Physics 489—Solid State notes for 10/22/2015 Nearly Free Electron Model and Examples; also Tight Binding Model. • Plan for near future: Read ch. 7 from the text, and then ch. 9. Chapter 7 topics -- Bloch theorem (last time), Nearly Free Electron model, formation of metals and insulators. Chapter 9 topics – Extended and reduced-zone scheme (last time), filling of electron states in realistic structures such as FCC, formation of Fermi surfaces in real metals. Also hole and electron pockets, and Tight Binding model. Following these the plan is to cover semiconductors (ch. 8), along with selected topics related to surfaces and nanostructures (ch. 17&18), alloys (ch. 22) and superconductors (ch. 10). • Nearly Free Electron Model: As described last time, because of it symmetry the crystal potential can be decomposed by Fourier components including only the reciprocal lattice vectors: U(r ) = ∑UG eiG⋅r , while for the electron states in the most general form can be decomposed G ik⋅r according to the near-continuum of discrete k states, ψ i = ∑ α k e . Plugging into the k Schrodinger equation we found, 2 2 ⎧ ⎫ ⎞ ik⋅r ⎛ k e ∑k ⎨⎜⎝ 2m − ε ⎟⎠ α k + ∑G UGα k−G ⎬ = 0 , ⎩ ⎭ [1] and in general the curly bracket must itself be zero, yielding the "central equation" for each k, ⎛ 2k 2 ⎞ [2] ⎜⎝ 2m − ε ⎟⎠ α k + ∑UGα k−G = 0 . G This led to the result of the Bloch Theorem, by which the electron states were found to have the form of a periodic function multiplied by a plane wave: !! ! !! ⎛ ⎞ !! [3] ψ i = u (r )eik ⋅r = ⎜ ∑ α k ,G eiG⋅r ⎟eik ⋅r , ⎝G ⎠ where the function u is the periodic function. With u written in the equivalent form inside the round brackets on the right we found that these wave-functions contain Fourier components connected by a G vector, not the entire set of possible k vectors. Thus far the results [2] and [3] are completely general and work for any periodic solid. (1) With U considered to be weak, in perturbation theory up through 2nd order we’ll see that the energy is, 2 UG 2k 2 2k 2 , ε o (k) ≡ ε= +∑ . [4] 2m 2m G ε o (k ) − ε o (k − G) This result is a very small deviation from parabolic free-electron states, except for the case that Δε in the denominator is zero. This occurs at band crossings, occuring at zone boundaries. (2) The degenerate case, at zone boundaries: When Δε = 0, eqn. [2] can be solved in parallel for each of the states involved in the degeneracy, and as a result diagonalizing the Hamiltonian 1 terms involving these states. Note that these states are always connected by one or more G vectors. If only 2 states cross, with wavevectors k and k − G , we obtain a linear equation, ⎛ 2 k 2 2m ⎞ ⎛ α ⎞ ⎛ αk ⎞ UG k ⎜ ⎟ ⋅ = ε ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ , [4] ⎜⎝ α k−G ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ U −G 2 (k − G)2 2m ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ α k−G ⎟⎠ which can be solved readily; I attach a Mathematica notebook showing the general solution. At the zone boundary, the energy separation between avoided-crossing states is 2 UG . This is true independent of the size of UG , but note that in [4] we are neglecting matrix elements to all other plane-wave states, hence the result is exact in the weak-U limit (nearly free electron case). (3) In the attachment I also solved a more general case in which 4 plane-wave solutions are coupled, in the first quadrant (in k-space) of the 2D square lattice, with the plotted results including parts of the 3rd and 4th zones. The corresponding Brillouin zones can be seen in the figure on the right. [; Creative-commons license] • FCC-related electron band examples: Free-electron states folded into the FCC 1st Brillouin Zone (Ashcroft & Mermin text): 8/cell (Si or GaAs) 3/cell (Aluminum) 2 Calculated electron states for Aluminum (FCC structure, 3 electrons per cell), Silicon (diamond structure, 8 electrons per FCC cell), and GaAs (zincblende structure, 8 electrons/FCC cell): Aluminum (on right) from W. A. Harrison, Phys. Rev. 118, 1182 (1960). Below are silicon band structure (on left), and GaAs (right) [LDA calculation, /main/node19.html]; 3 • Tight Binding model: Tight Binding methods use localized basis functions, and are particularly well-suited for states close to unperturbed atomic orbitals (insulators with weak hybridization, or compact d- and f-orbitals in transition metal materials which remain somewhat “atomic-like”), however they also serve as a conceptual basis for understanding materials in general, and are computationally efficient. Tight binding methods have a historical connection to Linear Combination of Atomic Ortbitals (LCAO) methods, and the simplified example below is along these lines, utilizing a single s-orbital only. In empirical tight-binding parameters are derived by fitting to experimental results; such calculations may be used for large, complex systems for which a relatively simple computation scheme is necessary. Parameters may also be generated from ab-initio density functional methods [the Density Functional based Tight Binding (DFTB) method]. Example: This is silimlar to what is in Kittel. Assume a simple one-electron Bloch function, 1 ik ⋅ R ψ k (r ) = ϕ (r − R)e , [1] ∑ n N R where ϕ n is a localized orbital, and n represents a particular band index plus orbital quantum number. A more general case could include a summation of different orbitals on each site: s, p, d, etc. Also for simplicity we assume that the overlap of neighboring orbitals is small, ϕ n (r − Ri ) ϕ n (r − R j ) ≈ 0 . Alternatively, the orbitals can be replaced by Wannier Functions, which are localized orbitals made to be precisely orthogonal on neighboring sites. Thus assuming neighboring ϕ n ’s are orthogonal, if the ϕ n remain similar to atomic states, the energy eigenvalue of [1] will not be much different than En, the atomic energy level of ϕ n : E Hψ k (r) ≈ n ∑ϕ n (r − R)e ik ⋅ R . [2] N R To determine the energies in the crystal we use perturbation theory, with the first-order energy εk = ψ k H ψ k including terms diagonal in the on-site orbital, plus terms involving nearest neighbors, neglecting any matrix elements to more distant neighbors. Thus, 1 εk = En + ∑ ∑ ϕ (r − R) H ϕ (r − Ri ) + c.c. e ik ⋅ ( R − R i ) , [3] N R i where the sum over i includes nearest neighbors at positions Ri. In our simple case let’s consider that the matrix elements do not depend upon orientation, as for example would occur with s orbitals. In that case a single parameter (γ) suffices. Setting the curly bracket in [3] equal to (–γ), and noting that the sum over R simply gives N, ik⋅(δ Ri ) ε k = En − γ ∑ e , [4] i where the vectors δRi point to the nearest neighbors, with respect to any given lattice site. For a simple cubic crystal, there are six neighbors at distance ±a along each of the three axes. Plugging in these corresponding δRi ’s, one obtains, { } ( ) ε k = En − 2γ coskx a + cosky a + coskz a . [5] A plot of this bandstructure [5] is shown in fig. 1, along two directions in k-space, and energy contours in the 100 plane are shown in the following figure. 4 Figure 1: Tight binding energy solution, equation [5], plotted along [100] and [111] directions (energy in units of γ). Figure 2: constant-energy contours in [100] plane for simple tight-binding band. The circular-looking contours near the central minimum correspond to nearly-spherical pockets in 3D. The corner of the Brillouin zone [(π/a, π/a, π/a)] is an energy maximum, surrounded by nearly-spherical hole pockets. The point [(π/a, π/a,0)] (corner of the [100] slice of fig. 2) is a saddle point; 3D energy contours near that point are convoluted, connected surfaces in the extended-zone scheme. The following figures show these contours at several energies. Figure 3a: Electron pocket near center of zone. 5 Figure 3b: Enclosed electron pocket at energy (–2.5 γ). Figure 3c: Extended view of (–2 γ) energy surface touching zone boundary in (100) direction. Figure 3d: Extended surface at energy – γ. 6 Figure 3e: Network at energy +2 γ is electron/hole complement of Fig. 3c. Figure 3f: Spherical hole pockets near top of band. The density of states is given in the figure on the right (from a web posting by Cyrille Barreteau, at Grenoble; β corresponds to our parameter γ). The band generated by this model is completely symmetric about En, which set to zero in this figure. Note the characteristic free-electron-like behavior at the bottom and top of the band, with g(ε ) ∝ ε − ε o . 7