations
The final phase of the software distribution process is the software distribution
operations performed on the endpoints (Figure 4-21).
Tivoli Software Distribution change management operations that you can perform
on software package objects are shown in Figure 4-21.
Figure 4-21 Software distribution operations
These operations fully automate distributing, installing, and maintaining software,
and are as follows:
򐂰 Install: The install operation performs the actions contained in the software
package. The actions executed by the install operation depend on the nature
of the action. For example, while the install operation of the Add file action
copies a file to the target file system, the install operation of the remove
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
registry key action removes a registry key from the target system Windows
򐂰 Remove: The remove operation reverses object-related actions that add
something. If a software package adds a file or registry key, the remove
operation will remove that file or registry key. Conversely, if the software
package has an action that removes a file, nothing will happen to replace that
file during the remove operation. Actions to be performed during a remove
action can be specified for program actions within the software package.
򐂰 Undo: Performing a remove operation does not necessarily return the system
to its previous state. For this reason, an undo operation is recommended
where system files are involved in distributions. Executing an install operation
in undoable mode creates a backup of everything necessary to return the
system back to its previous state. An undo operation cannot be executed for
an installed software package if it was not installed in undoable mode in the
first place. An administrator can determine if an installation was performed in
undoable mode by checking the state of the software package on the target.
Note: The machine must have adequate space to create the backup;
otherwise the installation will not occur.
򐂰 Accept: The accept operation discards the resources needed to undo the
previous operation (backup copy). The accept operation, which frees up
system resources, should be performed only when you are certain that you
will not need to undo the previous operation. After running an accept
operation, the previous operation is no longer undoable.
򐂰 Commit: An install or remove operation can be submitted in transactional
mode. In this case the operation is performed in two phases: The preparation
phase and the commit phase. During the preparation phase, each action in
the package prepares the conditions for the successful execution of the
requested operation, which reduces the risk of failure during the commit
phase. The commit operation causes all the updates established in the
preparation phase to take effect.
򐂰 Verify: The verify operation verifies the consistency of the software package
and the object on the target system. If the verify operation fails, the software
package is placed in an error state.
򐂰 Load: The load operation loads the software packages on a repeater depot
for subsequent distribution. This operation is valid for only built software
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Note: A depot is a directory on the repeater that enables you to temporarily
or permanently store data segments associated with distributions on the
repeater. Every distribution flowing through a repeater is stored at least
temporarily in the depot. The location of the depot parent directory is set by
the rpt_dir repeater parameter. Use wmdist to view and set the parent
directory of the depot.
As mentioned, the load operation loads the software packages on a
repeater depot for subsequent distribution. You can also use the command
line for this purpose. The command to use is wldsp.
򐂰 Unload: The unload operation removes software packages from a repeater
depot. This operation is valid for only built software packages.
The software package state that results after an operation may vary based on the
history of the package, that is, depending on what operations, such as install,
have been previously performed on it. The state is represented by a
five-character string. The overall state of a software package is represented by
five letters (Figure 4-22 on page 157):
򐂰 *---- indicates the last operation that was performed on the software package,
either I (install) or R (remove).
򐂰 -*--- indicates the state of the software package, either P (prepared) or C
򐂰 --*-- The undo state. The undo state can be one of three letters: P (prepared),
U (undoable), or R (restored).
򐂰 ---*- A B indicates a reboot was requested. A dash (-) indicates a reboot was
not requested. A D indicates that the software package was discovered using
the wdsetsps. An H means the software package is hidden because a newer
version of the software is installed in undoable mode.
򐂰 ----* An E indicates the software package is in error and might not work
properly. A C indicates that the state of the software package is changing.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
States of a Software Package
Operation State
Undo state Reboot/Disc/Hidden
Committed Undoable
ReBoot requested
D package was
discovered using
H Hidden, following an
undoable install of a
newer version
In Error
An install has been committed.
An install has been committed and can be undone.
An install has been prepared and it will be committed
during the next reboot.
A remove has been committed, but it can be undone.
An install has been committed, but the software package is in error.
The software package was discovered by Inventory.
Figure 4-22 States of a software package
Install options
There are a number of install options when installing a software package and
software package blocks (see Figure 4-23).
Figure 4-23 Installation window for a software package block (left) and a software package (right)
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Figure 4-23 on page 157 shows the installation window (when installing from the
Tivoli Desktop) for a software package block (left) and a software package (right).
Some of the important installation options are below:
򐂰 Delta Install: Creates a software package that contains only the delta
between the base software package and the software package to be installed.
By creating and distributing a delta software package, network traffic is
򐂰 Label: Label of the distribution (can be seen from the wmdist -l command or
MDist GUI).
򐂰 Source: Distributes only source host files that have been modified since last
distribution time. This applies only to not-built software packages and to target
machines where the software package has already been installed and
򐂰 Repair : A distribution at some point may become damaged on the endpoint.
The distribution may have never successfully completed. Or the distribution
was originally successful but files were modified, deleted, or corrupted since
the distribution. A repair distribution is a distribution that includes only the files
necessary to repair the endpoint. The software package is built specifically for
the distribution. Since this is the case, only not-built software package objects
can be used to repair a damaged distribution.
򐂰 From Fileserver/CD: Rather than installing from the source host or from a
depot, a software package can be installed from a file server or from a CD.
The file server must not be a managed node.
First, a distribution image must be created using the wdepot command, which
can then be transferred to a file server or onto a CD.
Note: Installing from file server or CD options is useful if the endpoints are
at the end of a slow link. Using these options, you can separate the data
from the distribution itself and load the data on a dedicated file server or
CD located in the same location as the target endpoints.
򐂰 From Depot: Sends the software package from the depot.
򐂰 Disposable: Removes the software package block from the repeater depots
after the distribution is complete. This saves disk space on the repeaters and
reduces the need for you to manage the depot contents.
򐂰 Advanced Options: Sets the timeout setting or the notification settings of a
software package.
򐂰 Installing from a file server.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
4.3 Data Moving
The Data Moving Service is a service that was introduced in Software
Distribution V4.1. The Data Moving Service enables the sending, retrieving, and
deleting of files from target systems.
Note: The Data Moving Service is supported on endpoints and users, but is
not supported on devices.
All data moving operations use the same software package object,
DataMovingRequests.1. This object contains certain standard information to be
used by all data moving operations, including logging options. If this object is not
available, no data moving operation can be performed from the CLI or the Activity
Planner. This object is normally created automatically, in the DataMovingProfile
profile manager within the default policy region, when you install Software
Distribution. However, you can create the object later by running the data moving
command, wspmvdata. This command has two options:
򐂰 -A: This creates the DataMovingRequests.1 object in a profile manager that
belongs to a region having SoftwarePackage as the managed resource.
򐂰 -p <profile manager>: This creates a DataMovingRequests.1 object in the
specified profile manager.
The Data Moving Service supports the following scenarios:
򐂰 Sending a file held in a central location to multiple destinations
򐂰 Retrieving a specific file from a series of locations and consolidating the
retrieved files in a single, central location
򐂰 Deleting a specific file from a series of locations
򐂰 Moving a set of files from one endpoint to a number of endpoints
So in essence, the following change management operations are available when
you use the data moving functions of software distribution: Send, delete, and
4.3.1 Using the Data Moving Service
To perform a Data Moving operation from the GUI, perform the following steps:
1. Open the DataMovingProfile in your policy region.
2. Right-click the DataMovingRequests.1 object to display a pop-up menu
(Figure 4-25 on page 160).
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Figure 4-24 Data Moving Service dialog box
3. Let us assume we want to perform a send operation. Select the Send menu
item. The Data Moving Service Send Operation dialog is displayed
(Figure 4-24).
Figure 4-25 Data Moving dialog box
4. Fill in the dialog as appropriate and click Send to finish the operation.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Note: These options are also available if you want to use the command line,
instead of the GUI. The command to use is wspmvdata.
4.4 Enterprise Data Warehouse integration
The Tivoli Enterprise Data Warehouse is included with IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager V4.2. With Tivoli Data Warehouse, you can analyze historical trends
from various Tivoli and customer applications. The Tivoli Data Warehouse
infrastructure enables a set of extract, transform, and load (ETL) utilities to
extract and move data from Tivoli application data stores to a central repository.
Tivoli Configuration Manager loads a subset of its software distribution and
inventory data into the Tivoli Enterprise Data Warehouse. The following reports
will be provided with Tivoli Configuration Manager:
Failed software distribution operations by package
Success rate for distribution operations by package
Software packages in a failure to verify status
Failed distribution operation by workstation
Distribution failures related to package size
Failed operations history by distribution ID
Software distribution operation results by subscriber
Software distribution operation results by network address.
The Tivoli Data Warehouse V 1.2 comes supplied with Crystal Enterprise
Professional Version 9 for Tivoli (limited use version) to analyze and deliver
out-of-the-box reports from the Tivoli Data Warehouse into the hands of
decision-makers using a Web browser.
Tivoli Data Warehouse provides the following report interfaces:
򐂰 Summary
򐂰 Health Check
򐂰 Extreme Case
In order to integrate IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 with the Tivoli
Enterprise Data Warehouse you need to install the IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager Warehouse Pack using the Warehouse Install program. The
recommended way for this is to select Application Installation Only in the Setup
Type window during the installation of the Tivoli Enterprise Data Warehouse.
Chapter 4. Inventory and Software Distribution components
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Chapter 5.
Deployment Services
This chapter provides an overview of IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Deployment Services.
The following topics will be covered in this chapter:
“Activity Planner” on page 164
“Change Manager” on page 176
“Enterprise Directory integration” on page 183
“Resource Manager and pervasive devices” on page 191
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004. All rights reserved.
5.1 Activity Planner
The Activity Planner is an IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager feature that enables
you to define a group of activities in an activity plan, submit the plan to be
executed, and monitor the execution of the plan.
Activities are single operations that are performed on a set of targets at specified
times. These can include Software Distribution operations, inventory scans, and
Framework Task Library tasks.
Activities contained in a plan can have dependencies associated with them that
define the circumstances under which the activity should be executed. The
execution of the operation defined in the activity is performed by the application
to which the operation belongs. The group of activities forms the activity plan.
Activity Planner, together with its components, is fully integrated into Tivoli
Management Framework. A dedicated RIM interface, called planner (by default),
is used to store and retrieve operation status and configuration information for
plans and embedded activities on an RDBMS database.
You can use the Activity Planner to perform the following tasks:
򐂰 Manage a group of activities, originating from different applications, as a
single activity from a single machine in the network.
򐂰 Schedule the activity plan to run on a specific day and time, or to be repeated
at specific time intervals, days of the week, or days of the month.
򐂰 Schedule the plan to repeat indefinitely.
򐂰 Schedule activities to run at specific time intervals during the week.
򐂰 Set conditions on activities so that the execution of one activity is dependent
on the completion result of other activities.
򐂰 Save activity plans in a database to resubmit them at any future time.
򐂰 View a list of all submitted activity plans and retrieve information such as
completion status of a specific activity plan, activity, or an activity for a
specified target.
򐂰 Perform operations on activities and activity plans, such as cancel, pause,
resume, and restart.
5.1.1 Activity Planner components
The Activity Planner components are:
򐂰 Activity Planner server: Installed on the Tivoli server.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
򐂰 The Activity Planner User Interface which consists of the following:
– Activity Plan Editor (APE)
– Activity Plan Monitor (APM)
The Activity Plan Editor is used to create activity plans, and the Activity Plan
Monitor is used to monitor these plans.
򐂰 RDBMS: RIM object planner. Used to store:
– The definitions of the activity plans
– The status of the submitted activity plans
򐂰 Activity Plan Monitor administrator: It is used internally by the Activity Plan
Monitor engine and added during the installation of the Activity Planner,
swd_admin_regionname, login tivapm.
5.1.2 Roles required for the Activity Planner
The tasks you can perform using the Activity Plan Editor, Activity Plan Monitor,
and CLI are restricted by the Tivoli management region roles assigned to you.
Depending on the operations you are required to perform, you can have one or
more of the following roles:
Note: At least the Tivoli Framework role user is required to use the Activity
5.1.3 Types of activities
An activity plan is a group of operations or tasks performed on a set of targets at
a scheduled time. A single operation or task in an activity plan is called an
activity. Activities can perform:
򐂰 Software Distribution operations
򐂰 Inventory scans
򐂰 Management Framework Task Library tasks
Activities can also be dependent upon the result of other activities.
5.1.4 Activity Plan Editor
You launch both the Activity Plan Editor and the Activity Plan Monitor GUIs from
the Tivoli desktop (Figure 5-1 on page 166).
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Figure 5-1 Activity Planner GUIs
Double-click the Activity Plan Editor icon to open up the Activity Plan Editor.
To define an activity using the Activity Plan Editor, specify the following:
The name of the activity
A brief description of the activity
The type of operation the activity will perform on a set of targets
Properties related to the type of operation
Targets of the activity (if not specified at the activity plan level)
Activities that perform Tivoli Software Distribution operations are represented in
the Activity Plan Editor main window by an icon that displays a box with an
inserted CD-ROM.
Activities that perform Tivoli Management Framework tasks are represented in
the Activity Plan Editor main window by an icon that displays a timer, a schedule,
and a pencil.
Activities that perform Tivoli inventory scan tasks are represented in the Activity
Plan Editor main window by an icon that displays a magnifying glass.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 5-2 shows a sample activity plan.
Figure 5-2 Sample activity plan
You can save activity plans that you prepared using the Activity Plan Editor as
any of the following:
򐂰 Drafts, if they are not yet complete
򐂰 Templates, if they are complete
򐂰 XML files
Note: You can also use this format when creating an activity plan with a text
editor. It is also possible to start creating your activity plan from the GUI, save
it as XML file, and than perform additional changes on the XML file.
Draft plans and templates are stored in their respective repositories in the activity
plan database, but only templates are made available for submission.
Assigning targets to an activity plan
In addition to endpoints, users and devices could be the targets of an activity
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
You can assign targets at the activity level or at the activity plan level. However, if
you assign targets for each individual activity, you cannot specify targets at the
activity plan level. If you assign targets at the activity plan level, the targets apply
to all of the contained activities, and no other targets can be specified at the
activity level.
You can assign targets in one of the following ways:
A list of target names
A file name containing a list of target names
An inventory subscriber
A query library subscriber
A directory query library
A profile manager
Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 introduced a dynamic target resolution
capability. If this feature is enabled, the targets for an activity will be resolved
when the activity is started and not when the activity plan is submitted. For
example, when a query directory is used to select the targets of an activity, the
query directory will be executed when the activity is submitted.
Conditioning the execution of activities
The execution of an activity can be dependent upon the result of the execution of
one or more activities in the same activity plan.
Assume that an activity plan consists of two activities, Activity A and Activity B. A
condition can be set on Activity B, the conditioned activity, related to the outcome
of the execution of Activity A, the conditioning activity, that dictates when Activity
B is executed on its targets. You can condition the result of the execution of
Activity A on all its targets using one of the following classifications:
򐂰 Completion: The execution of Activity B is performed when the operation
defined in Activity A completes, regardless of whether it completes
successfully or with an error.
򐂰 Success: The execution of Activity B is performed only if the operation defined
in Activity A completes successfully with no error.
򐂰 Failure: The execution of Activity B is performed if the operation defined in
Activity A fails with an error.
The execution of Activity B depends on the completion of Activity A on all of the
targets defined in Activity A. The operation specified in Activity B is executed
when Activity A has completed execution on all its targets.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
A completion percentage of targets can be specified. For example, you can
specify to execute Activity B when Activity A has completed executing on 50
percent of its targets.
Note: If you want an activity plan to stop if there is a software distribution
error, the stop on error setting should be warning for the activity plan.
In addition to conditioning the execution of Activity B based on the result of
Activity A, you can specify the targets on which the specified result must occur.
You can specify one of the following:
򐂰 All: The execution of Activity B depends on the execution of Activity A on all
of the targets defined in Activity A. The operation specified in Activity B is
executed when Activity A has completed execution on all its targets. A
completion percentage of targets can be specified.
򐂰 Target: The execution of Activity B on target X depends on the execution of
Activity A on target X. The operation specified in Activity B is executed on
target X when Activity A has completed execution on target X, without waiting
for the remaining targets to complete.
Note: Conditioning by target is not supported for users and devices.
򐂰 Depot: The execution of Activity B on a set of targets sharing the same depot
depends on the execution of Activity A on the specified depot. The operation
specified in Activity B is executed on target X when Activity A has completed
execution on the specified depot.
Note: Conditioning by depot is available only if the conditioning activity is a
Load, Unload, or Task Library activity, and if the conditioned activity is
addressed to endpoints sharing the specified depot.
You can define a final activity in the plan that is executed when all other activities
in the plan have either completed or have been canceled.
Sorting activities in order of execution
You can also sort activities in the order in which they start. To do this select Edit
-> Sort Activity from the Activity Plan Editor window. Only activities without
conditions can be sorted. Conditioned activities have a predefined order of
execution and cannot be modified using the Activity Sort dialog, which is shown
in Figure 5-3 on page 170.
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Figure 5-3 Sort Activity dialog
Scheduling when to execute an activity
You can schedule activities to run on specific days of the week and within a
specified time frame such as only during the day, during the night, on weekdays,
or weekends. To do this right-click an activity in the Activity Plan Editor window
and select Execution Windows. The execution window (Figure 5-4 on
page 171) enables you to specify a time frame, at the activity level, within which
the activity is to be executed. You can specify more than one execution window
for each activity.
Note: The time refers to the time on the managed node where the plan is
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 5-4 Execution window
5.1.5 Activity Plan Monitor
An activity plan saved as a template can be accessed using the Activity Plan
Monitor GUI and submitted for execution. The plan is then stored in a submitted
state in the activity plan database. Only plans stored as templates or plans in the
submitted state can be accessed.
Activity Plan Monitor collects information about:
A list of submitted plans
The activities for each plan
Target information
Plan or activity detailed status
Activity status for a specific target
Start date/time of the plan
Complete date/time of the plan
For each plan or activity, the possible statuses are:
򐂰 Successful/started/waiting/held by condition
򐂰 Paused/pause pending/resume pending
򐂰 Cancel pending/canceled/failed
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Activity Plan Monitor is launched from the Tivoli Desktop. Figure 5-5 shows the
steps to submit a plan. Select Plans -> Submit from the menu of the Activity
Plan Monitor window to submit a plan. The Select plan for submission dialog box
is displayed.
Figure 5-5 Activity Plan Monitor - Plan submission
The General page is displayed by default. Before submitting the plan for
execution you can edit the attributes that were defined at the time the plan was
created. The modifications are applied only to the current submission instance
and have no effect on the template
If you click the Execution Time tag, you can specify an execution time at the
plan level as opposed to activity level, which was discussed in “Scheduling when
to execute an activity” on page 170.
An activity plan can be scheduled to run more than once. Select the Frequency
tab for this purpose. You can specify to repeat the execution of a plan in days,
months, at a specific date interval, or a time interval. When you specify to
execute an activity plan recursively, each time the plan is executed, an instance
of the plan is submitted for execution. The reference point from which the
recursion begins is the start not before time specified on the Execution Time
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Finally in the Plan Submission Parameters notebook you can define new
variables, change values previously assigned to variables, and specify the
targets for the plan to be submitted. From the Plan Properties notebook, select
the Variables tab for specifying a variable.
Monitoring the execution
You can use the Activity Plan Monitor to pause, resume, cancel, and restart
activity plans, activities, and targets for plug-ins that support this option, by
performing the following steps:
1. From the Activity Plan Monitor window (Figure 5-6), select an activity plan, a
target, or an activity.
2. Select either the Pause, Resume, Restart or Cancel option from the Selected
Figure 5-6 Monitoring the execution
The Activity Plan Monitor GUI will provide an overview of the status of each
activity of a submitted plan. This GUI will not provide any details about the MDist
2 distribution, such as a time spent chart or a distribution topology graph.
However, a button on the Activity Plan Monitor GUI will automatically launch the
MDist 2 GUI, showing the details for the activity that was selected in the Activity
Plan Monitor GUI below.
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Figure 5-7 Launching MDist 2 GUI from the Activity Plan Monitor GUI
Updating the status of an activity plan
You can set the Activity Plan Monitor to automatically update and display the
current status of all plans and activities, or have the Activity Plan Monitor update
upon request. The data displayed in the window is reloaded with the current data
in the activity plan database.
Deleting submitted activity plans
Using the Activity Plan Monitor, you can delete the status of a submitted plan, or
a specific instance of a recursive plan that has completed, from the list of activity
plans displayed in the main window of the Activity Plan Monitor.
Cleaning up the database
To eliminate plans from the activity plan database that have been submitted and
completed, you can use the Activity Plan Monitor to schedule a cleanup
operation. You can use the force option to eliminate plans in states other than
completed states. Cleanup operations can be scheduled to occur at any of the
following times:
One time only on a specific day and at a specific time
Particular days of the week
Particular days of the month
A date interval
A time interval
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
To define the plans you want to remove, you can specify any of the following
Plans with a particular status (canceled, failed, successful)
Days elapsed since plans completed
Days elapsed since plans started
Plans with a specific age
When all the cleanup parameters have been set, the Activity Plan Monitor relies
on the Tivoli Management Framework Scheduler to perform the cleanup.
5.1.6 Activity Planner commands
The CLI interface is a textual interface that you use to manage an activity plan in
the activity plan definition file format and manage the activities defined in the
activity plan. An activity plan definition file is a file in Extensible Markup
Language (XML) format. The XML file is made up of components called
elements. Tags are used to describe elements. A start tag marks the beginning
of an element, and an end tag marks the end of the element. Elements can
contain other elements. The element that contains all of the other elements is
known as the root element. The elements that are contained in the root element
are called subelements and they also may contain other subelements.
The activity plan definition file makes use of this structure to define activity plans.
The root element in this file begins with the <activity_plan> tag and ends with the
</activity_plan> tag. The information nested between these tags defines what
type of element it is. This information is called the element-type name. The
elements and subelements specified in the activity plan definition file define
information such as:
Activities to be performed
Time of execution of the plan
Plan recursion information
Target systems of a plan or activities
The commands used by the Activity Planner are categorized below.
The following commands are used to name the activity plans:
򐂰 wcntpln controls the execution of a specified activity plan or the activities
contained within it.
򐂰 wsubpln submits an activity plan to the Activity Planner engine for execution.
򐂰 wupdpln updates an activity plan that has been submitted, but has not yet
򐂰 wgenpln, after a failure, generates a new plan containing only the failed
activities for all failed nodes
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
The following commands are used to monitor activity plans:
򐂰 wdelstat removes the status of a submitted plan.
򐂰 wmonpln displays the status for all activities in an activity plan.
򐂰 wsfdpln sets filters to automatically remove completed activity plans from the
activity plan database.
The following commands manage the Activity Planner database:
򐂰 wapmfltr specifies one or more filters to be applied to plans, targets, or
򐂰 wdelpln removes an activity plan from the activity plan database.
򐂰 wexppln exports an activity plan stored in the activity plan database in the
activity plan definition file XML format.
򐂰 wimppln imports a specified activity plan in XML file format into the activity
plan database.
򐂰 wlstpln returns a list of the activity plans maintained in the activity plan
򐂰 wunlockpln displays a list of locked plans and unlocks plans currently locked.
5.2 Change Manager
The Change Manager component of Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 together
with Activity Planner supports software distribution management and change
management in a large network environment.
Change Manager works with Activity Planner to manage specified groups of
users, workstations, or devices as single subscriber entities.
The core concept of Change Manager is the reference model. A reference model
associates configuration elements with subscribers. Configuration elements
define hardware and software requirements. Subscribers can be users, groups of
users, or the workstations or devices they use. After defining a reference model,
an activity plan can be generated, including all the tasks needed to ensure that
the subscribers of the reference model will meet all the requirements of the
configuration elements.
Reference model structure
The Change Manager reference model structure, as shown in Figure 5-8 on
page 177, represents the relationships between the software and hardware
requirements of different categories of users in your organization. The reference
model is made up of component models organized in a hierarchical structure.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
The root level defines requirements that are common to all users, and the child
models define additional specific requirements that apply only to a particular
group of users.
Figure 5-8 Reference model structure
Configuration elements
Configuration elements are associated with each reference model and use the
concept of desired state to define the hardware and software requirements of
subscribers to the reference model. For each registered plug-in, a configuration
element is uniquely and completely identified by the name/desired state pair. The
configuration elements available depend on the set of plug-ins you have
registered. When you want to add a configuration element to a reference model,
you must specify the element’s name and the desired state. The only exception
to this is when you want to add an InventoryData element. InventoryData
elements do not require you to specify a desired state because this element only
checks for information and has no desired state to reach. Configuration elements
defined for models at the top of the hierarchy are inherited by those lower in the
hierarchy. The types of configuration elements are:
򐂰 Software Distribution elements: A Software Distribution (SWD) element
represents the Software Distribution element as defined in the Tivoli Software
Distribution environment. Change Manager retrieves the software package
current status from the Tivoli configuration database and produces the
actions necessary to reach the desired state.
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
򐂰 Inventory data elements: An Inventory data element verifies the reference
model against the Inventory database, for example, for hardware
requirements or sets of requirements. To create an Inventory element, you
define an expression that includes, for example, one or more hardware
characteristics, such as physical memory size, and software characteristics,
such as installed software.
򐂰 Inventory scan elements: An inventory scan element enables you to perform
software and hardware scans of subscriber machines. To create an inventory
scan element, you define a profile that includes one or more scan
A SWD element can be made conditional on a software dependency. A software
dependency is defined as one of the following:
򐂰 Prerequisite, where the changes required by the element are only made if the
dependency condition is true
򐂰 Exrequisite, where the changes required by the element are not made if the
dependency condition is true
򐂰 Corequisite, where the changes required by the element can only be made as
part of a sequence that includes the requirement defined in the dependency
Selecting subscribers
Configuration Manager provides multiple ways to select subscribers:
򐂰 Specifying a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file
򐂰 Specifying a Profile Manager
򐂰 Specifying individual targets
򐂰 Defining an SQL query on the Tivoli Inventory configuration database
򐂰 Enterprise Directory Query Facility: Selecting reference model subscribers
using a directory query
The subscribers to a reference model are the workstations, devices, and users
that you want to be configured to match the hardware and software requirements
defined for the model.
Figure 5-9 on page 179 shows how to select subscribers.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 5-9 Selecting subscribers
Differencing mechanism
Change Manager creates required actions by using a differencing mechanism
(Figure 5-10 on page 180) that compares the current state of each element on
the specified subscribers with the desired states defined in the reference model.
The Change Manager differencing mechanism produces the actions necessary
to arrive at the desired state for each element on each target assigned to it, in the
form of an activity plan. The activity plan contains a list of actions necessary to
attain the desired state and is submitted to the Activity Planner or imported to the
Activity Planner database for scheduling.
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Reference Model
Activity Planner
Figure 5-10 Differencing mechanism
Change Manager includes two functions that use a differencing mechanism to
produce a list of the actions required to bring subscribers to the desired state
defined in a reference model. These functions are Preview Activity Plan and
Submit Activity Plan.
When you preview or submit an activity plan, the differencing mechanism creates
an activity plan listing all the actions requested to move the configuration
elements to their desired state. The Preview function simply displays the activity
plan in a window so you can preview the changes that are going to take place.
The Submit function allows you to set other Activity Plan Manager (APM) specific
parameters before it submits the plan to APM for processing.
By default Change Manager synchronizes a reference model to create the
associated activity plan by considering all the configuration elements specified in
the model and creating the actions related to those elements. However, the full
synchronization feature allows you to perform a further step in the
synchronization process.
In general, Change Manager synchronization creates the requested actions
related to the listed elements as in the default behavior. When it does this, it also
creates a new set of actions related to all the elements already present on the
selected subscribers though not listed in the current reference model, in order to
revert the state of such elements.
In the case of Software Distribution elements, reverting means to uninstall, or to
remove the software element, or package, from the target machine. This does
not necessarily mean that such actions will all involve actual remove actions. The
required action will depend on the actual state of the package on the target
machine. Thus, for a Software Distribution element, when you select the full
synchronization option, Change Manager creates a set of actions to remove from
the subscribers all the software packages not listed in the reference model being
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
5.2.1 Sample Change Manager scenario
One very useful feature of Change Manager is to be able to create a reference
model from a target. Let us walk through this scenario:
1. Launch the Change Manager GUI from the Tivoli Desktop. You can also use
wccmgui command to start the Change Manager graphical user interface from
the CLI.
2. From the Edit menu, select Create reference model from target
(Figure 5-11).
Figure 5-11 Creating reference model from target
3. The Properties dialog box is displayed (Figure 4). On the Properties dialog
box, the availability of the Hardware and Software check boxes and their
associated configuration elements depends on the plug-ins you have
4. In the Name text box, enter the name you want to give the new reference
model. Optionally, you can also enter version and description information in
the Version and Description text boxes.
5. If the new model is to be a new root model, select the Create new root check
6. In the Target name field, enter the name of the target from which you are
creating the new reference model.
7. Use the radio buttons below the Target name field to specify the appropriate
target type. If you selected the endpoint subscriber type, you can browse the
endpoints. If you selected the device type, the navigator is disabled since it is
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
not possible to navigate the individual device instances. If you selected the
user type, the navigator displays the association between a user and the
related endpoint.
8. Select the Hardware check box if you want the new model to perform checks
on the selected hardware configuration elements from the target. If you select
this check box, you must also select the specific hardware elements you want
9. Select the Software check box if you want the new model to include all the
target's software configuration elements.
10.Click OK. Change Manager creates the new reference model with the name
you specified in the Name field.
Figure 5-12 Creating reference model from target
11.When you have finished building the reference model, you can export it to an
XML file format. In this format, you can read the file and edit it in any standard
text or XML editor and reimport the file to Change Manager.
To export a reference model to xml format, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the main Change Manager window (Figure 5-11 on page 181), and
from the File menu select Export. The Export settings dialog box appears, as
shown below.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 5-13 Exporting a reference model
2. In the Reference model definition file (XML) field, enter the name you want to
give the XML file.
3. Select the Include inherited elements check box if you want to export
elements the model inherited from the parent model. Select the Export
single reference model check box if you want to export only the selected
reference model itself and no child models. These check boxes are optional,
so you can select one, both, or neither. If you select neither check box, the
model is exported with its child models, and without elements inherited from
the parent model.
4. Click OK. The reference model is exported in XML format to the specified file.
Next you need to select the subscribers for your reference model.
Modifying reference models
After you have created and saved a reference model, you can make changes to
it to reflect new requirements. For example, once a reference model has been
used to generate the actions required to bring subscribers to a required state,
you can change the requirements by adding or modifying configuration elements.
Note: When using the Change Manager, if you remove the parent reference
model, children reference models are automatically removed.
5.3 Enterprise Directory integration
Enterprise Directory Services enable a Tivoli administrator to access information
stored in an directory server, for example, a Windows 2000 Active Directory
server. The information in the directory server can be used to select specific
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
targets for Activity Plan Monitor activities or subscribers for Change Manager
reference models.
The information in the directory server is retrieved using the Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The LDAP protocol uses TCP/IP and is
optimized for read performance.
Currently, Directory Query Services support the following three directory servers:
򐂰 Windows 2000 Active Directory
򐂰 Novell Directory Server for NetWare Version 6
򐂰 IBM SecureWay Directory Server Version 4.1
The Tivoli Resource Manager component is used to retrieve information about
the users and the associated endpoints from the LDAP server. After the
installation of the Tivoli Resource Manager, the directory schema scripts are
available on the TMR server to be copied and executed on the LDAP server.
Once these scripts are run on the LDAP server, the Enterprise Directory schema
is changed to accept Tivoli attributes, such as:
򐂰 tmeObjectId
򐂰 tmeObjectLabel
򐂰 tmeTrmId
Also, After a successful installation of the Tivoli Enterprise Directory Query on
the TMR server, three new resources are created. They are:
򐂰 QueryUserInfo
򐂰 QueryDirectory
򐂰 QueryDirectoryLibrary
Users are associated with endpoints in a one-to-one relationship and the
mapping is stored in the LDAP server. Resource Manager enables you to view
the association between a user and an endpoint.
Tivoli Resource Manager enables you to distribute software packages, using
Software Distribution, to the endpoints that are associated with users by
distributing the profile to a Resource Group of users. Similarly, you can distribute
an Inventory profile to a Resource Group of users to scan the endpoints
associated with the users.
After the Directory Query Services product has been installed on the Tivoli
management region server, the directory server schema has to be modified. This
has to be done manually on the directory server.
Note: The directory server requires no specific Tivoli software; it does not
have to be a managed node or Tivoli endpoint.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
The directory schema has to be modified using the ldifde command (which is
available on the directory server) and an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF)
file. The LDIF template file is provided on the Tivoli management region server in
$BINDIR/TAS/QueryDir/SCRIPTS. The template file has to be edited, and the
correct directory context has to be provided.
After running the ldifde command on the directory server, the Enterprise
Directory schema is changed to accept three new attributes: tmeObjectId,
tmeObjectLabel, and tmeTrmId. These attributes will be used to link directory
users to Tivoli endpoints (tmeObjectId and tmeObjectLabel) or Tivoli Resource
Manager devices (tmeTrmId).
5.3.1 Exchanging data with a directory server
In order to exchange data with a directory server, a DirectoryContext object
should be used. A DirectoryContext object is comparable to a RIM object. The
DirectoryContext object contains the settings needed to access the directory
server, just like a RIM object contains the settings to connect to an RDBMS.
Connections to the directory server are always initiated from the directory server
(RIM can use different RIM hosts). The installation of the Directory Query Facility
creates one default DirectoryContext object named directory. Other
DirectoryContext objects can be created later; these can be used to access
different directory servers.
Note that the Tivoli Resource Manager uses the directory DirectoryContext
object hardcoded (this setting cannot be changed).
5.3.2 Manipulating DirectoryContext objects
DirectoryContext objects are managed using the command line interface; no GUI
is available to create, configure, or remove DirectoryContext objects.
The wcrtdirctx command is used to create a directory query context.
The syntax is:
wcrtdirctx [-i] -s server -u user -c naming_context [-f provider] [-p port] [-P
ssl_port] [-S y|n] [-k keystore_path] directory_context_name
򐂰 i input
Specifies that the password must be read from standard input.
򐂰 s server
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Specifies the server.
򐂰 u user
Specifies the directory server administrator or a user with equivalent
򐂰 c naming_context
Specifies the naming context to use for the search.
򐂰 f provider
Specifies the java class name that identifies the directory access protocol.
The default is "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory".
򐂰 p port
Specifies a server port for a non-secure connection. If not specified, the
default value 389 is used.
򐂰 P ssl_port
Specifies a server port for a secure (SSL) connection. If not specified, the
default value 636 is used.
򐂰 S y|n
Enables the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) between the directory server and
the Tivoli region. Y specifies enable, n specifies do not enable. If not
specified, SSL is disabled.
򐂰 k keystore_path
Specifies the path of the keystore containing the certificates used during an
SSL connection. If you specify this option you must also specify the
keystore_path password.
򐂰 dirquery_context_name
Specifies the name of the new directory query context.
For example, to create a directory query context named firea3ctx for a
connection to a Novell server directory:
wcrtdirctx -s armando.enterprise.com -u cn=admin,o=context1 -c o=context1 -p
389 novellctx
In this example port 389 is the TCP port for LDAP service. cn= and dc= is
standard syntax for LDAP queries. o=context1 is the Novell directory context for
users of the Novell Directory domain.
After the DirectoryContext object has been correctly configured, the wmanagedir
command can be used to update the information of the Enterprise Directory. This
command is used to link Tivoli endpoints to directory users. An endpoint can only
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
be linked to one user, and a user can only be linked to one endpoint (one-to-one
The purpose of linking endpoints to users is to be able to retrieve Tivoli endpoints
from the Enterprise Directory, based on information contained in the Enterprise
Directory. This is done using directory queries, for example, a directory query
that selects all endpoints of users in the marketing department.
For more information on wmanagedir and other Enterprise Directory integration
commands refer to IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: User's Guide for
Deployment Services, SC23-4710.
5.3.3 Directory query libraries and query directories
Directory query libraries and query directories are similar to Inventory query
libraries and queries. A directory query library is a collection of directory queries.
A query directory enables you to find information about users or endpoints
defined in the Enterprise Directory.
Query directories can be used to retrieve any available “data” from the Enterprise
Directory or they can be used to select “subscribers.” The subscribers queries
can be used to specify the targets for an Activity Plan Monitor activity or to select
the subscribers for a Change Manager reference model.
Before you can create a query directory, you must create a directory query
library. A directory query library is used to group similar query directories.
Directory query libraries can be created from the GUI or by using the
wcrtdirquerylib command as shown in Figure 5-17 on page 191. Directory
query libraries are created within a policy region, and the administrator creating
the library requires the super or the senior authorization role on the policy region.
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
CLI: wcrtdirquerylib
Figure 5-14 Creating a directory query library
After creating the directory query library, a Directory Query can be created from
the GUI or by using the wcrtdirquery command (authorization role admin,
senior, or super). See Figure 5-15.
Figure 5-15 Creating a directory query
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Note: The scope scrolling list in Figure 5-15 on page 188 specifies the point in
the directory tree hierarchy at which you begin the search. Possible values
򐂰 object
The search if performed only on the specified object
򐂰 one level
The search if performed on one level of the tree
򐂰 subtree
The search if performed on the specified tree and on all the descendent
Unlike Inventory queries, query directories cannot be used to set the subscribers
of a profile manager or to select the targets for a Tivoli profile distribution
(software package profile, Inventory profile, Monitoring profile, and so on). Query
directories can only be used to select the targets of an Activity Plan Monitor
activity or to select the subscribers of a Change Manager reference model. If you
want to create a “subscriber” Directory Query, you should at least specify the
tmeObjectId and the tmeObjectLabel.
Integration with the Activity Planner
Figure 5-16 on page 190 shows an example of using a query directory to select
the targets of an Activity Planner activity.
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Query is executed when plan is
submitted or when activity is submitted.
Figure 5-16 Integration with the Activity Planner
When selecting the query directory, the user can specify when the query should
be executed:
򐂰 When the plan is submitted
򐂰 When the activity is started
For testing purposes, the query can be executed using the Get result button. It is
important to note that you should always select the “tmeObjectLabel” in the
attributes section. The attribute you select is the actual data that will be passed to
the activity for determining the targets.
Integration with the Change Manager
Figure 5-17 on page 191 shows the usage of a directory query to select the
subscribers of a Change Manager reference model. With Change Manager, you
have the possibility to include or exclude the targets selected by the query
directory. This option is not available with Activity Planner.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Directory query is executed when the
reference model is synchronized.
Figure 5-17 Integration with the Change Manager
5.4 Resource Manager and pervasive devices
Resource Manager, a service that runs on the Tivoli server, extends the Tivoli
Management Framework to manage various types of resources. Resource
Manager adds a fourth tier of resources to the three-tier Tivoli architecture of
Tivoli server, gateway, and endpoint. Resources can be pervasive devices or
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Figure 5-18 Pervasive Devices Integrated in a Tivoli Environment
Resource Manager enables you to manage resources in your Tivoli environment.
Resources can be users and pervasive devices, such as Palm devices, Nokia
9200 Communicator series devices, and Windows CE devices. You can keep
track of devices in your environment and customize their settings from a central
location. You can also distribute software to and scan inventory of pervasive
devices and the endpoints associated with users.
Resource Manager, which is installed on the Tivoli server, maintains a master
database of the pervasive devices that are managed by the resource gateways.
Resource gateways are endpoints that have applications that extend the Tivoli
endpoint to manage pervasive devices. In Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2.1,
the only supported resource gateway is Web Gateway. Gateways that have the
Resource Manager gateway component installed connect the Tivoli server with
the resource gateways. Each resource gateway maintains an independent Web
Gateway database. Resource Manager notifies the Web Gateway databases of
any changes to the master database and vice versa.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
For example, when you create or delete a device in the Resource Manager
database, Resource Manager notifies the Web Gateway database on the
endpoint managing the device to update its database. When a new device
connects, it is automatically enrolled and Web Gateway notifies Resource
Manager to update its database.
Note: As a resource type, the Pervasive_Device resource type is used for
pervasive devices.
5.4.1 Choosing where to install the Resource Manager components
On the Tivoli management region server install the Resource Manager
component. On managed nodes, install the Resource Manager Gateway
component. Install the Resource Manager Gateway component on any gateway
that communicates with endpoints where the Web Gateway component is
installed. This component relies on a RIM object and relies on configured
tablespace in the trm repository. The Resource Manager component is also used
to manage the users defined in an LDAP server.
5.4.2 Web Gateway installation
This installation program installs:
򐂰 The Web Gateway components (database and server) to perform device
򐂰 The Web Interface components (the interface and component plug-ins) to
perform configuration management operations from a Web browser
򐂰 Did you create the dmsadmin and dmsuser system accounts on this
computer system?
– Yes
– No
If you selected No, you must create these system accounts in order to properly
install Web Gateway.
5.4.3 Web objects
The Configuration Manager Web Interface allows Web users to perform
operations using Web objects. Web objects can be:
򐂰 Software packages
򐂰 Inventory profiles
򐂰 Reference models
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Before a Web object can be used, it has to be published. This process grants
access rights to those users who want to access the object, and copies it to a
server from where it can be accessed by means of the Web.
To publish and unpublish Web objects use the wweb command (there is no GUI
equivalent, so this must be from a CLI). This command allows you to give access
to a specified Web object to one user, several users, a list of users, or to grant
unrestricted access to all users.
The Tivoli Web Gateway component maintains a list of enrolled devices.
Scalable Collection Service is used to return notification of resource
management operations.
5.4.4 Registering the resource types
To register the resource types with which you will work, run a script to start each
type. These scripts are installed in the directory $BINDIR\TRM, when you install
Resource Manager.
򐂰 RegisterUser.sh
To start the User resource type. You must have Enterprise Directory Query
Facility installed before you run this script.
򐂰 RegisterPervasive.sh
To start the Pervasive resource type.
5.4.5 Associating endpoints with the resource gateway
You need to associate only endpoints that are resource gateways and that have
devices connected to them. To associate endpoints with the resource gateway,
use the wresgw add command. For example, to associate a resource gateway of
the type Web Gateway with the endpoint rvargas, enter the following:
wresgw add rvargas -C TWG
To manage resource gateways from any managed node in interconnected
regions, you must run the wresgw add command from each region.
5.4.6 Enrolling pervasive devices
When you connect a device to a PC, it is registered in the Web Gateway
database. With automatic enrollment, these resources are automatically
registered in the Resource Manager database. Devices must be registered in the
Resource Manager database (enrolled or created) to enable them to be
managed in the Tivoli environment.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
5.4.7 Installing and configuring devices for resource manager
You will find instructions for installing and configuring devices to work with Web
Gateway and Resource Manager.
Installing the device agent for Nokia 9200 Communicator
The Nokia 9200 Communicator series devices include the Nokia 9210
Communicator, the Nokia 9210i Communicator, and the Nokia 9290
Web Gateway supplies a device agent and plug-in for the Nokia 9200
Communicator series devices. The plug-in resides on the Web Gateway server.
The device agent resides on a host PC. For management tasks, a Nokia 9200
Communicator series device is connected to a host PC through a serial or
infrared connection.
For a Nokia 9200 Communicator series device, Nokia supplies a management
application called PC Suite. This application is installed on the host PC. Some
synchronization tasks you can do with the PC Suite application are the following:
򐂰 Share data between the host PC and the device.
򐂰 Back up files from the device to the host PC.
򐂰 Copy and move files between the host PC and the device Nokia also supplies
as an add-on application to PC Suite called Administrator Suite.
Administrator Suite provides the following:
򐂰 A programming interface used by the device agent.
򐂰 A graphical user interface to set values for configuration parameters for a
Nokia 9200 Communicator series device. The values are saved in XML
format in a configuration file on the host PC. The configuration file can be sent
to Nokia 9200 Communicator series devices as a software distribution job
with Web Gateway or sent directly from PC Suite.
5.4.8 Installing the device agent for Windows CE devices
Windows CE devices are those devices that use the Microsoft Windows CE for
the Handheld PC Professional Edition, Version 3 operating system. These
include handheld PC, pocket-type, or sub-notebook devices for sales and service
personnel, mobile business professionals, and other field personnel who need
access to their network or the Internet
Such devices require the plug-in for Windows CE and device agent for Windows
CE. The plug-in and device agent perform system management tasks and
communicate with each other by using HTTP.
Chapter 5. Deployment Services
Communicating with the host PC
To establish communications between your Windows CE device and the host
PC, you must install Windows CE Services with ActiveSync on the host PC.
Once Windows CE Services is installed on the host PC, you are prompted to
create a partnership with your Windows CE device using a serial cable
5.4.9 The user ID of palm devices
The ROM serial number of Palm devices is used as the user ID for the device.
However, if the ROM does not have a serial number, then the user name of the
device is used as the user ID. If you change the user ID on devices without a
serial number, the device appears to be a new device and requires enrollment.
5.4.10 Inventory scans on pervasive devices
When you want to do an inventory scan on pervasive devices, the global
properties options do not apply to scans of pervasive devices, and also scan
differences cannot be obtained for pervasive devices. On the other hand,
hardware, software, and configuration information may be obtained.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Chapter 6.
Multicast concepts and
This chapter discusses various concepts and implementation methodology for
the new multicast feature with Tivoli Management Framework 4.1.
In early IP networks, a packet could be sent to either a single device (unicast) or
to all devices (broadcast). A single transmission destined for a group of devices
was not possible. However, during the past few years a new set of applications
has emerged. These applications use multicast transmissions to enable efficient
communication between groups of devices. Data is transmitted to a single
multicast IP address and received by any device that needs to obtain the
transmission. This chapter describes how multicast functionality will be
incorporated into MDist2, the Tivoli Management Framework’s bulk data
distribution service, and in what network environments it will be useful.
The performance potential of using multicast for bulk data transfer is extremely
appealing. Today, using one-to-one TCP connections, MDist2 must resend a
distribution’s data to every target. This means that distribution times scale
linearly with the number of targets. Distributing to a hundred endpoints will take
one hundred times longer than distributing to a single endpoint.
By using UDP broadcast packets, multicast allows multiple targets to read the
same data stream. A multicast server only sends the data once, regardless of the
number of receivers. For example, MDist2 distributing a large application of 100
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004. All rights reserved.
Mbytes to 100 endpoints would take about 5.6 hours (assuming the default
bandwidth of 500 Kbytes/sec). Using multicast, this same distribution could be
done in less than 3.5 minutes.
Not only is the distribution time decreased, but network traffic is also decreased
by the same ratio. This is useful for customers sending data to multiple targets
over satellite, on slow network links, or wanting to conserve bandwidth.
This chapter discusses the following topics related to multicast:
Reliable multicast protocol
Hyper Delivery (RMTP) flow
Distributed depot service
Endpoint multicast receivers
Multicast scenarios
Multicast limitations
Troubleshooting multicast
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
6.1 Reliable multicast protocol
Raw multicast uses UDP packets, which can be lost if the network or a receiver
is busy. If multicast is being used for audio or video streaming, an occasional
dropped packet is normally acceptable. However, for file transfer, the data must
arrive undisturbed to every target. To make multicast reliable, the server must
rebroadcast every packet not received by a client.
The Tivoli multicast solution uses the Hyper Delivery, which adopts Reliable
Multicast Transport Protocol (RMTP) Version 2 as the base for its reliable
multicast protocol.The IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory and Nippon Telegraph
and Telephone Corporation (NTT) developed RMTP through joint research.
RMTP clients keep track of which packets they have received. When all of the
bulk data has been received, each client sends the server its list of dropped
packets. The server receives this list from every target, takes the union of
dropped packets, and sends them again.
Figure 6-1 Multicast and the network
The overhead incurred for reliability causes distribution times to depend on the
number of receivers. However, if the number of dropped packets is small, the
overhead is only a fractional increase of the distribution time per receiver.
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
Multicast packets are targeted at a multicast group, which is a combination of an
IP address and port number. Multicast uses the class D IP addresses in the
range of to To receive multicast data, a receiver
must join the multicast group. During the join process the receiver’s router or
switch is contacted and told to forward multicast traffic for that group. Users
wishing to use multicast must have their network hardware (routers and
switches) multicast enabled. Tivoli Management Framework uses the registered
multicast address (tivoli-systems.mcast.net) to listen for the multicast
The headers of UDP datagrams carrying multicast traffic contain a time to live
(TTL) setting. The TTL setting is the number of routers that will forward the
packet before it is discarded. In other words, TTL is a mechanism for determining
the scope of a transmission. Unlike a unicast address, a multicast address can
extend through the entire network. The value contained in this field is
decremented at each hop.
6.2 Hyper Delivery (RMTP) flow
Here is a brief synopsis of how the communication takes place between the
multicast sender and multicast receiver. In our case the sender is the managed
node repeater or the gateway repeater, and the receiver could be the TMA or any
type of repeater. Figure 6-2 on page 201 shows the Hyper Delivery
communication flow between the sender and receiver. On the left is the multicast
sender and on the right is the multicast receiver.
We have also listed some of the multicast parameters along with the flow.
Complete multicast parameters are discussed later in “Configuring repeaters for
multicast” on page 205.
1. Receiver: RMTPOpenReceiver() is the first API called in the receiver
programs. This is run when the receiver is started. Subsequent API calls will
use the connection identifier, which is assigned by this API.
2. Receiver: RMTPConnectReceiver() waits for a connection request (CONN
packet) from a sender.
3. Sender: RMTPOpenSender() is the first API called in the sender programs.
Subsequent API calls will use the connection identifier, which is assigned by
this API. This is run when a distribution is sent.
Note: The above function names, like RMTPOpenReceiver and rest of the
API calls, are not Tivoli methods and they do not show up in odstat. These
are just programming calls, and are shown here for simplicity of data flow
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 6-2 Hyper Delivery handshake
4. Sender: RMTPConnectSender() requests a connection to the receivers by
sending a CONN packet.
Depending on the value of the repeat parameter, the sender will send multiple
copies of each control message. The default is 2.
The sender will resend the CONN request to retry the receivers depending on
two parameters, connrtry and connwtout, but each resend is driven by
multiple sends decided by a repeat value.
Connrty specifies the number of times that a multicast sender will rebroadcast
the connection message to the receivers. The default is set to 5.
Connwtout specifies how long the sender waits before retry. The default is 2
seconds (2000 milliseconds).
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
So, a sender will resend CONN requests every connwtout ms. It will do this
connrty times or until it hears from all the receivers. The sender repeats this
same pattern for CONN (connrtry/connwtout), POLL (pollrtry/dtwtout), and
RELEASE (relrtry/relwtout).
5. Receiver: On receiving a connection request, it calls RMTPAcceptConnection
(). RMTPAcceptConnection () sends a CACK using the source address
parameter (specified by returnIP on the sending gateway) to support an
alternate reply path to the sender. For example, the sender's IP address of
the terrestrial uplink may be different from the one of the downlink for a
one-way satellite network.
6. Sender: On receiving the CACK, sender will now start sending data. The data
to be transmitted is divided into messages that are messagesize bytes long,
except in the case of the last message, which may be smaller than this. Each
message is divided into blocks, which are defined by blocksize. Confirmation
of receipt (sender POLL, receiver ACK/NACK) and retransmission (if
necessary) is done after sending each message. The default message size is
90 Mbytes.
7. Sender: After sending all blocks in a message, the sender polls receivers and
waits for a response from each receiver. The response is either ACK
(received all blocks) or NACK (requesting missing blocks).
8. If the sender has not received ACK/NACK from all receivers before the
timeout specified by dtwtout (default is 3000 milliseconds), it again polls
receivers from which no response was received, if any. The polling is
repeated for up to pollrtry (default is 5) times. Receivers that still have not
responded will be ignored thereafter.
9. Sender: If the sender has received NACK(s), another transmission of data
blocks occurs in the same way as the initial data transfer, but only missing
blocks are transmitted again. The number of transmissions is up to dtrtry
(default is 10), including the initial one.
10.Sender: After the sender has successfully sent all of the messages, or has
reached dtrtry, the sender requests connection release to receivers that
responded with ACK. The timeout value to wait for a response (RACK) is
relwtout (default 2000 milliseconds) and the number of retries is up to relrtry
(default is 5) including the initial one.
11.If there are multiple messages, the transmission sequence above is repeated
for each message.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
6.3 Distributed depot service
On managed nodes, the depot server, a new TMF service, will send and receive
multicast. The depot server is capable of reading and writing to the existing
MDist2 depot.
Figure 6-3 shows the depot server.
Gateway /
Depot Server
MDist 2
Managed Node
Figure 6-3 Depot server
The depot server is divided into various components:
򐂰 Multicast Sender: We are using the Hyper Delivery reliable multicast transport
protocol (RMTP) developed by IBM Japan for sending bulk data. The sender
can broadcast to other depot servers or directly to endpoints.
򐂰 Multicast Receiver: Allows the depot server to receive broadcasts from other
depot servers.
򐂰 MDIST2 Depot: Local storage of bulk data. It can read and write from an
MDist2 repeater depot. Location is decided by the rpt_dir value on the
The depot server is enabled on the managed node, which is a repeater, using:
wmdist -s repeater_name repeater_multicast=TRUE
This configures a managed node repeater to send multicast data. This command
also works for gateway repeaters, which you will need if you want to use
multicast to load a gateway’s depot.
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
The gateway repeater is multicast enabled running (explained in more detail in
6.4, “Endpoint multicast receivers” on page 208):
wmdist -s repeater_name endpoint_multicast=TRUE
This is for the gateway to send multicast to endpoints. If you want it to receive
multicast, then you need to do the previous repeater_multicast configuration.
Note: In order to use multicast, you must install Java 1.3 for Tivoli and Tivoli
Java Client Framework 4.1 on the managed node/gateway.
Once enabled, the depot server will be started at boot time and remain running.
There are two more options with wmdist regarding multicast, which are explained
in “Configuring repeaters for multicast” on page 205.
In a typical business scenario there may be many branch offices distributed
around the country, or the world. If the IT department in the company’s
headquarters needs to distribute software to each branch office, multicast can be
employed to keep the distribution time to a minimum.
If each branch office has a managed node in it, the source host (the Tivoli Server
in the headquarters building that initiates the distribution) can multicast the
distribution by way of a high-speed link (for example, a satellite link) to MDist2
depots on managed nodes at each branch office.
As with unicast, managed nodes that multicast to endpoints must be configured
as gateways. The depot services running on the gateway in each branch office
listen for multicast broadcasts. When a multicast broadcast is received by a
depot service, the service writes the distribution to an existing MDist2 depot on
the gateway. Once the data is in the MDist2 depot, it can be multicast or unicast
to all of its endpoints over the LAN in the branch office. The depot service sends
a multicast message, a UDP broadcast, to advertise the distribution. The
advertisement contains a description of the data being sent and the endpoints
that should receive it. Multicast receivers listen for these advertisements to
determine which distributions they should receive.
Each distribution requires a separate distribution process; you cannot load
MDist2 depots and deliver to endpoints in a single step. The first distribution
sends the package from the source host to the gateways (or repeaters). The
second distribution sends the package from the gateway to one or more
endpoints (or in the case of a repeater, to another gateway). If an MDist2 depot is
not functioning when the distribution is sent to it, there is currently no provision to
retry the multicast distribution. Instead, retries can be manually performed using
a unicast distribution to the endpoints that did not receive the original multicast
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
6.3.1 Configuring repeaters for multicast
Configuring a repeater for multicast involves the wmcast and wmdist commands.
Use the wmdist command to enable the repeater for multicast distribution. Use
the wmcast command to set the configuration parameters for multicast
For complete details on the commands and keywords used throughout this
section, refer to the Tivoli Management Framework Reference Manual.
To enable a repeater for multicast, use the wmdist -s command with the
following keywords:
Whether the repeater sends distributions to other
repeaters using multicast. The default is FALSE.
endpoint_multicast Whether the repeater sends distributions to endpoints
using multicast. The default is FALSE.
Back-level applications that use MDist2 but do not have
the multicast distribution option built in can take
advantage of multicast if this parameter is set to TRUE.
This will cause that application to send all distributions
from the specified repeater using multicast first. If the
distribution fails then it will attempt to do unicast
depending on the fail_unavailable settings.
When set to TRUE, repeater will not attempt a unicast
retry for endpoints that failed to receive multicast. The
default is False. This option is hidden and does not show
up. This parameter is also for back-level applications and
only relevant to gateway repeaters.
The wmcast command sets repeater properties for MDist2 multicast distributions.
The defaults provided are designed for use in most LAN environments. However,
if a repeater sends multicast over both fast and slow links, configure multicast
repeater settings for the slowest link.
wmcast –s repeater_name [keyword=value...]
The settings are:
򐂰 backofftm=time_in_milliseconds
Specifies the back-off time in milliseconds. When receivers acknowledge
receipt of a multicast advertisement, the receiver waits for a random time
interval between 0 ms and the number of ms specified by this keyword before
responding to the sender. This reduces congestion. As you add more
receivers, this number might need to be increased to improve performance.
The default is 100.
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
򐂰 blocksize=size_in_bytes
Specifies the size of the block, in bytes, that the sender uses when writing
data to the network. The size specified must be less than 65535 bytes. The
default is 1460 bytes, which is the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for
Ethernet transmissions.
򐂰 connrtry=retry_count
Specifies the number of times that a multicast sender will rebroadcast the
connection message to the receivers. The default is 5.
򐂰 connwtout=milliseconds
Specifies the time, in milliseconds, that a multicast sender waits for receivers
to accept a connection. The default is 2000.
򐂰 dtrtry=retry_count
Specifies the number of times that a multicast sender will resend dropped
packets to receivers. The default is 10.
򐂰 dtwtout=time_in_milliseconds
Specifies the time, in milliseconds, that a receiver will wait before timing out if
the data transmission is interrupted. The default is 3000.
򐂰 ifrcvaddr=address...
Specifies a list of IP addresses that the receivers use when listening for
multicast packets. Separate multiple addresses with semicolons (;) and
enclosed in double quotation marks (“...”). The default is
򐂰 ifsrcaddr=address
Specifies the IP address of the source host interface that is used to send
multicast packets. The default is
򐂰 mcadvert=address
Specifies the address for multicast messages. If you set mcadvert to
something other than the default, the endpoints must log out and relog in or
disable and enable to listen to the other address for multicast advertisements.
The default is, which is the IANA-registered address for Tivoli
򐂰 mchigh=highest_address
Specifies the highest address to be used to send multicast data. When the
server is ready to send multicast data, the server selects an address between
mclow and mchigh to find an address that is available for multicast data
traffic. If the first address checked is being used for sending multicast data,
the address is incremented and the next address is monitored for activity.
This continues until an available address or mchigh is reached. The default is
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
򐂰 mclow=lowest_address
Specifies the lowest address to be used to send multicast data. When the
server is ready to send multicast data, the server selects an address between
mclow and mchigh to find an address that is available for multicast data
traffic. If the first address checked is being used for sending multicast data,
the address is incremented and the next address is monitored for activity.
This continues until an available address or mchigh is reached. The default is
򐂰 mc_netload=bytes_per_second
Specifies the speed, in bytes per second, that the repeater will send multicast
distributions. The default is 500000.
򐂰 mc_debug_level=trace_level
Specifies the trace level.
0: Records no trace information
1: Records exceptions only
2: Records general trace information
3: Records all implemented tracing
Trace levels are incremental. The trace logs are written locally on each
repeater to $DBDIR \mcast.log. The default is 1.
򐂰 pollrtry=retry_count
Specifies the maximum number of times that a multicast receiver will poll
receivers to determine their final status. The default is 5.
򐂰 port=port_number
Specifies the port number to use for multicast advertisements and multicast
data. The default is 9499.
򐂰 rcvbufsz=size_in_bytes
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the receive buffer of the UDP socket. The
default is 250,000.
򐂰 relrty=retry_count
Specifies the number of times that a multicast receiver will broadcast the
connection-release message to receivers. The default is 5.
򐂰 relwtout=time_in_milliseconds
Specifies the time, in milliseconds, that the sender will wait for the receiver to
release the connection after all data is transmitted. The default is 2000.
򐂰 repeat=count
Specifies the number of times that the server sends the same control packets.
This can be increased if packet drop affects performance. The default is 2.
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
򐂰 returnIP=address
Specifies the IP address of the server that the receivers communicate with. In
satellite configurations, for example, the server-to-receiver traffic is a satellite
link, and the receiver-to-server traffic is generally a telephone line; the return
IP address will be different from the IP address of the source. The default is
򐂰 sndbufsz=size_in_bytes
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the send buffer of the UDP socket. The default
is 250,000.
򐂰 ttl=count
Specifies the time-to-live integer. The integer indicates the number of times a
packet can be forwarded by routers. When a packet is passed through a
router, this integer is decremented; when it reaches zero, the packet is
dropped. Specify a number larger than the number of routers between the
multicast sender and receiver. The default is 5.
6.4 Endpoint multicast receivers
Enabling multicast on a gateway will cause a new multicast client to run on every
endpoint that belongs to the gateway. The multicast client will be started as an
endpoint boot method when the LCFD logs into the gateway. The multicast client
will run continually, listening for multicast distributions. If a gateway login fails (for
example, the machine is disconnected from the network), the client will not be
started. When a gateway is first configured for multicast, you will be given the
option to start the endpoints for multicast. If the endpoints are not enabled for
multicast they will not start until the next time the endpoints log into the gateway.
To enable multicast receivers on the endpoints one must issue the following
command, which will enable the gateway repeater for multicast and also the
wmdist -s repeater_name endpoint_multicast=TRUE
When this command is run the first time, it will ask you whether you would like to
start the multicast receivers on all the endpoints connected to this gateway.
When a multicast distribution occurs, the depot server sends a multicast
message advertising the distribution. The advertisement will contain a
description of the data being sent and the endpoints that should receive it.
Clients listen for these advertisements to determine which distributions they
should receive.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Figure 6-4 Endpoint multicast receivers
The multicast client stores the entire distribution in a local file on the endpoint.
This means that the endpoint should have enough free disk space to store the
distribution twice—once for the data cached in the local file and once for the data
as it is being installed.
The transfer of bulk data occurs before any downcalls are performed. Eliminating
downcalls before the transfer of data will improve performance.
For this release, the data transfer is also done without the participation of the
application. This means that neither the application nor the user has the ability to
refuse the transfer of data. Later, when the application is run, it still has the
option of not installing the data. The only negative impact is that disk space may
be consumed temporarily.
Checkpoint restart does not occur for multicast distributions. The depot server
always sends the entire distribution.
Endpoints marked as mobile will not receive multicast distributions unless the
distribution is hidden or the mandatory date has passed. Mobile users will
continue to use the mobile GUI and receive distributions through unicast
After the bulk data has been moved to endpoints through multicast, the repeater
will invoke the application's endpoint method. Instead of receiving data from the
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
gateway, the MDist2 endpoint library will read data from the local file. The local
file will be deleted when all of the data has been read. Results will be returned as
in a normal MDist2 distribution.
The download of application method binaries will still occur through unicast
Retries for endpoints that fail to receive a multicast distribution will use the
normal MDist2 unicast retry mechanisms of retrying every X minutes for Y
minutes (default is every 15 minutes for an hour) or when the agent logs into the
6.4.1 Configuring endpoint to receive multicast
By default, all endpoints can receive multicast distributions. The settings that an
endpoint uses for receiving multicast distributions are stored in the last.cfg file of
an endpoint.
These settings can be modified using the wep set_config command with the
following keywords:
This is a new parameter for multicast depot; the directory
where multicast distributions are stored until they are
installed. The default is $LCF_DATDIR/depot. For
example, to set the multicast temporary depot location to
/tmp on a UNIX endpoint called test, run the following
command: wep test set_config depot_dir=/tmp
The level of detail written to trace files for the endpoint.
The default is 1. Multicast log is integrated into the lcfd
log; by changing the log_threshold we also change the
logging level for mcast.
For details about the wep command, refer to the Tivoli Management Framework
Reference Manual Version 4.1, SC32-0806.
Note: Note that the endpoint version level must be 41000 or higher to support
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
6.5 Multicast scenarios
With this release of Tivoli Management Framework, multicast may be used
between managed nodes to load MDist2 depots or between a gateway and its
agents. We will discuss three possible scenarios for multicast:
1. Preloading MDist2 depots with multicast
2. Multicast from gateways to Tivoli Management Agents
3. Use of multicast when the receiver and sender addresses are different on the
repeaters using multiple network interface cards (NICs)
The scenarios described below will not go into detail about creating a package,
but will focus on how multicast can be used to do Software Distribution.
6.5.1 Preloading MDist2 depots with multicast
Send a large distribution to endpoints connected to many different gateways.
The gateways may be connected through a satellite link or slow connections. In
this scenario, a significant performance improvement and bandwidth reduction
can be obtained by preloading the distribution's data into the gateways' MDist2
depots using multicast.
Source Host
Gateway or
Managed Node Repeater
MDist 2 Repeater
MDist 2 Repeater
MDist 2 Repeater
Gateway or
Managed Node
Gateway or
Managed Node
Gateway or
Managed Node
MDist 2
MDist 2
MDist 2
Figure 6-5 Preloading MDist2 depots with multicast
The user's network must support multicast traffic from the source host to all of
the gateways. The source host must be a managed node running either a
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
managed node repeater or a gateway. Both the sending and the receiving
repeater must have repeater_multicast=TRUE.
The final step of moving the data to endpoints is accomplished by a second
distribution that uses the pre-stored data in the gateway depots. The second
distribution may use multicast or unicast to send data to the gateway's agents.
In this example we have a Windows 2000 Advance Server TMR server
(win-tmr01a), which is also the source host. We will load software package
Tivoli_JRIM^4.1 to three Microsoft Windows NT/2000 gateways using multicast.
We do not want the distribution to attempt any unicast if multicast fails.
Figure 6-6 Loading depot using multicast
We have selected the database profile manager (pkgs.swd.apps.pm.a) to be
able to distribute to the specified managed nodes. The network is multicast
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
We have also enabled all the gateways to be multicast ready. 6.3, “Distributed
depot service” on page 203, explains how to enable repeaters for multicast.
Perform the following steps to the load the MDist2 depots using multicast:
1. From your Tivoli Desktop right-click the profile, as shown in Figure 6-6 on
page 212.
2. Click Load, which should bring up the Load software package window.
3. After configuring the distribution and selecting subscribers, click Advance
Options and select Distribution Settings, as shown in Figure 6-7 on
page 214.
4. This brings up the Distribution Settings widow. By default under the Multicast
Management, Enable Multicast is unchecked. To enable multicast you will
have to check the box, which will also check Retry Unicast. Because in our
example we do not want to retry unicast, you should uncheck Retry Unicast,
which will cause the distribution to fail if multicast fails.
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
Figure 6-7 Configuring depot load for multicast
5. After making the selections, click Set and Close, followed by Load and
Close. This will cause the software package to be loaded to the respective
depots using multicast.
Note: If a multicast distribution is attempted to a single endpoint, then unicast
will be used irrespective of the distribution mode. You can still multicast to a
single repeater.
Command line
Loading of depot using multicast can also be achieved via command line by
using wldsp with -l is_multicast [ t | f ] set to t. Setting the
enable_multicast token to t enables the retry_unicast token. To disable and
unicast attempt you have to set the retry_unicast to f. This option can be used
only if the enable_multicast option is set to t. For more detailed information
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
regarding wldsp please refer to IT Configuration Manager Reference Manual for
Software Distribution 4.2, SC23-4712.
6.5.2 Multicast from gateways to Tivoli Management Agents
Multicast can be used to send data from the Tivoli Management Gateway to its
TMAs. As seen in Figure 6-8, we have a simple gateway-to-endpoints multicast.
For endpoints to receive multicast distributions, the steps mentioned in “Endpoint
multicast receivers” on page 208 should be followed to enable multicast on
receivers and endpoints.
Gateway Repeater
Figure 6-8 Gateway multicast to endpoints
To explain the scenario of multicast between gateway and endpoints we will use
the Data Moving service to show how a large file of 135 MB is sent to multiple
endpoints from a source host that is a gateway. The gateway is an AIX 5.1 box
serving multiple endpoints. The target boxes that will receive the distributions are
Windows 2000 Professional desktops. Each desktop has a single endpoint
running. We will use only five endpoints for our target distribution.
The gateway has a zipped file, data4.zip, which is located in a user-defined
directory, /usr/local/Tivoli/file_source. The file size is approximately 135 MB, and
has to be placed in the C:/TEMP directory on the target.
The network has been multicast enabled, and we verified that all the target
endpoints are multicast enabled and listening by doing a simple multicast ping
using the wmcast -p option.
The Data Moving service provides the capability to perform data distribution, with
send, retrieve, and delete capabilities, between managed nodes and endpoints.
However, for this example we focus on the send option.
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
Data Moving operations can be managed in an activity plan, using the Activity
Plan Editor. We will store our plan as a draft template.
All Data Moving operations are referenced with a single, logical software
package object reference known as DataMovingRequest.1. This consistent
object helps prevent database cleanups and maintenance issues after
Step-by-step information on how Data Moving was used to distribute a file
through the multicast follow:
1. From the Tivoli Desktop click Activity Plan Editor. This will bring up the
Activity Plan Editor using the same user login that was used to open the
2. As shown in Figure 6-9, click the Software Distribution icon under Activities
to create a Data Move activity.
3. This brings up the Activity Properties window, as shown in the same figure.
Give it a name of your choice. We call it Data_Moving_Multicast_Send. Give
it a description of your choice.
4. Select the operation to be performed, which is Send.
Figure 6-9 Gateway to endpoint multicast: Activity Plan Editor
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
5. Click Properties and this will bring up the Send Properties window, as seen
in Figure 6-10 on page 218.
6. The Send Properties window is divided into multiple folders. Under
Applications Options, key in the:
a. Data Origin Source Host: Select the source host that is our gateway,
b. File Name: data4.zip.
c. Data Moving Objects: File Path at origin: /usr/local/Tivoli/file_source. File
path at destination: C:/TEMP.
d. Under Distribution Options, right at the bottom you should see Multicast
Management. Click Enable Multicast and leave Retry unicast checked.
e. Click OK to save the send properties and the next OK for the Activity
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
Figure 6-10 Gateway-to-endpoint multicast: Send properties
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
7. Now that we have tuned our distribution parameters, we should see our
distribution icon in the planer. The next step is to select our Windows 2000
desktop endpoints as targets for the distribution.
8. Right-click the icon, which now has the label of
9. Select Targets, which brings up the Select Target window, as seen in
Figure 6-11.
10.As we want the endpoints to be our targets, we will leave the default value of
Endpoints for Target Types for Browsing.
11.Under the Target Selection list, click Insert and this should bring up the
Select target window as shown in Figure 6-11. By clicking Target List you can
bring up the endpoint list to select your endpoints.
12.Save the targets by clicking OK in all the target windows.
Figure 6-11 Gateway-to-endpoint multicast: Select targets
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
13.Once done, the activity plan is complete and we need to save the plan name.
Select the icon and click View from the top menu and select Plan Properties.
Give it a plan name. We gave it the name Data_Move_Plan. This is the name
you select to submit the plan.
14.Now to submit the plan we need to click the Activity Plan Monitor from the
desktop. This brings up the Tivoli Software Distribution - Activity Plan Monitor
as seen in Figure 6-12.
15.Click Plans -> Submit and select the plan.
16.The zip file data4.zip will now be multicast to all our target endpoints.
Figure 6-12 Gateway-to-endpoint multicast: Activity Plan Monitor submission
6.6 Multicast limitations
In this chapter we have shown the new multicast option now available and how it
can benefit you in your environment by speeding distributions and avoiding
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
network congestions. But, with all the benefits come a few limitations and
concerns one must consider before using multicast.
1. While data is being sent through multicast, a pause or cancel action will have
no effect. The command will not take effect until after multicasting has
2. While data is being sent through multicast, the wmdist -I command will not
show the progress of the transfer. Instead you will see an arbitrary number
identifying that this distribution is multicast. Example 6-1 shows an example.
3. Software Distribution will be used to preload depots similarly to the way it is
done today, but with multicast enabled. Multicasting to agents will be done in
Software Distribution by enabling the distribution's multicast flag. When using
multicast, bulk data is moved to the endpoint before invoking the application.
For Software Distribution, this means that its prerequisite checking (for
example, checking available disk space or if the application has already been
installed) happens after the bulk data has been stored on the endpoint. If
Software Distribution later decides it should not install the application, the
bulk data was transferred needlessly. However, the only adverse side effect
of this is the temporary consumption of disk space.
Example 6-1 Multicast distribution status and ID
# wmdist -I aix-tmr1b
Repeater: aix-tmr1b
Jobs in SEND queue:
Jobs in RECEIVE queue:
=== Session Information ===
available = 40
Medium: available = 9
High: available = 5
used = 0
used = 1
used = 0
=== Distribution Information ===
External Id:
Internal Id:
Software Distribution
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
Target: WIN-MUR-03
State: WAITING 0% (0/0)
Target: WIN-MUR-04
State: WAITING 0% (0/0)
Target: WIN-MUR-05
State: WAITING 0% (0/0)
=== Distribution Information ===
External Id:
Internal Id:
Software Distribution
Target: aix-tmr1b
State: RECEIVING 0% (0/0)
4. By nature, as mentioned earlier, multicast is a UDP-based protocol, and
networks need to be configured to allow multicast to flow. This definitely is a
concern in a firewall environment. If you wish to use multicast through
firewalls then you will have to configure the firewall to pass multicast packets
in both directions (from sender to receiver for bulk data, from receiver to
sender for acknowledgements). Multicast uses at least two multicast groups
(IP address + port):
– Multicast advertisements, which in our case use + 9499.
– Actual distribution, which will be decided by the mclow and mchigh values
configured under wmcast. By default this range is from to
5. The data sent through multicast is not encrypted and should be used under
secure networks.
6. Because multicast is cached on the endpoint prior to processing, the endpoint
must have twice the distribution size in free space.
6.7 Troubleshooting multicast
This section covers a few tips on how to troubleshoot issues related to
distributions through multicast. It tells where the logs are placed and how to
increase and decrease the debug levels of multicast logs.
6.7.1 Repeater multicast log
The Distributed Depot service, as mentioned earlier, is capable of reading and
writing to the MDist2 depot. This causes the initial logging of any distribution to
be registered to the MDist2 logs, but once the handle is passed to multicast it
then spawns the logging to its own multicast log. To get the best logging for
MDist2 calls we need to change the repeater’s logging level.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
If the managed node is a repeater then the MDist2 log is written to the rpt2log in
the database directory. The logging level can be set using the following
wmdist -s repeater_name debug_level=number
Where 0 is the least information and 9 is most information. The default is set to 3.
If the repeater is a gateway, then the gateway’s gatelog provides the necessary
MDist2 logs. Setting the gateway to debug level 9 would give the most
information regarding MDist2. The gateway’s debug level can be set using the
following command:
wgateway gateway_name set_debug_level number
It is recommended to set the gateway to debug level 9 when dealing with Mdist2
The new logfile for the multicast depot server is placed in the $DBDIR/mcast.log.
This log provides detailed information regarding multicast depot communication.
The logging level for multicast can be set using:
wmcast -s repeater_name mc_debug_level=number
Where the number ranges from 0 to 3. The default is set to 1.
0: No logging
1: Exception logging
2: Most logs including exceptions
3: Most logs plus the entry, exit, and exceptions
6.7.2 Endpoint receiver log and structure
Once the endpoint logs into the gateway that has endpoint_multicast=TRUE in
its wmdist parameters, the endpoint is now multicast enabled. To know if the
endpoint is running multicast, a process called mcast_receiver is running on the
endpoint. The endpoint also created two new directories under the
򐂰 mcast
򐂰 depot
The depot directory is the location for the multicast receiver depot. This can be
changed using the depot_dir parameter in the last.cfg.
The multicast logs are included into the lcfd.log for convenience. The logging
level for the multicast log is also tied to the lcfd.log, as mentioned in “Configuring
endpoint to receive multicast” on page 210. $LCF_DATDIR/last.cfg should have
Chapter 6. Multicast concepts and implementation
To check if endpoints are listening for multicast, the following command can be
used to do a multicast ping:
wmcast -p repeater name
This will send a multicast advertisement to the endpoints and check if they are
6.7.3 Best practices and tips
Here are some best practices and tips for multicast:
򐂰 “Hyper Delivery (RMTP) flow” on page 200 will help when looking at the
multicast logs to match the communication between the sender and receivers.
򐂰 For software package profiles that target mobile endpoints, to receive
multicast distributions the distribution must be marked as hidden.
򐂰 Multicast is not supported on Tivoli Firewall Security Toolbox or multiple
endpoints on a workstation.
򐂰 Router configuration must be discussed with a customer before deciding on
using multicast in a customer environment. You need to make sure that
routers are configured to allow multicast.
򐂰 When the repeater is sending data you will see the Send MC_DT method in
the mcast.log. Usually during large distributions this is a good indicator of
data being sent if the mcast.log is tailed.
򐂰 You could also use the netstat command to check if UDP packets are
flowing across the system by running the following command.
netstat -s -p UDP
򐂰 If the advertisement address is changed on the repeater, then it needs to be
changed on all the receivers’ endpoints too. We recommend leaving the Tivoli
default advertisement address as, as it is registered with the
򐂰 The time-to-live integer for multicast is set to 5 by default. If you have multiple
routers between your receiver and target, then you may have to change this
value. You can use Trace Route to determine how many hops are between
the sender and receiver.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Chapter 7.
Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 aims to make distributed systems and
application management relatively easy. It achieves this through a consistent
interface and the use of models, such as management by subscription. While the
systems administrator can perform many tasks with relative ease, the code Tivoli
provides to achieve those tasks is extraordinarily complex. With the solid
foundation of the Tivoli Management Framework, this complexity can remain
largely masked from the administrator. However, with such a sophisticated set of
products, there will be occasions when those designing, testing, and
implementing Tivoli solutions will encounter situations that are not resolved by
reference to product manuals alone.
In problem-solving situations, you need to understand what is going on between
the product components, what messages and trace output means, and what
extra actions you can take to try to resolve a problem.
The following troubleshooting topics are discussed in this chapter:
Generic problem determination outline
Trouble shooing Framework 4.1
Troubleshooting Software Distribution
Troubleshooting MDist2
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2004. All rights reserved.
Troubleshooting Activity Planner
Troubleshooting Change Manager
Troubleshooting Web Gateway and Device Management
Troubleshooting Web User Interface
Troubleshooting Enterprise Directory Integration
Troubleshooting Inventory
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
7.1 Generic problem determination outline
If you start to receive errors and you have questions about the cause, this
generic outline for problem determination may help. If you have a scenario that
you can recreate, the following is a generic list of steps to perform to gather
To obtain an overall picture of what is being passed by oserv:
1. Do odadmin odlist to determine the number of managed nodes and
interconnected TMRs.
2. Do odadmin alone to get information, such as the port range restrictions (if
any), or other oserv parameters like Single Port BDT in place.
3. Do odadmin environ get to determine the environment the oserv is using.
4. To gather data from each suspected machine:
a. Log on as root and as a Tivoli root administrator. This helps ensure you
are not experiencing authority problems.
b. Run the following commands:
odadmin trace objcalls
odadmin trace services
c. Recreate the problem on every involved machine, including the TMR
d. Do odstat -v > odstat.txt.
e. Do wtrace -jHk $DBDIR >wtrace.txt (or %DBDIR% for Windows).
f. Collect the above files plus oserv.log and any useful system logs.
5. Once tracing has been done or the problem determined, you could turn
tracing back to the default of tracing only errors.
odadmin trace off
odadmin trace errors
The trace should help you determine the failing objcall.
Note: Leaving tracing on for objcalls and services could cause performance
impact on the oserv. For troubleshooting you could leave it on until a problem
is determined and then turn tracing back to the default.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
7.2 Troubleshooting Framework 4.1.1
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 is comprised of various products and there
are various logs available within the product. In this section we focus on Tivoli
Management Framework logs related to Inventory and Software Distribution.
When you are troubleshooting problems with Tivoli Management Framework,
there are a number of important commands that will help you. The three most
commonly used when tracing oserv are:
Lists the managed nodes in a TMR and configures
different aspects of how the Tivoli object dispatcher
(oserv) communicates, such as defining IP addresses and
interconnected regions. If you run odadmin without any
options, the default is odadmin odlist command, which
gives information about oserv options.
Lists currently running methods and method histories.
Lists the current status of transactions and locks.
Formats the odtrace.log, which is created when tracing
objcalls, services, or errors (tracing is invoked with
odadmin trace options).
Additional logs can be found in the database directory, which is locatable through
the following variable names:
򐂰 %DBDIR% on Windows NT/2000/2003 or OS/2
The database directory contains other files that can be used as debugging tools:
Endpoint manager log
Gateway log
Tivoli database transaction log
Tivoli Gateway database transaction log
Error log of the Object Dispatcher (oserv)
The file that the wtrace command reads and translates
On a TMA endpoint, there is also a logfile in the /lcf/dat/xx path.
Endpoint log
In some cases, you may need to get into the more complex area of direct
manipulation of the Tivoli object database. You can hand-run methods, identify
method source files, and so on.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
For more information on these Framework commands and logs refer to Tivoli
Framework V 4.1.1, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide, GC32-0807.
7.3 Autotrace
In Tivoli Management Framework 4.1 the Autotrace feature has been
incorporated for various components. Autotrace is a "flight recorder" type trace
tool, which means it is designed to run all the time in a product's production
environment with minimal performance impact. Autotrace is a third-party tool
incorporated by Tivoli for troubleshooting. The software is originally developed by
The Kernel Group Inc. (TKG).
The data collected by Autotrace represents the execution of the program itself
and can be used to determine control flow. Function entry and exit are recorded
with the parameters passed and the return codes given.
Autotrace has a minimal impact on the performance of a process. Because of
this, we can deploy code with Autotrace built in. This removes the need for debug
code to be shipped for many cases of problem determination. Each trace hook
can be set to be active or not.
It captures all traces in memory for maximum performance. Trace buffers are in
shared memory, which allows trace to be captured to a file even when the Tivoli
product abends suddenly.
Autotrace has a concept of a trace ID. Autotrace associates each unique function
signature with a number called the trace ID. The number and types of
parameters, the return type, and the file the function is found in make up the
function signature. IBM keeps a database of these trace IDs. The trace IDs are
remembered across releases so that we can accurately report the data from
snap files across different versions of the executables.
It also allows for dynamic control over the parts of a program that are being
traced at any given time. Trace data collection is as simple as running a
command to save a trace buffer snapshot, which can then be analyzed later,
either locally or remotely, with the interactive tools provided.
The Autotrace Trace Profiler analyzes one or more snap files and produces a
summary output detailing which program functions were called, how often they
were called, and provides overall statistics. The Trace Profiler can be used to
determine what the First Failure Data Capture set of functions needs to be.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
Note: Reading the data collected from Autotrace requires access to the Tivoli
source code and database. One should do the required tracing only if
requested by a Tivoli representative.
7.4 Troubleshooting Software Distribution
In this section we share troubleshooting techniques for the Software Distribution
component. We provide a general approach for diagnosing distribution problems.
The internals, architecture, and diagnostic techniques for all major components
of Software Distribution will also be reviewed because understanding the process
flow of each component is very useful when troubleshooting a problem.
7.4.1 General troubleshooting
The problem determination steps should be based on the process flow of the
components of the products so that the point of failure could be determined and
For Software Distribution, there are three main components in the process flow.
These are the Framework infrastructure, the endpoint, and the software package
profile. The Framework infrastructure needs to be reviewed first since distribution
of any profiles will not work without it. Then the endpoint needs to be checked
that it is in working order. The last thing to check is the Software Distribution
profile and its associated spd or spb.
The Framework environment is the infrastructure used by Software Distribution,
so the first thing to check is that the Framework environment is functioning
correctly. You must check that all required Software Distribution components and
prerequisites have been correctly installed and configured on the Tivoli Server
and gateways. You need to check that functions of the Tivoli Server, all gateways,
and managed nodes are all functioning correctly. A wping of the managed node
may indicate that the managed nodes are up and running but does not
necessarily mean that it is functioning correctly. You can test this by pushing out
other types of profiles, like Inventory profile, to endpoints other than the suspect
endpoints. A failure here would indicate a problem with the Framework
environment. The gatelog of the gateway, the oservlog, and the mdist log would
need to be reviewed at a increased trace level. Refer to the 7.2, “Troubleshooting
Framework 4.1.1” on page 228, to further determine the cause of the problem.
With the checking of the condition of the endpoint, besides checking that it is
running, you should push out other types of profiles, like Inventory or even other
software package profiles, to check that it is functioning correctly. If this is failing,
the problem could be with the endpoint. If more than one endpoint is
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
encountering the problem, check for any set pattern. For examples, all the
problematic endpoints serviced by the same gateway or the same profile are
failing on all these endpoints. The problem then could be with the gateway or the
profile. For problems with the gateway and endpoint, refer to 7.2,
“Troubleshooting Framework 4.1.1” on page 228, to further determine the cause
of the problem.
With the Framework infrastructure and the endpoint in working order, the problem
could be with the software package profile or the software package. Test the
software package profile by distributing to a known working endpoint. A failure
here could indicate that the problem could be with the profile or the software
package. The best source of information of the distribution is in the software
package logfile and the Software Distribution trace files. Review these logs to
determine the cause of the problem.
The settings of the software package profiles should be checked, and how those
settings or options can affect the operations on the endpoints. One of the things
to watch out for is with nested software packages. A Software Distribution to a
group of endpoints failing with an error like failed cm_status check could be
due to one of the nested packages being already installed on one of the targeted
endpoints. Using the force or ignore options should allow the distribution to
complete. Refer to the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager User’s Guide for
Software Distribution, SC23-4711, for the requirements and implications of using
these options.
There can be times where the installation of the software package is successful
but the status in the log does is not correctly indicate this. This can occur with
user_program defined as the final action, which has an indefinite timeout or a
manual reboot of the target required. This is due to the records of the states of
the software packages in the Inventory database being out of sync with the
endpoints’ catalogs, which hold the states of the software package. You will need
to run wsyncsp to reconcile the information.
The other sections in this chapter detail how to enable tracing and which logfiles
need to be reviewed for the different components.
7.4.2 Check the log
In general, the first step in troubleshooting is to consult the logfile, which contains
more information than a Software Distribution notice group entry or an e-mail
sent about the software package operation. Log files provide a detailed list of
successful or failed attempts to distribute software packages for each endpoint.
The append_log keyword keyword is set in the software package definition file.
Check this file to verify that the append_log keyword is set. If it is, the logfile will
contain information about software package operations.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
The default location of the logfile is on the TMR server under directory structure
$BINDIR/. ./swdis/work. However, it is possible to generate a logfile on a specific
managed node with the log_host_name attribute in the SPD file that specifies the
label of the managed node, typically the host name, where the logfile is
The default name for the log is package-name^package-version.log. You can
specify the logfile’s location on any managed node or target in the Package
Properties dialog from the Software Package Editor. To change the location of
the logfile using a software package definition file, update the log_file_path
We recommend that you generate a detailed log on the endpoint that records
each action in the software package and the results of change management
operations on the package. The target logfile is set with the log_object_list
stanza in the SPD file, and the location keyword that identifies the path name or
subdirectory. If the directory does not already exist, it will be created. The logfile
will also be SPname.SPversion.log or SPname^SPversion.log, the same as for
the logfile name on the TMR or designated managed node. IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager, by default, will overwrite the logfile with each new
distribution of the software package.
7.4.3 Check the Distribution Status Console
To check the Distribution Status Console you will need to:
򐂰 Determine which targets are failing.
򐂰 Determine if repeaters are failing.
򐂰 Determine the status of different distributions:
– Waiting
– Interrupted
– Receiving
Consulting the Distribution Status Console is a good way to get a graphical
representation of what the status is of all the systems involved in a distribution.
By using the Distribution Status Console, you can determine which targets or
repeaters did not receive the distribution.
A PAUSED status for the distribution could be for endpoints operating in mobile
mode. Check the login_mode of the endpoint by running wep endpoint_label. If
the target endpoint is not running in mobile mode and you did not pause the
distribution, continue further troubleshooting by checking the software package
logfile, mdist log, gatelog, and the lcfd.log to determine the point of failure.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
7.4.4 Make sure that Tivoli Framework is functional
To make sure that Tivoli Framework is functional:
򐂰 Suspect this problem if the endpoint was previously able to receive
distributions, and suddenly is unsuccessful.
򐂰 Make sure the oserv is running on gateways.
򐂰 Verify the setup of endpoints.
Of course a distribution will fail if gateways are not receiving the distribution or if
endpoints are not connected to gateways. If a particular endpoint suddenly can
no longer receive distributions, then Framework is a good place to check for
problems. Run the Framework command odadmin odlist to confirm that all
systems are connected. Use the wping command to confirm that the oserv is
running on a particular gateway.
Note: Do not forget that you have to have both name and reverse name
resolution for Tivoli Managed Nodes to communicate. If you are having
reverse mapping problems, add the IP address-to-host name maps to DNS.
Also recommended is to add data to the /etc/hosts file and use /etc/hosts as a
DNS fallback.
Do the following to verify the setup of endpoints:
򐂰 Verify the endpoint connection.
򐂰 Verify endpoint configuration settings.
򐂰 Verify the gateway log.
The wep command can provide a list of all endpoints in a TMR and their assigned
gateways, retrieve and set endpoint information, migrate an endpoint from one
gateway to another, and update any endpoint data changes within a TMR. This
command also can list information in the endpoint list that is maintained by the
endpoint manager.
The wadminep command set with the view_config_info option lists the
configuration settings for a particular endpoint.
After configuring a gateway, you can set the set_debug_level option with the
wgateway command to track information about the gateway. The wgateway
command lists gateway object identification numbers, names, and status within a
The wgateway debug_level debug_level command sets the level of message
information that is logged by the gateway. The default is 0, which provides
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
information on Error messages. 8 (maximum level) provides the most verbose
information on upcall and downcall activity.
Tips: One particular case is when you have reinstalled an endpoint, but the
endpoint does not seem to be able to log into the Tivoli environment. To
correct this problem you need to delete the previous endpoint using the wdelep
If your endpoints have problems contacting their gateway first check whether
your endpoints can see their gateway by using the ping command.
7.4.5 Check for MDist2 problems
Software Distribution uses MDist2 for distributions and the distribution
information can be found in the MDist2 Distribution Manager’s log distmgr.log,
which is located in $DBDIR. You can set the trace level to the maximum level by
running wmdist -D 9. Review this log for any possible causes and rectify it.
Review the MDist2 settings to ensure that they are within range and the time-out
settings have not been exceeded.
Many distribution problems are caused by problems transmitting the package
along the chain of repeaters to the endpoints that are the targets of a distribution.
Failures occur, for example, because a connection is lost between an endpoint
and its gateway, a distribution times out because of performance problems, or a
user program fails or does not complete.
Common MDist2 problems
The following list provides some examples of distribution failures that are
symptoms of problems with the distribution network of repeaters, gateways, and
򐂰 You can successfully distribute a software package to one endpoint but a
distribution to multiple endpoints fails.
Ensure that the repeaters are optimized and configured correctly.
򐂰 You have network storms.
Use the wmdist command to examine the MDist2 parameters and to change
them if necessary. In particular, check the value of the max_sessions_high,
max_sessions_medium, and max_sessions_low parameters, which set the
number of allowable connections: High-priority (default: 5), medium-priority
(default: 10), and low-priority (default: 40) connections, respectively.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
򐂰 You can no longer distribute to an endpoint to which you previously were able
to send distributions.
Ensure that the endpoint is connected to its gateway and is active.
򐂰 Distribution times out.
If the distribution times out, check the values for send and execute timeout set
using the wmdist command.
Note: All distributions have an absolute maximum time limit, after which
they will be reported as expired. The default time limit is 72 hours.
򐂰 Distribution takes longer than expected.
You can use the wmdist -I gateway/repeater name command to monitor the
progress of loading the software package at each repeater (it gives the
number of bytes transferred and the percentage complete). If you decide that
performance is bad, you may decide to change the way in which your network
is configured (netload).
The alternative wdepot command checks on the existence of a package at a
depot, and thus may be useful if the level of completion is of no interest to
You may also consider configuring a machine that is continually used as a
source host as a repeater. By configuring the source host as a repeater, you
can tune the communication parameters of the machine so that the software
package is routed directly from the source host to its gateway. This saves time
and network load.
Note: Use the wmdist -s rptname debug_level command to change the
information level from the repeater log or gateway log. The value ranges from
0–9. The log name is $DBDIR/rpt2log.
򐂰 If the system is a repeater, the default is 3.
򐂰 If the system is a gateway, the default is 0.
For example, the wmdist -s test debug_level 9 command changes the
information level on the test system to 9. The log is written in the
$DBDIR/rpt2log file.
7.4.6 Troubleshooting the software package
Check the software package definition file (SPD):
򐂰 Use if you suspect the software package itself is the problem, such as if other
SP distributions succeed.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
򐂰 The SPD file provides details of the software package in one look.
򐂰 Use the wgetspat command to get the attributes of the software package.
Note: The minimum authorization role required to retrieve the attributes for a
specified software package object is user.
The SPD file allows for setting all possible properties and options in a readable
text format, including those only available using an import or export. The SPD file
can be considered the instructions or control file defining actions and how they
are performed.
There are three ways to obtain the software package definition file, which is given
a suffix of .spd, for example, SPname.SPversion.spd, by convention:
򐂰 Java Endpoint Software Package Editor -> File -> Save as and save the
package, selecting .spd as the suffix (or extension).
򐂰 The wexpspo command, which allows for exporting content of a software
package to either a file or standard out.
򐂰 Tivoli Desktop -> SP profile, right-click Export.
The wgetspat command extracts the attributes of the SP object, which may be
quite useful in debugging a problem. Some of the relevant attributes to review
for diagnosing a problem are the settings for:
– stop_on_error
Specifies whether to stop (fail) a distribution to an endpoint when any error
(fatal or non-fatal) occurs.
– backup_fmt
Specifies whether and where to back up any files being overwritten by the
files distributed in the software package.
– list_path
Specifies where to write a list of files distributed to an endpoint.
– prog_env
Sets the environment for the configuration programs on an endpoint. (This
keyword applies to UNIX and Windows NT/2000 platforms only.)
– log_file
Specifies the file to which log information is written.
– log_host
Specifies the machine on which the logfile resides.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
7.4.7 Software Distribution traces
Traces provide more detailed information about packaging or distributions
enabled for the specific component related to the failure or failed Software
Distribution operation. Therefore, traces may be taken on the server, source host,
endpoint, preparation site, or disconnected CLI.
On endpoints the trace level is set in the Software Distribution base configuration
file, swdis.ini, located in the system directory on the target system for the
respective OS platform:
Windows: \winnt\ or \winnt40\
OS/2: \os2\
NetWare: sys:\System
/etc/Tivoli/ (global for root user)
$HOME/.swdis/ (local / private for non-root user)
Important: Setting the trace level using swdist.ini works only for endpoints,
starting with IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Version 4.2. New with IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager Version 4.2, there is a command, wswdcfg, to set
trace information on the Software Distribution servers and managed nodes.
The syntax follows:
wswdcfg –s trace_level= 0, 1, .....6
wswdcfg –h hostname
This command is not applicable for endpoints, where swdist.ini should be
There is also another troubleshooting command that is new with IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager Version 4.2: wmsgbrowse. It is used for investigating the
Notification Manager queue (browse the message queue, filter it, find
undelivered messages, etc.) in order to understand the problem.
For details on both of these troubleshooting commands please refer to the IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager Reference Manual for Software Distribution
Version 4, SC23-4712.
The trace level by default is zero (as seen in Example 7-1) or none, which really
indicates no tracing or that tracing is, in effect, disabled. The new trace level
takes effect on the next distribution or execution.
Example 7-1 swdis.ini
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
There is no maximum size of each trace file; the default size per type is
1,000,000 bytes. When the trace_size specified is reached, the first trace file is
overwritten. For example, the trace files can be written from spo1.trc up to
spo9.trc (sp01.trc, sp02.trc, etc.), and if the specified maximum size is reached
and sp09 gets full, sp01.trc is overwritten (unless the trace_style keyword is
The trace file depends on the machine role for the installed component. The
trace files themselves are created initially, with trace_level = 0, zero byte, until the
trace_level is increased. Example 7-2 shows the swdist.ini file with the trace level
set to 5.
Example 7-2 Listing in swdis.ini on endpoint
C:\WINNT>type swdis.ini |more
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
It may be worthwhile to erase any existing trace files to ensure a good capture for
recreation or diagnosis.
򐂰 Software Distribution trace levels
0: None (default)
1: Fatal
2; Error
3: Warning
4: Information
5: Verbose
6: On L3/Development request only
򐂰 Software Distribution trace flags
[F]: Fatal Failure
[E]: Error
[W]: Warning
[I]: Information
Here is a summary of the logfiles at the different locations.
򐂰 Server (spo_core.exe)
– tmesdis*.trc
– spo*.trc
Requests to source host
򐂰 Source Host (spd_eng.exe)
– spde*.trc
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
– mdist*.trc
MDist2 interfaces
򐂰 Endpoint/PrepSite (spd_eng.exe)
– tmesdis*.trc
– spde*.trc
Build (prep.site)
– autopck*.trc
autopack (prepsite)
7.4.8 Troubleshooting Data Moving
Below you will find the Data Moving log and trace files.
Data Moving logfile
The log and trace settings for Data Moving are the same as for Software
Distribution software packages.
The DataMovingRequestxxx.log
The DataMovingRequestsXXX.log is located under the working_dir designation
in the swdis.ini file on the TMR server; for example, on an AIX TMR server under
the path /usr/local/Tivoli/bin/swdis/work/. The logfile records information
regarding Data Movement operations and distributions.
Data Moving trace files
tmesdisxx.trc, swdmgrxx.trc, and spoxx.trc are located on the TMR server. They
report all the traces associated with the wspmvdata command. These files are
unique in the case of interconnected TMRs when the Tivoli Software Distribution
Server component is installed after the interconnection.
spde*.trc resides on the source host and endpoint. It records diagnostic
information about the import, export, build, and execution processes.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
7.4.9 Troubleshooting Mobile Computing
We will cover the Mobile Computing process flow and log and trace files for
Mobile Computing to help you in diagnosing problems associated with the
Software Distribution to mobile workstations.
Mobile Computing configuration, log, and trace files
For troubleshooting the server side, you set the trace level of the MDist2
Distribution Manager with wmdist -D 7 (0-9). If you are using a UNIX TMR
server, you can watch the trace in real time with tail -f $DBDIR/distmgr.log.
To watch what is happening on the gateways, set the trace level of the gateway
with wgateway $gateway set_debug_level 7 (0-9). You can watch the trace in
real time with tail -f $DBDIR/gatelog on the UNIX gateway concerned.
For tracing the Mobile Computing environment on the endpoint, you have two
options. Setting logLevel=4 (0-4) in Mobile.cfg generates trace information for the
Mobile Agent. Setting guiLogLevel=4 (0-4) generates trace information for the
Mobile Console. In both cases the trace information is written to Mobile.log
located in $LCF_DATDIR/Mobile/Mobile.log.
Also, setting the trace level of the endpoint can be informative. Add
log_threshold=5 to $LCF_DATDIR/last.cfg and restart the endpoint. The trace
information is written into $LCF_DATDIR/lcfd.log.
7.4.10 Troubleshooting pristine installations
Here are the pristine logfiles.
Pristine logfiles
The Pristine Tool is a utility for assisting customers with customizing a native OS
The log information related to each installed operating system component is
located on the code server under the path ImageSharingDrive\log\ as it is
created by the operating system.
There is no logfile generated at the server for the TMA installation. However,
when the login_policy is run, a logfile is generated named pristine.log.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
7.4.11 Troubleshooting discovering and synchronization
Log information for the discovering and synchronization features can be collected
through the following processes:
򐂰 Discovering
The logfile associated with the software package
򐂰 Synchronization
The wsyncsp.logfile created in the working directory, reported in the swdis.ini
7.4.12 Change Management Status summary
Change Management (CM) Status is a handy way to understand the current
status of the package. Table 7-1 is a summary of the Change Management
Status information.
Table 7-1 Change Management Status summary
Undo state
Reboot state
In Error
The statuses are:
Pos 1 - Operation
Indicates the last operation that was performed on the
software package, either I (install) or R (remove).
Pos 2 - State
Indicates the state of the software package, either P
(prepared) or C (committed).
Pos 3 - Undo state
If the SP is in an undo state, there will be a letter in the
third position of the five-character sequence, which can
be P (prepared), U (undoable), or R (restored), or
otherwise a dash (-) if undo state does not apply.
Pos 4 - Reboot
A B indicates a reboot was requested. A dash (-) indicates
a reboot was not requested.
Pos 5 - Flag
An E indicates the software package is in error and may
not work properly.
Install has been committed and can be undone.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Install has been prepared and will be committed during
the next reboot.
Remove has been committed but can be undone.
Install has been committed, but the SP is in error (the
application may not work properly).
The software package has been added with use of the
wdsetsps command.
The software package has been superseded by a
versionable package installed in undoable mode.
In summary, the overall state of a software package is represented by a
sequence of five letters.
7.5 Troubleshooting Activity Planner
Below you will find detailed information about Activity Planner processes, and log
and trace files.
7.5.1 Activity Planner processes
You may find below the internals of APM processes:
All the APM threads are generated by a single process
called APM_core.
The operations submitted through the Task Library and
SWD plug-ins are managed by the executer thread.
The APMHandler thread manages all the APM work,
together with the executer. The APMHandler also
determines if an activity in an activity plan is eligible to
The APMain thread initializes APM, starts the executer
and APMHandler, and then waits for new requests.
Requests are then queued to the APMHandler.
7.5.2 Activity Planner configuration file
The APM configuration file, apm.ini, sets the AP logfile and trace files size,
location, and debug level. AP log and trace files are generated at the TMR
server. All the logfiles and traces are created on the server side, and on the
managed node only for the GUI component. The apm.ini file is created at
installation time.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
The table below shows the location of the AP configuration file, apm.ini, for the
operating system.
Table 7-2 Location of apm.ini, APM configuration file
File name
A sample apm.ini file is shown in Example 7-3.
Example 7-3 Sample apm.ini
;APM configuration file
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Tip: A new command, wtrcapm, can be used to change or view the current log
and trace settings for the activity plan engine components. For example, the
following changes the value of trace_level key in the [HANDLER] session in
apm.ini file to 3.
wtrcapm –H –s trace_level=3
7.5.3 Activity Planner logfiles
Table 7-3 summarizes the logfiles for AP.
Table 7-3 Location of APM logfiles
Log type
File name
AP Monitor
AP Monitor
AP Editor
AP Editor
APM General
working_dir in
APM General
working_dir in
APM Internal
APM Internal
Example 7-4 shows the APM logfiles on our UNIX TMR server.
Example 7-4 APM logfiles
eastham> pwd
eastham> ls -al ap*.*
-rw------- 1 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
-rw-r--r-1 root
735094 Mar 07 06:10 apm.log
204 Mar 01 15:43 apm_uninst.log
22334 Mar 06 18:51 apmed.log
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
1 root
1 root
37 Mar 01 15:37 apmmn_uninst.log
22839 Mar 06 17:05 apmon.log
The logs are:
򐂰 APM general log: apmlog
Records operational level messages for APM, including plan submission and
completion. It is created by default.
򐂰 AP Monitor log: apmon.log
Specific for the Activity Planner GUI.
򐂰 AP Editor log: apmed.log
Contains log information specific to the AP Editor.
򐂰 APM internal log: apm.log
Contains all information related to the APM_core functionality. It records all
APM calls made to its IDL interface. It also records all the JVM initialization
and completion messages. It is not generated by default.
To generate and record to the APM internal log, apm.log, an APM environment
variable, __APM_DEBUG__, must be enabled through the use of the Framework
command odadmin environ set, or by setting a system environment variable. An
example on usage of the odadmin environ get / odadmin environ set
command follows (Example 7-5) to enable the APM environment variable,
Example 7-5 odadmin environ example
odadmin environ get >/tmp/environ
echo __APM_DEBUG__=1>>/tmp/environ
odadmin environ set </tmp/environ
ps -e | grep -i APM
- 0:09 APM_core
- 0:00 apmmonl
- 0:00 apmmonl
- 0:00 apmeditl
- 0:00 apmeditl
eastham> kill 15382
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
7.5.4 Activity Planner trace files
All APM trace files are located in the /apm/ subdirectory under product_dir
designation in the swdis.ini on the TMR server. Example 7-6 shows the APM
trace files on our UNIX TMR server.
Example 7-6 APM trace files
eastham> pwd
eastham> ls -al
total 10880
drwxr-xr-x 2 root
drwxr-xr-x 5 root
-rw-r--r-1 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
-rw-r--r-1 root
-rw-r--r-1 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
-rw-r--r-1 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
-rw-r--r-1 root
-rw-r--r-1 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
-rw-r--r-1 root
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
The files are:
Contains all trace messages related to threads not
tracked in the other files. It is considered a general trace
Reports all traces associated with the executer thread that
manage the operations submitted at the Task Library and
SWD plug-ins.
Contains all the traces associated with the APMHandler
Records the main thread traces, which involves
initialization of APM, starting of the executer, and the
Contains the traces related to the CLI execution.
This trace file records traces associated with the use of
the Activity Plan Monitor.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
This trace file records traces associated with the use of
the Activity Plan Editor.
Setting the GUI trace level
To set the trace level for the Activity Planner GUI press the F2 button to display
the Update trace level dialog and type the new value in the Insert new trace level
text box. Possible values are numbers between 0 and 5; the default level is 0.
Note: If you do not have write access to the folder where the GUI traces are
written, the trace information is written to the user’s home directory.
Valid values for trace and log levels are:
0 (none)
1 (fatal)
2 (error)
3 (warning)
4 (information)
5 (verbose)
The default value for trace_level is 0; no trace is generated unless the trace level
is modified.
The default value for log_level is 5; all messages are logged unless the log_level
is modified.
7.6 Troubleshooting Change Manager
In this section we will cover Change Manager, or Configuration Change Manager
log and trace files, and how to customize them.
7.6.1 Change Manager configuration file
The location of the CM configuration file, confccm.xml, for each operating system
is listed in Table 7-4.
Table 7-4 Location of CCM configuration file
File name
Operating system
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
The CM configuration file is organized in stanzas that define CM implements
such as elements, dependencies, and security.
The CM configuration file can be customized to add new Java classes to change
the current implementation, in such a case where the user decides to add new
elements different from those currently supported.
The confccm.xml configuration file can be customized to set the debug level for
the CM traces.
All log and trace files are created on the TMR server.
7.6.2 Change Manager logfiles
The CM logfile records the same information as is contained in the ccm_apm*.trc
file, except only those entries generated by the C code of CCM_core are
executable. It is not generated by default. When enabling CM, the environment
variable, __CCM_DEBUG__, with use of the Framework command odadmin
environ set, or set as a system variable, the appropriately named logfile,
ccm.log, is created. However, it may be necessary to kill or recycle CM for the
environment variable setting to actually take effect.
The location of CM logfile, ccm.log, is shown in Table 7-5.
Table 7-5 Location of CM logfile
File name
7.6.3 Change Manager trace files
CM trace files are located under the directory specified in the working_dir
parameter of the swdis.ini file on the TMR server.
򐂰 ccm*.trc
The ccm*.trc trace file contains all of the actions performed using the CM GUI.
For example:
Creation of a reference model
Import of a reference model
Export of a reference model
Preview operation
It is located on the TMR server and those managed nodes where the CM GUI
is installed. It is located under $(working_dir).
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
򐂰 ccm_apm*.trc
The ccm_apm*.trc trace file contains all the actions performed by CCM_core
when other applications, such as APM, SD WEB UI, and Pristine, interact with
All of the traces tracked by the Java code executed by the APM Java Virtual
Machine are reported in this file. Examples of what is recorded include:
– Submit operations for APM
– CM answer to a WEB UI request
– CM synchronization operation for pristine machines
The ccm_apm*.trc trace file is located only on the TMR server.
򐂰 ccm_webxxx.trc
Contains the history of all operations performed by the Change Manager
engine when interacting with the new WEB UI 4.2 on the Application Server.
򐂰 ccm_clixxx.trc
Contains the history of all the operations performed using the CM command
line as well as the operations performed when Change Manager interacts with
the Activity Planner to download the plug-in information.
You can set the trace level to determine the level of detail recorded for each
operation. The trace file is only created if the trace_level keyword is set to
greater than zero (default is zero). Trace values are as follows:
0 (none)
1 (fatal)
2 (error)
3 (warning)
4 (information)
5 (verbose)
You can set the trace level using the wtrcccm command. Alternatively, you can
use the Change Manager GUI and press the F2 key. When you press the F2 key,
the Update trace dialog box displays, and you can enter a new value in the New
trace level text box.
Also, trace_size determines the maximum number of records that can be written
to the file (default is 1000000).
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
7.7 Troubleshooting Web Gateway and Device
Here are some typical problems when using the Web Gateway and Device
Resource Manager problems
A general failure when trying to register the resource type could be due to a
communication failure with the Web Gateway or the Web Gateway is not
functioning. These errors should show up in the TRMRDBMS.log and
TRMResourceManager.log in the $DBDIR directory. There are also other
TRM*.logs for the various components of Resource Manager on the TMR server
under the $DBDIR directory. Review the appropriate log relating to the problem
you are encountering to further determine the cause of the problem. The logs for
the various components of Resource Manager are:
Log information can be changed by setting the variable in the Tivoli environment
(odadmin environ get/set):
TRM_MAX_LOG_SIZE = log files max size
TRM_LOG_PATH = path to store log files
7.7.1 Tracing the Web Gateway
On the Web Gateway, locate the traceConfig.properties file in the directory
To turn on tracing, change EnableTrace=false to EnableTrace=true.
The other components that need to be turned on (true) are
traceEnable.dmserver and traceEnabled.twgapi.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
Depending on the situation, your support representative may request turning on
tracing for the other components.
If the servlets are not running, start them to put the new trace settings into effect.
If the servlets are running, do one of the following to put the new trace setting into
effect without restarting the servlets:
򐂰 On any Tivoli Web Gateway (TWG) machine, perform the following:
server -app dmserver -trace set -host dmserver_hostname
򐂰 On any TWG UNIX machine, perform the following command:
./server.sh -app dmserver -trace set -host dmserver_hostname
򐂰 From any machine with a browser, go to the following URL:
The output files of the tracing are DMS_stdout.log, DMS_stderr.log, and
DMSMsg1.log, which are located in the app_server_dir/log directory. The default
for the Windows installation is C:\WebSphere\AppServer\log.
You should also provide the ApiServlet.log in the /tmp directory to your support
7.8 Troubleshooting Web User Interface
In this section we cover troubleshooting the Web User Interface. First let us see
some common problems associated with the Web User Interface.
7.8.1 Common Web User Interface problems
Some common Web User Interface problems are detailed below.
򐂰 Web Interface login problems
– An unsuccessful login when doing a login to the WEB UI could be due to
the security level of the browser being set too high.
Reduce to a lower security level and test again.
– The login was successful but encountered a Java or ActiveX error
message and the Operations Console does not show.
The supported Java plug-in for the browser may not have been installed.
– The login is successful but no pop-up window is shown to download the
two sets of files for the Web Interface.
The Java plug-in for the browser has not been installed.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
򐂰 Unable to publish Web objects.
Before publishing any Web objects, you must make sure the following are up
and running:
– Gateways servicing the endpoints, which have Web Gateway components
– Endpoints on the Web Gateway Servers
– Primary and secondary Web Gateway Servers
– DB2 server
– DB2 client
– Web Server
– WebSphere Application Server
– Access Manager
– WebSEAL server
Check the logfile DMS_stdout.log and make sure that the log has the
following entry, which indicates that the Web Gateway Server has started
successfully: WSVR0023I: Server DMS_AppServer open for e-business.
An insufficient authorization error when using the wweb command normally
indicates that the Tivoli Administrator does not have the WebUI_Admin role.
A Profile not found error when running wweb under Windows could be due
to an extra caret (^) missing when specifying the profile name. For example,
the profile mysoftware^1.0 needs to be specified as @mysoftware^^1.0 when
running wweb under Windows.
A general oserv error could indicate a problem with the gateway that services
the endpoint that has the Web Gateway component installed. Restart the
gateway with the wgateway command and test again.
The wweb command completed with a distribution ID when publishing a
software package but does not show up on the Web Interface. Check the file
package_name.log in the ../swdis/work directory of the Tivoli Server for the
results of the publishing of the software package. The users file in
../swdis/work should contain the list of the users that the Web objects are
published for.
On the endpoint where the Web Gateway Server is located, the outcome of
the publishing of the software packages is recorded in the file called results
located in the ..\swdis\1\ directory. Check this file for any error messages. The
file called users contains the list of users that have access to the published
Web objects.
Enable the tracing and review the DMS_stdout.log for errors. You may have to
enable more components for tracing depending on the situation. Publishing to
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
an invalid user ID will fail and the log should reflect that. Refer to 7.8.2,
“Tracing the Web User Interface” on page 255, for enabling tracing.
򐂰 Memory usage is increasing dramatically over time, causing the Tivoli Web
Gateway application server to fail.
Disable JIT for the Java Virtual Machine to circumvent this behavior.
Note: JIT stands for just-in-time compiler. It is a code generator that
converts Java bytecode into machine language instructions.
If that will not solve the problem, check if you are running too many inventory
jobs, since running a lot of inventory jobs on Red Hat Linux or Microsoft
Windows platforms might increase memory usage dramatically,
򐂰 Problems with software package installation:
– Error in downloading attachment in the Operations Console. This error is
not seen in the software_package.log.
The Web Gateway Server could be down or the host name of the Web
Gateway Server cannot be resolved. Make sure that you can resolve both
the short and FQDN of the Web Gateway Server and perform the install
– DISSE0082E Error decoding software package object. It could be
corrupted, or not a valid object.
This error can be seen in both the Operations Console and in the
software_package.log located on the Tivoli Server in the ../swdis/work
directory. You will encounter this corrupt file error if you have used an IP
address instead of the host name of the WebSEAL server in the URL to
get to the Web Interface. Make sure the host name and short name of both
the WebSEAL server and Web Gateway Server can be resolved. Use the
host name of the WebSEAL server in the URL for the WEB UI Interface,
log in again, and redo the install of the software package.
– In the dynamic resource group of the type User, the Query Selection group
box on the Resource Group Members dialog is grayed out.
Run the update_trm_query.sh script on the Tivoli server.
򐂰 Problems with the inventory scan.
Inventory scan completed successfully but not data in the RDBMS database.
Check the mcollect.log on the gateways and the trace file for the
TWG-MCollect. Refer to 7.10, “Troubleshooting Inventory” on page 256, on
Inventory mcollect to debug the failed collection.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
7.8.2 Tracing the Web User Interface
You can use wwebcfg to set the tracing parameters for the Web User Interface.
The output trace files, WebUI*.trc, are located in the $DBDIR/WebUI directory.
The available parameters for wwebcfg are:
The default for product_dir is $DBDIR/WebUI and $DBDIR/WebUI/work for
working_dir. The default trace_size is 1000000 and when the trace file size
reaches this size, a new file is created.
The trace_level can be set from 0 to 6. Your support personnel may request a
higher level depending on the situation.
Table 7-6 Settings for trace_level
No traces
Level fatal
Level error
Level warning
Level info
Level verbose
Maximum level
Tracing Software Distribution WEB UI plug-in
Set the trace_level parameter of wswdcfg to a level by running:
wswdcfg -s trace_level=9
The traces (*.trc) are located on the TMR server (by default) in the $product_dir
directory, which is specified in the [#SERVER] section of the swdis.ini file. The
swdis.ini is located on C:/WINNT for the Windows Tivoli Server and /etc/Tivoli for
the UNIX TMR server.
In the $product_dir, the spo*.trc and spde*.trc should have traces of the
publishing of software packages to TWG. The swdmgr*.trc should have the
results of the publishing.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
The swd traces directory can be changed using the product_dir parameter.
wswdcfg -s product_dir=trace_dir
Tracing for the Web Gateway
See 7.7.1, “Tracing the Web Gateway” on page 251.
Trace files of the endpoint on the Web Gateway Server
Locate the swdis.ini, which is located in C:/WINNT for Windows installation and
etc/Tivoli for UNIX installation. Set the trace_level to level 6 (trace_level=6) in the
endpoint section of the swdis.ini file.
The trace files spde*.trc will be located in the $product_dir as specified in the
swdis.ini file. When software packages are published to the TWG, these files
should have the traces in them.
7.9 Troubleshooting Enterprise Directory Integration
Most of the issues involved in troubleshooting revolve around making sure the
connection to the LDAP server is working and that the access to the context is
You can check this by setting a trace on the TMR server. For example:
odadmin environ set DQ_TRACE=max_size (MB)
The trace files are written to $DBDIR on the TMR server. DirQueryCli0 contains
the CLI trace, and DirQueryEngine0.trc contains the engine trace.
Sometimes the problem is a port issue. For Directory Integration, the
communication takes place through a socket listening on port 9090. If this port is
reserved for other applications, we suggest that you change it, setting the
variable DQ_PORT to a different value.
The command to use is again:
odadmin environ get/set
7.10 Troubleshooting Inventory
This section covers important information required to troubleshoot inventory
scans. It is important that you understand the basic tasks and the logfiles used in
order to troubleshoot effectively.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Table 7-7 contains a summary of the logfiles we will be discussing in this chapter.
Table 7-7 Log file information
Log file
Endpoint Upcall and downcall
Endpoint scan engine Inventory profile
From directory where the
wepscan command was run.
Created by wepscan -d
Endpoint scan engine Scan data
From directory where the
wepscan command was run.
Created by wepscan -d
Endpoint scan engine Debug information
From directory where the
wepscan command was run.
Created by wepscan -d
Hardware scan library Debug information
Gateway Upcall and downcall
RIM object
SQLstatements and DB
return codes
“Created by wrimtrace.”
Data Handler Debug information
Collector Debug information
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
Log file
Endpoint Upcall and downcall
Endpoint scan engine Inventory profile
From directory where the
wepscan command was run.
Created by wepscan -d
Endpoint scan engine Scan data
From directory where the
wepscan command was run.
Created by wepscan -d
Endpoint scan engine Debug information
From directory where the
wepscan command was run.
Created by wepscan -d
Hardware scan library Debug information
Gateway Upcall and downcall
RIM object
SQLstatements and DB
return codes
“Created by wrimtrace.”
Inventory GUI log
Unix: $DBDIR directory.
PC Systems: $DSWIN directory.
Note: You need to open the
inv_gui.sh file in a text editor on
the system on which you are
using the GUI, This file is located
Change the DEBUG variable to 2
from 0. No files are generated by
deafult value, which is 0.
.log (PC
0 (no
7.10.1 Enabling logging and tracing
The lcfd.log at debug level 3 contains important endpoint activity information.
From there you can see the upcalls made by the endpoint, as well as downcalls
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
make by the gateway to the endpoint. Depending on the type of problem you are
troubleshooting, you may elect to only have certain traces enabled. For the
purpose of this exercise we will enable all the traces.
Setting endpoint debug level
To enable endpoint debugging level 3, do the following from the endpoint:
1. Change the log_threshold line in the $LCFDIR/dat/1/last.cfg file to
2. Save the updated last.cfg.
3. Restart the lcfd service. Open a command line on the endpoint and run the
commands in Example 7-7.
Example 7-7 Restart the lcfd service
stop lcfd
Tivoli endpoint
Tivoli endpoint
start lcfd
Tivoli endpoint
Tivoli endpoint
service is stopping.
service was stopped successfully.
service is starting.
service was started successfully.
Setting Collector logging
Mcollect.log debug level 3 is the highest log level and is the most widely used for
troubleshooting. It can, however, generate a very large logfile in a short amount
of time and will wrap every time it reaches the maximum debug_log_size. You
should only set the debug level to three when troubleshooting. The Collector
must be stopped and started, as illustrated in Example 7-8, when changing the
debug level.
Once these commands are executed, simply view or tail -f the SCS logfile.
Remember to set logging back to level 1 after you finish.
To enable Collector debugging run the command shown in Example 7-8. All
commands are in bold.
Example 7-8 Enabling Collector debug level
wcollect -d 3 @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
wcollect -h graceful @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
Performed 'graceful' halt of collector: @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw.
wcollect -s @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw
Started collector: @Gateway:win-rptr01a-gw.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
Setting Data Handler logging
Setting the Data Handler debug level is similar to setting the Collector, except
instead of specifying a Collector, you specify the Data Handler object, as
illustrated in Example 7-9.
Example 7-9 Enabling Data Handler debug level
wcollect -d 3 @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler
wcollect -h graceful 3 @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler
Performed 'graceful' halt of collector: @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler.
wcollect -s @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler
Started collector: @InvDataHandler:inv_data_handler.
Setting the gateway debug level
A number of interesting messages can also be viewed in the gatelog file. If you
are tracing SCS, you should set the gateway debug level to 9. Be sure to set it
back to default when you are done tracing.
The gateway logfile is called gatelog and is located in $DBDIR. This file contains
information on downcalls, upcalls, and cache misses, and thus can be very
useful when troubleshooting Inventory. Use the wgateway command to set the
debug level of the gatelog file. Since you must restart the gateway, make sure
there are no active distributions in progress.
The commands in Example 7-10 set the gateway debug level to 9 on a gateway
named win-rptr01a-gw.
Example 7-10 Setting gatelog to debug level 9
C:\Tivoli>wgateway win-rptr01a-gw set_debug_level 9
C:\Tivoli>wgateway win-rptr01a-gw restart
Setting the RIM trace
The RIM logfile contains very useful information when troubleshooting
database-related problems. From the RIM log you can see what database calls
are being made from the Data Handler to the RIM interface and what is returned
by the database.
To enable RIM trace do the following:
1. From the RIM host managed node run the following command:
odadmin environ get>c:\environ_rim.txt
2. Edit the c:\environ_rim.txt file by adding the following line:
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
3. Set the RIM_DB_LOG environment variable:
odadmin environ set < c:\environ_rim.txt
4. Enable tracing on Data Handler RIM object:
wrimtrace invdh_1 "INFORMATION|ERROR"
5. Kill all RIM_vendor_Agent processes that are running on the RIM host
managed node, as shown in Example 7-11.
Example 7-11 Killing the RIM agent process
ntprocinfo|grep -i agent
1980 RIM_Oracle_Agent WIN-INV01A\tmersrvd
ntprocinfo -k 1980
08/06/2002 10:02:09
RIM tracing is now enabled and will be tracing all invdh_1 RIM object calls.
Notes: The RIM log can grow and fill up disk space very quickly at
INFORMATION:ERROR. Be sure to set it back to no tracing when you are
done tracing by running the following command:
wrimtrace invdh_1 "TRACE_OFF"
To troubleshoot RIM connection problems, the RIM_vendor_Agent can be
started manually. On Unix, however, DB2 and Informix RDBMS systems
require setting the shared library path first.
Troubleshooting on the endpoint
The wepscan command has two debug options, -c and -d. These options provide
effective troubleshooting tools when diagnosing endpoint-specific problems.
򐂰 The -c option reads the profile configuration file (config.dmp) and writes
results into a text file sa_config.log. config.dmp is created on the endpoint
when the profile is distributed to it.
򐂰 The -d option has three levels (1–3). The three levels are as follows:
– 1: Logs error messages.
– 2: Logs error and warning messages.
– 3: Logs error and warning messages and debugging information.
(Debugging information is not available from NetWare or OS/2 endpoints.)
Depending on the log level used, the following files will be created. All these
logs will be saved in the same directory from which you ran wepscan.
– sa_results.log: Contains the scan data in ASCII format.
– sa_config.log: The same logfile that is created using the -c option.
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
– INV_SA.LOG: Contains debugging information. It is identical to the logfile
that is created using the wdistinv command and inv_ep_debug keyword.
If you used the -s option, this logfile is sent to the Inventory Data Handler.
You can also create these logfiles by creating an environment variable on your
system named WEPSCAN_DEBUG. Set this environment variable to a value of
1, 2, or 3. These values correspond to the options you specify with the -d option.
When using the -d option, the libInvHW.log is created. This file contains more
detailed debug information of the Hardware Scan Library. It is very useful when
troubleshooting hardware scan related problems. At this point in time there is no
similar logfile for the software scan library.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Chapter 8.
Certification exam
This chapter describes the certification exam objectives and contains the
following sections:
“Planning section” on page 264
“Installation section” on page 266
“Configuration section” on page 268
“Operations, administration, and maintenance section” on page 270
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
8.1 Planning section
In this section we discuss planning.
򐂰 Given a Statement of Work, architecture document, and customer input,
conduct customer interviews and analyze the documentation so that
customer requirements are determined, with emphasis on performing the
following steps:
Conduct customer interviews.
Read architecture document.
Read customer documents.
Determine Tivoli naming conventions.
򐂰 Given a list of machines and their specifications, interrogate the machines
against the minimum requirements so that a list of machines to support the
Tivoli environment can be generated, with emphasis on performing the
following steps:
Identify machines involved.
Determine available disk space.
Determine available memory.
Determine CPU power.
򐂰 Given the Planning and Installation Guides, User Manuals, Release Notes,
and a list of machines, assess the software levels so that a list of machines
meeting the prerequisites and a list of machines to be upgraded and patched
can be generated, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Identify software prerequisites.
– Determine existing software levels.
򐂰 Given a set of network locations, protocols, and a network diagram, describe
the network topology so that a Tivoli infrastructure can be recommended, with
emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Determine physical network layout.
– Determine protocols to use.
򐂰 Given a list of servers and workstations and a network diagram, identify and
categorize the machines to be managed so that they can be grouped into a
logical endpoint list, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Identify machines to be managed.
– Identify groups of machines.
– Identify resources to scan.
򐂰 Given customer's data collection requirements, a list of endpoints, and a
Tivoli infrastructure, determine the inventory requirements (scan frequency,
scan method, history tracking, MIFs to be collected, hardware/software data,
policy needs, and Wake-on-LAN requirements) so that a scanning
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
methodology and policy scripts can be generated, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
Consider hardware/software data to be scanned.
Determine inventory scan method.
Determine inventory scan frequency.
Determine policies needed.
Determine history tracking requirements.
Determine MIFs to be collected.
Determine Wake-on-LAN requirements.
򐂰 Given a list of software to be distributed, a delivery method, a list of
endpoints, and a Tivoli infrastructure, determine the software distribution
requirements so that a distribution architecture and methodology can be
determined, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Determine software to be distributed.
– Determine software packaging method.
– Analyze software requirements with respect to bandwidth usage and time
to distribute.
– Determine source hosts and depot sites.
– Determine candidates for software build via pristine install.
– Determine policies needed.
– Document endpoint to directory user relationship.
– Determine eligible pervasive devices.
򐂰 Given a customer’s database environment, determine the database
requirements in order to identify the appropriate database sizing, tuning, and
RIM parameters, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Calculate estimated size of database.
Select RIM(s) node(s).
Determine database index process.
Select appropriate database.
򐂰 Given an organization chart and business processes, describe the
organization of the administrators so that the necessary administrator groups
and roles can be determined, with emphasis on performing the following
– Identify logical groups of administrators.
– Identify roles of administrators.
– Identify policy regions to which admins require access.
򐂰 Given a company’s security policies and Tivoli security settings, create
appropriate administrator roles and Tivoli configuration functions so that the
Chapter 8. Certification exam objectives
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager settings meet company security policies,
with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Define administrator roles.
Determine optimum oserv configuration settings.
Determine optimum endpoint configuration settings.
Determine access manager install.
Determine WebSeal install.
򐂰 Given a network diagram, firewall rules and policies, and DMZ architecture,
determine the firewall requirements so that inventory scans and software
distributions can be performed through the firewall(s), with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
– Determine machines separated by firewalls.
– Determine use of Tivoli Configuration Manager under DMZ.
– Determine management needs for machines.
򐂰 Given a network diagram, network administration policy, and customer
requirements, determine the multicast requirements so that a list of multicast
repeaters, targets, and configuration settings can be generated, with
emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Determine multicast targets.
– Determine multicast repeaters.
– Determine multicast addresses and parameters.
򐂰 Given a list of software and inventory requirements, mobile devices, and
pervasive devices, determine Web requirements so that the Web access site,
installation method, and Web component database are configured for the list
of Web-enabled applications available to a subscriber list, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
Determine install of Web components - Classic or SPBs.
Determine eligible software packages and inventory configs.
Determine eligible targets.
Determine cluster or single install.
Size DB2 for Web.
8.2 Installation section
In this section we discuss installation.
򐂰 Given the set of prerequisite software CDs, install the prerequisite software,
including RDBMS, IBM HTTP Server, DB2 Data Warehouse, and WebSphere
Application Server so that the software environment meets the IBM Tivoli
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Configuration Manager prerequisites, with emphasis on performing the
following steps:
Install RDBMS.
Install IBM HTTP server.
Install DB2 Data Warehouse.
Install WebSphere Application Server.
򐂰 Given the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager CDs and administrator access to
the appropriate hardware and the MDist2 database, choose the appropriate
installation method to install or upgrade the TMR server, Java components,
gateway and repeater hierarchy, MDist2, Firewall Toolkit, and endpoints to
produce a working Tivoli environment with MDist2 capability, with emphasis
on performing the following steps:
Locate media.
Ensure bidirectional name and address resolution.
Intall/upgrade TMR server.
Install Java components.
Install MDist2.
Install Firewall Toolkit.
Create gateway(s)/repeater(s).
Install endpoints.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment, the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
CDs, the inventory schema, and administrative access to the inventory
database, install or upgrade the inventory server, gateways, and Scalable
Collection Service so that all the necessary inventory components are
installed on the correct machines in the Tivoli environment, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
– Install/upgrade the Scalable Collection Service.
– Install/upgrade the inventory server.
– Install/upgrade the inventory gateway.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment and the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager
CDs, install or upgrade the Software Distribution components, including the
server, gateway, packaging, and desktop components, so that the
Configuration Manager GUIs can be launched and accessed, and all
necessary Software Distribution components are installed on the appropriate
machines in the Tivoli environment, with emphasis on performing the
following steps:
Install/upgrade Software Distribution server.
Install/upgrade Software Distribution gateway.
Install/upgrade Software Package Editor.
Install/upgrade Configuration Manager Desktop.
Install Pristine Tool.
Chapter 8. Certification exam objectives
򐂰 Given an Activity Planner schema, a Change Management schema, and a
working Tivoli environment, install the functions of Deployment Services
including Change Management, Activity Planner, Resource Manager,
Directory Query, and Web components so that all of these application
components are installed in the Tivoli environment, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
Install Change Manager.
Install Activity Planner.
Install Resource Manager.
Install device agents.
Install Web components.
Install Directory Query.
Install Access Manager.
Install Access Manager WebSeal.
8.3 Configuration section
In this section we discuss configuration.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment, a network topology, and an MDist2
database, configure gateway Web access, repeater tuning parameters,
MDist2 RIM parameters, and the endpoint, task library, and profile manager
policy scripts so that the Tivoli environment meets the customer requirements
for distribution throughput, bandwidth control, and endpoint management,
with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Build MDist2 RIM.
Tune repeaters.
Create and install endpoint policies.
Configure multicast.
Create task library, profile managers, and policy scripts.
Configure gateway Web access.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment and an endpoint to directory user listing,
link endpoints to directory users and create Directory Query libraries and
Directory Queries, so that endpoints can be associated with users, with
emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Create Directory query library.
– Create directory query.
– Link endpoints to directory users.
򐂰 Given that inventory is installed and customer collection requirements have
been determined, tune collectors, install software signatures, and configure
RIM objects, custom queries, and scanners so that data can be collected from
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
endpoints, stored in the configuration repository, and matched against
defined software signatures, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Build inventory RIM(s).
Tune data handler.
Tune collectors.
Add software signature.
Create inventory, subscription, and historic query library.
Configure custom tables in database.
Create custom query.
Configure DMI data to collect.
Create inventory policy scripts.
򐂰 Given that Software Distribution is installed and the customer’s software
distribution requirements have been determined, configure multicast support,
data moving service, Web interface, mobile support, and policy scripts so that
software can be distributed to targets in compliance with the customer’s
requirements, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Configure multicast support.
Configure data moving service.
Configure software distribution mobile support.
Create software distribution policy scripts.
Configure software distribution Web interface.
򐂰 Given that the deployment services components have been successfully
installed, configure the RIMs, Web Gateway, device plug-ins, HTTP Server,
and WebSphere Application Server in order to provide working Web access
and management for pervasive devices, with emphasis on performing the
following steps:
Build Activity Planner RIM.
Build Change Manager RIM.
Configure plug-ins.
Configure Web Gateway.
Register pervasive devices.
Create resource group policies.
Configure IBM HTTP Server.
Configure WebSphere Application Server/Tivoli TMR Web access.
Publish Web objects.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli environment with software distribution, inventory, and
deployment services installed, test the managed nodes, gateways, endpoints,
and RIM objects so that endpoints can be managed through the framework
and databases can be accessed through the RIM, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
– Test managed node.
– Test gateway(s).
Chapter 8. Certification exam objectives
Test endpoint(s).
Test Change Manager RIM.
Test Activity Planner RIM.
Test inventory RIM(s).
Test MDist2 RIM.
򐂰 Given a working Tivoli Configuration Manager environment, TEC Server,
TDW, and customer requirements, configure software distribution to send
events to TEC and integrate software distribution with TDW so that Tivoli
Configuration Manager can generate reports and TEC events, with emphasis
on performing the following steps:
– Configure software distribution to send events to TEC.
– View Tivoli Configuration Manager reports in the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
8.4 Operations, administration, and maintenance
In this section we discuss operations, administration, and maintenance.
򐂰 Given a list of file packages and inventory profiles from Tivoli Software
Distribution V3.x and Tivoli Inventory V3.x, convert them to IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager V4.2 inventory configuration profiles, software
packages, and SPBs, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Convert inventory profiles to inventory configuration profiles.
– Convert file packages to software packages.
򐂰 Given IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager customer requirements, create
inventory resources, including policy regions, profile managers, and profiles
so that inventory data can be collected from the customer environment, with
emphasis on performing the following steps:
Create inventory policy regions.
Create inventory profile managers.
Create and configure inventory profiles.
Select custom MIF collection profile settings.
Determine type of scan for pervasive devices.
򐂰 Given IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager customer requirements, create
software distribution resources, including policy regions, profile managers,
and profiles so that software can be distributed to and removed from target
systems, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Create and configure software distribution profiles.
– Create software packages using the Java Package Editor, CLI, GUI, SIS,
or importing them. Launch the software distribution Java Package Editor
and use it to build packages on all supported operating systems.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
– Export and modify software package blocks.
– Determine version and dependencies of a software package block.
– Create install, uninstall, undo, commit, and verify jobs.
– Configure advanced options on software distribution profiles.
򐂰 Given a working IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 environment and
customer requirements, build reference models so that inventory scans and
software distributions can be applied to the subscriber lists enforcing the
software states and inventory data elements defined in the reference model,
with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Create a reference model and assign subscribers.
– Add, change, and delete inventory scan elements.
– Add, change, and delete software distribution elements.
򐂰 Given customer requirements to schedule and coordinate activities, configure
the Activity Planner to define, submit, and schedule an activity plan that
meets customer requirements, with emphasis on performing the following
Use Activity Planner to define activity, set conditions, and assign targets.
List submittable activity plans.
Submit activity plan.
Schedule an activity plan for execution.
򐂰 Given customer requirements to manage pervasive devices, create and
configure device object software packages and inventory profiles so that
software can be delivered and inventory information can be collected from
these devices, with emphasis on performing the following step:
– Create and configure device object software package.
򐂰 Given a working IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 environment and a
set of subscribers, distribute software and perform asset scans against
LAN-attached and mobile clients so that asset data is gathered and software
is installed or removed, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Distribute software to desired targets and confirm success.
Distribute inventory configuration profile.
Execute an activity plan.
Configure endpoint initiated scanner.
򐂰 Given active distributions and scans, control IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager V4.2 activities to determine status, cancel activities, and
determine/alter the repeater path so that activities can be successfully
managed, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Calculate disk space required for distribution.
– Verify success of scan or distribution.
Chapter 8. Certification exam objectives
Report current status of a distribution.
Cancel a distribution.
Determine path that a distribution will follow.
Alter the path that a distribution will follow.
View status or details of activity plans.
Distribute a software package using multicast.
Move files/software from one endpoint to another.
򐂰 Given Framework and IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2 CLIs and
administrative access to the system, start and stop components so that
collectors, oservs, and endpoints can be effectively managed in the
environment, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
Start/stop oserv.
Start/stop endpoint.
Start/stop gateways.
Start/stop endpoint manager.
Start/stop collectors.
򐂰 Given an installed Tivoli environment including IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager V4.2, perform the tasks necessary to uninstall Tivoli and remove
related information from the databases so that the systems are restored to the
pre-installation state, with emphasis on performing the following steps:
– Uninstall IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager V4.2.
– Remove information in database about removed endpoint.
– Restore from backup.
򐂰 Given error logs, database schemas, and CLI commands, describe the
troubleshooting procedures so that corrective action can be taken, successful
distributions can be achieved, RIM connections can be established, and the
oserv and other Tivoli components can be traced, with emphasis on
performing the following steps:
Troubleshoot TMR and managed node installation.
Troubleshoot endpoint agent installation.
Solve RIM connection problems.
Debug distributions.
Generate oserv trace.
Trace a reference model.
Enable Web user interface tracing.
Troubleshoot Java install.
Review Scalable Collection Service.
Debug activity plan problems using appropriate log files.
Debug Change Manager problems using logs and traces.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Appendix A.
Lab exercises
This appendix provides lab exercises for the related chapters. You need to first
download the SG243946.zip, which has the necessary files for these exercises.
Refer to Appendix B, “Additional material” on page 349, for instructions to
download this zip file.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
In the these exercises we have used ITCM 4.2, but you can also use ITCM 4.2.1
if you prefer. Lab 1 contains installation instructions for getting all the support
applications plus ITCM 4.2. up and running on a single box. All the other labs can
be used as reference during a demo of a self-study guide.
The lab setup is two Windows 2000 Server or Professional machines for each
group. The machines are called TivoliServer and WindowsTarget. TivoliServer
will serve as a Source Host, Tivoli Server, and endpoint; and WindowsTarget will
serve as a second target endpoint in the exercises. We will install endpoints on
both machines and these endpoints will have the same names as the machines.
Most of the IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2 installation will be done on the
TivoliServer machine.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
LAB 1 Using Integrated Install method to install a Tivoli
In this lab we use the Integrated Install method to install a Tivoli Server.
What this exercise is about
This exercise will give you the possibility to deploy a Tivoli Server using the new
integrated installation method. During the exercise you will be guided through all
the steps required to install a Tivoli Server and all the ITCM standard
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to install a Tivoli server with all IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager (ITCM) components using the ISMP method.
Required materials
Before you start the exercises, you should make sure you have access to the
following software:
Framework 4.1 or 4.1.1 Installation CD1
Framework 4.1 or 4.1.1 Installation CD2
ITCM 4.2 or 4.2.1 Installation CD
ITCM 4.2 or 4.2.1 Server CD
Note: We have used ITCM 4.2.1 for implemening these labs. If you use ITCM
4.2.0, you will not see Figure A-10 on page 286 in the installation of ITCM
(since this step was new with ITCM 4.2.1). Other than that, all lab instructions
are applicable to ITCM 4.2.0 as well.
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after reviewing Chapter 3, “Tivoli Configuration
Manager fundamentals and installation” on page 71.
DB2 V8.1 has already been installed on your Windows 2000 Server with the
following options:
򐂰 DB2 database home: c:\Program Files\SQLLIB
򐂰 Instance owner: db2admin
򐂰 Instance: DB2
Appendix A. Lab exercises
򐂰 Instance home: c:\DB2
Install your Tivoli Server with all ITCM modules
To install:
1. Log onto your TivoliServer machine as Administrator. Open a DB2 Command
Window by selecting Start → Programs → IBM DB2 → Command Window.
2. Using the command window, create a database to be used with ITCM. In this
exercise, we will use a common database for all ITCM modules:
db2 create database cm_db
3. Execute the script to create the table space:
db2 connect to cm_db
cd c:\temp
db2 -f cm_db2_admin.sql -o -t -z c:\temp\cmdb.log
4. Create five new Windows 2000 user accounts for the default ITCM users:
planner, invtiv, mdstatus, pristine, and tivoli. Make all users part of the
Administrators group and give them tivoli as password. To create a user,
select Start → Programs → Administrative Tools → Active Directory
Users and Computers.
Note: If you are using Windows 2000 Professional, use the link Start →
Settings → Control Panel and then select Users and Passwords.
5. Now it is time to start the integrated installation. Use the Windows Explorer to
go to the <ITCM images>\CD5\ directory of the ITCM code installation
directory. Double-click setup.exe. This will start the InstallShield wizard
6. Select English as installation language. Click OK.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-1 Installation welcome screen
7. Click Next on the installation welcome screen.
8. Accept the license and click Next again.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-2 Destination Directory
9. Click Next to accept the default destination directory.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-3 Type of installation
10.Select Custom installation.
11.A Typical installation will install all ITCM components but not configure
Directory Query. If you choose the Custom option, it is possible to select what
parts to install and to provide some configuration options. You also have the
option to configure the Directory Query component.
12.In a Typical installation, one common database, cm_db, will be created for all
components. In a Custom installation, you have the option to create separate
databases, but in our installation we will create only one database, which is
13.Click Next.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-4 Selecting components
14.Select the components to install. Use the default of all selected. Click Next.
15.Click Next for Additional Languages. Do not specify any additional languages.
Note: Your instructor has probably not added the Language CD for ITCM,
so you will not be able to add additional languages.
16.In a Typical installation the installer will run all SQL scripts to create the table
spaces, all tables, and views. When you run the custom installation you have
the option to defer the execution of the scripts. Maybe your database
administrator wants to create custom table spaces in different locations with
different sizes.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-5 Specify the repository configuration
We created the table spaces in step 3. Now we only want to run the schema
scripts. Select the option to Run schema scripts only.
17.Click Next.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-6 RDBMS and RIM information
Next, you will get a number of windows, one for each RIM object, where you
specify the information needed for RIM to connect to the RDMBS.
For all these windows, perform the following changes:
a. Change the database name to cm_db.
b. Enter the RIM password as tivoli.
Leave the rest as default.
18.Click Next.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-7 Specify user ID and password
19.For tivapm use the password tivoli. Click Next.
20.Fill in the rest of the RIM Information (similar to step 17).
21.For Enterprise Directory Query Facility, do not configure anything. Click Next.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-8 Review the settings
22.Review the installation settings. Click Next to start the copy process.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-9 Select how to manage product images
During this process, you will have to specify the location of the software. Ask
your instructor for this location. Select Verify local depot and enter the
location of the images (ask your instructor for this location).
Note: If you receive a message window saying that the Integrated
Installation program could not locate a program, specify the correct
directory that has the .IND file for that component.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-10 Components to install
23.Select Run All in the following Installation Step window. Note that this window
gives you a last chance before the installation to change the selected
components to install. You would not get this window if you had selected the
Typical installation instead of Custom.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-11 After Tivoli Management Framework installation
After completion of the installation, the Tivoli Management Framework system
will ask you to reboot the machine.
24.Click Finish to reboot the machine.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-12 Installation continues after reboot
Installation will continue from where it was, after the reboot.
25.Click Run All to continue to install. If any of these steps fails installation will
stop and that particular step will get Error status. You can check the errors by
clicking that line with the right mouse button and going to Properties.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-13 Received error for registering APM plug-ins
If you receive an error while the system is registering plug-ins for Activity
Planner, right-click the Windows desktop and select New → Shortcut. Fill in
cmd /k%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\tivoli\setup_env.cmd for the
shortcut and name it Tivoli CLI.
26.Double-click the new shortcut. You should see the message Tivoli
environment variables configured.
27.Open a command window and set the Tivoli environment and type the
following commands;
bash wstopapm -f
bash wstartapm
28.After APM starts, right-click the line where you get an error, and set the status
to Ready and click Run All again.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-14 Review the components installed successfully
29.When all components have been installed successfully, click Finish.
30.Double-click the new shortcut. You should see the message Tivoli
environment variables configured.
31.Type the following Tivoli command:
odadmin odlist
32.Restart the Tivoli Server oserv process:
odadmin reexec
33.Verify that six RIM objects have been created using:
wlookup -ar RIM
34.Test one of the RIM objects using:
wrimtest -l mdist2
35.Cancel out of the session by typing x.
36.Verify the installed Tivoli products and patches using the wlsinst command:
wlsinst –ah
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Exercise review/wrap-up
In this exercise, you have learned how to install a Tivoli Server and all the
required ITCM components using the new integrated installation method.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
LAB 2. Using Integrated Install method to install a Tivoli
In this section we use the Integrated Install method to install a Tivoli server.
What this exercise is about
In this exercise, you will learn how to install the Tivoli Desktop and ITCM GUIs.
With the introduction of ITCM 4.2, the different GUIs that used to require a
managed node can now be installed on endpoints or even on machines with no
Tivoli Agent. ITCM provides a "desktop" CD that contains a number of Software
Package Blocks; these can be used to install the APM, CCM, Editor, MDist2, and
Inventory GUIs on Windows endpoints.
In this exercise, we will install these GUIs on one of our Windows 2000 Servers.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to install a Tivoli Desktop with all ITCM
components using the ISMP method.
The Integrated Desktop installation can be used to install the Tivoli Desktop and
all the ITCM administrative GUIs. You can only run this on Windows NT and 2000
Required materials
For this exercise, you need access to ITCM Desktop for NT Version 4.2 or 4.2.1
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after reviewing Chapter 3, “Tivoli Configuration
Manager fundamentals and installation” on page 71.
All exercises of this chapter depend on the availability of specific equipment in
your classroom.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Installing the Desktop
To install:
1. Log into your TivoliServer machine as the Administrator user.
2. From the ITCM Desktop CD, launch the setup.exe (ask your Instructor for the
location of the CD).
3. Select English as the installation language.
4. Accept the license agreement.
5. Select Tivoli Management Framework 4.1.1.
Figure A-15 Installing the Desktop
6. Click Yes for the default destination directory and click Next.
7. When you receive the following window, click Finish to finish the installation.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-16 Review the installation steps
8. Test the desktop. Log into your TivoliServer as the Administrator user.
9. Start the MDist2 GUI from the Tivoli Desktop. Have a look at the "c:\Program
Files\Tivoli\Desktop" directory. Where is the CMD file to launch the Inventory
GUI located?
Install an endpoint on both of your Windows machines
Now you will install endpoint first on your Tivoli Server machine and then on your
Windows Target machine. Start the endpoint installation from Framework CD2 by
running \LCF\WINNT\setup.exe. Use all the default options.
1. In the Advanced Settings, remember to make sure your endpoint logs into the
gateway on your Tivoli Server.
Note: Substitute your Tivoli Gateway name in the following figure; do not
forget that when the Integrated Install program creates a gateway, it uses
the following syntax for the name: <Tivoli Server name-gw>. Click Next.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-17 Port settings
2. Reboot the NT machine when you finish.
3. Also install the endpoint on the Windows Target machine, with the same
settings. Note that endpoint names are same as the machine names.
Exercise review/wrap-up
In this exercise, we have covered the new method to install the Tivoli Desktop
and the Tivoli administrative GUIs. We also installed endpoints on our lab
Appendix A. Lab exercises
LAB 3. Create an Inventory profile and run a hardware
In this section we create an Inventory profile and run a hardware scan.
What this exercise is about
In this exercise, we create a hardware scanning profile and perform an initial
scan of both of your Tivoli endpoints.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to configure an InventoryConfig profile.
Required materials
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after reviewing Chapter 4, “Inventory and Software
Distribution components” on page 101.
Create a hardware profile with SMBIOS capabilities
To create a hardware profile with SMBIOS capabilities:
1. Start the Tivoli Desktop on your Tivoli Server machine.
2. Log into your Tivoli Server as the Administrator user using the Tivoli Desktop.
3. Create a new policy region for Inventory and name it pr.itcm.inv.
4. Right-click the new policy region and select ManagedResources. Assign
ProfileManager and InventoryConfig as valid ManagedResources.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-18 Policy region
5. Open the new policy region and create a new dataless ProfileManager named
Figure A-19 Profile Manager creation
Appendix A. Lab exercises
6. Open the new ProfileManager and subscribe all your Tivoli endpoints to the
new ProfileManager. To do so, right-click the ProfileManager, select
Subscribers, and move the endpoints to the Current Subscribers window.
7. Create a new InventoryConfig profile. Select Create → Profile from the
profile manager menu and select the InventoryConfig resource. Name the
profile ic.hw.
8. Right-click the new profile and select Properties. The Inventory Configuration
Java GUI will start. Customize the profile as follows:
a. For PC and UNIX, deselect Software scanning.
b. Check the hardware configuration. Click Configure.
Figure A-20 Hardware Scanner
9. We do not want to collect IPX and USB Device information, so deselect them.
Leave all other options at the default.
10.Click OK to close the Inventory Configuration window.
8.4.1 Distribute the profile
To distribute the profile:
1. Right-click the profile and select Distribute.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
2. Select Advanced Options → Timeout Settings from the top menu.
3. Note that you can enable Wake on LAN from the profile in Inventory. Close the
Timeout Settings window.
4. Select all your endpoints and distribute the profile.
5. Check the distribution status from the command line:
wmdist -al
wgetscanstat -a
6. Check the data that was collected. Run the Queries from the installed query
library. Open the default policy region: <Tivoli server>-region.
Figure A-21 Inventory query
7. Open the INVENTORY_QUERY query library and execute some of the new
queries to find out what data is collected.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-22 Edit Query
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-23 Contents of Query
Appendix A. Lab exercises
LAB 4. Create an Inventory profile and run and cancel
the software scan
In this section we discuss the creation of an Inventory profile and run and cancel
the software scan.
What this exercise is about
In this exercise, we will learn how to perform a software scan and how to cancel
the collection process of a software scan.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to:
򐂰 Configure an InventoryConfig profile.
򐂰 Run the wcancelscan command.
Required materials
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after reviewing Chapter 4, “Inventory and Software
Distribution components” on page 101.
Create an Inventory profile for software scan
To create an Inventory profile for a software scan:
1. Open the pr.itcm.inv policy region and create a new dataless ProfileManager
named pm.itcm.inv.sw.
2. Open the new ProfileManager and subscribe all your Tivoli endpoints to the
new ProfileManager.
3. Create a new InventoryConfig profile. Select Create → Profile from the
profile manager menu and select the InventoryConfig resource. Name the
profile ic.sw.
4. Right-click the new profile and select Properties. The Inventory Configuration
Java GUI will start.
5. Customize the profile as:
– Disable all hardware scans.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
– For PC software, select to run a file scan. Configure the scan options as
shown in Figure A-24.
6. Disable all hardware scans.
7. For PC software, select to run a file scan. Configure the Scan options as
shown in Figure A-24.
Figure A-24 Scan Configuration
8. Also customize the profile to scan for .exe and .com files in the Program Files
directory only.
9. Close the profile.
Distribute the profile and cancel the distribution
To distribute the profile and cancel the distribution:
1. Log into the Tivoli Server as Administrator.
2. Distribute the profile from the command line:
wdistinv -l inv_ep_debug=3 @InventoryConfig:ic.sw
3. Verify that the distribution has started.
# wmdist –al
4. Name Distribution ID Targets Completed Successful Failed.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Example: A-1 Example
ic.sw 1709678678.3
# wgetscanstat -a
Scan ID:
Distribution ID:
Profile name:
Start time:
Elapsed time:
Clients completed:
Clients pending:
0( 0%) 0( 0%)
01/22/2004 02:41:56 AM
0 Days 0 Hours 0 Minutes 13 Seconds
5. Now cancel the scan. (you can also use wcancelscan -i scan_id to cancel a
separate scan):
# wcancelscan –a
6. Start to cancel Inventory profile ic.sw with scan ID 4.
7. The cancel operation sent to Inventory status collector is complete.
8. The cancel operation sent to MDistII manager is complete.
9. The cancel operation sent to Scalable Collection Service is complete.
10.The cancel operation sent to Inventory data handler is complete.
11.Verify that the collection has been cancelled:
# wgetscanstat -a
12.No scans using the Inventory status collector are in progress.
13.Verify that no software data has been received into the repository.
15.Now distribute the Profile again. Do not cancel the scan, and verify that data
was collected by running the NATIVE_SWARE_QUERY and
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
LAB 5. Create a Custom Query with where clauses
In this section we discuss creating a Custom Query with where clauses.
What this exercise is about
In this exercise, we will see how we can create a Custom Query with where
clauses. We will create a query that searches the Inventory data for Windows
machines with higher than 128 MB memory.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to create a Custom Query with where
Required materials
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after reviewing Chapter 4, “Inventory and Software
Distribution components” on page 101.
Create a query library
To create a query library:
1. Create a query library called custom queries in the <Tivoli Server>-region.
Select Create → Query Library from the <Tivoli Server>-region.
2. Enter Custom_Queries in the name field.
3. Click Create & Close.
Create a query
To create a query:
1. Create a custom named High_Memory in the Custom Queries query library.
Select Create → Query from the menu.
2. Enter High_Memory in the name field.
3. For the repository, select inv_query.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
4. Click the ellipses (…) next to the Table/View Name field and select the
5. Move the TME_OBJECT_ID and TME_OBJECT_LABEL from the Available
Columns to Chosen Columns.
6. Click the ellipses (…) to the right of the Column Name field in the Where
Clause panel.
7. Select the PHYSICAL TOTAL_KB column name, and then click the Close
8. Select >= from the drop-down menu next to the Column Value field in the
Where Clause panel.
9. In the Column Value field, enter 131102 for 128 MB memory (128 * 1024).
10.Click Add.
11.Select only the Windows machines for this query, such as OS_TYPE =
“Microsoft 2000”. (Tip: This step is similar to the previous step where you
have selected the where clause for PHYSICAL TOTAL_KB.) Ask your
instructor if you need help.
12.When you finish, click Create & Close.
13.Run the query and see if your workstations are listed.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
LAB 6. Create and install software packages for
In this section we create software packages for Windows and experiment with
installation options.
What this exercise is about
In the this exercise we first define and install a simple Windows application called
Redbooks. We will use the Software Package Editor to define the package to be
distributed. We will save the package as a Software Package Block (spb) in order
to consolidate files and actions required to install it in a zip file. Next, we will use
the disconnected CLI to test the package on the preparation machine. Then we
will distribute the Software Package Block to our second endpoint. After that, we
will experiment with different installation options. Finally, we will prepare a
package called Ntprocinfo with advanced configuration options, such as Add
Links, Registry Keys, and Text File objects, and install it on our endpoints.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to:
򐂰 Install the Software Package Editor using the ISMP installation method.
򐂰 Install a software package with various options.
Required materials
For this exercise you need to access to:
򐂰 ITCM Desktop installation CD (CD 3)
򐂰 Redbooks directory of the SG243946.zip
򐂰 NTprocinfo directory of the SG243946.zip
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after reviewing Chapter 4, “Inventory and Software
Distribution components” on page 101.
Install the Software Package Editor
First, we will install the Software Package Editor on one of our Windows
endpoints. Log onto one of your Windows endpoints as Administrator. From the
ITCM Desktop CD, launch the setup.exe. (Desktop installation is on CD 3. Ask
your Instructor for the location of the CD.)
Appendix A. Lab exercises
The InstallShield wizard will start. Follow the installation process, make sure you
select the English language, accept the license agreement, and select the
Software Package Editor component to be installed. (All the other components
were already installed.)
After the installation finishes, you will have two new icons on your Windows
desktop, one to launch the Software Package Editor GUI and one icon to launch
a CMD where the Software Distribution environment is source (allowing the use
of the SWD CLI).
Create a simple package
To create a simple package:
1. On your Windows 2000 machine, create a folder called C:\SWPKGs. This is
where we will store our software packages.
2. From your Windows endpoint, start the SP Editor GUI. Double-click the
Software Package Editor icon.
3. Click OK to select a General Package.
4. Select the package called NoName and change it to Redbooks.
5. Click the Add Directory icon (under Add Object). Configure as shown in
Figure A-25 on page 309.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-25 General Package properties
6. Click the Advanced button. Check Descend Directories to include all files in
the C:\LabFiles\Redbooks directory. Leave Create Directories checked.
7. Click OK for both windows.
8. Select Edit → Properties.
9. Click Condition to add the following package installation condition: Choose
os_name from the variable list and set the following Condition to install the
package: os_type == 'Windows 2000'.
10.Click OK for both windows.
11.Save the package as both a software package and a software package block.
12.Choose File → Save As and type C:\SWPKGs\Redbooks.sp and
C:\SWPKGs\Redbooks.spd. Be sure to change the bottom pull-down menu to
indicate either sp or spb when saving to a particular software package type.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Test the software package
Before installing the software package on a production machine, the software
package should be tested. Do the following on the Tivoli Server to confirm that
the software package works by installing it using disconnected commands:
1. Select Start → Programs → Software Distribution → SWDIST ENV to start
the SWDIST ENV, where you can use disconnected commands.
2. Install the software package block with the wdinstsp command:
wdinstsp c:\SWDPKGs\Redbooks.spb
3. List the software packages installed on the machine and confirm that
Redbooks.spb is listed.
4. Confirm that PDF files have been added to the c:\SWPKGs directory.
Import the software package
Before installing the software package, it must be imported into a Tivoli Software
Package profile. This action puts the software package into the Tivoli database
as a managed resource. Now you will import the package in the not-built format.
1. From the Tivoli Desktop, open the pr.itcm.swd policy region.
2. Open the SDLABs profile manager.
3. From the menu, select Create Profile.
4. Name the profile Redbooks^1.0 and click Create and Close. Notice that the
icon created is an empty box, which is considered to be an empty software
5. Customize the Import window similar to Figure A-26 on page 311 (substitute
your endpoint and source host name).
Note: Unchecking the Build check box creates the software package in the
unbuilt state.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-26 Software Package Import
6. Click Import & Close when you are finished.
Install the software package
To install:
1. Right-click the Redbooks^1.0 profile and select Install.
2. Select your Windows Target endpoint as the subscriber.
3. Click Install & Close.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Verify the distribution was successful
ITCM provides many ways to confirm that a distribution was successful. We will
experiment with some of these.
򐂰 First check the default log as shown below. Logs by default are located on the
TMR server. Go to <Tivoli BINDIR>\swdis\work\Redbooks^1.0.log. You
should see that the software package status as IC.
Example: A-2 Default log
Software Package: "Redbooks^1.0"
2004-01-23 04:28:55
Log File:
DISSE0074I Operation successfully submitted. Distribution ID is 1709678678.13.
Software Package: "Redbooks^1.0"
2004-01-23 04:29:02
DISSE0155I Distribution ID: `1709678678.13'
DISSE0029I Current software package status is 'IC---'.
DISSE0001I Operation successful.
򐂰 The second way is to check the Distribution Status icon on the Tivoli Desktop
or by using wmdistgui from the command line. Select By Distribution Name
and choose Redbooks^1.0.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-27 Distribution Status
򐂰 The third method is to use the Verify feature. From the Tivoli Desktop,
right-click the Redbooks^1.0 profile and select Verify.
Click Verify and Close.
If the verify operation finds an error, it puts the status of the package in the error
state of Installed-Committed-Error (IC..E); to see if it is successful, use the
wdlssp command. You need to launch the Software Distribution environment
(SWDIS ENV) first with the command. Example A-3 is a sample.
Example: A-3 IC state
---------------------------------------DISSE0164I Name
: Redbooks
DISSE0165I Version
: 1.0
DISSE0166I State
: IC------------------------------------------
Install software package in transactional mode and commit
Manually delete the two redbook PDF files from the c:\SWPKGs directory. Install
the software package onto your machine using the following procedure:
1. Right-click the Redbooks^1.0 profile and select Install.
2. Under the Advanced Options (on the top), select Operation Modes.
3. Select Yes under Transaction Options.
4. Click Set & Close.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
5. Select Force in the checks section. You need to force the installation, since
the software package state is IC.
6. Choose your Windows Endpoint as the target of the distribution.
7. Click Install and Close.
8. Check that the state of the software package is IP (Installed-Prepared) using
the CM_STATUS_QUERY query.
Note: This could also be achieved using the wdlssp command.
9. To run the query open up the CM_STATUS_QUERY from the
INVENTORY_QUERY query library and run the query as shown in
Figure A-28.
Figure A-28 Edit Query screen
10.You should see the status of the Redbooks^1.0 software package as IP.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-29 Run Query
11.Go to the SDLABs profile manager again and right-click Redbooks^1.0.
12.Commit the installation by selecting Commit.
13.Confirm that the state of the package is now IC and the files have moved to
the SWPKGs directory.
Note: Alternatively, you could achieve the same results from the CLI with:
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-30 Query results
Undo an installation
Now we will undo the installation of Redbooks^1.0.
1. Right-click the Redbooks^1.0 profile.
2. Right-click the Redbooks^1.0 profile and select Install.
3. Select Force.
4. Select your Windows Endpoint as the target.
5. Under the Advanced Options (on the top), select Operation Modes.
6. Select Yes under the Undoable section.
7. Click Set & Close.
8. Click Install and Close.
9. Check that the state of the software package is ICU
10.Right-click the Redbooks^1.0 profile and select Accept to accept the
11.Check that the state of the software package is IC (Installed-Committed).
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Repair a damaged distribution
During verification of a software package, you may find that the distribution was
corrupted and the software package is in an error state. Instead of completely
redistributing the application, you can distribute what is necessary to fix it.
1. Install Redbooks^1.0 on your Windows Target Endpoint again (if it is not
already installed).
2. Delete one of the PDFs in the C:\SWPKGs directory.
3. Perform a verification operation on the Redbooks^1.0 package.
4. Confirm that the package’s state is IC..E.
5. Now repair the distribution. Right-click the Redbooks^1.0 profile. Select
6. Select Repair in the changes section.
7. Select for Windows Endpoint as the target.
8. Click Install & Close.
9. Confirm that the package is once again in the IC state.
Add links, registry keys, and text file objects
Now we will create a software package that installs a program with links, registry
keys, and text file objects.
1. From your Windows Endpoint, start the SP Editor GUI. Double-click the
Software Package Editor icon.
2. Click OK to select a General Package.
3. Select the package called NoName, and change it to NTProcinfo.
4. Click the Add Directory icon (under Add Object) and customize as in
Figure A-31 on page 318. When finished, select Advanced and select the
Descend directories check box to include all source files and
sub-directories, if any.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-31 Directory Properties
5. Click OK to save and return to the add directory dialog. Click OK.
6. Next we will add an object to create a shortcut to the NTproclist application on
the Windows desktop. From the package drop-down menu select Insert →
Add Object → Windows shell folder.
7. In the Location field, click the right mouse button and then select
all_users_shell_desktop from the list. Click OK to place a link on the
Windows desktop.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-32 Windows Shell Folder Properties
8. Click OK to save.
9. From the Windows Shell folder drop-down menu, select Insert → Link.
Customize as follows:
– Display name: NTprocinfo
– Command: C:\ntprocinfo.exe
10.Click Advanced. Customize as follows:
– Working directory: c:\temp
– Icon location: $(system_drive)\LabFiles\NTprocinfo\awt.ico
11.Now we will add a key that contains the version of the Ntprocinfo application
to the Windows registry.
12.From the package drop-down menu, select Add Object → Windows
registry. Customize as follows:
Parent key: SOFTWARE
Key: NTprocinfo
Class: Blank
13.Click OK.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
14.From the above Windows registry drop-down menu, select Insert → value.
Customize as follows:
– Name: Version
– Data: 1.0
15.Finally, we will add an entry to the c:\Winnt\Tivoli\lcf\1\lcf_env.cmd file. In
order to do this, we must first define a Text File object in our package. Again,
right-click the NTprocinfo package and select Insert → Add Object → Text
File. Fill in c:\Winnt\Tivoli\lcf\1\lcf_env.cmd.
16.Right-click the new file object, select Insert → Line, and input the following
– Text: REM: Ntprocinfo is running on this system
– Position: End
17.Now we will save the package as a software package. From the File menu
select Save as and select the directory c:\SWPKGs.
– File name: ntprocinfo
– File of Type: Software Package Block (sp)
18.Click Save.
Now we will install the software package on our second Windows Endpoint.
1. Open the Tivoli Desktop as Administrator.
2. Open the pr.itcm.swd policy region. Create a dataless ProfileManager called
pm.swd.NTprocinfo and subscribe your Windows Endpoint (non-MN
3. From the Profile Manager, create a software package called Ntprocinfo^1.0.
4. From the software profile drop-down menu, select Import.
5. On the Import panel, choose the Endpoint Machine and then type your
Endpoint name. Click …. to browse the file at the location
6. Enter the source host name <Your_Tivoli_server>.
7. Click Import & Close.
8. Install the software package on your other Windows Endpoint. Right-click and
select Install. Accept all the default values and select your other Windows
Endpoint as a target.
9. Look at the distribution log ${BINDIR}/../swdis/work/NTprocinfo.1.0.log on
your Tivoli Server to verify the distribution. You should see an icon on your
desktop called Ntprocinfo. (It is a small program used to browse Windows
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
LAB 7. Creating a software package using AutoPack
In this section we create a software package using AutoPack.
What this exercise is about
In this exercise, we will use AutoPack to create a software package. We will
install the WinZip software.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to create and install software using the
AutoPack option.
Required materials
The images are located in the Winzip directory of the SG243946.zip.
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after rewiewing Chapter 4, “Inventory and Software
Distribution components” on page 101.
Creating an AutoPack
On your Tivoli Server, start the Software Package Editor by double-clicking the
Software Package Editor icon on the desktop.
1. Select AutoPack Technology and click OK.
2. Click Next to start the AutoPack Guided Process.
3. Under General Options, be sure to monitor the C: drive.
4. Explore the other options, but leave the defaults.
5. Start the first snapshot.
6. Next, install Winzip by launching c:\LabFiles\winzip80.exe. Install the
application in c:\winzip. Complete the installation (select express setup).
7. Start the second snapshot from the AutoPack Guided Process.
8. When AutoPack Guided Process creates the package, change the name to
Winzip and the Version to 8.0.
9. Have a look at the software package and delete any unwanted objects. Make
sure you understand the meaning of each object in the package.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
10.Before saving the software package specify a log file on the target machine.
Select Edit → Properties → Logfile → c:\logs.
11.Save the package as Software Package Block in c:\spb.
12.Now create a new software package for the WinZip application and install it
on your other Windows Endpoint. Create a new ProfileManager
(pm.swd.winzip). Create an empty software package (winzip^8.0).
13.Import the SPB. Subscribe your Windows Endpoint.
14.Install the winzip^8.0 software package.
15.Verify that WinZip was correctly installed (by using the MDist 2 GUI, log file, or
the wmdist command).
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
LAB 8. Verifying the status of a software package
In this section we verify the status of a software package.
What this exercise is about
In this exercise, we look up the status of the Redbooks Package and we will
verify whether the application is still correctly installed.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to run a QUERY to verify whether an
application is correctly installed.
Required materials
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after rewiewing Chapter 4, “Inventory and Software
Distribution components” on page 101.
1. Bring up the Tivoli Desktop as Administrator and open the default policy
region (hostname-region).
2. Open the INVENTORY_QUERY QueryLibrary.
3. Right-click the CM_STATUS_QUERY query and select Run Query.
4. Verify the status of the Redbooks application on your Windows Target. The
status should be IC---- (Installed Committed).
5. Alternatively, you could achieve the same results from the CLI by running:
Appendix A. Lab exercises
LAB 9. Using the Activity Planner
In this section we use the Activity Planner.
What this exercise is about
The purpose of this exercise is to give the student the opportunity to configure
and use the functionalities of the Activity Planner (AP) included with ITCM 4.2.
What you should be able to do
At the end of this lab, you should be able to:
򐂰 Register the Activity Planner plug-ins.
򐂰 Use Inventory scans and software packages in AP activities.
Required materials
In this exercise, we will first check the RIM object and RDBMS schema needed
for the Activity Planner. Next, we will assign the necessary roles to our Tivoli
Administrator, allowing him to use all AP functionality. We will also verify the AP
Administrator settings.
Before creating an activity plan, we will register the AP plug-ins. In the first
activity plan, we will use an Inventory Scan for one of the activities.
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after rewiewing Chapter 5, “Deployment Services”
on page 163.
AP - RIM and RDBMS configuration
If the Activity Planner server component was installed using the new ISMP
installation mechanism, the RIM object and the database schema were created
during the installation. If Activity Planner was installed using SIS or the "classic"
Tivoli installation mechanism, the RIM object and database schema must be
created manually. If you have successfully installed the product using ISMP, just
read through this exercise and verify the different steps. Log into the Tivoli Server
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
as Administrator user. Verify whether a RIM object for AP already exists by
wlookup -ar RIM
The name of the RIM object for APM should be planner.
If it does not exist, use the wcrtrim command to create a new RIM object named
planner. Ask your instructor for the correct RIM settings of your DB2 installation.
1. Verify the correct functioning of the RIM object using:
wrimtest -l planner
You should get output similar to Example A-4.
Example: A-4 wrimtest output
Resource Type : RIM
Resource Label : planner
Host Name
: vasfi
User Name
: planner
: DB2
: cm_db
Database Home : C:\Program Files\Sqllib
Server ID
: tcpip
Instance Home : C:\Program Files\Sqllib\DB2
Instance Name : DB2
Opening Regular Session...Session Opened
RIM : Enter Option >
2. Cancel out of the session using x.
Assigning AP roles and verifying the AP Administrator
Now we will assign the necessary roles to our Tivoli Administrator, allowing him
to use all AP functionality. We will also verify the AP Administrator settings. Open
the Tivoli Desktop as Administrator. Double-click the Administrator collection.
1. Right-click the Root Administrator and select Edit TMR Roles. Assign all the
APM roles to the Root Administrator. Move the roles to the left and click
Change & Close.
2. Now right-click the swd_admin_regionname Administrator and select Edit
Logins. This Tivoli Administrator was added by the AP installation. What is
the login name for this Administrator (default value is tivapm)? Do not change
the settings.
3. Verify that APM is working correctly:
wapmgui ed
Appendix A. Lab exercises
4. You should get a message saying that activity plan database is empty.
Registering the AP plug-ins
Now we see the registered plug-ins for AP from the CLI (they were registered
during the Integrated Installation). Use the wapmplugin command to list the
registered plug-ins for AP:
wapmplugin -l
How many plug-ins are registered? All four plug-ins (TaskLibrary, Inventory,
OSElement, and Software Distribution) should be registered.
Launch the AP editor GUI on your Tivoli Server:
wapmgui ed
Which activities can you add to a plan? Does this correspond to the registered
plug-ins? (It should.) Note that the number of registered plug-ins will depend on
the installation order. For example, if Inventory is installed after AP, the Inventory
plug-in should be automatically registered.
Creating a simple Activity Plan
In this step, we will create an Activity Plan that includes an Inventory scan. We
will create an Activity Plan with two activities according to the following
򐂰 Plan name: PlanA.
򐂰 Plan Targets: Our two Windows Endpoints.
򐂰 Activity InventoryScan: Inventory scan using ic.hw profile.
Activity RedbookPDFs: Install Redbooks^1.0. This activity can only start when
the InventoryScan is complete.
1. Launch the AP editor GUI using the apmedit.bat file located in c:\Program
Files\Tivoli\Desktop\Console or on the Tivoli Desktop. Log in as the
Administrator user on the Tivoli Server.
2. Select View → Plan Properties. In the General tab, fill in the plan name,
PlanA, and a description of your choice.
3. Next, select the Targets tab. In the Included Targets section, select Profile
Subscriber as the target selection type and click Insert. Click the (…) button
and then select SDLab.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-33 Adding Subscriber
4. Click Add to add the SDLabs. Then click OK.
Figure A-34 AP Propeties
5. Click OK again; this will return you to the main AP editor window. Now we will
add the first activity. Click the Inventory Task activity icon. Fill in the values
shown in Figure A-35 on page 328.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-35 Activitiy Properties
6. Then click Properties. Select the ic.hw InventoryConfig profile (click ...).
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-36 Inventory Scan
7. Explore the different settings, but leave the default values. Return to the main
window (click OK twice).
8. Next, we will add the second activity. Click the Software Distribution activity.
Name the activity RedbookPDFs. Click Properties. Select the Redbooks^1.0
software package.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-37 Selecting software package
9. In the Application Options tab, change the Checks option to Force.
10.Select the User Notification Settings tab. Enable the User Notification
settings and fill in values of your choice.
11.Next, select the Distribution Options tab. Change the Priority to High.
12.Now add a condition on the RedbookPDFs activity. Right-click the activity and
select Condition. Add a condition so that this activity will only start if the
InventoryScan activity is complete.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-38 Adding Condition
13.Will the RedbookPDFs activity start if the InventoryScan activity fails on one
node and succeeds on the other node?
14.Click OK. Now save the plan as a Template. What is the difference between
Template and Draft?
Figure A-39 Activity Plan Editor
15.Close the AP editor GUI and open the APM monitoring GUI (apmmon.bat
Appendix A. Lab exercises
16.From the APM monitor, select Plans → Submit. Submit PlanA with the
default settings.
17.Monitor the progress of the plan until it completes.
Figure A-40 Activity Plan Monitor
Exercise review/wrap-up
In this exercise, we have configured the Activity Planner component of ITCM
4.21, including the RIM configuration, the RDBMS schema creation, the AP
plug-in registration, and assigning the AP authorization roles.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
LAB 10. Using Change Manager
In this section we use Change Manager.
What this exercise is about
The purpose of this exercise is to give the student the opportunity to configure
and use the functionalities of the Change Manager (CM) included with ITCM 4.2.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to:
Register the Change Manager plug-ins.
Create a Reference Model using an existing Tivoli Endpoint as a template.
Customize a Reference Model.
Use the Change Manager command line interface.
Required materials
In this exercise, we will first verify the RIM object and RDBMS schema needed
for Change Manager. Next, we will assign the necessary roles to our Tivoli
Administrator, allowing him to use all CM functionality.
Before creating a Reference Model, we will register the CM plug-ins for Inventory
and Software Distribution. We will create a Reference Model using an existing
Tivoli Endpoint as a template. We will add an Inventory scan to this Reference
Model and use the new command line interface of CM to perform a number of
operations on this Reference Model.
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after rewiewing Chapter 5, “Deployment Services”
on page 163.
Configuring RIM and RDBMS for Change Manager
First, we will verify the RIM object needed for CM and we will create the CM
database schema. If the CM component is installed using the new ISMP
installation mechanism, the RIM object and the database schema will be created
Appendix A. Lab exercises
during the installation. If CM was installed using SIS or the "classic" Tivoli
installation mechanism, the RIM object and database schema must be created
manually. If you have successfully installed the product using ISMP, just read
through this exercise and verify the different steps.
1. Log into the Tivoli Server as the Administrator user. Verify whether a RIM
object for CM already exists:
wlookup -ar RIM
2. The name of the RIM object for CM should be ccm. If it does not exist, use the
wcrtrim command to create a new RIM object named ccm. Ask your
instructor for the correct RIM settings of your DB2 installation.
3. Verify the correct functioning of the RIM object using:
wrimtest -l ccm
4. You should get output similar to Example A-5.
Example: A-5 wrimtest output
Resource Type : RIM
Resource Label : ccm
Host Name
: vasfi
User Name
: tivoli
: DB2
: cm_db
Database Home : C:\Program Files\Sqllib
Server ID
: tcpip
Instance Home : C:\Program Files\Sqllib\DB2
Instance Name : DB2
Opening Regular Session...Session Opened
RIM : Enter Option >
5. Cancel out of the session using x.
6. Verify that CCM is working correctly:
7. You should get an error message saying no reference models are in the CM
Assigning CM roles
In this step, we will assign the necessary roles to our Tivoli Administrator,
allowing him to use all CM functionality. Open the Tivoli Desktop as the
Administrator user. Double-click the Administrator collection.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Right-click the Root Administrator and select Edit TMR Roles. Assign all the
CCM roles to the Root Administrator, if they are not already assigned. Move the
roles to the left and click Change & Close.
Registering the CM plug-ins
Now we will register the plug-ins for CM from the CLI. Log in as the Administrator
user to your Tivoli Server.
1. Use the wccmplugin command to list the registered plug-ins for CM:
wccmplugin -l
2. How many plug-ins are registered? If four plug-ins are registered
(InventoryScan, SoftwareDistribution, InventoryData, and OSElement), skip
to the next exercise.
3. We want to register at least the following plug-ins for our exercise:
InventoryScan and SoftwareDistribution. The plug-ins can be registered using
scripts that are located in $BINDIR/TME/CCM/SCRIPTS.
4. Have a look at the scripts reg_swd_plugin.sh and reg_invscan_plugin.sh.
Execute both scripts.
5. Again, list the registered plug-ins using:
wccmplugin -l
This time, you should see the InventoryScan and SoftwareDistribution plug-ins.
Creating a Reference Model using an existing Endpoint
ITCM allows the creation of Reference Models based on existing Endpoints. In
this step, we will create a new Reference Model, based on one of our Windows
1. From your Windows 2000 Server, launch the CM GUI:
2. Log in as the Administrator user on the Tivoli Server.
3. Select Edit → Create reference model from target. Fill in the settings as
shown below. Fill in the name of one of your Windows Endpoints in the Target
Name. Using these settings, we will add elements to our reference model for
all software that is installed on the target node and Inventory elements for the
memory size. Click OK.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-41 Reference Model Properties
4. Have a look at the new Reference Model elements. You should see elements
similar to the ones in the following figure.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-42 List of subscribers
5. Save the reference model. We will customize the model more in the next step.
Customizing the Reference Model
Now we will customize the Reference Model we have just created. We will add an
Inventory Scan and a software package to the Reference Model. We will
synchronize the Reference Model with our Windows Endpoints using the CLI.
1. In the ACME Reference Model, double-click the Redbooks^1.0 element.
Change the desired state from IC--- to -----, meaning we do not want to have
Redbooks^1.0 installed on our subscribers.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-43 Software Distribution element
2. Click OK. Now we will add a child reference model named ACME_sales.
Right-click the ACME^1.0 model and select Create reference model. Create
a new reference model using the settings shown in Figure A-44 on page 339.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-44 Adding elements
3. Click OK. Now we will add two elements to the ACME_Sales model. First, we
will add an Inventory scan. In the Element section, right-click and select Add
→ Inventory Scan Element.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-45 Adding Inventory Scan element
4. Select your InventoryConfig profile named ic.hw. Can you specify distribution
options for this profile? (For example, can you specify an expiration date?)
5. Finally, we will set the subscribers for our reference model. Select the
Subscribers tab, then right-click and select the Inventory subscriber.
6. Select only Windows 2000 machines, as in the following figure. Note that this
is a dynamic subscription; the targets will be resolved at the execution time.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Figure A-46 Reference Model
Save the Reference Model.
Submitting the Reference Model
We will now submit and synchronize the reference model.
1. Click Activities → Submit.
2. Choose the options in the following figure to submit the plan. Why did we
select Full Synchronization?
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Figure A-47 Selecting Activity Plan
3. CM will create a XML plan. What are the activities contained in the preview
XML plan? Is this what you expected? After reviewing the plan, click OK to
submit it.
4. Track the status of the submitted plan from the Activity Plan Monitor. You
should see it as successful.
Figure A-48 Activity Plan Monitor
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
LAB 11. Using Data Moving Service
In this section we use the Data Moving Service.
What this exercise is about
The purpose of this exercise is to give the student the opportunity to explore the
functionalities of the Data Moving Service included with ITCM.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to:
򐂰 Use the Data Moving Service GUI.
򐂰 Recursively send an entire directory tree using the wspmvdata command.
򐂰 Use the reserved tokens of the Data Moving Services.
Required materials
The images are located in the Datamoving directory of the SG243946.zip.
In this exercise, we will first explore the Data Moving Service GUI.
We will use the GUI to delete a file from a target Tivoli Endpoint. Next, we will use
the wspmvdata command to recursively send an entire directory, including all files
and subdirectories, from a Tivoli Endpoint to another Tivoli Endpoint. Finally, we
will use the new reserved tokens ($(MAX) and $(MIN)) to send a specific file from
a source directory to a target machine.
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after rewiewing Chapter 4, “Inventory and Software
Distribution components” on page 101.
Using the Data Moving Service GUI to delete a file
Verify that the DataMovingRequests.1 SoftwarePackage profile is created in your
TMR (it is created when SD Server is installed).
1. From the Tivoli CLI, execute:
wlookup -ar SoftwarePackage
Appendix A. Lab exercises
2. If the package is not present, it can be created using the wspmvdata
command. The profile should be located in your "main" policy region
(<TMR_Server>-region) in a ProfileManager named DataMovingProfile.
Open the DataMovingProfile ProfileManager.
3. Subscribe both of your Windows Endpoints to this ProfileManager.
4. Right-click the DataMovingRequests.1 profile and select Delete.
5. The file that has to be deleted is c:\LabFiles\Datamoving\To_Del.txt.
6. Select both of your Windows Endpoints and click Delete & Close.
7. Use the wmdist command or the MDist2 GUI to follow up on the status of the
DataMovement operation.
8. Verify that the file was deleted on your target machines.
Recursively sending a directory
In this step, we will use Data Moving Services to send an entire directory,
including subdirectories and files, from a Tivoli Server Endpoint to Windows
Target Endpoint. The recursive capability and the Endpoint-to-Endpoint send are
features that were available with ITCM 4.2.
1. Log into your Tivoli Server as the Administrator user. Use the wspmvdata
command to send the directory “c:\LabFiles\Datamoving\data", including all
files and subdirectories, to your Windows Target Endpoint. The data should
be placed in the /tmp directory on the target Endpoint.
2. Verify the MDist2 distribution by using the wmdist command or the MDist2
GUI. How many targets are in the distribution?
3. Verify that the entire directory, including files and subdirectories, was copied.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
LAB 12. Using Multicast to install a software package
In this section we use Multicast to install a software package.
What this exercise is about
The purpose of this exercise is to explore the new Multicast capability of MDist2.
What you should be able to do
At the end of the lab, you should be able to:
򐂰 Configure MDist2 repeaters for Multicast.
򐂰 Install a software package using Multicast.
Required materials
For this exercise, you need to access to Multicast directory of the SG243926.zip.
In this exercise, we will configure and use the new Multicast functionality of
MDist2. We will compare the performance of a traditional MDist2 distribution with
a Multicast distribution. We will first create a simple software package with a size
of 50 MB. We will distribute this profile twice to both of our Endpoints. First, we
will distribute the software package without Multicast, then we will use Multicast
and compare the results. This will allow us to see the advantage of using
Exercise instructions
This exercise should be done after rewiewing Chapter 6, “Multicast concepts and
implementation” on page 197.
This exercise depends on the network configuration of the classroom. If the
network does not allow Multicast packets to be sent from one machine to
another, this exercise will not work. If all machines are in a single subnet there
should be no problem. If, however, your machines are on separate subnets
connected through routers, these routers must be Multicast enabled.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
Configuring the repeaters for Multicast
On your Tivoli Server, verify the Multicast settings of the MDist2 repeater on your
Tivoli Server using the wmdist command. From the Tivoli CLI type:
wmdist -s <TMR_Server>
Note that all the Multicast settings are disabled by default.
1. Enable the endpoint_multicast setting on your Tivoli Server. Use the wmdist
command to change this setting to TRUE. You will be asked whether you want
to start the Multicast receivers on all the endpoints connected to the Tivoli
Server gateway. Specify y to start the Multicast receivers on the Endpoints.
Wait until all the Multicast receivers on the Endpoints have been started.
2. Verify that on your Endpoints a new process is running named
mcast_receiver. Use the Windows Task Manager to verify this. Also, you can
have a look at the lcfd.log file on your Endpoints and verify that the
mcast_receiver has started.
3. Now we will have a look at the Multicast settings of our repeater. Use the
wmcast command to verify the settings of your Tivoli Server:
wmcast -s <TMR_Server>
4. What is the value of the mcast_advert setting? This is the address that the
server will use to advertise Multicast distributions. On your Windows Target or
Tivoli Server endpoint, locate the file:
5. Open the file using a text editor. What is the value of MCADDR? Does it
correspond to the mcast_advert setting in the previous exercise? (It should.)
6. On your Tivoli Server, change the mc_debug_level to 2. Use the wmcast
command to do this. (Have a look at the man page if you are not sure how to
do this.) After changing the debug level, you have to restart the oserv on the
Tivoli Server:
odadmin reexec
7. What is the value of the MDist2 net_load setting on your Tivoli Server? What
is the value of the Multicast mc_netload setting on the Tivoli Server. Are they
the same?
Note: The wmcast command has a (non-documented) setting (-p) that
allows you to "Multicast ping" the endpoints connected to a gateway. Check
that your Endpoints are "Multicast reachable":
wmcast -p <Tivoli_Server>
8. Finally, have a look at the Multicast log file on the Tivoli Server:
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Creating the software package
To create the software package:
1. Log in as the Administrator user on your Tivoli Server and open the Tivoli
Desktop. (Tip: There is a new command, wdtmsg, that allows you to display a
pop-up message when the desktop is launched; feel free to test this now.)
2. Go to the pr.itcm policy region and create a new dataless ProfileManager
named pm.mcast.
3. Open the new ProfileManager and subscribe all your endpoints to the new
ProfileManager. Create a new software package profile named sp_50MB.1.0.
4. Right-click the new software package profile and select Import. The SPB file
is located in c:\LabFiles\multicast\50MB.spb. Build the SPB on the Tivoli
Server in the c:\SWPKGs directory.
5. Have a look at the properties of the software package, right-click, and select
Properties. Launch the Software Package Editor and have a look at the
contents of the software package. To which target directory is the 50 MB file
being sent?
Distributing the software package without using Multicast
First, we will distribute the software package without using Multicast.
1. Use the Tivoli Desktop to distribute the software on both Endpoints.
2. Follow-up on the distribution status using the wmdist command (various
options shown below).
Example: A-6 wmdist command
-I <TMR_Server>
-q <Dist_Id>
-l -i <Dist_Id> -v
3. How long did it take to distribute the 50 MB to all three machines (this can be
verified using wmdist -l -i <Dist_Id> -v)? What was the setting of the
net_load parameter on the Tivoli Server? How long should it take theoretically
to distribute the 50 MB to two targets using unicast?
8.4.2 Distributing the software package using Multicast
Now distribute the software package again, but this time using Multicast.
Appendix A. Lab exercises
1. When installing from the Tivoli Desktop, use the following options:
Software package: sp_50MB.1.0.
Targets: Both endpoints.
Multicast enabled.
Do not retry failed distributions using unicast.
Force the distribution. (Why?)
2. How long did it take to distribute the 50 MB using Multicast? What was the
setting of the mcast_netload? How long should it take theoretically to
distribute the 50 MB to two targets using Multicast?
3. Launch the MDist2 GUI and log in as the Administrator user on the Tivoli
Server. Compare both distributions (Time Spent, Node Table, and so on)
using the MDist2 GUI.
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification Guide
Appendix B.
Additional material
This Redpaper refers to additional material that can be downloaded from the
Internet as described below.
Locating the Web material
The Web material associated with this Redpaper is available in softcopy on the
Internet from the IBM Redbooks Web server. Point your Web browser to:
Alternatively, you can go to the IBM Redbooks Web site at:
Select the Additional materials and open the directory that corresponds with
the redbook form number, SG243946.
Using the Web material
The additional Web material that accompanies this Redpaper includes the
following files:
File name
Zipped files required for the lab
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
System requirements for downloading the Web material
The following system configuration is recommended:
Hard disk space:
Operating System:
100 MB minimum
How to use the Web material
Create a subdirectory (folder) on your workstation, and unzip the contents of the
Web material zip file into this folder.
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Related publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a
more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this Redpaper.
IBM Redbooks
For information on ordering these publications, see “How to get IBM Redbooks”
on page 352. Note that some of the documents referenced here may be available
in softcopy only.
򐂰 All About IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Version 4.2, SG24-6612
򐂰 High Availability Scenarios with IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler and IBM Tivoli
Framework, SG24-6632
򐂰 Migration to IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Version 4.2, SG24-6616
򐂰 Implementing Automated Inventory Scanning and Software Distribution After
Auto Discovery, SG24-6626
򐂰 Automated Distribution and Self-Healing with IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager V 4.2, SG24-6620
Other publications
These publications are also relevant as further information sources:
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Introducing IBM Tivoli Configuration
Manager, GC23-4703
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Planning and Installation Guide,
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: User’s Guide for Software Distribution,
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Reference Manual for Software
Distribution, SC23-4712
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: User’s Guide for Inventory, SC23-4713
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Database Schema Reference, SC23-4783
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: Messages and Codes, SC23-4706
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager: User’s Guide for Deployment Services,
򐂰 Tivoli Management Framework Reference Manual, Version 4.1.1, SC32-0806
Online resources
These Web sites and URLs are also relevant as further information sources:
򐂰 The IBM Professional Certification Program Web site
򐂰 Tivoli software education Web site
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager on-line publications
How to get IBM Redbooks
You can search for, view, or download Redbooks, Redpapers, Hints and Tips,
draft publications and Additional materials, as well as order hardcopy Redbooks
or CD-ROMs, at this Web site:
Help from IBM
IBM Support and downloads
IBM Global Services
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
accept operation 155
Activity Plan
Editor 75, 165
Monitor 75, 171, 173
types 165
Activity Planner 74, 164, 189
commands 175
components 164
configuration file 243
log files 245
processes 243
Roles 165
trace files 247
troubleshooting 243
ApiServlet.log 252
apply maintenance 93
authorization roles 33, 35
Autotrace 229
dynamic control 229
First Failure Data Capture 229
Trace buffers 229
Trace ID 229
Trace Profiler 229
bandwidth 114
Best practices
Multicast 224
browser 252
Callback object 116, 119–120
caret 253
benefits 3
checklist 5
Exam Objectives 263
IBM Professional Certification Program 2
process 7
test objectives 8
Tivoli Certification 4
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved.
Change Management Status summary 242
Change Manager 77, 176, 190
configuration file 248
trace files 249
checkpoint file 110
Checkpoint restart 209
checkpointGL_iqfile.dat 111
CM status summary 242
Code Server 241
clearing 128
data files 108
Manager 115
Manager components 115
scheduling 124
Collector 111, 124
Collection Manager 115
components 109
configuration 123
CTOC 124
debugging 259
deferring collections 124
depot chunk size 114
depot directory 112
disable a range of object ID 125
downstream 124
first Collector 126
input or error queue 114
Inventory Collectors 108
offlinks list 124
process 111
Queues 109
router cache 115
scheduling transmissions 124
setting offlinks 126
upstream 124
vieving configuration 115
wcancelscan 128
wcollect 111, 116, 124
wconvspo 146
wcrtdirctx 185
wcrtinvdh 116
wcrtqlib 138
wcrtquery 138
wcstat 107, 110
wdelep 61
wdistinv 262
wep set_config 210
wepscan 136
wexpspo 146
wfptosp 144
wgetscanstat 128
winviso 136
wloadiso 136
wmanagedir 186
wmcast 205
wmdist 205
wmvinvdh 118
wmvrim 90
wresgw add 194
wsetquery 138
wsetrim 122
wspmvdata 159
wweb 194
commit phase 155
Configuration elements 177
consistent install 93
Courses 17
Data Handler 116
deployment plan 82
Query 137
CTOC 112–113
custom scans 135
Data collection
tasks 124
time slots 124
Data Handler 114
components 116
creating 116
troubleshooting 257
Data Moving 81
log file 240
Service 159
trace files 240
troubleshooting 240
Data Retention 124
datapacks 114
debug level 259
debug level 3 258
deferred queue 110, 125
Delta Install 158
demilitarized zones 65
deploying components 83
deployment plan 82
Deployment services 91
Depot 42
chunk size 114
directory 111
server 203
depot chunk size 114
device management troubleshooting 251
differencing mechanism 179
Directory query libraries 187
distmgr.log 234
Distribution Status Console 44, 232
Distribution Topology view 48
dmsadmin 193
dmsuser 193
Endpoint 25
log 228
Manager 115, 233
policies 100
login sequence 55
Enterprise Directory
Query Facility 79
Services 183
Enterprise Directory Integration
trace 256
troubleshooting 256
error queue 110–111
ETL 161
events 66
Firewall Security Toolbox 64
flight recorder 229
Framework 4.1 229
Autotrace 229
FRESH subdirectory 96
gatelog 260
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
gateway logfile 260
gateways 25
General troubleshooting 230
Generic problem determination 227
Hub TMR 52, 54
hub-spoke architecture 51
Hyper Delivery 200
IBM Certification Agreement 6
initial login process 57
input queue 109
install operation 154
Desktop Install 97
Java Virtual Machine 96
Multiple endpoints 99
Server 94
TMR server 94
Web Gateway 98
methods 93
endpoint proxy 69
event sink 68–69
Firewall Security Toolbox 67
gateway proxy 68–69
relay 68–69
required roles 85
Integrated Desktop Install
Change Manager GUI 97
Components to install
Activity Planner GUI 97
Distribution Status Console 97
Inventory GUI 97
Software Package Editor 97
Tivoli Desktop for Windows 97
Tivoli Java components 97
Integrated Install
benefits 93
Integrated Desktop Install 97
Integrated Endpoint Install 98
Multiple Endpoints Installation 99
overview 93
Server Install 94
installation programs 96, 99
Typical Install 94–95
Integrated Installation
hints and tips 91
Installation types for ITCM 93
Java Virtual Machine 96
pre-install checks 91
command line interface 27–28
intermediate client 42
architecture 102
Configuration Repository 103
Data Handler 103, 116
Gateway / Collector 103
profile 104, 129
queries 136
repository 119
scan 196
scan methods 132
scanners 104
Inventory component 74, 102
Collector logging 259
log files 256
RIM trace 260
troubleshooting 256
troubleshooting on the endpoint 261
login 60
scans 136
ITCM components 83
1.3 for Tivoli 95
Client Framework for Tivoli 95
interface 42
RDBMS Interface Module 95
lcfd service 259
lcfd.log 258
troubleshooting 256
load opretation 155
lower level Collector 114
Managed nodes 25
map of the collection hierarchy 115
mc_request_collection 115
Mcollect 259
mcollect.log 126
MDist 39, 41
MDist2 41
Depot 203
problems 234
MDist2 components 42
Distribution manager 42
GUI 42
Repeater Depot 42
Repeater manager 42
Repeater queue 42
Repeater site 42
Mobile Computing
configuration files 241
log files 241
trace files 241
multicast 199, 215
broadcasts 204
distributions 210
limitations 220
log 222
receiver 203, 208
sender 203
multiple RIM objects 122
multiple TMR regions. 49
multiplexed distribution facility 39
multi-threaded process 108
name registry 51
native OS installation 241
netstat 224
netstat -s 224
network interface cards 211
nobody 111
Node Table view 47
normal login 59
Notification Manager 237
odadmin 260
environ 260
odlist 227
list 125
method 124
offlinks list 125
off-peak period 124
one-way connection 50
Operations Console 254
orphan login 61
oserv 233
queue 109
thread 114, 126
output threads 126
Palm devices 192
Pearson VUE 6
Pervasive devices 191, 196
policy region 31, 54
policy scripts 62
after_install_policy 63
allow_install_policy 63
implementing 62
login_policy 64
pristine tool 81, 142
pristine.log 241
profile manager 37
Profile managers 38
Profiles 36
publications 19
query directories 187
queue 110, 114
Queues 109
queuing mechanism 42
RDBMS considerations 86
RDBMS Interface Module
read data from Autotrace 230
Receiver 111
Redbooks Web site 352
Contact us xiv
region connection types 50
remove operation 155
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
repeater depot 42
repository 120
Resetting offlinks 126
Manager 78, 191, 193
Manager Gateway 94
types 194
retry function 42
RIM 42
agent process 261
considerations 89
host managed node 261
log 261
object 185
Rim_vendor_Agent 261
runtime directory 112
Scalable Collection Service 105
multicast 211
Multicast from gateways to Tivoli Management
Agents 211
Pre-loading MDist2 depots with multicast 211
receiver and sender address is different 211
scheduler 33, 108, 114
scheduling activities 170
SCS 105, 119
select_gateway_policy 56, 58, 63
Setting Collector logging 260
Setup.exe 97
simplified maintenance 93
single server installation 94
slow wide area network 114
Software Distribution 139
component 73
components 139
delivery 152
process 142, 153
Software package 139
Autopack 150
block file 143
conditions 149
definition file 144
dependencies 148
Editor 140, 232
file 145
profile 151
Variables 149
Version 147
Source host 140
spoke TMR 53–54
Status Chart view 45
Status Collector 118–119
storage mechanism 42
store and forward collections 108
swdis.ini 256
synchronous 97
Task Library 243
Thomson Prometric 6
Time Spent Chart view 46
time-to-live integer 224
administrator 30
architecture 24
Certification benefits 5
Data Warehouse interfaces 161
Desktop 27
Enterprise Data Warehouse 161
Framework Scheduler 126–127
Management Console 103
Management Framework 94
Management Region
Name Registry 54
resources 29
software education 17
tmersrvd 111
TMR 42
Syncronization 242
trace 237
Activity Planner 243
APM 243
append_log keyword 231
Autotrace 229
backup_fmt 236
base configuration file 237
Change Manager 248
cm_status 231
Collector 259
Data Handler 260
Data Moving 240
default name for the log 232
e-mail 231
Enterprise Directory Integration 256
gateway log 233
Inventory 256
list_path 236
log_file 236
log_file_path 232
log_host 236
log_host_name 232
log_object_list 232
epmgrlog 228
gatelog 228
gwdb.log 228
odb.log 228
odtrace.log 228
oservlog 228
MDist2 234
Mobile Computing 241
notice group entry 231
object identification number 233
odadmin odlist command 233
pristine 241
pristine installation 241
prog_env 236
Resource Manager problems 251
set_debug_level option 233
Software Distribution traces 237
Software Package 235
software package 235
stop_on_error 236
Tivoli Software Distribution 230
trace_size 238
user_program 231
wadminep command 233
Web Gateway and device management 251
Web User Interface 252
wep command 233
wexpspo command 236
wgateway command 233
wgetspat command 236
wping command 233
two-way connection 51
unicast 204
uninstallation 100
unload opretation 156
Upstream Collector 111
verify operation 155
view_config_info 233
wchkdb 54
wcollect 114
wcollect -h 111
wcollect -l 111
Web Gateway 192–193, 251
component 78
Install 98
troubleshooting 251
Web Interface 79
Web Interface service 142
Web objects 193
Web User Interface
DISSE0082E error message 254
inventory scan problems 254
login problems 252
Profile not found error 253
software package installation problems 254
tracing 255
tracing WebUI plug-in 255
Troubleshooting 252
troubleshooting 252
unable to publish web objects 253
Web-based courses 17
wgateway 260
wmdist 41, 43
wmsgbrowse 237
wrimtrace 261
wrpt 40
wswdcfg 237
wsyncsp 231
wsyncsp.log 242
undo operation 155
Certification Study Guide for IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager 4.2
Back cover
Certification Study Guide
for IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager 4.2
Helps you to get
ITCM certified
Explains the
certification path
and prerequisites
Includes sample test
questions and
This IBM Redpaper is a study guide for IBM Tivoli
Configuration Manager Version 4.2 and is aimed at the people
who want to get IBM Certifications in this specific product.
The IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Certification, offered
through the Professional Certification Program from IBM, is
designed to validate the skills required of technical
professionals who work in the implementation of the IBM
Tivoli Configuration Manager Version 4.2 product.
This Redpaper provides a combination of theory and practical
experience needed for a general understanding of the subject
matter. It also provides sample questions that will help in the
evaluation of personal progress and provide familiarity with
the types of questions that will be encountered in the exam.
This publication does not replace practical experience, nor is
it designed to be a stand-alone guide for any subject. Instead,
it is an effective tool that, when combined with education
activities and experience, can be a very useful preparation
guide for the exam.
IBM Redbooks are developed by
the IBM International Technical
Support Organization. Experts
from IBM, Customers and
Partners from around the world
create timely technical
information based on realistic
scenarios. Specific
recommendations are provided
to help you implement IT
solutions more effectively in
your environment.
For more information: