Chabot College Basic Skills Committee MINUTES

Chabot College
Basic Skills Committee
March 26, 2013
Attendees: Becky Plaza, Hisako Hintz, Carolyn Arnold, Jennifer Lange, Rudy Cockerham
Guest chair: Carolyn Arnold
Meeting was called to order at 12:05 PM
Minutes: Minutes were M/S/Approved by all
Committee Business: Carolyn reminded the group that the proposal deadline for the fall
Student Success Conference is April 5th. Hisako said she did not have time to submit a
proposal. Becky Plaza said that Counseling had two ideas, and Carolyn encouraged her to
submit them. Carolyn also indicated that she may submit a proposal using the new PRBC
student groups.
Editing session of Charter and Mission.
Edits were made to the Charter outputs.
Edits were made to the Mission. [Document sent to B. Witt for posting on website
April 23, 2013]
The Strategic Plan Overall Goals and Current objectives/funding priorities were reviewed, in
light of the need to allocate $60,000 of remaining funds for 2013-14. Several edits were made
to the objectives, since we have completed some of them, and for some we have gone on to
the next step. During this discussion, we identified some funding needs, such as PSCN 25
sections, ESL learning support, and early enrollment in math.
We then had 5 minutes to discuss funding priorities or process. Several ideas were thrown out,
such as dividing funds between program review requests and BSC – identified needs, or
splitting between Matric, learning connection, and bottlenecks, but we decided we were too
rushed and had too few people to decide. Will continue discussion on April 9th. Then, we will
have a chance to review the program review requests for learning support and basic-skillsrelated initiatives.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, April 23, 2013