Annual Questionnaire – Trust For the 2016 financial year CLIENT NAME: The following list contains all the relevant information that will allow us to use your information to finalise the tax accounts. Please answer ALL the questions. Where lists of information are required please compile separate schedules. Please file information in a folder with an A-Z index as noted on the Financial Statements Schedules attached. Tick the relevant box if the information is enclosed or "N/A" if the schedule is not required. By providing this information, we will be able to efficiently prepare your end of year taxation accounts and returns. If you are not sure of any of the information required, please contact us. INCOME TRUST Enclosed / Yes Please provide the following: N/A Did you receive income from another trust, unit trust or an estate? (w here w e don’t prepare the information for you) If Yes: Trust Name: IRD Number: Beneficiary Income: PARTNERSHIP If Yes: Tax paid by Trust: Did you receive income from a partnership? (w here w e don’t prepare the information for you) Partnership Name: Profit/Loss Allocation: IRD Number: Share of profit/(loss): OVERSEAS If Yes: Share of tax credits: Did you have any foreign investments? Foreign investments including managed funds, portfolios, overseas investments, overseas property, shares, deposits, super schemes, insurance, bank accounts etc. Please provide us w ith details of gross distributions and any overseas tax deducted. Please also provide details of the country the income w as derived from. LTC LOSSES If Yes: Did you receive any losses from a Look Through Company? (w here w e do not prepare the information for you) Company Name: IRD Number: Share of Loss: RENTAL INCOME If Yes: INTEREST DIVIDENDS If Yes: Do you ow n a rental property/properties? Please complete the Rental Properties Annual Questionnaire. Did you receive any interest or dividends during the period under review ? Please provide copies of Resident Withholding Tax Certificates (RWT) Please provide copies of Dividend Statements SUNDRY INCOME If Yes: Did you receive any other income? Please provide us w ith details of other income earned. % EXPENSES DEDUCTIBLE EXPENSES If Yes: INFORMATION BANK ACCOUNT If Yes: TRUST DOCUMENTS Enclosed / Yes Please provide the following: N/A Can you claim expenses? Please provide full details of any expenses incurred in deriving income. Types of expenses include: Management Fees $ Accounting Fees $ Interest Paid on funds borrow ed $ Legal Fees $ Enclosed / Yes Please provide the following: N/A Does the trust have a separate bank account? Copies of the final bank statement as at the above date and the one after it, for every bank account, as w ell as your deposit and cheque butts. Do you have any trust documents or minutes that we have not prepared on your behalf? Please provide copies. Are there any Trusts w hich you have an interest in that w e have not been advised of? If so, do they ow n any residential property? BENEFICIARY DETAILS TRANSACTIONS If YES: YES Have there been any transactions with beneficiaries during the year? Beneficiary 1 Name Date of Birth IRD Number Money Advanced Tax Paid on Behalf School Fees Paid GENERAL COMMENTS N/A Beneficiary 2 Beneficiary 3