Faculty of Arts: Undergraduate Degrees Regulations

Faculty of Arts: Undergraduate Degrees Regulations
Made by the Academic Board of Monash University
Version incorporating amendments as at 19 December 2012
Part 1 - General
The degrees
A degree listed in 1.1.1
part 1 of the schedule may be undertaken in the faculty as a pass degree;
part 2 of the schedule may be undertaken in the faculty as an honours
A person who has qualified for both a pass and an honours degree and who
wishes to graduate with both degrees 1.2.1
must be awarded the pass degree before the honours degree; and
may not be awarded both degrees on the same day.
In these regulations unless the contrary intention appears 'candidate' means a candidate for a degree;
'course of study' means the total amount of academic and practical work to be
completed by a candidate for a degree;
'credit point' means the unit of measurement used to express the weight of a subject;
'dean' means the dean of the faculty;
'degree' means a degree specified in the schedule and 'pass degree' means a degree in
part 1 of the schedule and
'honours degree' means a degree in part 2 of the schedule;
'faculty' means the Faculty of Arts;
'faculty board' means the faculty board of the faculty;
Faculty of Arts: Undergraduate Degrees Regulations
'faculty information handout' means the faculty handbook or such other publication
whether in bound, loose leaf or electronic form concerning a course of study as the
faculty board determines from time to time.
Course of study
The course of study for a degree comprises the subjects and other work
determined by the faculty board under this section.
The faculty board may from time to time with the approval of the Academic Board
determine the subjects, compulsory and optional, and other work comprising a
course of study and in relation to those subjects and other work may determine
any matter or thing including, but not limited to 3.2.1
timing, frequency, content and duration;
fieldwork placement;
prerequisite, co-requisite and sequential subjects;
subject combinations;
major and minor studies;
candidate attendance and participation;
3.2.7 credit points;
assessment; and
satisfactory completion
The faculty board may determine special requirements for or in relation to a
course of study for a degree undertaken pursuant to section 15 consecutively or
in combination with another degree.
The faculty board must cause any determination under this section to be
published in a faculty information handout.
Approval of work
Except where the dean in any particular case otherwise determines, a candidate in any
year of a course of study may undertake only subjects which, before enrolment in that
year, were specifically approved for the candidate by the dean.
Single subjects
The faculty board, on the recommendation of the relevant head or director, may
permit a person who is not a candidate for a particular degree to enrol for one or
more subjects in the course of study for that degree.
Faculty of Arts: Undergraduate Degrees Regulations
A person who satisfactorily completes a subject undertaken pursuant to
subsection 5.1 and who is subsequently is admitted to candidature for the
relevant degree, must be given credit for the subject in accordance with the
Credit towards a Degree or Award Regulations.
Changes in regulations
Subject to this section, a candidate must comply with these regulations and the
requirements concerning a course of study determined by the faculty board under
these regulations as published from time to time.
Where the faculty board considers that a candidate has since first enrolling for a
degree been unreasonably adversely affected by any change in the regulations or
course of study requirements, the faculty board must permit the candidate to
qualify for the degree under the regulations or course of study requirements in
force or published at some time during candidature, provided the board is
satisfied the work required to be completed is equivalent in standard to that
currently required to complete the course of study.
Part 2 - Pass degrees
In this part degree means a pass degree.
Credit points
A candidate must accumulate a minimum of 8.1.1
144 credit points towards the relevant degree; or
in the case of the degree of Bachelor of Letters, 96 credit points.
Credit for equivalent work
Where credit is granted towards a degree, a candidate must complete the course of
study within the time specified by the faculty board.
Permission to undertake work elsewhere
10.1 The faculty board may at its discretion grant permission to a candidate for a
degree to undertake, in another faculty of the university or in another educational
institution, work which the faculty board is satisfied is equivalent to a subject or
other work in the course of study for the degree.
10.2 A candidate who satisfactorily completes equivalent work referred to in
subsection 10.1 must be awarded the credit points attributable to the relevant
subject or work in the course of study, in accordance with the Credit towards a
Degree or Award Regulations.
Faculty of Arts: Undergraduate Degrees Regulations
Time limits
11.1 Except as otherwise determined by the faculty board in any particular case, the
course of study for a degree must be completed 11.1.1 in not less than three and not more than eight years of candidature; or
11.1.2 in the case of the degree of Bachelor of Letters, in not less than two and
not more than six years of candidature.
Leave of absence
The faculty board may grant leave of absence to a candidate for any period and subject
to any conditions determined by the board.
Examination results
13.1 The final assessment in respect of a subject or other work in a course of study
must be awarded in one of the following grades •
fail (N)
near pass (NP)
pass (P)
credit (C)
distinction (D)
high distinction (HD)
13.2 Except where the faculty board in any particular case otherwise determines, only
one subject in which a near pass (NP) has been awarded may be counted towards
a degree.
A candidate who satisfactorily completes the course of study for a degree qualifies for
the degree.
Double degree courses
15.1 A candidate for a degree may, with the approval of the faculty boards of the
Faculty of Arts and the other relevant faculty, undertake the degree consecutively
or in combination with an approved degree of another faculty.
15.2 In subsection 15.1 'approved degree' means a degree of another faculty approved
for the purposes of this section by the faculty board and specified in a faculty
information handout.
Faculty of Arts: Undergraduate Degrees Regulations
Part 3 - Honours degrees
In this part degree means an honours degree.
Admission to candidature
17.1 Subject to subsection 17.2, the faculty board may admit to candidature for a
degree an applicant who 17.1.1 has qualified for a pass degree with at least such grades in third year level
subjects as are determined by the faculty board and specified in a faculty
information handout; or
17.1.2 has other qualifications or experience which in the opinion of the faculty
board are at least equivalent to or a satisfactory substitute for the
qualifications referred to in paragraph 17.1.1.
17.2 Before admitting a person to candidature the faculty board must be satisfied, on
the recommendation of the relevant head or director, that adequate supervision
and facilities are available.
Time limits
The course of study for a degree must be completed in one year of full-time or two years
of part-time candidature.
Grades of honours
A degree must be awarded in one of the following grades •
A candidate who satisfactorily completes the course of study for a degree qualifies for
the degree in the grade determined by the faculty board.
Part 1 - Pass degrees
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts (Communication)
Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts: Undergraduate Degrees Regulations
Bachelor of Arts Scholars Program
Bachelor of Arts (Criminal Justice)
Bachelor of Arts (English Language)
Bachelor of Arts (Global)
Bachelor of Arts (International)
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism)
Bachelor of Arts (Languages)
Bachelor of Arts (Professional Communication)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Humanities)
Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences)
Bachelor of Behavioural Science
Bachelor of Communication
Bachelor of Community Welfare and Counselling
Bachelor of Journalism
Bachelor of Letters
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Performing Arts
Bachelor of Professional Communication
Bachelor of Social and Community Welfare
Bachelor of Social Science
Bachelor of Sports Promotion and Event Management
Part 2 - Honours degrees
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Faculty of Arts: Undergraduate Degrees Regulations
Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) (Honours)
Bachelor of Communication (Honours)
Bachelor of Journalism (Honours)
Bachelor of Letters (Honours)
Bachelor of Music (Honours)
Bachelor of Performing Arts (Honours)
Bachelor of Social Science (Honours)
End Notes
1. Table of amendments from 1 March 2012 (as incorporated into this version):
Sections Amended
Miscellaneous Credit Regulations
(Amendment) (No. 2 of 2012)
Miscellaneous Awards Regulations
(Amendment) (No. 24 of 2012)
Sections 5, 9 and 10
Date (Promulgation)
1 March 2012
19 December 2012