The Jazz Age

The Jazz Age
What was the impact of the war upon the
goals of progressivism? Did the nation
advance in a new direction? Explain
The Roaring Twenties
• Sometimes the decade
known as the Jazz Age
an uniquely American
musical genre
• The economy boomed
for six years and then
• It was the returning
dominancy of
Corporate U.S.A.
• Trickle down, bullish
markets, mergers,
rising affluent class
• Maldistribution of
wealth, farm
depression, surpluses
The 1920 Election
Return to Normalcy amid disillusion
Progressivism repudiated
Era of Prohibition
Democrats in retreat
GOP Dominancy
Liberating Capitalism
Revamping the Tariff
Reducing Taxes
Wall Street and Easy Money
Corporate Mergers and pyramiding
Land Boom: Florida and California
Production Revolution: Auto & Appliances
A Roar or A Whelp
Maldistribution of income
Depressed commodity prices
Surplus production
Margin purchases
Weak economic sectors
Farm depression
Decline of Labor
Scandalous Behavior
The Ohio Gang
Elk Hills and Teapot Dome
Veterans Bureau
The American People
Popular Culture
Credit and Consumerism
Role of Advertisements
Age of the Auto and its impact
Making Movies
Search for Heroes
Scope Trial: Creationism in retreat?
19th Amendment
Suffrage and ERA
Impact of WWI
The Flappers
In the Age of Play
The Harlem Renaissance
Struggle for Equality
The Great Migration
War’s Experience
Marcus Garvey: UNIA
The New Negro
Jazz & New Orleans
The Cotton Club
Black Voices
Emerging Militancy
Plight of the Common Man
Babbit and Main Street
Woes of Labor
Anti War Sentiment
The Lost Generation
The Farmer
Elections of 24 and 28
Death of Harding
Silent Cal: Business of USA
Booming through 27
Hoover placing a chix in every pot
The Warning Signs
Easy Money
Uneven economic growth
Optimism and the Markets
Laisses Faire
Declining Incomes and maldistribution $$$
The Crash
• Black Thursday, October 24, 1929 and the
panic spreads
• October 29, 1929 collapse
• Hoover’s Response: Hesitancy in cycle?
• Falling GNP, Investments and purchases
• Stockpiles of production
• Wall street and banks