Annual Report | 2007

Annual Report | 2007
Greetings from Brett Peters
Faculty News
Department Honors Johnson
Major Gifts
Research and News
2007 Faculty
The Advisory Council
Graduate Student News
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Our Mission Statement
Our mission, as a component of a land-grant institution, is
1. to provide the high quality educational experience in the industrial engineering discipline which will prepare our graduates
to contribute successfully to society and to assume leadership roles in industrial, governmental, and academic professions;
2. to provide the state and nation with new knowledge, both basic and applied, in the field of industrial engineering;
3. to provide service to the industrial, governmental, and professional communities through dissemination of research findings,
provision of continuing education programs, interaction with industry and professional colleagues, membership on advisory
committees, consulting, and other outreach activities.
Department Head’s Letter
Annual Report
Greetings from the Department Head
I am pleased to present the annual report for the Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University. It
provides an overview of the many activities and accomplishments of
our faculty, staff, and students over the past year.
These continue to be exciting times at Texas A&M and in the
department. We have seen tremendous growth in terms of new faculty
joining the department and also increasing numbers of undergraduate
and graduate students. The faculty and students continue to make
valuable research contributions across an expanding range of
application areas from reverse logistics to energy security to health
care delivery. However, the future looks even brighter as we continue
to grow and expand the department to exploit new and emerging
I hope you enjoy reviewing the department’s activities. We continue
to move forward on many fronts and work to solidify our status as
a highly ranked industrial and systems engineering program. We
are excited about the future as we continue to build a culture of
Brett A. Peters
Department Head
Faculty Accolades
Yu Ding
Yu Ding has been promoted to associate professor with tenure effective
September 1. Ding received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from
the University of Michigan in 2001. He joined the department as an
assistant professor that same year. His research interests are in the
optimal utilization of complex sensing systems for improving the quality
of products, processes, and services. Ding is director of the Advanced
Metrology Lab, created to support research and education in that area.
He is also the inaugural holder of the Donna and Jim Furber ’64 Faculty
Yu Ding, Associate Professor
Gary Gaukler
Gary Gaukler, assistant professor, has the top-selling supply-chain
management/industrial engineering dissertation, according to an annual
ranking of academic theses and dissertations by ProQuest. Gaukler’s
dissertation, “RFID in Supply Chain Management,” was also ranked
the most popular dissertation across all engineering fields as well as
the fifth-best selling dissertation overall. Gaukler wrote the dissertation
while a graduate student in the Department of Management Science and
Engineering at Stanford University. His advisor was professor Warren H.
Hausman. Gaukler joined the Texas A&M faculty in 2005.
Gary Gaukler, Assistant Professor
Kiavash Kianfar
Assistant professor Kiavash Kianfar joined the Industrial and Systems
Engineering faculty in 2007. Kianfar’s Ph.D. is from North Carolina State
University. His areas of research interest include the theory and application
of mathematical programming. His recent research has been focused on
valid inequalities for mixed integer programming problems. He has also
done research on the application of mathematical programming, computer
simulation, and stochastic models in production and healthcare systems.
Kianfar teaches courses in optimization and mathematical programming.
Kiavash Kianfar, Assistant Professor
Annual Report | 2007
Faculty Accolades
Halit Üster
Assistant professor Halit Üster, chapter advisor for the student INFORMS
chapter at Texas A&M, was presented with the Moving Spirit Award by
INFORMS for his service to the chapter. The award was presented at the
2007 Annual Meeting in Seattle.
Halit Üster, Assistant Professor
Martin Wortman
Professor Martin Wortman was named 2007 Dwight Look College of
Engineering Faculty Fellow for contributions to the Engineering Program
including classroom instruction, scholarly activities and professional service.
Martin Wortman, Professor
Outstanding Former Students
Johnson Outstanding Former Student
Johnson earned his bachelor’s degree in
industrial engineering from Texas A&M
in 1973.
Johnson was honored at the Industrial
and Systems Engineering Department’s
annual awards banquet on April 26. The
event, sponsored by Parsons Corporation,
honors exceptional accomplishments
by faculty, staff, students and former
Department head Brett Peters said of
Johnson, “Through his distinguished
career, he has brought honor not only to
himself but also to this department and to
the university.”
Steve Johnson (right) accepts award from Brett Peters.
The 2007 outstanding former student
award was presented to Stephen M.
Johnson ’73, senior executive vice
president for business development for
Washington Group International. Johnson
joined Washington Group International
in 2001. Before that, he spent 29 years in
the engineering and construction industry,
including serving as senior vice president
for global development, marketing, and
strategy and as Executive Vice President
of Fluor Corporation. He is a member
of the boards of directors of NSAT
Corporation, the National Association of
Manufacturers and the Business Council
for International Understanding.
Previously recognized
former students:
Ross E. George
Joe Barton
W. Michael Barnes
Franklin A. Mikell
John A. Scott
Jack T. Allison
G. Allen Flynt
Joseph B. Michels
Howard C. Homeyer
Charles F. Milstead
Johnson addresses audience.
Annual Report | 2007
Major Gifts
Major Gifts to the Department in 2007
The Caterpillar Foundation has made a gift to the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department
Improvement Fund. This fund is for discretionary use by the department head.
Energy South, represented on the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council by Dean
Liollio, has supported student activities with a gift to the student chapter of Institute of Industrial
Engineers at Texas A&M.
Hal V. Haltom ’51 of Houston has made a planned gift of a tax deferred annuity to the department
to endow the Haltom Family Scholarship in Industrial and Systems Engineering. When funded,
distributions will be used to provide scholarships to full-time students in good standing pursuing a
degree in the department.
Lee Housewright ’43 has recently given an additional amount, with a matching grant from Hormel,
to the original endowment of the Lee D. Housewright, Jr. ’43 Scholarship in Industrial and
Systems Engineering.
Marathon Oil Company has given $5,000 scholarships to three undergraduate students in the
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering for the 2007 – 2008 academic year.
Jill and Charles Milstead of Houston have established the Jill and Charles F. Milstead ’60 Faculty
Fellowship in Industrial and Systems Engineering to provide an annual award recognizing
outstanding teaching, research, service and professional development activities of junior faculty
members in the department.
Parsons Corporation, represented on the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council
by John Scott, has underwritten the Parsons Seminar Series and the Industrial and Systems
Engineering Honors and Awards Banquet for the fifth year in a row.
James L. Sneddon ’92, a member of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council, is
endowing the Sneddon-Smith Scholarship in Industrial and Systems Engineering. This fund
will provide one or more scholarships to full-time students in good standing pursuing a degree in
the department.
News & Research
To Drill or not to Drill
from conventional seismic technologies,
says Stephen Pickering, marketing
manager for WesternGeco’s reservoir
seismic services.
“The question is, ‘How much value
does this additional detail add to the
information we can give the producers?’”
Pickering says. “We think it adds quite a
bit, but we’d like to be able to quantify it.”
Enter decision science
New information — such as the added
detail in WesternGeco’s seismic
technology — is valuable to oil
producers’ decisions if it is relevant,
material and economic, Bickel says.
All information is not created equal.
That’s a fact of Eric Bickel’s professional
life. Bickel is an assistant professor in
the Department of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, and he’s an expert in
decision science — using mathematics to
help make complex decisions. Decision
science uses the odds that something will
happen, its probability, to help decide
what to do in complicated situations.
Few situations are more complicated than
when oil producers decide where to drill
new wells.
Drilling for oil is a high-risk, high-payoff
proposition. Your chances of finding oil
in any particular place may be low, but if
you do, the payoff is high. If you’ve seen
the classic movie Giant you understand
how this works.
One way to improve your odds of
finding oil is to use seismic imaging to
get a “picture” of what the underground
geography looks like. You get seismic
images by setting off small explosive
charges and mapping how the vibrations
from the explosions move through the
rock formations, or strata, under the
ground. Certain strata are associated with
the presence of oil.
“Geophysicists will often explore
technical aspects of seismic imaging of
reservoirs, attempting to predict whether
or not it will be possible to detect the
presence of oil,” says Richard Gibson,
a specialist in seismology and associate
professor in the Department of Geology
and Geophysics. Or, if they’re dealing
with a known oil reservoir, provide some
estimates of the amount of gas or oil in
the reservoir.
Bickel, Gibson and Duane McVay,
an expert in reservoir management
and professor in the Harold Vance
Department of Petroleum Engineering,
are evaluating the effectiveness of new
technology developed by WesternGeco,
a subsidiary of the international energy
company Schlumberger that provides
seismic services to oil producers. The
new technology produces seismic images
of the underground landscape that are
more detailed and complete than those
Drilling for oil is a high-risk, high-payoff
proposition. The right information can
help reduce the risk.
For information to be relevant, you must
be uncertain about something that’s
important to your decision, and the new
information must have the possibility of
telling you something useful about the
uncertainty. For instance, you may be
uncertain about whether it’s a good idea
to drill a well in a particular location.
For information to be material, it has to
have the potential to affect your decision.
“If you’re going to take some particular
action no matter what, new information
is worthless,” Bickel says. On the other
hand, if you’re considering drilling in a
particular place and whether you drill or
not depends on information you can get
about the site, that information is material.
Finally, for information to be economic,
it must be a good investment. Even if
new information tells you exactly what
you need to know, if you can’t afford to
pay for it, it’s not economic.
By applying the mathematics of decision
science to the situations oil producers
Annual Report | 2007
News & Research
Wortman Hosts NSF Sponsored Workshop
Martin Wortman, professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
organized and hosted a workshop, “Predictive Modeling in Engineering,” which was
sponsored by the Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation. The
twenty-four invited participants included engineers, mathematicians, statisticians, and
economists from the NSF as well as industries and universities across the United States.
They gathered May 22 and 23 at the Jon L. Hagler Center on the Texas A&M University
campus to examine the characterization of uncertainty as it pertains to predictive
modeling in engineering and to offer guidance to the National Science Foundation on
future needs in research and education in predictive modeling.
Eric Bickel
who use seismic services face, Bickel,
Gibson and McVay are determining
how much value the additional detail
adds. “We were able to leverage Texas
A&M’s energy expertise to help
WesternGeco better communicate
the value of its product to potential
customers. In addition,” Bickel says,
“the methodologies we have developed
will help exploration and production
companies make better use of their
capital and hopefully discover more
Written by Lesley Kriewald and
Gene Charleton of Engineering
Participants addressed the following questions: should there be a consensus on a
fundamental theory of prediction, is research needed to better incorporate this theory
into engineering, what tools are needed to enable the use of this theory in engineering,
how might we introduce key concepts of uncertainty in predictive modeling into
engineering practice and education, how do we develop incentives for change and,
should the NSF organize an initiative or program around these concepts and changes?
A summary report of the deliberations was made available to the NSF.
News & Research
INFORMS Chapter Wins National Award
Student INFORMS officers with advisor, Halit Üster (top right)
The Texas A&M student chapter of INFORMS (Institute for Operations
Research and the Management Sciences) was the inaugural recipient
of the Student Chapter Award Summa Cum Laude presented at the
recent INFORMS 2007 Annual Meeting in Seattle. This is the highest
distinction given to a student chapter; and it recognizes outstanding
participation, performance and achievement. On hand to receive
the award was Panitan Kewcharoenwong, graduate student in the
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
The chapter, which was organized in 2004, currently has 287 members
from 20 different departments across the university. The goals of the
group are to encourage interest in the field of operations research and
management sciences, to provide communication and networking
opportunities, to facilitate an informal exchange of information about
educational programs and opportunities as well as OR/MS methods and
techniques, and to present a forum of speakers on OR/MS.
Annual Report | 2007
2007 Faculty
the Production and Operations
Management Conference,
Dallas, Texas, May 2007
Cerekci, A. and A. Banerjee,
“Cycle Time Reduction in
Batch Processing by Upstream
Rescheduling,” Proceedings of the
IIE Annual Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
Amarnath Banerjee
Associate Professor and Director
of Undergraduate Program
Ph.D., University of Illinois at
Dr. Banerjee’s research interests
are in virtual manufacturing,
simulation, image processing,
real-time video processing,
augmented reality and human
behavior modeling. He
directs the Advanced Virtual
Manufacturing and Augmented
Reality Laboratory. He teaches
courses in manufacturing and
production systems design and
control, facilities planning, virtual
manufacturing and simulation.
Banerjee, A., “Generating a
Stochastic Optimal Schedule
from Historical Data for Efficient
Management of Railroad
Maintenance Activities,” 2007,
Association of American
Railroads (through Texas
Transportation Institute), $30,000
Edwards, J.C., K. Mechler and A.
Banerjee, “Improving Texas Rural
Community Healthcare through
HIT Implementation,” 2007-2009,
Texas Office of Rural Community
Affairs (through Texas A&M
Research Foundation), $1,600,000
Gonzalez, J., J.A. Wall and A.
Banerjee, “Continuation of
Research in Support of Army
Digitization and Transformation
(Force XXI),” 2006-2008,
NAVAIR – Orlando TSD, $749,999
(ISEN portion $66,000)
Cerekci, A. and A. Banerjee,
“Heuristic Scheduling of Serial
Batch Processor System for Cycle
Time Reduction,” Proceedings of
Choi, Y-K. and A. Banerjee,
“Tool Path Generation and
Tolerance Analysis for Free-Form
Surfaces,” International Journal of
Machine Tools and Manufacture,
47 (3-4): 689-696, 2007
Choi, Y-K., A. Banerjee and J-W.
Lee, “Tool Path Generation for
Free-form Surfaces Using Bezier
Curves/Surfaces,” Computers
and Industrial Engineering,
52 (4): 486-501, 2007
Lee, H., B. Sharda and A. Banerjee,
“Representation and Simulation
of Stochastic Petri Net Models
using xPNML,” Proceedings of the
Winter Simulation Conference,
Washington, D.C., December 2007
Sharda, B. and A. Banerjee,
“Bayesian Petri Net Based
Framework for Performance
Analysis and Control of
Manufacturing Systems,”
Proceedings of the IIE Annual
Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
Professional Activities
Member, Technical
Committee, IEEE Systems,
Man and Cybernetics: Human
Machine Systems Society
Member, Tutorial Board,
2008 Interservice/Industry
Training, Simulation and
Education Conference
Associate Editor, International
Journal of Service Operations
and Informatics
Reviewer, Journal of
Manufacturing Systems
Reviewer, International Journal of
Service Operations and Informatics
Reviewer, Decision Support Systems
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions
on Information Technology
in Biomedicine
Panelist, National Science
Foundation, Small Business
Innovation Research/
Small Business Technology
Transfer Phase I
Sharda, B. and A. Banerjee,
“Bayesian Petri Net Based
Framework for Performance
Analysis and Control of
Manufacturing Systems,” IIE
Annual Research Conference,
Bennett, G.K., “Emerging
Technology: The Shift,”
Bryan Noon Lion’s Club,
Bryan, Texas, July 2007
Bennett, G.K., Welcome
Remarks, Nano Summit, Texas
A&M University, College
Station, Texas, August 2007
Bennett, G.K., Panel Member,
“Texas A&M’s Commitment
to STEM Initiatives,” Texas
Engineering and Technical
Consortium Executive
Committee Meeting, Houston,
Texas, October 2007
Professional Activities
Chair, Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA)
National Advisory Council
(Appointed by FEMA
Administrator David Paulison)
Member, Texas Board of
Professional Engineers (Appointed
by Texas Governor Rick Perry)
Member, Legislative Issues
Committee, Texas Board of
Professional Engineers
Banerjee, A., “Representation
and Simulation of Stochastic
Petri Net Models Using xPNML,”
Winter Simulation Conference,
Washington, D.C., December 2007
Dasgupta, S. and A. Banerjee,
“Multi-Objective Stochastic
Path Planning,” IIE Annual
Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
Chair, Licensing Committee, Texas
Board of Professional Engineers
Cerekci, A. and A. Banerjee,
“Cycle Time Reduction in
Batch Processing by Upstream
Rescheduling,” IIE Annual
Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
of Justice and the FBI. He currently
serves as executive director of the
National Emergency Response
and Rescue Training Center.
Member, General Issues
Committee, Texas Board of
Professional Engineers
Education Advisory Liaison, Texas
Board of Professional Engineers
G. Kemble Bennett
Professor, Vice Chancellor and
Dean of Engineering
Ph.D., Texas Tech University
Dr. Bennett specializes in work
related to homeland security.
His interests also include
engineering management,
quality, logistics and reliability
engineering. He has served on
several government blue ribbon
panels for the Department of
Homeland Security, Department
Member, Professional Engineering
Exam Committee, Texas Board
of Professional Engineers
Member, Texas Deans
of Engineering
University Member, Executive
Committee, Texas Engineering
& Technical Consortium
Member, Task Force on Eco and
Animal Rights Terrorism, National
Association of State Universities
and Land Grant Colleges
2007 Faculty
(Bennett, Professional Activities, cont’d)
Member, Executive Working
Group for the Office of State &
Local Government Coordination
and Preparedness, U. S.
Department of Homeland Security
Executive Director, National
Emergency Response and
Rescue Training Center
Executive Director, System
Assessment and Validation for
Emergency Responders Program
Trustee, Southwest
Research Institute
Member, Advanced Energy
Technical Working Group,
Texas Technology Initiative
Member, Emergency
Preparedness Institute Working
Group, City of San Antonio
II,” 2006-2008, WesternGeco/
Schlumberger, $125,000
Bickel, J. Eric, “Some Comparisons
between Quadratic, Spherical,
and Logarithmic Scoring Rules,”
Decision Analysis, 4 (2): 49-65, 2007
Kim, S-D. and J. Eric Bickel,
“Roads or Radar: Investing in
Infrastructure or Improved
Forecasting in the Face of
Hurricane Risk,” Proceedings of
the 44th Annual Meeting of the
Society of Engineering Science,
Texas A&M University, College
Station, Texas, October 2007
Bickel, J. Eric, “Strictly Proper
Scoring Rules and the
Measurement of Uncertainty,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Decision Analysis Track, Seattle,
Wash., November 2007
Bickel, J. Eric, “Decision Education
for All,” INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Decision Analysis Track, Seattle,
Wash., November 2007
Bickel, J. Eric, “Applying OR across
the Baseball Decision Hierarchy,”
Symposium on Statistics and
Operations Research in Baseball,
Hayward, Cal., July 2007
J. Eric Bickel
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Stanford University
Dr. Bickel’s research interests
include decision analysis,
modeling probabilistic
dependence, value of information,
and applications of decision
analysis to enhanced oil recovery.
Dr. Bickel teaches engineering
economy, decision analysis and
senior design. Before joining
Texas A&M University, Dr. Bickel
was a senior engagement
manager for Strategic Decisions
Group (SDG) in Houston,
where he applied decision
analysis to corporate strategy
for Fortune 500 companies.
Bickel, J.E. (PI), R. Gibson and D.
McVay, “Quantifying the Value
of Seismic Information: Phase
Bickel, J. Eric, “Value of
Information: From Theory to
Practice,” INFORMS Conference
on OR Practice, Vancouver,
B.C., Canada, April 2007
Bickel, J. Eric and R. Bratvold,
“Decision-Making in the Oil
and Gas Industry – From Blissful
Ignorance to Uncertainty Induced
Confusion,” Society of Petroleum
Engineers Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition,
Anaheim, Cal., November 2007
Bratvold, R., J. Eric Bickel and H.P.
Lohne, “Value of Information in the
Oil and Gas Industry: Past, Present,
and Future,” Society of Petroleum
Engineers Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition,
Anaheim, Cal., November 2007
Gibson, R., J. Eric Bickel, D.A.
McVay and S. Pickering, “ ModelBased Uncertainty Quantification
and Seismic Information
Value,” Society of Exploration
Geophysicists Annual Meeting,
San Antonio, Tex., September 2007
Pickering, S., J. Eric Bickel,
R.L. Gibson and D.A. McVay,
“Measuring the Value of
Seismic Information in E&P
Workflows,” Petrotech 2007,
New Delhi, India, January 2007
Professional Activities
Council Member, INFORMS
Decision Analysis Society
Member, Publication Award
Committee, INFORMS
Decision Analysis Society
Member, Membership Committee,
INFORMS Decision Analysis Society
Member, Nominating Committee,
INFORMS Decision Analysis Society
Member, Society of
Petroleum Engineers
Member, Management Track
Committee, Annual Conference
and Technical Exposition, Society
of Petroleum Engineers
Associate Editor, INFORMS
Decision Analysis
Reviewer, INFORMS
Decision Analysis
Reviewer, INFORMS
Operations Research
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions
on Automation Science
Reviewer, Computers and
Industrial Engineering
Reviewer, Society of Petroleum
Engineers Reservoir Evaluation
and Engineering
Sergiy Butenko
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Florida
Dr. Butenko’s research
concentrates mainly on global
and discrete optimization and
their applications. In particular,
he is interested in theoretical
and computational aspects of
continuous global optimization
approaches for solving discrete
optimization problems on graphs.
Applications of interest include
network-based data mining,
computational biology, social
networks and remote sensing.
Butenko, S., “IRES: Discrete and
Nondifferentiable Optimization:
Algorithms and Applications,”
2006-2009, National Science
Foundation, $123,385
Butenko, S. and P. Stetsyuk,
“Network-Based Techniques
for Mining Massive Data Sets,”
2006-2008, Civilian Research and
Development Foundation, $55,500
Damnjanovic, I., A. Wimsatt
and S. Butenko, “Impact of
Reconstruction Strategies
on System’s Performance
Measures: Maximizing Safety
and Mobility while Minimizing
Life-Cycle Costs,” 2007-2008,
University Transportation
Center for Mobility, Texas
Transportation Institute, $60,000
Butenko, S. and S. Trukhanov,
“Using Critical Sets to Solve the
Maximum Independent Set
Problem,” Operations Research
Letters, 35 (4): 519-524, 2007
Kahruman, S., E. Kolotoglu,
S. Butenko, and I. Hicks,
“On Greedy Construction
Annual Report | 2007
2007 Faculty
(Butenko, publications, cont’d)
Heuristics for the MAX-CUT
Problem,” International Journal
of Computational Science and
Engineering, 3 (3): 211-218, 2007
Stetsyuk, P., S. Butenko and
O. Berezovski, “On an Upper
Bound for the Weighted
Stability Number of a Graph,”
Theory of Optimal Decisions,
6: 80-89, 2007 (in Russian)
Balasundaram, B. and S. Butenko,
“Clique Generalizations and
Clusters in Biological Networks,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Member, Editorial
Board, Computational
Management Science
Member, Editorial Board,
International Journal of
Computational Science
and Engineering
Reviewer, Computers and
Industrial Engineering
Reviewer, INFORMS
Journal on Computing
Reviewer, European Journal
of Operational Research
Reviewer, Naval Research Logistics
Balasundaram, B. and S.
Butenko, “Finding Low
Diameter Clusters in Graphs,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Butenko, S., “Optimization
Problems on Graphs
and Their Applications,”
Centro de Investigacion en
Matematicas, Guanajuato,
Mexico, February 2007
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
Reviewer, Computational
Optimization and Applications
Reviewer, Journal of Heuristics
Reviewer, Springer
Reviewer, John Wiley and Sons
Reviewer, CRC Press
Butenko, S. and B. Balasundaram,
“On a Fractional Continuous
Formulation for Independence
Number of a Graph,” The Second
International Conference on
Complementarity, Duality,
and Global Optimization in
Science and Engineering,
Gainesville, Fla., February 2007
Panelist, National
Science Foundation
Session Organizer, INFORMS
Annual Meeting
Professional Activities
Member, Editorial Board,
Journal of Global Optimization
Member, Editorial Board,
Optimization Letters
Çetinkaya, S. (PI) and E. Tekin
(Co-PI), “Effective Inventory
Management and Capacity
Utilization Under Demand
Uncertainty for Technology
Products with Short Life-Cycles,”
Nokia Telecommunications,
2006-2007, $50,000
Klutke, G-A. (PI) and S. Çetinkaya
(Co-PI), “Graduate Assistance
in Areas of National Need:
Fellowships for Research
in Industrial and Systems
Engineering,” U.S. Department of
Education, 2006-2009, $380,000
Tekin, E. (PI) and S. Çetinkaya
(Co-PI), “Supply Chain Revenue
Management: Mitigating
Profit-at-Risk in Manufacturing
and Distribution Networks,”
National Science Foundation,
2006-2009, $250,000
Üster, H. (PI) and S. Çetinkaya
(Co-PI), “An Integrated Outbound
Logistics Model for Frito-Lay:
Operational Level Distribution
Optimization,” Frito-Lay and
PepsiCo, 2006- 2007, $212,000
Üster, H. (PI), S. Çetinkaya (Co-PI)
and E. Akçali, “Collaborative
Research: Analytical Approaches
for the Design and Operation
of Closed-Loop Supply Chains,”
National Science Foundation,
2005-2008 (ISEN portion $182,000)
Butenko, S. and S. Kahruman,
“Scheduling the Adjuvant
Endocrine Therapy for Early Stage
Breast Cancer,” Conference on
Data Mining, Systems Analysis
and Optimization in Biomedicine,
Gainesville, Fla., March 2007
Kahruman, S., S. Butenko, K.
Diehl, I. Hicks and E. Kolotoglu,
“Scheduling the Adjuvant
Endocrine Therapy for Early
Stage Breast Cancer,” INFORMS
Annual Meeting, Seattle,
Wash., November 2007
coordination. She teaches courses
in production planning and
control, inventory theory and
supply chain coordination.
Sila Çetinkaya
Associate Professor
Ph.D., McMaster University
Dr. Çetinkaya specializes in supply
chain management. Her current
research examines inventory,
production and transportation
issues in the context of
supply chain integration and
Winter Simulation Conference,
Washington, D. C., December 2007
Üster, H., G. Easwaran, E.
Akcali and S. Çetinkaya,
“Benders Decomposition
with Alternative Multiple Cuts
for a Multi-Product ClosedLoop Supply Chain Network
Design Model,” Naval Research
Logistics, 54 (8): 890-907, 2007
Çetinkaya, S., “The Impact of
Supply Quality and Supplier
Development on Contract Design,”
Johnson School of Management,
Cornell University, April 2007
Çetinkaya, S., “The Impact of
Supply Quality and Supplier
Development on Contract
Design,” Parsons Seminar
Series, Industrial and Systems
Engineering Department, Texas
A&M University, April 2007
Easwaran, G., H. Üster, E. Akcali
and S. Çetinkaya, “MultiProduct Closed-Loop Supply
Chain Network Design: Models
and Solution Approaches,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Erkip, N. and S. Çetinkaya,
“Computing Default Probabilities
for a Three-Level Supply Chain,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Karakayali, I., E. Akcali, S.
Çetinkaya and H. Üster, “Single
Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing
Problem with Remanufacturing,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Jaruphongsa, W., S. Çetinkaya
and C-Y. Lee, “Outbound
Shipment Mode Considerations
for Integrated Inventory and
Delivery Lot-Sizing Decisions,”
Operations Research Letters,
35 (6): 813-822, 2007
Keskin, B. B., H. Üster and S.
Çetinkaya, “The Impact of
Inventory Decisions on Vendor
Selection,” Decision Sciences
Institute Annual Meeting,
Phoenix, Ariz., November 2007
Liu, X. and S. Çetinkaya, “A Note
on Quality Improvement and
Setup Reduction in the Joint
Economic Lot-Size Model,”
European Journal of Operational
Research, 182 (1): 194-204, 2007
Orcun, S., S. Çetinkaya, and R.
Uzsoy, “Determining Safety
Stocks in the Presence of
Workload Dependent Lead
Times,” Proceedings of the
Mutlu, F. and S. Çetinkaya, “On
the Service Performances of
Shipment Consolidation Policies,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Orcun, S., S. Çetinkaya and R.
Uzsoy, “Determining Safety Stocks
in the Presence of Workload
Dependent Lead Times,”
Winter Simulation Conference,
Washington, D.C., December 2007
2007 Faculty
(Çetinkaya, Presentations, cont’d)
Gaukler, G. and Y. Ding, “ARI-LA:
A Framework for Developing
Novel Detection Systems Focused
on Interdicting Shielded HEU,”
2007-2012, National Science
Foundation and the Domestic
Nuclear Detection Office of the
U. S. Department of Homeland
Security, $1,019,374. This project
is part of a $7.5 million research
effort led by W. F. Miller.
Üster, H., S. Çetinkaya, G. Easwaran
and B. B. Keskin, “An Integrated
Outbound Logistics Model for
Frito-Lay,” INFORMS Conference
on OR Practice, Vancouver,
B.C., Canada, April 2007
Professional Activities
President, Forum for Women
Department Editor, IIE Transactions
on Scheduling and Logistics
Division Editor, Operations and
Decision Sciences, Canadian
Journal of Administrative Sciences
Associate Editor, Naval
Research Logistics
Member, Editorial Board,
International Journal of
Inventory Research
Session Organizer and Chair,
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Reviewer, Computers and
Operations Research
Reviewer, European Journal
of Operational Research
Reviewer, International Journal
of Production Economics
Yu Ding
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Dr. Ding’s research interests
are in quality and reliability
engineering, with emphases on
data-mining methods for analysis
and design and optimal utilization
of distributed sensor systems.
His recent projects are funded by
the National Science Foundation,
the State of Texas and industry.
He teaches courses in quality
control, change and anomaly
detection, prediction methods
and design of experiments.
Ding, Y., “CAREER: Collaborative
Information Processing of
Distributed Sensor Networks
for Manufacturing Quality
Improvements,” 20042009, National Science
Foundation, $400,000
Ding, Y., “SST: Robust Wireless
Piezoelectric Sensor Network for
Structural Health Monitoring,”
2004-2007, National Science
Foundation, $150,000. In
collaboration with Jiong Tang
at University of Connecticut
and Xiaodong Wang at
Columbia University
Guy L. Curry
Professor and Director of
Graduate Program
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Dr. Curry specializes in the
application of operations research
techniques to the design and
analysis of manufacturing systems.
He teaches courses in optimization
and production systems.
Ding, Y., “DDDAS - SMRP: A
Framework for the Dynamic
Data-Driven Fault Diagnosis
of Wind Turbine Systems,”
2006-2009, National Science
Foundation, $180,000. In
collaboration with Dr. Jiong Tang
at University of Connecticut
Ding, Y., “Collaborative Research:
Fault Tolerance Analysis and
Design of Clustered Sensor
Networks,” 2007-2010, National
Science Foundation, $161,336. This
project is in collaboration with Dr.
Yong Chen at University of Iowa
Lawrence, B. and Y. Ding,
“Inventory, Backlog, and Supply
Chain Analysis,” 2007-2008,
Smith Services, $144,500
Wilhelm, W. E. and Y. Ding,
“Strategic Design and Tactical
Operation of Surveillance Sensor
Systems for Ports and Waterway
Security,” 2005-2008, National
Science Foundation, $331,111
Wilhelm, W. E. and Y. Ding,
REU Supplementary Grant,
2005-2008, National Science
Foundation, $12,000
Wilhelm, W. E. and Y. Ding,
REU Supplementary Grant,
2007-2008, National Science
Foundation, $12,000
Cho, J.J., Y. Chen and Y. Ding,
“On the (Co)girth of Connected
Matroids,” Discrete Applied
Mathematics, 155, 2456-2470, 2007
Cho, J. J., Y. Ding, Y. Chen and
J. Tang, “Robust Calibration
for Localization in Clustered
Wireless Sensor Networks,”
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference
on Automation Science and
Engineering, Scottsdale, Ariz.,
September 2007 (on CD-ROM)
Ding, Y. and D.W. Apley,
“Guidelines for Placing Additional
Sensors to Improve Variation
Diagnosis in Assembly Processes,”
International Journal of Production
Research, 45 (23): 5485-5507, 2007
Li, Z., S. Zhou and Y. Ding,
“Pattern Matching for Root Cause
Identification of Manufacturing
Processes with the Presence
of Unstructured Noise,” IIE
Transactions, 39 (3): 251-263, 2007
Cho, J.J. and Y. Ding, “Fault
Tolerance Analysis of
Surveillance Sensor Network,”
IIE Annual Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
Cho, J.J. and Y. Ding, “Redundancy
and Robustness Analysis of a
Structured Linear Model Using
Matroid Decomposition,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November, 2007
Ding, Y., “Optimal Engineering
Design Guided by Data-mining
Methods,” University of Wisconsin
at Madison, Department
of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, March 2007
Ding. Y., “Statistical Issues
in Analysis and Design for
Distributed Sensor Systems,” Texas
A&M University, Department
of Statistics, April 2007
Ding. Y., “Analysis and Design
for Distributed Sensor Systems,”
University of South Florida,
Department of Industrial and
Management Systems, April 2007
Ding, Y., “Robust Calibration
for Clustered Wireless Sensor
Network,” IEEE Conference
on Automation Science and
Engineering, Scottsdale,
Ariz., September 2007
Ren, Y. and Y. Ding, “Data-Mining
Guided Design Optimization for
Sensor Distribution in MultiStation Assembly Processes,” IIE
Annual Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
Ren, Y. and Y. Ding, “A Data-Mining
Guided Heuristic Approach for
Sensor Distribution in MultiStation Assembly Processes,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Shrivastava, A.K. and Y. Ding,
“Selecting Unique Designs
in Complex Design Spaces,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Xia, H. and Y. Ding, “Bayesian
Hierarchical Model for Integrating
Multi-Resolution Data,” INFORMS
Annual Meeting, Seattle,
Wash., November 2007
Annual Report | 2007
2007 Faculty
(Ding, cont’d)
Professional Activities
Member, Program Committee,
IEEE International Symposium on
Assembly and Manufacturing
Track chair and member,
Program Committee,
Sensor, Instrumentation,
and Measurements, IEEE
Conference on Automation
Science and Engineering
of Southern Pine Beetle in
Southern Pine Stands West of
the Mississippi,” 2006-2008,
USDA Forest Service, $298,766
Krugler, P.E., C. Chang-Albitres,
R.M. Feldman, D. Kang and R.
Smith, “Development of a TxDOT
ROW Acquisition SimulationOptimization Model,” 2006
- 2007, Texas Department of
Transportation, $170,000
Cluster Chair, INFORMS Section on
Quality, Statistics, and Reliability
Professional Activities
Chair-Elect, INFORMS Section on
Quality, Statistics, and Reliability
Reviewer, Journal of Professional
Issues in Engineering
Education and Practice
Department Editor, IIE Transactions
on Quality and Reliability
Reviewer, Computers &
Industrial Engineering
Associate Editor, IEEE
Transactions on Automation
Science & Engineering
Nuclear Detection Office of the
U. S. Department of Homeland
Security, $1,019,374. This project
is part of a $7.5 million research
effort led by Dr. W. F. Miller.
Gaukler, G.M., R.W. Seifert, W.H.
Hausman, “Item-Level RFID
in the Retail Supply Chain,”
Production and Operations
Management, 16 (1): 2007
Gaukler, G.M., R.W. Seifert,
“Applications of RFID in Supply
Chains,” Trends in Supply Chain
Design and Management:
Technologies and Methodologies”,
Chapter 2, ed. Hosang Jung, Frank
Chen, Bongju Jeong, Springer
London Ltd., March 2007
Gaukler, G. M., “The Impact of
Item-Level RFID on Product
Availability in Retail,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Richard M. Feldman
Ph.D., Northwestern University
Dr. Feldman specializes in
applied probability, simulation
and operations research.
He is currently part of two
interdisciplinary research teams,
one from the Departments of
Entomology and Geography and
one in the Texas Transportation
Institute. Dr. Feldman is primarily
responsible for developing
simulation tools for these
teams. He teaches simulation,
operations research, stochastic
processes and queueing theory.
Coulson, R.N., A. Birt, D. Cairns, R.M.
Feldman, J.M. Guldin, C. Lafon,
F. Stephen and M.D. Tchakerian,
“Applied Silvicultural Assessment
Dr. Gaukler’s research interests
center around the impact of
automatic identification and
sensor technologies such as RFID
on supply chain operations. He
also works on designing robust
sensor networks to prevent
terrorists from smuggling nuclear
materials into the United States.
This research is funded jointly
by NSF and the Department
of Homeland Security. Dr.
Gaukler directs the RFID and
Supply Chain Systems Lab and
teaches courses in operations
management and logistics.
Gaukler, G. and Y. Ding, “ARI-LA:
A Framework for Developing
Novel Detection Systems Focused
on Interdicting Shielded HEU,”
2007-2012, National Science
Foundation and the Domestic
Natarajan Gautam
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Professional Activities
Dr. Gautam’s areas of interest
include optimal design, control
and performance evaluation of
stochastic systems, with special
emphasis on service engineering,
using techniques in queueing
theory, applied probability and
optimization. His specific research
topics include telecommunication
network design and traffic
engineering for providing
quality of service, computercommunication network controls
including web servers and mobile
ad-hoc networks, transportation
systems modeling for traffic
operations and performance
analysis, and information
technology including survivability
of multi-agent systems and
peer-to-peer networks.
Chair, Professional Recognition
Committee, INFORMS
Gaukler, G. M., “Locating
Hospital Equipment Using
RFID,” INFORMS International
Meeting, Puerto Rico, July 2007
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Stanford University
Reviewer, Computers &
Industrial Engineering
Gary M. Gaukler
Reviewer, Naval Research Logistics
Gaukler, G. M., “Process
vs. Quality Cost Savings in
Assembly Operations,” IIE
Annual Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May, 2007
Seijo, R., C. Bonilla, G. Gaukler
and C. Malave, “Critical Path
for Inventory Control Method
in a Global Supply Chain, ‘
INFORMS International Meeting,
Puerto Rico, July 2007
Faculty Advisor, Alpha Pi
Mu Industrial Engineering
Honor Society, Texas A&M
Session Chair, IIE Annual
Research Conference
Reviewer/Panelist, National
Science Foundation
Reviewer, Operations Research
Reviewer, Production and
Operations Management
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
Gautam, N., “Queueing Theory,”
Operations Research and
Management Science Handbook,
A. Ravindran, Ed., CRC Press,
Taylor and Francis Group, Boca
Raton, Fla., 2007, 9.1-9.37
Ko, Y-M., J.F. Chamberland
and N. Gautam, “Optimal
Policies for Control of Peers in
Online Multimedia Services,”
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control, New
Orleans, La., December 2007
Lee, S., S. Kumara and N. Gautam,
“Efficient Scheduling Algorithm
2007 Faculty
(Gautam, Publications, cont’d)
for Component-based Networks,”
Future Generation Computer
Systems, 23 (4): 558-568, 2007
Chen, Y., C. Rincon Mateus
and N. Gautam, “Resource
Management in Web Hosting
Centers for Energy Conservation,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Gautam, N., “Oh LoRD (LOng
Range Dependence), what do
we do?” Texas A&M University
Networking Seminar, March 2007
Gautam, N., “Optimization and
Control for Energy Management
in Data Centers and Web
Hosting Services,” Department
of Management Studies,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras, India, June 2007
Gautam, N., “Resource
Management and Control for
Data Centers and Web Hosting
Services,” Hindustan College of
Engineering, Anna University,
Padur, India, July 2007
Gautam, N., “Analysis of a Resource
Sharing Policy for Computer
Systems Using Fluid Queues,”
INFORMS Applied Probability
Society Conference, Eindhoven,
Netherlands, July 2007
Gautam, N., “Towards Green
Computing: Energy Management
in Data Centers,” Department
of Industrial Engineering,
Oklahoma State University,
Stillwater, Okla., October 2007
Ko, Y-M. and N. Gautam, “Transient
Analysis Using Diffusion
Approximation for Build-up
Period of Peer-to-Peer Networks,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Ko, Y-M., J. F. Chamberland and
N. Gautam, “Optimal Policies
for Control of Peers in Online
Multimedia Services,” 46th
IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, New Orleans,
La., December 2007
Parvin, H., P. Goel and N. Gautam,
“Policies for Prevention and
Cure of Cervical Cancer Caused
by Human Papilloma Viruses,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle,Wash., November 2007
Professional Activities
Member, Technical Program
Committee, SENET 2007
(International Conference
on Sensor Networks),
Cap Esterel, France
Reviewer, International
Academy, Research and Industry
Association Conference
Johnson, A.L., “The Generalized
Distance Function as a Solution
to Infeasibility of Super Efficiency
Models,” European Workshop
on Efficiency and Productivity
Analysis X, Lille, France, June 2007
Tenured Faculty Mentor,
MentorNet, The E-Mentoring
Network for Diversity in
Engineering and Science
Member, Dissertation Award
Committee, INFORMS
Johnson, A.L., “Benchmarking
Performance in Warehouse
Operations,” European Workshop
on Efficiency and Productivity
Analysis X, Lille, France, June 2007
Telecommunication Conference
External Reviewer, Center
for Multimodal Solutions for
Congestion Mitigation, U.S.
Department of Transportation
Session Chair, INFORMS
Annual Meeting
Session Chair, IIE Annual
Research Conference
Director and Board Member,
IIE Computer and Information
Systems Division
Regional Director, Central
North America Region, Omega
Rho (Operations Research
International Honors Society)
Member-of-Council, INFORMS
Telecommunication Section
Associate Editor, INFORMS
Journal on Computing
Associate Editor, Journal of
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Reviewer, Computers and
Industrial Engineering
Reviewer, European Journal
of Operational Research
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
Reviewer, Mathematical Models
of Operations Research
Reviewer, Networks and
Spatial Economics
Reviewer, Operations Research
Reviewer, Queueing Systems
Reviewer, Telecommunication
Reviewer, IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control
European Workshop on Efficiency
and Productivity Analysis X,
Lille, France, June 2007
Andrew Johnson
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of
Dr. Johnson’s research interests
are in productivity measurement,
warehouse operations and
design, web applications to
support decision making,
modeling and analysis of revenue
management applied to logistics,
reference model development
for industrial systems, and
enterprise transformation.
Johnson, A.L., “Warehouse
Performance Self-Assessment
and Benchmarking,” 20062007, The Book Industry
Study Group, Inc., $15,000
Lawrence, F.B., Narayanan,
A. and A.L. Johnson, “Lean
Warehouse Management,”
2007, Wilson Supply, $46,700
Johnson, A.L., “Identifying
Likely Efficiency Improvement
Paths for Warehouses in
Data Envelopment Analysis”,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Johnson, A.L., “Applying the
Directional Distance Function
to the Electric Utility Industry,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Johnson, A.L., “Efficiency
Consultation in Engineering:
Is it Worth the Investment?”
Johnson, A.L., “Applications of
Mathematical Modeling: Industry
and Academic Collaborative
Research,” Department of
Information Physics and
Sciences, Osaka University,
Osaka, Japan, May 2007
Johnson, A.L., “Quantifying
Improvement Possibilities Using
Benchmarking Results,” IIE
Annual Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
Professional Activities
Session Organizer, European
Workshop on Efficiency and
Productivity Analysis X
Reviewer, Information Science
Reviewer, Journal of
Productivity Analysis
Reviewer, INFOR
Reviewer, Production and
Operations Management
Reviewer, International Journal
of Production Research
Reviewer, European Journal
of Operational Research
Annual Report | 2007
2007 Faculty
Engineering Research Centers
Member, Review Panel,
National Science Foundation
Engineering Design Program
Reviewer, National
Science Foundation
International Programs
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions
on Reliability
Kiavash Kianfar
Georgia-Ann Klutke
Reviewer, IEEE Transaction on
Engineering Management
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., North Carolina State
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University
Reviewer, Operations
Research Letters
Dr. Kianfar’s primary research
interest is the theory and
application of mathematical
programming. His recent research
has been focused on valid
inequalities for mixed integer
programming problems. He
has also done research on the
application of mathematical
programming, computer
simulation, and stochastic
models in production and
healthcare systems. He teaches
courses in optimization and
mathematical programming.
Dr. Klutke’s research interests are
in the areas of applied probability
and stochastic processes, with
particular emphasis on problems
that arise in production and
service systems. Her work has
examined queueing behavior,
inspection and maintenance
scheduling, product flow
control, degradation processes,
information structure in decision
models and layout of retail
facilities. She teaches courses in
operations research, queueing
theory, stochastic processes,
engineering systems design,
production operations, reliability
and maintenance science.
Kianfar, K., “n-step MIR functions:
Facets for Finite and Infinite
Group Problems,” Integer
Programming Sponsored Session,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Kianfar, K., “Generalized
Mixed Integer Rounding
Valid Inequalities,” Industrial
Engineering Department,
Sharif University of Technology,
Tehran, Iran, June 2007
Kianfar, K., “Generalized
Mixed Integer Rounding Valid
Inequalities,” Department
of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, N.C., April 2007
Kianfar, K., “Generalized
Mixed Integer Rounding Valid
Inequalities,” Department
of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, Texas A&M
University, College Station,
Texas, February 2007
Klutke, G-A. (PI) and S. Çetinkaya
(Co-PI), “Graduate Assistance
in Areas of National Need:
Fellowships for Research
in Industrial and Systems
Engineering,” U.S. Department of
Education, 2006-2009, $380,000
Klutke, G-A., “Scheduling Disease
Screening Exams Using Methods
for Non Self-Announcing Failures,”
IIE Annual Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
Klutke, G-A., “Scheduling Disease
Screening Exams Using Methods
for Non Self-Announcing Failures,”
George Mason University,
Fairfax, Va., October 2007
Professional Activities
Consulting Editor, Springer Series
in Mechanical Engineering
Member, Screening Panel,
National Science Foundation
Reviewer, Journal of
Applied Probability
Leon, V.J. and B. Lawrence,
“Texas A&M University Global
Research Center: MonterreyMexico,” 2007-2008, Texas A&M
University and Dwight Look
College of Engineering, $336,000
Chu, C-L. and V.J. Leon, “SingleVendor Multi-Buyer Inventory
Coordination: Global and
Private Information Cases,”
European Journal of Operations
Research, doi:10.1016/j.
ejor.2007.06.046, 2007
Jeong, I-J., V.J. Leon and J.R.
Villalobos, “Integrated Decision
Support System for Diagnosis,
Maintenance Planning and
Scheduling of Manufacturing
Systems,” International
Journal of Production Research,
45 (2): 267-285, 2007
Chu, C.L. and V.J. Leon,
“Optimization under Partitioned
Information: A Scalable Supply
Chain Inventory Coordination
Methodology,” IIE Annual
Research Conference,
Nashville, Tenn., May 2007
Professional Activities
V. Jorge Leon
Allen-Bradley Professor in
Factory Automation
Joint Appointment with
Engineering Technology
Ph.D., Lehigh University
Dr. Leon’s research interests
are in manufacturing system
optimization, finite-capacity
resource planning and scheduling,
applications of combinatorial
optimization and heuristic search.
Recent work involves the study
of collaborative distributed
production systems and global
manufacturing.(Dr. Leon’s primary
appointment is in the Department
of Engineering Technology
and Industrial Distribution.)
Hung, N.P., L. San Andres,
V.J. Leon and D. Kim, “REU
Site: Development of
2006-2009, National Science
Foundation, $259,249
Program Evaluator,TACABET, Society of
Manufacturing Engineers
Editor, Journal of
Manufacturing Systems
2007 Faculty
Applications include wildfire
management, healthcare, facility
location, and supply chain
planning. He teaches courses in
stochastic programming, systems
thinking and analysis, facilities
planning and material handling,
and operations research.
César O. Malavé
Professor and Assistant Dean for
Recruitment and International
Ph.D., University of South Florida
Dr. Malavé’s research interests
are in manufacturing systems
analysis and planning. He
teaches graduate courses and
conducts research in the area of
manufacturing systems modeling
and control. In his capacity as
associate dean for international
programs in the Dwight
Look College of Engineering,
Dr. Malavé leads the study
abroad programs, negotiates
international agreements, and
liaisons with the Texas A&M
University Qatar campus.
Ntaimo, L., “CSR-CSI: System
Integration of Dynamical
Data Driven Wildfire Spread
and Firefighting Modeling,
Simulation, and Optimization,”
2007-2009, National Science
Foundation, $80,000
Ntaimo, L. and X. Hu, “DDDASSMRP: Dynamic Data Driven
Integrated Simulation and
Stochastic Optimization for
Wildland Fire Containment,”
2005-2008, National Science
Foundation, $200,000
Saka, G., A.J. Schaefer and L.
Ntaimo, “Inverse Stochastic
Linear Programming,”
Optimization Online, 2007 http://
Trukhanov, S., L. Ntaimo and A.
Schaefer, “On Adaptive Multicut
Aggregation for Two-Stage
Stochastic Linear Programs
with Recourse,” Optimization
Online, 2007 http://www.
Ntaimo, L., “Disjunctive
Decomposition for Stochastic
Mixed-Integer Programs and
Applications,” Department of
Industrial Engineering, University
of Pittsburgh, February 2007
Lewis Ntaimo
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Arizona
Dr. Ntaimo’s research interests
are stochastic programming,
discrete event modeling
and simulation, and systems
modeling. His research focuses
on decomposition algorithms
for large-scale optimization
problems characterized by
uncertainty in the problem data.
Ntaimo, L., “Disjunctive Cuts
for Two-Stage Stochastic
Mixed 0-1 Programs with
Recourse and Applications,” The
Department of Computational
& Applied Mathematics, Rice
University, November 2007
Ntaimo, L., “A Computational Study
of Disjunctive Cuts for Two-Stage
Stochastic Mixed 0-1 Programs
with Recourse,” Department
of Industrial & Systems
Engineering, Georgia Institute
of Technology, October 2007
Ntaimo, L., “A Simulation and
Stochastic Programming
Approach to Resource Deployment
for Wildfire Containment,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Ntaimo, L. and M.W. Tanner,
“A Computational Study of
Disjunctive Cuts for Two-Stage
Stochastic 0-1 Programs with
Recourse,” 11th Conference
on Stochastic Programming,
Vienna, Austria, August 2007
Ntaimo, L. and M.W. Tanner,
“Disjunctive Decomposition
for Two-Stage Stochastic Mixed
0-1 Programs with Random
Recourse,” INFORMS International
Meeting, Puerto Rico, July 2007
Tanner, M.W. and L. Ntaimo, “A
Scenario-Based Branch-and-Cut
Algorithm for Stochastic Programs
with Probabilistic Constraints,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Tanner, M.W. and L. Ntaimo,
“A Computational Study
of Lift-and-Project Cuts for
Stochastic Mixed 0-1 Programs,”
INFORMS International Meeting,
Puerto Rico, July 2007
Professional Activities
Research Advisor for Operations
Research, Arizona Center for
Integrated Manufacturing
and Simulation http://www.
Proposal Reviewer, Natural
Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada
Session Chair, 11th International
Conference on Stochastic
Programming, Vienna, Austria
Session Chair, INFORMS
Annual Meeting
Reviewer, Computational
Optimization and
Applications Journal
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
Discrete Event System
Specification Symposium
Member, Technical Committee,
Discrete Event System
Specification Symposium, Spring
Simulation Multiconference
Brett A. Peters
Professor and Department Head
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of
Dr. Peters’ research interests
include design, analysis, operation
and control of manufacturing,
distribution, and service systems.
He concentrates on facilities
design and management issues,
including facility layout and
material handling system design.
He teaches courses in facilities
design, material handling, and
systems planning and operation.
Peters, B.A., D.N. Ford,
K.F. Reinschmidt and D.R.
Smith, “Masters Degree for
Project Managers,” 20062007, Parsons Engineering
Sciences, Inc., $125,415
Peters, B.A., D.N. Ford,
K.F. Reinschmidt and D.R.
Smith, “Masters Degree for
Project Managers,” 20072008, Parsons Engineering
Sciences, Inc., $127,234
Kuo, Y., T. Yang, B.A. Peters, and I.
Chang, “Simulation Metamodel
Development Using Uniform
Design and Neural Networks for
Automated Material Handling
Systems in Semiconductor
Wafer Fabrication,” Simulation
Modeling Practice and Theory,
15, 1002–1015, 2007
Professional Activities
Member, Council of Industrial
Engineering Academic
Department Heads
Co-organizer, Doctoral
Colloquium, IIE Annual
Research Conference
Annual Report | 2007
2007 Faculty
(Peters, Professional Activities, cont’d)
Invited Facilitator and
Scribe, Material Handling
Logistics Summit
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Phillips, D.T., “Testing and
Evaluating First Responder
Equipment: Phase II,” Department
of Homeland Security, $121,000
Professional Activities
Session Chair, INFORMS
Annual Meeting
Member, Editorial Board,
International Journal of
Industrial Engineering
Vice President, Junior Faculty
Interest Group, INFORMS
Associate Editor, Journal of
Manufacturing Systems
Member, Editorial Board,
Assembly Automation
Eylem Tekin
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Northwestern University
Donald R. Smith
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Don T. Phillips
Chevron Professor
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Dr. Phillips teaching and
research interests include lean
manufacturing systems analysis,
operations research, lean thinking,
systems simulation, product cost
flow analysis, and the analysis
and control of remanufacturing/
sustainment systems. In addition
to his teaching and pedagogical
interests, Dr. Phillips is currently
the Director of the Homeland
Security Research Initiatives for
all engineering programs at Texas
A&M. In this capacity, he develops
interdisciplinary research teams
to address both educational and
research program initiatives in
the Department of Homeland
Security and other federal funding
programs. He is currently active
in several homeland security
initiatives. Dr. Phillips is an IIE
Fellow and a member of SME.
Phillips, D.T. and J.R. McKee,
“Systems Assessment and
Validation for Emergency
Responders,” 2007, Department
of Homeland Security/
SPAWAR, $600,000
Dr. Smith’s research interests are
in large systems database design,
highway segment data collection
and analysis, systems simulation
and cost modeling for advanced
manufacturing systems. He
teaches engineering economic
analysis, computer programming,
engineering management,
industrial labor relations, facilities
layout and design, and production
planning and control. Dr. Smith
is a member of the Advisory
Council of the International Center
for Sustainable Development
for the Republic of Panama.
Smith, D.R., “Overview of
Contemporary Project
Management,” Maritime
University of the Republic
of Panama, August 2007
Professional Activities
Member, Advisory Council,
International Center for
Sustainable Development,
Republic of Panama
Dr. Tekin’s research interests are
in optimal design and control
of stochastic systems, revenue
management and supply chain
management. Her current
research focuses on the design
and analysis of systems with
flexible production/service
capacity and cross-trained
servers to create agile operations.
The application areas of her
research include manufacturing
systems, call centers, health
care services, airlines and
hospitality industry. She teaches
courses on production systems
operation, stochastic models
of manufacturing systems and
stochastic dynamic programming.
Çetinkaya S. and E. Tekin,
“Effective Inventory Management
and Capacity Utilization
under Demand Uncertainty
for Technology Products
with Short Life Cycles,” 20062007, Nokia, $50,000
Tekin E. and S. Çetinkaya, “Supply
Chain Revenue Management:
Mitigating Profit-at-Risk in
Manufacturing and Distribution
Networks,” 2006-2009, National
Science Foundation, $250,000
Tekin, E., “Managing New
Patient Admissions in Multi-site
Healthcare Facilities,” Applied
Probability Society of INFORMS,
Eindhoven, Netherlands, July 2007
Tekin, E., W.J. Hopp and M.P. Van
Oyen, “Design Issues in Service
Systems with a Mix of Dedicated
and Cross-Trained Servers,”
Halit Üster
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., McMaster University
Dr. Üster’s research interests are in
supply chain logistics and applied
optimization. His current research
concentrates on network design
problems with applications in
logistics and communications.
He teaches courses in operations
planning, logistics, network
optimization and heuristics. Dr.
Üster directs the Logistics and
Networked Systems Research Lab.
Üster, H., “Sensors: Models and
Algorithms for Efficient Design
and Operation of Wireless Sensor
Networks,” 2005-2007, National
Science Foundation, $175,000
Üster, H. (PI) and S. Çetinkaya
(Co-PI), “An Integrated Outbound
Logistics Model for Frito-Lay:
Operational Level Distribution
Optimization,” 2006-2007, FritoLay Inc. and PepsiCo., $212,000
Üster, H. (Texas A&M PI), S.
Çetinkaya (Texas A&M Co-PI) and
E. Akçalı (University of Florida PI),
“Collaborative Research: Analytical
Approaches for the Design and
Operation of Closed-Loop Supply
Chains,” 2005-2008, National
Science Foundation, $303,258
(Texas A&M portion $182,212)
2007 Faculty
Keskin, B.B. and H. Üster, “MetaHeuristic Approaches with
Memory and Evolution for MultiProduct Production/Distribution
System Design Problem,”
European Journal of Operational
Research, 182, 663-682, 2007
Keskin, B.B. and H. Üster, “A Scatter
Search-Based Heuristic to Locate
Capacitated Transshipment
Points,” Computers and Operations
Research, 34 (10): 3112-3125, 2007
Üster, H., G. Easwaran, E.
Akcali and S. Çetinkaya,
“Benders Decomposition
with Alternative Multiple Cuts
for a Multi-Product ClosedLoop Supply Chain Network
Design Model,” Naval Research
Logistics, 54 (8): 890-907, 2007
Üster, H. and N. Maheshwari,
“Strategic Network Design for
Multi-Zone Truckload Shipments,”
IIE Transactions, 39, 177-189, 2007
Easwaran, G., H. Üster, E. Akcali
and S. Çetinkaya, “MultiProduct Closed-Loop Supply
Chain Network Design: Models
and Solution Approaches,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Karakayali, I., E. Akcali, S.
Çetinkaya and H. Üster, “SingleItem Lot-Sizing Problem with
Remanufacturing,” INFORMS
Annual Meeting, Seattle,
Wash., November 2007
Keskin, B.B. and H. Üster,
“Production/Distribution Network
Design with Inventory Decisions,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Keskin, B.B., H. Üster and S.
Çetinkaya, “The Impact of
Inventory Decisions on Vendor
Selection,” Decisions Sciences
Institute Annual Meeting,
Phoenix, Ariz., November 2007
Kewcharoenwong, P. and H.
Üster, “Algorithms for the
Design of a Relay Network in
Truckload Trucking,” INFORMS
Annual Meeting, Seattle,
Wash., November 2007
Lin, H. and H. Üster, “Integrated
Topology Control and Routing in
Wireless Sensor Network Design,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Operation of Surveillance Sensor
Systems for Ports and Waterway
Security,” 2005-2008, National
Science Foundation, $331,111
Wilhelm, W.E. and Y. Ding,
REU Supplementary Grant,
2005-2008, National Science
Foundation, $12,000
Üster, H., S. Çetinkaya, G. Easwaran
and B.B. Keskin, “An Integrated
Outbound Logistics Model for
Frito-Lay,” INFORMS Conference
on OR Practice, Vancouver,
B. C., Canada, April 2007
Professional Activities
Member, Subdivisions
Council, INFORMS
General Chair, INFORMS
Regional Conference
Chair, UPS-SOLA Bi-Annual
Dissertation Award Committee
Cluster Co-Chair,
Telecommunications Section,
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Session Organizer, “Design Issues
in Wireless Sensor Networks,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Reviewer, Journal of Heuristics
Reviewer, Computers and
Operations Research
Reviewer, Applications and
Applied Mathematics
Associate Editor, IIE Transactions
Wilbert E. Wilhelm
Mike & Sugar Barnes Professor
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University
Dr. Wilhelm specializes in integer
programming, scheduling, and
the design and operation of
assembly systems. Currently, he is
conducting two research projects.
One project involves devising new
integer programming algorithms
to prescribe the types of sensors,
the number of each type and
the location of each sensor in
a surveillance system to assure
robust homeland security in
U.S. ports and waterways. The
second project deals with the
design of international assembly
systems and their supply chains
under NAFTA. He teaches
courses in integer programming,
scheduling, linear programming
and operations research. Dr.
Wilhelm is an IIE Fellow and a
recipient of the IIE David E. Baker
Distinguished Research Award.
Wilhelm, W. E., “Enhancing
NAFTA Logistics: Synthesizing
Opportunities for Companies and
Their Supply Chains,” 2006-2007,
National Science Foundation, $49,
997. ( In collaboration with James
H. Bookbinder, Department of
Management Sciences, University
of Waterloo, and Fernando Mata
Carrasco, Escuela de Graduados
en Administración y Dirección de
Empresas, Instituto Tecnológico
y de Estudios Superiores de
Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico.)
Wilhelm, W.E., REU Supplementary
Grant, 2006-2007, National
Science Foundation, $6,000
Wilhelm, W.E. and Y. Ding,
“Strategic Design and Tactical
Wilhelm, W.E. and Y. Ding,
REU Supplementary Grant,
2007-2008, National Science
Foundation, $12,000
Choudhry, N., W.E. Wilhelm, B.R.T.
Vasudeva, J. Gott, and N. Khotekar,
“Process Planning for Circuit
Card Assembly on a Series of
Dual Head Placement Machines,”
European Journal of Operational
Research, 182 (2): 626-639, 2007
Wilhelm, W.E., N.D. Choudhry
and P. Damodaran, “A Model
to Optimize Placement
Operations on Dual-Head
Placement Machines,” Discrete
Optimization, 4, 232-256, 2007
Zhu, X. and W.E. Wilhelm,
“Three-Stage Approaches for
Optimizing Some Variations
of the Resource Constrained
Shortest-Path Sub-Problem in
a Column Generation Context,”
European Journal of Operational
Research, 183, 564-577, 2007
Gokce, E. and W.E. Wilhelm,
“Analysis of a Branch-andPrice Decomposition for the
Multi-Dimensional Knapsack
Problem with Generalized
Upper Bound Constraints,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Seattle, Wash., November 2007
Wilhelm, W.E. and E. Gokce, “A
Branch-and-Price Approach to
Design a Surveillance System for
Homeland Security,” INFORMS
Annual Meeting, Seattle,
Wash., November 2007
Wilhelm, W.E. and D. Warrier,
“Incorporating Strong Cutting
Planes within Branch-andPrice,” INFORMS International
Meeting, Puerto Rico, July 2007
Annual Report | 2007
2007 Faculty / Advisory Council
Invited Speaker, Division
of Capability Maturity
Model Integration, National
Science Foundation
Member, Advisory Committee,
World Technology Division of
International Technology Research
Institute Study on SimulationBased Engineering and Science
Martin A. Wortman
Ph.D., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University
Our Advisory Council
The mission of the Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advisory Council is to provide a continuing liaison between
the department and the practicing profession to improve
the quality of the industrial and systems engineering
program at Texas A&M University.
Function 1: to assist in resource development to support
the needs and programs of the department.
Function 2: to serve in an advisory capacity to the
department head by making recommendations about the
goals and programs of the department.
Kent Beran, director
Production Operations and Manufacturing Improvements
Boeing Company
Dr. Wortman’s research and
teaching interests are applied
probability and stochastic
processes. Currently, he is
exploring computational
methods for predictive modeling
applied to technology evaluation
and assessment. He teaches
courses in stochastic processes
and system operations.
Wortman, M.A., “Workshop
on Predictive Modeling in
Engineering,” 2006-2008, National
Science Foundation, $48,000
Wortman, M.A., “Collaborative
Research: Innovations in Product
Flexibility,” 2006-2009, National
Science Foundation, $219,971
Gary Cerny
Triple C Ranch
Greg R. Clapp, vice president
Production and Operations Planning
Fujitsu Network Communications
Ross B. George, chairman
Five G Management, LLC
Karen Gleasman, director
DAO Process Engineering
Dell, Inc.
Michael Haack, P.E., Alaska district manager
Halliburton Energy Services
Victoria L. Hunter, senior director
Manufacturing Operations
Applied Materials
Stephen M. Johnson, senior executive vice president
Wortman, M.A., “Collaborative
Research: SGER: Investigating
Probability Laws in the
Design of Manufacturing
Processes for Safety Critical
Parts,” 2006-2008, National
Science Foundation, $99,998
Wortman, M. A., “Analytical
Foundations of Technology
Assessment,” INFORMS
Annual Meeting, Seattle,
Wash., November 2007
Wortman, M. A., “Developing
a Research Program,” Doctoral
Colloquium, INFORMS
Annual Meeting, Seattle,
Wash., November 2007
Washington Group International
James Knickel, director of operations
Raytheon Systems
Dean Liollio, president and CEO
Energy South, Inc.
James Menke, director of materials
Solectron Texas
Brad J. Miles, manager of operations
Freescale Semiconductor
John A. Scott, president and COO
Parsons Corporation
Douglas W. Sellers, partner
Lee Sneddon, manager of construction
Latin America Region
Intel Corporation
Professional Activities
Cluster Organizer, Technology
Evaluation & Assessment,
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Rob Trimble, III, president and COO
TXU Electric Delivery
Graduate Student Awards
Graduate Student Awards
Burcu Keskin
Burcu Keskin has won the International Transportation Management
Association James Costello Memorial Scholarship Award for academic
excellence and scholarly achievements in supply chain design and the
Transportation Clubs International Award for outstanding achievements in
the field of transportation. Her committee chairs are Halit Üster and Sila
Haifeng Xia
Haifeng Xia received the Best Student Paper Award from the Quality,
Statistics, and Reliability Section of INFORMS. Her paper is entitled,
“Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Integrating Multi-resolution Metrology
Data.” Xia’s committee chair is Yu Ding.
Yuan Ren
Yuan Ren received an Honorable Mention in the poster competition of
the Doctoral Student Colloquium during the 2007 IIE Annual Research
Conference. His poster was entitled “Data-mining Guided Methods for
Optimal Engineering Designs.” Ren’s doctoral committee chair is Yu Ding.
Soondo Hong
Soondo Hong has, for the second year in a row, been awarded the very
competitive Education Foundation Scholarship from the Material Handling
Institute of America. Hong is developing a distributed control procedure for
designing order picking systems. His committee chair is Brett Peters.
Annual Report | 2007
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Agrahari, Homarjun, Ph.D., “Models
and Solution Approaches for Intermodal
and Less-than-Truckload Network Design
with Load Consolidations”
(advisor, Halit Üster)
Gallego, Julian Andres, M.S.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Nevin, Daniel Rogers, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Hernandez, Eyleen, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Palanisamy, Dhanasekar, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Akhteruzzaman, Mohammad, M.Eng.
(advisor, Natarajan Gautam)
Hidalgo, Julio Cesar, M.S.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Parvin, Hoda, M.S.
(advisor Natarajan Gautam)
Al-Azri, Nasser Ahmed, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Hudson, Adam, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Pidaparty, Krishna Murty, M.Eng.
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Aldape, Aaron Ector, M.Eng.
(advisor, J. Eric Bickel)
Hudson, Emilie Camille, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Ramasamy, Manikandan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Anino Cardenas, Norman Rolando,
M.Eng. (advisor, Andrew Johnson)
Kalsi, Karambir Singh, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Rashid, Mohammad, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Antonio Zuniga, Aldo, M.Eng.
(advisor, Yu Ding)
Keskin, Burcu Baris, Ph.D., “Joint
Optimization of Location and Inventory
Decisions for Improving Supply Chain
Cost Performance” (advisors, Sila
Çetinkaya and Halit Üster)
Slivka, Jr., David John, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Kesselring, Randall Edward, M.S.
(advisor, Natarajan Gautam)
Tang, Hao, M.Eng.
(advisor, Andrew Johnson)
Kim, Gak Gyu, M.S.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Taylor, Aldarian Raynell, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Kim, Seon-Jin, M.S.
(advisor, Natarajan Gautam)
Townley, Edward Joseph, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Liang, Dong, Ph.D., “The ProductionAssembly-Distribution System Design
Problem: Modeling and Solution
Approaches” (advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Usher, Jonathan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Lim, Euyjin, M.Eng.
(advisor, Richard Feldman)
Vidyasankar, Adhitya Mouli, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Luna Coronado, Jaime, D.E., “An
Optimization Model for Strategic Supply
Chain Design Under Stochastic Capacity
Disruptions” (advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Voorhies, Dereck Charles, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Aral, Bahadir, Ph.D., “Scheduling
Screening Inspections for Replaceable
and Non-replaceable Systems”
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Balasundaram, Balabhaskar, Ph.D.,
“Graph Theoretic Generalizations of
Clique: Optimization and Extensions”
(advisor, Sergiy Butenko)
Baldauf, Adam Brian, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Becker, Brady Alan, M.S.
(advisor, Martin Wortman)
Beier, Eric, M.Eng.
(advisor, Lewis Ntaimo)
Benyamin, Nataya Erika, M.Eng.
(advisor, Lewis Ntaimo)
Botsali, Ahmet Reha, Ph.D., “Retail
Facility Layout Design” (advisors, Brett
Peters and Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Cha, Jinho, M.S. (advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Cho, Jung Jin, Ph.D., “On the Robustness
of Clustered Sensor Networks”
(advisor, Yu Ding)
Choi, Chak Man, M.S.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Dees, Robert Andrew, M.S.
(advisor, J. Eric Bickel)
Fawibe, Ifedayo Olukemi, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Maheshwari, Raghav, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Mariscal Torres, Alberto, M.S.
(advisor, Richard Feldman)
Subedar, Zubin Farokh, M.S.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Venkatachalam, Venkatachalam V.,
M.Eng. (advisor, Guy Curry)
Warren, Jeffrey Scott, Ph.D.,
“Independent Set Problems and OddHole-Preserving Graph Reductions”
(advisor Illya Hicks)
Mekaroonreung, Maethee, M.Eng.
(advisor, J. Eric Bickel)
Warrier, Deepak, Ph.D., “A Branch
Price and Cut Approach to Solving the
Maximum Weighted Independent Set
Problem” (advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Meruga, Aaron Pradeep, M.Eng.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler
Yedlapally, Somnath, M.Eng.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Moore, Damali Tabia, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Yun, Woo Seop, M.S.
(advisor, J. Eric Bickel)
Nativi Nicolau, Juan Jose, M.S.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Zhu, Yuxuan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
241 Zachry Engineering Center
College Station, Texas 77843-3131
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